Storage Management Services Solution Pack V1 0

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Storage Management Services Solution Pack

Solution Pack

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Storage Management Services Solution Pack

[Drafting Note: If not contracting under FastTrack Base and Modular Terms, you may
remove the cover page and any of the Selections and Prerequisites below that do not apply.]

Storage Management Services Selections and Prerequisites

Subject Requirements
FastTrack Modular Contract, dated as of [Date],
Base Terms
[Name of Applicable Module] Module Terms
Governing Agreement
[Drafting Note: If not contracting under FastTrack
Base and Modular terms, replace mention of
FastTrack Modular Contract with name of governing
[Customer Entity]
Enterprise Services LLC [NOTE: Change to
local contracting entity if required for legal
and/or tax purposes]

Effective Date: [Drafting

Note: Delete this field if ________/________/________
not applicable.]

Service Commencement
Date: [Drafting Note:
Delete this field if not ________/________/________

Term: [Drafting Note:

Delete this field if not

Storage Management Services (the Services)

Prerequisite Services: None.

These Services are
required to be purchased
prior to selecting the
Services set out in this
Solution Pack:

Mandatory Addenda: Disengagement Addendum

Optional Addenda: [Drafting Note: Add list of optional Addenda

that may apply. If none: delete. If not
contracting under FastTrack Base and Module

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Storage Management Services Solution Pack

Terms, this may be called something else (i.e.

policy, schedule, exhibit).]

CUSTOMER ENTITY: Enterprise Services LLC: [NOTE: Change

to local contracting entity if required for
legal and/or tax purposes]

Authorized Representative [_AR1_] Authorized Representative [_AGPR1_]

Date [_AR1D_] Date [_AGPR1D_]

Printed name [_AR1PN_] Printed name [_AGPR1PN_]

Title [_AR1T_] Title [_AGPR1T_]


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Storage Management Services Solution Pack

Table of Contents

1. Statement of Work.................................................................................................5
1.1 Overview 5
1.2 Transition and Transformation 5
1.3 Facility Management 6
1.4 SMS Enterprise Storage Enhanced 3PAR Block 8
1.5 SMS Enterprise Storage XP Block 8
1.6 SMS Midrange Storage Base 3PAR Block 9
1.7 SMS Midrange Storage Enhanced File 9
1.8 Installation 11
1.9 Managed Service Delivery 12
1.10 ES -Generated Technology Refresh 14
1.11 SMS Storage Connectivity 14
1.12 Multi-Vendor Storage Services 15
1.13 General Responsibilities 19
1.14 Disengagement 23
2. Service Levels......................................................................................................25
2.1 Overview 25
2.2 Overview 25
2.3 Service Tiers 25
2.4 Service Level Objectives 26
2.5 Calculation 33
2.6 Service Conditions 33
2.7 Service Level Measurement 34
3. Pricing.................................................................................................................. 36
3.1 General 36
3.2 Expenses 36
3.3 Currency 36
3.4 One Time, Non-Recurring Charges 36
3.5 Recurring Charges 37
3.6 Charging Adjustments 38
3.7 Termination Charges 39
4. Definitions............................................................................................................40

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Storage Management Services Solution Pack

1 Statement of Work

1.1 Overview

1.1.1 ES will provide the Storage Management Services (SMS or the Services)
identified in this Solution Pack as ES Responsibilities.

1.1.2 The Services consist of the provision of a storage infrastructure environment,

monitoring, maintaining, and operation of a storage system. The Services
consist of the following components: [insert which of the below customer
has contracted for. Customer may add on additional components for
additional charge.]
a. SMS - Enterprise Storage
i. Enhanced 3PAR Block
ii. XP Block
b. SMS - Midrange Storage
iii. Base 3PAR Block
iv. Enhanced File
c. Multi-Vendor Storage Services
[Note that the service model (Utility or On-Order) and location (either at an
ES facility or a designated Customer facility) chosen by Customer, for the
provisioning of the Services influences the actual Services provided. The
Utility service model provides leveraged storage equipment; the On-Order
service model requires Customer to use non-leveraged storage equipment.]

1.1.3 References to ESs policies, procedures, technical and other standards or the
Operations Manual refer to the latest versions in effect which may change
from time to time.

1.2 Transition and Transformation

1.2.1 ES Responsibilities:
a. Create a project plan to manage the installation, configuration, integration
and testing of the Services from implementation up to the point of
ongoing service delivery.

1.2.2 Customer Responsibilities:

a. Participate in project management activities, as requested by ES;
b. Lead or perform the tasks for specific areas of responsibility as listed in
the project plan;
c. Furnish, in writing to ES, the volume/capacity requirements for each
server, as described in Section 3 (Pricing) and in accordance with the
time schedule of the project plan;
d. Assist ES in completing the site survey or storage requirements
document, as applicable;
e. Assist ES with the validation of the data derived from the assessment

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f. Review and provide written sign-off of volume/capacity requirements from

the ES assessment; and
g. If Customer is not continuing with these Services based on changes to
the initial volume/capacity, notify ES in writing (as set forth in the
Agreement) within 5 business days of receiving the findings of the
assessment activities (unless otherwise mutually agreed to by both
parties), and pay the termination fees listed in Section 3 (Pricing).
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.3 Facility Management

[Note to Template Users: For the next section, choose Facility Management at
ES Facility, Facility Management at Customer Facility, or both (if applicable). If
the Services are not provided at both Customer and ES facilities, delete the
section that is not applicable.]

1.3.1 Facility Management at ES Facility ES Responsibilities:
a. Maintain the following physical security and access-control features at the
ES facility:
v. Security guards on duty 24x7;
vi. Physical barriers and card access at all entrances;
vii. Card key authorization required for buildings and sensitive areas;
viii. Access restricted to individuals with a need for access and the
appropriate authorization; and
ix. Monitoring of the facility with security cameras.
b. Supervise on-site third-party maintenance activities;
c. Prepare and provide the following facility environmental systems for the
x. Furnishing raised floor space;
xi. Electrical power and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
d. Maintain ES-provided hardware and software based on the
manufacturers schedule;
e. Provide connection of [Note: Insert bandwidth of connection here] to ES
local area network, firewalls, and associated network facilities;
f. Provide firewall perimeter protection at the ES site according to the ES
g. Identify and perform network management activities for the ES-owned
network infrastructure utilized to support the Services;
h. Install fiber cabling and validate storage connectivity as necessary.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional ES obligations, if
any, for this function.] Customer Responsibilities:

a. Conform to ES physical security policies during all ES facility visits;

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b. Connect to ES facility providing the Services;

c. Provide a complete list of hardware and software to be provisioned at the
ES facility that is required to deliver the Services and meets ES written
minimum requirements. [Note: Template User: Delete this bullet if the
Solution Pack is not for a Provisioning of ES Facilities with Customer
owned assets.]
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.3.2 Facility Management at Customer Facility

[Note to Template Users: The following section is applicable only if Customer
is providing the facility for ES equipment needed to perform the Services. If
this option is selected, Remote Management Services are also required. If
Customer is not providing facilities, delete this entire section.] ES Responsibilities:
a. Provide point-of-contact for Customer facility access planning and
b. Provide for the standard equipment and software requirements, drivers,
patch codes, and the release versions necessary for ES to perform the
c. Connect to Customer facility using a router-based technology;
d. Provide remote monitoring of the Services from an ES facility with the
exception of hardware configuration management, physical security
services, tape mounts, off-site tape storage, other required tape handling,
and any other physical onsite activities;
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional ES obligations, if
any, for this function.] Customer Responsibilities:

a. Meet the necessary equipment and software requirements provided in
writing by ES for Customer-owned equipment, software, drivers, patch
codes, and release versions;
b. Designate raised floor space for placement, installation, and management
of ES hardware and software required to perform the Services including,
but not limited to, administrative servers, monitoring consoles, and
monitoring agents;
c. Provide facility preparation, including furnishings, appropriate electrical
power and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; and uninterruptible
power supply;
d. Provide voice and data communication hardware, software, equipment,
wiring, connections, cabling, lines, and circuits between the Customer
facility and the ES facility;
e. Provide access to Customer facilities, including badges and after-hours
access as required for ES to perform the Services;
f. Provide configuration of the network and firewall to allow ES to access
and monitor the environment;

