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I. INTRODUCTION stable pH, much time to adapt.

In fact, the shells of

some animals are already dissolving in the more
What is Ocean Acidification? acidic seawater, and thats just one way that
The process by which excess carbon dioxide in acidification may affect ocean life. Overall, it's
the atmosphere dissolves in seawater, giving rise to a expected to have dramatic and mostly negative
decrease in pH and other changes in ocean carbonate impacts on ocean ecosystemsalthough some
chemistry. species (especially those that live in estuaries) are
finding ways to adapt to the changing conditions.
Causes of OA?
1. Burning coal, oil and gas However, while the chemistry is predictable, the
At least one-quarter of the carbon dioxide (CO2) details of the biological impacts are not. Although
released by burning coal, oil and gas doesn't stay in scientists have been tracking ocean pH for more
the air, but instead dissolves into the ocean. Since than 30 years, biological studies really only started in
the beginning of the industrial era, the ocean has 2003, when the rapid shift caught their attention and
absorbed some 525 billion tons of CO2 from the the term "ocean acidification" was first coined. What
atmosphere, presently around 22 million tons per we do know is that things are going to look different,
day. and we can't predict in any detail how they will look.
At first, scientists thought that this might be a Some organisms will survive or even thrive under
good thing because it leaves less carbon dioxide in the more acidic conditions while others will struggle
the air to warm the planet. But in the past decade, to adapt, and may even go extinct. Beyond lost
theyve realized that this slowed warming has come biodiversity, acidification will affect fisheries and
at the cost of changing the oceans chemistry. aquaculture, threatening food security for millions of
people, as well as tourism and other sea-related
2. What happens when there is too much Carbon economies.
Dioxide in the water?
c. Reef building becomes slower, it slows down
a. Water becomes more acidic coral growth.

When carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, the d. Generally, shelled animalsincluding

water becomes more acidic and the oceans pH (a mussels, clams, urchins and starfishare
measure of how acidic or basic the ocean is) drops. going to have trouble building their shells in
Even though the ocean is immense, enough carbon more acidic water, just like the corals.
dioxide can have a major impact. In the past 200
years alone, ocean water has become 30 percent 3. Carbonic Acid
more acidicfaster than any known change in
ocean chemistry in the last 50 million years. Carbon dioxide is naturally in the air: plants need
it to grow, and animals exhale it when they breathe.
Scientists formerly didnt worry about this
process because they always assumed that rivers But, thanks to people burning fuels, there is now
carried enough dissolved chemicals from rocks to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than anytime
the ocean to keep the oceans pH stable. (Scientists in the past 15 million years. Most of this CO2 collects
call this stabilizing effect buffering.) But so much in the atmosphere and, because it absorbs heat from
carbon dioxide is dissolving into the ocean so quickly the sun, creates a blanket around the planet, warming
that this natural buffering hasnt been able to keep its temperature. But some 30 percent of this CO2
up, resulting in relatively rapidly dropping pH in dissolves into seawater, where it doesn't remain as
surface waters. As those surface layers gradually floating CO2 molecules. A series of chemical changes
mix into deep water, the entire ocean is affected. break down the CO2molecules and recombine them
with others.
b. Negative effects on marine life
When carbon dioxide dissolves in this ocean,
Such a relatively quick change in ocean carbonic acid is formed. This leads to higher acidity,
chemistry doesnt give marine life, which evolved mainly near the surface, which has been proven to
over millions of years in an ocean with a generally inhibit shell growth in marine animals and is
suspected as a cause of reproductive disorders in
some fish. Present condition of waters
If the amount of carbon dioxide in the
On the pH scale, which runs from 0 to 14, atmosphere stabilizes, eventually buffering (or
solutions with low numbers are considered acidic and neutralizing) will occur and pH will return to normal. This
those with higher numbers are basic. Seven is is why there are periods in the past with much higher
neutral. Over the past 300 million years, ocean pH levels of carbon dioxide but no evidence of ocean
has been slightly basic, averaging about 8.2. Today, it acidification: the rate of carbon dioxide increase was
is around 8.1, a drop of 0.1 pH units, representing a slower, so the ocean had time to buffer and adapt. But
25-percent increase in acidity over the past two this time, pH is dropping too quickly. Buffering will take
centuries. thousands of years, which is way too long a period of
time for the ocean organisms affected now and in the
This Graph shows the increase in carbon dioxide near future.
in the atmosphere and in the ocean, and the
decrease of the pH level of the ocean. So far, the signs of acidification visible to
humans are few. But they will only increase as more
carbon dioxide dissolves into seawater over time.

