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Plantys helps clients achieve best-in-class

performance through rapid Industry 4.0 deployment

| MES | Alarm Mgmt | BI | ERP, LMS | Server Mgmt | OSIsoft | Consulting |

This document is frequently updated. Please see the latest version

at v1.007

| Copyright 2017 Plantys Technologies | | |

Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 (also known as Industrial Internet, Smart Manufacturing, Digitization and merging of IT & OT) signifies that we are
on the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution.
This leverages cyber-physical systems, IoT and cloud computing to achieve a breakthrough increase in productivity.

Virtually all of the economic growth in the

WHY next 50 years will come from Industry 4.0
INDUSTRY 4.0? Historical Future
19642014 201565

Total = 3.5%

of the worlds current work

Productivity 1.8% Digitization
50% activities can be automated
with CURRENT technology
growth impact
Total = 1.5%

Employment 1.7%
Historical precedent - Farm employment 1.4%
dropped in USA from 40% in 1900 to 2% in 2000

of the potential value from Industry 4.0 is captured in the manufacturing sector, leaving behind 70% value
The greatest progress has been made by digital native companies like Google, Facebook and by
companies using location-based services & in retail
30% Only a few manufacturing companies for whom digitization is not the core expertise have been
successful in fully leveraging Industry 4.0 e.g. GE, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari F1, and Union Pacific
Leading companies such as GE & Siemens now see themselves as data companies

New answers to new questions e.g.

o Entirely new business models e.g. with new digital platforms such as Uber, Facebook, etc.
WHERE IS THE o Combining Information Technology and Operations Technology to create value in new ways
OPPORTUNITY? Enhanced decision making - enabled by next generation, interactive & self-service visualizations
New answers to old questions e.g.
o Machines and computers handle most of the value chain autonomously
o Automation of work that was previously done manually e.g. as shown below

AUTOMATION Automation potential

Managing Applying Stakeholder Unpredictable Data Data Predictable
others expertise interactions physical work collection processing physical work
[Not covered by Plantys] [Not covered by Plantys]
9% 18% 20% 25% 64% 69% 78%


7 11 8 24 21 12 17
5 13 8 8 22 11 33

7 14 13 19 23 13 12

6 19 23 <1 16 34 3

1. Many of ideas in this brochure are developed based on the research by McKinsey Global Institute see
Note that automation of physical work is not covered in this brochure because Plantys doesn't have expertise in this field.
Industry 4.0 - Opportunity scoping
The opportunities will vary depending upon the type of industry, but it is useful to classify them into 9 major categories to
facilitate the process of generating ideas.
For the manufacturing sector, Plantys recommends using the McKinsey 'Digital Compass' to identify the most
promising Industry 4.0 opportunities.


Category Opportunity
New business model New revenue streams from digital economy
New e.g. comparator websites, peer-to-peer energy trading
New offerings/markets Expand value for customer through new digital markets or products
(e.g. Uber (digital markets), 3D printing (products)
Sell/retain Use digital engagement & advanced analytics for targeted acquisition efforts
Existing Deliver a seamless customer experience and use analytics to maximize
Serve customers
revenue customer stickiness and reduce churn
Front-end process Redesign customer journeys in a customer-first & design-led way by
streamlining challenging preconceptions & finding digital solutions e.g. zero-based design

Talent management Use online talent platforms to raise productivity & attract employees

Internal Sourcing optimization Use digital tools to increase competitive tension (e.g. through e-
operations auctions) and enabling targeted collaboration
& Use back-end process automation to rapidly identify & address pain
Backend streamlining
processes points and unmet needs
Improve safety, reliability and efficiency across an organization through
Asset optimization
automation and analytics - continuous improvement


10 - 40% Maintenance cost reduction by

Virtually guided self-service 3 - 5% Productivity increase by
Remote Maintenance Smart energy consumption
Intelligent lots
Real-time yield optimization
20 - 50% reduction in time to market by
Rapid experimentation & simulation Service/ Resource/
Concurrent engineering Aftersales process
Customer cocreation/ open
innovation 30 - 50% reduction in downtime by
Time to
market Remote monitoring & Control
utilization Predictive maintenance
85+% inc in Forecasting accuracy by / demand
Data-driven design to value match
Data-driven demand prediction
Quality Labor 45 - 55% productivity increase by
Remote monitoring & control
10 - 20% reduction in cost for quality by Inventories Digital performance management
Advanced Process Control Automation of knowledge work
Digital quality management

20 - 50% decrease in inventory by

Real/time SC optimization
Industry 4.0 - Opportunity Functional design
For each identified opportunity, 5 key elements should be analyzed.
Additionally, the 20 best practices below are based on experience across a variety of industries and are recommended
to be used at the functional design stage of the opportunity development process.


