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There is now little doubt that guided wave optical devices will have an increasing impact on
electrical engineering in the coming years. Primarily, this is due to the sustained
development of two extremely successful components: optical fibre, and the semiconductor
laser. Together, these are currently in the process of revolutionising the telecommunications
industry, and making considerable advances in a variety of other new and exciting
application areas.

Optical fibre acts as a propagation medium for guided optical waves. The most important
fibre type is single-mode optical fibre, which can support guided waves for extremely long
distances (tens or hundreds of kilometres) with low loss and low signal dispersion. Single-
mode fibre is generally formed from silica glasses, which are arranged in a cylindrical
geometry with a core region of high refractive index surrounded by a lower-index cladding
layer (as shown in Figure 1.1-1).

Figure 1.1-1 An optical fibre.

The overall diameter of a single-mode fibre is comparable to that of a human hair. However,
the light actually travels almost entirely in the much smaller core region (which typically has
a diameter of only a few microns) and is contained inside this region and guided along the
fibre by a phenomenon known as total internal reflection. This can occur when light is
incident on an interface between two lossless dielectric media with different refractive
indices, provided the light is incident from the high-index medium at a shallow enough
angle, as shown in Figure 1.1-2. In this case, there is no transmission of energy across the
interface, which simply acts as a highly efficient reflector.

Figure 1.1-2 Total internal reflection.

In the last two decades, the optical fibre has finally allowed the practical use of light as a
carrier of information, and this application has given rise to the entirely new field of

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


photonic engineering. Since an optical field oscillates at extremely high frequency (1015
Hz), a light wave acts as a high- frequency carrier. In combination with the low dispersion
provided by an optical fibre, this allows information to be transferred at very high data rates.
In fact, the optical fibre offers an increase in channel capacity of a factor of 104 - 105 over its
nearest competitor, the microwave guide, coupled with a considerable reduction in size,
weight and cost. Because of the low cost of the raw materials used (effectively, purified
sand), optical fibre will replace copper cables in many applications involving the transfer of
low-power signals.

A further type of optical fibre, known as multi-mode fibre, also exists. This has a similar
cylindrical geometry, but a much larger core diameter (typically 50 - 100 m). It can be
formed from either glass or plastic. However, as the name implies, multimode fibre can
support more than one characteristic propagation mode, and consequently suffers from
much greater dispersion than single-mode fibre. It is also extremely lossy, and is therefore
suitable only for medium-bandwidth, short-haul applications.
The semiconductor laser is a small, efficient light source. It is the natural successor of the
light- emitting diode (or LED), a low-coherence, low-power source which may only be
modulated at slow rates (up to tens of megahertz). However, because of its relative
cheapness and simplicity, the LED has been widely used in the past in multimode optical
fibre systems. Figure 1.1-3 shows a commercial near-infrared buried heterostructure
semiconductor laser contained in a dual in-line package. The laser itself is no bigger than a
grain of sand, and is primarily formed from layers of the crystalline material indium gallium
arsenide phosphide, grown in differing material compositions by sophisticated epitaxial
techniques. It is designed to emit light at around 1.3 m wavelength.

Figure 1.1-3 A packaged semiconductor laser with a fibre pigtail (photograph courtesy
A.Mills, BT&D Technologies).

The technology required to fabricate a semiconductor laser is now well developed. Its
optical output can be very intense - beam powers of tens of milliwatts are now routinely
available - and it can be directly modulated at very high speeds, typically in the gigahertz
range. Since the semiconductor laser is also a guided wave device, and emits light from a
small stripe window, which has dimensions comparable to those of the core of an optical
fibre, it is immediately compatible with fibre systems. Indeed, the module in Figure 1.1-3 is
already fitted with a single-mode fibre pigtail. This is butted up to the emitting facet of the

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laser, deep inside the package, allowing very simple connection to a fibre system.
Furthermore, the semiconductor laser can emit light of the wavelengths at which silica fibre
shows minimum dispersion and minimum propagation loss, near 0 = 1.3 and 1.5 m
respectively. With careful design, the output can also consist of very nearly a single optical
frequency. This is an important advantage for communications, since it reduces the effect of

Tuneable lasers for use in wavelength-division multiplexed communications systems,

surface-emitting lasers for optical processor applications and high-power laser arrays are
also the subject of an intense development effort. The latter can generate quite staggering
amounts of power - many watts, CW - from a tiny chip, and may well pose a challenge to
large gas lasers in the future. Recent advances include the use of semiconductor lasers as in-
line amplifiers and repeaters in optical fibre systems, and the development of semiconductor
laser-pumped optical fibre lasers.

Together with photodiodes, which are light detecting devices fabricated in semiconductor
materials, optical fibre and semiconductor lasers form the key elements of optoelectronics.
In addition, a large number of other components have been developed, which allow a
complete guided wave circuit to be assembled. These ancillary components are in a more
rudimentary form at present, and it is hard to predict which of them will be the most
successful in the long run. As with most things, the deciding factor will almost certainly be
cost rather than absolute performance.

The subsidiary components have evolved in several different formats. For example, a
number of passive devices are available in all-fibre form, and may readily be spliced into
fibre systems. The most widely-used device is the fibre coupler, which can be used for
beam-splitting and filtering operations. For example, Figure 1.1-4 shows a packaged fused
tapered fibre coupler, which is available in a variety of fixed splitting ratios ranging from 50
: 50 to 1 : 99. More complicated power division functions - for example, a 1 x N split - are
possible using similar technology. Similarly, all-fibre polarizers and polarization controllers
provide ways of manipulating the polarization state of guided beams. However, although the
devices are fabricated using relatively simple equipment, they must generally made
individually, so the construction of a complicated optical circuit is time-consuming.
Furthermore, since optical fibre is based on amorphous material, it has been found to be
extremely difficult to fabricate more sophisticated active devices (such as high-speed
modulators) in this way.

Figure 1.1-4 A packaged fibre coupler.

Another common component format, which offers a solution to some of these problems, is
provided by integrated optics. As the name implies, this allows a number of guided wave
devices to be combined on a common substrate. In contrast to optical fibre devices,
integrated optic components are made using a mass-production technology akin to that
required for very large scale integrated (VLSI) microelectronics. Complex optical circuits
may therefore be constructed as easily as simple ones, the main limitation being the size of
available substrates. There are two basic configurations. Historically, planar waveguide

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integrated optics was the first system to be developed, being followed shortly by the more
sophisticated and successful channel waveguide integrated optics system.

Planar waveguide integrated optics is concerned with the manipulation of sheet beams.
These can propagate in any direction parallel to the surface of a high-index guiding layer,
which provides optical confinement in a single direction. Figure 1.1-5 shows a three-layer
planar guide, formed by depositing a thin layer of material of high refractive index on a
thicker, low-index substrate. The third layer in the system can often be air itself, or an
additional low-index cover layer can be used. Once again, guidance is provided by total
internal reflection at the layer interfaces.

Figure 1.1-5 A planar waveguide.

Because sheet beams allow many of the operations that are possible using free-space optics
(for example, focusing by a lens, or beam deflection), planar integrated optic chips often
contain circuits that are in effect minaturised and ruggedised versions of bulk optic systems.
Many of these are used for parallel signal processing operations, based on the Fourier
transform properties of a lens.

In the second configuration, channel waveguide integrated optics, the beams propagate along
high- index guiding channels. These may be formed as ridges on the surface, or as buried
channels as shown in Figure 1.1-6.

Figure 1.1-6 A channel waveguide.

The beams are therefore confined in two dimensions, and so can only follow predefined
pathways round the chip. If the channel dimensions are chosen to correspond with those of
an optical fibre core, this form of integrated optics is directly compatible with fibre optics,
and fibre and channel guide components may be connected together quite simply. Integrated
optic components can of course be formed on passive substrates such as glass or plastic. At
the very least, these allow the construction of beamsplitting and combining devices. For
example, Figure 1.1-7 shows a number of different 1 x 2 and 1 x 4 passive splitters formed
by silver-sodium ion exchange in glass. The integrated optic components themselves are
contained inside the packages, and are again fitted with fibre pigtails.

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Figure 1.1-7 Passive channel waveguide integrated optic beamsplitting components

formed by ion exchange in glass (photograph courtesy D.DeRose, NSG America Inc.).

If other materials are used, more exotic functions are possible. For example, using electro-
optic substrates like LiNbO3, GaAs and InP, modulation and switching can be performed,
often at extremely high speeds (tens of gigahertz). For example, Figure 1.1-8 shows an
electro-optic directional coupler, a generic device type which can be used to switch light
between two adjacent parallel waveguides under electrical control, or modulate an
information channel.

Figure 1.1-8 An electro-optic directional coupler switch.

These operations can be used to place information on the carrier wave, and then route it
around a network. Similarly, filtering operations allow the channel to be multiplexed and
demultiplexed by wavelength-division. These functions can even be combined with the
generation and detection of light, if the waveguide is fabricated in a semiconductor substrate
with a suitable bandgap (such as GaAs or InP). Integration also offers the intriguing
possibility of combining optical components with their controlling electronics, in the form
of integrated optoelectronics, or of using light as a method of communicating between very
high speed electronic circuits in fast computers.

Using integrated optics, complete optical circuits can be constructed on a common substrate,
often with very small dimensions. One example might be a switch matrix, capable of routing
light between N input and N output fibres in a communications system, thus forming an

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compact electrically- controllable optical 'telephone exchange'. Figure 1.1-9 shows a

packaged 4 x 4 lithium niobate switch array, constructed from a set of directional coupler
switches. Here, each directional coupler acts as a switching node, and suitable configuration
of the array can allow a pathway to be set up between any input fibre and any output.

Figure 1.1-9 A packaged, pigtailed 4 x 4 switch array in titanium-diffused LiNbO3

(photograph courtesy Dr P.Granestrand, Ericsson Telecom A B).

A second application might involve the fabrication of an optical interferometer, using a coil
of optical fibre (which provides the sensor element) and a single channel waveguide
integrated optic chip (which carries a number of beamsplitting and signal processing
components). Such devices can be arranged to sense variations in a wide range of physical
parameters. For example, a Sagnac interferometer based on an optical fibre coil can act as a
rotation sensor or gyroscope. In contrast to its mechanical equivalent, the optical fibre
gyroscope requires no precision mechanical parts, little maintenance, and no 'run-up' time.
Combined with linear accelerometers, such devices may well one day form the basis of
solid-state inertial navigation systems, sensing rotational motion about three orthogonal

This book is intended to provide an introduction to the whole field of guided wave devices,
which has proved to be one of the major technological growth areas of this decade. It is not
a research monograph, and we make no claim that the topics covered are a description of the
latest advances; in fact, the whole field is developing so rapidly that it is hard to identify the
leading edge of technology in many cases. Instead, our aim is to describe a large range of
devices and applications in a reasonably simple, self-contained and unified way, using
language likely to be understood by third-year science undergraduates and M.Sc. students.

Most of the material has been taken from option courses given in the Department of
Electrical Engineering at Imperial College London over the last decade. The contents of
Chapter 2 and Chapters 5 - 9 (which cover electromagnetic theory, interface problems,
waveguides, planar and channel guide integrated optics, and fibre optics) are currently being

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6


used as a 20-lecture introductory course in guided-wave optical devices for electrical

engineers. Chapter 3 adds further background on optical materials, and Chapter 4 illustrates
the application of electromagnetic theory to the optics of beams and beam-forming
components. None of this material requires a knowledge of solid-state theory. This is
reviewed in Chapter 11, and applied to optoelectronic devices (mainly light-emitting devices
and detectors) in Chapter 12. The final chapters (13 and 14) cover device fabrication, and
the use of guided-wave components in typical optical systems.

A number of simple worked examples are contained within the body of each chapter. In the
main, these are design exercises, intended to illustrate the application of particular formulae
or the values of important parameters. However, each chapter is also provided with a set of
example questions. These are more demanding; they are intended to stimulate further
thought, and often cover material omitted from the text. Worked solutions to most of these
problems are gathered together at the end of the book.

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The understanding of any field of physics or electrical engineering requires a suitable
theoretical basis. In optics, we are fortunate that two highly developed and accurate theories
are available. In the older theory - often described as the 'classical theory' - the behaviour of
light is described in terms of electromagnetic fields and waves. This is particularly
appropriate for the analysis of passive devices, where the absorption and emission of
radiation is unimportant, and consequently where the interaction of a wave with matter may
represented in a somewhat phenomenological way.

In the newer theory - the quantum theory - a different model is employed. Light is
considered to be composed of photons, which are the elementary units or quanta of
radiation. The interaction of light and matter is then understood in terms of exchanges of
energy between photons and electrons. For example, the generation of a photon may be
identified with the transition of a single electron between two energy levels. Quantum theory
is therefore directly applicable to active optical devices. The development of this alternative
model, and of its later incarnation, quantum electrodynamics, occupied the first half of the
century, and involved many of the world's foremost physicists.

Quantum theory may also describe situations that do not involve matter at all, but are still
not accurately represented by classical theory. One example is provided by low light levels,
where the photon flux may be extremely small and the arrival of radiation in discrete units is
important. However, for a high enough photon flux, the two theories are equivalent. We
shall encounter both of them in this book. Since our early discussions will centre on passive
devices, we shall begin with a classical approach, turning only to the quantum theory at a
much later stage (Chapter 11).

In classical theory, the laws of electricity and magnetism are described by Maxwell's
equations. These represent the result of a synthesis of several existing theories and
experimental observations by James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879). In effect, Maxwell's
equations are a set of relations linking the values of a number of quantities that describe
electric and magnetic fields. These are the electric flux density D, the magnetic flux
density B, the electric field strength E, the magnetic field strength H, and the current
density J. All are vector quantities, and are functions not only of the three spatial
coordinates x, y and z but also of time t. Of these parameters, D, B, E and H are the most
important to high frequency electromagnetic theory. In this regime, they are essentially
'inventions'; they are not directly observable, but are linked by a self-consistent set of
equations, which correctly predict the magnitudes of other measurable quantities (like the
flow and distribution of power).

Often, different representations are used for the fields; for example, it is common to separate
their time- and space-variation. The electric field strength E may therefore be written
alternatively as:

E(x, y ,z, t) = E(x, y, z) f(t)


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Here E accounts for the spatial variation of the field, and f(t) for temporal changes. Note the
use of a bold-faced type for the complete field E, and lighter type for the time-
independent field E.

It is also common to refer to individual elements of the vectors concerned. In cartesian

coordinates, we may write the time-dependent electric field E as:

E(x, y, z, t) = [ Ex(x, y, z, t) , Ey(x, y, z, t) , Ez(x, y, z, t) ]

Alternatively, we could write for the time-independent field E:

E(x, y, z) = [ Ex(x, y, z) , Ey(x, y, z) , Ez(x, y, z) ]

Here Ex refers to the x-component of E, and so on.

Because of the nature of the fields, Maxwell's equations are written in terms of vector
calculus. Though this is hard for the novice to begin with, the notation rapidly becomes a
useful (not to say essential) tool-of-the-trade in electromagnetic theory. Unfortunately, for
reasons of space, we must assume here some familiarity with the basic techniques involved.

The equations can be written in two different forms. From experimental observations, by
and large carried out in the previous century, the common integral version was obtained.
This is generally presented in the form of a series of laws. The first pair of these (Gauss'
law, and its magnetic equivalent) describe relations which are most important for static


Consider a closed surface, surrounding a volume containing electric charges, as shown in

Figure 2.1-1. Gauss' law (named after the German mathematician Karl Gauss, 1777-1855)
states that the electric flux flowing out of the surface is equal to the charge enclosed inside
the volume. This assertion can be written mathematically in terms of the vector fields
involved in Maxwell's theory in the following way.

Figure 2.1-1 Geometry for illustration of Gauss Law

Firstly, we define a vector da as having magnitude equal to the area da of a small element of
the surface, and a direction normal to that element. Secondly, we introduce a new operation,
the scalar or dot product between two vectors F and G. This is written as F . G, and is
defined in cartesian coordinates as:

F . G = Fx Gx + Fy Gy + Fz Gz
Simple trigonometry may then be used to show that Equation 2.1-4 can also be written as:

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F . G = F G cos()
Where F and G are the moduli or lengths of the two vectors, and is the angle between

Consequently, if D is the electric flux density, the term D . da represents the product of the
component of D normal to the small surface element da and the area of the element. When
integrated over the whole of the surface, this will give the net outward normal electric flux.
Similarly, if we define the scalar term as the charge density, the integral of over the
whole volume must give the charge enclosed. We may therefore write Gauss' law for vector
fields as:

A D . da = V dv
Here the left-hand integral is a surface integral, taken over the whole of the closed surface,
while the right-hand one is a volume integral, over the volume enclosed.


We can do the same thing for magnetic flux density. If we now consider the magnetic flux
flowing out of a closed surface, we get a similar picture, shown in Figure 2.1-2.

Figure 2.2 Geometry for illustration of the magnetic equivalent of Gauss Law.

Comparison with Figure 2.1-1 shows that the resulting integral equation must have a similar
form. However, no magnetic monopoles (the magnetic equivalent of electric charges) have
ever been found experimentally, despite extensive searches. Evidence of this curious fact is
provided by the simple bar magnet, which has both north and south poles. However, if the
magnet is divided into two, each half will also have two poles, and no amount of further
subdivision will isolate a monopole. In this case, therefore, the right-hand side of the
equation is zero, giving:

A B . da = 0
Where B is the magnetic flux density.

The second pair of laws (Faraday's and Ampre's laws) describe relations which are of
greater significance for time-varying fields.

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Consider a time-varying magnetic flux passing through a closed loop L, defining the rim of
an open surface, as shown in Figure 2.1-3.

Figure 2.1-3 Geometry for illustration of Faradays Law.

Now, the flux of magnetic induction B through the open surface is:

B = A B . da
The electromotive force E induced round the loop is therefore:

E = -B/t
However, we know from the integral relationship between electric potential and field
strength that this can also be written as a line integral, in the form:

E = L E . dL
Here E is the electric field strength, dL is a small element of the closed loop in Figure 2.1-3,
and the integral is taken round the whole loop. By comparing Equations 2.1-9 and 2.1-10,
and using Equation 2.1-8 we obtain Faraday's law, named after Michael Faraday (1791-

L E . dL = - A B/t . da
Faraday's law implies that a time-varying magnetic field must have an electric field
associated with it. This feature is of great importance for electromagnetic waves, as we shall
see later on.


Now consider the flow of current through a closed loop, of the same geometry, as shown in
Figure 2.1-4. Ampre's law (named after Andr Ampre, 1775-1836) states that:

L H . dL = A J . da
where H is the magnetic field strength and J is the current density. This implies that moving
charges give rise to a magnetic field, a notion in pleasing symmetry with Faraday's law.

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Figure 2.1-4 Geometry for illustration of Ampres Law.

In addition to these laws, there are a set of relationships known as the material equations,
which link field strengths with flux densities, through a set of material coefficients that are
representative of the bulk properties of matter. There are three of them, written:

Here is the conductivity, is the permittivity, and is the permeability. The physical
origin and significance of some of these quantities will be discussed in Chapter 3. Note that
the first equation is a vectorial form of Ohm's law, commonly encountered in electrical
engineering. For the dielectric materials used to guide high frequency electromagnetic waves
(which we will mainly consider here) the conductivity is typically zero, while the
permeability is that of free space. The former implies that the current density J is zero; there
are also no free charges, so that is zero.

However, this is not quite the end of the story, because experiments showed that magnetic
fields can also be measured in free space - for example, between the plates of a capacitor,
while it is being charged. Consequently, electromagnetic theory was modified by Maxwell
(in what amounts to a stroke of genius) to cope with this observation.


Consider the parallel-plate capacitor shown in Figure 2.1-5, which is linked to a circuit by
wires carrying a current I. Clearly, time-varying currents can somehow travel round the
circuit, despite the absence of conducting material in the region between the plates.

Figure 2.1-5 Geometry for derivation of Maxwells displacement current.

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To account for the flow of current across this apparent break in the circuit, Maxwell
suggested the existence of a new type of current. This is known as the displacement
current, and is calculated as follows. If A is the area of each plate, and Q is the charge on it,
then the electric field E between the plates is:

E = Q/A
As the charge varies, the electric field changes, so that dE/dt = I/A is effectively a current
density. Maxwell therefore defined a vector displacement current density JD as:

JD = E/t = D/t.
This displacement current must be added into any calculation involving the 'normal'
conduction current. The only example we have come across so far is Ampre's law.
Including the displacement current, Ampre's law must be restated as:

L H . dL = A [J + D/t] . da
This simple modification was of great historical importance, since it showed that time-
varying electric fields can exist even in the absence of normal currents (i.e. when J = 0). It
allowed Maxwell to justify theoretically the electromagnetic waves discovered
experimentally by Heinrich Hertz in 1888, thus demonstrating at a stroke that static electric
and magnetic fields, and radio and light waves, are all part of the wider phenomenon of


We can use two standard vector theorems to transform the integral equations above into an
alternative differential form, which will be of great use in later calculations. The theorems are
described in detail in many mathematics texts, and so will simply be stated here.


The first is Gauss' theorem (not to be confused with Gauss' law), which states that for any
vector field F the following relation holds:

A F . da =
V div(F) dv
Here the divergence of a vector field F is an important new quantity, a scalar term, which is
defined in cartesian coordinates by:
div(F) = Fx/x + Fy/y + Fz/z
div(F) is also often written as . F, where the vector operator (or 'del') is defined in
cartesian coordinates as:

= i /x + j /y + k /z

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Here i, j and k are unit vectors in the x-, y- and z-directions, respectively. Hence, Gauss' law

A D . da = V div(D) dv = V dv
By examining the latter part of Equation 2.2-4, we see that an integral-free relation between
D and can be obtained, in the form:

div(D) =
Similarly, we can show from the magnetic equivalent of Gauss' law that div(B) = 0.


A similar type of theorem, due to Stokes, states that for any vector field F:

L F . dL = A curl(F) . da
Here we have introduced another new quantity, the curl of a vector field F. This is itself a
vector, and is defined in cartesian coordinates as:

curl(F) = i {Fz/y - Fy/z} + j {Fx/z - Fz/x} + k {Fy/x - Fx/y}

Equation 2.2-7 is a rather long-winded expression. A more compact version (which is also
rather easier to remember) can be written in the form of a determinant, as shown below:
i j k
curl(F) = /x /y /z
Fx Fy Fz
Here M represents the determinant of M, where M is a general matrix. Curl(F) is also
often written as x F, where the symbol x denotes a further new operation, the vector

The vector product F x G between two general fields F and G is defined as:

F x G = i { Fy G z - Fz G y } + j { Fz G x - Fx G z } + k { F x G y - F y G x }
This can also be written in determinantal form, as:

i j k
FxG = Fx Fy Fz
Gx Gy Gz
Note that the vector product (unlike the scalar product) is not commutative, so that F x G
G x F. However, with the definition given above, x F reduces to both Equations 2.2-7 and

Using Stokes' theorem, Faraday's law transforms to:

L E . dL = A curl(E). da = - A B/t . da

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Again, examining the latter part of Equation 2.2-11, we see that:

curl(E) = -B/t
Similarly, we can show from Ampre's law that:

curl(H) = J + D/t
We have now derived the differential form of Maxwell's equations. Because they contain
only differential operators, they are often much easier to manipulate than the integral form.
For completeness, we show all the new equations grouped together below:

div(D) = (1)
div(B) = 0 (2)
curl(E) = -B/t (3)
curl(H) = J + D/t (4)
Note that when = 0 and J = 0 (which is the case for electromagnetic waves in dielectric
media) the equations for electric and magnetic quantities appear interchangeable.


