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Jacob Gribble

Period 8

Purpose of survey. This survey took place to determine if improvements in pollution abatement near
park and wetland areas will increase the wildlife population. This survey has been taken yearly for three
years and will continue for a total of ten years.

Procedures used. Mayberry City Park was divided into five zones. Two people surveyed each zone on
the first of each month. Observations were recorded on tally sheets and later summarized by the group

Web site. The results were entered into a Web site were the results will be combined with surveys from
over 100 cities. A summary of all data will be posted.

Month Chipmonk Squirrels Raccoons Deer Birds
March 25 28 0 15 65
April 75 25 5 14 72
May 80 35 22 16 98
June 140 40 25 12 120
July 138 45 40 15 115

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