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FREINfORNEC: minnie aicas. | Se. AND: ToeIR Oc VEROAO. —SintéOLO. x oly x 0 of 0 £ —O_140_ apt Lada (eau ToBI. 02 veKCOD: —_sitteOlo. eT , oO + 1 itt a) Slo zea Toaa O verdad: ‘SiNieQlo ea ” ES aie =p v 7 teste ls Sete pe SOLO nies siméolo apy Fe NE Fes eae 1. LOOM FENCIcn “o. SMC =e b. GG=a 3, yhvolocion a=a 4, recreate. 02 aBsokCCA @ at+ap=a ‘a 04 (Otb)=O. ’ 6, 2 Torkotia 02, aBsckcGn ib =O+b Come 6, 3. OCR. 02 aBsoRLCN oat lao ase y= Boe a4 e ratio. Oe BsofcIon Gis. oe ance (Gb). (tc) 6 ae do + ee a alae ean (arate), 4 eS Mh Xi ae. ot KEK Qe Am DEC. k= KPO, O-.A0) + Fup Pt AAO, eel vat aR ROMO ge fe i Xv t ¥e% = (ax) RN atone: Tala, Oe OM NePODO cA ANY 5 fecestan 0 010 Mono crt— xl ost Pieris que rs 2 oli Br'se hewera. Valo tay 52 Ponte Wicialmentia We el eCuWua| de ta, ap Mer tot 8 co aS FRY txek = + = (GH) GOR) = eps (AER eyEONO, mse: ce ‘ § > e % ALY a © Blt 8 flo 1 00 tafe ath 105, 16 Save PRL eI REET ABT ARTE = ROCF RBYEC = NERS = - Bt (HO -[et Sgita, Ct cor Paka. dh. ERs eS, MO. al sane to SUG ob Cameonewdes dis Saas -sOSCSD0C ae ~ MawOERGTCOS 02195 fownllas. | hort ete | Sopra cee NP RESISTOMOS | TH sinwonto. ie'g 3 AVOS wee sate ees en a pe AANA, € KK(9601, 69 sat Nee Pe or nos a4 bs es. See mH wpe Pree Ge ih Bees ete: ae Sasn F451 Bae Bas, OSs ee eens tea Gone S Bo SO 4 veres, SAIS on Gases ag S22 a gee OME 3 Ne- eS Meus, os OSfOSi- Ta deere Yat Sale fcif edo WM ytd Buaeo sas Was Bulsexes 10 fomilia TL et PaOnon: me eae a Geurteye ,to= Sakune Eg s 4AGOD .34R32. See | COVA Tos MOS" CoPios NONPer> Ge a eer er ees pes Aes aed ig tues lo. ots, mas ch S nenie reat ie to. AY Setib Fie oN, sees eo aia wane? olen Pordo , tO" uv BRO, rAtieT 5, i oe ae SoH *e ee user fa ot ge lls, eee Ax, COM t1oMfes, ie. Wak pee aig or Cry Be ics So a Rae Volociogo owt Gone lav COS, CANWELES [6600S TTL Sees fin } |. * [net a vs | RR Rafcwterfos 34 as 34a 344 Tantwon? “40h | 2QUAT 200m ]-204k Teiand Vora | Oama} 2th | COMA Lewes | ameh foam | 2th | 400 | tecinia [rena | ent | aome | Bh | ietatana NIVELES Idecos CMOS Age] V6 wel] 0 wo ag) RFA) Repent) | oe | wu} [oO odgeo| top. eao |e, 3.3y_ NW ty De ANC tens [9433 | 79 3 tan |12 24 24 | 4 24 B eae CONGR. 9F apie ae: iaguelict_aanclact mM i | _ TecKo- ia [it | ce ae ote en $8@ el las ee Pee e Kt Nets Nell ten GR pacer ees a Bh TIL © ole forencia —> (1) \o ms Kae 8 TIL SCHOTTKY = (5) Le y TTL 02 AITO WeloCi0A0 — (1) Baca eg TIL SQOTIRY ALaYtEICA— (AS) St eh 0, repo, pO ‘ce TL steuns ce ea retag ovan- or RACES es 8, 0° | Ser rele ieee Nh Now © Tow TTL SRHCTTEN 00 Bayp fOTENCIA > (1s) A | as ge BUR Ia: tee RRO > Ye Sa. ReRs\s AV i