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Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria


A.- Color

a.- brown b.-black c.-pink d.-blue e.-white f.-red

g.-yellow h.-green i.- gray j.- light blue k.- purple L.-dark

A.-Write the clothes in the appropriate column

*bathing suit *wool cap *shorts *hat *shoes *socks *dress

*underpants *t shirt *cap *sandals *blouse *coat * gloves
*skis *sweater *skirt *shirt *ball *sunglasses *pants
*racket * boots *bat *tennis shoes *sweater shirt *belt
*panty house *raincoat boots *scarf *slacks



Crece Con Nosotros
Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

A.-Match the weather with appropriate clothes

1.- Its cool ___ t-shirt, pants, socks , tennis shoes
2.- Its snowy ___ bathing suit, sandal , sunglasses , shorts
3.- Its warm ___ coat , gloves , wool cap, boots
4.- Its cloudy ___ sweater , hat , pants , socks
5.- Its sunny ___ sweater , shirt , boots
Draw the seasons in your city

January - March April - June July - September October - December

Listen and practice
Susan : Uh oh
Peter : What s the matter?
Susan : It s snowing, and it s very cold
Peter : Well, youre wearing a coat
Susan : But I m not wearing boots! And its thirty two degrees
Peter : That s zero degrees celcsius! That s really cold
Susan : So lets take a taxi
Peter : Great idea. Come on!

6.- PRACTICE : Look at the weather information and write about the cities


1 Boston 13 C

2 Los Angeles 22 C

3 New York 12 C
4 Denver 0C Hot
30 Warm
5 Miami 31 C Cool
10 cold
6 Chicago

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

1.- ________________________________________________________________________
2.- ________________________________________________________________________
3.- ________________________________________________________________________
4.- ________________________________________________________________________
5.- ________________________________________________________________________
6.- ________________________________________________________________________


Present Progressive : Describe activities happening now , at the moment of speaking


You / They / We Are Studying English now
________________ _______ _______________ ________________
He / She Is Playing Basketball right now
________________ _______ _______________ ________________
Tom and Mary Are Drinking Juice now
________________ _______ _______________ ________________
Sam Is Sleeping On the sofa now

You / They / We Aren`t Playing In the class now
________________ _________ ____________ __________________
He / She Isn`t Driving A bicycle right now
________________ _________ ____________ __________________
Tom and Mary Aren`t Listening to Music at this moment
________________ _________ ____________ __________________
Sam Isn`t Sleeping Now
________________ _________ ____________ __________________
My father Isn`t working At the hospital now

C.- Spelling of verb + ing

Write in the chart the progressive verb from the word bank

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

Wear ride clean relax wed skate Surf
plan film set jog dance Sing come
win do go drink Take dive walk
sit visit eat Give rain swim lay
drive have play write run


Playing Writing Running

1.- Listen and complete the names of relatives and activities
son Filming
Playing hula hoop
Playing soccer
Playing soccer

2.- Listen and practice

Thin clean Cleaning thing
In plan Singing planning
Find more examples of these sounds throughout this unit

3.- A.-Read and listen to the conversation

A: Hello?
B: Hi, Sue. This is Ed. Are you busy?
A: Well, Im making lunch right now.
Im sorry. Can I call you back?
B: Sure. No problem
A: Bye

B.- Listen again and practice

4.- Listen and repeat. Then draw the actions

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

exercise Make dinner Do homework Watch tv

Talk to a friend work Play volley Fix the car

5.- PAIR PRACTICE : complete the conversation and practice with your partner
A: Hello?
B: Hi, _________. This is ____________. Are you busy?
A: Well, Im _________________________right now.
Im sorry. Can I call you back?
B: Sure. No problem
A: Bye


1.- This is Sams family on vacation . Write the activities they are doing in each picture

a.- Dad and Sam are drinking cold lemonade

b.- Paul _______________________________on the beach
c.- Jim ________________________________ in the sea
d.- Jim and Sarah ______________________________old houses in the city

2.- Write the activities in the correct category. Then Add one activity to each category

*fishing *rollerblading
*surfing the net *chatting
*doing crossword *listening to cds
*playing video games *walking

________________ Leisure Sport _______________

________________ Activities Activities _______________
________________ _______________
________________ _______________
________________ _______________

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

3.- Fill in the blanks , Then according to their characteristics, write where the can go

Im sports Im a cyberboy
like, fan of
Energetic computers and
and athletic enthusiastic

Natalia can go to Andrew can go to

_____________________ _______________________
1.- At the mall , her brother is ____________________ cds
2.- At the river , her parents are ______________________
3.- At the park , her neighbors are ____________________
4.- At the Library, his friend is ______________________ the net and ______________________
5.- At home, his sister is ______________________crossword puzzle
6.- At the video store, his best friend is _______________________ video games

4.- Complete with the appropriate BE and PROGRESSIVE verb

a.- Bob ______ ____________________(walk)
b.- Pat and Tom _______ __________________( jog )
c.- Samy ______ ___________________ ( paint )
d.- Mia _____ _________________ ( eat ) lunch
e.- Sarah ______ _______________ ( write ) a letter

5.- A.- Read the letter from Mike to his pen pal and underline the activities and circle the places . Then
translate the text into Spanish

Dear Sonia
Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo,
Im playing basketball at school. In the second photo, Im swimming at the pool.
In the next photo, you can see my family at home. Were eating dinner. In the last photo
Im with my sister Gina . She s doing homework --- I`m watching TV.


