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NOTE: This page was originally observation notes for my other

Year 11 class, but when the lesson was moved to late that day
it became my impromptu lesson plan.

Year 11.1 Hospitality

Club Sandwich Practical:

This is a component of the students current TAFE SA unit.

They are assessed against a strict marking criteria that is provided by

This lesson will be repeated with the 11.3 Hospitality class and I will run
the lesson.

Welcome students
Aprons, wash hands meet at front bench
Recipes on the front bench for students

Introduce myself
Introduce the practical simple practical, but component of TAFE unit.
Strictly marked, consider hygiene, clean bench, presentation.
Use the visual on the board drawn up by Mrs Young

Verbal instruction
Ask students which coloured boards they think they should use
- Bread white
- Veg green
- Cooked meat yellow
- Raw meat red
Ask students what shredding lettuce is
When talking about cutting the sandwiches, ask which knife to use

Use thermometers to check the temperature of the meat

Half way through remind students to think about presentation get their
plates ready.

Once finished, move through to table in the other room

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