Value Data Modeling Workflow Adoption

Proposition Ecosystem insights Integration

Define business Aggregate Derive Redesign Implement

need & how solution internal & insights & processes & & track
will be used external data test heuristics new workflows adoption


Category Best Practice

Scoping What will data and analytics be used for? How will the value be measured?
How will the insights drive value?
Focus on 'Journeys' for digitization (both customer & internal). A journey starts at the first
Focus on
interaction & finishes when the task is finished
Prioritize the top 10 Journeys for implementation

Lean Process For the chosen journey, streamline the business process first, so that non-value
Redesign added steps can be eliminated

Incorporate data and analytics as a core strategic vision. Treat data as competitive
Run a number of initiatives in parallel. Adopt a test-learn-improve approach with quick
prototyping to deliver fast results
Strategy Work with small teams that should include the client stakeholder who understands the
business problem deeply.

Augment analytics team with outsourced IT & analytics experts (these are in short
Aim to modify organization behavior by a deploying new workflow software (rather
than a procedural change management program)
IT structure Implement 2-speed IT infrastructure (#1 Fast cloud based for development,
#2 Legacy for operations)

Aim to collect all the data covering customer interactions, supply chains, equipment,
and internal processes.
Data Cleanse & integrate data from multiple sources. Use 'data lakes' if needed
Capture all relevant data - from any source including data that is 'fuzzy'
Process data as close to the source as possible
Don't just try to automate the current manual process, reinvent it. Try to visualize what
could be possible. Run scenario testing to test different business models
Deconstruct &
develop Identify all the processes and break them down to activities & sub-activities
Brainstorm and identify inefficiencies at each stage
Implement programs (SQL, etc.) and machine learning to
o Eliminate manual tasks
o Calculate KPIs
o Automate best practices
o Develop visualizations for insights
Develop insights in near real-time & deliver in user-friendly format
Implement Embed the new model into the organization through the client stakeholder
Industry 4.0 - Plantys Framework
Plantys uses a common development framework that is applicable for any business model (from Financial
Services to Oil & Gas).
The conceptual diagram below shows the architecture, data flows & UI/ UX. A few use cases are also shown.
Key features of this framework are a) automated workflow, b) seamless, 'live' integration of automatically
updated data from various databases with user-entered data, and c) virtually unlimited ability to automate
any best-practice, KPI or standard.


>10 USE
Tags Attributes Actions
(KPI's, Benchmarks, Best Practices) (incudes Action, Actionee, Follow-
up Date & Comment)

Alarm Management DCS/ SCADA Tag Standing, Disabled &

+ Parameter Frequent alarms User created action
Process Monitoring Auto-created action based
Any parameter on a configured rule
Equipment Monitoring Limit exceedance
Any calculation ERP Notification number
(either entered by a user or
captured in a database)
Any equipment tag Automated Exception
reporting Permit number
Operator Log Any calculated (- entered by a user OR
Maintenance Log parameter Manual Exception
reporting - Tag + Permit# association
captured in an external
Notifications open for > 6
Functional Location months
ERP Notifications
Function locations with >
Management 3 open notifications
Plantys has unique capabilities in this area and can offer a truly best-in-class solution.
Often clients use simplistic visualizations that are unable to leverage the rich information that is already
available in data for decision making.

VISUALIZATION Plantys has expertise in developing visualizations using various software packages.
SOFTWARE The choice of software package to use depends on various factors e.g.

For a very rich and complex interactive visualization D3.js is the best choice.
Power BI is very powerful and easy to use, but depending upon client's existing
licensing of Microsoft products, the Power BI software may either be available free of
cost or entail a significant expense.

D3.js Power BI DevExpress Caleydo Tableau

Plantys starts with a team discussion involving the client's personnel in order to understand the requirements
and then come up with the best design.
Some features are
Story-telling approach
Selective disclosure of information by drill-down capability
Interactive e.g. ad-hoc pivot table, OLAP, selectable tags & time-range
Self-Service dashboard
Update with live-streaming data
Mobile access
Plantys has developed an extensive library of visualizations. Some of these are based on the best practices
employed in a broad-range of disciplines. Very often there are use-cases where such visualizations are a
perfect fit and add a significant value above the alternative.
(Visualization experts and data scientists are in short-supply globally. Plantys is particularly strong in this area.)

