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Heath DeGuzman

Style Steal Draft (His Name was Pete)

His name was Toby. He was just a beast, a 9 -year-old monster, still
childlike, running around the grassy fields in the starry nights. But during
the day he was mistreated with anything but kindness by human beings.
He was just a beast. He couldnt do much to change his fate, though
all his life he had hoped for the pain to cease: --torture (his attempts to
live in peace were thwarted by people- the real monsters, the ones who
would crush him on the outside without feeling any sense of guilt); lack of
affection; loneliness and isolation due to fear and the constant search for
a single being that would accept him for who he is. And one who would
never dare to put harm onto him. That is what he lived through. But that
is too much for any innocent being to endure an entire lifetime but
enough for one to end their life.
Yet, as innocent as he was, being a monster on the outside to
everyone killed him-everyone would mistreat him for who he was. But
Toby didnt do anything wrong to deserve this. He lost his spirit; he had it
ripped from him and with that, his hope. He was standing on a cliff
thinking about the purpose of his life, to finally, after nine years, give up.
He shouldnt have looked down. He grew more scared, threw away his
reason to live, drew closer to whats at the bottom. Perhaps he didnt see
death at the bottom but instead saw his final resting place. To say that
humans were scared of him is a bad excuse because that brings the
question of equality and certainly no one who was afraid of something
would torture that being day after day, let alone a being who did nothing
to get this treatment in return because next time Toby might be a human
child who was tortured that is against the law.
No, the humans hated those who were different: that was the
reason. Perhaps Tobys appearance was too different that no one
considered to have feelings like they did. That is why no one felt wrong to
treat him this way. And if they didnt feel wrong for doing this, naturally
they would have tortured him even worse; besides in the end, Toby was
just a pool of blood, hair, bones, and tears at the bottom of a cliff and
anyway no one was there to witness so how could any of the humans be
expected to experience his pain?
But Toby has forgiven them. In his nine years of life he had never
experienced anything but harm from human beings; he would gladly give
the rest of his life for everlasting peace.

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