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g. Establish roles and responsibilities for problem management and

escalation for hardware and facilities-related support at the Customer
h. Respond to ESs notification and escalation of hardware or software
i. Respond promptly to ES with changes, maintenance, or corrective
actions raised by ES on any facility components (e.g., power supply,
physical protection, access limitations, engineering design, or third-party
supplier issues);
j. Make available, maintain, and pay for ES personnel-related expenses
consisting of, but not limited to, office space, telephones, communication
lines, usage fees, furnishings, printers and copiers, fax machines, and
office supplies that are reasonably required for use by the ES support
staff at Customer facility;
k. Provide maintenance windows for scheduled maintenance that are
acceptable to ES;
l. Permit ES to be present at Customer facility during comprehensive or
complex system or component upgrades as requested by ES;
m. Obtain additional network bandwidth to Customer facility, as needed for
n. Assist ES with implementing Customer network and firewall standards;
Provide ES with access to the associated Customer network and
firewall(s) in order to enable remote monitoring;
o. Supply the network ports (100Mbit or Gbit) required for host and NAS
device connection; [Note to Template Users: Delete this bullet if client has
not contracted for SMS Midrange Storage enhanced file]
p. Supply remote network connectivity from the storage infrastructure
devices to the ES management network; and
q. Allow external network access for remote vendor support (Phone Home)
and enablement of monitoring, billing and reporting.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]
[Note: the Base Services are described below. Delete those Services not
selected by Customer]

1.4 SMS Enterprise Storage Enhanced 3PAR Block

SMS Enterprise Storage provides Customer with a utility or dedicated model

that optimizes storage resources and equipment for open systems with
targeted high availability. ES will deploy and manage a defined Storage Area
Network (SAN) storage solution for Customer. This Capability can reside
either within an ES Data Center or a Customer data center.

1.5 SMS Enterprise Storage XP Block

SMS Enterprise XP Block storage provides Customer with a utility or
dedicated model that optimizes storage resources and equipment for
mainframe systems. ES will deploy and manage a defined Storage Area

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Network (SAN) storage solution for Customer. This Capability can reside
either within an ES Data Center or a Customer data center.

1.6 SMS Midrange Storage Base 3PAR Block

SMS Midrange Storage Base 3PAR Block provides Customer with a utility
or dedicated model that optimizes storage resources and equipment for open
systems. ES will deploy and manage a defined Storage Area Network (SAN)
storage solution for Customer. This Capability can reside either within an ES
Data Center or a Customer data center.

1.7 SMS Midrange Storage Enhanced File

1.7.1 SMS Midrange Storage Enhanced File provides Customer with a utility or
dedicated model that optimizes storage resources and equipment. ES will
deploy and manage a defined Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution for
Customer. This Capability can reside either within an ES Data Center or a
Customer data center.

1.7.2 The following restrictions and assumptions apply to this service:

a. Midrange Storage Enhanced File leveraged and dedicated services do
not incorporate data encryption services.
b. Midrange Storage Enhanced File leveraged and dedicated services do
not incorporate antivirus protection services.
c. ES is not responsible for any issues that arise from the lack of antivirus
protection for the NAS device.
d. Customer provides an antivirus solution and maintains full responsibility
for all aspects of the solution.
e. This service only supports file access via the Common Internet File
System (CIFS) protocol, Network File System (NFS) protocol, or a
combination of NFS and CIFS. This service does not include HTTP or
FTP file access, or storage access from host-to-storage through iSCSI or
Fibre Channel.

1.7.3 Midrange Storage Enhanced File Configuration Options Midrange Storage Enhanced File - Without local copy

This base storage offering is a single storage tier consisting of both SAS and
SATA drives, and requires that the server/host and the storage device have
redundant network connectivity. Midrange Storage Enhanced File With local copy

This is the base storage offering with local copies made daily and retained for
7 days. Weekly copies will also be made and retained for 2 weeks. These
copies will be available for self-service restoration of files.

The local copy storage will be billed based on actual GB utilized to facilitate
the local copies. Customer Responsibilities:

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a. Perform self-service restores of local copies. Midrange Storage Enhanced File With local and remote copy

This is the base storage offering with local copies and remote copies. As with
the Local Copy option, local copies will be taken daily and retained for 7 days
and weekly copies will be taken and retained for 2 weeks. Remote copies will
be transferred daily from the local site to the remote site. At the remote site,
daily copies will be retained for 7 days and weekly copies will be retained for 4
weeks. The timeframe for the initial remote copy of the primary data will
depend on the network bandwidth sized and provided.

The remote copy storage will be billed based on actual GB utilized to facilitate
the remote copies at the secondary site.

The cost for the network bandwidth to facilitate the remote replication is not
included in this service. ES Responsibilities:
a. Respond to requests for remote copy restore. Customer Responsibilities:

a. Perform self-service restores of local copies.
b. Submit written requests for restore of a remote copy, identifying the data
to be restored.
c. Provide the necessary network bandwidth to facilitate the replication in
line with this service. Midrange Storage Enhanced File With local and Disaster Recovery (DR)

This is the base storage offering with local and DR copies. As with the Local
Copy option, local copies will be taken daily and retained for 7 days and
weekly copies will be taken and retained for 2 weeks. A DR copy will be
replicated from the local site to the remote site hourly. The timeframe for the
initial DR copy of the primary data will depend on the network bandwidth sized
and provided.

The DR copy storage will be billed based on actual GB utilized to facilitate the
DR copies at the secondary site.

The cost for the network bandwidth to facilitate the replication is not included
in this service. ES Responsibilities:
a. Respond to requests for fail-over to a DR copy Customer Responsibilities:

a. Perform self-service restores of local copies.
b. Create a DR plan for use of the DR copy in a disaster recovery scenario.
c. Identify data to be failed over.

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d. Submit written request for failover to a DR copy, identifying the data for
e. Provide the necessary network bandwidth to facilitate the replication in
line with the service Midrange Storage Enhanced File With local copy and Database copies

This is an uplift to Midrange Storage Enhanced File with local copies that
adds capability for Oracle or SAP Database Administrators (DBAs) to back up
and clone databases.

The Database copy/clone storage will be billed based on actual GB utilized to

facilitate the database copy/clone. ES Responsibilities:
a. Perform the necessary setup activities.
b. Perform the creation of clones and any restoration activities.

[Note: The below items are general obligations that apply to any of the
above Services]

1.8 Installation
[This Capability can reside either within an ES Data Center or a
Customer data center.]

1.8.1 This function consists of the installation, configuration, integration, and where
necessary, the testing of the related hardware and software for the Services.