Big Data Analytics
Plantys leverages advanced analytics techniques such as big data query, machine learning, predictive
analytics, data mining, and natural language processing using Google, Microsoft and IBM platforms.

of worlds data has

90% 1%
of that data has
been generated in been analyzed
BIG DATA ? the last 2 years
Again, companies like Google & Facebook make the best use of analytics because of
their native capabilities. But most of the technology is easily and cheaply available.

Big data analytics enables

Improvement in core operations by coming up with optimal solutions using techniques that were just
not possible earlier
Generating entirely new business models that were just not imaginable earlier (e.g. the network effect
that creates the business model of companies like Uber)


Orthogonal data Hyperscale digital Personalization Data driven Enhanced Massive data
finds insights from platforms Granular data can be discovery & decision integration
independent can match buyers and used to personalize innovation making
datasets sellers in real time products & services
e.g. in healthcare

Machine learning has applicability in Use cases

Recognizing known patterns Provide customer service

Generating & understanding natural language Manage logistics
Enhanced sensory perception Analyze medical records
Optimizing and planning Write news stories
Open IoT, ERP, CRM, LMS | Server Management
Plantys works with a few leading open source partners in some key areas such as IoT, ERP, CRM and LMS.
These open-source software are being rapidly adopted in the industry in view of the fast innovation, large
developer community and lower cost of ownership.

Open Source real-time historian and IoT platform

Plantys recommends and works with Influxdata platform both as an open source
real-time historian and for IoT applications.
InfluxData supports millions of writes per second, meeting the demands of even the
largest monitoring and IoT deployments. With native clustering, InfluxData offers
high availability eliminating single points of failure and simple scale-out.

Open Source ERP & CRM

For new ERP and CRM applications, Plantys recommends and has expertise in the
following software
ERPNext (light-weight and infinitely extensible)
Odoo (used by large companies such as Toyota and Hyundai)

Open Source LMS

In the LMS (Learning Management System) space, Plantys has expertise in the
following open-source development platforms
Fully customized LMS using any PHP framework (e.g. Laravel, CodeIgniter)

Plantys can arrange a demo for any of the above applications

Server Management
Plantys offers turnkey sever management both in the cloud and on client's premises. Our services include
migration, application installation, backups, disaster recovery and security administration. In all cases, we
offer 24/7 live phone and chat support with customer support ticketing management.

Plantys provides turnkey Cloud Solutions from most major providers including Google, Amazon, Microsoft,
Rackspace and Digital Ocean. Services include design, deployment, infrastructure optimization & security,
while covering both Public and Private Cloud.
Plantys also supports Hybrid and Multi-Cloud environments. Hybrid-Cloud environments (that include public/
private cloud, dedicated servers and on-premises servers) make sense in certain scenarios.
o Application Optimization - Certain tasks run best or at lowest cost in certain platforms.
o Sometimes the cost of migrating legacy apps just for the sake of standardization isn't justified.
o Sometimes it is better to go for Hybrid Cloud environment just for the sake of vendor diversification (to
avoid Vendor Lock-in).

Office & Microsoft Exchange mgmt | Database management | Website solutions

Fully installed Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access, OneNote on up to 5 PCs/
Macs per user
Unlimited 24x7x365 support | Free email migrations to Office 365 | OneDrive with 1TB storage/user | Office
2016 on phones & tablets
Exchange with 50GB mailbox | SharePoint and Skype for Business
Yammer | Active Directory Integration | Intranet Team Site | No Long-Term Contract | Start a 14-Day Free Trial
Database management - MS-SQL, MySQL, etc.
In order to be a single-source vendor, Plantys also provides Domain registration, SSL Certificate, Enterprise
website development, E-commerce solution and Digital Marketing.
OSIsoft Development
With more than 15 years of expertise on the OSIsoft platform including custom applications deployment, Plantys is able to offer
the full range of OSIsoft services including developing any visualization, reporting or information integration application.

OSIsoft Expertise Overview

Plantys experience with OSIsoft technologies goes back more than 15 years. In 2002 Plantys developed and
implemented an application for Multivariable Process Control monitoring on the OSIsoft platform. The
publication Analyzing APC Performance gives details of this application.
Our flagship product, 'Plantys Alarms Suite' works on the OSIsoft platform and can integrate with any ERP,
permit or similar system.
Plantys is a member of OSIsoft Developer's network.