B.- Complete the letter

Dear Bob

Here are some ( 1 )______________ . In the first photo Im ( 2 )______________ volleyball

At school . In the second (3)__________. Im (4)______________ Tv . And in the third photo.
( 5 )________ doing homework.

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

6.- Write the name of clothes under the season when they are worn

Spring Summer Fall Winter

When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled ,saying. It is a spirit ;
and they cried out for fear Mathew 14 : 26


A.- Read the paragraph. Then answer the questions

WINTER December 21 March 20 SPRING March 21 June 20

In the north there are four seasons. They In spring it is windy and rainy. In summer it is hot and
are winter, spring , summer and fall . The sunny. It is cloudy and cool in fall, but there usually
weather in winter is cold and snowy isnt any snow

SUMMER June 21 September 20 FALL September 21 December 20

1.- How many seasons are there in the U.S ? _____________________________________________
2.- What are the seasons ? ___________________________________________________________
3.- Whats the weather like in the winter? ________________________________________________
Crece Con Nosotros
Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

4.- How`s the weather in the spring? ____________________________________________________

5.- Whats the weather like in the summer ? ______________________________________________
6.- Hows the weather in the tall ? ______________________________________________________
7.- Whats the weather like where you are from ? __________________________________________
8:_ How many seasons are there ? _____________________________________________________
9.- What weather are you on ? ________________________________________________________
10.- Hows the weather like ? __________________________________________________________

C.- Write the weather or season

1.-___________ 2.-____________ 3.-____________ 4.-______________

5.-_____________ 6.-_____________ 7.-____________ 8.-________ 9.-________

1.- Build a pyramid of words using the clues below. All the words end in y see the example

1.- A month of a year __ __ __

2.- The seventh month of the year __ __ __ __
3.- The opposite of sad __ __ __ __ __
4.- The day before Saturday __ __ __ __ __ __
5.- The third day of the week __ __ __ __ __ __ __
6.- The day before Friday __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
7.- The day that is in the middle of the week __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
8.- A person who is not a good friend __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2.- Draw the hands on each clock

a.- Its six oclock e.- its one oh five i.- Its half past five
b.- Its eight thirty- five f.- Its a quarter past two j.- its six fifty-five
c.- Its twelve fifty five g.- Its twenty five to four
d.- its one thirty h.- its a quarter to five


1.- IN: use before year , month , morning , afternoon, evening

Example: - in 2005 - in the morning
Crece Con Nosotros
Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

- in July - in the afternoon

- in the evening

2.- ON : Use before day of the week , date

Example : - On Monday
- On July 28th
- On Sunday 3rd

3.- AT : Use before specific time on the clock, night, midnight , noon
Example . - at 3:30
- at night
- at midnight
- at noon

My birthday is On Saturday Sure ! And my birthday is

and Im having lunch. Are you In June. Its ON June 22nd.
coming? Its At 2:00 P.M Are you coming to my
lunch, too

4.- WRITE : Complete the sentences with the corresponding prepositions of time

a.- People have breakfast _____ the morning and dinner ______ night
b.- I celebrate my birthday _____ June 29 th
c.- _____ Monday _____ 8:00 AM. Is the English class at school
d.- Every year _____ May 1st people celebrate Labor day
e.- _____ the morning I go to school and _____ the afternoon I go home
f.- The sun rises _____ 6:00 ____ the morning and sets ____ 6:30 _____ the evening




Are You Getting up Now?
________ ________ _____________ _____________
Is He / She Having Breakfast?
________ _________ _____________ _____________
Are They / We Going to Work?


Wh - word Verb to be subject Action verb complement

What Are You Doing Now?
_________ _______ _______ _______
Where Is Sam Going ?
_________ _______ _______ _______

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

Who Is Working Now?