One striking success of Maxwell's equations is to predict the existence of harmonically-
varying fields, otherwise known as electromagnetic waves. We shall now perform a
similar demonstration, with the following assumptions: a) We restrict ourselves to non-
magnetic materials, so that = 0, where 0 is the permeability of free space (known from
electrostatic experiment to have the value 4 x 10-7 m kg/C2). b) We assume that there are
no currents flowing, and no charges present, so that J and are both zero.


We start by deriving a suitable wave equation. If we put D = E and B = 0 H in

Equation 2.2-14, then Equations 3 and 4 contain only the two variables E and H. We can
therefore eliminate one or other by direct manipulation. Taking the curl of Equation 3 gives:
curl [ curl(E)] = - curl [B/t]
= - 0 /t [curl(H)]
= - 0 2D/t2
We now simplify Equation 2.3-1 using a standard vector identity:

curl [curl(F)] = grad [ div(F)] - 2F

Here we have introduced two new operators. The first is the gradient of a scalar function
(which in the case of Equation 2.3-2 is div(F)). This is defined in cartesian coordinates as:
grad() = = /x i + /y j + /z k

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The second is the operator 2 (known as the Laplacian), defined in cartesian coordinates

2 = 2/x2 + 2/y2 + 2/z2

Using this identity, Equation 2.3-1 can be reduced to:

grad [ div(E)] - 2E = - 0 2(E)/t2

This is now a form of wave equation. This be simplified considerably, by making
assumptions and approximations that are frequently valid:

a) Since, with no charges present, div(D) = 0, it follows that div(E) = 0. If the medium is
homogeneous and isotropic, then is independent of position and direction, so div E = 0. If
varies only slowly with position, we can still put div(E) = 0 to a reasonable approximation.
Consequently, the first term in Equation 2.3-5 is often zero.

b) If is not time-dependent, then 2(E)/t2 = 2E/t2. This is normally a good

assumption; even if varies with time, it needs to do so significantly in a period of
oscillation of the field before it matters. Non-linear optics is concerned precisely with
circumstances in which varies with t, but high fields are required for significant effects to

Assuming approximations a) and b), Equation 2.3-5 becomes:

2E = 0 2E/t2
This is also a vector wave equation. In cartesian coordinates, it can be written as a set of
three independent scalar equations - one for each co-ordinate. For the Ex component, for
example, we have:

2Ex/x2 + 2Ex/y2 + 2Ex/z2 = 00r 2Ex/t2

Here we have written the permittivity as a product, in the form:

= 0r
Here 0 is the permittivity of free space, again known from experiments to have the value
8.85 x 10-12 s2C2/m3 kg, while r is the relative permittivity or relative dielectric
constant of the material concerned.

Equation 2.3-7 is now in the form of a simple classical scalar wave equation, which is
adequate for introducing many aspects of electromagnetic wave propagation. It should be
compared with the one-dimensional wave equation for waves on a string, which is often
written as:

2y/x2 = (1/c2) 2y/t2

Here y is the displacement of the string, x is the distance along it, and c is the wave velocity.
Both equations are essentially similar in character, involving second derivatives of some
quantity with respect to space (on the left-hand side) and second derivatives with respect to
time (on the right). The main difference is that electromagnetic waves are not constrained to

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travel in any particular direction, so that all three spatial coordinates appear in Equation 2.3-

Note that an exactly similar equation to 2.3-6 can be obtained for the magnetic field H:
2H = 00r 2H/t2
This follows from the 'interchangeability' of the equations for electric and magnetic field
quantities discussed earlier. There will be occasions when it is easier to work with Equation
2.3-6 than 2.3-10, and vice versa.


Now, the electric field E is, in general, a function of x, y, z and t. However, it is often the
case that all the fields involved will be harmonically varying, at some single angular
frequency . This will occur in many situations involving monochromatic light. It is then
convenient to eliminate any time- dependence from the problem. One possibility is to
assume cosinusoidally-varying solutions to the wave equation, but it is generally far more
convenient to use the complex exponential form:

E(x, y, z, t) = E(x, y, z) exp(jt)

Here the function E(x, y, z) accounts for the spatial dependence of the field, while the
exponential exp(jt) describes the time-variation. The use of such complex notation is
standard in electromagnetic theory, but it is important to note that ultimately only the real
parts of Equation 2.3-11 are significant. Generally, entire calculations are performed in
books with the simple understanding that real parts are implied throughout. With this
assumption, we can find time-derivative terms as:

E/t = j E ; 2E/t2 = -2 E
and so on, so that the wave equation reduces to:

2E = -200r E
Equation 2.3-13 is a time-independent vector wave equation, which is valid for fields
oscillating at a single angular frequency . We will now try to find some solutions to it.


The simplest form of solution is a plane wave, i.e. a wave whose surfaces of constant phase
are infinite planes, perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Figure 2.4-1 shows the
geometry for a wave travelling in the +z-direction.

Clearly, in this case no field quantities can vary with the transverse coordinates x and y; the
only spatial variation is caused by changes in z. Considering the electric field to begin with,
we must therefore have:

E/x = E/y = 0
so that E must be a function of z only. We may therefore replace E/z by dE/dz, and so on.

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Figure 2.4-1 A plane wave.

For simplicity, we now consider the electric field to have one single component, say in the x-
direction. The vectorial wave equation 2.3-13 then reduces to the scalar equation:

d2Ex/dz2 + 200r Ex = 0
We now guess that a possible solution has the form:

Ex = Ex+ exp(-jkz)
where Ex+ is a constant. Direct substitution into 2.4-2 shows that this solution is valid,

k = (00r)
Hence, the full solution, including the time variation, is:

Ex = Ex+ exp[j(t - kz)]

Equation 2.4-5 represents a travelling wave, moving in the +z-direction. Ex+ is clearly the
wave amplitude. What do the other constant terms represent? Well, = 2f is the angular
frequency of the wave; typically, the corresponding temporal frequency f is 1015 Hz for
light waves. We could also write = 2/T, where T is the period of the oscillating field. By
analogy, we could write k = 2/, introducing the new quantity , the spatial wavelength.
This is the distance separating planes of equal phase, as shown in Figure 2.4-1. Typically,
lies in the approximate range 0.4 - 0.8 m for visible light; the lower limit corresponds to
the ultra-violet or blue end of the spectrum, while the latter corresponds to deep red or near
infrared wavelengths. k is an important new parameter, known as the propagation
constant, which we will refer to often later on.

Finally, the velocity of the wave (known as the phase velocity) is given by:

vph = /k.
This can also be written in the more familiar form:

vph = f
From Equation 2.4-4, we can find the phase velocity as:

vph = 1/(00r)

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In a vacuum, r = 1, so vph = 1/(00). Putting in the numbers for 0 and 0, we get:

vph = 1 / (8.85 x 10-12 x 4 x 10-7) 3 x 108 m/s.

This is the velocity of light, written as c, and one of the major successes of Maxwell's
equations was the discovery that this directly measurable quantity could be derived so
simply. In 1849, Fizeau measured c as 3.153 x 108 m/s, while in 1983 the value was fixed at
2.99792458 x 108 m/s. In other media, r is normally greater than unity, so that vph < c; light
therefore generally travels slower in matter than in free space. The refractive index n (a
useful parameter in optics) is then defined as:

n = c/vph = r
Often, quantities measured in a particular material are referred to those measured in free-
space. For example, the spatial wavelength could be related to the free-space wavelength
0 by:

= 0/n
Similarly, the propagation constant k could be related to the free-space propagation constant
k0 by:
k = nk0
Typically, the relative permittivity r and the refractive index n are both functions of
frequency , as we shall see in the next chapter.


We will now consider the other field components that must accompany the solution we have
found for the electric field. First, we note that with the assumptions we have made so far,
Maxwell's equations can be rewritten in the following time-independent form:

div(E) = 0 (1)
div(0H) = 0 (2)
curl(E) = -j0 H (3)
curl(H) = j E (4)
Now, our solution has so far contained only an x-component of the electric field. In this

curl(E) = j Ex/z - k Ex/y

Given that Ex = Ex+ exp(-jkz), we find:

curl(E) = -jk Ex+ exp(-jkz) j

Now, from Equation (3) in 2.4-13, we must have curl(E) = -j0 H . Hence, the magnetic
field accompanying our solution only has a component in the y-direction. Writing this as:

H = Hy+ exp(-jkz) j

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we can obtain the following constant relation between the electric and magnetic field

Hy+/Ex+ = k/0
The solution therefore really consists of two travelling waves - an electric and a magnetic
component. Both are in-phase, but the field directions are at right angles to each other. We
can represent the complete solution at any given instant in time as in Figure 2.4-2, which
shows the real parts of the two components together. Both exhibit similar cosinusoidal
variations with distance.

Figure 2.4-2 A plane electromagnetic wave.

Is this solution the only one possible? It would seem reasonable to repeat the analysis,
starting with the assumption that the electric field only has a component in the y-direction.
In this case, we find that if E = Ey+ exp(-jkz) j, then H = Hx+ exp(-jkz) i, so the magnetic
field now only has a component in the x-direction. As before, we can find a relation between
the two field amplitudes. This time, we get:

Hx+/Ey+ = -k/0
Apart from the minus sign, the amplitude ratio is as before.

What happens if we assume instead that the electric field only has a component in the z-
direction? Well, in an isotropic medium, div(E) = div(E), so Equation (1) in 2.4-13 must
reduce to div(E) = 0. Remember that we can expand this as:

Ex/x + Ey/y + Ez/z = 0

However, since we have already assumed that E/x and E/y = 0, it follows that Ex/x =
Ey/y = 0. Hence, Ez/z must be zero, so Ez must be a constant independent of z. We
therefore do not find travelling-wave solutions for Ez, and a similar argument can be used to
show that there are no wave solutions for Hz. Plane electromagnetic waves are therefore
strictly transverse. They are therefore often described as TEM (standing for Transverse
ElectroMagnetic) waves.

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We now consider some of the wider properties of the solutions found so far, beginning with
the important feature of optical polarization. We start by noting that the two independent
travelling wave solutions discussed above can be combined into a more general solution, in
the form:

E = Ex+ exp[j(t - kz + x)] i + Ey+ exp[j(t - kz + y)] j

where x and y are arbitrary (but constant) phase factors. The nature of the resulting wave
then depends on the values of Ex+, Ey+, x and y. Several combinations are particularly

(i) If x = y, the solution can be written as:

E = [Ex+ i + Ey+ j] exp[j(t - kz + )]

= E0 exp[j(t - kz + )]
In this solution, the direction of the electric field vector is independent of time and space,
and is defined by a new vector E0, which is the vectorial sum of Ex+ i and Ey+ j as shown in
Figure 2.4-3. This type of wave is known as a linearly polarized wave, and the direction
of the electric field vector E0 represents the direction of polarization. Linearly polarized
light is particularly important in engineering optics. It can be produced from natural light
(which has random polarization) by passing it through a polarizer. More importantly, it is
emitted directly by many types of laser.

Figure 2.4-3 Construction of the polarization vector.

(ii) If Ex+ = Ey+, and y = x /2, the solution can be written as:

E = E0 exp[j(t - kz + )] i + E0 exp[j(t - kz + /2)] j

Or, alternatively, as:

E = E0 (i j j) exp[j(t - kz + )]
Now, ultimately, we are interested in the real part of E. This is given by:

Re{ E } = E0 {cos(t - kz + ) i sin(t - kz + ) j}

In this case, the amplitude of the electric field vector is still constant (and equal to E0), but
the direction of polarization is not. Instead, it rotates as a function of space and time. This

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solution is known as a circularly polarized wave, because the locus traced of the electric
field vector as a function of time (at a given point) is a circle, as shown in Figure 2.4-4a.
Right- and left-hand circular polarizations are both possible, depending on the sign of the
/2 phase-shift. If Ex+ Ey+, the locus becomes an ellipse, and the wave is described as
being elliptically polarized (Figure 2.4-4b).

Figure 2.4-4 Loci of the electric field vector for a) circular and b) elliptic polarization.


Simple solutions can also be found for plane waves travelling in different directions. For
example, Figure 2.4-5 shows a wave, travelling in the x - z plane at an angle to the z-axis.
If the wave is linearly polarized in the y-direction, i.e. perpendicular to the plane of the
figure, the time-independent electric field is given simply by:

E = j Ey+ exp[-j (kx sin() + kz cos())]

This result is obtained simply by rotating the co-ordinate system of Figure 2.4-1 about the
y-axis. We can check that it is correct by putting = 0, whereupon Equation 2.4-25 reduces
to our original solution, E = j Ey+ exp(-jkz). Similarly, if = /2, we get E = j Ey+ exp(-jkx) -
this is also as expected, as the wave is now travelling in the +x direction.

Figure 2.4-5 An obliquely-travelling plane wave.

However, we note that in the time it takes the wave to travel a distance in the direction of
propagation, the phase-fronts have advanced further in the z-direction, a distance ' = /
cos(). The effective phase velocity in the z-direction is therefore greater than vph, by the
factor 1/cos(). Some thought is required fully to appreciate this point, since it implies faster
motion of the disturbance in a direction off-axis to the direction of propagation.

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We can find the impedance of a medium through which a wave is propagating, as follows.
Since /k = 1/(00r), the ratio Ex+/Hy+can be found as (0/0r). Since this ratio has the
dimensions of ohms, it is called the characteristic impedance Z of the medium. Thus, we
may put:

Z = (0/0r)
For free space, r = 1, so that Z0 = (0/0) = 377 . Anyone owning a radio tuner with an
external aerial socket should note the input impedance - it will be around this value. The
impedance of any other material may be related to the impedance of free space using:

Z = Z0/r = Z0/n
Impedance is therefore inversely proportional to refractive index.


We may also extend the analysis to describe the behaviour of plane waves propagating in
slightly lossy dielectric media, as follows. We begin by including loss in a
phenomenological way, by assuming that the relative dielectric constant of the material is
complex-valued. We shall justify this more rigorously in Chapter 3, but for the time being
we will simply take r to be defined by:

r = r' - jr''
For x-polarized waves travelling in the +z-direction, the scalar wave equation we must solve
can be found by substituting Equation 2.4-28 into Equation 2.4-2. We get:

d2Ex/dz2 + 200 [r' - jr''] Ex = 0

Assuming a solution in the form used previously, namely Ex = Ex+ exp(-jkz), we find that
the propagation constant k is now given by:

k2 = 200 [r' - jr"]


k = (00r') [1 - jr"/r']
Making the additional assumption that the loss is small, so that r" r', we may use a
binomial approximation for Equation 2.4-31, which gives:

k = (00r') [1 - jr"/2r']
= k' - jk"
where the real and imaginary parts of k are given by:

k' = (00r') , and k" = k'r"/2r'

Since the propagation constant is complex, we can now rearrange the solution as the product
of two exponentials, as:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16


Ex = Ex+ exp(-k"z) exp(-jk'z)

Equation 2.4-34 has the form of a plane wave, whose amplitude decays exponentially with
distance z. The real part of the propagation constant, k', defines the phase variation of the
wave, while the imaginary part k" defines the amplitude variation. k" is known as the
absorption constant, and is often given the symbol . The presence of even a small
amount of loss in a material (which is often unavoidable) therefore causes the exponential
decay of a propagating wave.

We may also hypothesise the existence of media with a negative value of r". In this case,
the solution corresponds to an exponentially growing wave, of the form:

Ex = Ex+ exp(+gz) exp(-jk'z)

where g, the gain constant of the medium, is defined by g = -k". The growth of an optical
wave as it passes through a medium with gain is the key to the operation of all laser devices.


Finally, we can extend the analysis to include materials with non-zero conductivity - for
example, metals. All that is required is to work through Equations 2.3-1 to 2.3-13 again,
assuming to start with that curl(H) = J + D/t, rather than simply D/t. If this is done, a
slightly revised time-independent wave equation can be obtained for monochromatic waves:

2E +{20 - j0} E = 0
Note that this has exactly the same form as Equation 2.3-13, but the term 20 has been
replaced here by 20 - j0. Since the former was previously interpreted in terms of the
propagation constant by putting 20 = k2, it is reasonable to write in this case:

k2 = 20 - j0
= 20 ( - j/)
If we wish, we can interpret all the terms inside the bracket in Equation 2.4-37 as a modified
dielectric constant, given by:

= - j /
where is the value as tends to infinity. If this is done, we see that the effective dielectric
constant is complex once again. However, we cannot immediately equate the real and
imaginary parts of to and -/, since this implies an assumption that the conductivity
is real. While this is justified for low values of , it is certainly not the case at optical
frequencies. We shall see why this should be so in Chapter 3.


It is clearly important to form an expression for power flow in terms of E and H, since this
is something we can measure. This is done by considering the work done on charges in a
volume, as a combination of a change in stored energy and a flow of power into or out of
the volume. We shall consider initially time-dependent fields.

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The rate of work done by the fields per unit volume is J . E , by analogy with W = I V in
electrical circuits. From Equation 4 in 2.2-14 we get:

curl(H) - D/t = J
We can then write:

J . E = E . curl (H) - E . D/t

We now introduce a further vector identity, again described more fully in mathematics texts:

div(E x H) = H . curl(E) - E . curl(H)

We also need another relation, from Equation 3 in 2.2-14:

curl(E) = -B/t
Combining Equations 2.5-2 to 2.5-4, we get:

J . E = - H . B/t - E . D/t - div (E x H)

We can now rewrite this in the following standard form:

U/t + . S + J . E = 0

U/t = [ E . D/t + H . B/t ]


Equation 2.5-6 (known as Poynting's Theorem, after John Poynting, 1852-1914) is
effectively a power conservation relation, since it relates the rate of change of stored energy
to the outward energy flow and the energy dissipated. U is the density of the energy stored
in the electromagnetic fields (measured in J/m3). This can be divided conveniently into two
components: UE = 1/2 E . D represents the electrically-stored energy, while UM = 1/2 H . B
is the energy in the magnetic field. Similarly the vector S, known as the Poynting vector,
describes the power flow (measured in W/m2). However, it should be noted that S is an
extremely fast-varying function. In fact, S contains components at 2 (or about 1030 Hz for
optical waves) which are clearly not measurable by any practical technique. It is therefore
convenient to define an alternative quantity related to power, that is directly measurable.


For oscillating fields, we have been using the alternative notation E(x, y, z, t) = E(x, y, z)
exp(jt), where the real part is implied. In this case, we can calculate an associated time-
averaged Poynting vector or irradiance S. This is the mean of S, over many oscillations,
defined as:

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S = (1/T) T S dt
where T is large compared with the period of the oscillations. Substituting harmonic
solutions for E and H into Equation 2.5-9, we obtain:

S = (1/T) T Re{ E exp(jt) } x Re{ H exp(jt) } dt

It is then simple to show that the irradiance is given by:

S = 1/2 Re [ E x H* ]
The expression for S therefore contains no time variation, as required.

Irradiance is still not a directly measurable quantity. However, we can measure the time-
averaged power P flowing through a given surface. This is found as the integral of the
normal component of S over the surface, as shown in Figure 2.5-1. Using Equation 2.5-11,
P may be evaluated as:

P = 1/2 Re{ A [ E x H* ] . da }
Time-averaged power is extremely important, since it is one of the few parameters of a high-
frequency electromagnetic field that can actually be measured. Suitable detectors are the
human eye, solar cells and semiconductor p-n junction photodiodes.

Figure 2.5-1 Geometry for calculation of power flow.


As an example, we shall calculate the power carried by a plane wave travelling in the +z-
direction. Assuming that components of both polarizations are present, the electric field can
be written as:

E = [ i Ex+ + j Ey+ ] exp (-jkz)

The corresponding magnetic field can be found from Equations 2.4-17 and 2.4-18 as:

H = [Ey+ (-k/0) i + Ex+ (k/0) j] exp(-jkz)

The time-averaged power flow in the z-direction, per unit area, is therefore:

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P = 1/2 Re [ E x H* ] . k
= 1/2 Re [i {EyHz* - EzHy*} + j {EzHx* - ExHz*} + k {ExHy* - EyHx*}] . k
which in this case reduces to:
P = 1/2 Re [ ExHy* - EyHx* ]
Substituting in the necessary values, we get:

P = (1/2) (0r /0) [Ex+2 + Ey+2]

This expression allows us to relate electric field strengths in V/m to power density in W/m2.
Now, each of the two terms above clearly corresponds to one polarization component.
Writing E2 = Ex+2 + Ey+2, where E is the amplitude of the combined electric field, and using
the definitions of impedance given in Equations 2.4-26 and 2.4-27 we obtain:

P = 1/2 E2 / Z
= 1/2 n E2 / Z0
The power carried by a plane wave is therefore proportional to the product of E2 and the
refractive index of the medium.


So far, we have concentrated on the behaviour of single-frequency electromagnetic fields,
which in optics correspond to monochromatic light. Throughout this book, however, we will
be interested in the use of optical devices in an engineering environment. One of the most
obvious applications is a communications system, which might loosely be defined as an
arrangement for the transmission of information between different points. Unfortunately, a
perfectly monochromatic wave (which, strictly speaking, must exist for all time without
changing its frequency or amplitude) cannot carry any information. Only the modulation of
such a wave - for example, by switching it on and off - can do so.
In general, therefore, we will be interested in the transmission of time-varying signals. A
suitable framework for their analysis is provided by Fourier transform theory, which states
that any signal f(t) may be decomposed into an infinite sum of single-frequency terms.
Conventionally, this relationship is written as an integral transformation, of the form:

f(t) = (1/2) F() exp(jt) d

where F() represents the amplitude of the component at angular frequency , which itself
may be found from the signal using the inverse transform:

F() = - f(t) exp(-jt) dt



As an example, we may compute the frequency spectrum of a signal consisting of a short

burst of a monochromatic carrier, of unity amplitude and angular frequency c, as in Figure

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Figure 2.6-1 A burst of single-frequency tone.

Assuming that the duration of the burst is T, Equation 2.6-2 reduces to:

F() = -T/2T/2 exp(jct) exp(-jt) dt

Evaluation of the integral then gives:

F(') = T sinc('T/2)
where ' = c - and sinc(x) = sin(x) / x. Figure 2.6-2 shows a plot of the frequency
spectrum; this peaks at = c and decays away on either side of this point with a typical
filter envelope.

Figure 2.6-2 Frequency spectrum of a burst of a single tone.

We may obtain an estimate of the width of this frequency spectrum by noting that the first
zeros in Equation 2.6-4 are reached when 'T/2 = . This allows the definition of an
approximate signal bandwidth (which is then about half the width of the main lobe) in
the form:

T = 2
The signal bandwidth is therefore inversely proportional to the duration of the burst. This
implies that high bit-rate data transmission will involve large bandwiths.


The Fourier relations above may be used to analyse communication channels, as follows.
Given a specified input f(t), Equation 2.6-2 may be used to identify the frequency
components of the signal and their corresponding amplitudes F(). These components may

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then mentally be passed through the channel in turn; naturally, a component of angular
frequency will propagate as a travelling wave of the same angular frequency. On arrival at
the far end of the channel, the amplitudes of the components may well have changed, so that
an amplitude F() might be received as F'(). However, the total received signal f'(t) may be
reconstructed from these modified constituents by using a simple adaptation of Equation
2.6-1, namely:

f'(t) = (1/2) F'() exp(jt) d

By comparing the received signal f'(t) with the transmitted signal f(t), the effect of the
channel may be assessed. For example, it will be important to know in advance what type of
signals may be passed through the channel and still arrive in recognisable form. Before this
can be done, however, we must identify the signal distortions that are possible. By and large,
there are just two. Firstly, the relative amplitudes of the frequency components may alter.
This could occur in a channel with frequency- dependent attenuation. Secondly, the relative
phases of the components might change, if the phase velocity of the channel is frequency-
dependent. Generally, the latter effect is the most significant. It is known as dispersion, and
we will now consider some of its features.

