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Western Quebec School Board

15 rue Katimavik, Gatineau (Quebec) J9J 0E9

25/1/2017 Our Future Begins Here

2016-2017 Leila,

Congratulations on your second year of employment with our school board. It is essential
that second year teachers successfully complete the Teacher Induction Program
expectations and have two years of successful evaluations by their administration so that
they may be considered to be placed on the WQSB priority of employment list and/or
be eligible to receive tenure in future.

Thank you for welcoming us into your secondary one science (French immersion) class at
Symmes Junior High School on January 25, 2017. In our debriefing session, we
highlighted the following points:

Personal Reflection:

Today, the goal of the lesson was for students to understand their upcoming science
project- its expectations, dates and how the content weve studied is to be applied to an
animal of their choice.

What Went Well:

Students had a good understanding. It is hard on the first day to picture the
whole project, but they knew the expectations for the day and their next steps.
Most students were able to get on task after getting the computers and making
their groups.
The class has some challenging behavior. For one student in particular, I take an
approach that allows for him to take ownership of his decisions. Today it worked
well, but I wonder how this approach affects other students.

Even Better If:

It is always hard to see someone working solo, but it is an option that a few
students need so I provide it for everyone.
It is challenging to give an overview of a big project without overwhelming
students. Another strategy I could have used would be to chunk it more.
Only giving a few minutes to choose groups is a challenge but some students did
have the chance to start thinking about their groups before this class.
I had explained the computer protocol better, especially the clean-up

What Went Well:

Competency 3: Planning
This successful lesson was a result of exemplary planning. You considered every
step of your lesson and how you would present the project information to your
students. You are a role model in terms of organization and planning.
Long-term as well as short-term planning is evident and you have a clear goal
for every lesson. Students benefit from your use of embedded learning
intentions and success criteria along with the auto-evaluation.
Your effective planning for transitions, groupings and checking for understanding
contributed to a powerful learning environment for all your students.

Competency 4: Classroom Teaching

Your pacing and flow in this lesson was excellent. You structured the lesson well
and did not rush in your delivery of key information. Students were also given
sufficient time to ask questions.

Competency 7: Differentiation
This lesson was organized to support the needs of all students in your class.
Students are provided with choice throughout the project in terms of content,
process, and product. Students have choice in the subject of this assignment
(animal), the ways they can present their learning (prezi, model, video, etc) and
also in their group size (individual, pairs or triads). You provide students with
multiple visual supports, including an organizational calendar, and check for
understanding. Finally, you also respond effectively to student feedback and
needs and check in with students and/or groups that may need more support
and guidance.

Things to consider:

Competency 4: Classroom Teaching

How do you know that all students understand during a thumbs up/thumbs down
check for understanding? What other strategies could you use?
How do you decide when to use flexible groupings? What support do you
provide students who may not be able to find a partner/group and would
benefit from one?

It has been a privilege to join you in your second year of your journey with the Teacher
Induction Program. We encourage you to continue reflecting on your professional
growth as a teacher and learner through your Professional Growth Portfolio or
Reflective Record.

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Mike Dubeau George Singfield Tara Laine Trista Hollweck
Director General Principal Principal TIP Consultant
WQSB Symmes/DArcy Symmes/DArcy WQSB
McGee McGee

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