Typical custom applications OSIsoft System Integration services

Data visualization and business intelligence solutions PI system design
Asset information and reporting systems PI installation and configuration
Asset management and decision support systems Software development including ACE,
Root cause analysis tools AF, etc.
Condition based monitoring and proactive maintenance PI Asset Framework
Alarms and events analysis tools PI ACE

Key differentiators of Plantys solution

Synergistic software development exploiting the relative strengths of OSIsoft platform, open source
technologies (including MySQL, Java, Angular) and Microsoft technologies (.Net, MS-SQL) in order to best meet
the client's needs.
Next-Gen HTML5/ JavaScript User-Interface provides lightning-fast, touch-first, flexible controls for enterprise
Web based interface that works on any device (tablet, smartphone, PC).
Works both on a enterprise-only network or across the internet with proper authentication.
Decades of domain knowledge and expertise in the process industry.
Plantys believes that each client's requirement is unique and hence the best solution for that client is also
unique. Rather than force-fitting the client's needs to an off-the-shelf software product, we believe in delivering
a custom solution that leverages the latest technologies to meet the desired requirements exactly, without any
unnecessary bloatware.
In addition to the previous items, Plantys offers consultancy in a few niche areas where it has the expertise.
These areas include DCS/ SCADA graphics design, Custom software development and LNG project

DCS/SCADA graphics design

With a deep understanding of the state-of-the-art in Graphics, combined with decades of worldwide experience,
Plantys is in a unique position to do an independent assessment and advise the best way forward for Graphics
implementation/ upgrade.

There may be deficiencies in graphics due to several reasons

o Graphics may have been built before the ASM consortium's recommendations were published,
o Graphics may have been built with P&IDs as the only guide, as opposed to following ASM
recommendations and best practices for high performance HMIs,
o The right object library (typicals, dynamos, etc.) may not have been used either due to lack of
availability or due to time pressures in meeting deadlines,
o Graphics may have been developed offshore using a standardized one-size-fits-all approach with
inadequate opportunity for client input.

Graphics deficiencies could lead to several problems

Additional operating positions are needed versus what is required with well-designed graphics. (Note that the
proper way as per EEMUA-201 is to first do an operator task analysis, then determine the number of screens
needed and then only determine the number of required operating positions).
Potential regulatory non-compliance with EEMUA-201 and ISA-101 standards. (Note that in the 2005 BP Texas
City incident, poor operator graphics were found to be one of the contributory factors that led to the accident).

Plantys value proposition

Our best practice is to have only a few overview operating graphics that are displayed at all times. The operator
should be able to work off these graphics 98% of the time. The rest 2% of the time, the operator would need to
drill down to a more detailed graphic.
This approach is generally achievable in all DCS systems provided the graphic objects are managed carefully
so as to display the maximum relevant information while still keeping the data loading within the DCS limits.

Custom software development

Plantys has domain expertise in custom software development and is on the forefront of exploring &
implementing new technologies. We can develop virtually any application on any platform. This is
possible by virtue of our extensive network of specialist developers and partners around the world.
One of our custom applications is 'Multivariable Control Performance Monitoring' as described in
the publication Analyzing APC Performance.

LNG project consultancy

Plantys has some unique expertise & insights for LNG projects design, execution and operations,
specifically in the areas of Instrumentation, Controls and Operator Training Simulators.
Plantys Alarms Suite
Plantys Alarms Suite is a typical implementation of our Industry 4.0 framework.
Delivers continuous improvement in alarm performance as a part of routine plant personnel tasks. This
is made possible by incorporating the 'breakthrough' Automated Work Flow process.
Provides a comprehensive solution for every aspect of ISA-18.2 Alarm Management Lifecycle - includes
master alarm database, big data analytics, training, philosophy development & rationalization.

Current Industry benchmark for Alarms - Unacceptable & Unsafe !

Generally, all of the process industries are severely non-compliant with the alarm KPI's as per ISA-18.2 (see
table below). This puts both the personnel and plant assets at risk.
The onus is thereby on the management to do everything possible to comply with the standards and ensure
plant safety.
Plantys will work with you to deliver the best fit-for-purpose solution.

ISA Oil & Gas PetroChem Power Other

Average Alarms Per Day 144 1200 1500 2000 900

Standing (stale) Alarms 5 50 100 65 35

Peak Alarms per 10 min 10 220 180 350 180

Average Alarms/ 10 min Interval 1 6 9 8 5

Distribution % (Low/Med/High) 80 / 15 / 5 25 / 40 / 35 25 / 40 / 35 25 / 40 / 35 25 / 40 / 35

Alarm Visualization and automated workflow

Transforms Alarm KPI data into rich visuals using a live dashboard that helps monitor the business health
and spot trends.