We start by returning to Section 2.4, where the phase velocity of a wave of angular
frequency travelling in a homogeneous medium was defined as vph = c/n. From this, we
may infer that the medium will be dispersive if there is any dependence of the refractive
index on frequency. In fact, this is the case in all matter. The result is therefore normally
described as material dispersion (to distinguish it from other effects that occur in more
complicated transmission channels, particularly waveguides). We will examine the
underlying reasons for this dependence in Chapter 3. However, we also obtained the
alternative definition vph = /k. Consequently, in a dispersive medium we would expect a
more complicated relation between and k than just /k = constant.

One of the simplest examples of a dispersive medium is provided by an ionised medium

(such as the ionosphere), for which it can be shown that:
= [p2 + c2k2]
where p is a constant, the plasma frequency, which will be introduced properly in
Chapter 3. This type of relation can be represented as a plot of against k called a
dispersion diagram, as shown in Figure 2.6-3. In this case, the diagram shows that
tends to p for small values of k, while for large k, tends to the dashed line = ck.

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Figure 2.6-3 -k diagram for an ionized medium.

The phase velocity /k may then be found either from the dispersion diagram, or directly
from Equation 2.6-7. The latter process yields:

vph = [p2/k2 + c2]

From this, it can be seen that the phase velocity is not constant; it tends to infinity as k tends
to zero, and to c as k becomes large. To assess the effect of this variation, we shall consider
the propagation of an elementary compound signal, consisting of components at just two
distinct angular frequencies + d and - d, where d is small. For simplicity, we take
the amplitudes of the two waves to be the same. However, we assume that the phase
velocities at the two frequencies are unequal, so that the corresponding propagation
constants must be written as k + dk and k - dk. Assuming y-polarization and z-propagation,
the electric field of the signal might then be written:

Ey = Ey+ [ exp{j (( + d)t - (k + dk)z)} + exp{j(( - d)t - (k - dk)z)} ]

Figure 2.6-4 shows a snapshot of the combined field at t = 0. Note that the two waves sum
together to give what amounts to a carrier of constant period, modulated by an envelope
(shown dashed).

Figure 2.6-4 The sum of two waves of a similar frequency.

We may illustrate this mathematically, by combining the two components slightly

differently. If the common factor exp{j(t - kz)} is taken out, we get:

Ey = 2Ey+ exp{j(t - kz)} cos{d t - dk z}

This suggests that we may view propagating signals in two different ways. We may either
regard them as a sum of a number of separate travelling waves (as in Equation 2.6-9) or as a
single modulated wave (Equation 2.6-10). However, the latter viewpoint shows clearly that
the information-carrying component of the signal - the modulation envelope - is also
propagating as a travelling wave, defined by the term cos(d t - dk z).This envelope must
therefore also have a velocity of propagation, which in general is distinct from that of the
carrier wave. Since it refers to a group of waves, rather than a single wave, it is known as the
group velocity vg, and is defined as:

vg = d/dk
For the ionosphere, we may find the group velocity by differentiating Equation 2.6-7, to get:

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vg = c2 / [p2/k2 + c2]
This is clearly different from the expression derived earlier for the phase velocity. However,
for large k (and thus very high frequencies), vg tends to vph.

The analysis above can be used to find the velocity of information carried by groups of
waves of similar frequency. However, for groups comprising a wider range of frequencies,
vg may not be considered constant, so different groups of a signal will travel at different
speeds. This can result in a damaging effect, known as pulse broadening, which limits the
rate of data transmission. We can illustrate this by considering the problem of transmitting
data over a distance L via successive bursts of a high-frequency carrier. Each 'one' in the
data stream corresponds to a burst of duration T, and the separation between successive
bursts is T. Figure 2.6-5a shows the modulation envelope of a typical section of a message.

Figure 2.6-5 A short section of a message, a) as sent and b) after travelling some distance
in a dispersive medium.

From our earlier example, we may estimate the required bandwidth to be , so that the
frequencies comprising the signal range approximately from 1 = c - /2 to 2 = c +
/2. At these extremes, the group velocity may have different values - say, vg1 and vg2.
Consequently, different constituents of the signal must arrive at the far end of the channel at
times ranging from t1 = L/vg1 to t2 = L/vg2. Assuming that t2 > t1, this spread in arrival times
will amount to a lengthening of the information-carrying envelope from T to T + t,
where t = (t2 - t1). If L is large enough, we may even find that t T. Information from
successive bursts will then become mixed (as is beginning to happen in Figure 2.6-5b) so
that the message is beyond recovery by simple means.

Now, the effective broadening of the signal may be calculated by writing:

t = L{1/vg2 - 1/vg1} L d(1/vg)/d
Since 1/vg = dk/d, this yields:

t L d2k/d2
Clearly, pulse broadening may be minimised by ensuring that the term d2k/d2 is as small
as possible, and preferably zero. We may see how this relates to material parameters by
noting that k = n/c. Consequently, for a dispersive medium we can write:

dk/d = 1/c {n + dn/d}

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


Similarly, since 0 = 2c/, we may put:

dn/d = (dn/d0) (d0/d) = -2c/2 dn/d0

so that:

dk/d = 1/c {n - 0 dn/d0}

Differentiating a second time, we get:

d2k/d2 = {d(dk/d)/d0} (d0/d) = -0/c (d2n/d02) (d0/d)

Finally, if we put d0/d 0/, where 0 is the wavelength range of the signal, we can
obtain a variant of Equation 2.6-14 that emphasises the contribution of the medium to pulse

t = -(L00/c) d2n/d02
This suggests that dispersion can be minimised by operating near a wavelength where
d2n/d02 = 0. In silica (the main constituent of most optical fibres) this occurs at 0 1.27
m. Consequently, optical communications systems almost always operate at near infrared

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25



2.1.Starting from the differential form of Maxwell's equations, derive a time-dependent

vector wave equation, valid for a uniform dielectric medium and containing only the
magnetic field H.
2.2.A plane electromagnetic wave oscillates at an angular frequency of 2.978 x 1015 rad/sec.
Find its wavelength in (a) free space, and (b) a material of relative dielectric constant
[(a) 0.633 m; (b) 0.422 m]

2.3.A plane electromagnetic wave is defined by E = Eyo exp{-jk0 (ax + bz)} j, where k0 is
the propagation constant of free space, and the constants a and b are given by a = 1, b =
3. Find (a) the wave amplitude, (b) the direction of polarization, (c) the direction of
travel, and (d) the refractive index of the medium.
[(c) 30o to the z-axis, in the x - z plane; (d) 2]
2.4.The expression Ey = Ey0 exp(-jkz) is a solution to the scalar equation 2Ey + 20 Ey
= 0 that represents a plane wave travelling in the z-direction. What is k? Show that the
inhomogeneous wave Ey = Ey0 exp(x) exp(-jz) is also a solution. What relation must
be satisfied by and ?

2.5.Sketch the loci of (a) constant phase, and (b) constant amplitude for the inhomogeneous
wave in Question 2.4. What direction is it travelling in? Does it travel faster or slower
than the plane wave? What do you think it represents?
2.6.A optical wave of wavelength 0 = 0.633 m is travelling in a material of complex
relative dielectric constant r = 2.25 - j10-8. What are the values of the propagation
constant and the absorption coefficient? Find the distance the wave must travel in the
medium before the power it carries decays to 1/e of its initial value.
[14.89 x 106 m-1; 0.0331 m-1; 15.11 m]
2.7.Show that the irradiance S = 1/2 Re [E x H*] does indeed represent the time average of
the Poynting vector S = E x H, for harmonically varying fields.

2.8.Determine the z-component of the irradiance, for the wave in Question 2.3. What is the
direction of maximum irradiance?

2.9.The time-averaged power density of a linearly polarized plane wave in free space is 100
mW/cm2. Find the peak amplitude of the electric field.
[868 V/m]

2.10.The relationship between and k for electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere may be
shown to have the form = [p2 + c2k2], where c is the velocity of light and p is the
plasma frequency. Sketch the variation of the phase and group velocity with k. Find the
value of vg when p. What is the significance of this result? Find a solution for k
when < p. What form of wave do you think that this solution describes?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26



Born M., Wolf E. "Principles of optics", 6th Edn., Pergamon Press, Oxford (1980), Chapter
Hecht E., "Optics", 2nd Edn., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading MA (1987);
Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 8.
Ramo S., Whinnery J.R., van Duzer T. "Fields and waves in communication electronics" 2nd
Edn., John Wiley and Sons, New York (1984); Chapter 3.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27



In Chapter 2, we described the basic characteristics of plane electromagnetic waves by

making use of the parameters , and . Although these can account phenomenologically
for the properties of the medium in which the wave is propagating, they treat it as if it were
totally uniform and continuous. Consequently, they provide no help in visualising the
detailed interaction of the wave and the medium, and even the simplest model will allow an
improvement on this rather superficial concept. We will now add such a model, basing the
discussion again on a classical picture.

Materials may obviously be classified in several different ways. On the basis of their phase,
we may describe them as solids, liquids or gases. Here, we will naturally be interested
mainly in solids. Even these can exist in a variety of forms, however, ranging from those
entirely lacking in detailed structure (amorphous materials) to those with a detailed, long-
range order (crystals). In between, there are media which have local structure, known as
polycrystalline materials. Furthermore, their electronic properties may be widely different.
At one extreme, there are insulators (which do not conduct electricity), and at the other there
are conductors (which clearly do). Somewhere in the middle, we find the semiconductors,
which have the most complicated properties of all.

Faced with all this, we might suppose that a quite separate and complex model would be
required for each class of solid. For simplicity, therefore, we will begin by ignoring any
detailed structure, and concentrate entirely on the electronic aspects. Our argument runs like
this. Since all materials are simply collections of atoms and molecules, they can all be
described as particular distributions of positive and negative charge. A model for the optical
properties of a material can then be developed by considering this charge distribution and its
interaction with an electromagnetic wave. Naturally, we may improve the picture later on, by
inserting structural features where relevant.

The electronic model (originally due mainly to Hendrik Lorentz, 1853-1928, and Paul
Drude, 1863-1906) is based on a consideration of the forces acting on the charges inside
the material. For a free charge e moving with a velocity v through an electric field E and a
magnetic flux density B, the force is known from low-frequency electromagnetic
experiments to be:

F = e [E + v x B]
However, all charge velocities will be small in the discussions that follow, so we may safely
neglect any forces due to magnetic flux, concentrating exclusively on the interaction of the
electric field with the charges. This view is reinforced by the fact that the permeability of
most optically significant materials is essentially 0 - the value for free space. We can use
this approach to explain the origin of the dielectric constant in insulators and the
conductivity of metals; the properties of semiconductors will be treated in a different way
(using the language of solid state theory) in Chapter 11.


We will start by considering an insulating, transparent, dielectric solid, whose optical
properties are determined mainly by the behaviour of the outermost, bound electrons

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


orbiting each atom. Now, in Chapter 2 we showed that the electric field at any point will
oscillate sinusoidally for a harmonic wave. From Equation 3.1-1, this field must impose
forces in opposite directions on any positive and negative charges located there.
Consequently, we would expect the field to separate the charges in a periodic manner,
producing a local distribution of dipoles. Figure 3.2-1 shows this separation for a static

Figure 3.2-1 Separation of charges by an electric field.

In addition, we might expect that as the charges separate, the local charge imbalance will
generate another force, which would tend to restore charge neutrality. Finally, the oscillating
charges will act as microscopic radiators, giving rise to energy loss. This will also cause
some disturbance to the neighbouring atoms of the structure. We can model the whole as a
damping effect, which describes the transfer of energy from our particular charges into the
whole structure of the solid.

Combining these effects together enables us to write an expression for the equation of
motion of a typical charge. This will be one of the bound electrons - the positive charges,
being considerably more massive (and anyhow locked into the structure, since it is solid)
would tend not to move significantly at optical frequencies. For simplicity, we will also
ignore the vectorial nature of the field, and consider motion in the x-direction only. The
components of force are therefore:


Since a harmonic electric field is given by E = E exp(jt), it might initially be thought that
this force will have the form:

Fe = eE = eE exp(jt)
However, the local field acting on an electron will be determined not only by the driving
field E but also by the separation of all the other charges in its immediate neighbourhood.
The net effect of this charge separation is described as an electronic polarization of the
material, and is represented by the symbol P (not to be confused with the optical
polarization of the previous Chapter - it is an unfortunate coincidence that two such different
phenomena should have the same name). Defining the displacement of a typical charge
from its equilibrium position by x, we can write P as:

P = Nex
where N is the dipole density. However, the polarization will also vary harmonically with an
angular frequency , since it is generated by the driving field, so we may also write:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


P = P exp(jt)
In general, P might be a complex quantity, implying a possible phase difference between E
and P.
The effect of the polarization is to modify the local electric field, increasing its value above
that in free space (to, say, Eloc). For a non-polar material (i.e., one with no permanent dipoles
in the absence of a driving field), Lorentz showed that the increase can be found very simply

Eloc - E = P/30
Consequently, the force acting on an electron is not as given in Equation 3.2-1, but is

Fe = eEloc = e(E + P/30)

Typical non-polar materials include Si, Ge, C (in diamond form) and liquid hydrogen. Polar
materials, which do have permanent dipoles, include NaCl, TiO2 and SiO2; in addition, there
is also a class of weakly polar materials.


Since dipoles have been produced by the driving field, we might expect a restoring force due
to attraction between the separated charges. Modelling the system as a spring with extension
x, this force would have the form:
Fr = -sx
Here s is a constant of proportionality, which depends on the exact nature of the material.
For example, materials with a highly polarizable structure will have high values of s. Now,
the linear dependance of Fr on x might be regarded as an unjustifiable assumption (indeed,
we might have expected an inverse square law dependence, since this is the norm for two
point charges). However, there are many interacting charges, and it is the superposition of
large numbers of inverse square forces that produce this linear effect. Furthermore, we can
argue that for the moment we will treat the linear term as but the first (and hopefully
dominant) term in a general power series. We will consider the significance of higher order
terms later on.


We must also include a force that accounts for energy loss. The justification for this
ultimately hangs on any success of our theory in describing the observable effects. The
simplest such force is the viscous damping force of a simple harmonic oscillator, which has
the form:

Fd = -r dx/dt
The sum of these forces must yield the product of the mass m of our electron (9.1 x 10-31
kg) and its acceleration, so combining all the terms we obtain the following typical
equation of motion:

m d2x/dt2 = - sx - r dx/dt + e(E + P/30)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


Eliminating the displacement x using Equation 3.2-2, we then obtain:

m d2P/dt2 + r dP/dt + sP = Ne2(E + P/30)

Re-arranging Equation 3.2-9 slightly then gives:

d2P/dt2 + dP/dt + (02 - Ne2/3m0) P = Ne2E/m

where we have written s/m = 02, and r/m = .

Now, both E and P vary harmonically. Performing the necessary differentiation, we can
therefore eliminate the time-dependence to get:

-2 P + j P + (02 - Ne2/3m0) P = Ne2E/m

and hence find P as:

P = E {Ne2/m} / {[(02 - 2) - Ne2/3m0] + j}

We have now found a relationship between the polarization and the driving field. For
simplicity, we can combine the terms 02 and Ne2/3m0. Defining the plasma frequency
p using:

p2 = Ne2/m0
we obtain the slightly modified resonant frequency m, given by:

m2 = 02 - p2/3
so that Equation 3.2-12 becomes:
P = E 0p2 / {(m2 - 2) + j}
Equation 3.2-15 shows that the dipoles will oscillate in response to the driving field E, but
generally neither the polarization nor the diplacement are in phase with E. We note that the
magnitude of the polarization depends on the relation of the driving frequency to m.
Close to resonance, when m, P will reach a maximum, whose magnitude is limited only
by the damping term j.

We now need to find out how the polarization P relates to the permitivity . We can do this
as follows. From Gauss' law, we know that:

A D . da = V dv
This implies (among other things) that the surface charge density on the plates of a parallel-
plate capacitor must be D. If the plates are spaced by vacuum, we have of course that D =
0E. However, the introduction of a dielectric spacer must lead to a change in the surface
charge density, since the dielectric material is polarized by the field inside the capacitor. This
leads to a motion of charges towards the plates. The quantity of charge moved per unit area
is Nex, so in general we have:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


D = 0E + P
A dielectric spacer therefore improves the charge storage capability of a capacitor, a
discovery originally made by Faraday. Since P is proportional to E, then writing P = 0 E,
where is the dielectric susceptibility, leads to:

D = 0 (1 + ) E
Since in Chapter 2 we defined D = 0r E, it is clear that the relative dielectric constant must

r = 1 + = 1 + P/0E
Using Equation 3.2-14, we then obtain:

r = 1 + p2 / {(m2 - 2) + j}
We have therefore found a direct connection between the dielectric constant and the
displacements of dipoles. There are two interesting points to note. Firstly, we see that the
expression for r is independent of the driving field, as we might expect. This has come
about essentially because of our assumption that the restoring force on a general electron
was linearly proportional to displacement. Secondly, the expression for r is complex. In the
next section, we will discuss the implications of this, but before doing so we will briefly
consider one final aspect: the relation between polarizability and the dielectric constant.


We have seen that the origin of the dielectric constant lies in the separation of charges by an
electric field. We may therefore connect the polarization with the local field using:

P = NEloc
Here is a constant, known as the polarizability. Its magnitude essentially describes the
ease or otherwise with which charges may be separated by the field. Using the definition of
the local field given in Equation 3.2-4 we can obtain:

P = {N / (1 - N/30)} E
However, since we have already defined P = 0E, it is clear that the dielectric susceptibility
is related to the polarizability by:
= (N/0) / (1 - N/30)
Equally, since r = 1 + , we must have:

r = (1 + 2N/30) / (1 - N/30)
Equation 3.2-24 shows that, in general, materials with high polarizability will have a large
dielectric constant, and vice versa. Often, the equation is inverted to give in terms of r, as:

= (30/N) (r-1) / (r + 2)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


This is known as the Lorentz-Lorenz equation. It is an interesting relation, because it

enables the calculation of a microscopic quantity () from a macroscopic observable (r).


The dependence of the dielectric constant on frequency is known as material dispersion.
We shall now examine the consequence of this feature, and of the complex nature of r.

In the previous chapter, we assumed that a lossy dielectric could be described by a complex
relative permittivity of the form r = r' - j r''. Multiplying the top and bottom of Equation
3.2-20 by {(m2 - 2) - j}, we obtain the following expressions for the real and imaginary
parts of r:

r' = 1 + p2 (m2 - 2) / {(m2 - 2)2 + ()2}

r' = p2 / {(m2 - 2)2 + ()2}
If the damping factor is negligibly small, then these may be approximated by:

r' 1 + p2 / (m2 - 2)
r'' p2 / (m2 - 2)2
From this, we see that the real part r' will be approximately unity, unless is close to the
resonant frequency m. Exactly at = m, it is discontinuous. Similarly, the imaginary part
r'' is small except near = m, where it becomes infinite. This behaviour is plotted in
Figure 3.3-1. Note that it is quite possible for r' to become negative, just beyond the
resonant frequency.

Also shown in Figure 3.3-1 are the predictions of the full expression 3.3-1, which does not
assume that = 0. The introduction of damping introduces two new features. The first is
that while r' normally increases with (this behaviour is called normal dispersion) there
is now a narrow range of frequency near m where r' decreases with . This is known as
abnormal dispersion. The second is that r'' now has a finite maximum value. The overall
shape of this so-called 'absorption line' is now a function that occurs often in physics, a
Lorentzian lineshape.

For optical propagation it is often convenient to deal with the refractive index instead of r.
Since n = r, n must also be complex. Writing n = n' - jn'', we have:

n2 = (n'2 - n''2) - 2jn'n''= r' - j r''

Making the approximation that n'' is small, we may put n'2 r' and 2n'n'' r''. Assuming
that Equation 3.3-2 is also valid, we can then write:

n'2 1 + p2 / (m2 - 2)
and so on. Hence, it is clear that the refractive index must depend on frequency.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6


Figure 3.3-1 Typical variation of the complex dielectric constant with frequency.

Now, the situation in real materials is normally more complicated, because there may be
more than one resonance involved. For example, there are often resonances that correspond
to excitation of vibrational oscillation modes of molecules, in addition to the electronic
resonance considered so far. The latter usually lie at the ultraviolet end of the optical
spectrum, while the former appear at the infrared end. However, by slightly modifying
Equation 3.3-4, it is simple to accommodate these extra features in a phenomenological way.
All we need to do is to identify the appropriate resonant frequencies, together with the
density of oscillators involved, and incorporate these terms as a summation in the
expression for refractive index. If this is done, we get:

n'2 1 + p2 j fj / (mj2 - 2)
Here we have replaced the plasma frequency p2 by the more general term p2 fj, where fj is
the oscillator strength (an indication of the density of electrons involved), and the resonant
frequency m by mj. Substituting 2c/0 for , and so on, Equation 3.3-5 may then be
transformed into its more common incarnation, the Sellmeier equation:

n'2 1 + j Aj 02 / (02 - j2)

Values of Aj and j are often fitted to dispersion data, to provide an estimate of refractive
index over a wide spectral range.


Table 3.1-1 shows values of Aj and j for silica, following I.H. Maletson (JOSA 55, 1205
(1965)). Note that only three resonances need to be considered. Two of these (at 0.068 m

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 7


and 0.116 m wavelength) lie in the ultraviolet, while the third (at 9.9 m) lies in the
infrared. The corresponding dispersion curve is shown in Figure 3.3-2. In this case,
experimental values are indistinguishable from the theoretical curve, which provides
convincing support for the rather heuristic theory we have used here. Note that there is an
inflexion in the curve at around 0 = 1.27 m, so that d2n/d02 will be zero at this point.
According to the discussion at the end of Chapter 2, this will prove a suitable operating
point for minimum signal dispersion.

i Aj j (m)
1 0.6961663 0.0684043
2 0.4079426 0.1162414
3 0.8974794 9.8961610

Table 3.1-1 Sellmeier coefficients for silica

Figure 3.3-2 Dispersion curve for silica.


Figure 3.3-1 shows absorption loss increasing strongly in the vicinity of a resonance. While
it adequately describes the sense of the loss, the classical treatment we have used fails
completely to account for the actual transition between one bound state and another that
must occur. This can only be described effectively using the ideas of quantum mechanics
and solid state theory, which we will discuss in Chapter 11.


We now move on to consider the origin of a different parameter, conductivity. In this case,
the dominant effects are caused by charges that are free to move, rather than bound to an
atomic site as in a dielectric. For simplicity, we shall restrict ourselves to the case of a single
type of charge carrier, free electrons in a metal. An alternative title for this topic might
therefore be 'the optics of metals'.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 8


We begin by considering the response of the free electrons to the oscillating field of a
propagating wave. The major difference in the behaviour of these electrons (compared with
bound electrons) is that as a free electron moves under the action of the field, another one
moves into the space vacated. Consequently, there are no unbalanced charges, and there can
be no restoring electrostatic forces. Similarly, there is little in the way of local polarization.
However, we can still expect damping, due to collisions of the electrons among themselves
and with the lattice. The controlling equation of motion for each electron is therefore:

m d2x/dt2 = - r dx/dt + eE
This should be compared with Equation 3.2-8; clearly, the two are similar, but Equation 3.4-
1 lacks the spring and local polarization terms.

