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April Newsletter 2014

S.W.A.T. at Harvesters
FIRST Team 1806 is now
accepting donations for
the trip to St. Louis for
the FRC World
Please mail donations to:
645 S. Commercial Ave
Smithville, MO 64089.
Please make checks pay-
able to Smithville High
School with
Robotics Team in the
memo line.
Thank you very much for
your support!
" Fruit snack, triple stack, Pow Pow Rav. Double Milk, Raisin, Double

Crispies! Pull tab up, Seal em up, pack 5, box em up, go, go, go!"
Chanted S.W.A.T. Head Coach Scott Vitek as Smithville High robotics In this Issue
students packed meals that would be distributed as part of the KC chal- Page 1
lenge BackSnack campaign. S.W.A.T. at Harvesters
Page 2
On April 3, 35 SWAT members of food for the weekend. These
Pancakes at the Art
along with 7 mentors donated two backpacks need to be filled and
hours of their afternoon to help sort assembled and thats where
food for Harvesters Community S.W.A.T. Team 1806 comes in. Competition Spotlight
Food Network. Harvesters is the Forming two assembly lines stu- Page 3
only food bank in the Kansas City dents and mentors quickly filled SWAT Senior
area and distributed 44 million bags with cans, cereal, fruit snacks,
pounds of food last year, with an and milk that is distributed weekly Breakfast at the American
estimated 16.2 million pounds go- for thousands of area children in Legion
ing to feed children under age 18. need. The team filled a total of SWAT Prepares for
More than 26,000 children are 1,598 bags for the BackSnack pro- World Championship
fed each week through their vari- gram, and is looking forward to Page 4
ous programs. BackSnack is a pro- going back to harvesters, and doing
Krispy Kreme Donut
gram in which low income children more community outreach projects.
are provided with a backpack full
April Newsletter 2014

S.W.A.T. Senior
Nathan Vitek
When Mr. Scott Vitek started a FIRST robotics
team in the fall of 2005, his son Nathan Vitek was
only in 4th grade. Like all young boys, Nathan want-
ed to be just like his father; in his case being like his
father meant he would be building robots. Ten year
old Nathan dreamed of one day driving the robot for
S.W.A.T. Team 1806 at the World Championships.
As the years passed, Nathan watched from the side-
lines and marveled at the engineering and design of
the robots. He look forward to the day he would be
behind the controls.
In 2012 Nathan, a 10th grader at the time, would
finally get the chance to fulfill part of his dream. City Regional, and a quarterfinal finish on the Galileo
When senior driver Zach Martin graduated after the field at the FIRST World Championships.
2011 season, the S.W.A.T. robotics team needed The 2014 season started out with Nathan driving
someone to step up, and Nathan didnt hesitate to try S.W.A.T. to a 10-4-1 record at the new Central Illi-
to fill the position. In that 1st year, Nathan drove the nois regional, but eliminated after a very competitive
robot to a 22-15 record, barely missing the cut to quarterfinal. The Kansas City Regional would be the
make it to the FIRST World Champions. last chance that Nathan would have to drive for a spot
Despite the disappointment of that first year, Na- at the World Championship.
than came back in 2013 and led S.W.A.T. Team 1806 In both the quarterfinals and semifinals, Nathan
to a 33-9 record that included 1st place finishes at the drove his heart out as SWAT came one match away
FIRST Kansas City Regional, and FIRST Oklahoma from elimination twice and Nathans senior season
almost came to an end. With everything on the line,
Nathan faced pressure of being eliminated and drove
better than he had all year. Nathan was able to make
sure that his father would get one last chance to see
him driving at the World Championships.
Mr. Vitek and the rest of the robotics team
watched in nervous excitement as Nathan achieved
his dream of making it to the World Championship
once again. Those members watching from the stands
couldnt help but notice the obvious admiration and
pride on Mr. Viteks face.
When asked about his upcoming graduation, Na-
than commented, Its bittersweet knowing that this is
my last year. Ive found a family in my team that can
never be replaced, no matter where the future takes
me. Robotics has brought my dad and me closer and
has made me who I am today. Nathan will be attend-
ing Missouri S&T in the fall. Mr. Vitek is sad to see
Seniors Cameron Shilko and Nathan Vitek at the Greater Kan- him go but happy as he tackles lifes next challenge:
sas City Regional March 15th, 2014. College!
S.W.A.T. Prepares Breakfast at the American
for the World Legion

S.W.A.T. has taken numerous S.W.A.T. members hosted a fundraising breakfast at the American
measures to prepare themselves for Legion on April 19th..
the world competition in St. Louis.
S.W.A.T. has changed their robot to Smithville Robotics Team 1806 hosted a fundraising
improve their shooting and autono- breakfast at the American Legion in Smithville, Missouri to
mous reliability. Now the robot can help raise money for their trip to the World Championship in
make 10x more points per shot and St. Louis. Members served fruit, pancakes, eggs, bacon and
also reliably get the ball into the high biscuits and gravy to 186 hungry customers and demonstrated
goal. this years robot to members of the community.
Also, the robots drive train had
been damaged and needed to be re-
paired. The S.W.A.T. team has only
Pancakes at the Art Show
been performing these changes on the April 12th Smithville
practice robot and will have to rapidly High School hosted the an-
make these changes on the competi- nual district wide art show in
tion robot since it is already in St. which art work from all
Louis for competition. schools and grade levels is
Preliminary match schedules were put on display for the public
released and members of S.W.A.T. from 7-12. Smithville Robot-
sorted through them and sized up the ics hosted a breakfast for pa-
competition, predicted scores, and trons of the art show provid-
looked at the skills of the other robots. ing pancakes and sausage to
Scouting, therefore, becomes crucial local art lovers in the high
as S.W.A.T. can then pinpoint each school cafeteria.
teams strengths and weaknesses and On display was this years
use them to our drivers advantage. FRC and FTC robot. Mayor
S.W.A.T.s business team has Brian Fullmer of Smithville robot.
spent countless hours making sure was in attendance and Team 1806 also proudly
that everything goes smoothly with S.W.A.T. members had the displayed their involvement
the both breakfasts and the donut opportunity to talk to and in the community and helped
fundraiser to raise money for the trip. show Mayor Fullmer, along raise funds for the trip to the
Thanks to all of the work done by the with other members of the World Championship in St.
mentors and students at S.W.A.T., the community, this years Louis April 23rd to the 26th.
team is now prepared to go to world World Championship bound
Krispy Kreme Donut Sales Sponsors of the

S.W.A.T. members sold and delivered donuts after school on April 16th to
Visit our Website!
help raise money for the World Championship.

This years Krispy Kreme donut sales were an all time high for Smith-
ville Robotics team 1806 with S.W.A.T. members selling 325 dozen And Follow us on
donuts to teachers, friends, family and other members of the communi-
ty. This years donuts sales helped to pay for S.W.A.T.s upcoming trip
Twitter! @frc1806
to the World Championship in St. Louis April 23rd through the 26th .

Thank You Sponsors!

Darrell Smith Dave Telles G. Gupta

Russell & Betty Woollums Denny & Nancy Lowe Earl & Diane Soetaert
Paul Clouse Jeff & Anne Townsend Robert & Beth Armstrong
Bill & Bonita Farrell Chuck & Joan Hitchborn Greg Armstrong

April Newsletter 2014

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