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1. Ubahlah ke dalam bentuk indirect speech!

a. He said, I havent been working very hard these days

Answer : .
b. Susan said, I am listening to the radio in my room
Answer : .
c. He says I dont like wacthing the play.
Answer :
d. My brother said I can teach you English tomorrow.
Answer : .
2. Gunakan present continuos tense atau future continuos tense ke dalam bentuk yang
benar !
a. It (rain) now.
Jawab :
b. Andi (leave) for Jakarta tommorow at 3 pm.
Jawab :
c. They get assignment (paint) scenery at present.
Answer :
d. Next Saturday is a holiday. So john (read) novel at home.
Answer :
3. Answer the question based on preposition of place!
a. Submited the task 09.00 a.m
b. Mr. hadi sitting .the chair.
c. The post office is .. Hospital and cinema.
d. Himalaya is the highest mountain world.
4. Find the meaning sign ans symbol below!

a. b. c. d.

5. Correct the adjective in the right form of degree comparison!

a. Dinas mark is (good) than her sisters.
Answer : .
b. Rurin will be upset. She is (emotional) than we all are.
Answer : .
c. Rayas house is as (farther) as reenas house.
Answer : .
d. Paper is ( combustible) of all the material.
Answer : ...............

6. Train schedule
Bandung ( bandung train station) Jakarta ( Gambir Train Station)

Train Name Class Departure Time Arrival Time

Argo Gede Executive 6.00 a,m 8:52 a.m
Argo Gede Executive 7:35 a.m 10;26 a.m
Argo Gede Executive 10:30 a.m 1;27 p.m
Argo Gede Executive 2:30 p.m 5:24 p.m
Argo Gede Executive 4:15 p.m 7:10 p.m
Argo Parahyangan Executive, Business 5:00 a.m 8:05 a.m
Argo Parahyangan Executive, Business 6:35 a.m 9:45 a.m
Argo Parahyangan Executive, Business 8:45 a.m 11:53 a.m
Argo Parahyangan Executive, Business 12:45 p.m 3:56 p.m
Argo Parahyangan Executive, Business 3:05 p.m 6:05 p.m
Argo Parahyangan Executive, Business 5:05 p.m 8:08 p.m

a. How many different trains can you take from Bandung to Jakarta?
Answer : .
b. What train has two alternative classes?
Answer : .
c. How long will you take the time if you leave Bandung at 10:30 by taking Argo Gede
Answer : .
7. Use the word in the right place verb ing or verb-ed!
a. Most of the students are ........ about their test. Because the result of the test is ......
(surprising surprised).
b. A : Are you being a secretary.
B : Yes, of course. This is an ..... job. (intersting-interested).
c. The accident I saw last week was very ..... so I feel ...... (terrifying- terrified).
d. Dont get ..... with his ..... appearance. (impressing-impressed)

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