Assuming again that E = E exp(jt), we may solve Equation 3.4-1 to obtain:

x = eE exp(jt) / (rj - m2)

Now, motion of charges implies a flow of current. If the density of electrons is N, then the
resulting current density is:

J = Nev = Ne dx/dt
Differentiating Equation 3.4-2, we get:

J = Ne2E exp(jt) / (r + jm)

Now, conductivity is defined as a parameter that relates current density to electric field,
according to J = E. We may therefore divide Equation 3.4-4 by E to extract the
conductivity as:

= Ne2 / (r + jm)
Clearly, electrical conductivity is also in general a complex quantity. At low frequencies, it is
real (which corresponds with everyday experience) but at high enough frequencies its
character changes quite dramatically, and it becomes purely imaginary.

At this point, we shall revert to the notation of Chapter 2, where we showed that a material
with non-zero conductivity could be described by a modified dielectric constant of the form:

= - j/
In a metal, we have already mentioned that the contribution of bound electrons is extremely
small, so is very close to the value obtained in free space, 0. Consequently, a metal may
be described by a modified relative dielectric constant:

r = 1 - (Ne2/m0) / { ( - jr/m)}
Now, the term Ne2/m0 is clearly equal to p2, where p is once again the plasma frequency.
Similarly, r/m corresponds to the damping factor of the previous sections. However,
because damping in metals is essentially due to collisions, this is generally given the
alternative name , the collision damping frequency.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


We can easily extract the real and imaginary parts of r, by multiplying the top and bottom
of Equation 3.4-7 by + j. If this is done, we get:

r' = 1 - p2 / (2 + 2)
r'' = - p2 / { (2 + 2)}
Examining Equation 3.4-8, we first note the very striking result that r' can actually be
negative over a wide spectral range, when p2 / (2 + 2) > 1. For this to be possible,
however, we require p > . Values of p and are shown in Table 3.4-1 for some
common metals. Note that the ratio p/ is greater than about 20 for all the members of
this group.

p p/
Aluminium 19.8 x 1015 1.01 x 1015 19.6
15 15
Copper 10.1 x 10 0.31 x 10 32.6
15 15
Gold 9.9 x 10 0.44 x 10 22.5
Silver 12.2 x 1015 0.09 x 1015 135.6

Table 3.4-1 Values of p, and p/ for some common metals.

In the case of silver (Ag), which is widely used in optical surface wave devices (see Ch. 5),
r' will be negative for all angular frequencies up to 1.2 x 1016 rad/sec. Since this
corresponds to a wavelength of 0 150 nm (deep in the UV), r' will be negative through
the visible and infrared spectra. This result has enormous influence on the types of
electromagnetic wave that may be supported by this material. Furthermore, the exceptionally
high value of p/ suggests that the damping of these waves may be relatively low.


We can use Equation 3.4-8 to plot the variation of r' and r'' with wavelength for silver
through the visible spectrum. The results are as shown in Figure 3.4-1.

Figure 3.4-1 Comparison between experimental and theoretical data for r' and r'' in silver.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 10


Also shown on the figure are some experimental points (after Ordal et al., Appl. Opt. 22,
1099 (1983)). The theoretical model has been matched to the data by choosing p and to
give exact agreement for r' at 0 = 0.6 m. Clearly, the simple theory outlined here provides
broadly the correct magnitude for r'', but the wavelength dependence is not quite correct.
This is mainly due to the fact that our model does not completely describe the mechanisms
for electron energy loss through collisions. However, the agreement is almost exact for r'''.

Note that if damping can be neglected (as in an ionised gas, which has no lattice for the
electrons to collide with), Equation 3.4-8 reduces to r'' = n2 = 1 - p2/2. Since = kc/n,
we may then obtain = [p2 + c2k2] - the dispersion characteristic introduced in Chapter
2 for the ionosphere.
Of course, there are materials in which the dielectric constant is determined by contributions
from both bound and free electrons. The examples we have in mind are semiconductors, and
though the electronic effects occurring in these media are vastly more complicated than we
have encountered so far, we shall take the liberty of extending our crude model to estimate
one very important quantity: the change in refractive index that follows from the
introduction of significant numbers of free carriers to an otherwise poorly-conducting
We start by returning to Equations 3.4-5 and 3.4-6. Assuming this time that the
contribution of bound electrons is not negligible, we may write:

r = r - j/0
where r is the relative dielectric constant in the absence of free electrons. This is no longer
unity, but we take it for simplicity to be real. In the presence of free electrons, is non-zero,
but we shall assume the frequency is sufficiently high that . may then be
approximated by:
In this case, Equation 3.4-9 becomes:

r r {1 - Ne2/m0r 2}
The refractive index is clearly given by the square root of Equation 3.4-11. If we now
assume that the right-hand term in the brackets is small, we may use a binomial
approximation to obtain:

n n - Ne2/2m0n 2
where we have defined n = r as the refractive index in the absence of free electrons.
Equation 3.4-12 now shows that the addition of carriers causes an effective decrease in
index n, given by:

n - Ne2/2m0n 2
Despite the crudity of our assumptions, it turns out that the calculation above gives the
correct answer, provided we replace the mass of the electron by its effective mass m* in the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 11

Edited by Foxit Reader
Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2009
For Evaluation Only. CHAPTER

semiconductor material. This quantity will be defined fully in Chapter 11. Writing =
2c/0, we may then present Equation 3.4-13 in its more common form:

n - Ne202/82c2m*0n
A similar result may be obtained if the carriers are holes (the other type of charge carrier
present in a semiconductor, which we will also introduce in Chapter 11) instead of electrons.


For n-type GaAs, n = 3.5 and m* = 0.067m. Consequently, n -1.9 x 10-21 N02 (when
N is measured in cm-3 and 0 is in m). For N 5 x 1018 cm-3 and 0 = 1 m, we then
obtain n -0.01. Although the carrier density needed to obtain such a value of n is very
large, the reduction in index caused by the plasma contribution is extremely useful. For
example, fixed changes in index may be induced by doping semiconductor material to
change the carrier concentration. Alternatively, carriers may be injected to cause a dynamic
change in refractive index. Both effects are employed in semiconductor integrated optics, as
we shall see later in Chapter 12.


We now consider the additional effect of the actual structure of materials, which we have
ignored in favour of their electronic behaviour. Essentially, we have treated all materials as
isotropic until now. This assumption implies that the result of applying a field will be
independent of its direction. Furthermore, it assumes implicitly that the material polarization
will also be parallel to the applied field. Although these assumptions are sometimes valid
(e.g. in a truly amorphous material), in crystals we should generally allow for an
anisotropic response. Since many of the materials used in optoelectronics are crystalline,
this is clearly an important feature.

The origins of anisotropy lie in any lack of symmetry in the molecules forming the material.
In general, these do not have neat spherical shapes - instead, they have configurations that
are characteristic of their composition, electronic structure and chemical activity. The
molecular configuration in turn determines the broad classification of any crystalline solid
they may form. Generally, there are seven possibilities: a crystal may be cubic, tetragonal,
hexagonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic or triclinic in structure. These systems
represent the only shapes of unit cell (the basic element of a crystal lattice) that can fill all
space by repetition.

Figure 3.5-1 shows a particularly simple example, the structure of the cubic ionic crystal
NaCl. Here, the Na+ and Cl- ions are arranged in a regular lattice, which consists of three
equal crystal axes, all at right angles to one another. This high degree of symmetry
suggests that cubic crystals may have optical properties similar to those of amorphous
media. However, the axes of the other systems are generally more complicated.
The complete set is shown in Figure 3.5-2 for comparison, together with some examples of
common optical materials. As can be seen, the lengths of the axes may be different, and they
need not be oriented at right angles. Within these systems, there are a number of sub-
categories, based on the possible symmetry operations that leave the lattice invariant. Each
of these is called a point group, and there are a total of 32 of them. Of these, 21 are non-
centrosymmetric (i.e., they lack a centre of symmetry).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 12


Figure 3.5-1 Cubic structure of NaCl.

Figure 3.5-2 Crystal axes of the seven crystal classes.

Because of these differences in symmetry, we would guess that the ease with which an
electron may move in the various directions may be different in some crystals. An electronic

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 13


model of optical anisotropy could therefore be developed from our previous treatment, for
example by assuming several spring constants, each one for electron displacement in a
particular direction. If this is done, it is found that the result of applying a field is not
independent of direction; instead, the polarization depends on the field direction relative to
the crystal axes. The relation between the polarization and the electric field must then be
written (at least, for small fields) as:

P = 0 [] E
Although Equation 3.5-1 appears more complicated than the definition P = 0 E we have
used till now, it has a simple explanation. First, we have replaced the scalar fields by vector
ones, to introduce some significance to field directions. Second, we have exchanged the
scalar dielectric susceptibility for the second rank tensor term []; this allows the
response of the material to be different in different directions relative to the crystal axes.

According to the rules of tensor arithmetic, Equation 3.5-1 may be written out in longhand

P x = 0 {xxEx + xyE y + xzE z}

P y = 0 {yxEx + yyE y + yzE z}
Pz = 0 {zxEx + zyEy + zzEz}
Thus, Equation 3.5-1 may be interpreted by saying that if the three components of P are
written as a column vector, this may be found by multiplying a similar vector describing E
by a 3 x 3 matrix, whose elements are those of the dielectric susceptibility tensor.

If we consider one component of polarization (say, Px), then Equation 3.5-2 shows that
there will be contributions to Px from all three of the electric field components Ex, Ey and
Ez. Now, the relative magnitudes of the components of the susceptibility tensor depend in
practise on our choice of coordinate system, with respect to the axes of the crystal. For the
particular case in which the co-ordinate system is chosen to coincide with these principal
axes, the off-axis components of the tensor are zero. We are then left with the simpler

P x = 0 xE x
P y = 0 yE y
Pz = 0zEz
Here we have written x for xx in this special case, and so on; we will continue to use this
reduced notation in other similar situations. Even here, P will only be parallel to E when:
x = y = z
It turns out that this equality holds for amorphous materials, and also for crystals with cubic
symmetry. However, for all the other crystal groups, it does not hold. We can interpret this
as establishing that the dielectric constant will be different for field components along each
of the crystal axes. Thus, we will also need to replace the simple relation D = 0 (1 + ) E
D = 0 {1 + []} E = [] E
where [] = 0 {1 + []} is a second rank tensor definition of the dielectric constant, with
xx = 0{1 + xx}, xy = 0xy, xz = 0xz and so on. Similarly, we may define a tensor [r]

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


for the relative dielectric constant, with elements rij = ij/0. This allows the following
classification of crystals in terms of their optical properties. Materials in which two of the
components x, y and z are equal (e.g. x = y z) are termed uniaxial. This class
includes tetragonal, hexagonal and trigonal crystals. Similarly, materials in which no two
components are equal (e.g. x y z) are called biaxial. This class contains the
orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystals.


A logical conclusion from the above is that the phase velocity of waves in anisotropic
materials will also depend on the orientation of the electric field vector with respect to the
crystal axes, so we would expect some complicated propagation effects to arise. We shall
illustrate this with simple examples, beginning with the case of an optical wave travelling in a
direction parallel to one of the crystal axes. We shall assume for simplicity that these axes
are parallel to the x-, y- and z-directions, and that the wave is travelling in the z-direction.
Figure 3.5-3 then shows one possible orientation of the electric field vector in relation to the
x- and y-axes.

Figure 3.5-3 Transverse field of a plane wave travelling in an anisotropic crystal.

Clearly, the component of the transverse field in the x-direction (Ex) will experience the
dielectric constant x, while Ey sees y. Consequently, the wave is divided into two parts, one
polarized in the x-direction and travelling with a phase velocity c/nx, where nx = rx, the
other y-polarized and moving with a velocity c/ny. If nx ny, the two travel in the same
direction, but at different speeds.


This feature is exploited in retardation plates, which are devices that can manipulate the
state of polarization of a wave. Assuming the geometry of Figure 3.5-3, with a crystal
thickness of d, the phase delays x and y introduced into each component in travelling
through the material are:

x = k0nxd and y = k0nyd

The phase difference introduced (i.e. x - y) will then in general convert the incident plane
polarized wave into an elliptically polarized output. There are two particular cases of interest.
The first occurs when there is an effective phase difference of radians, so that:

x - y = (2 + 1)

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Now, the introduction of a radians phase difference is equivalent to changing the sign of
one of the components (say, Ey). The output electric field is therefore as shown in Figure
3.5-4; as can be seen, the direction of polarization has simply rotated by 2, where is the
angle of polarization of the input wave relative to the x-axis. Consequently, this component
(known as a half-wave plate) allows the orientation of the polarization vector to be altered,
simply by rotating the crystal. It is made simply by polishing a crystal substrate to the
required thickness.

Figure 3.5-4 Transverse field components after a relative phase delay of radians.

The second case of interest occurs when there is an effective phase difference of /2 rads,
so that:

x - y = (2 + 1/2)
In general, the output will then be elliptically polarized. However, if we arrange for to
equal /4, then Ex = Ey for the input wave. According to our discussion in Chapter 2
(Equation 2.4-22), the output will then be circularly polarized. The quarter-wave plate is
thus a convenient component for converting a plane polarized input into a circularly
polarized output, and vice versa.


A much more complicated situation occurs when the direction of propagation of the input
wave does not lie along a crystallographic axis, when the material polarization must be
described by the full tensor expression (Equation 3.5-1). Similarly, the full tensor
description of the permittivity must be used. Fortunately, some simplications are possible.
Firstly, it can be shown via the principle of energy conservation that the dielectric tensor
must be symmetric, so that ij = ji. Secondly, it is possible to devise a simple geometrical
interpretation of many aspects of propagation, known as the index indicatrix (or index

The argument runs as follows. Consider the scalar product 1/2 E . D; as we saw in Chapter
2, this is a measure of the stored electrostatic energy UE. If we form this product with the
relevant field components, we can show that:

E . D = 2UE = Dx2/xx + Dy2/yy + Dz2/zz + 2DxDy/xy + 2DyDz/yz + 2DzDx/zx


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Here we have used the symmetry of the dielectric tensor to combine terms of the form
DxDy/xy and DyDx/yx. Now, by applying suitable scaling (which merely involves writing
Dx2/20UE = x, and so on), we may transform Equation 3.5-9 to:

x2/rxx + y2/ryy + z2/rzz + 2xy/rxy + 2yz/ryz + 2zx/rzx = 1

This is the equation of an ellipsoid, the index indicatrix mentioned earlier. In general, its
orientation in space is determined by the magnitudes of the off-axis elements rxy, ryz and
rzx. A typical view of the indicatrix is shown in Figure 3.5-5.

Figure 3.5-5 General orientation of the index indicatrix.

Now, for the special case when the off-axis elements of the dielectric tensor are all zero,
Equation 3.5-10 reduces to:

x2/rx + y2/ry + z2/rz = 1

The index indicatrix is then oriented along the coordinate axes, as shown in Figure 3.5-6,
and the semi-major axes of the ellipsoid are equal to rx, ry and rz (and thus to nx, ny
and nz). For a uniaxial crystal (for which nx = ny, say), the indicatrix reduces to an ellipsoid
of revolution, whose axis of symmetry (in this case, the z-axis) is called the optic axis. This
particular ellipsoid can be characterised by just two values of refractive index: n0 (the
ordinary index), which corresponds to nx or ny, and ne (the extraordinary index),
corresponding to nz.

Figure 3.5-6 The index indicatrix aligned with the crystal co-ordinates.

Typical values of n0 and ne are given in Table 3.5-1 for some common optical materials.
Note that in some cases n0 may be greater than ne, while the reverse is true in others.

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n0 ne
Calcite (CaCO3) 1.658 1.486
Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) 2.286 2.200
Lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) 2.176 2.180
Quartz (SiO2) 1.544 1.553
Rutile (TiO2) 2.616 2.903

Table 3.5-1 Indices of refraction of some uniaxial crystals.

We have seen that the dimensions of the ellipsoid can be usefully interpreted when it is
oriented parallel to the coordinate axes. If this is not the case, or if the direction of
propagation is not along a principal axis, the interpretation is more complicated. Let us
return to the general ellipsoid, Figure 3.5-5, which also shows the direction of propagation
of a plane wave, marked k. It can be shown that such a wave can be split into two
components, plane-polarized at right angles to each other. The directions of polarization are
themselves parallel to the axes of the shaded ellipse, which is formed by the intersection of a
plane through the origin, normal to k, with the index ellipsoid. The effective indices for the
two component waves are then given by the semi-major axes of this ellipse.

This general phenomenon (the multi-valued nature of the refractive index) is called
birefringence, and was first observed by Erasmus Bartolinus (1625-1692). However, from
our previous electronic model, we might expect the following additional effects to occur.
Firstly, a frequency-dependence of the refractive indices, which results in dispersion of the
birefringence. Secondly, a polarization- dependence of the absorption, known as
dichroism, which can be explained by the introduction of a different damping factor for
electronic motion in different directions. If the effect is sufficiently strong, dichroic material
can be used to polarize natural light, by preferential absorption of the unwanted polarization.
The most famous examples of an artificial dichroic medium are the molecular 'Polaroid'
sheets invented by Edwin Land in 1928.


In our model of the interaction of radiation and matter, we have supposed that a dipole can
be created by an electric field, and that the restoring force on the charges is proportional to
displacement. This led to a form of simple harmonic motion, and to a polarization
proportional to the driving field. It is reasonable to suppose that this is merely a first
approximation to the true behaviour of a dipole, since all real oscillators demonstrate simple
harmonic behaviour only for vanishingly small oscillations. We might therefore expect that
the relation between P and E should really be written as a power series, of which Equation
3.5-1 is simply the first term. If this is done, our model will describe non-linear optical
Now, any of Equations 3.5-2 may be written using the following notation:

Pi = 0j ij Ej
More generally, if we allow higher-order dependence of the polarization on the electric field,
we must write:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


Pi = 0{j ij Ej + j k ijk Ej Ek + j k l ijkl Ej Ek El + ....}

This shows that (for example), the product of any pair of field components Ej and Ek can
contribute to Pi through a third-rank susceptibility tensor whose elements are ijk. The first
point to note is that the higher-order terms normally get progressively smaller, so that the
elements ij are the dominant factors determining the dielectric constant. The importance of
the higher-order terms lies in a number of new and entirely different effects they make

Consider, for example, an optical field (say, in the x-direction), which at any point can be
described as Ex = Ex exp(jt). The third-rank susceptibility tensor now makes an additional
contribution Px' to the total polarization Px, of the form:

Px' = 0 j k xjk Ej Ek
= 0 xxx Ex2 exp(2jt)
The interesting point here is that Px' now has a contribution at an angular frequency 2, i.e.
at twice the frequency of the incident wave. This effect is known as second harmonic
generation, because this component of P can be arranged to generate a new wave at the
doubled frequency. In fact, frequency doublers based on this principle are now widely used
in optoelectronics. For example, a nonlinear crystal pumped at near infrared wavelengths (
0.84 m) can be used to generate visible, blue light (at 0.42 m), a truly remarkable
feat. However, we note here that merely having a significant value of the appropriate
coefficient ijk is not a sufficient condition for a strong second harmonic wave - a further
requirement is that the phase velocities of the waves must be matched. We shall find this an
important condition in other situations later on.

Another possibility occurs when the field components are associated with different sources.
For example, we might have Ex = Ex exp(jt) and Ey = Es exp(jst). While the former may
still be a component of an optical field, the latter might be of much lower frequency, derived
from an external source such as a signal generator. In this case, the new contribution to the
polarization is:

Px' = 0 xxy Ex exp(jt) Es exp(jst)

We can interpret this as follows. In our earlier, first-order derivation we had P = 0 [] E,
with the dielectric tensor being given by [] = 0 {1 + []}. From Equation 3.6-4, we see
that xx has effectively been replaced by xx + xxy Es exp(jst). Thus, the dielectric constant
has now become a function of the applied low-frequency field Es. This effect (known as the
linear electro-optic or Pockels effect) has extremely important consequences, since it
allows the modification of the phase velocity of a wave through the application of an
external field. The magnitude of the effect in absolute terms is rather small. Typical changes
in refractive index are often less than 10-4 (with n in the broad range 1.45 to 2.50), so that
propagation distances of the order of 5 x 103 wavelengths ( 1 mm) are required for a phase
change of radians. This implies that useful electro-optic devices will be physically large
(at least, in comparison to an integrated electronic device).


We shall now look at this effect in more detail. The first point to note is that many materials
show no electro-optic effect at all! The basic consideration is whether or not the point group
has a symmetry which leaves the structure invariant after a change of the coordinates of all

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


the elements from r to -r. This can be illustrated by considering the index change that might
result from the application of fields E and -E to a material. In the first case, n will be given
by n = kE, where the constant k is a measure of the strength of the electro-optic effect,
while in the second, we would expect n = k(-E). However, if the material has inversion
symmetry, then changing from E to -E should make no difference. This implies that k must
be zero. The electro-optic effect can therefore only exist in materials lacking inversion
symmetry. These are called non-centro-symmetric. Of the 32 point groups within the 7
crystal systems, 21 are of this type. All amorphous materials have inversion symmetry, and
therefore show no linear electro-optic effect.

We note, however, that regardless of whether a material is centro-symmetric or not (or

indeed of whether it is crystalline), the coefficient of the third term in the expansion for the
polarization (the fourth-rank susceptibility tensor, whose elements are ijkl) is never zero.
This term gives rise to the Kerr effect, in which we can imagine one component of an
applied field generating an asymmetry, while a second produces a form of electro-optic
modification of the refractive index, which then characterises the phase velocity of a third
(optical) component. However, since the higher-order non-linear coefficients become
progressively smaller, higher fields are needed to exploit the Kerr effect. Consequently, for
practical devices, the electro-optic effect has been almost exclusively used. This may change
as materials with higher Kerr coefficients are discovered.

Now, the tensor describing the electro-optic effect will have a total of 27 elements ijk (for
each of the three possible directions of the polarization Pi there will be three directions for
the optical field Ej and three for the low frequency field Ek). However, the argument that
showed that the dielectric tensor must be symmetric (so that ij = ji and ij = ji) can also be
shown to lead to ijk = jik. Thus, the number of different elements needed is only 18.
However, the ijk terms themselves are not normally used to characterise the effect. Since
they modify the polarization (and hence the dielectric constant), we expect that the presence
of an external electric field will alter the shape of the index indicatrix. It is these changes that
are traditionally used instead.

Returning to the characteristic equation of the index ellipsoid, Equation 3.5-10, we note that
it could be written in the following alternative form:
Bxx x2 + Byy y2 + Bzz z2 + 2Bxy xy + 2Byz yz + 2Bzx zx = 1
where Bxx = 1/rxx, and so on. Changes in these B-coefficients due to the external field can
then be written as:

Bij = k rijk Ek
The terms rijk are called the electro-optic or Pockels coefficients (after Carl Pockels, 1865-
1913). Clearly, these new elements are simply related to the ijk terms. Following the
arguments above, we would therefore expect rijk = rijk. It is therefore customary to contract
the indices i and j into a single index I, following the set of 'rules' shown in Table 3.7-1.

ij I
xx xy xz 1 6 5
yx yy yz 2 4
zx zy zz 3

Table 3.7-1 Contraction rules for the Pockels coefficients.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


The notation 11 for xx, 12 for xy is also often employed. Hence, ryzx (which can also be
written r231) becomes contracted to r41. By symmetry, this is also equal to r321. Similarly, r52
corresponds to r132 (= r312). This notation may also be applied to the indices of the Bij
coefficients. If this is done, Equation 3.7-2 may be written in matrix form as:

B1 r 11 r 12 r 13 Ex
B2 r 21 r 22 r 23 Ey
B3 = r 31 r 32 r 33 Ez
B4 r 41 r 42 r 43
B5 r 51 r 52 r 53
B6 r 61 r 62 r 63
Thus, for example, we have B1 = r11 Ex + r12 Ey + r13 Ez, and so on. One important feature
of the electro-optic matrix is that it is rather sparse, since the possible elements that can be
non-zero are governed entirely by the symmetry of the appropriate point group. Table 3.7-2
is a standard representation of these elements, for the 21 non-centro-symmetric groups.

