Bruce Lee's Top 10 Rules For Success

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Bruce Lee s Top 10 Rules For Success


He is widely considered to be one of the most influential martial artists of all

time. He did more in his short life than others do in a lifetime. He is often c
redited with helping change the way Asians were presented in American films. He s
Bruce Lee and here are his Top 10 Rules for success.
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Bruce Lee s Top 10 Rules For Success
The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering . Bruce Lee
No feat of martial arts is more impressive than Bruce Lee s famous strike, the one
-inch punch. Lee was able to land an explosive blow that could knock opponents f
rom just a single inch a way. I wish I could see it live, sadly all we have now
is Youtube videos of this amazing punch. So when you demonstrate your skills mak
e sure to impress others and no one will forget you!
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and l
ook for a successful personality and duplicate it. Bruce Lee
Don t go out and try to duplicate successful people, you can learn from them, but
always be yourself. People will see through you if you try to fake it, so focus
on being you and you will be able to connect with people on a deeper level.


The doubters said, Man can not fly, The doers said, Maybe, but we ll try, And finally
oared in the morning glow while non-believers watched from below. Bruce Lee
Don t let doubts take over your life and have faith in your abilities, because you
can! You have to believe in yourself when no one else does!
A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dre
aming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expands, I contract. When
he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit, it hits
all by itself. Bruce Lee
We need to become yes people (almost). Say yes when you perceive these prompts.
Say yes to new life. Say yes to experience. Don t say yes to everything, though, s
aying yes to every opportunity will burn you out completely. Trust your gut, it
will take you down the path that is right for you.
Read more on this topic at How To Take Advantage of Opportunities in Your Life
All of the time people come and say; Hey Bruce, are you really that good? I say, Wel
l, if I tell you I m good, probably you will say I m boasting. But if I tell you I m n
o good, you know I m lying.
Confidence is the key to success in every area of life. If you are not confident
, others won t believe in you. And if you are not confident right now, don t worry c
onfidence can be learned, it comes with practice the more you practice in a part
icular area the more confident you become!
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water. Now you put water into a cup,
it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put
it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be w
ater, my friend.
It is the complete and unconditional acceptance of the self. Where the self itse
lf melts and becomes formless, fluid and flexible. When you attain that state, y
ou are water!
Though, Jeet Kune Do is not thousands, or even hundreds of years old, it started
in around 1965 by a dedicated and intensified man called Bruce Lee. And my marti
al art is something that no serious martial artist can ignore. Bruce Lee
Jeet Kune Do, abbreviated JKD, is an eclectic and hybrid style fighting art heav
ily influenced by the philosophy of martial artist Bruce Lee, who founded the sy
stem in 1967, referred it as non-classical , suggesting that JKD is a form of Chine
se Kung Fu, yet without form. What we can learn from Bruce Lee is that we can cr
eate our own art. Don t be afraid to break the rules and to use your creativity!
Source: Wikipedia
I fear not the man who has practiced 10 000 kicks once, but I fear the man who ha
s practiced one kick 10 000 times. Bruce Lee
Focus on getting better and improving every single day. Step by step, day by day
but it requires commitment and if you don t commit you won t reach your full potent
ial! So stay on track and grind every day.
Don t think. FEEL. It s like a finger pointing at the moon. Do not concentrate on the
finger, or you will miss all of the heavenly glory. Bruce Lee
To think, you tend to examine. To feel, it s more instinct. To feel, means to be a
ware. To think, means to asses. If you just feel you wont have any prejudices. Y
our culture and everything that your world has taught you is not in practice. Some
times common sense is wrong. If you would just feel the situation (in fighting f
or example) you might come to a different conclusion than if you were to think.
It means to be sensitive. To unlearn what you have learned. That s why he said don t
think, feel .
If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it wil
l spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only
plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. Bruce Lee
You are the only person that has control over your life and you hold the keys to
success. You are the one in charge and you have the power to either make it or
break it. You ve probably heard countless times that you only have one life, one o
pportunity and that life is relatively short thus, you need to live to your full
est and while that is cliche it s true. So don t be afraid to dream big and as Bruce
lee said In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.

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