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Concurrent Enrollment:

Minnesota State formerly known as MnScu

When students take a concurrent enrollment course, it is a college course. i.e. transcript will say:
Psychology 101
Transferability is an issue
Private colleges will accept a maximum amount of credits to transfer in
Within Minnesota State, all of their concurrent enrollment credits will transfer
Concurrent enrollment: write a contract with a post-secondary school as to how much that
program will cost and the costs covers having a mentor within that program and part of that
programs costs
o Part of that mentoring includes college instructor visits to high school
o They review syllabus and requirements of course
o The colleges puts the cost of paying that mentor teacher onto the high schools
o Fee is per course (not per section and not per student). Fee is: $3000
o ^^^not ideal for small schools
Of MN state kids taking Concurrent Enrollment classes, 47% go back into MN state colleges, 14%
go private, 14% for to U of MN, 25% go out of state
Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
o Minimum Qualifications: Deadline was September 2017, can apply for an extension for
up to 5 years
o After 2022, every teacher teaching CE instructor or teaching at college must meet min
quals Masters degree in field, or Masters degree in any field plus 18 grad credits in
that area
o CTE is a little different
o Lakes Country Online 18 program: free tuition through Lakes Country Service Coop

Meeting the Needs of Todays Learners with Technology
Girls first ski jump YouTube
Poll Everywhere
Amazon Go
Talos Suit
Fake News teach kids credible vs not credible sources
Social Media what to do if they encounter something scary. How to maintain a positive carbon
footprint instead of negative
Technology in Classrooms
o What do you want students to learn?
o What standard are you trying to meet? What objective are you trying to meet?
o Once you break it down ^^^ sometimes there is a tech tool to go with it, sometimes not
o If it doesnt allow students to explore it further, sometimes technology isnt the answer
o SAMR substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition
o Carl Hooker SAMR model illustration
o Substitution report. Example: type it on computer instead of writing it
o Augmentation report. Example: Google Doc combined with speak to text tool
o Modification report. Example: Google Doc, type it, and collaborate with others to work
together at same time
o Redefinition report. Example: Instead of writing or typing, my group is going to do a
podcast, or make a video and post to YouTube, start a blog, etc. tasks that could not
be done without the technology
o The Padagogy Wheel V4.1
o Plickers

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