What can we do to stop it?

The most realistic way would be to reduce our
carbon emissions by burning less fossil fuels and finding
more carbon sinks, such as regrowing mangroves,
seagrass beds, and marshes, known as blue carbon. If
we did, over hundreds of thousands of years, carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere and ocean would stabilize

4. Carbon Storehouse
Even if we stopped emitting all carbon right now,
The oceans currently absorb about a third of
ocean acidification would not end immediately. This is
human-created CO2 emissions, roughly 22 million
because there is a lag between changing our emissions
tons a day. Projections based on these numbers
and when we start to feel the effects. It's kind of like
show that by the end of this century, continued
making a short stop while driving a car: even if you slam
emissions could reduce ocean pH by another 0.5
the brakes, the car will still move for tens or hundreds of
units. Shell-forming animals including corals,
feet before coming to a halt. The same thing happens
oysters, shrimp, lobster, many planktonic organisms,
with emissions, but instead of stopping a moving vehicle,
and even some fish species could be gravely
the climate will continue to change, the atmosphere will
continue to warm and the ocean will continue to acidify.
Carbon dioxide typically lasts in the atmosphere for
Equally worrisome is the fact that as the oceans
hundreds of years; in the ocean, this effect is amplified
continue to absorb more CO2, their capacity as a
further as more acidic ocean waters mix with deep water
carbon storehouse could diminish. That means more
over a cycle that also lasts hundreds of years.
of the carbon dioxide we emit will remain in the
atmosphere, further aggravating global climate

Scientific awareness of ocean acidification is

relatively recent, and researchers are just beginning
to study its effects on marine ecosystems. But all
signs indicate that unless humans are able to control
and eventually eliminate our fossil fuel emissions,
ocean organisms will find themselves under
increasing pressure to adapt to their habitat's
changing chemistry or perish
International Action: Legal and Policy Frameworks It recognizes OA as a threat which may
At The Global Level accelerate the loss of marine biodiversity
1. Framework Conventions and by association may threaten the
a. United Nations Convention on the Law of the livelihoods and economies dependent on
Sea (UNCLOS) the sustainable use of marine resources
It provides the overarching legal and commercial exploitation of marine
framework for a number of agreements genetic resources.
on marine environmental protection and OA makes consequently impacts all three
marine species conservation. objectives on which CBD is founded: (1)
It includes obligation that Parties protect conservation of biological diversity; (2)
and preserve the marine environment. sustainable use of its components and;
States are required to take all measures (3) equitable sharing of benefits.
necessary to prevent, reduce and
control pollution of the marine 2.Regional and Sectoral Agreements
environment from any source which a. Oslo and Paris Conventions (OSPAR)
includes pollution from or through the OA first appeared in the OSPAR context
atmosphere. as a report distributed in 2006 as
Parties should be mindful of steps to Effects on the marine environment of
develop and enforce rules to regulate ocean acidification resulting from
CO2. elevated levels of CO2, in the
b. United Nations Framework Convention on atmosphere containing an overview of
Climate Change (UNFCCC) ecosystem sensitivity to CO2 exposure.
It addresses the reduction of global CO2 Recommendations in 2009 included the
emissions and other greenhouse gases need to make additional efforts to
required for the stabilization of enhance knowledge about the
greenhouse gas concentrations in the vulnerability of species, habitats and
atmosphere at a level that would prevent ecological processes and interaction of
dangerous anthropogenic interference these with pressures from human
with the climate system. activities of the sea.
Could be interpreted to include an b. Regional and Fishery Agreements; Food and
obligation to take into account the Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United
impacts of increasing atmospheric CO2 Nations
levels upon the ocean on the basis that: Achieving food security for all is at the
(1) ocean is an integral part f the global heart of the FAO. The FAOs Fisheries
climate system or, (2) that ocean and Aquaculture Departments focus is
acidification has feedback effects on to strengthen global governance and the
atmosphere components of climate and managerial and technical capacities of
as a threat to food production and members and lead consensus-building
sustainable economic development. towards improved conservation and
Ocean acidification issue within the utilization of aquatic resources.