Provides a single, unified, live interface for all plant personnel - Management, Operations, Engineering,
Maintenance, Shutdown planners, etc. This is made possible by having a continuously updated list of all
alarm bad actors (e.g. frequent, standing, disabled, flooding) along with all relevant information.
Shows the current and historical information for all actions taken for resolving an alarm issue. These may
be text actions, ERP notifications, permits, etc. and can be added manually or automatically.
Automatically highlights any non-compliances, overdue & missing tasks.
Enables users to update actions, actionee, follow-up date, etc. as needed.

Shows day-wise historical alarm performance of the tag for last 30 days in the form of square glyphs (as
shown on next page). The different colors of the squares indicate the type of alarm on that day.
Additionally, a comment can be made for any of these glyphs just by clicking on it with the presence of the
comment indicated by a black square around i
Overdue dates are indicated in red, missing actions for bad actor alarms are indicated by a red underline, etc.

Breakthrough Automated workflow

All changes are tracked by automatically capturing the username and the date change was made.
This process automates the workflow between the groups because each group (Operations, Engineering,
Maintenance, Shutdown planners, etc.) can view all alarms in their area, find non- compliances and then take
Historical info is available by clicking on the tag's hyperlink. This brings up a pop-up window as shown below.

Other features
Any KPI, standard or best practice can be configured in system. This automates previously manual tasks.
The unified interface also enables proposing, editing and approving alarm help, alarm disabling and
operator shift handover tasks.
Can interface with any ERP system (e.g. SAP), any permit system or any similar database so as to provide
latest information on the current notifications, etc.
Can serve as the repository for all alarms, events and operator changes, even replacing or augmenting the
DCS/ Historian for long-term data storage.
Generates rich interactive reports that are also accessible from mobile.

Alarm Big Query

Enables easy querying of years of alarms & event data. Can include process changes if needed.
Can use simple SQL like query or even natural language query to greatly facilitate ad-hoc analysis.

Master Alarm Database

A master alarm database is required as per the standards - ISA-18.2, IEC-68262 and EEMUA-201.
The following features are included.
o Change management of alarm parameters including change tracking and approval management.
o A tool for facilitating systematic alarm rationalization process and documenting the results.
o Customization specific to the DCS or SCADA make.
o Caters to both individual parameter changes as well as standard/ heuristic based bulk changes.

Big Data Alarm Analytics

The analytics application mines historical alarm data to automatically identify redundant alarms for
possible removal. This application is based on the following publication.

"Large-Scale Industrial Alarm Reduction and Critical Events Mining using Graph Analytics on Spark" - By Sam Ade Jacobs
2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Big Data Computing Service & Applications

Other Alarm Services

Audits of alarm performance (pre- & post implementation).
Automated alarm suppression.
Alarm philosophy development. Big benefits are realizable by reclassifying Alarms as Maintenance Alerts.
Remote alarm services e.g. weekly audits and action tracking.
MINING - Industry 4.0 opportunities
In Australian mining sector, digital can increase profit by 30% to 60% and reduce cost/ton by 20%. This will be
enabled primarily by the end-to-end integration of real-time performance monitoring, optimization, and control.

Value Chain

Sourcing & Mine planning & Drill &

1 procurement 2 Exploration 3 development 4 blasting

Loading & Processing & Outbound B2B

5 hauling 6 refining 7 Logistics 8 Commercial Sales

Machine Learning opportunities

Forecasting Resource allocation Predictive analytics Discover anomalies

Interpolate ground Optimize mine plans Replicate human-made Identify root causes for
composition to reduce based on drilling decisions in control room low product yield
necessary exploratory samples, past sites, and environments to reduce Determine root causes
drilling samples other data cost and human error for quality issues
Predict future demand Optimize resource Predict failure and developed outside of
trends & supply chain allocation in R&D and recommend proactive manufacturing
constraints manufacturing maintenance
Identify design problems
in pre-production
Optimization (Real-time) Process unstructured data
Identify critical factors to
Optimize complex Detect defects and
manufacturing process reduce experiments for
quality issues during
in real-time R&D
production using visual
Optimize R&D and other data
experimental efficiency

Automation opportunities

Data Data Stakeholder Applying Managing

% of work that can be processing collection interaction expertise Others
% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution
% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

Work is classified into






activities with % contribution

towards the overall work.
Green highlights are the ones
with significant opportunity.

