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What sort of Election do you want?

Australians as we move into Week 2 of the Federal Election, as a nation we need to step
back and look at the week’s events and ask ourselves what sort of Election do we want this
year? A negative one or a positive one? One of substance or one of Clichés?

As the Political Parties and the Media all strive to bring you the most up to date information
and then break down the facts and analyse what was said, at times are you feeling like you
voices are not being heard?

We are living in a world with Social Networking Services online that allow for Questions to
be asked straight from the people of Australia un censored or pre read by the political
parties or any reporters. Why do we not use this facility?

Where do we all focus our Online attention during this Campaign?, How do we store and
label our files? What #Hashtags do we use? Where are the Political Parities Online sites?
How do we share files so that we do not duplicate shares?

As the Political Parties each run their campaigns, who is there for the people of Australia?

Who can we elect in the short term to be our representative during these election to
demand information and ask the questions that we want answered from our Politicians,
where is the openness and transparency? Where are the Documents that show me how
much money each Leader has? Where are the documents showing me how much people
have donated to each leader?

We are sitting on a new time for Australian Politics as Social Networking Services open up
the ability to share ideas and thoughts and communicate faster and more efficient than ever
before. So this is why for the Election Campaign I am using these Alberto Kang accounts to
test and monitor the ability for Information to be shared to All Australians through Social
Networking Services.

This is why I ask all people that read this, to share It with their fellow Australians during the
election, and remind them that each message will also be translated into different languages
so that people in our region or nations around the world can also have a look at what I write.

How sort of Election do I want? One where we can all make a true informed decision on who
we want in Government to represent us, that means truly opening the floor to questions
that Australians have on the those that wish to Lead this Nation.

I Vote that Kochie be our Peoples representative at an agreed time on a Saturday Night Live
special the political Leaders get questions sent from the Web via Kochie to the Leaders.

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