UNFCC context occurs in the Cancun Within this scope, Regional Fishery
Agreements in which it is listed as one Bodies (RFBs) are mechanism through
of many slow onset events caused by which States that are parties to
climate change. international fishery agreement work
Through the UNFCCCs Subsidiary together towards the conservation,
Body for Scientific and Technological management, development of
Advice (SBTA) research dialogue, OA sustainable fisheries.
has been identified since 2010 as one of
the most pressing emerging scientific
issues. c. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic
Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
c. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
The objective is the conservation of potentially detrimental consequences for
Antarctic marine living resources, fisheries and livelihoods.
including rational use. This was in o Expressed concern over the increase in
response to increasing commercial the acidity of ocean surface waters since
interest in Antarctic krill resources, a the beginning of industrial era.
keystone component of the ecosystem. Source: Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the
d. London Convention and Protocol Sea
One of the first global conventions to
protect the marine environment from 2. From Rio to Rio +20
human activities. The objective is to The Rio +20 outcome document The Future We
promote effective control of all sources Want reflects the international communitys call
of marine pollution and to take all for support to initiatives that address ocean
practicable steps to prevent pollution of acidification. The world community expressed
the sea. profound alarm that emissions of greenhouse
The amendments regulate the gases continue to rise globally and reiterated
sequestration of CO2 streams into sub- that all countries, particularly developing
seabed geological formations from CO2 countries, are vulnerable to its adverse impacts,
capture processes, for permanent including ocean acidification.
United States
Policy processes In 2009, Congress passed legislation focused
1. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) squarely on ocean acidification, establishing a
Encouraged States to enhance scientific activity federal interagency working group on the issue,
to better understand the effects of climate change on the and a research program within the National
marine environment and marine biodiversity and develop Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
ways and means of adaptation. (NOAA).
Stressed the importance of scientific As of 2016, the only country with an ocean
understanding of oceans/atmosphere interface. acidification law - Federal Ocean Acidification
Recognized the importance of raising awareness Research and Monitoring Act (FOARAM) that
of the adverse impact of climate change on the marine outlines a commitment to long term ocean
environment and marine biodiversity. acidification monitoring and research. Scientists
Called for improved efforts to address coral from countries around the world seek out NOAA
scientists for expert advice on ocean
acidification topics.
Informal Consultative Process (ICP) in 2013
NOAA Ocean Acidification Program provided
addressed ocean acidification.
resources in 2012 to hold the 1st international
The General Assembly in its oceans and law of
scientific meeting of OA scientists which led to
the sea resolutions:
the launch the Global Ocean Acidification
o Encouraged States and competent
Observing Network in 2013. Dr. Jan Newton,
international organization and other
Oceanographer at the University of Washington
institutions to:
hosted the 1st global ocean acidification
Urgently pursue further research
scientific meeting at the University of
in ocean acidification Washington and has continued to be a leader of
Increase national, regional and the network.
global efforts to address levels of NOAA OAP helped organize and lead the most
ocean acidity
recent 3rd international scientific workshop of
o Based on Intergovernmental Panel on
GOA-ON held in Hobart, Australia in May 2016.
Climate Change (IPCC) findings, As of August 2016, more than 300 scientists
expressed concern over the substantial
from 67 countries have joined as network
risks to marine ecosystems, especially
members of GOA-ON.
polar ecosystems and coral reefs, and
Source: NOAA Ocean Acidification Program
Germanys Biological Impacts Of Ocean Spatio-temporal behavior of carbonate
Acidification (BIOACID) program, for example, parameters
explores the responses of marine species to an Completed thesis: Carbonate
acidifying ocean and to multiple related Chemistry of the High and Low
stressors. Productivity Areas of the Sulu Sea
BIOACID has contributed to quantifying the o On-going work on ocean acidification
effects of ocean acidification on marine -Coral restoration in reef ecosystems
organisms and their habitats, unravelling the
mechanisms underlying the observed Measures and Laws to Prevent Or Reverse Ocean
responses, assessing the potential for Acidification
evolutionary adaptation, and determining how LAWS
these responses are modulated by other
environmental drivers. 1. FOSSIL FUEL EMISSIONS gases that are spewed
out of most cars, airplanes, power plants, and
BIOACID aims to synthesize the information
factories that are burning fossil fuels (coal, oil or gas)
gained on ocean acidification impacts in an
a. Climate Change Law of 2009 (RA. 9729)
integrated assessment of sensitivities and
i. An act mainstreaming climate change into
uncertainties in order to identify the potential
government policy formulations, establishing
thresholds associated with ocean acidification,
the framework strategy and program on
evaluate possible socio-economic
climate change, creating for this purpose the
consequences, identify management options
climate change commission, and for other
and communicate its knowledge towards a wide
audience, ranging from the scientific community,
ii. Adopted the Philippine Agenda 21 framework
stakeholders and decision makers to the general
which espouses sustainable development,
to fulfill human needs while maintaining the
quality of the natural environment for current
and future generations.