sone See we a .. Soho 7 os no ss BoHeR rR-€000 gi fe a et YO = Lem t bon 2 a mace ee Se necesito airps. se se see "Ms \Q go 20o” St Silc, lO; O}] Oo] oO iO} 1} ';o Tlof to tne cd Kcowores. D> MG FAL = NOB = (A Ab (ABD Cus Rib CEOITO, ‘ eae ok eee TOF Plawieat im Risto sO Bice eeeoas i eases ees lo oT OO] 0 | 10Ba 2 eID lojojr ii] Ie|1 | oj' lo life joy t *bolo|' |e | rlofrye}t rr yotel | | wie elit CRUE. oy = Pec eR, FAT. 1 OC. | Cay = he FACTS | aR uITS aD, Gonsate 7 = Nionans az SMe, ae 1 fee 10 CON en" caso Mo! Se £080 Que Di A>B ol iy Repose, Sefci comente el Complement presse. ose “al emugleider s ee sie es cus os Meco potas com ae fy i—— bre / ; pe 2 pete “ gs / F 22 | we : ae : e kn tot} lo oe ald get SPOS iva) sonny eel RET MrROS SON ale Bus KEATON Suyadok, eu eco e Pa eee epee eeeeee BSR AL RIOGR Oh Fo GABE Z Come os 2 niOcice: SIO. WOR SN Se 9 sg an SaaS See 08) awolewrart Straced a Biches oe ‘ao BO a Co ra (OI KONO SOG wal Bi METI OD ei cig, a = . ConsolTaR 0d Mouut del 0M745181, 50 uone > no 2 oad, 1a) Wo= O= O- 8=O=6-5-5-0-oF alo o!- 7 00-~ 0080--99--00) InQoSe--~~cos000----od 145.5000 S00 - -BQ509000- - lo 600 2090 G0-- --- = ---- lo-o-'9- 9-0-0 -0-0--0-d loo- -00--00--00--0--d we lOO0@- ---9000- ~--000-4 lo 00a0000-- --- ---0 000 ENG Gi Kk lo00000 0000000000- --4 lornMemurnr9=2>sEsrag K+ 2ed4 + 2o22 c ed MoagerR ane Smeeor IMR SuACDoR ORL PRiMeh SomoncoR ea Si Get Keo Gn 28 eS S> 2% eS Sa & e Tete = G@a0s> 00 of 2Cein (AC cated EB, —enrkedes 06 opehucuh ocrwo alte) Dende) NoNeRO Cones ae SNe aH, 0-53 + Solecewsa Oe exifodas 2 B pees icCasS st 6 \ me mM Mode 02 COnigol. 02! & 6rS. a : Ca = ClearkReD” 02 urRatba re SE eo or Fanci 00 sale factwues a1) se GACURIIRE en eso) Alto EF acagteo quagrodo de sala See one ai seo ef = Sadie Compofadora % = geateo 0 in do Saul (aghver cht od) Grea = Care de saicler © ak&erlo tomewacional oe SSO RED” Seale vena pe, wi callie “of PriCOIOR 14S), a eae Peyicie FARES OG ae Se CuuRRS ers FACS YES pI GS TROD OR 1S Be ALCS ORF WONERO, Btak1O nb ago ie cog € ccalouer CRI OR ITMET— Eo (eget. COR WUMeFOS D2 n-biD B= tArihnce, ede B-(Bn-16n-2iBohz, ta. cau Bees | lo E Sexy = a eae cae go ¢ a 5 : 5 : & | igs ‘ave vies gure 7620) 2 BLUM use n-6 Peerecscerererze & seerersecereerre yp aan eetereererssrrer saree AH mics Ps ed + ry For! Ona ym Bites ‘ yee ee a Ree Bens ae Asie aah ore mania ne GOESn? oe ch get Che eae gee ears mane ee Uf ee eg & Liv ce wed odie a EAC achoas MOS eG UO. [nece, | Sete a, Crea ra as ‘ BO Ssigenc ie | ins 5S Was, Fone tag a 8 wie OBL ecg WOOK (ORWOQO je Fie OS VnGOs GOCIONaK oy TRA, ccs fERNITER se ne a SS a rel ah a oY &! sid acho, Sl, Dispos oO Oeics. ice