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Entanglement of Sepsis, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Other Comorbidities in

Patients Who Develop Acute Kidney Injury

Michael Heung, MD, MS,* and Jay L. Koyner, MD

Summary: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and severe complication for patients in the intensive care
setting, often occurring in the setting of sepsis. Both sepsis and AKI are complex and heterogeneous
syndromes with overlapping risk factors. Comorbidities - such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus,
liver disease, cardiac disease and cancer may contribute to the development of these syndromes and
complicate their management. Recognition of the complex interplay between comorbid conditions, sepsis, and
AKI is key to the successful management of these syndromes.
Semin Nephrol 35:23-37 C 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Acute kidney injury, sepsis, risk factors, critical care

cute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and risk factors also are common to sepsis (Fig. 2). It therefore
severe complication for patients in the intensive can be challenging to distinguish between an association
care setting, often occurring in the setting of resulting from common susceptibilities versus an inde-
sepsis. Both sepsis and AKI are complex and heteroge- pendent relationship when exploring CKD and AKI.
neous syndromes with overlapping risk factors. Comor- Nonetheless, CKD consistently has emerged as one of
bidities - such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, the strongest independent risk factors for AKI even after
liver disease, cardiac disease and cancer may contribute adjusting for known confounders. This relationship has
to the development of these syndromes and complicate been shown across a variety of patient populations, and
their management. Recognition of the complex interplay the risk for AKI increases with worsening baseline renal
between comorbid conditions, sepsis and AKI is key to function.26 In an analysis of Kaiser Permanente Northern
the successful management of these syndromes. California data, Hsu et al2 reported a marked increase in
In the intensive care unit (ICU) setting, sepsis risk for severe (dialysis-requiring) AKI with progressive
remains the leading cause of acute kidney injury stages of CKD. Compared with patients with a baseline
(AKI), accounting for upwards of 50% of cases.1 estimated glomerular ltration rate (eGFR) greater than 60
Neither sepsis nor AKI are single clear-cut entities. mL/min, patients with eGFR ranges of 45 to 59 mL/min,
Rather, both represent heterogeneous syndromes, with 30 to 44 mL/min, 15 to 29 mL/min, and less than 15 mL/
many potential factors contributing to the risk of their min had adjusted odds ratios for severe AKI of 1.66, 4.75,
occurrence and/or to the risk of adverse outcomes. In 20.42, and 47.17, respectively. In addition to a lower
many cases, these two syndromes share comorbid GFR, proteinuria also has emerged as an important risk
risk factors. In this review we explore the relationship factor for AKI.2,4 In a population-based study from
between sepsis, AKI, and some of the intertwining Alberta, Canada, James et al4 observed increasing AKI
comorbidities that may modify the risks and outcomes risk with worsening proteinuria; this relationship was seen
from these two overlapping syndromes (Fig. 1). within each stage of CKD, providing further risk strat-
ication than when considering eGFR alone.
There is ample biologic plausibility to support the
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE role of CKD as a risk factor for AKI. Decreased renal
reserve is presumably one of the major reasons for
Chronic Kidney Disease as a Risk Factor for AKI
increased susceptibility to renal injury in patients with
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and AKI share many risk CKD. Patients with CKD will have less ability to
factors, including diabetes and aging, and some of these compensate for injury through recruitment of uninjured
nephrons, as occurs in patients without renal impair-
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University of ment. Decreased renal reserve also may explain the
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. increased susceptibility to AKI seen with advancing

Section of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University of age.7,8 Even in the setting of normal serum creatinine
Chicago, Chicago, IL. levels, older patients will have lower renal functional
Financial disclosure and conict of interest statements: none. reserve, which may be unmasked by AKI. In this
Address reprint requests to Michael Heung, MD, MS, 1500 E sense, AKI is analogous to a failed renal stress test. In
Medical Center Dr, SPC 5364, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-5364.
E-mail: addition, patients with CKD may experience a more
0270-9295/ - see front matter clinically obvious decrease in GFR with smaller
& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. insults. For example, the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) denition for AKI

Seminars in Nephrology, Vol 35, No 1, January 2015, pp 2337 23

24 M. Heung and J.L. Koyner

Figure 1. Tangled relationship between AKI, sepsis, and numerous intertwined risk factors and comorbidities.
Mech, mechanical.

(a minimum increase of 0.3 mg/dL greater than base- well as reductions in both T-cell and B-cell function.911
line creatinine level within 48 hours) can be achieved Another potential mechanism by which CKD may worsen
with a smaller injury/decrement in function in CKD sepsis is through reduced renal clearance of inammatory
compared with normal renal function. In other words, mediators.12 These changes have been described primarily
an increase from 1.0 to 1.3 mg/dL represents a far in the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patient population,
larger decrease in renal function compared with an in whom infection remains the second-leading cause of
increase from 3.0 to 3.3 mg/dL. death.13,14 However, alterations to immune system
homeostasis are likely to begin occurring with advancing
CKD and clinicians should be aware of the heightened
CKD as a Risk Factor for Sepsis
risk for infection in this group.
As with many chronic medical conditions, patients with Another proposed mechanism for increased infec-
CKD are also at increased risk for sepsis, presumably tion risk and inammation in patients with CKD or
owing to a general increased risk for infection. CKD ESRD is disruption of the gastrointestinal barrier,
represents a chronic inammatory state, while at the same leading to introduction of bacteria or endotoxins into
time being an immunodecient state. The development of the circulation. CKD patients are at risk for uid
uremia is characterized by a disrupted regulation of the retention, leading to uid overload and intestinal
immune system, leading to abnormal phagocytic function edema, which may predispose to translocation of
of macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes, as bacteria.15 These factors may be particularly relevant
in the critical care setting where patients receive
signicant volume resuscitation, and may contribute
to delays in recovery or secondary infections. How-
ever, even in the absence of uid overload and
mechanical distention, it appears that uremia may
contribute to gastrointestinal barrier abnormalities
through molecular mechanisms. In animal models of
CKD, Vaziri et al16 described disruptions in colonic
tight junctions, which may account for increased
intestinal permeability. Finally, changes in gastrointes-
tinal microora have been observed in CKD and
implicated as another mechanism for gastrointestinal
barrier dysfunction.17 Studies currently are exploring
Figure 2. Conceptual model of relationships between sepsis, the potential clinical impact of interventions to restore
AKI, and CKD. the gut microenvironment in patients with CKD.17
Sepsis, CKD, and comorbidities in AKI 25