iii. As a party to the United Nations Framework
o Activities Related to Ocean Acidification
Convention on Climate Change, the State
1. Collaboration with US NOAA
Deployment of OA instrumentation adopts the ultimate objective of the
to establish baseline observations Convention which is the stabilization of
and initiate OA monitoring support greenhouse gas concentrations in the
decision making in the Philippines. atmosphere at a level that would prevent
Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structure dangerous anthropogenic interference with
(ARMS) -mimic complexity of coral reefs to the climate system which should be
monitor cryptic reef diversity. achieved within a time frame sufficient to
Calcification Acidification Units (CAUs) - allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to
Proxy to measure and compare spatial climate change.
patterns of net carbonate production on iv. Created the Climate Change Commission
coral reefs across the Pacific Islands. 1. The policy-making body of the
government which shall be tasked to
2. Shelf-Pacific Interaction in Luzon (SPIL) coordinate, monitor and evaluate the
Characterize interaction between programs and action plans of the
shelf and western boundary current government relating to climate
Understand role of shelf-ocean change pursuant to the provisions of
interaction to productivity of both this Act.
shelf and off-shelf waters. 2. Shall, within six (6) months from the
3. Student dissertation and thesis effectivity of this Act, formulate a
Effect of ocean acidification Framework Strategy on Climate
- on coral species used for coral
restoration (Acropora, Porites,
a. basis for a program for climate
change planning, research and
development, extension, and
monitoring of activities to protect b. Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RA 9513)
vulnerable communities from i. Section 3. Scope. - This Act shall establish
the adverse effects of climate the framework for the accelerated
change. development and advancement of
v. The LGUs shall be the frontline agencies in renewable energy resources, and the
the formulation, planning and development of a strategic program to
implementation of climate change action increase its utilization.
plans in their respective areas, consistent ii. The law affirmed the governments
with the provisions of the Local Government commitment to accelerate the exploration
Code, the Framework, and the National and development of Philippine renewable
Climate Change Action Plan. energy resources.
vi. Role of Government Agencies iii. RA 9513 declared the States policy to
1. Department of Education (DepEd) achieve energy security by reducing reliance
shall integrate climate change into on fossil fuels and minimizing exposure to
the primary and secondary price fluctuations in oil markets.
education curricula and/or subjects, iv. Seeks to increase the utilization of
such as, but not limited to, science, renewable energy resources by developing
biology, sibika, history, including national and local capabilities in the use of
textbooks, primers and other renewable energy systems, and promoting
educational materials, basic climate their efficient and effective application by
change principles and concepts offering fiscal and non-fiscal incentives.
2. Department of Interior and Local 1. These incentives include: (1)
Government (DILG) facilitate the income tax holiday; (2) duty-free
development and provision of a importation of renewable
training program for LGUs in climate machinery, equipment, and
change. materials; (3) special realty tax
3. Department of Environment and rates; (4) net operating loss
Natural Resources (DENR) carry-over; (5) corporate tax rate
oversee the establishment and of 10%; (6) accelerated
maintenance of a climate change depreciation of plant, machinery,
information management system and equipment; (7) 0% value-
and network, including on climate added tax rate; (8) tax
change risks, activities and exemption on carbon credits;
investments, in collaboration with and (9) cash incentive for
other concerned national missionary electrification.
government agencies, institutions c. Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA 8749)
and LGUs. i. The Clean Air Act was envisioned to fight air
4. Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) pollution by : (1) Reducing emissions from
review international agreements motor vehicles (which account for 80
related to climate change and make percent of the air pollution) from factories
necessary recommendation for and power plants (which account for the
ratification and compliance by the remaining 20 percent); (2) Improving fuel
government on matters pertaining quality to reduce or eliminate lead in
thereto. gasoline and sulfur in diesel; (3) Reducing
5. Philippine Information Agency (PIA) traffic congestion and improving traffic flow;
disseminate information to climate (4) Strengthening quality monitoring,
change, local vulnerabilities and evaluation and reporting through hi-tech
risk, relevant laws and protocols and equipment; and (5) Preventing other sources
adaptation and mitigation measures. of pollution such as incinerators, garbage
6. Government Financial Institutions burning and smoking.
provide preferential financing ii. Outlines the governments measures to
packages for climate change-related reduce air pollution and incorporate
projects. environmental protection into its
development plans. It relies heavily on the ahead. This includes requirements that all
polluter pays principle and other market- Parties report regularly on their emissions
based instruments to promote self-regulation and on their implementation efforts.