Production Superv 2 67 Superv 11 91 Superv 1 45 Superv 3 16

Transportation Superv <1 100 Superv 2 78 Superv <1 27 Superv <1 37 Superv <1 67
Office & admin support Superv 4 79 Superv 2 87 Superv 3 23 Superv 1 5
3 70
Installation & maint Superv <1 91 Superv Superv <1 54 Superv <1 59
Sales & related Superv 1 47 Superv <1 68 Superv 2 17 Superv <1 42
Management CXO <1 99 CXO <1 2 CXO <1 43
Business & financial ops Buyer <1 30 Buyer <1 16 Buyer <1 4 Buyer <1 5 Buyer <1 23

Computer & math IT Analyst < 1 71 IT Analyst <1 86 IT Analyst <1 11 <1 16

Architecture & engr Engr <1 50 Engr <1 31 Engr <1 6

Optimization & planning Laborer <1 100 Laborer <1 86 Laborer <1 56 Engr <1 100
--- 2 66 8 <1 9
Other <1 63 --- <1 31 Laborer 1
OIL & GAS - Industry 4.0 opportunities
Major gains are expected to come from increased productivity and safety e.g. by automating tasks & removing
workers from hazardous locations.
Also, data analytics enable predictive maintenance thus reducing costs by up to 75%.

Value Chain

Oil/ gas field Transportation

1 Exploration 2 services 3 Production 4 & storage

5 Refining 6 Marketing 7 End users

Machine Learning opportunities

Forecasting Resource allocation Predictive analytics Optimization (Real-time)

Predict energy demand Optimize blend and Replicate human-made Optimize complex
trends based on multi- timing of raw materials decisions in control room process in real time
modal data in refining and similar environments to reduce determine where to
processes cost and human error dedicate resources to
Predict supply-chain reduce bottlenecks
Identify root-cause of
Predictive maintenance low product yields
Price and product Predict failure and
recommend proactive
maintenance for
optimization equipment
Optimize aggregate
pricing and promotional
targeting to energy

Automation opportunities

Data Data Stakeholder Applying Managing

processing collection interaction expertise Others
% of work that can be
% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation





Work is classified into

activities with % contribution
towards the overall work.
Green highlights are the ones
with significant opportunity.

Production Superv 2 67 Superv 11 91 Superv 1 45 Superv 3 16

Transportation Superv <1 100 Superv 2 78 Superv <1 27 Superv <1 37 Superv <1 67
Office & admin support Superv 4 79 Superv 2 87 Superv 3 23 Superv 1 5
3 70
Installation & maint Superv <1 91 Superv Superv <1 54 Superv <1 59
Sales & related Superv 1 47 Superv <1 68 Superv 2 17 Superv <1 42
Management CXO <1 99 CXO <1 2 CXO <1 43
Business & financial ops Buyer <1 30 Buyer <1 16 Buyer <1 4 Buyer <1 5 Buyer <1 23
Computer & math IT Analyst < 1 71 IT Analyst < 1 86 IT Analyst <1 11 <1 16

Architecture & engr Engr <1 50 Engr <1 31 Engr <1 6

Optimization & planning Laborer <1 100 Laborer <1 86 Laborer <1 56 Engr <1 100
--- 2 66 8
Other <1 63 --- <1 31 Laborer 1 <1 9
POWER - Industry 4.0 opportunities
As per McKinsey study, Power is one of the leading sectors for ease of capturing big data. The opportunity
is most significant for Transmission and Distribution.

Value Chain

1 Generation 2 Transmission 3 Distribution 4 Trading

5 Retail

Machine Learning opportunities

Forecasting Resource allocation Predictive analytics Optimization (Real-time)

Predict energy demand Optimize specifications in Replicate human-made Optimize specifications
trends based on multi- construction for power decisions in control room in construction for
modal data generation equipment environments to reduce power generation
based on previous data cost and human error equipment based on
previous sites and other
Predict lifetime value and relevant data
Price and product Predictive maintenance risk of churn for individual
customers Optimize energy
optimization Predict failure and scheduling/dispatch of
Optimize aggregate recommend proactive power plants based on
pricing and maintenance for power energy pricing, weather,
promotional targeting generation equipment and other real-time data
to energy customers Optimize complex
process in real time
determine where to
dedicate resources to
reduce bottlenecks

Automation opportunities

Data Data Stakeholder Applying Managing

processing collection interaction expertise Others
% of work that can be
% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation





Work is classified into

activities with % contribution
towards the overall work.
Green highlights are the ones
with significant opportunity.