1.8.2 ES Responsibilities:
a. Provide the hardware and software required for ES to provide the
Services; [Note to Template Users: If the contract is for services only and
asset is Customer-owned, move this bullet to customer responsibilities.]
b. Install the software or hardware necessary to accommodate monitoring,
initial configuration or configuration changes, hardware or software
control mechanisms, and storage tuning software to enable Customer
data installation; [Note to Template Users: If the contract is for
services only and asset is Customer-owned, move this bullet to
customer responsibilities.]
c. Commission or decommission storage arrays and fibre switches, as
necessary; [Note to Template Users: If the contract is for services only
and asset is Customer-owned, move this bullet to customer
d. Implement security practices, as ES deems appropriate and in its sole
discretion, on the Services infrastructure to safeguard against
unauthorized access, which practices may be in addition to standard
physical and access-control security practices; [Note to Template Users:
If additional security features are required by Customer, a custom
solution may be required.]
e. Manage ESs third-party supplier relationships for hardware and software
components used to provide the Services;

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f. Manage ES monitoring and management agents and systems at the

provisioned facility;
g. Implement security practices, such as logical unit masking, preventing
unauthorized storage access from an unauthorized server;
h. Conduct a final review of the installation of the Services and infrastructure
to verify pre-production plans have been met; and
i. Establish with Customer the date for transition to the production mode of
the Services.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional ES obligations,
if any, for this function.]

1.8.3 Customer Responsibilities:

a. Review the installation configuration, integration, and test portion of the
project plan with ES;
b. Provide ES with specified personnel name(s) for assistance, as required
and requested by ES;
c. Review results of the installation, configuration, integration, and testing
d. Retain responsibility for any expenses associated with Customer
hardware or software components that may be required to attach to the
Services; and
e. Establish with ES the date for transition to production mode of the
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.9 Managed Service Delivery

1.9.1 ES Responsibilities:
a. Provide responses to Customers technical issues and administration
requests Monday Friday / 8:00AM 5:00PM local time / except US ES
holidays (services required after operating hours are routed through the
ES Help Desk and addressed according to their assigned severity level
and established escalation procedures.); [Note: ES Help Desk is an
additional offering that must be described and priced separately.]
b. Provide asset management and procurement management processes to
enable scalability to respond to increasing capacity requirements; [Note
to Template Users: This bullet is for utility offer only, delete if
dedicated offer or services only. If the equipment is client-owned,
move this bullet to Customer Responsibilities]
c. Provide a leveraged technical and operational monitoring staff to meet
agreed-on service levels providing continuous support for the storage
d. Perform Storage Provisioning (add, change, delete);
e. Investigate and inform Customer of actual or potential performance-
related issues, and advise Customer as to changes or make changes as

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f. Monitor storage capacity and recommend capacity increases, as

g. Maintain the storage environment in line with ES standards;
[Note to template User: If Services only, you must adhere to standard
BOM and SSMS integration. If not, the solution is custom and you must
review with delivery to determine what can be performed for Managed
Service Delivery.]
h. Analyze critical system-generated alerts and develop resolution plan
based on ES standards and tools;
i. Change Management based on ES standards and tools;
j. Provide SMS standard reporting on a monthly basis (Any additional
reporting required is considered custom and not included in the current
rates.); and
[Note to Template User: For Services Only, SMS standard reporting can
only be provided if you have included costs for SSMS-SMS and the
devices are in the Storage Essentials support matrix. If this is not the
case remove this bullet. Refer to the capability support guides SSMS-
SMS Report Definition Guide and the SSMS_SMS Customer Reporting
Guide located at http://kc-enterprise.sharepoint.ES
.com/sites/kc6/c4/EMC%20ECC/Forms/Production.aspx for the SMS
standard reporting that can be provided for all SMS solutions with the
exception of Midrange Storage - enhanced NAS. Refer to the Midrange
Storage enhanced NAS Operations Guide located at http://kc-
enterprise.sharepoint.ES .com/sites/kc6/c4/EMC
%20ECC/Forms/Production.aspx for the standard Midrange Storage
enhanced NAS reporting that can be provided]
k. Substitute, as ES deems appropriate and in its sole discretion, any
hardware, software or technology solution component used by ES to
perform the Services, or any portion thereof, with a comparable
hardware, software or technology solution component determined by ES
to perform the Services; provided, however, that any change ES makes
will not (i) materially and adversely impact ESs ability to perform its
obligations hereunder, (ii) increase Customers fees or costs (unless ES
agrees to reimburse Customer for such increase), or (iii) materially and
adversely impact the way in which Customer conducts its business or
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional ES obligations,
if any, for this function.]

1.9.2 Customer Responsibilities:

a. Manage and maintain applicable Customer-owned workstations, personal
computers, terminals or hardware, and software used to access the
storage server environment;
b. Provide proactive communication of events that may affect capacity or
performance; and
c. Allow for vendor phone home capability for problem management. [Note
to Template Users: If this is not allowed then service levels will be best

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[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer

obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.10 ES -Generated Technology Refresh

1.10.1 ES Responsibilities:
a. Identify the content of the technology refresh in terms of products,
versions, and the solution set (This includes performing an analysis of the
current hardware and software environment involved in potential refresh
activities and determining the compatibility with suggested upgrades.);
b. Design and integrate the technology into the Services;
c. Perform the recommended updates on all ES-owned equipment (This
includes replacing applicable hardware or software based on the content
designated to be refreshed.);
d. Order, ship, and install equipment required for refresh as deemed
necessary by ES;
e. Plan for required server change activities and the configuration of the new
f. Migrate data to and from existing and new environments;
g. Remove and uninstall equipment being replaced; and
h. Provide a technology refresh of storage equipment not sooner than 48
months from the commencement of the Services, and no sooner than 48
months from the most recent technology refresh.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.10.2 Customer Responsibilities:

a. Perform the recommended updates to Customer-owned equipment and
bear responsibility for any associated costs;
b. Participate in user acceptance testing of technology refresh within the
Customer environment, including development of user acceptance test
plan, execution of test, coordination of test results, and mitigation of
identified problems;
c. Provide updated managed storage requirements as they relate to
increase or decrease of allocated storage amounts; and
d. Prepare for and provide hardware refresh planning for all Customer-
owned hardware.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.11 SMS Storage Connectivity

1.11.1 All network connectivity requirements for the application or host servers and
storage device (consisting of, but not limited to: IP, MAN, LAN, or WAN
connectivity) and network management services are not included in the scope
of Storage Management Services, unless specifically contracted.

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[Note to template user: This service requires the following network

connectivity which is not included in the rates and must be accounted
for in the solution costing.]
a. Redundant network connectivity is required from the network switch to
the storage device.
b. Redundant network connectivity is required from the client/hosts to the
storage device for a Service Level Objective (SLO) of 99.9%.
c. Network connectivity is required for management interface.
d. Remote network connectivity is required from in-scope managed devices
to ES management network.
e. The required network connectivity to facilitate remote replication is not
included in the remote replication service.

1.11.2 ES Responsibilities:
a. Perform the necessary setup activities and operational processes on the
local and remote filer for the remote replication.
b. Set up access to the remote copy for recovery or restore purposes on

1.12 Multi-Vendor Storage Services

ES will manage a Customer-owned storage environment, including any of the
below third-party service options.
[Note: Please remove the items which are not applicable for your deal,
including this entire section if Customer has not selected any Multi-Vendor
Storage Services.]

1.12.1 EMC VNX Block Storage

ES manages an existing EMC VNX Block Storage solution for Customer. This
capability can reside either within an ES Data Center or a customer data
center. Customer continues to own the hardware and software while ES is
responsible for environment-management activities described below:

1.12.2 EMC VNX File Storage ES manages an existing EMC VNX File Storage solution for Customer. This
capability can reside either within an ES Data Center or a customer data
center. Customer continues to own the hardware and software while ES is
responsible for environment-management activities described below: The following restrictions and assumptions apply to this service:

a. File services do not incorporate data encryption services.
b. ES is not responsible for any issues that arise from the lack of antivirus
protection for the File storage device.
c. Customer provides an antivirus solution and maintains full responsibility
for all aspects of the solution.

