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Present and past participle clauses

1. Present participle: jelenidej/folyamatos mellknvi igenv

alakja: -ING
a) vonatkozi mellkmondatok rvidtsre. Ilyenkor , - vgzdssel fordtjuk.
plda: I know the people who live in the hotel. -> I know the people living in the hotel.
b) mondat elejn vn, -vn vgzdssel, a mondat rvidtsre, ha a msodik
tagmondat alanya ugyanaz, mint az els.
plda: Finishing the wash up, she started to cook.
Ha a kt tagmondat kztt ok-okozati sszefggs van (vagyis az elidejsg fontos),
akkor a mondatot HAVING + IGE III.ALAK-kal kezddik a mondat.
plda: Having bought nothing to dinner, we went to a restaurant.

2. Past participle: mltidej/befejezett mellknvi igenv

alakja: ige III. alakja
a) Mindig passzv alakokbl indul ki. Vonatkozi mellkmondatot rvidt.
plda: We sold the TV which we bought ten years ago. -> We sold the TV bought ten
years ago.
b) mondat elejn llhat, de ilyenkor is szenved szerkezet mondatot rvidtnk vele,
ha a kt tagmondat alanya megegyezik.
plda: The people were shocked by the explosion and ran for shelter. -> Shocked by the
explosion, the people ran for shelter.

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