Production Superv 2 67 Superv 11 91 Superv 1 45 Superv 3 16

Transportation Superv <1 100 Superv 2 78 Superv <1 27 Superv <1 37 Superv <1 67
Office & admin support Superv 4 79 Superv 2 87 Superv 3 23 Superv 1 5
3 70
Installation & maint Superv <1 91 Superv Superv <1 54 Superv <1 59
Sales & related Superv 1 47 Superv <1 68 Superv 2 17 Superv <1 42
Management CXO <1 99 CXO <1 2 CXO <1 43
Business & financial ops Buyer <1 30 Buyer <1 16 Buyer <1 4 Buyer <1 5 Buyer <1 23
Computer & math IT Analyst < 1 71 IT Analyst < 1 86 IT Analyst <1 11 <1 16

Architecture & engr Engr <1 50 Engr <1 31 Engr <1 6

Optimization & planning Laborer <1 100 Laborer <1 86 Laborer <1 56 Engr <1 100
--- 2 66 8
Other <1 63 --- <1 31 Laborer 1 <1 9
PHARMACEUTICALS - Industry 4.0 opportunities
Major gains are expected to come from increased productivity and safety e.g. by automating tasks & removing
workers from hazardous locations.
Also, data analytics enable predictive maintenance thus reducing costs by up to 75%.

Value Chain

Ingredient Product
1 R&D 2 Sourcing 3 Manufacture 4 Warehousing

Order Customer
5 Management 6 Management

Machine Learning opportunities

Forecasting Price and product Predictive analytics Discover new trends/

optimization Predict outcomes from anomalies
Predict product
demand, relevant health Optimize design of clinical fewer or diverse (e.g., Identify target patient
trends & supply-chain trials, including label animal testing) subgroups that are
constraints writing and patient experiments to reduce underserved (e.g., not
selection experimental R&D costs diagnosed), and
Identify high-value and time recommend mitigation
Resource allocation providers and target to market strategy
Optimize resource marketing/product mix Predict risk of individual Discover new alternative
allocation (e.g., reduce Optimize product launch patient churn and applications for
search space, prioritize strategy based on past optimal corrective developed drugs (i.e.,
drugs) in drug launches & relevant data strategy to maintain label expansion)
development using adherence Optimize complex
Optimize pricing strategy
disease trends and other for drug portfolio process in real time

Automation opportunities

Data Data Stakeholder Applying Managing

processing collection interaction expertise Others
% of work that can be
% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation





Work is classified into

activities with % contribution
towards the overall work.
Green highlights are the ones
with significant opportunity.

Production Superv 2 67 Superv 11 91 Superv 1 45 Superv 3 16

Transportation Superv <1 100 Superv 2 78 Superv <1 27 Superv <1 37 Superv <1 67
Office & admin support Superv 4 79 Superv 2 87 Superv 3 23 Superv 1 5
3 70
Installation & maint Superv <1 91 Superv Superv <1 54 Superv <1 59
Sales & related Superv 1 47 Superv <1 68 Superv 2 17 Superv <1 42
Management CXO <1 99 CXO <1 2 CXO <1 43
Business & financial ops Buyer <1 30 Buyer <1 16 Buyer <1 4 Buyer <1 5 Buyer <1 23
Computer & math IT Analyst < 1 71 IT Analyst < 1 86 IT Analyst <1 11 <1 16

Architecture & engr Engr <1 50 Engr <1 31 Engr <1 6

Optimization & planning Laborer <1 100 Laborer <1 86 Laborer <1 56 Engr <1 100
Other --- 2 66 8
<1 63 --- <1 31 Laborer 1 <1 9
FINANCE - Industry 4.0 opportunities
In the finance sector, most benefits will come from applying advanced analytics to managing risk, driving
new products and improving core operations (such as credit underwriting, customer segmentation, and risk
& fraud management).

Value Chain

1 Purchasing &
2 Risk
3 positioning 4 Cash flow

Short-term Payments &

5 investment 6 collections

Machine Learning opportunities

Forecasting Radical personalization Predictive analytics Discover new

trends/ anomalies
Predict asset price Evaluate customer credit
movements based on Personalize product
risk using application and Identify fraudulent
data to inform trading offerings to target
other relevant data for less activity using customer
strategies individual consumers
biased real-time transactions and other
based on multi-modal
underwriting decisions relevant data
Resource allocation data (mobile, social
media, location, etc.) Predict risk of loan Discover new complex
Optimize labor staffing & delinquency and interactions in the
distribution to reduce recommend proactive financial system to
operational costs in front Predictive maintenance maintenance strategies support better risk
and back office Predict risk of churn for Route call-center cases modeling and stress
Optimize branch/ATM individual customers/ based on multi-modal data testing
network based on diverse clients and recommend (e.g., customer preferences,
signals of demand (e.g., renegotiation strategy audio data) to increase
social data, transactions) customer satisfaction and
reduce handling costs

Automation opportunities

Data Data Stakeholder Applying Managing

% of work that can be processing collection interaction expertise Others
% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

Work is classified into

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation





activities with % contribution

towards the overall work.
Green highlights are the ones
with significant opportunity.