Outcomes hypoxia from impaired renal blood ow, lowering the

threshold for free radical generation and ischemic
Hospital survival among patients with AKI superim-
injury.33 This can develop through microvascular and
posed on CKD actually may be better than in patients
macrovascular disease and/or through decreased
with de novo AKI.6 This perhaps is not surprising given
responsiveness to the vasodilatory effects of nitric
the lesser degree of injury required to cause AKI on
oxide seen in DM. Recent studies also have implicated
CKD compared with de novo AKI, and may reect
the chronic inammation associated with DM as
differences in the severity of acute illness. However,
contributing to the increased risk for AKI.34
studies consistently have shown that both short- and
Similar to CKD, DM is a condition characterized by
long-term renal outcomes, such as dialysis dependence,
immune system alterations, resulting in relative immu-
are worse with AKI superimposed on CKD compared
nodeciency and a predisposition to infection and
with AKI without pre-existing renal dysfunction.6,1820
sepsis.3537 In a cohort study using data from the
The poor renal prognosis in these patients presumably
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,
reects the lower renal functional reserve and further
Bertoni et al38 found that diabetic adults were twice as
underlines the importance of risk recognition and
likely to suffer an infection-related death compared with
preventative measures in this population.
nondiabetic adults. Immune system dysregulation result-
In recent years, a strong link between AKI and de
ing from hyperglycemia is seen in a variety of immuno-
novo CKD has been established.5,21,22 Whether this
logic pathways, including decreased activity of
relationship is associative or causal in nature has been
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and blunted response of
debated,23 but clearly the management of patients after
humoral immunity.39 Additional factors contributing to
AKI represents an important opportunity to improve
infection and sepsis include chronic complications of
secondary outcomes from this syndrome.24 Animal
DM such as vascular disease and neuropathy; an
models have elucidated potential mechanisms mediating
unfortunate example of the conuence of these risk
the transition from AKI to CKD, including persistent
factors is diabetic foot infection.
inammation and altered renal repair mechanisms.2527
Recently, clinical trials in animal models of AKI have
provided some optimism regarding the potential to Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Patients and AKI
mitigate the risk of CKD after an episode of AKI. Bao
Even in the absence of prior DM, patients with critical
et al28 examined the impact of lithium administration in
illness are at risk for developing hyperglycemia, and
2 mouse models of AKI (cisplatin-induced AKI and
glucose control has emerged as an important aspect of
ischemia-reperfusion injury). In both models, the mice
management in the ICU setting. Several physiologic
treated with lithium showed evidence of accelerated renal
factors contribute to hyperglycemia in the critically ill,
recovery compared with controls, as evidenced by renal
including increased levels of stress hormones,
tubular epithelial cell proliferation. The putative mecha-
increased gluconeogenesis, and insulin resistance.40
nism is lithium inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3,
In addition, clinical factors such as hyperalimentation,
a molecule that has been implicated in the pathogenesis
the use of corticosteroids, and administration of
of AKI. In another animal study, Barrera-Chimal et al29
dextrose-containing solutions are likely to play a role.
used spironolactone pretreatment to attenuate renal
As with DM, the acute hyperglycemia of critical
inammation and brosis after ischemia-reperfusion
illness contributes to immune system dysfunction and
injury. Compared with controls, treated animals were
can contribute to infection.41,42 Several clinical trials
signicantly less likely to develop CKD as dened by
also have explored the impact of glycemic control on
onset of proteinuria or a decrease in creatinine clearance.
outcomes among critically ill patients, including
These studies contributed further evidence of a causal
patients with sepsis (Table 1). In one of the rst large
relationship between AKI and subsequent CKD develop-
clinical trials examining the clinical impact of glycemic
ment while also providing hope for future therapeutic
control, van den Berghe et al43 randomized 1,548
options to diminish the risk of that transition.
primarily surgical ICU patients to intensive insulin
therapy (targeting blood glucose levels between 80
DIABETES MELLITUS AND HYPERGLYCEMIA and 110 mg/dL) versus standard therapy (targeting
blood glucose levels between 180 and 200 mg/dL).
Diabetes Mellitus, Sepsis, and AKI These investigators found an overall decreased mortal-
Diabetes mellitus (DM) remains the leading cause of ity rate in the intensive treatment group compared with
CKD and ESRD in the United States, accounting for controls (4.6% versus 8.0%; P o .04), a reduction in
nearly 45% of incident ESRD cases.14 DM is also well sepsis episodes (4.2% versus 7.8%; P .003), and a
established as an independent risk factor for AKI.3032 reduction in episodes of AKI requiring dialysis (4.8%
A key mechanism for increased susceptibility to renal versus 8.2%; P .007).43 Interestingly, these same
injury is the diabetic kidneys predisposition to investigators conducted a similar trial in medical ICU
26 M. Heung and J.L. Koyner

