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Reg. No.’ ie LTT) Question Paper Code : 80367 B.E,/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016. ‘Third Semester Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE 6302 — ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY (Regulations 2013) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks BeE 10. 1, 12. Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2=20 marks) Determine the angle between A= 24, +44, and B=64,-44,. State Stoke's Theorem. Find the capacitance of an isolated spherical shell of radius a. Find the magnitude of D for a dielectric material in which # = 0.15 MV/m and 5, = 5.25. ‘State Ampere’s Circuital Law. A conductor 4m Jong lies along the y-axis with the current of 10 A in a, direction, if the field is B= 0.05a, Tesla calculate the force on the conductor, Moist soil has conductivity of 10 Sim and ¢,=2.5, determine the displacement current density if E = 6.0 x 10° sin 9.0 x 10° t (V/m). State Faraday’s Law. Define standing wave ratio. State the properties of uniform plane wave. PART B — (6 x 13 = 65 marks) (a) @ State and Prove Divergence theorem @® (i) Transform 4a, ~ 2a, ~44, at (2, 3, 5) to cylindrical coordinates. (5) Or (©) @ Derive the expression for electric field intensity due to uniformly charged circular dise of o c/m?. @) (i) Find the force on a charge @, of 20 C at (0, 1, 2)m due to Q, of 300 uC at (2, 0, O)m. ) (@) @ Find the potential at ry =5 m with respect to rp =15m due to point charge @= 500 pC at the origin and zero reference at infinity. (6) (i) Find the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with dielectric n =15 and ¢,,=3.5 each occupy one half of the space between the plates of area 2 m* and d=10"m. @ Or 13, M4. 15. 16. (b) (@) (b) (a) (b) (@) (b) (a), (. In spherical coordinates V = -25 Von a conductor at r = and V = 150 V at r = 35 cm. The Space between the conductor is a dielectric of 2,= 3.12. Find the surface charge densities on the conductor. a0) (ii) Define Laplace and Poisson’s equation. 8) Derive the expression for magnetic field intensity due to infinitely long straight conductor carrying a current of I amps along Z-axis. a3) Or (i) Determine H for a solid cylindrical conductor of radius a, where the current | is uniformly distributed over the cross section. () (ii) Calculate the inductance of a ring shaped coil of mean diameter 20 em, wound on a wooden core of 2 cm diameter containing 200 turns. ) Derive Maxwell's equation in both point and integral form for conducting medium and free Space. (a3) Or () Explain the concept of emf induction in statie and time varying magnetic field ® (i) Ina material for which o=5.0 Sim and «,= 1 with B= 250 sin 10" (Vim), Find Je and Jp and also thé frequency at which they equal magnitudes. © Derive the expression for electromagnetic wave equation for conducting and perfect dielectric medium. a3) Or A 6580 MHz uniform plane wave is propagating in a material medium of ¢,= 2.25. If the amplitude of the electric field intensity of lossless medium is.500 V/m. Calculate the phase constant, propagation constant, velocity, wavelength and intrinsic impedance. (13) PART C— (1x 15 = 15 marks) A plane wave travelling in +z direction in free space (@ < 0) is normally incident at z = 0 on a conductor (z > 0) for which o = 61.7 MS/m, 4,= 1 ‘The free space H wave has a frequency f = 1.5 MHZ and an amplitude of 1.0 Vim at the interface it is given by E(0, #) = 1.0 sin 2xfta, (Vim). Analyse the wave and predict magnetic wave H(z, t) at 2> 0. (15) Or Given that A=30e"G, 22d, in cylindrical coordinates, evaluate both sides of divergence theorem for the volume enclosed by r= 2, 2 = 0 and2=5. (5) 2 80367 Reg. No.: Question Paper Code : 27207 B.E/B.Tech, DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2015. Third Semester Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE 6302 — ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY (Regulation 2013) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 wiarks 10, Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10 x 2= 20 marks) What are the practical applications of electromagnetic fields? Give the differential displacement and volume in spherical co-ordinate system. What is the electric field intensity at a distance of 20 cm from a charge of 2 C in vacuum? Caloulate the capacitance per Km between a pair of parallel wires each of diameter lcm at a spacing of 50ems. What is the mutual inductance of the two inductively coupled coils with self inductance of 25 mH and 100 mH? What is the practical significance of Lorentz’s Force? Find the characteristics impedance of the medium whose relative permittivity is 3 and relative permeability is 1. ‘A parallel-plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm? and plate separation of 3 mm has a voltage 50 sin 10% V applied to its plates. Calculate the displacement current assuming ¢ = 26. What is practical significance of skin depth? Aplane wave travelling in air is normally incident on a block of paraffins with ¢, = 2.8. Find the reflection co-efficient. 