_________ _______ ------- ________
What are They wearing Now?

A.- Write the ING form
Example : cook cooking
1.- walk ___________________ 14.- beg ___________________
2.- talk ___________________ 15.- occur ___________________
3.- use ___________________ 16.- sew ___________________
4.- exercise___________________ 17.- say ___________________
5.- eat ___________________ 18.- delay ___________________
6.- do ___________________ 19.- defer ___________________
7.- turn ___________________ 20.- run ___________________
8.- set ___________________ 21.- cry ___________________
9.- happen ___________________ 22.- pay ___________________
10.- taste ___________________ 23.- grow ___________________
11.- think ___________________ 24.- print ___________________
12.- commit ___________________ 25.- open ___________________
13.- drag ___________________

B.- Circle the correct present continuous verb in each sentence. Then translate in Spanish
Example : She deciding / is deciding to take the bus

Ella esta decidiendo tomar el bus

1.- The Jones family are worrying / is worrying about the rent
2.- He are drinking / is drinking about the rent
3.- You am reading / read your homework every night this week
4.- Jane is working / working all day
5.- We is having / are having a good time at our job
6.- Those people is waiting / are waiting for the bus
7.- The fish swimming / are swimming up the river

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

8.- The baseball player is laughing / be laughing at the other team

9.- I are doing / am doing my grammar exercises tonight
10.- It is rain / is raining right now
11.- our baseball team is winning / are winning today
12.- The hot dog vendor is selling / selling many hot dogs with onions

C.- Make the following present continuous sentences in negative form

Example: Im driving to the city tonight
I m not driving to the city tonight

1.- She is sitting beside him ________________________________________________

2.- He is marrying her soon ________________________________________________
3.- The flowers are opening in the sunshine __________________________________________
4.- Im wiping off the tables _________________________________________________
5.- The customers are waiting for the check __________________________________________

D.- Write the missing part of each sentence Then translate in Spanish
Example: He s eat ing a sandwich
El esta comiendo sanduich

They are playing baseball

Ellos estan jugando beisbol

1.- I m think________ of you

2.- My mother and father ________ riding the train
3.- Karla _______ wearing a new dress
4.- The students in my class are speak_________ English
5.- He s learn________ Chinese
Crece Con Nosotros
Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

6.- My teacher _______ writing on the board
7.- I ______ taking notes
8.- The boats _______ sailing on the water
9.- The sun _______ shining down
10.- My brother is study________ computer science

E.- Write a sentence in the present continuous tense using the words given
Example: the cat / sleep The cat is sleeping

1.- my brother / cook / dinner _________________________________________________

2.- my sister / talk / on the telephone _______________________________________________
3.- my father / use / his computer _________________________________________________
4.- my mother / do / exercise ____________________________________________________
5.- the dog / eat ______________________________________________________________
6.- I / do my homework _________________________________________________
7.- The earth / turn _______________________________________________________
8.- the sun / set _______________________________________________________
9.- plants / grow _______________________________________________________
10.- I / think / about my friend _________________________________________________

F.- Answer the questions using the present continuous tense with true information about yourself
Example: Who is helping you with your homework?
My friend Lee is helping me with my homework

1.- What are you doing now? _________________________________________________

2.- What are you thinking about? _________________________________________________
3.- Where are you sitting ? _______________________________________________________
4.- What are you writing with? _________________________________________________
5.- Is anyone sitting near you ? _________________________________________________
6.- Who is teaching you English? _________________________________________________

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

7.- What other classes are you taking ? _____________________________________________

8.- What are you wearing? _______________________________________________________
9.- Are you sleeping? ____________________________________________________________
10.- Are you eating ? _____________________________________________________________

G.- Write a question about each sentence using the words given
Example: A girl is jogging
Why / jog Why is she jogging ?
Where / jog Where is she jogging ?
Why / not / relax Why isnt she relaxing?

1.- The professor is writing

a.- What / write ___________________________________________________
b.- Where / write ___________________________________________________
c.- Why / not / eat ___________________________________________________
d.- Whom / write / to ___________________________________________________

2.- He is leaving
a.- Who / leave ___________________________________________________
b.- Where / he / go ___________________________________________________
c.- How / he / get / there _____________________________________________
d.- What / he / take / with him _____________________________________________

3.- The leaves are turning brown

a.- Why / leaves / turn brown _____________________________________________
b.- Which / leaves / turn brown _____________________________________________
c.- Who / not / water / the plant _____________________________________________

4.- Jorge is studying English

a.- why / study / English _____________________________________________
b.- Where / study / English _____________________________________________
c.- Who / practice / English / with ______________________________________
d.- Why / not / study / computer science ______________________________________

H.- Write a short answer to each question

Example : Are you dreaming about flying ? ( no ) No, I m not

1.- Is he thinking and worrying about his friends? (yes) ___________________

2.- Are they going home soon ? ( no ) _______________________
3.- Is she answering the test questions correctly ? ( no ) ___________________
4.- Are we studying a useful language ? ( yes) _____________________
5.- Is my life changing? ( yes ) ____________________
6.- Am I waiting for the wrong train ? ( no ) ____________________
7.- Is the taxi driver heading in the right direction ? ( yes ) ___________________
8.- Are you eating lunch at twelve oclock today ? ( no ) ___________________
9.- Are they wearing funny shoes ? ( yes ) ____________________
10.- Am I working and thinking too much ? ( yes ) ___________________