Table 1. Clinical Trials of Glycemic Control in Critically Ill Patients

Patient Population Comparison Groups Mortality Outcomes Renal Outcomes
Van den Berghe Single-center: 1,548 Blood glucose concentration 4.6% versus 8.0% ICU 4.8% versus 8.2% with AKI
et al,43 2001 primarily surgical ICU 80-110 versus 180-200 mortality; P o .04 requiring dialysis;
patients mg/dL P .007
Van den Berghe Single-center: 1,200 medical Blood glucose concentration 24.4% versus 26.8% 5.9% versus 8.9% with AKI
et al,44 2006 ICU patients 80-110 versus 180-200 ICU mortality; (doubling of admission
mg/dL P .31 creatinine concentration
or peak 42.5 mg/dL);
P .04
Brunkhorst Multicenter: 537 patients with Blood glucose concentration 39.7% versus 35.4% 27.5% versus 22.5% with
et al,47 2008 sepsis 80-110 versus 180-200 mortality at 90 days; AKI requiring dialysis;
mg/dL P .31 P .19
NICE- Multicenter: 6,104 mixed Blood glucose concentration 27.5% versus 24.9% 15.4% versus 14.5% AKI
SUGAR,45 medical and surgical ICU 81-108 versus o180 mortality at 90 days; requiring dialysis; P .34
2009 patients mg/dL P .02
Preiser et al,48 Multicenter: 1,101 mixed Blood glucose concentration 17.2% versus 15.3% No difference in total
2009 medical and surgical ICU 80-110 versus 140-180 ICU mortality; dialysis-requiring patient-
patients mg/dL P .41 days; P .753

Abbreviation: NICE-SUGAR, Normoglycemia in Intensive Care EvaluationSurvival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation.

patients and failed to reproduce the same benets in this LIVER DISEASE
population.44 In these studies and subsequent similar
trials, intensive glucose control is associated consis- Cirrhosis and Sepsis
tently with a greater risk for hypoglycemia, which in Cirrhosis is one of the leading causes of death in
turn may be associated with increased mortality. The developed countries, and infections are a leading cause
Normoglycemia in Intensive Care EvaluationSurvival of mortality in this population.50,51 Similar to CKD and
Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation trial randomized DM, mechanisms of increased infection risk in cir-
more than 6,000 mixed ICU patients to strict glucose rhotic patients include alterations to the immune
control (target glucose level, 81-108 mg/dL) versus system such as impaired neutrophil function.52,53
standard glucose control (target glucose level, o180 Furthermore, decreased intestinal motility can lead to
mg/dL). In this study, strict glucose control was bacterial overgrowth that, along with portal hyper-
associated with higher mortality rates (27.5% versus tension, predisposes to bacterial or endotoxin transloca-
24.9%; P .02), and this appeared to be attributable to tion.54 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is thought
hypoglycemia.45,46 The Normoglycemia in Intensive to develop in this manner, and both selective -blockers
Care EvaluationSurvival Using Glucose Algorithm (which increase bowel motility)55 and antibiotic decon-
Regulation study also did not show any signicant tamination of intestinal bacteria56 have been shown to be
benet in renal outcomes, specically AKI requiring effective for SBP prophylaxis. Of some concern, and
renal replacement therapy, associated with strict glucose perhaps in part owing to antibiotic prophylactic practices,
control.45 Additional trials also have failed to show a recent study showed an increasing rate (up to 25% of
survival or renal benets from strict glucose control cases) of resistant organisms contributing to infections in
(goal, 80-110 mg/dL) compared with less-stringent cirrhotic patients.50
glucose control (goal, o180 mg/dL).47,48
Based on the earlier-described ndings, it is clear
that clinicians need to balance the risks of hypoglyce-
mia with any potential benets of glucose control. Cirrhosis and AKI
Although theoretically there is a benet for AKI Cirrhosis is an independent risk factor for AKI, and up
prevention, the preponderance of evidence does not to 50% of cirrhotic patients hospitalized with infection
support renal outcome benets from strict glucose will develop AKI.57,58 This remarkably high incidence
control (Table 1). Although there remains some con- may not be surprising when considering the abundance
troversy as to optimal glucose targets, guidelines of risk factors for AKI typically seen in this popula-
currently recommend moderate glycemic control in tion: hyperbilirubinemia, hypoalbuminemia, low intra-
the ICU setting, targeting upper-limit glucose values vascular volume owing to third-spacing, and high
less than 180 mg/dL, with an emphasis on avoiding infection risk. One particular challenge is early recog-
hypoglycemia.49 nition of AKI because of overestimation of renal
Sepsis, CKD, and comorbidities in AKI 27