11 12, 13, 14, @ es (a) (b) (a) (b) @) b) PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) (i) Verify the divergence theorem for a vector _ field D=3x'a, +(8y+z)a, +(82-x)a, in the region bounded by the cylinder x? + y*=9 and the planes x =0, y= 0, 2=0 andz=2 (12) (i) A novel printing technique is based upon electrostatic deflection principle. Justify. @) Or (State and prove Coulomb's Law. © Gi) Obtain an expression for electric field intensity due to a uniformly charged line of length 'T. (10) (Derive the expressions for energy and energy density in static electric fields. ao) (ii) State and prove the electrostatic boundary conditions. © Or (i) Derive an expression for capacitance of concentric spheres. ®) (i) Derive an expression for polarization 'P’. 8) () Obtain an expression for magnetic flux density and magnetic field intensity at any point along the axis of a circular coil. (12) (i) Distinguish between scalar and vector magnetic potential. @ Or (i) An air co-axial transmission line has a solid inner conductor of radius ‘a’ and a very thin outer conductor of inner radius ‘b’. Determine the inductance per unit length of the line. (a2) (i) Compare the different magnetic materials, @ @ A circular loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field of flux density 0.5 wb/m?, The wire has 200 turns and frequency of rotation of 1000 revolutions/minute. If the radius of the coil is 0.2 m, determine (1) the induced emf, when the plane of the coil is 60° to the flux lines and (2) the induced emf, when the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field. ® (i) Explain in detail about the difference between conduction and displacement currents. ®) Or Derive the set of Maxwell's equations with solutions in integral form from fundamental laws for a free space. (16) 2 27207 15, (a) (b) Obtain the electromagnetic wave equation for free space in terms of electric field and explain the wave propagation with necessary parameters. (6) Or @) Derive Poynting theorem from Maxwell's equation and explain. (8) (i) A uniform plane wave propagating in a medium has E=2e sin(lo*t~ fe)a,V/m If the medium is characterized by ¢, =1, uw, =20 and o=3S/m, find a, B and H. (8) 3 27207 B.EJ/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. Third Semester Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE 6302 — ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY (Regulation 2013) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10 x2 = 20 marks) 1. Given A=4a, +6a, ~2a,and B=~-2a, +4a, +8a,. Show that the vectors are orthogonal. ‘Express in matrix form the unit vector transformation from the rectangular to cylindrical co-ordinate system. 3. What is.the practical significance of Lorentz’s Force? 4, Find the electric field intensity in free space if D = 30 a, C/m’. 5. Find the force of interaction between two charges 4*10-* and 6*10~> spaced 10 cm apart in kerosene (s, = 2.0). Find the maximum terque on an 100 turns rectangular coil of 0.2 m by 0.3 m, carrying current of 2 A in the field of flux density 5 Web./m?. 7. Define mutual inductance and self induetance. 8. Distinguish between transformer emf and motional emf. 9. Compare thé equi-potential plots of uniform and non-uniform fields. 10. What is the wavelength and frequency of a wave propagation in free space when f= 2? 1. 12, 13, 14. PART B — (6 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) -(@ State and prove Gauss Law. ®) (i) Obtain an expression for electric field intensity due to a uniformly charged line of length T. ® Or b) (a) ) ) f) ) (@ Show that over the closed surface of a sphere of radius b, ds=0. (6) (ii) Show that the vector Z=(6xy + 2°)a, +(x? -z)a, +(8x2*-y)a, is irrotational and find its scalar potential. (a0) (A positive point charge 100 x 10+ is located in air at x= 0, 0.01m and another such charge at x=0,y=—0.1i. What is the magnitude and direction of E? © Gi) Obtain an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with two dieléctries of relative permittivity « and & respectively interposed between the plates. (10) Or Explain the polarization and thus obtain electric field intensity and potential of a dipole. (16) (@ Obtain an expression for magnetic flux density and magnetic field intensity at any point due to a finite length conductor ®) (i) State and prove magnetic boundary conditions. @). Or Obtain an expression for inductance and torque on a long solenoid coil. (16) Derive the set of Maxwell's equations with solutions in integral form from fundamental laws for a good conductor. (as) Or @ Explain the relation between field theory and circuit theory and thus obtain an expression for ohm’s law. ® (i) Compare and explain in detail conduction and: displacement currents. ®) T1124 15. (a) (i) State Poynting theorem and thus obtain an expression for instantaneous power density vector associated with electromagnetic _ field. (a2) (i) A plane