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d. This service only supports file access via the Common Internet File
System (CIFS) protocol, Network File System (NFS) protocol, or a
combination of NFS and CIFS. This service does not include http or ftp
file access or storage access from host-to-storage via iSCSI or Fibre

1.12.3 EMC Isilon Archive Storage ES will manage an existing EMC Isilon Archive Storage solution for Customer.
This capability can reside either within an ES Data Center or a customer data
center. Customer continues to own the hardware and software while ES is
responsible for environment-management activities described below: The following restrictions and assumptions apply to this service:

a. NAS services do not incorporate data encryption services.
b. ES is not responsible for any issues that arise from the lack of antivirus
protection for the NAS device.
c. Customer provides an antivirus solution and maintains full responsibility
for all aspects of the solution.
d. This service only supports file access via the Common Internet File
System (CIFS) protocol, Network File System (NFS) protocol, or a
combination of NFS and CIFS. This service does not include http or ftp
file access or storage access from host-to-storage via iSCSI or Fibre
[Note: the below Installation, Managed Services Delivery, and
Technology Refresh obligations have been adjusted to reflect Customer
ownership of the equipment.]

1.12.4 Installation ES Responsibilities:
a. Manage ESs third-party vendor relationships for hardware and software
components used to provide the Services;
b. Manage ES monitoring and management agents and systems at the
provisioned facility;
c. Implement security practices, such as logical unit masking, preventing
unauthorized storage access from an unauthorized server;
d. Conduct a final review of the installation of the Services and infrastructure
to verify pre-production plans have been met; and
e. Establish with Customer the date for transition to the production mode of
the Services.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional ES obligations, if
any, for this function.] Customer Responsibilities

a. Provide the hardware and software required for ES to provide the

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b. Implement security practices, as ES deems appropriate and in its sole

discretion, on the Services infrastructure to safeguard against
unauthorized access, which practices may be in addition to standard
physical and access-control security practices;
[Note to Template Users: If additional security features are required by
Customer, a custom solution may be required.]
c. Commission or decommission storage arrays and fibre switches, as
d. Review the installation, configuration, integration, and test portion of the
project plan with ES;
e. Provide ES with specified personnel name(s) for assistance, as required
and requested by ES;
f. Install the software or hardware necessary to accommodate monitoring,
initial configuration or configuration changes, hardware or software
control mechanisms, and storage tuning software to enable Customer
data installation;
g. Review results of the installation, configuration, integration, and testing
h. Retain responsibility for any expenses associated with Customer
hardware or software components that may be required to attach to the
Services; and
i. Establish with ES the date for transition to production mode of the
See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer obligations,
if any, for this function.

1.12.5 Managed Service Delivery ES Responsibilities:
Provide responses for Customers technical issues and administration
requests Monday Friday / 8:00AM 5:00PM local time / except US ES
holidays; (Services required after operating hours are routed through the
ES Help Desk and addressed according to their assigned severity level
and established escalation procedures.);
a. Provide a leveraged technical and operational monitoring staff to meet
agreed-on service levels providing continuous support for the storage
b. Perform Storage Provisioning (add, change, delete);
c. Investigate and inform Customer of actual or potential performance-
related issues, and advise Customer as to changes or make changes as
d. Monitor storage capacity and recommend capacity increases, as
e. Maintain the storage environment in line with ES standards;
f. Analyze critical system-generated alerts and develop resolution plan
based on ES standards and tools;
g. Change Management based on ES standards and tools;

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h. Provide SMS standard reporting on a monthly basis (Any additional

reporting required is considered custom and not included in the current
See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional ES obligations,
if any, for this function. Customer Responsibilities:

a. Manage and maintain applicable Customer-owned workstations, personal
computers, terminals or hardware, and software used to access the
storage server environment;
b. Provide asset management and procurement management processes to
enable scalability to respond to increasing capacity requirements;
c. Provide proactive communication of events that may affect capacity or
d. Allow for vendor phone home capability for problem management.
[Note to Template Users: If this is not allowed then service levels will be
best effort.]
See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.

1.12.6 ES -Generated Technology Refresh

[Note to Template Users: If this is for Services only, please remove this
section.] ES Responsibilities:
a. Identify the content of the technology refresh in terms of products,
versions, and the solution set (This includes performing an analysis of the
current hardware and software environment involved in potential refresh
activities and determining the compatibility with suggested upgrades.);
b. Propose design and integration plan for the new technology into the
services and environment being refreshed;
c. Perform the recommended updates on Customer-owned equipment in
scope of this Service (This includes replacing applicable hardware or
software based on the content designated to be refreshed.);
d. Migrate data to and from existing and new environments;
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.] Customer Responsibilities:

a. Provide appropriate support (e.g., firmware updates) for the
recommended updates to Customer-owned equipment and bear
responsibility for any associated costs.
b. Order, ship, and install equipment required for refresh as deemed
necessary by ES;
c. Remove and uninstall equipment being replaced;
d. Plan for required server change activities and the configuration of the new

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e. Participate in user acceptance testing of technology refresh within the

Customer environment, including development of user acceptance test
plan, execution of test, coordination of test results, and mitigation of
identified problems;
f. Provide updated managed storage requirements as they relate to
increase or decrease of allocated storage amounts;
g. Prepare for and provide hardware refresh planning for all Customer-
owned hardware.
[See the attachments to this Solution Pack for additional Customer
obligations, if any, for this function.]

1.2 General Responsibilities

a. ES Responsibilities:
a. Provide all communications, documentation, and support in English only
unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by Customer and ES pursuant to
the change control process;
b. Designate a senior-level individual during the Term to act as Customers
primary contact for ES and who has the authority to make decisions about
actions to be taken by ES in the provision of the Services;
c. Perform the Services pursuant to ESs policies and procedures;
d. Provide leveraged personnel for the Services, in ESs sole discretion; and
e. Integrate software, storage hardware, and managed services to provide
the appropriate level of capacity, scalability, and performance for the
selected Services.
f. Deliver the service items listed in the Base Services table as part of the
Storage Management Services offering.
g. Provide the service items listed in the Project Services table as an
optional uplift to the Storage Management Services offering. Cost of
service item will be determined based on scope and cost and schedule
agreed to with the Customer.
Modify the below Base Services and Project Services tables based
on the services included in your deal. If for instance only block storage
and connectivity are delivered only you can remove all the tasks related
to NAS Storage. Any adjustments to the activities limitation and type
(i.e. moving Project Service to Base Service) must be validated and
signed off by delivery.
Table 1 Storage Management Services Offering - Base Services
Category Base Services - Change Description Frequency of Item
Storage Array Failed FRU
Replacement (Disk Drive, SFP, Power
Block Storage Unlimited
Suply, Fan, Host Port Blade,
Redundant Controller, etc)
Block Storage Storage Array Firmware Upgrade Unlimited
Block Storage DR testing once per year

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Block Storage Unpresent LUN 10 activities per month in