function based on creatinine values. Patients with than 10% failed to recover renal function to the point
cirrhosis often suffer from malnutrition, decreased of dialysis independence.68
muscle mass, uid retention, and decreased hepatic
creatine generation. These factors combine to result in
AKI and Liver Injury
lower baseline serum creatinine values and thus
inated estimation of renal function in patients with Although progression from liver failure to AKI is well
cirrhosis.59,60 In recognition of this, an international recognized, an emerging area of investigation is whether
working group recently suggested an updated deni- (and how) AKI can contribute to liver injury. Studies
tion for AKI in patients with cirrhosis61 that largely have shown that ischemic renal injury results in a release
parallels the KDIGO AKI denition and removes the of proinammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis
requirement of a creatinine increase greater than factor- and interleukin-6, which in turn can cause
1.5 mg/dL, which was part of the International Ascites hepatic damage.69,70 Other potential effects of AKI on
Club denition.62 Studies are ongoing to assess the role the liver include altered hepatic metabolism of drugs,
of novel AKI biomarkers in patients with cirrhosis,63 impaired lipid and protein metabolism, and exaggerated
and these may hold particular promise in differentiat- immune response in the liver.71,72 Although the clinical
ing between AKI involving structural injury versus signicance of the hepatic injury seen in models of AKI
hepatorenal syndrome. Until such biomarkers become remains unclear, there clearly is mounting evidence of
established, clinicians need to be aware of the potential bidirectional cross-talk between these organs.
for signicant renal dysfunction in the presence of
normal serum creatinine values in this population.
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a specic form of
AKI seen in the setting of cirrhosis, and frequently is Over the past several years, multiple reviews have
triggered by infection or sepsis. For example, up to covered the link between lung injury and AKI.7375
30% of cirrhotic patients with SBP will develop Similar to AKI, lung injury recently underwent a
HRS.64 The pathophysiology underlying the develop- rebranding with the new consensus denitions of acute
ment of HRS includes marked splanchnic vasodilata- respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), entitled the
tion and decreased systemic vascular resistance leading Berlin Denitions.76 These criteria (Table 2) classify
to renal hypoperfusion.64,65 Therefore, the mainstay of patients according to the PaO2/fraction of inspired
management (outside of liver transplantation) is the oxygen ratio and no longer include the term acute
administration of vasoconstrictors such as terlipressin, lung injury. In addition, the new denition claries
which may be effective in up to 50% of cases.64,66 In issues relating to the time of onset (1 week of insult),
the United States, where terlipressin remains unavail- the role of chest imaging, and setting a minimum
able, the combination of midodrine plus octreotide, positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 mm Hg. This
usually with albumin, is used in many centers as a rebranding of ARDS comes on the heels of several
result of early studies showing efcacy with this decades of lung injury work that not only has informed
regimen.67 Still, medical management serves primarily and improved the care of critically ill patients, but also
as a bridge, and liver transplantation remains the has assisted in elucidating the interplay between the
optimal therapy for HRS: a recent study found that, lungs and kidneys in the setting of critical illness.
among patients who required acute dialysis and who ARDS has been studied extensively, with more than
survived for 6 months after liver transplantation, less one third of ARDS patients developing some form of

Table 2. The Berlin Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome76

Criteria Definition
Timing Within 1 week of a known clinical insult or new or worsening respiratory symptoms
Chest imaging (chest radiograph or Bilateral opacitiesnot fully explained by effusions, lobar/lung collapse, or nodules
computerized tomography scan)
Origin of edema Respiratory failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload
Need objective assessment (eg, echocardiogram) to exclude hydrostatic edema if no
risk factors present
Mild oxygenation 200 mm Hg o PaO2/FiO2 r 300 mm Hg with positive end expiratory pressure or
continuous positive airway pressure Z 5 cm H2O
Moderate oxygenation 100 mm Hg oPaO2/FiO2 r 200 mm Hg with positive end expiratory pressure Z 5 cm
Severe oxygenation PaO2/FiO2 r 100 mm Hg with positive end expiratory pressure Z 5 cm H2O

Abbreviation: FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen.