eee HES BR wer comers ENIPAOAS. Sadi. Ev or 4565 TRARTG Ee | WURKKKKAAA [HHT ROW L hhh JA BA; HL Lkxcacace (LLt{e jt eaxxxxcn [LCaP ew | t JAaKKXLWH [LALT EL kh jb [kdee Luh [Uma pe ow | ot ieee bok ow [ALLE UW Db ke lithe [ALA] GW L [xl hhnn [RHE] Lo ® L itLhhhehwd [Ape |e A i & ewrkncas. sauous ECED) 5 ERTRADAS WOCH WES BUeeU OHa "Sad eed ead aah 6521 COAG Ot menos Hay Orci eu cel HOB LTC. €= a Radke oc) ( o " Ol! Ali re “Wggunga ees) Noeig| aueapte eee 5 SR, cee ae . Pes ioe eres gees, ‘Age avo wae’ fea 1 fue ou an tone pees bates spire a sew ct day Besos En a Be, = T_ewa guy Bes ee en ea ae raion ee dos FABIAN: me 5 on CROIO St OM SE rice Te Be os: DCS Ae Sate 02 Sula, Segoe ARB i eh PRINS : A Ce re ee, ote ee PRES Bitioee ie be 1S cers a CIANeMIe Gi = 1, G20>0,E2b=O TORIC Ce veRoad Te [is Pee [Ya Ne Ne TNs. iY: Stole tty ye ped Ofojr frpoyrye jr fe \ Olr jo tej! ofr jefe ‘ opie dela de fofe fe fade "Yolo fe file fe loteie ss HTP jo fit i LLP feds vie ft et uta OQ. ©. DSOROF, a cfeane «ca fg, BORE EERE tS Wot se omurtak O% Meooh@a- Ook, IIegPODO re @ 2 g ao agepat eee aies 3 1150 Saar w . Mk McmIpeXcR 5 on opifeoto ieigico eRe, Ea a » a on, CE ECIO Si Kigke wee. So \ Mao 68 Ea aoe bet es dase / bos . ¥ 7 eed ene Puan SS one eo ee Re oe SOS es 1o5_ Hoe oe fi 9 fo fa fl = Peep) es ate Be Son ane J. masa. / ‘Sud kes Be of Gato SHO a 3 oe: fe Waor a bh oe Es ©Gn ios Yk sOlo. elas | RISES ol a | TOL Scalyocn amy | Guile =k Baal ee eeedeR. BY Ee a 5 Avemrcce FR Ep ae ae w ope ; poi On ee es N eee | & igo beter at Rae oO. te Ses tae Ae {Sg Bee Se aR a compere, f Recise, lca wifoeute- IS A COUARTIER Bina O ECD. | 10, AOAC Mente (as aie MOOS eS SoBe Cuneo oa) | Cty 7442, 7449 Y 7440. cl 2 eS on Seeophroacee 0 @L Mo SEA. ero LE FORMIG ee eee | BRA C1000 _ cont. cei | err la -[e meXoe [a 8 0 Ie ron, | j-- --- - - -0090009007 MeOH, nepal clo Isto Pals Aree aie HnSIe Al cikeo ewan | | ww MuVo epi, ok ae ssl a sf | 3. Fapu et Hp-Hop S@ Crag, EswociLAA | (AMOS JE WAEMMCA UN oonnertacl? Lecce HERP NY TIA. BE forCONG Ma A PRO to C2 alimentae” on Ee CReo ts, eo Se Seth Be 4 GIO WRC a ee El ccyWoIO- a $e Enon eloreye WacciNCO OE 6 Bo HoRG pe cOrfaR Rote READ- | esi situate no es Ocseabe BAe et ° Oat Ge FecIHE: ta somal, Com el ERCOMO -Ehimyirock Oe PebcrE> L Solucota 2t ; PFOB.OMG, }2—_- A008 ¥ 2 B S.exieve la ofefacdn 02 on FF Oe Ty woestep COGASO ue. NS ASPOSICAGH os CLOr IC GRE ix aoe Oo ines Se ConsTRyo oS 110 Bue ae Ne fe esclavo, waesy. UAT eee SLB Lo oe" BESS naptna ol Soest Dessetincs “eh Be te ws 1Oy OG ANG OS “eae wha Wei e FF Noes PO, tuauoo_ el Pol emncl PRBOMOME’ a CRO 5 Ces Me HESS Wo cent ey Oc JO Ghecr Qn