Office & admin support Superv 6 76 Superv 3 77 Superv 5 25 Superv <1 4

Business & financial ops Buyers 2 36 Superv 1 12 Buyers 1 3 Buyers 3 15 Buyers <1 7
Personal service Superv 1 23 Superv 2 44 Superv 1 1 Superv <1 36 Superv 1 1
Computer & math IT Analyst <1 10 <1 16
Management CXO <1 99 CXO <1 3 CXO <1 44
TELECOM - Industry 4.0 opportunities
With telecom business in slow decline, digitization provides an opportunity for companies to increase
profitability by up to 35% by rebuilding market positions, reimagining the business systems, and creating
innovative offerings. This is achievable by applying advanced analytics techniques for reducing customer churn,
making better marketing-spend decisions, improving collections, and optimizing network design.

Value Chain

Telecom Network Network Subscription &

1 Infrastructure 2 Equipment 3 Operator 4 Devices reseller

5 portals 6 Subscribers

Machine Learning opportunities

Forecasting Radical Predictive analytics Discover new

Predict regional demand personalization Predict lifetime value and trends/ anomalies
trends for voice/data/ Personalize strategy to risk of churn for individual Discover new trends in
other traffic target individual customers consumer behavior using
consumers based on Optimize call-center mobile data and other
multi-modal data routing for individual calls relevant data
Resource allocation (mobile, social media, (fewer agent-handled
location, etc.) calls)
Optimize capex
Predictive Maintenance
investment across Replicate financial
network Price and product planning and other costly Predict failure and
Optimize field-force labor optimization back-office functions recommend proactive
allocation optimization
Optimize micro- maintenance for fixed
campaigns and short- (substations, poles) and
term promotions moving equipment

Automation opportunities

Data Data Stakeholder Applying Managing

processing collection interaction expertise Others
% of work that can be
% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Contribution

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation

% Automation





Work is classified into

activities with % contribution
towards the overall work.
Green highlights are the ones
with significant opportunity.

Transportation Superv 1 100 Superv 6 82 Superv 2 47 Superv 1 38 Superv <1 79

Office & admin support Superv 5 76 Superv 2 85 Superv 3 32 Superv 1 3

Installation & maint Superv <1 85 Superv 3 58 Superv <1 64 Superv <1 54
Production Superv <1 74 Superv 3 86 Superv <1 62 Superv <1 19
Business & financial ops Buyer 2 20 Buyer 1 7 Buyer <1 12 Buyer 3 5 Buyer <1 15
Construction Superv <1 85 Superv 1 79 Superv <1 14 Superv <1 16 Superv <1 26
Management CXO <1 99 CXO <1 1 CXO 1 43

Other Cartogr 4 50 Surveyr 3 10 Cartogr 6 8 Surveyr 2 1

Plantys value proposition

Proven Industry 4.0 execution methodology and development platform.

In-house development platforms for IoT, Big Data Analytics, Business
Intelligence, OSISoft, Open ERP and Open Historian applications on Windows and Linux
Virtual Private Servers.
Use of future proof technologies. Almost all of the code of our applications are written
in relational database (MySQL and MS-SQL). In a fast changing technology
landscape, this ensures that the applications can quickly be migrated to virtually
any platform.
Plantys continuously researches the latest technologies & software partners available
in the market. Some of our most promising offerings often come from other domains e.g.
from medical research field for data analytics & visualization.
Development outsourcing partner - Plantys has the right skill-set for
progressing multiple pilot project initiatives under a 2-speed IT architecture as
recommended by McKinsey study.
Personnel outsourcing partner - Plantys can supplement client's IT & automation
experts under an outsourcing model with primary focus on two most talent scarce
o Business translators - who bridge between IT and OT domains
o Data scientists and Engineer specializing in Big Data and Visualization

For more information or for a demonstration, email us at

Plantys Technologies Pty Ltd Plantys Technologies LLC Plantys Technologies

10 Old Jacaranda Way, 337 Garden Oaks Blvd, #25549, #301, L-1A, Oakland Park, Yamuna Nagar,
Subiaco, WA-6008, AUSTRALIA Houston, TX-77018, USA Mumbai, Maharashtra-400053, INDIA
Phone +61 413 852 047 Phone +1 832 426 3500 Phone +91 8850 733 170

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