Crece Con Nosotros

Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria


1.- Listen and read the text for todays Cultural Review Program on the HKJ 7:00 PM. News.
Underline the dates , places , traditions and celebrations. Then translate into spanish

big puppet called Ao Viejo that people burn

Good evening ! Todays cultural note is ________________________________________
________________________________________ at 12 oclock ( midnight ) Families dance around it
about celebrations and holidays around the world. ________________________________________

Holidays are special days and very nice, In Africa, the Mandingo people celebrate
________________________________________ ________________________________________
too! For example, some countries celebrate New year in March or April. On this day. They give
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Independence Day , that is , their birthday . In the thanks for the rain that will come . They feel
________________________________________ ________________________________________
United States they celebrate it on July 4 th , In worried about the dry weather
Colombia they celebrate it on July 20 th. ________________________________________
T he Chinese New year is celebrated on
Second , lets talk about New year .It is a ________________________________________
________________________________________ January 21st or February 19th.
common holiday that many countries celebrate the ________________________________________
________________________________________ Chinese people celebrate the first day of the year
first day of the year . In the United States . There ________________________________________
________________________________________ with a parade and a giant paper dragon.
are parades and great football games on January ________________________________________
1st. New years Eve, on December 31st, in Latin
America countries, is a family celebration. In some They are happy and excited
________________________________________ ________________________________________
countries , families make a funny scarecrow that How do you celebrate New Year?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
represents all the sad things of the year . It is a

2.- Complete the sentences below with prepositions of time in, on, at and some personal information
when necessary

a.- Christmas is ________________________________________________ ( date )

b.- My mothers birthday is ________________________________________( date )
c.- My birthday is ____________________________________( month)
d.- This year , my birthday is ___________________________________( day of the week )
e.- My best friends birthday is __________________________________( date )
f.- My countrys Independence Day is _____________________________ ( date )
g.- My English class is ___________________________________ ( time )
h.- Christopher Columbus discovered America _____________________________ ( year )
Crece Con Nosotros
Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

I .- This year, Christmas is __________________________________( day of the week )

j.- There arent classes __________ Sunday

1.- Listen and Practice
DEBORAH : Hello?
JOHN: Hi , Deborah! This is John. Im calling from Australia?
DEBORAH ; What are you doing in Australia?
JOHN : Im attending a conference in Sydney this week. Remember?
DEBORAH : Oh , right . What time is it there?
JOHN : Its 10 P.M. And its four oclock in Los Angeles, right?
DEBORAH : Yes four o clock in the morning
JOHN : 4:00 A.M ? Im really sorry
DEBORAH : Thats OK. Im awake now

2.- Listen and Write the time

A.- What time is it ? B.- Its ____________ oclock
Its _______________ oclock in the morning in the morning
Its __________ A.M. It s __________ A.M

C.- It s ______________ o clock D.- It s ____________o clock

Its noon in the afternoon
( Its _____________ noon Its ____________ P.M

E.- Its ______________o clock F.- Its _____________o clock

In the evening at night. Its midnight
Its _____________ P.M Its _____________ midnight

3.- Listen and Complete the chart


Los Angeles 4:00 A. M Victoria Sleeping
Mexico 6: 00 A.M
New York 7:00 A.M Having breakfast
Brasilia 9 : 00 A.M
London 12 :00 noon Paul and Ann
Moscow 3: 00 P.M working
Bangkok 7:00 P.M Permsak
Sydney 10 :00 P.M

4.- Answer questions about the chart

1.- What time is it in Los Angeles? ____________________________
2.- What is Victoria doing ? __________________________________
3.- Where are Sue and Tom ? ________________________________
4.- What are they doing ? ___________________________________
5.- Who is working right now ? _______________________________
6.- What is Juan doing ? ____________________________________
7.- Where is Permsak ? _____________________________________
Crece Con Nosotros
Colegio con Visin Universitaria ALBORADA 1 Ao de Secundaria

5.- SONG : Listen and number the paragraph

Loving God , Loving each other

We tent to make it harder
Built steeples out of stone chorus
Fill books with explanation of the way Loving God , loving each other
But is wed stop and listen Making music with , my friends
And break a little bread Loving God , loving each other
We would hear the Master say And the story never ends

Repeat chorus And the story never ends

Still the story never ends
They pushed book from the table
To listen to his words Repeat chorus
His secret plan before He had to go
Its not complicated
Dont need a lot of rules
This is all youll need to know

Crece Con Nosotros

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