Modify Storage Based Replication
Block Storage
(Split, Suspend, Resync, Direction) [use for small client 0-
Install/Uninstall Storage Array FRU
Block Storage Modules (SFP, Power Suply, Fan, Host
Port Blade, Redundant Controller, etc)
15 activities per month in
Block Storage Reboot/Shut Down Storage Array total
Modify Existing LUN Presentation [use for medium client 3-
Block Storage
Parameters 10PB]
Block Storage/
Unpresent LUN/Remove Zoning
(remove server from SAN network) 25 activities per month in
New LUN Provisioning (existing
Block Storage [use for small client
Create Storage Based Replication
Block Storage
Block 10 activities per month in
New LUN Provisioning/New Zone
Storage/Storage total
Creation (new server)
[use for small client 0-
Storage 3PB]
Remove Existing Zone
Install/Uninstall SAN Switch FRU
Storage 15 activities per month in
Modules (SFP, Power Suply, Fan, Port
Connectivity total
Blade, CP Blade, etc.)
Storage [use for medium client 3-
Reboot/Shut Down SAN Switch 10PB]
Modify Existing Zone
Connectivity 25 activities per month in
Storage total
New Zone Creation
Connectivity [use for small client
Storage Add/Remove Redundant Host
Connectivity Connection to the Fabric

SAN Switch Failed FRU Replacement

(SFP, Power Suply, Fan, Port Blade, Unlimited
CP Blade, etc.)
SAN Switch Firmware Upgrade Unlimited
NAS System Failed FRU Replacement
File Storage (SFP, Power Suply, Fan, Disk Drive, Unlimited
NAS Head, etc.)
File Storage NAS System Firmware Upgrade Unlimited

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Unpresent and Delete Existing 10 activities per month in

File Storage
Filesystem total
File Storage Modify Filesystem Parameters [use for small client 0-
File Storage Reboot/Shut Down NAS System
Create, Format and Present New
File Storage
Filesystem 15 activities per month in
[use for medium client 3-

25 activities per month in

File Storage Present Storage to a NAS System total
[use for small client

Table 2 Storage Management Services Offering - Project Services

Category Project Services - Description Included in Base
File Storage Unpresent Storage to a NAS System Not Included
Add/Remove NAS Connection to the SAN
File Storage Not Included
and/or Ethernet Network
File Storage Initial NAS System Configuration Not Included

Initial Configuration of Replication Feature

Block Storage Not Included
between two Storage Arrays
Install Additional Disk Drives to a Storage
Block Storage Not Included
Array (physical installation)
Group/Ungroup/Format Additional Disk
Block Storage Not Included
Drives in a Storage Array
Block Storage Install/Uninstall Storage Array Licenses Not Included
Add/Remove Storage Array to the SAN
Block Storage Not Included
Block Storage Install/Uninstall External Storage Array Not Included
Block Storage Initial Storage Array Configuration Not Included

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Configure special Features such as Adaptive

Block Storage Not Included
Add/Remove SAN Switch to the Fabric Not Included
Initial SAN Switch Configuration Not Included
Storage Add/Remove ISL Connections to the existing
Not Included
Connectivity Fabric ISL
Update SAN Fabric Wide Parameters Not Included
Storage Add/Remove/Configure SAN Routing (IFL -
Not Included
Connectivity Inter Fabric Link)
Storage Add/Remove/Configure Remote SAN
Not Included
Connectivity Connection (Long Distance ISL)
Install/Uninstall SAN Switch Licenses Not Included

b. Customer Responsibilities:
a. Designate a senior-level individual who will be authorized during the Term
to act as Customers primary contact for ES in dealing with Customer and
who will have the power and authority to make decisions about actions to
be taken by ES for Customer for the Services;
b. Maintain responsibility for all use of the Services by Customer;
c. Maintain a list of authorized submitters who are designated or permitted to
submit change requests and communicate to ES any changes in
authorized submitters;
d. Make available subject matter experts, as requested by ES, to assist with
requirements gathering and data sourcing activities;
e. Provide adequate work space for the ES team when on-site at Customers
f. Provide and maintain facilities as required for ES to support the Services;
g. Provide required network connectivity, system and facilities access to
allow ES to perform the Services;
h. Maintain procurement and financial responsibility for Customer-owned
i. Comply with ES operating procedures and related documentation as
provided by ES in writing to Customer;
j. Inform ES in advance and in writing of events that may affect storage
capacity or performance of storage systems.

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1.3 Disengagement

a. For the Services, ES will update the draft disengagement plan (defined in
the Disengagement Addendum) for review by the Customer within 120
Business Days after the Service Commencement Date of the Services.

1.3.a.1 In the draft disengagement plan, ES will:

a. specify titles and roles (but not specific names) of ES resources and
subcontractors that will perform disengagement;
b. specify all things necessary to effect disengagement as efficiently as
possible, including various disengagement scenarios, the scope of work
required and the responsibilities of each party;
c. set out a reasonable timetable and process for effecting disengagement
to enable the Customer to have completed disengagement as quickly as
possible without disrupting the quality of the Services; and
d. contain an area for the Customer to populate with Customer specific
components of the draft disengagement plan as they directly relate to the
Services. Such specific components may include:
i. specify the titles and roles (but not specific names) of Customer
resources and subcontractors that will perform disengagement;
ii. specify high level plans for the migration of Customer applications,
workloads and data from the Services, removal of Customer
Equipment and property from the ES Data Center sites and
disengagement of the Customers network carrier arrangements.

1.3.a.2 Customer will populate and amend the draft disengagement plan and provide
to ES for review. ES and Customer will review the amended draft
disengagement plan within the Governance forums. Where amendments to
the draft disengagement plan are agreed, then ES will amend the draft
disengagement plan which will then become the agreed disengagement plan
(i.e. agreed Disengagement Addendum). Such agreed disengagement plan
will be reviewed by the Parties every 12 months thereafter and where
amendments are agreed, ES will amend the agreed disengagement plan and
provide a copy to the Customer for retention.

b. ES will comply with such disengagement obligations where, acting

reasonably, they can be provided free of charge (i.e. where the existing
ES account team may be able to provide such obligations from within the
existing support model with existing resources and does not deteriorate
the daily support operations). Where such obligations cannot be provided
free of charge (by ES) then ES will raise a Non-Standard Service
Request and Customer agrees to pay such charges as reasonably
incurred and evidenced by ES.

c. Upon commencement of a disengagement plan:

a. each party must comply with the latest agreed disengagement;
b. ES will do all things necessary to effect disengagement for ES
obligations; and
c. Customer will do all things necessary to effect disengagement for
Customer obligations.

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2 Service Levels
[Drafting Note: Even if there are no Service Levels for the offering, leave this
Section in the document and just state that there are no Service Levels for the

1.13 Overview

2.1.1 This Section 2 describes Service Levels for the Services.

Storage Management Services provides service levels as objectives ONLY,
as there is no risk/reward credits or penalties built into them to make them
service level agreements as defined by ES Legal Affairs. If credits or
penalties are required then custom pricing is required and custom contract
terms for services level agreements. Remove the service level objectives not
included in client solution. Note the following cautionary conditions:
There are no automation tools from the delivery teams to support reporting of
these metrics. The accounts must use manual methods, such as trouble ticket
scrubbing to derive the end state reporting.
Vendor commitments range from 4 to 24-hour response for replacement
hardware. If a custom configuration and or services only solution is used
where the account or client owns the hardware, the account will have to
consider stocking spare parts at the applicable location.
Services level objectives apply to our standard solutions where our template
design is adhered to.
The following Storage Management Services service-level targets are
intended to be objectives only. No credits are provided to the client.

1.4 Overview

This Section 2 describes Service Levels for the Services, and are subject to
the Service Level Methodology Addendum. The following tables list the
service level objectives for the Services. Availability is defined as the amount
of time the Services are available per month, excluding time for routine
maintenance and other such activities as specifically described below.