ENROJAS ce Nets SB hagstna et Cette, envoncers bl Sela MA Oat wigNO “aie det ween. EL com@Rrantiento Col FF MOeSIFO-eS~ Clove tece” Gee las dingo oe inlO Canadian & la hasta Oo Flaweo FegedhuS woes coclewwe a bn re es « u a f Me a? wie oid. 1 a « o 6 ° 1-8 wsihe are @ ve Owe ov ° ae a SNS Bee Sos Coweta Hi Oo Om ao 0 a) On =O. 9, WORSE | Soto cL AR Defiwa. [Beem Lf 5 5a} M8 | upcopge 3 fener teliok"ines Bee. “| a f | : fe soe rg FESR ncicis 02 IOS GAeS re s RN eels a" Ws eurtodas & 16 CRPEPNOR ala: seales, Gthesponoctn IT Reatee Bue f1op. Rett) y Rol2) > Se ORs COMO © | cout OL nne- se wea eRe. GO & Pikes wm Koj bass 6:0 Ro c oO oe i Oo 1 oO 2 olan 3 et) 4 1 om $ | 5 ‘0 & } oy e | "934. Us93 Hone Cr ae ‘court seouence a ies CIT Fag Cre elas (Sue note ANRCAMD count Ou oe RECS CROCS Conn ae se COLIGR, LO Saioa On con rfouun 0“ feloy Cpe YX SE rpeenwe eg? CHAU NYG, A tO RIO Jafeunn foal Cuomo Gy > SECU CERO es Se LOG. NeNEaE | eh" COHNED lye cefo “wwueameure, ace (fo. a WX, se chltcs ei a | ey Yon Bepoy Ce sinc cn i lnc nn Pa 4 myents | = 2a 1s, 9341599 __neseicount Foon Tae [Rébermeuts| —outeur oni Rota) [8506 O8 On| st | owe RITA te ore, oe ESIC CORD ee een ie Bak, eee eesges e ConToner RR Su BOR Bak Bes PR 6. i ee ABA 6 4-4-8 -G 25 Nia OsoKe on Seo SR, CoCUuTe ce torsonat Se Ge Fores Asp BLES oe eM los ‘Contolores “Con aalqet es, gee PIN CONNECTIONS (tp viow) =nh, PIN DESCRIPTION | ANkaueo” UF en “con coRGA Pew, [Chine | svml0L_| NAME AND FUNETION | praia hak COMIADGR 0251 (e267 Poxwon [rip oupas ea [aD cre cat Down eck Les (CP _| Conn Up Cock ngut = 1) LOAD | Asyncroncus Past Sere s | Lead nga (ace LOD i | CARRY | Gaunt cary = he Cutt (tive LOM | BORROW | cruntOown (Borow Output Active LOW) [TEAR Asyerrnaus eat Lt trp nctve raciy (se3 [ontop Towa ngus__ 3 [ew ana 7 i Lis] vec | Postive vc TRUTH TABLE cout oe | coun Bow | TERE eK Pregl PIN DESCRIF (Thwne 3267 [PTION [ sreor [awe Awo FuNeTION | [ Gate Ob | Flip-Flop Outputs —_ [cr | cent own ce rou [cr cat up Cock net | TARRY cut Up (cary) Oulu cto LOW) BORROW | cout Gown (Boron) thee LOW! EMIS. Of CI_(CON n hep Prana, Tipops que ts tes ‘ura 78210) 8, BaSo.05 Ut; Resist @ ms pora- S000 OA Budee Bone es, egg epee, la Sone ha ead Oe 9 HaSO z ‘eos fst L rout hata inure 7821) segito de Daraelo Qs 2 tad de eo} Stabecer a0 fel sinbolo vec 25 -aR eel qE ¥-|2 1“ mae ° ° 8 0-08 -- 002 on te ats ly le baer ‘19 oe] Of elajotag otter Barst ete ors et8tat ot sts epatet g otehs et orete tate sitet sete eer t4 tee a fi ators Bret “Sola tO] 2 E sb *h = 29 doy ase {ys epee sonpoud wed & y sepernuo se) extquuos ayy eafondue> eur VOTDHYL/”9ISTYDL ‘OTATVUVd NA VOTIVS/3INAS N3 VOVUINA 6T-L