Group 1 r 11 r 12 r 13
r 21 r 22 r 23
r 31 r 32 r 33
r 41 r 42 r 43
r 51 r 52 r 53
r 61 r 62 r 62

Group 2 0 r 21 0 Group m r 11 0 r 13
0 r 22 0 r 21 0 r 23
0 r 23 0 r 31 0 r 33
r 41 0 r 43 0 r 42 0
0 r 52 0 r 51 0 r 53
r 51 0 r 63 0 r 62 0

Group 222 0 0 0 Group mm2 0 0 r 13
0 0 0 0 0 r 23
0 0 0 0 0 r 33
r 41 0 0 0 r 42 0
0 r 52 0 r 51 0 0
0 0 r 63 0 0 0

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


Group 4 0 0 r 13 Group 4 0 0 r 13 Group 422 0 0 0
0 0 r 13 0 0 -r13 0 0 0
0 0 r 33 0 0 0 0 0 0
r 41 r 51 0 r 41 -r51 0 r 41 0 0
r 51 -r41 0 r 51 r 41 0 0 -r41 0
0 0 0 0 0 r 63 0 0 0

Gp 4mm 0 0 r 13 Gp 42m 0 0 0
0 0 r 13 0 0 0
0 0 r 33 0 0 0
0 r 51 0 r 41 0 0
r 51 0 0 0 r 41 0
0 0 0 0 0 r 63

Group 3 r 11 -r22 r 13 Group 32 r 11 0 0 Group 3m 0 -r22 r 13
-r11 r 22 r 13 -r11 0 0 0 r 22 r 13
0 0 r 33 0 0 0 0 0 r 33
r 41 r 51 0 r 41 0 0 0 r 51 0
r 51 -r41 0 0 -r41 0 r 51 0 0
-r22 -r11 0 0 -r11 0 -r22 0 0

Gp 6 0 0 r 13 Gp 6 r 11 -r22 0 Gp 622 0 0 0
0 0 r 13 -r11 r 22 0 0 0 0
0 0 r 33 0 0 0 0 0 0
r 41 r 51 0 0 0 0 r 41 0 0
r 51 -r41 0 0 0 0 0 -r41 0
0 0 0 -r22 -r11 0 0 0 0

Gp 6mm 0 0 r 13 Gp 62m 0 -r22 0

0 0 r 13 0 r 22 0
0 0 r 33 0 0 0
0 r 51 0 0 0 0

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


r 51 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 -r22 0 0

Gp 432 0 0 0 Group 43m 0 0 0
0 0 0 Group 23 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 r 41 0 0
0 0 0 0 r 41 0
0 0 0 0 0 r 41

Table 3.7-2 Electro-optic matrices for the seven crystal systems (after Kaminow I.P.,
Turner E.H. "Linear electrooptic materials" in "Handbook of lasers" (R.J. Pressley, Ed.) pp
447-459. Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1971)
A second point is that the magnitudes of the coefficients can vary widely. This limits the
usability of some materials, and places restrictions on the crystal cut and on the orientation
of the fields that must be used, if significant effects are to be obtained from fields of
reasonable strength. Table 3.7-3 shows the values of the electrooptic coefficients for
representative materials. Clearly, LiNbO3 would be a strong contender for any device
applications, due to the high value of its r33 coefficient. New organic materials (such as the
crystal 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline, or MNA) have also been found to have large coefficients.
However, the relatively weak coefficients of the semiconductors GaAs and InP (which form
the basis of many optoelectronic devices) should be noted.

Material Point Group r, 10-12 m/V

GaAs 43m r41 = -1.5
InP 43m r41 = -1.4
KD 2PO4 (KDP) 42m r41 = 8 r63 = 11
LiNbO3 3m r33 = 30.8 r51 = 28
r13 = 8.6 r22 = 3.4
MNA m r11 = 67
SiO2 (Quartz) 32 r41 = 1.4 r11 = 0.59

Table 3.7-3 Electro-optic coefficients for representative materials.

How do we make use of all this information? The simplest way is through the index
indicatrix. Let us assume that (in the absence of a field) we have chosen a co-ordinate
system that is aligned with the principal axes of the crystal, so that the equation for the
ellipsoid is of the form:

B x x 2 + B y y2 + Bz z2 = 1
and the ellipsoid is as shown in Figure 3.5-4. Let us also assume the material is LiNbO3, a
trigonal crystal with point group 3m. From Tables 3.7-2 and 3.7-3, we see that there are a

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


number of non-zero elements in the electro-optic matrix. Consequently, several additional

terms may be generated in the equation for the indicatrix, depending on the direction of the
applied field.

Assuming that the field is applied in the x-direction, the significant elements are r51 and r22.
Performing the matrix multiplication in Equation 3.7-3, we can find the equation of the new
index indicatrix as:

Bxx x2 + Byy y2 + Bzz z2 + 2r51Ex xz - 2r22Ex xy = 1

Note that the element -r22 in the above is really r61 (which is in turn equivalent to r131).
However, this coefficient has the same magnitude but opposite sign to r22 (equivalent to r222)
for the 3m point group. These extra terms will produce a new ellipsoidal shape, which is
shifted in both orientation and scale from the original one.

Alternatively, assuming the field is applied in the z-direction, we obtain:

(Bxx + r13Ez) x2 + (Byy + r13Ez) y2 + (Bzz + r33Ez) z2 = 1

Once again, Equation 3.7-6 describes a new ellipsoid, but this time the result is different.
The ellipsoid is still aligned with the co-ordinate system, but the lengths of the principal
axes have altered slightly. We can interpret these changes as follows. Recalling that Bxx =
1/rxx = 1/nx2, to a first approximation we can write:

Bxx = -2nx/nx3

However, from Equation 3.7-6 we known that Bxx = r13Ez. Equating these two definitions,
we can show that the effect of the field Ez is to change the index nx by an amount:

nz = -nz3 r13 Ez/2

The result of the applied field is therefore an index change proportional to the field strength.
Note that the important feature is nz3r13, rather than simply r13. A relatively weak electrooptic
coefficient can therefore be compensated for to some extent, if the material has a high
refractive index. Similar changes can be found for ny and nz, as:

ny = -ny3 r13 Ez/2 , nz = -nz3 r33 Ez/2

We can use these index changes to construct phase modulators (devices which can alter the
phase of an optical wave under electrical control), as described below.


Figure 3.7-1 shows a longitudinal phase modulator. Here, transparent electrodes have
been added to the input and output faces of a slab of electrooptic crystal. This has length L
in the z- direction, so the application of a voltage V to the electrodes will lead to a
longitudinal field Ez = V/L.

Light is passed through the crystal in the z-direction, with the optical field polarized in either
the x- or y-directions. For LiNbO3, we can see from Equations 3.7-8 and 3.7-9 that the
static electric field will cause an equal refractive index change for both components. In
length L, this will induce phase shifts:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


x = y = k0 nxL
= -nx3r13 V/0
Note that L has disappeared from Equation 3.7-10, because a longer crystal results in a
greater phase shift for a given index change, but a smaller electric field for a given voltage.
Consequently, the drive voltage must be independent of the modulator dimensions.

Figure 3.7-1 A longitudinal phase modulator.


We may calculate the magnitude of the voltage V required for a phase shift of radians
from Equation 3.7-10 as:

V = 0 / (nx3r13)
For LiNbO3, nx = 2.286 and r13 = 8.6 x 10-12 m/V. Hence, for 0 1 m, V 9.7 kV. This
is a very high value, presenting an inherent problem for longitudinal phase modulators.


Improvements are offered by an alternative modulator design, which we now describe.

Figure 3.7-2 shows a transverse phase modulator. Here, electrodes have been deposited
on the top and bottom faces of the crystal, which has been rotated so that the static electric
field is still in the z-direction. The electrode separation is taken to be g, so that the field is
now Ez = V/g, but the length of the crystal in the direction of optical propagation remains L.
This time, the input optical wave may be polarized in the x- or z-directions. Equations 3.7-8
and 3.7-9 show that the resulting phase shifts are now different, being given by:

x = k0nxd = -nx3 r13 VL / (0g)

z = k0nzd = -nz3 r33 VL / (0g)
Since r33 > r13 in LiNbO3, the greatest effect will be experienced by the z-polarized wave.
The magnitude of the voltage required for radians phase shift of this component is now:

V = 0g / (nz3r33L)
Equation 3.7-13 is no longer independent of the crystal dimensions, since it contains g and
L. This suggests that if the ratio g/L can be arranged to be 10-3 (say, by using an electrode
gap of a few microns and a length of several millimetres), V will reduce from kilovolts to

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


volts. Since this can be done in guided wave optics, the door has been opened to the
widespread use of electro-optic devices.

Figure 3.7-2 A transverse phase modulator.


In this section, we consider a number of stress-related effects, all of which have been
exploited for optical device applications. We begin with the photoelastic effect, whereby a
transparent, isotropic material may become optically anisotropic under the influence of an
applied stress. This phenomenon, also known as stress-induced birefringence, was first
investigated by David Brewster in 1816.

The stress to which a solid body is subjected may be characterised by a second-rank stress
tensor [T], whose elements Tij represent the force applied along the i direction per unit area
of a plane normal to the j direction. The diagonal components of [T] therefore represent
normal components of stress, while the off-diagonal components are shear stresses. By
considering moments, it is simple to show that [T] must be symmetric, to avoid any net
torque on the body.

Similarly, the elastic strain of the body due to applied stresses may be described by a
symmetric, second-rank tensor [S], whose diagonal elements Sii (defined as Sii = Ui/xi,
where Ui is the local displacement of the body in the i direction, and xi is the coordinate in
the same direction) represent normal strains, and whose off-diagonal elements Sij (defined
as Sij = {Ui/xj + Uj/xi}) are shear strains. Note that we have avoided the use of the
notation and for stress and strain, to avoid confusion with other optical parameters.

Because of the symmetry of [T] and [S], a contracted notation is often used to describe the
elements Tij and Sij, as was done previously for the Pockels coefficients. Since the rules for
this have already been given in Table 3.7-1, we shall not repeat them.

Suffice it to say that if this notation is employed, [T] and [S] may be represented by two
six-element vectors T = (T1, T2, ... T6) and S = (S1, S2, ... S6), which may be used to
characterise the photoelastic effect in terms of the changes in the B-coefficients of the index
ellipsoid induced by stresses or strains. Two alternative definitions are used. Firstly, in
terms of stresses, we may write in longhand:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


B1 q11 q12 q13 q14 q15 q16 T1

B2 q21 q22 q23 q24 q25 q26 T2
B3 = q31 q32 q33 q34 q35 q36 T3
B4 q41 q42 q43 q44 q45 q46 T4
B5 q51 q52 q53 q54 q55 q56 T5
B6 q61 q62 q63 q64 q65 q66 T6
where the terms qij are elements of a second-rank stress-optical tensor [q], which have
units of m2/N. Secondly, in terms of strains, and using a more compact notation, we may

B = [p] S
where B = (B1, B2, ... B6) and [p] is a corresponding strain-optical tensor, whose
elements pij are dimensionless. Now, for elastic deformation, there is a linear relation
between stress and strain. With the contracted notation used above, this may be written as:

T = [c] S
where [c] is a second-rank stiffness tensor with elements cij. Clearly, the stress- and strain-
optical tensors are related, since [p] = [q][c]. The two representations given above are
therefore entirely complementary. With knowledge of the coefficients of [p] or [q], the
effect of any stress or strain distribution may easily be computed, as we have done before
for the electro-optic effect.

It can be shown that the non-zero elements in the photoelastic tensors are generally in
different positions to those of the electro-optic tensor, but in the same positions as those of
the Kerr effect, so the photoelastic effect is observable in centro-symmetric crystals, liquids
(e.g. water) and amorphous solids (e.g. plastics, silica glass). Table 3.8-1 shows the stress-
optical tensor for an isotropic medium; this is particularly simple, since it is described
entirely by two coefficients, q11 and q12.
We may use this example to evaluate the effect of various applied stresses. From Equation
3.8-1, it is apparent that a uniaxial stress (say, a non-zero value of T1) will result in the
following changes to the B-coefficients: B1 = q11T1, B2 = B3 = q12T1 and B4 = B5 =
B6 = 0. Now, an initially isotropic medium will have a spherical index ellipsoid,
independent of the choice of co-ordinate axes, and a uniform refractive index n. After
application of the uniaxial stress, the refractive index in the x-, y- and z-directions will
therefore have altered by:

nx = -n3q11T1/2, ny = nz = -n3q12T1/2
Clearly, if q11 and q12 are unequal (as they often are), the material will now be birefringent,
with principle axes located parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the applied stress.
In each case, the index change is of the form n = -n3qT/2, where q the relevant stress-
optical coefficient. By analogy, we may obtain the corresponding expression in terms of
strain, as n = -n3pS/2, where p is the corresponding strain-optical coefficient.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27


q11 q12 q12 0 0 0

q12 q11 q12 0 0 0
[q] = q12 q12 q11 0 0 0
0 0 0 q11-q12 0 0
0 0 0 0 q11-q12 0
0 0 0 0 0 q11-q12

Table 3.8-1 Photoelastic tensor for an isotropic medium.

Similarly, if the stress is now applied hydrostatically (so that T1 = T2 = T3 = T, say), the
index changes become:

nx = ny = nz = -n3(q11 + 2q12)T/2
This time, the refractive index change is isotropic, so the material does not become
birefringent. By convention, compressive stresses are defined as being negative in sign
(since they cause negative strain), while tensile stresses are positive. An increase in
hydrostatic pressure will therefore result in a uniform increase in refractive index that is
linearly proportional to the pressure.


Now, an acoustic wave is a form of travelling wave, consisting of moving variations in

stress. From the above, it is clear that the passage of an acoustic wave through a photoelastic
medium should be accompanied by a travelling refractive index variation, with peaks and
troughs in index correlated with points of high and low stress in the wave. The variation
must therefore be periodic, with the same periodicity as the acoustic wave ( = v/f, where v
is the acoustic velocity and f is the frequency). In 1922, Brillouin suggested that this
variation could be used to diffract an optical beam, a prediction that was verified almost
simultaneously in 1932 by Debye and Sears in America and Lucas and Biquard in France.
In this form, the photoelastic effect is commonly known as the acousto-optic effect. We
shall describe the diffraction process itself in Chapter 7; in the mean time, we shall simply
calculate the peak index change expected from an acoustic wave of a given power.

Acoustic waves may take several different forms, depending on whether they propagate in
solids or liquids, and in the bulk of a medium or near its surface. In solids, bulk waves can
exist as either longitudinal or transverse waves (which have mechanical displacements
parallel and normal to the direction of propagation). Figure 3.8-1 shows a longitudinal wave,
which has a strain variation only in the direction of propagation. Only one component of
strain (say, S1) is non-zero, so we can describe the wave by the travelling variation S1 = S1max
cos(t - kx), where = 2f and k = 2/.

Figure 3.8-1 Propagation of an acoustic wave.

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Note that it is also possible for surface acoustic waves to exist; these are propagation
modes that have both longitudinal and transverse components, and are constrained to
propagate with finite amplitude only close to a surface boundary. They are of considerable
importance in guided wave optics, because they can interact efficiently with optical waves
propagating in a guide near a surface.

Now, it can be shown that the power per unit area carried by the longitudinal wave above is
given by S1max2v3/2, where is the density of the medium supporting the acoustic wave.
Since this equals P/A, where P is the total power in the acoustic beam and A is its cross-
section, we must have:

S1max = (2P/Av3)
We may then obtain the peak index change in a given direction as:

nmax = n3pS1max/2 = (Pp2n6/2Av3)

where p is the relevant strain-optical coefficient. This result is often written as nmax =
(PM2/2A), where M2 = p2n6/v3 is one of a number of acousto-optic figures of merit
(actually, the most important for many practical purposes), useful for comparing different
acousto-optic materials.


We may estimate M2 for a typical material, fused silica, as follows. Fused silica is isotropic,
with non-zero strain-optical coefficients of p11 = 0.121 and p12 = 0.27. Its refractive index,
density and acoustic velocity are 1.46, 2.2 x 103 kg/m3 and 5960 m/s, respectively. The
largest value of M2 is obtained from p12, as M2 = 0.272 x 1.466 / (2.2 x 103 x 59603) = 1.51
x 10-15 s3/kg. An acoustic beam of power 1 W and cross-sectional area 1 mm2 would then
yield a peak index change of nmax = {1 x 1.51 x 10-15 / (2 x 10-6)} = 2.75 x 10-5. Table
3.8-2 shows values of M2 for some other acousto-optic materials. One of the most widely
used is LiNbO3, since it is also piezoelectric. This allows simple excitation of an acoustic
wave by an electrical drive signal, as we shall describe below.

Material v (m/s) (g/cm3) M2 (10-15 s3/kg)

Fused silica 5960 2.2 1.51
LiNbO3 6570 4.64 6.95
PbMoO4 3630 6.95 35.8
TeO2 4200 6.0 34.6
GaAs 5150 5.34 104.19

Table 3.8-2 Parameters of typical acousto-optic materials (from I.C. Chang, IEEE Trans.
Sonics & Ultrasonics SU-23, 2-21 (1976)).


All crystals that exhibit the linear electro-optic effect posess one further stress-related
characteristic: they are piezoelectric. The piezoelectric effect was first noted by the brothers
Pierre and Jacques Curie in 1880, and is strong in materials such as BaTiO3, LiNbO3,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


PLZT, quartz and ZnO. It has two manifestations. In the first, the application of an electric
field to a piezo-electric crystal may give rise to an internal strain. If the field is a DC one, the
crystal dimensions will therefore alter slightly.

This particular effect has found widespread application in guided wave optics, since it allows
the construction of devices capable of moving small components through short distances
(say, 10 m), with a resolution of the order of 1 nm. Using a three-axis piezoelectric
micropositioner, it is possible to position one component (e.g. a single-mode optical fibre)
relative to another (perhaps a semiconductor laser) to high accuracy, so that transmission
between the two is optimised. Often, this is done under closed-loop control. Piezoelectric
devices are therefore essential to the construction of low-loss jointed systems.

For an AC electric field, on the other hand, the strain distribution inside the crystal will be
time- varying. If the crystal is arranged as a parallel-sided slab, it may act as an acoustic
resonator, so that the overall pattern is equivalent to a standing acoustic wave. This can be
used to excite travelling acoustic waves in a non-piezoelectric material in close mechanical
contact with the crystal. A piezoelectric crystal may therefore be used as an extremely
convenient transducer between an electrical drive signal and an acoustic wave, for example in
an acousto-optic device.

In the second manifestation of the piezoelectric effect, the application of a stress may result
in an internal electric field, so that a voltage is developed across the crystal. Here, the major
consequence is that the effect of an acoustic wave is more complicated than we have
described so far. For example, the travelling strain distribution can produce a change in
refractive index directly, through the photoelastic effect. However, it can also generate an
electric field (via the piezo-electric effect), which in turn produces a change in index (via the
electro-optic effect). Depending on the material, the index change produces by this second,
indirect mechanism may either add to or subtract from that produced directly.

Transducers for surface acoustic waves are rather different, and will be described in
Chapter 7.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30


3.1 Using the Sellmeier coefficients given in Table 3.1-1, compute the refractive index of
silica at wavelengths of 1.3 and 1.55 m.
[1.447; 1.444]

3.2 Sellmeier's equation n'2 = 1 + j Aj 02 / (02 - j2) can be used to model material
dispersion over a wide spectral range. Show that, for the case of a single resonance
located in the U.V., dispersion over the visible spectrum can be approximated by
Cauchy's equation n' A + (B/02) + (C/04), and find A, B and C in terms of the
Sellmeier coefficients. What phenomenon would you expect Cauchy's equation to be
unable to describe?

3.3 Using the data given in Table 3.4-1, estimate the density of free electrons in silver.
Over what spectral range would the real part of the dielectric constant (r') be negative?
[4.68 x 1028 /m3; 0 > 0.155 m]

3.4. By constructing a simple model for the behaviour of electrons in a high frequency
electromagnetic field, show that a reasonable approximation to the dispersion relation
for a low-density, ionised gas (e.g. the ionosphere) is given by the expression 2 =
( p2 + c2k2}

3.5 The dielectric constant of a semiconductor may be modified by the introduction of

free carriers, through the plasma contribution. Find an approximate expression for the
change in complex relative dielectric constant, assuming that collision damping is not
negligible. What consequence will follow from the resulting finite value of r''?

3.6 The figure below shows an optical experiment involving a birefringent wave plate and
a polarizer. The former is constructed from a lithium niobate slab of thickness 3.684
mm (n0 = 2.286, ne = 2.2 for LiNbO3). You may assume that the latter is perfect, i.e.
that it blocks the unwanted polarization absolutely, while allowing the desired
polarization through without attenuation. A plane wave (of wavelength 0.633 m) is
passed through the two components, which are initially rotated about the optical axis
to maximise the output power. What will be the percentage transmission if the
birefringent plate is now rotated by (a) 22.5o, and (b) 45o?

[50%; zero]

3.7 The general equation for the index indicatrix in anisotropic media may be written as
Bxx x2 + Byy y2 + Bzz z2 + 2Bxy xy + 2Byz yz + 2Bzx zx = 1, where Bxx = 1/rxx and so

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 31


Show that, if the coordinates are represented by a radius vector r, and the B-
coefficients are assembled into a symmetric, second-rank tensor [B], this equation
may be rewritten in the alternative quadratic form rT [B] r = 1, where rT represents
the transpose of r.
3.8 The 3 x 3 matrix [B] posseses a set of eigenvalues i and eigenvectors vi, defined
using [B] vi = i vi. Since [B] is symmetric, the eigenvectors are orthogonal, so viT vj =
0. It may also be assumed that the eigenvectors are normalised so that viT vi = 1.
Show that, if the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are assembled into two new matrices
[] (whose diagonal elements are i) and [V] (which contains the vectors vi arranged
in columns), [B] may be written as [B] = [V] [] [V]T. Hence, find an expression for
a new co-ordinate system r', which coincides with the axes of the index ellipsoid.
What are the lengths of the semi-major axes of this ellipsoid?

3.9 A KH2PO4 (KDP) crystal is oriented with its crystal axes parallel to the x-, y- and z-
directions. From the information given in Tables 3.7-2 and 3.7-3, determine the
equation of the index ellipsoid when an electric field is applied in the z-direction.