28 M. Heung and J.L. Koyner

AKI, which in turn signicantly increases inpatient liberal uid arm nishing close to 16 mm Hg and
morbidity and mortality.77 In a recent prospective patients in the conservative arm at 12 to 14 mm Hg.
observational study of 8,029 ICU subjects, of whom There was no difference in 60-day mortality rate
1,879 had ARDS, ARDS was associated independently (P .30), incidence of serum creatinine concentration
with AKI. AKI, dened by the Risk, Injury, Failure, higher than 2.0 within the rst 7 days of the study
Loss, End-stage (RIFLE) criteria, occurred in 44.3% of (P .45), or the need for renal replacement therapy
those with ARDS, but in only 27.4% of those without (RRT) (uid conservative, 14%; versus liberal uid,
ARDS (P o .001), and remained more common in 10%; P .06). There was a similar trend toward a
patients with ARDS after adjusting for AKI risk factors higher serum creatinine concentration in the uid-
in the setting of critical illness. In patients with ARDS, conservative group (P .07), along with signicantly
AKI increased the mortality rate from 20.2% to higher blood urea nitrogen and serum bicarbonate
42.3%.78 levels. When looking at the role of uid balance in
The 20% mortality rate in the setting of non-AKI these ARDS patients, patients in the liberal uid arm
ARDS was slightly less than in other recent ARDS were, on average, 5.61 L net positive over the rst
studies,79 but highlights the dramatic decrease in 4 days and 7.11 L net positive over the rst 7 days.
ARDS-associated mortality that has occurred over the This was signicantly higher than the conservative
past few decades.80,81 This improvement in patient arm, which was 0.21 L positive at 4 days and 0.01 L
outcomes has been, in part, a direct result of systematic positive at 7 days.82
randomized controlled trials and a well-established Given the dilutional impact of positive uid balance
network of investigators. It deserves noting that the on serum creatinine concentration and the inadequate
incidence of sepsis as the source of ARDS varies denition of AKI, Liu et al84 performed a secondary
across ARDS network studies, with some investiga- analysis of the Fluid and Catheters Treatment Trial in
tions being performed exclusively in patients with which they adjusted the serum creatinine concentration
sepsis-related ARDS79 whereas the majority have for uid balance and dened AKI as a 0.3 mg/dL or
sepsis rates that vary from 20% to 30%.8083 In the 50% absolute increase over 48 hours. Patients rst
recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled were classied by AKI status based on changes in
trial investigating the utility of rosuvastatin in the serum creatinine concentration and then reclassied for
setting of sepsis-associated ARDS, rosuvastatin did the uid balanceadjusted serum creatinine concentra-
not improve 60-day in-hospital mortality, with the trial tion. Importantly, patients who were reclassied based
being stopped early (roughly 75% enrollment) because on uid status had outcomes that were more concord-
it was deemed futile. However, it deserves noting that ant with the reclassied AKI status than their initial
patients receiving rosuvastatin were at increased risk of designation. Thus, in the setting of ARDS, volume
developing persistent renal failure, dened as a serum overload is a signicant contributor to under-
creatinine concentration greater than 2.0 mg/dL.79 This recognized AKI (both mild and severe forms) and
atypical, nonconsensus denition of AKI has been can impact mortality rates.84 Similarly, in a recent
used consistently by the ARDS network over the past secondary analysis of the prospective observational
decade.81,82 Italian multicenter Nefrologia e Cura Intensiva
It is this same denition of renal failure (creatinine (NEFROINT) study, Cruz et al85 showed that in 601
level, 42.0 mg/dL) that was used when investigating ICU patients, after adjusting for age, sex, DM, hyper-
the role of a liberal versus conservative uid manage- tension, diuretic use, severity of illness, and sepsis,
ment strategy in the setting of resuscitating patients every liter of positive uid balance increased the risk of
with early ARDS (Fluid and Catheters Treatment 28-day mortality by 67% (P o .001). When studied
Trial).82 Importantly, the liberal uid strategy exclusively in the setting of septic shock, positive uid
attempted to keep the central venous pressure at 10 balance has been associated with increased mortality
to 14 or the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure at 14 rates.86 In a secondary analysis of the Vasopressin in
to 18 mm Hg, while the uid-conservative arm aimed Septic Shock Trial, 778 patients with septic shock were
for a central venous pressure of less than 4 and divided into quartiles based on their net uid balance,
a pulmonary artery occlusion pressure of less than 8. with the mean uid balance being 11 L positive over
Neither of these arms were able to achieve these the rst 4 days; a positive uid balance at 12 hours and
targets, with the uid-conservative arm achieving a at 4 days was associated with a signicantly increased
mean central venous pressure of approximately 8 to risk of death.86 In the Randomized Evaluation of
9 mm Hg and the liberal uid arm decreasing slightly Normal versus Augmented Level (RENAL) Renal
from a baseline of 12 to 13 mm Hg to 11 to 12 mm Hg. Replacement Therapy trial (n 1,453), in which all of
The mean starting pulmonary artery occlusion pressure the patients received continuous RRT, the incidence of
was 15 to 16 mm Hg for the cohort, with patients in the severe sepsis was 49% and a positive uid balance was
Sepsis, CKD, and comorbidities in AKI 29