among the population. Iv. The Philippine economy, the 39th largest in
Iii. Sets emission standards for all motor the world, has experienced a 5.6% growth in
vehicles and issues pollutant limitations for its gross domestic product (GDP), mainly
industry. Emission limit values are laid down due to the growth of its industrial and
by The Department of Environment and services sectors powered by fossil fuels.
Natural Resources, Philippines as With further industrialization to come, the
Implementing Rules and Regulations for urgency of meeting the increasing energy
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. demand pushes government policy lean
iv. As a regulatory government body, the towards coal, making it more difficult for the
DENR-EMB (Environmental Management nation to fulfill its obligations under the Paris
Bureau) provides Air Pollution clearances agreement.
and Permits for Stationary Sources or e. Intended Nationally Determined
industries that inadvertently produce air Contributions (INDC) to the UN Framework
pollution. These permits are the control Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
mechanisms in managing pollutants that are i. The INDC identifies a country's climate
released into the air. Permits, emission change mitigation and adaptation actions
quota and financial liability for environmental that will be implemented beyond 2020.
rehabilitation are prerequisites before any Ii. Philippines committed to reduce its carbon
business that degrades air quality can be emissions (CO2) by 70 percent by 2030,
allowed which will come from the energy, transport,
v. Section 20 of the law clearly states a ban on waste, forestry and industry sectors.
incineration which is the burning of iii. Climate Change Commission Secretary
municipal, biomedical and hazardous Lucille Sering said the initial commitments
waste, which process emits poisonous and are anchored on the policy declaration under
toxic fumes. the Climate Change Law of 2009, as
1. However, traditional methods of amended in 2012, that the State shall
burning or small-scale method cooperate with the global community in the
of community/neighborhood resolution of climate change issues.
sanitation (siga) are still
allowed. 2. DEFORESTATION Burning down forests is similar
d. The Paris Agreement to burning fossil fuels, it emits a lot of carbon dioxide
i. The Paris Agreement builds upon the into the atmosphere. Deforestation not only creates
Convention and for the first time brings more CO2, but it also destroys one of the very things
all nations into a common cause to that helps absorb it.
undertake ambitious efforts to combat
climate change and adapt to its effects, with a. Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines (PD
enhanced support to assist developing 705)
countries to do so. As such, it charts a new i. Section 38. Control of concession area The
course in the global climate effort. utilization of timber therein shall not be
ii. Aim is to strengthen the global response to allowed except through license agreement.
the threat of climate change by keeping a 1. Gives the privilege to cut all the
global temperature rise this century well allowable harvestable timber
below 2 degrees Celsius above pre- and the right of occupation,
industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit possession, and control over the
the temperature increase even further to 1.5 same.
degrees Celsius. 2. But with the obligation to adopt
iii. The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to all the protection and
put forward their best efforts through conservation measures to
nationally determined contributions (NDCs) ensure the continuity of the
and to strengthen these efforts in the years
productive condition of said living creatures in it and makes it unsustainable for a lot
areas of them to live in which leads to the slow extinction of
ii. Section 53. Criminal Prosecution. some of them.
Kaingineros, squatters, cultural minorities
and other occupants who entered into forest As mentioned, about 30 percent of the CO2
lands before the effectivity of this Code, dissolves into the ocean hence the only sustainable
without permits or authority, shall not be solution is for the reduction of carbon emissions. And
prosecuted: Provided, That they do not such solution can be achieved through proper local
increase their clearings: Provided, further, regulations, proper education on OA, geo-engineering,
That they undertake, within two (2) months regulations on fossil fuel production, carbon foot print
from the notice thereof, the activities which reduction, efficient energy use, support of environmental
will be imposed upon them by the Bureau in initiatives, and similar actions.
