Breaking Ground and Personalizing Risk

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What is the power of Risk in the Dramatic Arts?

Class: Drama 20 Date:

Title: Breaking ground and personalizing Risk Lesson Number 1 of 5 mini-unit

Objective of Lesson: Students will consider Risk as it pertains to Drama. Students will
provide personal narratives and demonstrate supportive group work

Learner Outcomes (Program of Studies) Plan for Diversity

Goal 1: To acquire knowledge of self and others Breakout space
through participation in and reflection on Options to write and then speak
dramatic experiences. Partner sharing
Targeted outcomes:
Sharpen observations of people, situations and Materials
the environment Chairs for sharing circle (optional)
Acting: Student workbooks
17. Createanduseaninteriormonologue.

Time Teaching Strategy Student Assessment

Introduction 5 min Introduce and invite Students have Students
(Link to previous learning,
conversation around risk. What journals they participating in
introduction of new does it mean to us? Are there can jot ideas conversation
concepts) different kinds of risks (physical, down, and speak (formative)
emotional) How can we apply to the group. Students
what risk means to us personally identify
to theatre? different kinds
of risk
Activity 30+ Invite the students to think of a Think, (write)
Sequence min time when they took a risk, they pair, share Competencies:
can take a few minutes to write Collaboration
May involve Presentation,
Explanation, Guided this down, or talk to a partner, and
Practice, Independent they can choose their communicatio
experience, but each of us will n (this is a
OR be sharing a story of when we formative
Approaching, took a risk. assessment,
Encountering, Remembering that this is a space Students share however
Internalizing where we are safe, and we are a their story of specific notes
Applying, team, each person will tell their risk and provide will be made
Personalizing, story without interruption, and audience to their should
Transforming, everyone will have a chance to teammates students need
share. I am not assessing your support in
story, but I am assessing how being effective
you support one another. You listeners/
may choose to use these stories audience
as part of your final assignment members
which we will talk about later
this week

Closure 10 Journal entry: responses to this Stream of Can students

(Summary of learning,
min activity, Gut, Heart and Head consciousness articulate their
link to upcoming learning) (how did you feel? What did you writing. experience?
think?) Exit Questions for your
journal: What type(s) of risk did
you take? If you shared early,
would you have told a different
story now? if you shared later,
did you tell the same story you
first intended to tell? Tell me
about that.


Adapted from Alberta Education, Canada, 2008

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