associated with an increased length of ICU stay and an Network criteria) were higher in patients receiving a
increased risk of 90-day mortality.87 Finally, in a smaller cardiopulmonary bypass pump (32.1% versus 28%;
single-center study of 170 hospitalized adults requiring P .01).104 However, based on the 1-year follow-up
RRT uid overload at the time of RRT initiation was data, there was no difference in the long-term loss of
associated with worse renal recovery at 1 year.88 renal function between on- and off-pump surgeries: at
1 year the on-pump patients saw a 15.3% decrease in
their eGFR compared with 17.1% for off-pump
POSTOPERATIVE AKI patients (P .23).105
In addition to traditional on- and off-pump cardiac
Cardiac SurgeryAssociated AKI surgery, ventricular assist device (VAD) implantation
The incidence of cardiac surgeryassociated (CSA)- represents a growing population of cardiac surgery
AKI varies with the denition of AKI. Milder forms of patients at high risk for the development of AKI.106
AKI (eg, KDIGO stage 1 AKI: a 0.3-mg/dL absolute Despite the growing number of VAD implantations,
increase or a 50% increase from preoperative baseline the impact of AKI during the perioperative period, its
values) occur in 15% to 30% of patients,8991 whereas etiology, predictors, and short- and long-term conse-
more severe forms (eg, KDIGO stage 3 AKI or the quences require further investigation; the limited liter-
need for RRT) are less common, occurring in less than ature has been difcult to interpret because many
5% to 10% of patients.90,92,93 Importantly, sepsis is an studies have not used consensus denitions of
uncommon occurrence after cardiac surgery, with two AKI.107112 Certainly sepsis and infection play a role
separate large database analyses showing that the in the development of post-VAD implantation AKI,
incidence of major postoperative infections, of which with postoperative infection rates varying from 8% to
sepsis is a subset, is less than 1.5%.94,95 However, 22%.113,114 Interestingly, in a prospective observatio-
despite this low event rate, when looking at a 4-year nal multicenter study of 158 VAD patients, increased
nationally representative sample of cardiac surgery pre-implantation serum creatinine concentration was an
patients, Vogel et al94 showed that the presence of independent risk factor for postoperative infections
sepsis after cardiac surgery, regardless of AKI, was complications.113 For the studies that used consensus
associated overwhelmingly with an increased risk of AKI denitions, the incidence of AKI, dened at its
mortality (30.8% versus 1.17%) in patients without simplest (RIFLE risk or AKI Network stage 1), varied
postoperative sepsis. Common factors that increase the from 7% to 56%.114116 Although some of these
risk of CSA-AKI have been identied and can be investigations have shown that postimplantation
separated into preoperative and intraoperative catego- AKI has similar risk factors to traditional cardiac
ries.91,96,97 Factors such as female sex, older age, surgery (eg, preoperative eGFR,116,117 length of
insulin-requiring DM, congestive heart failure, and cardiopulmonary bypass time,116 and the presence
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease all are associ- of diabetes114), others have shown that preoperative
ated with increased AKI risk. However, the presence of hematocrit level, the presence of cerebrovascular
preoperative CKD remains the most important deter- disease, and preoperative hepatic function may be
minant of CSA-AKI risk.98100 Intraoperative risk risk factors for post-VAD AKI.114,116,117 Further
factors also are associated with postoperative CSA- investigations are needed to tease out any potential
AKI, including the use of intra-aortic balloon pumps, differences between the risks of AKI after traditional
hypothermic circulatory arrest, the use of vasopressors, cardiac surgery versus VAD implantations. It is well
and the number of blood transfusions needed.96,101,102 documented that several months after VAD implanta-
Based on these risk factors, a variety of clinical tools tion, in the presence of improved renal perfusion, the
have been developed and validated to improve the AKI majority of patients have an improvement in renal
risk stratication of individual patients undergoing function.118 However, the impact of perioperative
cardiac surgery (Table 3). Importantly, the role of AKI on this long-term improvement in renal function
cardiopulmonary bypass pump as a risk factor for remains unclear.
CSA has been investigated intensively. In a
propensity-matched cohort stratied by preoperative
renal function, Chawla et al103 showed that off-pump NonCSA AKI
procedures were associated with a lower risk of RRT As with cardiac surgery, the event rates for post-
and inpatient mortality. Similarly, in the Coronary operative sepsis are rather low, with Vogel et al94
Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery Off- or On-pump reporting that 78,669 (1.21%) of 6.51 million elective
Revascularization Study, which enrolled 4,752 patients cases developed sepsis. Event rates were highest in
undergoing their rst isolated coronary artery bypass esophageal (3.8%), pancreatic (3.1%), and gastric
graft surgery, the rates of AKI (dened by the AKI (2.8%) procedures.94 Compared with CSA-AKI, the
30 M. Heung and J.L. Koyner

Table 3. Selected Scoring Systems for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury After Adult Cardiac Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Score Society of Thoracic Wijeysundera AKICS Score
(Thakar et al96) Surgeons (Mehta et al100) et al98 (Palomba et al160)
Age N/A Variable (1-10) N/A 2.3 (465 y)
Non-white race N/A 2 N/A N/A
Female sex 1 N/A N/A N/A
Congestive heart failure 1 3 N/A 3.2
Left ventricular ejection fraction 1 (o35%) N/A 1 (o40%) N/A
Preoperative intra-aortic balloon 2 N/A 1 N/A
Recent myocardial infarction N/A 3 N/A N/A
COPD 1 3 N/A N/A
Diabetes 1 (regardless of N/A
Noninsulin N/A 2 medication)
Insulin 1 5
Preoperative blood glucose N/A N/A N/A 1.7
concentration (4140 mg/dL)
Previous cardiac surgery 1 3 1 N/A
Emergency surgery 2 N/A 1 N/A
Surgery type
Valve only 1 2 or 4 1 N/A
CABG and valve 2 5 or 7 1 3.7
Preoperative creatinine
o1.2 mg/dL N/A 0-10 N/A 3.1
1.2-2.1 mg/dL 2 10-20 N/A N/A
42.1 mg/dL 5 25-40 N/A N/A
Preoperative eGFR concentration
31-60 mL/min N/A N/A 1 N/A
o30 mL/min N/A N/A 2 N/A
Cardiogenic shock N/A 7 N/A 2.5
Central venous pressure N/A N/A N/A 1.7 (414 cm H2O)
Cardiopulmonary bypass time N/A N/A N/A 1.8 (4120 min)

NOTE. The Cleveland Clinic Score96 was designed to predict RRT after adult surgery: a score of 0 carried an incidence of RRT of
0.13%, a score of 4 had an incidence of RRT of 2.3%, a score of 6 had an incidence of RRT of 8.0%, and a score of 10 had an
incidence of RRT of 19.6%. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons100 score was designed to predict RRT after adult surgery: a score of 10
carried a 0.2% incidence of RRT, a score of 20 carried a 1.1% risk of RRT, a score of 30 carried a 5.4% risk of RRT, a score of 40
carried a 16% risk of RRT, a score of 50 carried a 28% risk of RRT, and a score of 60 carried a 56% risk of RRT. The Wijeysundera
score98 was designed to predict RRT after adult cardiac surgery. For Palomba et al,160 five risk categories (scores 0-4, 4.1-8, 8.1-12,
12.1-16, and 16.1-20) were associated with an increased incidence of developing AKI (1.5%, 4.3%, 9.1%, 21.8%, and 62.5%,
Abbreviations: CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