3.10 Using the methods of Questions 3.7 and 3.8, show that the lengths of the semi-major
axes of the index ellipsoid for the KDP crystal in Question 3.9 are unaltered by the
application of the electric field.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32



Born M., Wolf E. "Principles of optics" 6th Edn., Pergamon, Oxford (1980); Chs. 2, 13 &
Chang I.C. "Acousto-optic devices and applications" IEEE Trans. Sonics and Ultrasonics
SU-23, 2-21 (1976)
Fleming J.W. "Material dispersion in lightguide glasses" Elect. Lett. 14, 326-328 (1978)
Guenther R. "Modern optics" John Wiley & Sons, New York (1990); Chs. 7,13, 14 & 15.
Kaminow I.P. "An introduction to electrooptic devices" Academic Press, London, (1974)
Lipscomb G.F., Garito A.F., Narang R.S. "A large linear electro-optic effect in a polar
crystal 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline" Appl. Phys. Lett. 38, 663-665 (1981)
Maletson I.H. "Interspecimen comparison of the refractive index of fused silica" JOSA 55,
1205-1209 (1965)
Miller R.C. "Optical second harmonic generation in piezoelectric crystals" Appl. Phys. Lett.
5, 17-19 (1964)
Ordal M.A., Long L.L., Bell R.J., Bell S.E., Bell R.R., Alexander R.W., Ward C.A. "Optical
properties of the metals Al, Co, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ag, Ti and W in the
infrared and far infrared" Appl. Opt. 22, 1099-1119 (1983)
Ramo S., Whinnery J.R., Van Duzer T. "Fields and waves in communication electronics"
2nd Edn., John Wiley & Sons, New York (1984); Ch. 13.
Soref R.A., Bennett B.R. "Electrooptical effects in silicon" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-23,
123-129 (1987)
Turner E.H. "High frequency electro-optic coefficients of lithium niobate" Appl. Phys. Lett.
8, 303- 304 (1966)
Yariv A. "Optical electronics" Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York (1965); Chs. 1, 8 & 9
Yariv A., Yeh P. "Optical waves in crystals" John Wiley & Sons, New York (1983)
Zernike F., Midwinter J.E. "Applied nonlinear optics" John Wiley & Sons, New York

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 33



The analysis of Chapter 2 was based on the vectorial form of Maxwell's equations, which
we used to demonstrate the existence of plane waves. Clearly, other types of wave must exist
- an infinite plane wave is only an idealisation, and real waves have the form of bounded
beams. Unfortunately, vector theory rapidly becomes unmanageable when applied to more
complicated geometries. We therefore introduce an alternative scalar theory, which can be
used to illustrate the optics of beams.

Firstly, we impose the condition that the entire field is harmonically varying, at a single
angular frequency . Secondly, we assume that the electric field vector always points in the
same direction. This is reasonable for linearly polarized, paraxial fields, i.e. beams with
amplitudes that are only non-zero close to some axis of propagation. Finally, we take the
medium to be free space. With these assumptions, the time-independent vector wave
equation 2.3-13 reduces to the simple scalar equation:

2E + 2 0 0 E = 0
It is simple to repeat our previous analysis, and find plane wave solutions to Equation 4.1-1.
For a wave travelling in the +z-direction, for example, we would obtain E = E0 exp(-jk0z),
where E0 is some fixed amplitude and k0 (the propagation constant) is again given by k02 =
200. Now we shall find solutions for non-planar waves. We shall begin with another
wave of simple geometrical form, the spherical wave.


Until now, we have worked in cartesian co-ordinates, for which the Laplacian in Equation
4.1-1 is given by 2 = 2/x2 + 2/y2 + 2/z2. Unfortunately, the evaluation of 2 in other
coordinate systems is (in general) rather difficult. This makes the wave equation hard to set
up, let alone solve. In this case, however, there is an observation we can use to simplify
matters. It is that spherical waves are, by definition, spherically symmetric, so our field
solution must depend only on a radial co-ordinate r. This implies that E(x, y, z) = E(r), so
the first derivative of E with respect to x can be found as:

E/x = dE/dr r/x

Similarly, we may obtain the corresponding second derivative as:

2E/x2 = d2E/dr2 (r/x)2 + dE/dr 2r/x2

Now, since r2 = x2 + y2 + z2, we must have:

2r dr = 2x dx, or r/x = x/r


2r/x2 = (1/r) + x (1/r)/x

= (1/r) (1 - x2/r2)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


so that:

2E/x2 = (x2/r2) d2E/dr2 + (1/r) (1 - x2/r2) dE/dr

We can of course find 2E/y2 and 2E/z2 in a similar way. By adding all three second
derivative terms together, we can obtain an expression for the Laplacian that involves r only:

2E = d2E/dr2 + (2/r) dE/dr

For spherically symmetric fields, the scalar wave equation therefore reduces to:

d2E/dr2 + (2/r) dE/dr + 200 E = 0

This is still quite a hard equation to solve, so we now proceed as follows. Let us define a
new variable F(r), such that:

F(r) = r E(r)
Derivatives of F may then be evaluated as:

dF/dr = r dE/dr + E

d2F/dr2 = r d2E/dr2 + dE/dr + dE/dr

= r d2E/dr2 + 2 dE/dr
Using these, Equation 4.2-7 may be re-written as:

(1/r) d2F/dr2 + 200 (1/r) F = 0

Apart from the common factor of 1/r (which we can remove by cancellation) Equation 4.2-
11 looks just like a one-dimensional wave equation, with the radial co-ordinate r now being
the only variable. By analogy with our previous results for plane waves, we can therefore
guess that solutions travelling in the +r direction (i.e. outward-propagating waves) have the

F(r) = E0 exp(-jk0r)
Where E0 is again a constant factor. Complete solutions for E(r) are therefore given by:

E(r) = E0/r exp(-jk0r)

Equation 4.2-13 is the spherical wave solution we have been seeking. It has two
components. The first is the term exp(-jk0r), which describes the phase of the wave, and is
similar to the complex exponential variation we have previously found in plane waves.
However, the surfaces of constant phase (known as phase-fronts) are now spheres instead
of planes, as shown in Figure 4.2-1. (Figure 4.2-1 illustrates another important concept, the
ray. This is the local normal to a phase-front, and it effectively defines the direction the
wave is moving in at any particular point. This idea is often used to deduce many of the
features of an optical system, without invoking waves at all.)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


Figure 4.2-1 Propagation of a spherical wave.

The second is a 1/r dependence, which implies that the amplitude falls off with distance
from the origin. The explanation for this is power conservation. We found for plane waves
that the time- averaged power per unit area is proportional to the electric field amplitude
squared, and we might expect the same to be true for a spherical wave. However, at any
radius r, a spherical wave must cross a hypothetical surface of area 4r2. In order for the
total power passing through this surface to be independent of radius, the wave amplitude
must vary inversely with r. The solution unfortunately predicts an infinite amplitude at the
origin. However, we shall ignore this for the time being, since it only occurs with a perfect
spherical wave. In practise, an additional effect, known as diffraction, places an inherent
limit on the amplitude achievable with bounded beams, as we shall see shortly.


We shall now briefly introduce a paraxial approximation to the spherical wave, which
will prove useful later on. Consider the wave amplitude in an x - y plane, a distance z from
the origin, as shown in Figure 4.2-2.

Figure 4.2-2 Geometry for calculation of the paraxial approximation to a spherical wave.
Now, the phase variation of the wave is defined by the exponential exp(-jk0r), where r2 = z2
+ R2 and R2 = x2 + y2. For small R, we can put:

r = z (1 + R2/z2) z + R2/2z
so we can approximate the phase variation by:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


exp(-jk0r) exp(-jk0z) . exp(-jk0R2/2z)

We could make a similar approximation for the 1/r-dependence of the wave amplitude.
However, because 1/r is such a slowly varying function, we can make the approximation a
cruder one in this case, and put r z. The complete form of the wave is then:

E = E0/z exp(-jk0R2/2z) . exp(-jk0z)

We can now see clearly the significant features of our paraxial spherical wave. It travels
mainly in the z-direction, because of the exp(-jk0z) term in Equation 4.2-16. However, in
any plane z = constant (i.e. in a plane normal to the main axis of propagation) the amplitude
is roughly constant, while the phase varies parabolically with distance R from the axis. Thus
we may write:

E(R, z) A(z) exp(-jk0R2/2z)

It is easy to obtain a similar approximation for a converging wave, rather than a diverging
one. The key information is contained in the sign of the exponential in Equation 4.2-17,
which describes the curvature of the phase front. With the negative sign above, we have seen
that the wave diverges from an origin a distance z behind the plane of observation. If the
sign is made positive instead, the phase curvature is reversed. A converging wave may
therefore be defined to vary as:

E'(R, z) A(z)' exp(+jk0R2/2z)

This wave will converge on a different origin, a distance z in front of the plane of
observation, as shown in Figure 4.2-3.

Figure 4.2-3 A converging paraxial spherical wave.

The astute reader will have noticed that the arguments used above are somewhat self-
contradictory. We cannot have an uniform amplitude (which implies an unbounded beam)
while maintaining the validity of a paraxial approximation. Some form of 'envelope' must be
introduced to limit the beam cross-section in a truly paraxial wave, which then cannot be
spherically symmetric ... ! We will show how to find a more consistent solution later on. In
the mean time, we shall continue with our approximate description of a spherical wave, and
examine the way in which it can be manipulated by a lens.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


Lenses are transmissive optical components, which operate by altering the phase of an
optical wave as it passes through. In the simplest approximation, their action can be
described by a complex transmissivity or transparency function. To illustrate this, we
shall consider the propagation of a plane wave at normal incidence through a dielectric slab.
We assume for simplicity that the surround is air. The slab itself has refractive index n and
thickness d, as in Figure 4.3-1.

Figure 4.3-1 A plane wave passing through a slab of dielectric.

When the wave strikes the first boundary, at z = 0, it will actually be reflected and refracted.
The first term implies that not all of the wave will penetrate the slab, and the second that the
direction of the transmitted component may change. Both will be explained fully in Chapter
5, when we learn how to solve boundary-matching problems exactly. In the mean time, we
will simply borrow a result from the full solution: at normal incidence, there is little
reflection and no refraction. We may therefore consider to good approximation that the
wave enters the slab unaltered.

Now, wave solutions in a medium of refractive index n have the form E = E0 exp(-jk0nz). By
the time the wave emerges from the slab at z = d, it will therefore have accumulated
additional phase, defined by the exponential term exp(-jk0nd). We can therefore relate the
input and output wave amplitudes by:

Eout = s Ein

s = exp(-jk0nd)
The complex transparency function s now describes the effect of the slab: it is to impart a
phase-shift, which depends on the optical thickness nd. Because the wave travels slower in
a medium of refractive index greater than unity, this amounts to a retardation of the wave by
the material.

The thin lens is a more complicated optical element, which works by the same principle. It
consists of a lump of dielectric (often glass), of refractive index n and maximum thickness
d, with two highly polished spherical surfaces of radii r1 and r2. Figure 4.3-2 shows some of
the possible cross-sectional shapes a thin lens may take, depending on the magnitude and
sign of r1 and r2.

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Figure 4.3-2 Lens types.

Once more, the effect of the dielectric is to retard a wave. Clearly, the retardation is greater in
thicker regions of the lens. In a diverging lens, the dielectric is thicker in the outer regions;
this retards the outermost parts of the wave, causing it to diverge. The reverse is true in a
converging lens, which has thicker glass in its central region. If one of the lens surfaces is
plane, the lens is described as plano-convex (for a converging lens) or plano-concave (for a
diverging lens). In either case, one of the radii r1 or r2 must be infinite.

We can analyse a thin lens by first finding the relevant transparency function. Again, this
can be done by evaluating the phase shift incurred by passing between two parallel planes,
say at z = 0 and z = d. Figure 4.3-3 shows the more detailed diagram needed for this
calculation, for a converging lens.

First, we work out the thickness t of the glass at any radial distance R from the axis as:

t = d { r1 [- cos (1)] + r2 [1- cos (2)]}

where 1 and 2 are as shown in Figure 4.3-3.

Figure 4.3-3 Detailed geometry of a converging lens.

Using small-angle approximations, we may put:

t d - (r112/2 + r222/2)
d - (R2/2) (1/r1 + 1/r2)

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Now, in travelling from z = 0 to z = d, a wave will cover a distance t in a medium of

refractive index n, and a distance (d - t) in a medium of unity refractive index. This yields a
total optical thickness of:

= nt + (d - t) nd - (n - 1) (R2/2) (1/r1 + 1/r2)

Equation 4.3-5 shows that the optical thickness varies parabolically with distance R from the
axis. This variation has two components. The first is a constant, which would arise if the
lens were to be replaced by a uniform slab of thickness d; this is relatively unimportant. The
second is a term proportional to R2 - this is far more interesting, since it accounts for the
focusing property of the lens.

The lens transfer function L can now be found (by analogy with the slab) as:
L = exp(-jk0)
= s exp[+jk0 (n - 1) (R2/2) (1/r1 + 1/r2)]
Here s is the slab transfer function previously found in Equation 4.3-2. Note that we can
write Equation 4.3-6 in the alternative form:

L = s exp(+jk0R2/2f)
Here we have introduced an important new parameter, the focal length f of the lens, given

1/f = (n - 1) (1/r1 + 1/r2)

Equation 4.3-8 is known as the lens maker's equation, since it offers a useful formula for
choosing the surface curvatures required in a lens of a given focal length. Using the transfer
function, we can now examine the effect of the lens on a spherical wave. We shall see that a
lens can be used to transform an incoming wave, whose origin is located at one particular
point, into an outgoing wave with a different origin. This process is called imaging.


Figure 4.3-4 shows a thin lens, illuminated on-axis by a paraxial spherical wave originating
from an object point u away from the lens. We shall now show that the transmitted output
is a wave converging on a different origin (or image point) a distance v away from the lens.

Figure 4.3-4 Transformation of a spherical wave by a lens.

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Now, the input electric field Ein can be found in the plane of the lens from Equation 4.2-16

Ein = A(u) exp(-jk0R2/2u)

The output field Eout is then found by multiplying the input field by L, to give:

Eout = L Ein = A'(u) exp(+jk0R2/2f) exp(-jk0R2/2u)

where we have written A'(u) for A(u) s. The important feature of this new field is that the
phase still varies parabolically with the distance R from the axis. This implies that we could
write it as:

Eout = A'(u) exp(+jk0R2/2v)

Where v is given by:

1/u + 1/v = 1/f

The exponential in Equation 4.3-11 has the positive sign associated with a converging wave,
which will travel towards an origin or focus at a distance v from the lens. This shows that a
lens can be used to convert one paraxial spherical wave into another, and Equation 4.3-12
(known as the thin lens imaging equation) provides a convenient relation between the
object and image points.


We can illustrate lens imaging with a number of examples. If u = (so that the phase-front
of the input wave is effectively plane), Equation 4.3-12 shows that v = f. A lens can
therefore focus a plane wave to a point a distance f away from the lens, as shown in Figure

Figure 4.3-5 Focusing of a plane wave.

Similarly, if u = 2f, we find that v = 2f. It is therefore possible to design a repetitive

sequence of identical lenses, each spaced a distance 4f apart, which will continually focus
and refocus a wave to points equally spaced between the lenses, as in Figure 4.3-6. We will
return to this structure later on, because it represents one of the earliest attempts to guide an
optical wave (known, with startling originality, as the lens waveguide).

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Figure 4.3-6 An iterative sequence of lenses.


Note that v is positive in the examples above, since f is positive and u > f. The images
formed are therefore real ones, formed on the opposite side of the lens to the object. If v is
negative, however, the image is created on the same side as the object. It is then known as a
virtual image. This occurs when u < f. However, a virtual image is always formed when f
is negative, i.e. for a diverging lens.

It is possible to extend the argument above, and show that a lens will also image a spherical
wave originating from an off-axis point source onto an off-axis image point. It can be
shown that Equation 4.3-12 is still valid in this case, which implies that the entire plane
passing through u is imaged as a plane passing through v. This simple theory (known as
the Gaussian theory of image formation) accounts for the formation of extended images
by a lens).


We now consider the effect of the bounded nature of real beams. We base the argument on
Huygens' principle, a powerful idea originally devised by Christiaan Huygens (1629-
1695). Huygens' principle is founded on the reasonable argument that every point on a
(possibly complicated) wavefront can be considered to act as a source of secondary
spherical waves. The position of the wavefront at a later time can then be found by allowing
these secondary waves to propagate forward, and combining their contributions in a new
composite field. The principle works very well for many diffraction problems, and for
determining the properties of beams. It is generally used to determine the amplitude
distribution in a plane distant to another one, for which the distribution is already known.
The necessary mathematics was initially developed by Augustin Fresnel (1788-1827), using
the physical arguments outlined above. However, it was subsequently shown to have a valid
basis by Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887), as an approximate solution to the scalar wave
equation. Since Kirchhoff's procedure is rather abstract, we shall ignore it here, and follow
Huygens and Fresnel instead.

Suppose the amplitude distribution A(x, y) = A(x, y, 0) is known in the x - y plane, and we
wish to determine the new distribution A(, ) = A(, , z) in a plane a distance z away, as in
Figure 4.4-1. We can find the answer by integrating the contributions made by all the
elementary areas dxdy to the field at P. The input weight attached to each such contribution
is A(x, y) dxdy. However, as the contribution travels forward, it propagates as a spherical
wave. At a distance r from the origin, it will have changed both its phase and its amplitude,
becoming A(x, y) (1/r) exp(-jkor) dxdy.

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Figure 4.4-1 Geometry for the calculation of diffraction integrals.

In addition, Fresnel found it was necessary to multiply each elementary contribution by a

further scaling factor f()/j0, where f() is a slowly-varying function of , defined by:

() = 1 for = 0; f() = 0 for =

The function f(), which was later justified rigorously by Kirchhoff, has the effect of
removing all backward-propagating waves from the analysis. Integrating all the
contributions, we then get:

A(, ) =
A [f()/j0r] A(x, y) exp(-jk0r) dxdy
where the integration is taken over the whole area of the x - y plane of interest - typically, x
and y will each range from minus infinity to plus infinity.

Now, for small , we can put f() 1. In addition, we assume that the effective range of A(x,
y) is much less than z, so we have a fairly narrow beam. In this case z x, y, or so we
can put:

r = [z2 + ( - x)2 + ( - y)2]

z + (2 + 2)/2z + (x2 + y2)/2z - (x + y)/z
This approximation can be used in the exponential contained in Equation 4.4-2. Now, there
is also a 1/r amplitude term in Equation 4.4-2; however, since this function is so slowly-
varying, a cruder approximation can be used in this case, and we may put 1/r 1/z. These
simplifications are effectively paraxial approximations for the spherical wave terms.
Equation 4.4-2 then becomes:

A(, ) (1/j0z) exp[-jk0 (z + {2+2}/2z)] .

. A A(x, y) exp[-jk0({x2+y2}/2z - {x+y}/z)] dxdy
Equation 4.4-4 is known as the diffraction integral, and forms the basis of scalar
diffraction theory. Once A(x, y) is known, the integration can be carried out and A(, ) can
be found. To evaluate such integrals, we distinguish two important cases known as
Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction.

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When the distance z is much larger than the size of the object field, the term k0(x2 +y2)/2z is
always much less than one, so the exponential exp[-jk0(x2 +y2)/2z] is always approximately
unity. When this condition is satisfied, we talk of Fraunhofer diffraction. The
consequences are not only that the integral is simplified, but that A(, ) looks very like the
Fourier transform of A(x, y). This distant field is called the far-field. We can estimate the
minimum distance z that satisfies the criterion above, by setting the maximum allowable
phase angle to about /8. We then have:

k0(x2 +y2)/2z /8
Bearing in mind that k0 = 2/0, we may rearrange this condition as:

z 8(x2 + y2)/0
Putting in some numbers, we find that if the input beam is about 1 millimetre in diameter (x
= y = 10-3 m), and the wavelength is 0.5 m (for green light), then z must be greater than 32
m. This is clearly a large distance! However, if the approximation is valid, we can write:

A(, ) (1/j0z) exp[-jk0 (z + {2 + 2}/2z)] A A(x, y) exp[+jk0 (x + y)/z] dxdy

Given that the term outside the integral is mainly a phase factor, we have that:

A(, )2 = (1/02z2) A A(x, y) exp[+j(xx + yy)] dxdy 2

where x and y are given by:

x = k0/z and y = k0/z

If x and y are interpreted as spatial frequencies, Equation 4.5-4 looks very like a
Fourier transform relationship. A useful two-dimensional signal processing operation can
therefore be carried out on an image simply by allowing an optical beam to propagate
through the required distance, and allowing diffraction to do all the work. This is the origin
of the much-quoted parallel processing capability of light. The large propagation distance
involved is, unfortunately, a major drawback, which renders the whole process impractical
without modification.


A useful Fourier transform can, however, be carried out if a lens is introduced into the
scheme, which effectively moves the far field to a convenient nearby point. Figure 4.5-1
shows the setup. We can find the effect of the lens using the transfer function approach
previously described. It is first assumed that an input amplitude distribution A'(x, y) is
prepared just behind the lens. This might be done, by passing a plane wave through a
suitable transparency.

After passing through the lens, this distribution is modified to A(x, y), given by:

A(x, y) = A'(x, y) s exp[+jk0(x2 + y2)/2f]


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If Equation 4.5-6 is now substituted into Equation 4.5-4, we obtain:

A(,)2 = (1/02z2) A A'(x, y) exp[-jk0({x2 + y2}{1/2f - 1/2z} - {x + y}/z)] dxdy2

When z = f, the first part of the exponent cancels, and we are left with:

A(, )2 = (1/02z2) A A'(x, y) exp[+jk0(x + y)/z] dxdy2

Equation 4.5-8 shows that we can obtain the far-field distribution at a distance f from the
lens, in a plane known as the Fourier transform plane. This arrangement is much more
convenient, and is often used in signal processing systems. Note, however, that the result is
not an exact transform, because of the presence of extra phase terms outside the integral in
Equation 4.5-3. This is often unimportant (especially if we are only interested in intensity
variations), but if an exact transform is essential it can be obtained by a further simple
rearrangement of the optical set-up.

Figure 4.5-8 Optical Fourier transform using a lens.


When the far-field condition does not hold, we speak instead of Fresnel diffraction. As an
example application of scalar diffraction theory, we shall consider what happens if we have a
Gaussian amplitude distribution in the x - y plane, defined by:

A(x, y) = A0 exp[-(x2 + y2)/a2]

The amplitude distribution in a plane a distance z away is found by substituting this
function into Equation 4.4-4, a process which gives:

A(, ) = (1/j0z) exp[-jk0(z + {2 + 2}/2z)] A A0 exp[-(x2 + y2)/a2] .

. exp[-jk0({x2 + y2}/2z - {x + y}/z)] dxdy
Equation 4.6-2 looks extremely complicated. However, because the variables are separated,
it is actually easier to evaluate than it appears. We first note that A(, ) can be written in the

A(, ) = (1/j0z) exp[-jk0(z + {2 + 2}/2z)] I1 I2


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where I1 and I2 are two new integrals, defined by:

I1 = x exp[ -(jk0/2z + 1/a2)x2 ] exp[ jk0x/z ] dx

I2 = y exp[ -(jk0/2z + 1/a2)y2 ] exp[ jk0y/z ] dy
and where x and y each range from minus infinity to plus infinity. Because of the similar
appearance of I1 and I2, we need only evaluate one of them, say I1. We now make the

b = jk0/2z + 1/a2 and c1 = jk0/z

which reduces I1 to:

I1 = x exp[-bx2 + c1x] dx
We then follow with the additional variable changes:

p = x b - c1/2b and dp = b dx
which transform I1 to:

I1 = (1/b) exp (c12/4b) p exp(-p2) dp

where p now ranges from minus infinity to plus infinity. Since:

p exp(-p2) dp = p
we then obtain:

I1 = (/b) exp (c12/4b)

The y-integral I2 may be evaluated in a similar way. If we define:

c2 = jk0/z
we get:

I2 = (/b) exp (c22/4b)

In this way, we can obtain an expression for the field distribution A(, ) in the form:

A(, ) = (A0/j0z) [2za2 / (jk0a2 + 2z)] exp(-jk0z) .

