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Article #10

Title: Princess Margriet of the Netherlands to appear in Goderich Sunday

Author: Global News Staff
Direct Quotation: Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and her husband Professor Pieter
van Vollenhoven are scheduled to arrive in town Sunday afternoon to celebrate the
friendship between Canada and the Netherlands and to unveil a plaque in Liberation
Memorial Park, officials with the Dutch-Canadians Remember As One committee said in a
media release.
Paraphrase: Princess is coming back to old hometown f
Summary: Princess Margriet and her husband Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven are coming to
the Netherlands to celebrate their friendship between canada and the netherlands.
Citation: Staff. "Princess Margriet of the Netherlands to appear in Goderich Sunday." AM980. N.p.,
14 May 2017. Web. 17 May 2017.

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