incidence of AKI (mild or severe) after other surgical groups previous work that showed that intraoperative
procedures was lower, however, event rates varied factors such as the use of intraoperative vasopressors,
depending on the surgical procedure.119122 These furosemide, or mannitol all increased the risk of
studies have shown that procedures such as major postoperative AKI.119
vascular surgery (eg, abdominal aortic aneurysm
repair), gastric bypass surgery, and liver transplanta-
tion all have their own unique AKI risk proles. By Outcomes of Postoperative AKI
using the American College of Surgeons National Mortality rates in the setting of CSA-AKI and post-
Surgical Quality Improvement Program data, Kheter- operative AKI have improved over the past 10 to 15
pal et al123 reviewed 75,952 general surgeries and years,124 but remain exceedingly high. Postoperative
identied several predictors of postoperative AKI; AKI is associated with an increased risk of readmis-
these included preoperative CKD, age older than 56 sion, incidence, and progression of CKD, as well as
years, emergency surgery, and the presence of DM or poor long-term survival.121,125128 Coca et al126
congestive heart failure. The development and vali- recently showed that urinary biomarkers of tubular
dation of this risk assessment tool built on this injury measured in the early postoperative period are
Sepsis, CKD, and comorbidities in AKI 31

associated with 3-year mortality in adults who have inhibitors/angiotensin-receptor blocker, calcineurin
undergone cardiac surgery. This association held true inhibitors) and hypercalcemia, which can induce a
for patients both with and without AKI and perhaps natural diuresis, further depleting intravascular volume.
offers a preview into the next generation of risk- Obstructive (postrenal) AKI is more common in
stratication tools that will incorporate novel bio- cancer patients compared with other AKI patients.131
markers, severity of AKI, and other factors to risk Whether owing to bladder outlet or ureteral obstruc-
stratify patients for long-term mortality after AKI.129 In tion, obstructive AKI can result from cancer of the
addition, uid overload has been shown to impact bladder, prostate, uterus, or cervix, and also from
patient outcomes after cardiac surgery. In a recent retroperitoneal brosis in the setting of malignancy.
secondary analysis of a prospective observational The treatment for obstructive uropathy involves reliev-
study, uid overload (dened as a 5% gain greater ing the obstruction, and clinical recovery depends on
than admission body weight) was shown to impact the duration and severity of the AKI.
pediatric patients hospital course negatively after The intrinsic causes of AKI in the cancer setting are
cardiac surgery.130 numerous and have been covered in several recent
reviews.131,132,141143 Acute tubular necrosis (ATN),
whether from ischemia or nephrotoxins, remains an
AKI IN THE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOST important and all too common source of AKI in
patients with cancer; however, other etiologies such
AKI in Cancer Patients as acute glomerulonephritis, hematopoietic stem cell
As the eld of onconephrology continues to grow, AKI transplantation, tumor lysis, and cast nephropathy
increasingly is recognized as a common and signicant contribute to the AKI case load. Briey, nephrotoxins
complication in patients with cancer; several reviews such as bisphosphonates (ATN and collapsing focal
on this topic have been published recently.131133 As in segmental glomerulosclerosis), cisplatin (tubulopathy
other clinical settings, the incidence and severity of and cellular apoptosis), methotrexate (crystal-induced
AKI varies depending on the type and stage of cancer, tubulopathy), ifosfamide (ATN and Fanconi syn-
treatment course, and patient comorbidities.32,133136 In drome), gemcitabine (thrombotic microangiopathy),
addition, in the setting of cancer, AKI morbidity, and and contrast nephropathy are some of the common
mortality increase in the presence of critical illness or the agents that induce cancer-associated AKI.131 Contrast
need for RRT.137139 The sources of AKI in the setting nephropathy is fairly common in the cancer patient
of malignancy are similar to those in other clinical given the commonality of their risk factors including
settings. However, given the increasing number of novel older age, pre-existing CKD, exposure to other neph-
therapeutics and complexity of cancer treatment proto- rotoxins, and generally poor hydration status.144
cols, nephrologists need to stay informed in the emerging AKI after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is
landscape of onconephrology. extremely common, with incidence rates of 50% to
Very few large investigations of AKI among cancer 80%, depending on the denition or transplant being
patients have been performed, however, these types of performed.136,145 Because of the increased exposure to
studies are increasing in number.32,134 Previous inves- nephrotoxins as well as the complexity of the trans-
tigations have examined the etiologies of AKI in plants, the risk of AKI is greater in allogenic (versus
cancer patients and, as in other clinical settings, they autologous) transplants and myeloablative (versus
have been categorized into prerenal, intrarenal, and nonmyeloablative) transplants.136,143,145 Importantly,
postrenal AKI. A recent, prospectively collected, cross- hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients are at
sectional analysis of 3,558 subjects showed that DM, risk from a variety of sources including the aforemen-
hyponatremia, iodinated contrast, chemotherapy, and tioned prerenal azotemia and obstruction (eg, from
antibiotics all increased the risk of AKI in patients acyclovir-induced crystalline disease), but also from
admitted to a comprehensive cancer center.32 tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) (discussed later), hepatic
Prerenal AKI is extremely common in cancer veno-occlusive disease, sepsis/infections (bacterial,
patients and often is associated with intravascular fungal, and viral), and nephrotoxins (antibiotics, calci-
volume depletion from vomiting, diarrhea, and reduced neurin inhibitors).143 Goldstein et al146 showed that in
oral intake (eg, from chemotherapy-induced mucosi- the setting of pediatric stem cell transplantation, uid
tis).140 Importantly, early stage and under-resuscitated overload, dened as either 5% or 10% uid overload
sepsis may present clinically as volume depletion (calculated by subtracting the total uid output from
(hypotension, vasodilation, fevers, and so forth), and the total uid input over the course of admission
separating this from other sources of AKI often proves divided by the patients admission weight), was asso-
difcult. Finally, other sources of prerenal AKI ciated with adverse patient outcomes.
include medications (eg, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti- TLS, an oncologic emergency, is most common in
inammatory drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme the setting of hematologic malignancy, although the
32 M. Heung and J.L. Koyner

