Cardio Circuit D

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Weeks Two and Four

Workout Three
Cardio Circuit D
Equipment needed: Sturdy Chair or Bench, Mat
Allot one minute for each exercise.
Beginner: 30 seconds active, 30 seconds rest, repeat 2x (3x if
time permits) Intermediate: 45 seconds active, 15 seconds
rest, repeat sequence 2x (3x if time permits)
Advanced: 60 seconds active, rest one minute between
rounds, repeat 2x (3x if time permits)

Sumo Squat Jumps
Calf Raises
Decline Pushups
Skater Lunges
Right Side Plank Hold
Plank Center, Jump feet out and in
Left Side Plank
Jumping Jacks
Single Leg Lunge, with one leg on chair/bench (30
seconds each leg, use full minute)
Tricep Push Ups
Donkey Kicks (30 seconds each leg, use full minute)
Burpees with no pushup

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