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5/16/2017 ESS SA 1 Earth's Interior | Schoology

8th Grade Science: Bell 3

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ESS SA 1 Earth's Interior Submissions Enabled Grade: 20/25

My Submissions Test/Quiz

Andrew Erbacher Submission 1

1/1 Question 1
Which describes the temperature of Earth near the inner core? (1.3)
a. hotter than the temperature at the crust

b. cooler than the temperature at the crust

c. the same as the temperature at the crust

d. more changeable than the temperature at the crust

1/1 Question 2
Which must be true about Earths crust? (1.4)

a. It is hotter than Earths deeper layers.

b. It has most of the metals in Earths composition.

c. Its rocks make up most of Earths mass.

d. It is less dense than Earths mantle or core.

1/1 Question 3
Convection currents, which may be the driving force for the movement of lithospheric plates, are mostly
found in Earths ________________. (1.5)
a. crust

b. mantle

c. outer core

d. inner core

0/1 Question 4
Which is the correct order of the earths layers starting from the inside and going outwards? (1.3)

a. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

b. mantle, crust, outer core, inner core

c. inner core, outer core, mantle, crust

d. continental crust, oceanic crust, mantle, core

0/1 Question 5
The core contains the densest elements. What does the word dense mean in this sentence? (1.4)
a. far apart

b. not that bright 1/8
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c. closely compacted together

d. very thick

1/1 Question 6
Which of the following about the Earths layers is NOT true? (1.3)
a. Each layer varies in thickness

b. Each layer varies in composition

c. Each layer varies in temperature

d. Each layer is both liquid and solid

1/1 Question 7
Put the following statements in order of how convection currents in the mantle move. (1.5)
I. The material that moved up cools and sinks back down into the mantle.
II. The bottom layer of the mantle material rises and spreads horizontally.
III. The mantle material near the core is heated.
IV. The bottom layer of the mantle becomes less dense.
a. IV, III, II, I

b. III, IV, II, I

c. I, II, III, IV

d. III, I, IV, II

1/1 Question 8
Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between density and depth of material below
Earths surface? (1.4)



c. 2/8
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1/1 Question 9
The lithosphere is used to describe which layers of the earth? (1.3)
a. Crust only

b. Crust and the Core

c. Crust and the Upper Mantle

d. Upper Mantle and Core

0/1 Question 10
The cross section represents the pattern of seismic wave movement away from an earthquake.
Point W represents a location at the boundary between two layers of Earths interior. Points X, Y
and Z represent seismic stations on Earths surface.

Which data best describes the depth below Earths surface and the density of Earths interior at
location W? (1.4)

a. Depth: 60 km
Density: changes from 3.4 g/cm3 to 5.6 g/cm3

b. Depth: 600 km
Density: averages 4.5 g/cm3

c. Depth: 2900 km
Density: changes from 5.6 g/cm3 to 9.9 g/cm3

d. Depth: 6100 km
Density: averages 11.1 g/cm3

1/1 Question 11 3/8
5/16/2017 ESS SA 1 Earth's Interior | Schoology

The diagram below represents the seismograms of this earthquake recorded at seismic stations X,

Y, and Z.

Which table best matches each seismic station with its likely seismogram? (1.1)





1/1 Question 12
The difference between the arrival time of P-waves and S-waves at a seismograph station is used to
determine the... (1.2)
a. magnitude of earthquake. 4/8
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b. distance from the epicenter.

c. depth of the focus.

d. intensity of earthquake.

1/1 Question 13
The cycle of material heating, rising, cooling, and sinking is called a ___________________.(1.5)

a. subduction zone

b. convergent boundary

c. convection current

d. conduction current

1/1 Question 14
What instruments do scientists use to measure earthquakes? (1.1)
a. seismogram

b. seismograph

c. Richter scale

d. seismofinder

2/2 Question 15

Make a claim about the interior of the earth and support your claim with evidence from the graph. (1.1)

knowing that S waves can only travel through solid matterial the gap in the graph for the secondary wave is that it is
passing through a liquid material. The primary wave is also slowing down in liquid material ( the more dence material.

1/2 Question 16
Explain what causes convection currents to occur. Be sure to clearly explain the role of temperature and denisty. (1.5)

The convection currents is the circle of the magma riasing up and cooling down at the surface and sinking back down
into the mantle. This is how scientest can study the material at the depths of the earth.

3/3 Question 17
Use the 3 seismogram recordings of an earthquake and the P and S wave arrival time interval graph to answer this

Seismic Station 1 5/8
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Seismic Station 2

Seismic Station 3

P and S wave Arrival Time Interval 6/8
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1. How far away is Station 1 from the epicenter of this earthquake? b. approx. 540 km

2. How far away is Station 2 from the epicenter of this earthquake? a. approx. 440 km

3. How far away is Station 3 from the epicenter of this earthquake? c. approx. 680 km

3/4 Question 18
What information would a seismologist need in order to determine how far they are from the epicenter of an
earthquake? On the diagram below, which letter would represent the epicenter? How do you know this is
the location of the epicenter. What is this method called? (1.2)

The method for finding trianglation is that there needs to be three sismicstations in range of the earthquake. The
epicenter of the earthquake is located at C. The reason this is, is because the circles all connect at that point.

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