1.5 Service Tiers

Table 1 Service Tiers Delivered

Tiers Service Service Level Service Expected

Level Name Description Level Threshold
Enterpris Storage Availability of Percentage 99.999
e Availability storage *SAN requires
Enhanced infrastructure, Customer to have
3PAR measured monthly, path failover
Block exclusive of any software and two
Scheduled physical redundant
Downtime or issues path connections
such as LAN, WAN,
IP related hardware
or SAN extension

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Enterpris Storage Availability of Percentage 99.999
e XP Availability storage *SAN requires
Block infrastructure, Customer to have
measured monthly, path failover
exclusive of any software and two
Scheduled physical redundant
Downtime or issues path connections
such as LAN, WAN,
IP related hardware
or SAN extension
Midrange Storage Availability of Percentage 99.999
Storage Availability storage *SAN requires
Base infrastructure, Customer to have
3PAR measured monthly, path failover
Block exclusive of any software and two
Scheduled physical redundant
Downtime or issues path connections
such as LAN, WAN,
IP related hardware
or SAN extension
Midrange Storage Availability of Percentage 99.99
Storage Availability storage *NAS requires host
Enhanced infrastructure, servers and the
File measured monthly, storage device to
exclusive of any have redundant
Scheduled network connectivity.
Downtime or (NAS)
non-local issues
such as LAN, WAN,
IP Related
SMS All Resolution of Critical fault: Percentage Estimated time to
Tiers critical faults Serious failures that repair will be
cause data to be provided to
inaccessible. Customer within 3
hours of fault

1.6 Service Level Objectives

For each host or server connected to ES SMS, Customer will designate the
capacity and connectivity requirements that will be used and maintained by
ES in the provision of the Services to Customer during the term of the
Agreement. If the parties determine additional storage capacity (and any
associated ongoing expenses) is required for the provision of Services, ES
may charge Customer for such additional Services priced on a per-GB basis
as set forth in Section 3 (Pricing).

a. Enterprise Storage Services

ES Storage Services for Enterprise Storage solutions have higher capacity
requirements for service. The commensurate Service Level Objectives are
outlined below.

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Table 1: Enterprise Storage Enhanced 3PAR Block Service Level Objectives

Feature Description Midrange Storage Midrange Storage

Enhanced 3PAR Block Enhanced 3PAR Block Utility
Dedicated Services Services
Scalability Time to service. 10 business days from Within 72 hours [3 business
hardware receipt. days] when SMS architecture is
Time for growth Installed capacity growth in place and all requirements
provisioning. Within 72 hours [3 are provided.
business days] when Installed capacity growth
capacity is available on 300GB within 72 hours [3
current infrastructure. business days] when all
requirements are provided.
Maximum growth <frame size> RAW GB Based on standard LUN size in
(Note: greater than use 50 GB, 100 GB, 500GB or
maximum may be 1TB
provisioned, but is
not subject to time-
Minimum growth <frame size> RAW GB Per host/server:
increment per site 50 Usable GB
100 Usable GB
500 Usable GB
1 Usable TB

Scheduled Customer and ES will mutually agree upon any required

maintenance scheduled downtime.
windows as required
by ES to manage
infrastructure for
storage platform
Availability Availability of 99.99% *,** 99.99% *
storage *SAN requires Customer *SAN requires Customer to
infrastructure, to have path failover have path failover software and
measured monthly, software and 2 physical 2 physical redundant path
exclusive of any redundant path connections.
Scheduled connections
Downtime or issues
such as LAN, WAN,
IP related hardware
or SAN extension
Resolution Critical fault: Serious Estimated time to repair will be provided to Customer within 3
of critical failures that cause hours of fault identification.
faults data to be
Scheduled Scheduled The Parties will mutually agree upon any required scheduled
Maintenanc maintenance downtime.
e windows as required
by ES to manage

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Feature Description Midrange Storage Midrange Storage

Enhanced 3PAR Block Enhanced 3PAR Block Utility
Dedicated Services Services
Customer will be Two (2) week notification with Customer able to defer schedule
notified when this up to thirty (30) days.
window will be
utilized and result in
down time or
Duration Up to 3 hours, if additional time is required, time frame will be
negotiated with Customer.

Frequency Monthly

Table 2: Enterprise XP Block Service Level Objectives

Feature Description Enterprise Enhanced Enterprise Enhanced 3PAR

3PAR Block Block
Dedicated Services Utility Services
Tiers: Standard/Capacity/Bulk
Scalability Time to service 10 business days from Within 72 hours [3 business days]
hardware receipt. when SMS architecture is in place
Time for growth Installed capacity growth and all requirements are provided.
provisioning Within 72 hours [3 Installed capacity growth within
business days] when 72 hours [3 business days] when
capacity is available on all requirements are provided.
current infrastructure.
Maximum growth <frame size> RAW GB Per host/server:
(Note: greater 300 Usable GB - Standard
than maximum 300 Usable GB - Capacity
may be 500 Usable GB - Bulk
provisioned, but
is not subject to
Minimum growth <frame size> RAW GB Per host/server:
increment per site 30 Usable GB Standard
30 Usable GB Capacity
50 Usable GB Bulk
Scheduled Customer and ES will mutually agree upon any required
maintenance scheduled downtime.
windows as
required by ES to
manage storage
infrastructure for
storage platform

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Feature Description Enterprise Enhanced Enterprise Enhanced 3PAR

3PAR Block Block
Dedicated Services Utility Services
Tiers: Standard/Capacity/Bulk
Availability Availability of 99.999% availability
storage Requires Customer to have path failover software and 2 physical
infrastructure, redundant path connections.
exclusive of any
Downtime or
(NAS) non-local
issues such as
Hardware or
SAN extension
Resolution of Critical fault: Estimated time to repair will be provided to Customer within 3
critical faults Serious failures hours of fault identification.
that cause data
to be
Scheduled Scheduled Customer and ES will mutually agree upon any required
Maintenance maintenance scheduled downtime.
windows as
required by ES to
manage storage
Customer will be 2 week notification with Customer able to defer schedule up to
notified when this 30 days.
window will be
utilized and
result in down
time or
Duration Up to 3 hours; If additional time is required, time frame will be
negotiated with Customer.

Frequency Monthly

b. Midrange Storage Services

1.6.b.1 ES Midrange Storage - Base 3PARBlock services provides a Midrange SAN

supporting a single client or a SAN utility (On Demand) solution for multiple
clients. The commensurate Service Level Objectives are outlined below.

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Table 3: Midrange Storage Base 3PAR Block Service Level Objectives:

Feature Description Midrange Storage - Midrange Storage - Base 3PAR

Base 3PAR Block Block Utility Services
Dedicated Services
Scalability Time to service 10 business days from Within 72 hours [3 business days]
hardware receipt. when SMS architecture is in place
Time for growth Installed capacity and all requirements are provided.
provisioning growth Within 72 Installed capacity growth 300GB
hours [3 business days] within 72 hours [3 business days]
when capacity is when all requirements are
available on current provided.
Maximum growth <frame size> Usable Based on standard LUN size in
(Note: greater than GB use 50 Usable GB, 100 Usable
maximum may be GB, 500 Usable GB or 1 Usable
provisioned, but is TB
not subject to time-
Minimum growth <frame size> Usable Per host/server:
increment GB per site 50 Usable GB
100 Usable GB
500 Usable GB
1 Usable TB

Scheduled The Parties will mutually agree upon any required scheduled
maintenance downtime.
windows as required
by ES to manage
infrastructure for
storage platform
Availability Availability of 99.999% * 99.999% *
storage *SAN requires *SAN requires Customer to have
infrastructure, Customer to have path path failover software and 2
measured monthly, failover software and 2 physical redundant path
exclusive of any physical redundant path connections.
Scheduled connections
Downtime or issues
such as LAN, WAN,
IP related hardware
or SAN extension
Resolution Critical fault: Serious Estimated time to repair will be provided to Customer within 3
of critical failures that cause hours of fault identification.
faults data to be
Scheduled Scheduled The Parties will mutually agree upon any required scheduled
Maintenanc maintenance downtime.
e windows as required
by ES to manage

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Feature Description Midrange Storage - Midrange Storage - Base 3PAR

Base 3PAR Block Block Utility Services
Dedicated Services
Customer will be Two (2) week notification with Customer able to defer schedule
notified when this up to thirty (30) days.
window will be
utilized and result in
down time or
Duration Up to 3 hours, If additional time is required, time frame will be
negotiated with Customer.