accordance with a management plan
calculated to conserve and protect forest A more concrete solution was introduced by the
resources. Ocean Acidification International Reference User Group,
iii. Section 69. Unlawful occupation or which they call the Monaco Action Plan. This consists of
destruction of forest lands. Any person who: 10 movements that will serve as a guideline, namely:
1. enters and occupies or 1. Shift the emphasis of scientific research from
possesses, or makes kaingin for individual species to ecosystems, in order to
his own private use or for others understand impacts on food webs and to assist
any forest land without authority the parameterization of models.
under a license agreement, 2. Devise long-term experimental studies to
lease, license or permit, or in understand adaptation as well as acclimation.
any manner. 3. Consider multiple factors, underlying principles,
2. destroys such forest land or part and natural variability to gain better confidence
thereof, or causes any damage of future impacts under real world conditions.
4. Support efforts to reduce anthropogenic CO2
to the timber stand and other
emissions at sufficient scale and speed to avoid
products and forest growths
dangerous climate change and dangerous
found therein, or whoassists,
ocean acidification.
aids or abets any other person
5. Invest in prudent adaptive marine management
to do so, or sets a fire, or
approaches to best manage carbon sinks, to
negligently permits a fire to be
foster greater ecosystem resilience, and protect
set in any forest land shall, upon
genetic diversity.
conviction, be 6. Match the development of ocean acidification
Fine: P500 P20,000 observational networks to the needs of
Imprisonment: 6 months 2 years communities, industries, regions and
Pay: 10 times the rental fees and other charges governments in order to secure the scale of
which would have been accrued had the investment
occupation been authorized. and support needed to develop forecasting
Provided: in case the offender is guilty of capabilities.
kaingin, the penalty shall be imprisonment for 2- 7. Sustain international collaborative coordination
4 years and a fine equal to 8 times the regular efforts that support national research programs,
forest charges due on the forest products maintain standards, data and common systems,
destroyed, without prejudice to the payment of support effective deployment and interpretation
the full cost of restoration of the occupied area of monitoring efforts, and enhance
as determined by the bureau. communication with end user communities.
8. Identify and develop relationships with new
III. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS stakeholders that are likely to be affected by
ocean acidification.
Ocean Acidification in a nutshell is the increase 9. Support research to map the current and
of carbon dioxide absorption by the ocean, which projected economic impacts of ocean
consequently increases its acidity level. The increase of acidification.
acidity of the ocean affects the living conditions of the
10. Invest in education and communication, aimed And similar activities
at a wide public audience, and scientific training
to support capacity development in vulnerable Ocean acidification will continue worsening in
regions that currently lack such capabilities. the coming years and it shall be grave injustice for the
children of tomorrow to suffer from the consequences of
Moreover, the international society has not been the peoples action today. It has been held in the famous
short in terms of action in addressing this. As provided, Oposa v. Factoran case, where intergenerational equity
numerous committees and movements have already was upheld and the Supreme Court held that future
been made. To note, the famous Paris Agreement, the generations have equal rights to the enjoy natural
agreement, which was set to address and set a solution resources. Hence, it is every citizens duty to take care of
for the ongoing increase of carbon emissions. the environment to help preserved this for future
generations to come. Moreover, action has to be done,
On a smaller scale, individuals can also help because unless action is taken soon to control carbon
reduce OA by taking sustainable living standards. Such emission, this shall only continue to rise (and is already
as: rising drastically) to dangerous levels which, in turn, shall
Utilization of non-carbon emitting modes of turn it into a toxic environment for marine life. All
transportation (ie. Walking, biking) and individuals just have to take action and do their part in
utilization of mass transportation helping taking care of this world and make it a better
Consumption of humanely sourced foof (non- place to live in.
Utilization of more energy-sufficient appliances
Planting of trees http://ocean.si.edu/ocean-acidification
Further, individuals can also take the extra step by ne-seas/critical-issues-ocean-acidification/
helping spread awareness of the situation by: http://www.eartheclipse.com/environment/causes-
Educating immediate friends and family of effects-solutions-of-ocean-acidification.html
sustainable living http://oceana.org/sites/default/files/Climate_change_and
Staring community action groups _Ocean_acidifciation_-
Writing local legislators and demanding action _Synergies_and_opportunities_under_the_UNFCCC_De
Creation of ride share activities and recycling c_2_0_0.pdf
movements http://www.fpa2.org/documents/MonacoActionPlan_en.p
Starting of tree-planting and conservation df


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