. exp [-(k0/2z)(j + k0a2/{jk0a2 + 2z})(2 + 2)]
Equation 4.6-13 still looks rather complicated. However, we note that, for any output plane,
z is a constant, so the first part of the expression must also be constant. Hence, we can write:

A(, ) = A(z) exp [-(k0/2z)(j + k0a2/{jk0a2 + 2z})(2 + 2)]


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Here A(z) describes the z-variation of the amplitude, while the information about the
amplitude distribution in the - plane is contained in a much simpler exponential. We
now notice that the coordinates and only appear together, in the form f(, ) = (2 + 2),
so the amplitude distribution must be circularly symmetric. If we put (2 + 2) = R2, we get:

A(R) = A(z) exp [-(k0/2z) {j4z2/(4z2 + k02a4) + 2k0za2/(4z2 + k02a4)} R2 ]

We shall use this expression to examine the basic properties of Gaussian beams.


The real part of the exponential in Equation 4.6-15 must describe the amplitude distribution
of A(R), while the imaginary part gives its phase variation. For the real part, we have:

A(R)= A(z) exp[-k02a2R2 / (4z2 + k02a4)]

Since this still has the form of a Gaussian function, the overall shape of the beam must still
be Gaussian, even after it has travelled the distance z from the x - y plane to the - plane.
If we define the beam width w as the radius at which the amplitude falls to 1/e of its peak
value, we get:
w2 = (4z2 + k02a4) / k02a2
Equation 4.6-17 shows that the beam width varies parabolically with z. We can examine this
behaviour in more detail, in two important regions:

a) In the near field, when 4z2 k02a4, we have w2 a2. This implies that the beam has
constant width, independent of z. We can therefore usefully define w0 = a as the radius of
the beam waist.

b) In the far field, when 4z2 k02a4 , we have w2 4z2 / k02a2. Here the beam width varies
linearly with z. In this region, we can define a half-angle of divergence , such that:

= w/z = 2/k0w0
We can also define a whole-angle of divergence as:

= 2 = 40/D
where D (the beam diameter at its waist) equals 2w0. We can summarise the results above in
normalised units. Suppose we define the transition between one regime and the other as the
point z = z0. This occurs when:

4z02 = k02a4 or z0 = k0w02/2

Equation 4.6-17 can then be rewritten as:
(w/w0)2 = 1 + (z/z0)2
The normalised beamwidth w/wo therefore depends parabolically on the normalised
distance z/z0. This is shown in Figure 4.6-1, where w/w0 is plotted as a function of z/z0, for
both positive and negative z/z0. In the far field, the variation tends to the linear dashed-line
asymptote shown. Note that, as w0 increases, z0 increases and decreases. A wide beam

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(measured in wavelengths) therefore expands slowly, and travels a longer distance before
starting to expand.

Figure 4.6-1 Parabolic variation of beamwidth with distance.


We can illustrate this with some examples. A typical visible laser has the parameters 0 =
0.633 m and w0 0.3 mm. This corresponds to a helium-neon laser emitting red light. In
this case, the beam is roughly 1000 wavelengths wide, and we find that z0 = 0.45 m (
700,000 wavelengths) and = 0.67 x 10-3 rad. Similarly, a microwave dish might have 0 =
1 cm and w0 = 10 cm (so the beam is 20 wavelengths wide), which gives z0 = 3.14 m ( 300
wavelengths) and = 31.8 x 10-3 rad.


Now we return to the complex part of the exponential in Equation 4.6-15, which determines
the phase of the Gaussian beam. The relevant part is the term:

A'(R) = exp[-j2k0zR2 / (4z2 + k02a4)]

This can be rewritten using our normalised variables as:

A'(R) = exp[-jk0R2 / 2(z2 + z02)]

In any plane z = constant, the phase therefore varies parabolically with the distance R from
the axis. This is very similar to the behaviour previously demonstrated by a paraxial
spherical wave. In fact, Equation 4.6-23 can be written in the alternative form:

A'(R) = exp[-jk0R2/2r(z) ]
Equation 4.6-24 should be compared with Equation 4.2-17. It shows that the effective
radius of curvature r(z) of the phase-front is given by:

r(z) = (z2 + z02) / z

We can now work out the local radius of curvature a number of important points along the

a) In the near field (when z 0) we find that r . The phasefront is therefore

approximately plane, as might be expected from symmetry.

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b) At the transition point (when z = z0) we find that r = 2z0.

c) In the far-field (when z ) we see that r z. The phasefront is therefore roughly
spherical, and the field is equivalent to spherical wave emanating from a point source at z.

These results are summarised in Figure 4.6-2. At the left, the wavefront is spherical and the
beam is converging. As the beam passes through its waist, the phasefront slowly becomes
plane. At the right, the wavefront gradually becomes spherical once more, but now the beam
is diverging.

Figure 4.6-2 Variation of the phase-front curvature of a Gaussian beam with distance.


We have seen how the width of a Gaussian beam spreads as we move away from the beam
waist. This illustrates an important general point: an arbitrary bounded beam will, in general,
spread through diffraction. Furthermore, the more the beam is confined, the worse this
effect becomes. For example, Figure 4.6-3 shows a 'top-hat' intensity distribution, which
rapidly broadens and loses its well-defined shape as it propagates, with a consequent
reduction in power density. Efficient line-of-sight optical communication is therefore not
practical over long distances. An exception to this general rule is the recently discovered set
of diffraction-free beams. These have rather more complicated beam shapes, but can (in
theory) propagate without any spreading at all. At the moment, it is too early to say if any
practical use can be made of this feature.

Figure 4.6-3 The spread of a bounded beam.


From the previous section, we know that the main features of a Gaussian beam are a
Gaussian amplitude distribution and a spherical phase-front. We shall now see what

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happens when such a beam is passed through a lens. Clearly, the amplitude distribution will
be unaltered. Equally, the emerging wave will still be spherical, because the lens can only
introduce a quadratic phase factor. However, the phase curvature will be modified, because
the spherical wave will have different parameters. A lens can therefore only transform a
Gaussian input beam into a Gaussian output. We shall now see how this feature can be
exploited to control the parameters of a beam.


Firstly, we shall consider the transformation of a Gaussian beam by a single lens. Figure
4.7-1 shows the geometry. The input beam has a waist of width 2w10, located at a distance u
behind the lens.

Figure 4.7-1 Transformation of a Gaussian beam by a lens.

It is simplest to assume initially that u w10, so that the lens is in the far field of the beam. If
this is the case, we know from Equation 4.6-25 that the radius of curvature of the phase-
front at the lens is roughly u. Similarly, from Equation 4.6-17, we know that the beam width
at the lens is 2w, where:

w 2u/k0w10
From the thin-lens imaging equation, Equation 4.3-12, we can find the radius of curvature of
the emerging beam as v. If we adopt a far-field approximation once again, we can assume
that the new beam waist will be located at a distance v in front of the lens. If the new waist
has width 2w20, we know that w20 is defined (by analogy with Equation 4.7-1) by:
w 2v/k0w20,
Combining Equations 4.7-1 and 4.7-2, we can relate w20 to w10 using:

w20/w10 = v/u
If v < u, the new waist will be smaller than the old. We can illustrate this with examples.


First we consider the focusing of a plane beam with a Gaussian envelope, as shown in
Figure 4.7-2. In this case, we assume that the input beam is approximately parallel, with a
Gaussian amplitude distribution of width 2w at the lens.

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Figure 4.7-2 Focusing of a Gaussian beam.

From the thin-lens imaging equation, we know that v = f for a plane input. In this case, we

w20 = 2f / k0w
Thus, the wider the input beam, the smaller the size to which it can be focused. For the
typical parameters of f = 1 cm, 0 = 0.633 m and w = 1 mm, we obtain w20 = 2 m, a
respectably small figure. This shows that a Gaussian beam can be focused down to small
dimensions. However, because the beam is bounded, the energy density at focal spot
remains finite. Generally, the lens diameter is roughly matched to the expected input beam
width, and a lens with a short focal length compared with its diameter is then said to have a
high numerical aperture or NA. For a medium of refractive index ne external to the lens,
this quantity is defined as:

NA = ne sin(max)
where max is the maximum angle of the converging cone of rays (e.g. the largest value of 2
in Figure 4.3-3).

Naturally, there is a trade-off between parameters. For example, the wider the beam, the
larger the angle of convergence, and hence the smaller the extent of the focused region. This
has important consequences for the design of electro-optic modulators (see Chapter 3). The
voltage needed to drive a transverse modulator depends on the electrode gap, and if the beam
has a small diameter, this gap can be small. As we have seen, a lens can be used to obtain a
small beam diameter; however, if the depth of focus is very small, the usable interaction
length is very short, and this in turn increases the drive voltage. To make a more useful
modulator, more effective confinement of the beam is needed.


We now consider an application that involves the use of two lenses. When arranged as a
telescope, these can be used to carry out beam expansion. Figure 4.7-3 shows the
geometry. The input beam is again assumed to be approximately parallel, and of width 2w at
the lens.

If the focal length of the first lens is f1 then the focal spot is defined as before by w20 =
2f1/k0w. However, if the second lens has focal length f2, then w20 = 2f2/k0w'. Equating the
two, we can find the output beam width w' as:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


w' = w (f2/f1)
The output beam is therefore an expanded version of the input, enlarged by the ratio of the
lens focal lengths. This reduces any residual beam divergence by the same factor. In many
cases, the input beam is not quite Gaussian, but suffers from imperfections caused by noise
of high spatial frequency. These can be removed by placing a pinhole at the focus between
the lenses. Since the field distribution in this plane is closely related to a Fourier transform
of the input distribution, blocking the outermost regions removes the high frequency
components and can greatly improve the beam quality. This process is known as spatial

Figure 4.7-3 A telescope beam expander.


One solution to the problem of confining a beam within a narrow cross-section over a long
distance is provided by the iterative sequence of lenses, which we discussed earlier in Figure
4.3-6 in terms of simple imaging theory. If we now assume that the waveform propagating
between each lens is a Gaussian beam, it is clear that the beamwidth must vary through the
structure much as shown in Figure 4.7-4. Note that the separation between lenses is now
taken as 4s, rather than 4f.

Figure 4-18 The lens waveguide.

We shall calculate the parameters of the Gaussian beam propagating through the guide,
assuming this time that the focal spot is not small, so that a far-field approximation cannot
be used. In this case, the thin-lens imaging equation 4.3-12 is invalid. However, a suitable
modification can be obtained simply by replacing u and v with the radii of curvature of two
Gaussian beams, one originating from a waist at u, the other converging to a waist at v. If
these are denoted u' and v', we get:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


1/u' + 1/v' = 1/f

For the geometry shown in Figure 4.7-4, u' = v', so that u' = 2f. However, Equation 4.6-25
implies that the radius of curvature can also be found as:
u' = (u2 + z02) / u
Where u = 2s and z0 is the transition distance of the beam. Hence, z0 is given by:

z0 = (u'u - u2) = 2(fs - s2)

For z0 to be real, we require s < f. If this is the case, we may invert Equation 4.6-20 to give:

w0 = (2z0/k0)
Substituting from Equation 4.7-9, we then get:

w0 = [16(fs - s2) / k02]1/4 = [402 (fs - s2) / 2]1/4

Equations 4.7-9 and 4.7-11 therefore imply that the parameters z0 and w0 both depend
strongly on the separation of the lenses.


For a lens waveguide formed by a sequence of lenses of focal length 100 mm, and light of
wavelength 0.633 m, we obtain w0 = 0.14 mm for s = 50 mm and w0 = 53.3 m for s =
99.5 mm. Note that as s tends to f, w0 and z0 both tend to zero, and the solution reverts to
the geometrical optics approximation discussed previously.

The lens waveguide can support a number of other modes of propagation, besides the
simple Gaussian beam described above. Unfortunately, it is hard to make such a guide work
well in practise. For example, the positioning of the lenses is very critical, since any lateral
misalignment causes the beam to wander off-axis; equally, the air/glass interfaces cause
considerable scatter and loss. Luckily, there are considerably better types of guide, as we
shall see later. However, some of these (parabolic index fibres) can also support a Gaussian
transverse field distribution.


We now consider the use of an alternative optical component, the mirror. This often consists
of a smooth, polished surface coated with metal. It is common experience that light does not
penetrate such a surface to any significant extent, but is entirely reflected instead. Similarly,
it is well known that the angle of reflection is equal and opposite to the angle of incidence,
as shown in Figure 4.8-1 (both these assumptions will be fully justified in Chapter 5).

Mirrors clearly have many applications, but for the time being we shall consider just two of
them. The first example is the Fabry-Perot cavity, which is a resonant structure formed
from two plane, parallel mirrors. When filled with an optical gain medium, the device can
oscillate, and thus forms the basis of the laser. The second is the spherical mirror. This
can be used to transform one spherical wave front into another, and so (just like a lens) it
can perform imaging operations. It turns out that a laser cavity can be greatly improved by
the use of at least one spherical end-mirror, since this confines the beam inside the cavity

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


more effectively. When this is done, the laser output is generally a Gaussian beam, which is
one reason why such beams are so common in the first place.

Figure 4.8-1 Light incident on a polished, metallized surface.


Figure 4.8-2 shows a Fabry-Perot cavity, consisting of two plane, parallel mirrors with
reflectivities R1 and R2, separated by a distance L.

Figure 4.8-2 A Fabry-Perot cavity formed by two mirrors.

We start by considering the behaviour of the device when the two mirrors are perfect (so
that R1 = R2 = 1) and the cavity is filled with a dielectric of refractive index n. We first
assume that there is a plane wave propagating up and down the cavity, following the zig-zag
path shown. We now consider the resulting field amplitude at a particular point A. Suppose
the wave is initially travelling in the +z direction, and that its amplitude is given by EA. By
the time it has completed one round-trip of the cavity the new field EA' is found as:

EA' = EA exp(-j2k0nL)
Clearly, the combined field travelling in the +z direction at A is found as a summation of
many such contributions. These will add up in-phase if:

2k0nL = 2
Where is an integer. If Equation 4.8-2 does not hold, on the other hand, the field will
consist of many contributions with different phase, which will add up to zero on average.
Rearranging Equation 4.8-2 slightly, we find that the condition for a non-zero field inside
the cavity is that:

L = (0/2n)

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This is known as the longitudinal resonance condition, and it implies that only a certain
set of field patterns can exist inside the cavity. Another way to calculate it is to assume that
the total field travelling in both directions must everywhere be given by the sum of one
combined field travelling in the +z direction and a similar field travelling in the -z direction.
Thus we could write:

E(z) = E+ exp(-jk0nz) + E- exp(+jk0nz)

Now, if the mirrors are perfect, light cannot penetrate them, and the boundary conditions to
be satisfied are E = 0 at z = 0 and at z = L (again, these assumptions will be reviewed in
Chapter 5). We can satisfy the former condition by taking E- = -E+, which allows us to write
Equation 4.8-4 as:

E(z) = E0 sin(k0nz)
Clearly, the latter condition is satisfied when k0nL = , which is effectively the same as the
longitudinal resonance condition previously found in Equation 4.8-3. Note, however, that
this time we have also calculated the actual field distribution inside the cavity, which must be
a standing-wave pattern as shown in Figure 4.8-3. Each pattern of this type is called a
longitudinal mode.

Figure 4.8-3 Standing wave patterns inside the cavity.


We now consider the case when there are losses, so that R1, R2 < 1. This could arise if
power is simply dissipated in the mirrors, or if we have arranged one of the mirrors to be
only partially reflecting. In this case, the amplitude of the wave trapped inside the cavity will
swiftly fall to zero, as it suffers repeated reflections. If the cavity is filled with an optical
gain medium, however, these losses may be made up, and the wave can actually be
amplified as it passes back and forth.

If the gain medium provides a gain g, then a forward-travelling wave will grow as defined by
the exponential term exp(+gz). Including this gain, and the mirror loss, we can now find the
field EA' in terms of the field EA as:

EA' = EA R1 R2 exp(+2gL) exp(-j2k0nL)

Clearly, the longitudinal resonance condition is exactly as before. However, we note that
EA' > EA, provided:

R1 R2 exp(+2gL) > 1

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In this case, the wave will continually grow in amplitude as it travels up and down the cavity,
so the total field will become infinite (or, at least, extremely large, before gain saturation sets
in). The cavity then acts as an oscillator, known as a laser, and (as with nearly all such
devices) the oscillation process can start simply from noise. Equation 4.8-7 is therefore the
condition for laser operation.

We can tap off some of the stored energy by making one of the mirrors partially reflecting.
In this case, the output beam will generally contain a mixture of a number of different
wavelengths, or lines, each corresponding to a particular longitudinal mode. We can
calculate the frequencies concerned by first rearranging Equation 4.8-3 to give the
wavelength of the th mode as:

/n = 2L/
Since frequency and wavelength are related to the velocity of light by c = f, we can find
the frequency of the th mode as:

f = c/2Ln
So the frequency separation between adjacent modes is given by:

f = c/2Ln
We can now plot the frequency content of the laser output (known as the emission
spectrum) as shown in Figure 4.8-4. For a 1 metre long cavity with n 1, the mode
spacing is f 150 MHz. In practise, the exact number of modes that are observed is
limited by the existence of optical gain only over a finite frequency range, or gain
bandwidth. This result is indicated by the dashed-line envelope in Figure 4.8-4. However,
the number of longitudinal modes experiencing sufficient gain to lase may still be large. The
Fabry-Perot laser is therefore a multimode device, unless special efforts are made to select a
particular line using additional optical components.

Figure 4.8-4 Emission spectrum of a Fabry-Perot laser.


We have previously found the field distribution inside the cavity as a standing wave pattern.
Of course, this only represents a longitudinal variation, and we now consider the field
distribution in a transverse plane and its relation to the construction and operation of the
laser. Now, the optical gain will generally be provided by electrical pumping. The power
needed for this will be proportional to the volume of active material, which can be reduced
by making the cavity cross-section small. To achieve adequate round-trip gain, however, the

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cavity length L must be quite large. These specifications are conflicting, since they require a
narrow, bounded beam to travel for long distances. Clearly, the beam will spread laterally en
route, as we have previously shown, so energy will leak sideways out of the cavity. Once
more, therefore, we need a way of confining a bounded beam.
One answer is provided by the spherical mirror. If correctly located, this can exactly
retroreflect a spherical wave, as shown in Figure 4.8-5. Here the radius of curvature of the
mirror is r, and the origin of the spherical wave is located on-axis, at a distance r from the

Figure 4.8-5 Retroreflection of a spherical wave by a spherical mirror.

Now, remember that the phase-front of a Gaussian beam is spherical. This type of beam can
therefore also be reflected back on itself using a spherical mirror with the correct curvature.
If two mirrors are used, an optical cavity is formed. This allows the beam to travel back and
forth between the mirrors as shown in Figure 4.8-6, loosing very little energy out of the
sides of the cavity.

Figure 4.8-6 The symmetric spherical mirror resonator.

This arrangement is termed a symmetric spherical mirror resonator, and the Gaussian
beam is one of its possible transverse oscillation modes. It turns out that there are other
transverse modes, but the Gaussian is the lowest-order one, with most of its energy
concentrated near the axis. We can calculate the parameters of such a beam, using analysis

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very similar to that previously employed for the lens waveguide. Assuming the cavity length
is L, the radius of curvature of the beam at each mirror can be found from Equation 4.6-25

r = [(L/2)2 + z02] / (L/2)

Where (once again) z0 is the transition length of the beam. For the beam to be correctly
retroreflected, the radius of curvature of the beam and the mirror must match, so that zo is
given by:

z0 = [(L/2) (r - L/2)]
As with the lens waveguide, only a certain combination of parameters will give a real value
of z0. In this case, we require L/2 < r. If this is the case, the width w0 of the beam can be
found as:

w0 = {4 [r L/2 - (L/2)2] / k02}1/4 = {02 [r L/2 - (L/2)2] / 2}1/4

The beamwidth is therefore dependent on the cavity length and on the mirror curvature. For
a cavity of length L = 0.5 m, fitted with end mirrors of radius 0.5 m, and a wavelength of
0.633 m, we obtain w0 = 0.225 mm. This corresponds to a beam diameter of 0.45 mm.

Naturally, there are other possible ways of arranging a resonator of this type. One common
method is to use one spherical and one plane mirror, in an asymmetric configuration. The
beam waist now occurs at the plane mirror; if this is made partially reflecting, an output can
be obtained from the cavity. This arrangement is used in many gas laser types, including the
ubiquitous helium-neon laser, shown in Figure 4.8-7. The optical gain is provided by a gas
plasma tube, which contains an electrically excited gas mixture. The ends of the tube are
sloped at the Brewster angle; as we shall see in Chapter 5, this allows one polarization to
have greatly reduced reflection loss, through the Brewster effect. Consequently, it has a
lower lasing threshold and the output of the laser is linearly polarized - this provides a
convenient way of generating polarized light. An aperture is also introduced into the cavity.
This allows the desired Gaussian beam to pass with little loss, but heavily attenuates higher-
order transverse modes, which have more energy in off-axis regions of the beam.

Figure 4.8-7 Schematic of a typical HeNe laser.

Note that an entirely different solution to the problem of confining a narrow beam inside a
region of optical gain is provided by a waveguide structure. This solution is adopted in all
semiconductor lasers, and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 12.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


4.1 Find the focal length of a converging glass lens, having (a) two spherical surfaces,
each of radius 200 mm, and (b) one plane surface, and one spherical surface of radius
400 mm.
[(a) 200 mm; (b) 800 mm]

4.2 The lenses in Question 4.1 are used in turn to form an image of a source positioned at
a point 400 mm away. Find the image position in each case. What is the difference
between the image types?
[(a) 400 mm away, on the opposite side of the lens; (b) 800 mm away, on the same

4.3 A source is positioned at point S, a distance off axis, u away from a converging lens
of focal length f. Find the position of the image. Hence show that the lens will form a
plane image of a plane, two-dimensional object, and find the magnification involved.

4.4 A sequence of identical lenses, each of focal length f, are separated by alternating
distances d1 and d2. Find a relation between d1 and d2 that must be satisfied if the
sequence is to act as a lens waveguide.

4.5 The figure below shows a plane monochromatic wave incident normally on an opaque
screen, which has a central rectangular aperture of sides a and b in the x- and y-
directions, respectively. Calculate and sketch the intensity distribution of the resulting
diffraction pattern in the far field.

4.6. The figure below shows a plane monochromatic wave incident normally on a periodic
structure known as an amplitude grating. This is a screen of locally-varying
transmission, defined by the transparency function = 0 + cos(Ky), where K =
2/ is the spatial frequency of the periodic modulation in the transmission. What is
the output of the grating in the far field?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


4.7 Show that an exact two-dimensional Fourier transform can be carried out between the
input distribution Ain and the output field Aout using the arrangement below.