Frequency Monthly

1.6.b.2 Midrange Storage Services

ES Midrange Storage Enhanced File services provides a Midrange NAS
supporting a single client or a NAS utility (On Demand) solution for multiple
clients. The commensurate Service Level Objectives are outlined below.

Table 4: Midrange Storage Enhanced File Service Level Objectives

Feature Description Midrange Storage - Enhanced Midrange Storage - Enhanced

File Dedicated Services File Utility Services

Scalability Time to 10 business days from Within 72 hours [3 business days]

service hardware receipt. when SMS architecture is in place
Installed capacity growth and all requirements are provided.
Time for Within 72 hours [3 business Installed capacity growth within
growth days] when capacity is 72 hours [3 business days] when
provisioning available on current all requirements are provided.
Maximum <frame size> Usable GB N/A
growth (Note: Minimum entry point per client Minimum entry point per client per
greater than per site: 85 Usable TB site: 1 Usable TB
may be
but is not
subject to
Minimum <frame size> Usable GB per Per client per site:
growth site 250 Usable GB

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Feature Description Midrange Storage - Enhanced Midrange Storage - Enhanced

File Dedicated Services File Utility Services

Scheduled The Parties will mutually agree upon any required Scheduled
maintenance Downtime.
windows as
required by
ES to
for storage
Availability Availability of 99.999% availability*
storage *Requires client host servers and the storage device to have
infrastructure redundant network connectivity.
, measured
exclusive of
downtime or
(NAS) non-
local issues
such as LAN,
Recovery Local Copy Self-service restore based on last successful backup.
Objective Database N/A
Retention Local Copy The local copies will be taken nightly and the nightly copies will be
retained for 7 days. Weekly copies will also be taken and retained for
2 weeks. These copies will be available for self-service restoration of
files by the User of the data.
Note: If the volume is running low on space as a result of increased
rate of change, the Snapshot auto delete option will automatically
delete the oldest Snapshot copies on that volume.
Retention will be determined by the DBA based on the use of the
clone in the development and test environment. The ES DBA will
perform the creation of the clones and any restoration activities.
Resolution Critical fault: Estimated time to repair will be provided to Customer within 3 hours of
of critical Serious fault identification.
faults failures that
cause data to

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Feature Description Midrange Storage - Enhanced Midrange Storage - Enhanced

File Dedicated Services File Utility Services

Scheduled Scheduled The Parties will mutually agree upon any required Scheduled
Maintenanc maintenance Downtime.
e windows as
required by
ES to
Customer will Two (2) week notification with Customer able to defer schedule up to
be notified thirty (30) days.
when this
window will
be utilized
and result in
down time or
Duration Up to 3 hours; If additional time is required, time frame will be
negotiated with Customer.

Frequency Monthly

1.7 Calculation
(Provide a description and appropriate formula for calculating the performance related to the
Service Levels this section may also be used to define the bonus/mallus regime IF
APPLICABLE, provide a calculation for each of the service levels defined and number, etc.)

The availability calculation is based on the availability measurement and performed

as follows:
1. Determine UPTIME HOURS (uh) for each Server
uh = (mah - pdh) udh
2. Calculate AVAILABILITY PERCENTAGE (ap) for each Server
ap = (uh/(mah - pdh)) * 100

(Total Downtime Excluded Downtime)

Availabili ty 100 *100
Hours of Operation per calulation period
1.8 Service Conditions
The following events either (i) will not be used in the calculation of any service
level objective, or (ii) will excuse ES's performance to the extent any such
event impacted ES's ability to perform:

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a. Planned outages, scheduled maintenance, and external events, such as

a network outage or router outage.
b. Any act or omission on the part of Customer, its contractors or vendors,
or any other entity over which Customer exercises control or has the right
to exercise control, including the failure of Customer to perform its
obligations or responsibilities.
c. Customers applications, equipment, or facilities including any third-party
equipment other than equipment furnished by ES as part of the Services.
d. Interruptions not reported by Customer or for which no trouble ticket was
e. Circumstances that are excused under the Agreement.
Exemptions [fill in as necessary]

1.9 Service Level Measurement

(Describe how the service level will be measured for example by what tool,
how often, how the measurement will be presented to the customer)

a. Availability will be calculated on a <calculation Period> basis, but

reported and reviewed as defined under services boundaries. ES will
analyze the Storage Availability data to determine the cause of the
various outages that occur. Only Storage Availability outages that are
caused by and fall within ES's area of responsibility and are controlled by
ES will be subject to this objective.

b. Measurement Definitions:
(Provide explanations for the measurements used)
The following definitions and steps are used in determining Storage
Availability Percentages.
a. For SAN, ES storage service level objectives and availability are
measured from the switch to the storage infrastructure. If there are single
points of failure in the related server services, such as Host Bus Adapters
(HBAs) or a servers inability to perform a path failover, such outages
are not subject to the storage availability target. In order for Storage
Services to achieve the defined availability objectives, a minimum of 2
physical HBA cards are required with path failover capability to comply
with the dual-path connectivity requirements.
b. For NAS, ES storage service levels and availability are determined from
the network switch to the storage device itself. If there are single points of
failure in the related server services, such as network interface cards
(NICs) or a servers inability to perform a path failover/load balance,
such outages are not subject to the storage availability target.

c. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
a. ES Midrange Storage base SAN services are designed to service
smaller, less space-intensive applications. Customers wanting to use ES
Midrange Storage base SAN Utility Services are required to submit their
proposed data plans for review prior to installation to ensure that the
services and platforms that comprise the ES Midrange Storage - base
SAN Utility offerings are appropriate for their use. Solutions that change
without prior written notice may incur further Prices charges relative to the

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movement of the data to an appropriate storage platform and/or services

b. ES Midrange Storage - base SAN services solutions are designed to be
fault tolerant and can withstand failures of certain internal hardware
components. However, the potential exists for some performance
degradation when circumstances create a situation where a service path
c. ES requires dual-path host connectivity to the storage and/or network
infrastructure and server path failover capabilities.
i. For SAN, ES storage service levels and availability are measured
from the switch to the storage infrastructure. If there are single
points of failure in the related server services, such as Host Bus
Adapters (HBAs) or a servers inability to perform a path failover,
such outages are not subject to the storage availability target. In
order for Storage Services to achieve the defined availability
objectives, a minimum of 2 physical HBA cards are required with
path failover capability to comply with the dual-path connectivity
ii. For NAS, ES storage service levels and availability are
determined from the network switch to the storage device itself. If
there are single points of failure in the related server services,
such as network interface cards (NICs) or a servers inability to
perform a path failover/load balance, such outages are not subject
to the storage availability target.
d. For Hosting Service Line offerings where a single dual port card provides
the redundant SAN connectivity for a server, the storage availability SLO
is not applicable. The application availability metric must then default to
the Hosting Services offering availability SLO. Storage Services is not
responsible for managing the risk of HBA failures.

d. Failure to report in writing any changes made to an environment can

result in an increase in monthly charges to accommodate the change and
may include moving Customer to a dedicated (On-Order) Archive
Storage, Midrange Storage or Enterprise Storage platforms at the
Customers expense.

