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This dialogue was made to fulfill the task of English


Rahel as a Midwife (midwife Rahel)
Devi as Client (Mrs. Devi)

One afternoon, there was a mother who came unaccompanied by her husband to a midwife
clinic for counselling about contraception appropriate.

Client : Assalamualaikum, midwife

Midwife : Waalaikumsalam wr. wb, Mrs please come in and have a seat. my name
Midwife Rahel, your name?

Client : my name Mrs Devi, midwife (while shaking hands)

Midwife : oh yes, Mrs Devi may I help you?

Client : Yes midwife, my husband and I decided to family planning but I am still
confused to choose what suits KB for use. So I want to ask for an explanation
of you as a midwife, related to the kinds of contraception I can use it later.

Midwife : oh, yes Mrs Devi, to you and your husband want family planning but not
before you wants to know the types of contraception what can you use, is that
Client : Yeah midwife like that.

Midwife : have you been an acceptor before?

Client : Yes midwife, I've become family planning acceptors.

Midwife : what have you use during this birth?

Client : I'm using pills for birth control, midwife.

Midwife : O .. yes, yes. if I may know how many children have a mother now?

Client : I have one child, midwife.

Midwife : how many years of your children age?

Client : My child aged 1 year 2 months bu.

Midwife : oh ya..Now is a very good time for child spacing. So, here there are several
types of contraceptives. Among them, there are injections, pills, implants,
condoms and IUD.

Client : Oh, like that midwife. so, what the advantages and disadvantages of each
contraception are?

Midwife : the types of each contraceptive that I mentioned earlier has advantages and
disadvantages. I will explain one by one. so, that you will not confuse to
choose the contraceptives that you want to use.

Client : Yeah midwife

Midwife : Well Mrs, I start from the contraceptive injection. There are 2 types of
contraceptive injection for 1 month and injection for 3 months. The advantage
of the contraceptive injection is that it can increase comfort during sexual
intercourse due to unnecessary fear of getting pregnant and also can be used
for all ages in the fertile period. But Mrs, for some woman, the contraceptive
injection may not match then, there will be spots, can lead to obesity and may
also weight will be an increase.
For family planning type of implant, there are several types as well including
2 bars, 3 bars and 6 bars. 2 and 3 bars implant are only 3 months time whereas
6 sticks can last up to 5 years. The advantage of this type of family planning is
able to restore the fertility of the mother perfectly after removal and does not
raise blood pressure. While the drawbacks that sometimes acceptor
complained of headaches, anxiety, can increase/decrease in maternal weight.
So far, do you understand?

Client : Oh, yes midwife I understand (nodding)

Midwife : Well if you understood we continue again?

Client : yes

Midwife : For KB condom use, is in use by your couples (husband). Condoms advantage
is that it can prevent sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, as well as
practical use. But the losses are still low level of effectiveness since it is
usually in the installation, the condom may tear.
To use birth control pills have advantages that can be used by all ages
productive but if you forgot to drink it is most likely a pregnancy will occur.
Well, the last that the IUD is usually called IUD. This IUD has the advantage
that is suitable to prevent pregnancy in the long term of 10 years for this kind
of Copper T, contains no hormonal effects and you not to worry about the
"forgotten factor" such as the use of the pill, but it can be removed at any time
you want. The drawback is bleeding at the beginning of the installation as well
as the period will be longer and more.

Client : o yes
Midwife : I think I've pretty enough explanation, do you understand?

Client : Yes midwife, I understand

Midwife : Alhamdulillah if you already understood, but can you can repeat briefly about
my explanation?

Client : okay midwife. Hm, earlier, midwife explained that injections have 2 types:
injection for 1 month and injection for 3 months. The advantage of rapidly
restore fertility, but it can cause spots and increase/decrease weight. For KB
implant there are several types as well including 2 bars, 3 bars and 6 bars. 2
and 3 bars implant are only 3 months time whereas 6 sticks can last up to 5
years. KB implant is perfectly able to restore fertility after removal were
shortcomings that became agitated and was also an increase/decrease in
weight. KB used by my partner, Condoms, can prevent sexually transmitted
diseases but the rate is still low effectiveness.
At birth control pills, it can be drunk as a practical yet, we sometimes forget to
drink it. And the IUD has the advantage that it is suitable for long-term and
have no hormonal effects. But the bleeding and menstrual installation will be
more; ama. Rightly so right midwife?

Midwife : Yes Mrs Devi, that's right. So from the explanation, there are that you did not

Client : no midwife, I think I've understood

Midwife : Then, was you able to take a decision what contraceptives you will be using?

Client : Yes, I have to choose IUD for birth control that can be used in the long term
so I can focus to give attention to my child until then I felt ready to have more

Midwife : Yeah Mrs Devi, I'm very impressed you who is wise, because you really
thought of the interests of development of your child.
Client : Yes, thank you, midwife. Oh yes, I want to ask about when this IUD can use

Midwife : IUD can be fitted at any time, as long as you convinced that you were not
pregnant, it can use 40 days after the birth, and can also be installed at the time
of menstruation.

Client : oh so it can be used at any home convinced that we are not pregnant yes

Midwife : yes Mrs Devi, that's right.

Client : midwife, what time I must repeat visits?

Midwife : Mrs, when you're setting up, a re-visit it could be months after installation, the
following month, when the late menstruation 1 week, can each subsequent 6
months, and if there is bleeding a lot of or in a case of complaints or another
special, mother directly come again. do not wait for a month or six months
later. have you understood?

Client : Yes, I understand midwife.

Midwife : yes, if so whether the mother wants to do the installation now or consults to the
husband's decision so that later no misunderstanding in the family.

Client : yes Midwife like I have to consult my choice KB to my husband because this
should be an agreement, us to remain harmoniously connection between us.
Then, after I got the consent of my husband, I would come back midwives to
perform IUD.

Midwife : yes, If the decision you and your husband have been established, please come
back for installing the IUD.
Client : yes midwife thank you very much for the support and information the mother
provided, this is very useful for me and the family.

Midwife : yes mother, equally

Client : Well excuse me, midwife. Assalamualaikum ..

Midwife : waalaikumsalam ... (while shaking hands)

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