soxtofs sown sous esesout 3 00> sus up sovep 9p epuaraysue ered osteo Qe> rd 1p sire stoeingo ON [ojprop epesna 2, v9 194 ei agnpoid as opueno sontaypundsoso>Q Sep Se © Seuep ap suru ‘ red saunas op seuessep ‘toga tsna ehzoed eanly 7 onstas[op sat 1 sopen euouDPe ees} UP (ds ssojqesas tod (ort JOSE/) aN WAS Epes wun ssIEATIM opan 9 80 open Sp osnon un (gc toe i asgte) ISTE hzuzemij ef wasup woueul a sqaastpepise opeua>ette seu 201 [9p ‘tqsosupn sosiu ap od 9p uo dun ous 81@soUeA eee open SUD dog op odd so opqened a wpeorarered us epensa od Ons 1 1 sebesin sv songai sobH9 soar so epuop 2 foesed ue coeur ved e200 95 EST (2120098 0 204 ny ofp SoH SO owe aoa SLUSH oe, ake eee tops op spn 9p tog oy nf te uae 9 opqeaed uo sxep 501 90 Eee wo apnea tg w opted eerie aonb sa deen md evap mee (2 an Ao ee ‘YLIDHVL/PLISTWeL 2 ee a a -OTaTvuvd NB VAITVS/OT3TVUVd NB VOWEINS 91-2 ver ena. l ‘ ENTRADA EN PARALELO/SALIDA EN PARALELO: t 174/74HC74 ' s D5 Bs Di OF Oy Oe 0, 04 01 o Bas cams aks 50-7 70] °01707 suswe. Loe 9 70 fa" soya sone 50] vo paso os oma> 9 «uo soep op wouotojsuen of eind asitage> apand 19 219 “P1EE890 ON {upapurue'y to pod ean eonpou! ax opema sarepundsaio> sep 81 aeons Slpestizse wo varonand 20] soa 91 2P4Op UST snvsap nae: sm estzas@nces ena 99 YORE. ‘ap evorss eouaryeuen ey ered exan a yZIsT¥EE 19 “eso 1 26. lagemg-vraneses aang ez esto] ap fotos 50] at Cnans prude ayaa comare WASTE op co wo mo xi xixtx xtxl xi ia a etl once rant FS ae ete et et a tmp nen (09 ae soe spnes aun oometn oo Foes BTL ELT wa Pop penn etop 294 er 9 bse oo pie eS 1 a ap spe oy 104 102 ayes epeso oeen ne meee ‘imelstn geronnc emer) pce oe oem 8 -— mete ete oe ssn LONE ST Cope en ee eet tt Soe ee gu ene us oven sures sue torre of eS epee Shar o os toy reed uo spyesmarted > epee of one Te ee VLUDHYL/VLIST) wks a |e? ee en ‘Ta TWuyd N3 VarTys/OTATVaVd NA VOVENG snay. Hina SINCRONO DE 3 (BCD) Diagrama de conexién et el ve w2 lea a2 ut ax b 4 13 RC ots wl x26 11 FPL mr whee w-{s ofp ae Ene capcieten ae, ce eo te Sacks, acl 74190: CONTADOR SINCRONO DE DECADAS (BCD) * Diagrama légico + Diagrama de conexién ca eft 6) | B Os Oe 2 18 A c Oe am 3 14 ‘CLK D Oe cE or 13 RC ws alt pox eb ale tn —4 cE Qo 7 10 c up wl ole sf-o , oe semen am ange eve ptt ert = che ig Ce UF f= CURA + 2h), Raz S6K2 — Re= 22K. O-aamS &= Mn’ 12 9,940%s 106 fe 1OUKHE. C= EME. f= 00 Rer2200 * _0- Gams. te gauos aaR0'*s. P= lqorkie Ce Our Rae S6K2 R= 2.20, + © - OA mS. t= ogdxe? - Fax0’s Fe inte @ ome Rae son, f= 2On 3, WO a OSMO eo IO foe ta Base SHOES fora Er ogseomees for Otero '95 Conoxiones Para Ah & (ouTaDOR 02 coe

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