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3 Pricing
Resource Unit Manager (RUM) tool for more information about the
standard customer invoicing and billing - http://rum.itcs.ES .com/rum/?
RememberMe=false ]

1.14 General
For the Services provided in this Solution Pack, Customer agrees to pay the
charges specified below, and to pay or reimburse the other costs specified as
Customer Responsibilities.

1.15 Expenses
Customer will pay or reimburse ES for reasonable travel and travel-related
expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by ES in connection
with ESs performance of the Services, including any purchases by ES on
behalf of Customer, ES will invoice Customer separately for all such
expenses which invoice will be sent by ES to Customer and will include a
reasonable description of the expenses.

1.16 Currency
Charges will be invoiced and payable in United States Dollars (USD) unless
otherwise agreed.

1.17 One Time, Non-Recurring Charges

[Drafting Note: This section and the following section are specific to larger
outsourcing deals that include a Transition and Transformation period. This
pricing structure may not be applicable for all offerings and can be replaced
with the appropriate pricing structure.]
a. Charges for Transition and Transformation: Customer will pay ES the
charges set forth below for the transition and transformation Services
described in the Statement of Work for each transition and
transformation period noted below.

Period Monthly Charges

1. [first day] to [last day]

b. Charges for Time and Materials: Customer will pay ES the charges for
time and materials not established in the charges above, using the
following rates during the periods noted above.

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[Name of Service or Hourly/daily rate*

Resource Unit]

Consultant 1
Consultant 2

*Rates are based on hours/day, which excludes meal breaks, travel time or
c. Charges for Milestones or Deliverables: Customer will pay ES the
charges for the milestones/deliverables described below completed by
ES after Customer accepts the milestones/deliverables under the
acceptance process for milestones/deliverables described in the
Statement of Work.

Milestone/Deliverable Monthly Charges


1.18 Recurring Charges

d. Recurring Charges: Customer will pay ES the following recurring
charges for the Services.

[Service Feature/Resource Unit] [Hourly/Daily/Monthly]


e. Time and Materials (T&M): Customer will pay ES the charges for time
and materials not described above in this Recurring Charges Section,
under the following rates.

T&M Resource Hourly/daily Rate*

Consultant 1
Consultant 2

*Rates are based on hours/day, which excludes meal breaks, travel time or

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1.19 Charging Adjustments

[IMPORTANT NOTE TO TEMPLATE USERS you need to determine how
you want to handle ESs right to modify rates.
Heres suggested language if you have a pricing index adjustment clause in
your agreement: ES has the right to modify the rates set forth herein pursuant
to the terms set forth in Section [fill in].
Heres suggested language if your rates are tied to a standard ES price list
and you want to have the right to modify the rates to be in line with the price
list: The rates set forth in this Pricing Exhibit reflect the current ES standard
price for the Services. ES has the right to modify the rates billed for the
Services upon thirty (30) days notice if the ES standard prices list for the
Services is modified.
If you do not have an adjustment clause already in your agreement, heres the
minimum language you should include in your deal: The rates set forth herein
are applicable for the Services provided during the initial service term only.
ES has the right to modify the rates set forth herein upon the expiration of the
Initial Service Term.]
Usage-Based Charges:

[Authorized pricing will be produced directly from ES pricing in COMPASS.

The format of this section will be completed as pricing is finalized by the sales
team. If contract term is greater or less than three years, Pricing will have to
be revised to custom]
Prices from COMPASS are good for 5% plus or minus volumes listed.
Under each <Service line/Offering/Package>, list the Service
Line/Offering and Package. For example: Storage/Enterprise/Bulk,
include SAN ports as one of the <Service Line/Offering/Package>.
Under <GB Volume>, list the expected volume from the COMPASS Price
Report. Listing several GB Volumes allow for growth and reduction in GB
Under <Price per GB>, list the price from the COMPASS Price Report for
associated GB volumes over the multiple years of the contract.]

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1.20 Termination Charges

3.1.2 In the event the Customer terminates this Solution Pack, other than for cause,
in accordance with Termination clause of the applicable Module Terms, then
the following will apply:

3.1.3 After ES receives notification of a termination for convenience, Customer

must pay the following termination charges: [Drafting Note: Add Termination
Charges if appropriate.]

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Storage Management Services Solution Pack

4 Definitions
Whenever used in this Solution Pack, the words and phrases listed below will
have the following meanings:
Allocated GB means the amount of storage that is provisioned (allocated) to
a given server (SAN) or file system (NAS).
Archive Storage means the function of the Services as described in this
Solution Pack.
Availability Data means the unprocessed data related to Storage Availability
for a specified customer.
Availability Objective means the value identified as an availability target by
storage offering tier.
Availability means the amount of time the Services are available per month,
excluding time for routine maintenance and other such activities as
specifically described in Section 2 (Service Levels).
Change Management means the process responsible for controlling the
lifecycle of all changes, enabling beneficial changes to be made with
minimum disruption to the Services.
CIFS means the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol.
Consumed GB means the additional storage required for holding changed
data in relation to the clones.
Efficient GB means the amount of storage that could be provisioned when
the Useable GB has had efficiencies applied. The efficiencies applied for
Midrange Storage - enhanced NAS include deduplication and thin
GB means a Gigabyte of storage, which is 1024 Megabytes or 1,073,741,824
ES Data Center means the ES facility where the Services are performed.
ES Help Desk means the services provided by ES under a separate
Statement of Work which provides level one assistance to Customers end
Instance means a primary image to a secondary image that operates
independently of any others.
iCSI or Fibre Channel means protocol systems that are not available under
these Services.
LAN means the local area network.
NAS means the network attached storage.
NFS means the Network File System protocol.
Occurrence means a detected event that causes the storage to be
inaccessible or non-operational.
On-Order means the Service model provided in this Solution Pack that
utilizes dedicated, non-leveraged equipment.

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Operational Window means a time window, during which an infrastructure

service is considered to be operated without providing an interface to the
customer other than the infrastructure itself.
Phone Home means the ability for a remote vendor to access the network
outside of Customers LAN for the purpose of getting additional vendor
Raw GB means a measurement of disk storage. It represents the non-RAID
capacity of a device. This is also referred to as JBOD (just a bunch of disks)
storage. For example if 10GB of RAID-1 disk, which has 2 copies of data,
were represented as raw storage, it would be 20GB of raw storage.
SAN means the Storage Area Network.
Scheduled Downtime means an outage which has been planned in advance
by Customer or ES.
Services means the Storage Management Services as set forth in this
Solution Pack.
Snapshot means the last place in time a backup was successful.
Term means the duration of the Agreement for the Services, beginning on the
date services begin and ending on the expiration or termination date.
Total Downtime means the elapsed time between the time the down event is
initially detected or determined to exist, and the time the storage is
T & T means the transition and transformation period of the Services where
implementation and testing activities are performed.
Useable GB means the reference to how many GB are available to be
allocated to applications and users, as provisioned as NAS shares or SAN
Utility means the Service model provided under this Solution Pack that
utilizes leveraged equipment.
Utilized GB means the measurement of how many GBs of storage have
been consumed from what was allocated. For example, if a user or system
was allocated 1TB of storage, and then consumed 250GB of that storage, this
would represent 250GB of Utilized GBs.

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