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Here is a link to the page where I found this information:

While were not asking participants to be explicitly political, we do want this campaign to reflect
the current moment in American history. This is an opportunity to reassure our publics that we
are committed to sharing factual, timely, and relevant informationno matter what. Here are
topics we are especially interested in participants talking about, representing viewpoints from
both an American and international standpoint:

***I bolded the topics that specifically relate to The Westmoreland, there may be others that we
can address

Immigration stories and facts

Refugee stories and facts
Social justice
Civil rights history
Womens rights
LGBTQ stories
The Constitution, especially the First Amendment
History of American Democracy
Climate change
Public Education
Media literacy
Libraries & museums as public forums
Arts education
STEM education

We also encourage you to share facts about your visitors/constituents, particularly if they
include marginalized groups. Possible examples: your director is a recent immigrant, you hold
special programming within your community, you offer bi/multilingual interpretation of your

Best Practices (from the webpage)

Always use the hashtag #DayofFacts! This is how we will show we are united, how
people can read all the info together, and how we can track the success of the campaign.

Always include a source for your info, preferably by including a link. Since were
affirming the importance of facts, its critical to be able to back them up.

Include interesting images if you have them. Social posts with images tend to perform
better. Engaging infographics would be great: check out some examples from
the National Aquarium. If you want to create your own, Canvaand Venngage are great
free sites.

If you like, feel free to add tags relevant to your field like #artsmatter, #museumsmatter,
#museumsforfacts, #sciencematters, etc. We encourage other topical hashtags that are
relevant to your content, like #climatechange, #refugeeswelcome, etc.

Like, comment, and share other #DayofFacts content during the campaign! We want
this to be seen by as many people as possible to make our statement, so the more we can
spread the facts, the better.

Post Ideas:

*Bolded numbers may need changed

The Westmoreland has 50 different varieties of plants flourishing in our gardens! #DayofFacts

#DidYouKnow that The Westmoreland conserves 21,000 gallons of water each year?
#DayofFacts #GreenMuseums

Sustainability matters, which is why The Westmoreland offsets 50% of our electricity usage over
2 years, using a Green-e certified Green Power provider #DayofFacts
#MuseumsforSustainability * (I have to shorten this to 140 characters)

The Westmoreland has aided 2,550 children in becoming the future generation of art lovers
through school tours #DayofFacts #ArtsMatter

The Westmoreland embraces community and culture. We have welcomed 19,050 visitors from
41 states and 4 countries #DayofFacts #

We recycled and diverted 75% of waste from landfills during our renovation and expansion
project #DayofFacts #GreenMuseums #Recycle

Now more than ever, art has the power to unite us all. Number of our visitors have come
together through our #ArtUnites campaign #DayofFacts

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