wave travelling in air is normally incident on a block of paraffin with ¢, = 2.2. Find the reflection coefficient. On Or (b) Obtain an expression for electromagnetic wave propagation in lossy dielectrics. . (6) 3 TT124 Downloaded From ye] | Reg. No. Question Paper Code : 97065 BE/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014, ‘Third Semester A Electrical and Electronics Engineering O po Nee? EE 6302 — ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY (Regulation 2013) an ° ‘ Time : Three hours Cagen 100 marke Answer ALL questions. ,-%. Kg / PART A— (10x 2= 20 Points P and Qare located at (0.2.4) and from P to Q : Ny Determine the electric flux one eV icass of 20 om duo to en infinite sheet of uniform charge 2007s ivitg on the 2 =0 plane. 3. State the properties of erepushnes 4. Give the santo gona differences between Poisson’s and Laplace's equations, , Determine ahe Yalue of magnetic field intensity at the contre of a circular loop corryingg.curséit of'10 A. The radius of the loop is 2 m. 6. Distinguish between magnetic scalar potential and magnetic vector potential. mel 7. __ State Ghm's law for magnetic circuits. & om the two important equations that provide a connection between ficld and cuit theory. 9. The capacitance and inductance of an overhead transmission line ave +0.0075pF'/kmand 0.8 nHi/hm respectively. Determine the characteristic impedance of the line. 10. Ifa plane wave is incident normally from medium 1 to medium 2, write the reflection and transmission coefficients. 2 rae’ oc, Grow With Us Downloaded From PART B— 6 x 16 = 80 marks) 1. @ @ If Bey i, +(x~2)d, and a point @is located at (-2, 6, 3), express (1) The point @ in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, @) Bin spherical coordinates, ao) Gi) State and'explain Coulomb's Jaw of force. © Or m, () (Explain the divergence ofa vector field and Divergence theorem, ™S (i) By means of Gauss's law, determine the electric ficld oo) point P distant ‘h’ m from an infinite line of uniform ee pgChm Si 4 © 12. (2) @ A,dielecerie slab of flat surface with 4-4 is Wjepofed with ite surface normal to a uniform field with flux dBysit?’1.5 Clm?. The slab occupies a volume of 0.08 m? and'g uffformly polarized. Determine wy .. (2) Polarization in the slab, oy ® 2) © Total dipole-moment of sigh. separatin; NS Len) and dielectric 24,2), (a) At an interface show that the tangé@htiafegmpdlient of Eis continuous acroes the boundary, wheres roger] component of £ is discontinuous at the boundary. AN (19) Or &) @ _Disting a clectrie potential and electric potential difforene&yTwo point charges —4yiC and 5yC are located at (2¢1,8) antl ©, 4, 2) respectively. Find the potential at (1, 0 1) _asstuming zero potential at infinity (248) Git A Sbacitor consists of two parallel metal plates 30 cm x 30 cm 4 “Surface area, separated by 5 mm in sir. Determine its capacitance Ava.\ Find the total energy stored by the eapacitor ‘and the energy density if the capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 500V? (8) () Deseribe the classification of magnetic materials and draw a typical magnetization (B-H) curve. (6+2) Gi) Derive an expression for torque in a rectangular loop which is carrying a current of ‘T amperes and is situated in a’ uniform magnetic field ‘B’ Whim? @ Or 2 97065 . (2) Sw Grow With Us Downloaded From (b) @) Develop an expression for magnotie field intensity both inside and outside a-solid cylindrica] conductor of radius ‘a’ carrying a current T with uniform density, and sketch the variation of field intensity as a function of distance frori the conductor axis. (842) (i) A very long solenoid with 2 x Zem cross section has an iron core (#,=1000) and 400 turns / meter. If it carries a current of 500 mA, find (1) _ Its selfinductance per meter, OV eiutne eetay pet antec eeendun nettle: Oy 14 (a) i) A parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5 em? and pl separation of 3 mm has a voltage of 50sin10°¢ V applied its} plates, Caleulate the displacement current assuming © = 96)", ) (i) Derive the Maxwell's equations in both point,and ao, from Ampere’s law and Faraday’s law of eleetrén netig induction, Ny (10) a ny &) @) The magnetic civcuit of an iron ring w lad radius of 10 em has fe ying is wound with two rent 7, (t)=3sin10 76 A in a uniform cross. section of 10? m2, coils. If the cireuit is energized by the first coil with 200 turns, find duced emf in the second coil @ with 100 turns, Assume thay Ga 4 a : (i) Explain how the cigcuiyequattion for a series RLC circuit is derived from the field rating y (12) i Plane wave in a loss-less medium having (1) Gi) Show that tig,total power flow slong a eoaxial cable will be given by the gurfacg integration of the Poynting vector over any dosed sutfade. a2) aA * ~ or (b) ADekcribe the concept of electromagnetic wave propagation in a linear, isotopic, homogenecws, lovey dioloctrie medium. (as) 1. @ @ a 97065 + ra JO seins Grow With Us

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