Question 1

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Question 1.

a. Explain XoR Gate.

b. What is MSI, VLSI?
c. What is TTL?
d. What are EEROM and EPROM?
e. Write down the formula to calculate radix complements.?

Question 2.
a. What are logic gates?
b. Explain and, or and not gate.
c. Explain Cache memory.
d. What is hit ratio in cache memory?
e. Difference between SRAM and DRAM.
f. What is ROM and types of ROM?

Question 3.
a. Explain the Edge triggered Flip Flops.
b. Write Down the Concept of Master Slave Flip Flop.
c. Explain Excitation Table of All Flip Flops.
d. What is Clock Pulse describing with Example?
e. What is Combinational Circuits?
f. Simply the following terms (ABC+ABC+CD+CD).
g. Difference between main memory and primary memory.
h. Explain the concept of Virtual Memory.

Question 4.

a. Explain Number System.

What is Flip-Flops Explain all the Flip-Flops?

b. What is Karnaugh Map? Explain it With Example.

Explain the Memory Organization and explain the concept of Cache

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