Pakistan and The Modern Wordl

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Q. 1. Briefly state the main reason given by Liaqat Ali Khan for the Muslims desire not to continue living
in a united India.
Ans.1. The Muslim were three times less than Hindus so the Muslim could not enjoy their civil right and
did not have equal share in facilities. The freedom from British rule would not mean real freedom but only
change of masters and as the Muslim did not want to live as a perpetual (=permanent) political
minority( compared to Hindu majority who were three to one). In view of the difference stated above (and
the difference in religion, tradition, it was necessary for the Muslim to have a separate free state, that is
why,) the Muslim did not want to live in a united India.
Q. 2. What main difference does he point out between Muslim and Hindu beliefs and attitudes?
The main difference pointed out by Liaqat Ali Khan( about the Muslim and Hindu beliefs and attitudes) are
as follows:
The Muslims are monotheists(, that is believing in one God), while the Hindus are polytheist
(believing in several gods)
The Muslims believe Muhammad (salllallahi alaihi wa sallam), the Christ and the Old Testament,
whereas Hindu do not (believe in them).
The Hindu believe in the caste system, while, the Muslims believe in equality (of classes).
The Muslims believe in the right of ownership for everyone, whereas the Hindus do not have such
Q. 3. What advantage does he show the Hindus to have gained from creation of Pakistan?
Ans.03.The advantage shown by L.A Khan that Hindus gained, are these:
The Hindus have their won free state which is easy to manage, rule. The have a peaceful state where
there were chances of quarrels between two states. The Hindus, now, have there total religious,
cultural, traditional economical and political liberty (which could be at risk if it had been for creation
of Pakistan).
Q. 4. Our administrative machinery had to be built from scratch what does this sentence mean.
Ans.4. It means we had to start building Pakistan from the beginning, especially without relying on
resources or other advantages. After Pakistan was created, she did not have any resources and
administrative officials and military personnel. We had to build our newly-created state start its work
from the very beginning.
Q. 5. On What grounds does L.A Khan assert that the first duty of the Pakistanis as a free people is to
Ans.5. L.A Khan says this to inspire (motivate, encourage, arouse) true spirit (strength of mind,
willpower, courage) of patriotism in Pakistanis which means Pakistanis must maintain their freedom
first or they may disgrace (shame, dishonor, bring shame on) the fair (just, reasonable) name of the free
men and women all over the world.
Q. 6. What does he state the real meaning of freedom, for the common and woman, to be?
Ans.6. He sates freedom from foreign domination is not the only real freedom but, real freedom for
common man and woman is the freedom from want, freedom from disease and ignorance.
Q. 7. What is meant by a synthesis?
Q. 8. What is the synthesis that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is necessary for Pakistan to achieve?
Ans.7/8. The word synthesis means mixture, combination. L.A Khan means by this that the firm faith
and modern science are essential us, so they must be put together for the progress, strength and success
of our nation and the maintenance (Keeping, continuation, safeguarding) of the world peace.
Q. 9. Liaquat Ali Khan contrasts two emotions that the Asian people tend to feel when the view
Western world. What are these two emotions?
Ans.9. L.A Khan expresses two contrasting emotions of the Asian people by saying that the south
Asian people, in particular, Pakistanis admire the progress and the advancement of the modern
countries such as U.S.A. , at the same time, they feel uneasy bout their own backwardness yet
Pakistanis are courageous and enthusiastic to face all the challenges.
Q. 10. What does he put forward as the two main duties today of the western world?
Ans.10: L.A Khan thinks the first duty of the western word is to share their knowledge, experience and
skills with nations who lack them. The second duty is of the world is to show that the real democracy is
international in every sense which is essential for the maintenance of the world peace.

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