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Fact Sheet Country Name: Netherlands

1. Population: 17,016,967
2. GDP ($ on PPP basis): $865.9 billion
3. Per Capita GDP ($ on PPP basis): $50,800
4. GDP Growth Rate (% on Nominal basis): 1.7%
5. Inflation (%): 0.2%
6. Unemployment (%): 6.2%
7. Exports and Total in $: $460.1 billion
8. Imports and Total in $: $376.3 billion
9. % of Labor Force in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Services:
agriculture: 1.8%
industry: 17%
services: 81.2%
10. Literacy (%): 99%
11. Life Expectancy (# of years M.F. total)
total population: 81.3 years
male: 79.2 years
female: 83.6 years
12. Infant Mortality (per 1000):
total: 3.6 deaths/1,000 live births
male: 3.9 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 3.3 deaths/1,000 live births
13. # of People per Hospital Beds (pop/# of hospital beds): 4.5/1,000
14. # of People per Car (pop/# of passenger cars): 528/1,000
15. # of People per Doctor (pop/# of physicians): 3.1/1,000
16. # of People per TV (pop/# of TVs): 519/1,000
17. # of Years of Compulsory Education:
total: 18 years
male: 18 years
female: 18 years
18. # of Internet Users: 417.3/1,000

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