incidence in the setting of solid tumors is increasing. for AKI in the solid organ transplant recipient and was
Although a classication schema has been published, it associated independently with risk of death in a recent
is not used broadly because distinguishing clinically cohort study of solid-organ transplant recipients who
relevant TLS from laboratory-dened TLS remains a all had dialysis requiring AKI.153
challenge for oncologists and nephrologists alike.147
Dened by increases in uric acid, potassium, and
AKI in the Human Immunodeciency Virus Patient
phosphorus, with a concomitant decrease in calcium,
TLS is more common in patients with prechemother- AKI in the setting of human immunodeciency virus
apy CKD. In a retrospective observational study of 772 (HIV) carries a broad differential with sepsis and acute
adults with acute myeloid leukemia, 17% developed tubular injury playing major roles; however, several
TLS, and independent risk factors included baseline risk factors often are present.155157 HIV patients are at
creatinine concentrations greater than 1.4 mg/dL, high risk for AKI in large part owing to their predis-
pretreatment uric acid concentrations greater than position to CKD, predominantly through glomerular
7.5 mg/dL, white blood cell count greater than disease. This CKD can manifest through a variety of
25  109/L, and increased pretreatment lactate dehy- mechanisms including podocyte injury (eg, HIV-
drogenase levels.148 Newer treatments such as febuxo- associated nephropathy, focal segmental glomerular
stat (a xanthine oxidase inhibitor) and rasburicase sclerosis) or immune complex disease (eg, IgA nephr-
(recombinant urate oxidase) are reshaping the treat- opathy, membranous, membranoproliferative glomer-
ment of TLS; intravascular volume expansion, ulonephritis), which often is related to co-infection
increased alkalinized urinary ow, calcium supplemen- with a hepatitis virus.157,158 Medications represent
tation, and RRT remain at the cornerstone of TLS another important source of AKI with highly active
treatment. antiretroviral therapy nephropathy (eg, tenofovir, indi-
Multiple myeloma (MM), a malignant plasma cell navir), acute crystalluria nephropathy (eg, acyclovir,
disorder, is highly associated with AKI, with more than indinavir), acute interstitial nephritis, and rhabdomyol-
one third of MM patients developing some form of ysis (eg, zidovudine and didanosine).157,159 A prospec-
kidney injury and 10% to 15% requiring RRT.149 tive cohort study of 56,823 HIV-infected patients in the
Multiple investigations have shown that MM- Veterans Affairs registry showed that the incidence rate
associated AKI increases patient mortality, however, of AKI (dened as a 0.3-mg/dL absolute or 50%
interestingly, the mortality risk was reversible with the relative increase in serum creatinine concentration)
restoration of renal function.150,151 AKI from hyper- decreased from 1996 to 2006. As expected, the
calcemia, higher pretreatment eGFR, and proteinuria presence of an eGFR less than 60 mL/min, proteinuria,
less than 1 g/d all were predictive of improved renal hypoalbuminemia, a CD4 cell count less than 200 cell/
and overall survival. However, these studies all pre- mm3, and a high viral load (4100,000 copies/mL) all
date several of the modern treatments for MM, includ- were shown to be strong risk factors for the develop-
ing early removal of serum-free light chains with ment of AKI.156 AKI in the setting of HIV has been
hemodialysis.152 Regardless, AKI in the setting of associated with an increased risk of long-term
MM remains a complex clinical entity with multiple mortality.155
clinical presentations including myeloma cast nephr-
opathy, amyloid light-chain amyloidosis, monoclonal
immunoglobulin deposition disease, and ATN.
AKI is a common and frequently deadly syndrome in
critically ill patients. AKI does not represent a single
AKI in Nonrenal Solid Organ Transplant Recipients entity, but rather is a complex syndrome that can be
Although patients with nonrenal solid organ transplants inuenced by a variety of risk factors. This is most
represent a small percentage of patients with AKI and evident in the setting of sepsis, in which a variety of
critical illness, nevertheless they are a complex shared risk factors for both sepsis and AKI may co-
immune-compromised population with multiple exist and contribute to both syndromes. Examples
comorbidities. Among these comorbidities are an include immunocompromised syndromes (DM, HIV,
increased incidence of CKD and ESRD resulting from cancer, cirrhosis) and inammatory states (postsurgi-
the nephrotoxicity of immunosuppressive agents, peri- cal, CKD). Recognition of the risk from these shared
operative AKI, pretransplant CKD, and other tradi- susceptibilities is critical to the early identication and
tional CKD risk factors (eg, DM, hypertension, and so management of developing AKI and sepsis. In recent
forth).121 Peritransplant AKI varies in its incidence years, research has yielded a great deal of insight into
from 20% to 60%, depending on the organ being the complicated interactions between AKI, sepsis, and
transplanted, with RRT being used in 10% to 25% of shared comorbidities. Finding opportunities to inter-
subjects.153,154 Sepsis remains a common risk factor vene and reverse or attenuate the injury resulting from
Sepsis, CKD, and comorbidities in AKI 33

these entangled conditions remains a major focus for 19. Coca SG, Singanamala S, Parikh CR. Chronic kidney disease
clinical care and research. after acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-
analysis. Kidney Int. 2012;81:442-8.
20. Wu VC, Huang TM, Lai CF, Shiao CC, Lin YF, Chu TS, et al.
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