4.8 (a) Find the half-angle of divergence of a Gaussian beam of wavelength 0.633 m and
diameter 1 mm. (b) How far from the beam waist would you expect to find the
transition point between plane and spherical wave behaviour?
[(a) 4 x 10-4 rad; (b) 1.24 m]

4.9 A gas laser is to be constructed with an optical cavity of length 250 mm and end-
mirrors of amplitude reflectivity R1 = 1.0 and R2 = 0.9. Determine the threshold gain
gth required from the lasing medium. Estimate the frequency difference between
adjacent longitudinal modes.
[0.211 m-1; 600 MHz]

4.10 The optical cavity of a helium-neon laser (for which 0 = 0.633 m) is to be

constructed from one spherical mirror of radius 2 m and one plane, partially-reflecting
mirror. Describe steps that could be taken to ensure the output is a Gaussian beam. If
the two mirrors are 1 m apart, what will be the diameter of the beam?
[0.9 mm]

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Durnin J. "Exact solutions for nondiffracting beams. I. The scalar theory" J.O.S.A. 4, 651-
654 (1987)
Fox A.G., Li T. "Resonant modes in a maser interferometer" Bell Syst. Tech. J. 40, 453-
488 (1961)
Goubau G., Schwering F. "On the guided propagation of electromagnetic wave beams" IRE
Trans. on Attennas and Propagation AP-9, 248-256 (1961)
Hecht E. "Optics" 2nd Edn., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading MA (1987);
Chapters 5, 10 & 11.
Kogelnik H., Li T. "Laser beams and resonators" Appl. Opt. 5, 1550-1567 (1966).
Marcuse D. "Light transmission optics" Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (1972);
Chapters 4, 5 & 6.
O'Neill E.L. "Spatial filtering in optics" IRE Trans. Inform. Theory IT-2, 56-65 (1956)
Pierce J.R. "Modes in sequences of lenses" Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. 47, 1808-1813 (1961)
Ramo S., Whinnery J.R., van Duzer T. "Fields and waves in communication electronics" 2nd
Edn., John Wiley and Sons, New York (1984); Chapter 14.
Steward E.G. "Fourier optics", Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester (1983)
Yariv A. "Optoelectronics" Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1985); Chapters 2 & 4.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 28



The previous Chapters have been concerned with the propagation of waves in empty space
or in uniform, homogeneous media. It is now time to introduce more complicated
geometries, building towards those appropriate to optical waveguides. We begin with a
qualitative discussion of the phenomena that occur when light strikes a dielectric
interface. Figure 5.1-1 shows a plane wave incident at an angle 1 on two semi-infinite
media, with refractive indices n1 and n2, respectively. These are chosen such that n1 > n2.

Figure 5.1-1 Light incident on an interface between two media.

Experience suggests that for near-normal incidence (small 1) the incident beam will give
rise to a plane reflected beam in Medium 1, together with a transmitted beam in Medium 2.
The reflected beam travels at an angle equal and opposite to that made by the incident wave
with the interface normal. The angle of the transmitted beam is defined by Snell's law
(named after Willebrord Snell, 1591-1626). This was originally an experimental
observation, and requires that:
n1 sin(1) = n2 sin(2)
However, we note that for 1 = sin-1(n2/n1), we get 2 = /2. In this case, the transmitted
wave travels parallel to the interface, as shown in Figure 5.1-2.

Figure 5.1-2 Light incident on an interface at the critical angle.

This angle of incidence is called the critical angle, c. For an interface between glass and
air (when n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.0), the critical angle is c = 41.8o. However, 2 can never reach
/2 if we exchange the values of n1 and n2, so there is no critical angle when the wave is

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


incident from the low-index side. For 1 > c, however, there is no real solution for 2,
which implies that a propagating transmitted wave cannot arise at all. This is known as total
internal reflection, and is illustrated in Figure 5.1-3.

Figure 5.1-3 Total internal reflection.

It is easy to show that when total internal reflection occurs, no power crosses the interface.
Total internal reflection therefore presents a mechanism for confining a field in one region
of space. We shall now proceed to a more rigorous analysis of the problem. The first point
to note is that the presence of two waves (one reflected, one transmitted) in Medium 1
implies that there must be a more complicated field distribution in this region. We will
therefore start by examining the way plane wave solutions to Maxwell's equations can be
combined. Since the equations are linear, this is very simple.


Perfectly monochromatic fields can produce a range of strikingly beautiful effects, which
fall under the general heading of interference phenomena. The simplest of these occurs
when two plane waves of the same frequency cross at an angle, as shown in Figure 5.2-1.

Figure 5.2-1 Interference between two plane waves.

We assume that both waves are polarised in the y-direction, travel in free space, and have
equal amplitude Ey, so their time-independent electric fields are given by:

E1 = j Ey exp[-jk0(z cos() + x sin())]

for the upward-travelling wave, and:

E2 = j Ey exp[-jk0(z cos() - x sin())]

for the downward one. Because Maxwell's equations are themselves linear, the total field
can be written as a linear superposition of these two fields, in the form:

E = j Ey {exp[-jk0(z cos() + x sin())] + exp[-jk0(z cos() - x sin())]}

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= j 2Ey exp[-jk0z cos()] cos[k0x sin()]

Here, we have combined the x-dependent parts of the two fields to yield a real, cosinusoidal
amplitude distribution. We can write Equation 5.2-3 in the alternative form:

E = j E(x) exp(-jz)

E(x) = 2Ey cos[(k0x sin()] and = k0cos()

The result can therefore be regarded as a field with non-uniform amplitude E(x), travelling
in the z-direction. However, its propagation constant is reduced from the normal value by
the factor cos().


As an exercise, we shall now calculate the time average of the power carried by the
combined field above, per unit area in the z-direction. This is representative of the way the
field would be detected by the eye, or by photographic film oriented in a plane normal to the
z-axis. Once again, we need to evaluate the quantity Pz = 1/2 Re [E x H*] . k. Now, the time
independent electric field is given by Equation 5.2-3. The time independent magnetic field,
on the other hand, is best calculated from the curl relationship between E and H:
x E = -j0 H
Since E has just a y-component, it is easy to show that H has only x- and z-components,
given by:

Hx = 2Ey (-/0) exp(-jz) cos[k0x sin()]

Hz = 2Ey (-jk0 sin /0) exp(-jz) sin[k0x sin()]
Substituting into the expression for Pz, we get the following non-uniform distribution:

Pz = -Ey Hx* = 4Ey2 (/20) cos2[k0x sin()]

This is known as an interference pattern. Notice that it has no dependence on z, but varies
periodically with x. It would therefore be visible as a pattern of straight fringes, oriented
parallel to the z-axis, as shown in Figure 5.2-2.

The spatial frequency of the pattern is K = k0sin(), so the separation between fringes is
= 2/K. Notice that decreases as the angle between the two beams increases, and is of
the same order as the wavelength of the light. Interference patterns of this type are
particularly important in many branches of optics. However, they do not arise if the two
beams are orthogonally polarized, or if the light used is not coherent.

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Figure 5.2-2 Fringe planes and the interference pattern.


There is one further complication to the interface problem. When electromagnetic waves
meet changes in dielectric constant, boundary conditions must be satisfied. We can find
the necessary conditions by applying Maxwell's equations at a boundary discontinuity.
Figure 5.3-1 shows a suitable junction between two different semi-infinite media, Medium
1 (where the time-dependent electric field is E1), and Medium 2 (where it is E2).

Figure 5.3-1 Line integral performed at a boundary.

First, recall from Faraday's law that:

L E . dL = - A B/t . da
We shall now evaluate the left-hand side of Equation 5.3-1 by performing a line integration
round the rectangular dashed loop shown in Figure 5.3-1. This crosses the boundary, and
has sides of length L1 and L2. Here L2 L1, and L1 is small enough for the fields to be
approximately uniform along each of the long edges of the loop. The right hand side is of
course a surface integral, over the enclosed area.

We now let L2 tend to zero. As this happens, the enclosed area tends to zero, so the right-
hand side of Equation 5.3-1 must tend to zero as well. In this case, we must have:

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L E . dL = 0
Now at this point, the integral in Equation 5.3-2 is well approximated by:

L E . dL = (Et1 - Et2) L1
Where Et1 and Et2 are the components of E1 and E2 tangential to the boundary. This
implies that:

Et1 - Et2 = 0
In other words, the tangential components of E must match across the boundary. This is the
first of our boundary conditions. We can also write this without explicitly mentioning Et1
and Et2, as:

n x (E2 - E1) = 0
Where the vector n is a new vector, the local normal to the boundary.

We can do the same sort of thing for H, D and B. The complete set of boundary
conditions is then:

n x (E2 - E1) = 0
n x (H2 - H1) = K
n . (D2 - D1) = s
n . (B2 - B1) = 0
Here K is the surface current (which can be ignored in dielectrics) and s is the surface
charge density (again, zero in dielectrics). Generally, not all of Equations 5.3-6 are needed
to solve any particular problem; in fact, picking the most useful subset of conditions is
something of an art in itself.

Similar equations can be obtained for the single-frequency, time-independent

representation, simply by replacing E by E and so on. For dielectric media, we therefore

n x (E2 - E1) = 0
n x (H2 - H1) = 0
n . (D2 - D1) = 0
n . (B2 - B1) = 0


We must now calculate what happens at the interface more exactly. We assume that the
governing equation is the time-independent vector wave equation. For a uniform dielectric,
this takes the form:

2 E + n2 k 0 2 E = 0

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We can use Equation 5.4-1 to solve the interface problem, by first finding solutions for
each region as if it were infinite, and then matching them at the boundary. The geometry is
shown in Figure 5.4-1. The junction is assumed to lie between two infinite sheets of
dielectric, with indices n1 and n2. These are lying in the x - z plane, with the interface at x =
0, and the aim is to calculate the field distribution with a plane wave incident from Medium
1 at an angle 1.

Figure 5.4-1 Geometry for treatment of the interface problem.


If we assume as before that the incident wave is polarized in the y-direction, the electric field
is entirely parallel to the interface and only has a y-component. This is known as
transverse electric or TE incidence. Without justification (apart from common sense) we
assume that the transmitted and reflected waves are similarly polarized, so we can work with
Ey throughout. The vector wave equation therefore reduces to a single scalar equation.
Furthermore, because everything is uniform in the y-direction, /y must be zero for all
field quantities. The relevant equation is therefore:

2Ey/x2 + 2Ey/z2 + n2k02Ey = 0



We start by assuming that total internal reflection does not occur, so we need only consider
the case of reflection and refraction. The equations we must solve in each medium are:

2Ey1/x2 + 2Ey1/z2 + n12k02 Ey1 = 0 in Medium 1

2Ey2/x2 + 2Ey2/z2 + n22k02 Ey2 = 0 in Medium 2
We now assume that the field in each region is a combination of plane waves, the solutions
we would find if the media were infinite and separate. A suitable guess is to choose incident
and reflected waves in Medium 1, and just a transmitted wave in Medium 2, so that:

Ey1 = EI exp[-jk0n1(z sin(1) - x cos(1))] + ER exp[-jk0n1(z sin(1') + x cos(1'))]

Ey2 = ET exp[-jk0n2(z sin(2) - x cos(2))]
Here we have assumed for generality that the reflected wave travels upwards at an angle 1',
which may be different from 1. Now, there are a number of unknowns in Equation 5.4-4.
Given that we know 1 and EI, we must find 1', 2, ER and ET. We can find them from the
boundary conditions in Equation 5.3-7. In principle, we could use any of these conditions,
but here we choose to start with:

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n x (E2 - E1) = 0 on x = 0
This requires that the tangential components of E must match on the boundary. Since E is
wholly tangential anyway, we must have Ey1 = Ey2 on x = 0, or:

EI exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)] + ER exp[-jk0n1z sin(1')] = ET exp[-jk0n2z sin(2)]

Because it contains exponential terms that vary with z, this equation can only be satisfied
for all z if:

n1 sin(1) = n1 sin(1')
= n2 sin(2)
If this is the case, the z-variation is removed, and Equation 5.4-6 can be satisfied by a
correct choice of the constants ER and ET. Equation 5.4-7 requires firstly that 1' = 1, so the
angle of the reflected beam is indeed equal to that of the incident beam (verifying our initial
intuitive guess). However, it also shows that Snell's law appears automatically in the
electromagnetic analysis, which is highly satisfactory. Equation 5.4-6 then reduces to:

EI + ER = ET
Performing the boundary matching for the electric field, we therefore find that the wave
amplitudes must be continuous at the interface, which is physically reasonable.

The second boundary condition we choose is that:

n x (H2 - H1) = 0 on x = 0
This implies that the tangential components of H must also match at x = 0. We can find the
necessary components of H by using the curl relation between E and H given previously in
Equation 5.2-6. Since Ex = Ez = 0, we have:

Hx = (-j/0) Ey/z ; Hy = 0 ; Hz = (+j/0) Ey/x

The only tangential component of H is Hz, so the second boundary condition will be
satisfied if:
Ey1/x = Ey2/x on x = 0.
Using this condition, we find that:

jk0n1 cos(1) EI exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)] - jk0n1 cos(1) ER exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)]

= jk0n2 cos(2) ET exp[-jk0n2z sin(2)]
Following the same argument as before, we can remove all the exponentials to get:
n1 cos(1) EI - n1 cos(1) ER = n2 cos(2) ET
Equations 5.4-8 and 5.4-13 now represent two simultaneous equations, with two
unknowns. By a fairly simple rearrangement, we can therefore find ER in terms of EI.
Normally the result is expressed in terms of a reflection coefficient E, which can be
shown to reduce to:

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E = ER/EI = [n1 cos(1) - n2 cos(2)] / [n1 cos(1) + n2 cos(2)]

We can also find the transmission coefficient TE, which is given by:
TE = ET/EI = 2n1 cos(1)/ [n1 cos(1) + n2 cos(2)]
These expressions satisfy physical intuition. For example, if the two media have the same
refractive index, the reflection coefficient is zero, and the transmission coefficient is unity.
Surprisingly, the reflection coefficient can be large, even at normal incidence. For a glass/air
interface (where n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1), we find that E = (1.5 - 1) / (1.5 + 1) = 0.2.


At this point we pause, and consider the fact that there were two more boundary conditions
we could have used. What about them? The third condition is that:

n . (D2 - D1) = 0, or n . (n2 E2 - n1 E1) = 0 on x = 0

Since E has no component normal to the boundary, all this equation says is 0 = 0. The third
condition is therefore not too helpful, and we can safely ignore it. The fourth is that:

n . (B2 - B1) = 0, or n . (H2 - H1) = 0 on x = 0

Since the only normal component of H is Hx, this implies that:

Hx2 = Hx1 on x = 0
Bearing in mind the definition of H given in Equation 5.4-10, we find that:

Ey2/z = Ey1/z on x = 0.
Doing the necessary differentiation, we get:

-jk0n1 sin(1) EI exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)] - jk0n1 sin(1) ER exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)]

= -jk0n2 sin(2) ET exp[-jk0n2z sin(2)]
If we now use Snell's law again to remove the exponentials, this reduces to Equation 5.4-8.
The two other boundary conditions therefore introduce no new features, so our original
choice was a good one.


The analysis can easily be repeated for the case when the magnetic field is oriented in the y-
direction. This is known as transverse magnetic or TM incidence. We shall not work
through all the mathematics, which is somewhat repetitive, but merely quote the results.
These are slightly different; for the reflection coefficient, we get:

H = ER/EI = [n2 cos(1) - n1 cos(2)] / [n2 cos(1) + n1 cos(2)]

and for the transmission coefficient, we find that:

TH = ET/EI = 2n1 cos(1) / [n2 cos(1) + n1 cos(2)]

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Collected together, E, TE, H and TH are often known as the Fresnel coefficients. Most
interestingly, H becomes zero at a particular angle of incidence 1. This occurs when:

n2 cos(1) = n1 cos(2)
We can find a suitable angle 1 for Equation 5.4-23 to hold, as follows. Squaring both
sides of the equation, and using Snell's Law, we obtain:

n22 cos2(1) = n12 [1 - (n12/n22) sin2(1)]


n22 cos2(1) + (n14/n22) sin2(1) = n12

The cos2 term above can now be eliminated by combining it with the sin2 term. If this is
done, we get:

n22 [cos2(1) + sin2(1)] + [(n14 - n24)/n22] sin2(1) = n12

so that:

[(n14 - n24) / n22] sin2(1) = n12 - n22

We therefore find that:

sin2(1) = n22 / (n12 + n22)

So the relevant angle is given by:

1 = sin-1[n2 / (n12 + n22)]

This is often written in the alternative form:

1 = tan-1(n2/n1)
The reduction of the reflection coefficient to zero for TM incidence is called the Brewster
effect, after David Brewster (1781 - 1868), and is often exploited in the design of polarizing
components. Similarly, the angle defined in Equation 5.4-30 is known as the the Brewster
angle B. This can be calculated for an glass/air interface (for which n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.0)
as B 33.7o. Note that the Brewster effect does not occur for TE incidence.

Figure 5.4-2 shows one way in which the Brewster effect may be used to make a polarizer.
A number of identical plates are piled up, and oriented so that an incident, unpolarized beam
strikes the stack at the Brewster angle. Any TE polarization component in the beam will be
diminished by reflection at each interface, while the TM component will pass through
unaffected. After many such reflections, the output beam will therefore be largely TM
polarized. This is known as the pile-of-plates polarizer. Though simple, it has been
entirely superseded by dichroic polarizers.

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Figure 5.4-2 The pile of plates polarizer.

Figure 5.4-3 shows a much more effective use of the Brewster effect, inside the resonant
cavity of a He-Ne laser. We have previously described the required optical layout in
Chapter 4, and concentrate here on the provision of optical gain by an electrically excited
gas plasma, which is contained inside a glass tube. In lasers that emit unpolarized light, the
plasma tube is simply capped with end plates that are orthogonal to the bore axis. In
polarized lasers, the tube is sealed with windows slanted at the Brewster angle (known,
unsurprisingly, as Brewster windows). Now, TE polarized light must suffer some
reflection loss at these windows. However, because of the Brewster effect, TM polarized
light suffers no loss. Consequently, the lasing threshold for TM light is much lower than
for TE, and the device will lase preferentially on a TM-polarized mode.

Figure 5.4-3 Brewster windows on a plasma tube.


We now consider the case when 1 > c, i.e. when the input beam is incident at an angle
greater than the critical angle. In this regime, total internal reflection occurs, so that a
propagating wave cannot arise in Medium 2. How do we find the solution now? Well, there
is nothing wrong with the analysis we have used so far, but we cannot satisfy the Snell's law
equation, n1 sin(1) = n2 sin(2). Or rather, we cannot satisfy it with a real value of 2. It
turns out that we can satisfy it with a complex value instead. This might seem a bizarre idea,
but there is no need to dwell on the physical implications involved; it is simplest just to
consider this as a mathematical trick. The important thing is that we can now calculate
cos(2) for 1 > c as:

cos(2) = j {(n1/n2)2 sin2(1) - 1}


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This identity will allow us to repeat the previous calculation under the new conditions.


Once again, we will begin with the case when the electric field vector is parallel to the
interface. Returning to the solution in Medium 2, Ey2 = ET exp[-jk0n2(z sin(2) - x cos(2))],
and inserting the value for the cosine given in Equation 5.4-31, we find:

Ey2 = ET exp [ k0n2x {(n1/n2)2 sin2(1) - 1}] exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)].

The solution no longer has the form of a plane wave propagating at an angle 2, because its
x-dependence is not a complex exponential. Instead, it is a wave whose amplitude
distribution varies exponentially in the x-direction, and that propagates along the interface in
the z-direction. This is called an evanescent wave. Clearly, the amplitude must decay to
zero for large negative x, so we will keep only the positive sign in Equation 5.4-32, which
corresponds to the negative sign in Equation 5.4-31.

What does the complete field distribution look like now? Well, we now know that:

Ey1 = EI {exp[+jk0n1x cos(1)] + E exp[-jk0n1x cos(1)]} exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)]

Ey2 = EI TE exp [+k0n2x {(n1/n2)2 sin2(1) - 1}] exp[-jk0n1z sin(1)]
Where the transmission and reflection coefficients are given by:

E = [n1 cos(1) + jn2 {(n1/n2)2 sin2(1) - 1} ] / [n1 cos(1) - jn2 {(n1/n2)2 sin2(1) - 1}]

TE = 2n1 cos(1) / [n1 cos(1) - jn2 {(n1/n2)2 sin2(1) - 1}]

These expressions are rather long-winded. However, we can simplify them by defining
threee new parameters , and as:

= k0n1 sin(1)
= (n12k02 - 2)
= (2 - n22k02)
in which case Equation 5.4-33 becomes:

Ey1 = EI {exp(+jx) + E exp(-jx)} exp(-jz)

Ey2 = EI TE exp (+x) exp(-jz)
And Equations 5.4-34 and 5.4-35 simplify to:

E = ( + j ]) / ( - j )
TE = 2 / ( - j)
The reflection coefficient E is therefore now a complex number, in the form E = z / z*,
where z is also a complex number and * denotes the operation of complex conjugation. It is
easy to show that the power reflection coefficient E2 is unity, since:

E2 = E E * = (z/ z*) (z*/ z) = 1

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This implies that all of the incident power is reflected, which is consistent with our earlier
qualitative discussion of total internal reflection. It might be argued that a non-zero
transmission coefficient is at odds with a unity power reflection coefficient. The evanescent
wave will then have a finite amplitude, and must therefore carry some power. However, it is
easy to show that it does not carry any power normal to the interface, but only parallel to it.
Power conservation is therefore not violated after all.

Since E is a complex number with modulus unity, it can be written in complex exponential
form, as:

E = exp(j2)
where the phase term is given by:

tan()= /
Similarly, the transmission coefficient TE can be written as:

TE = 2 cos() exp(j)
We can obtain entirely analogous results for the TM transmission and reflection
coefficients when total internal reflection occurs. The phase shift is different, however; this
time we get tan() = (n12/n22) /.


We can combine the solutions obtained so far, and plot the power reflectivity 2 versus
angle over the complete range of incidence. Figure 5.4-4 shows the curves for TE and TM
incidence, and the particular example of a glass/air interface (where n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1).

Figure 5.4-4 Power reflection coefficients, for a glass-air interface.

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Naturally, the reflectivities are the same for normal incidence, when 2 = 0.22 = 0.04. In
each case, the reflectivity is unity after the critical angle, 1 = 41.8o. Notice, however, that it
falls to zero, for TM incidence alone, at the Brewster angle (33.7o).


Knowing the transmission and reflection coefficients, we can now rewrite the field
distributions in the two media as:

Ey1 = 2EI exp(j) cos(x - ) exp(-jz)

= E cos(x - ) exp(-jz)

Ey2 = 2EI exp(j) cos( )exp(x) exp(-jz)

= E cos( )exp(x) exp(-jz)
Both fields again have the form Ey = E(x) exp(-jz), so the pattern corresponds to a non-
uniform wave travelling in the z-direction, parallel to the interface. More specifically, it is a
standing wave pattern in Medium 1, and a decaying or evanescent wave in Medium 2. Near
the interface, the transverse field function E(x) is therefore as shown in Figure 5.4-5. Notice
that the transverse field is continuous at the boundary, as is its first derivative. This follows
from application of the boundary matching conditions. It is also worth noting that as
tends to n2k0, tends to zero, implying that, as the angle of incidence approaches the
critical angle, the decay of the evanescent field gets slower. The confinement of the field is
therefore less good, and it extends further and further into Medium 2. If we wish to avoid
this, the incidence angle should be chosen to lie suitably far away from the critical angle.

Figure 5.4-5 The transverse field distribution near an interface.

The results are qualitatively similar for TM incidence; we still get standing waves in
Medium 1 and an evanescent wave in Medium 2. However, the details at the boundary are
slightly different. The main change is that the transverse electric field distribution is no
longer continuous.

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We conclude with a brief discussion of the reflectivity of metals, which we assumed without
much justification to be high in Chapter 4. The analysis developed above will still be valid,
provided merely that we insert the correct expression for refractive index. In Chapter 3, we
found that (neglecting collision damping losses) a metal may be described at optical
frequencies as a medium with a large, negative value of r'. Consequently, the refractive
index of a metal will be almost purely imaginary, given by n jn', where n' = r'.

At normal incidence, for example, the reflection coefficient at the interface between a
dielectric (of refractive index n1) and a metal (of index jn2') may then be found from
Equation 5.4-14 as:

E (n1 - jn2']) / (n1 + jn2')

Once again, E is a complex number, of the form E = z / z*. We therefore conclude
without further ado that the power reflectivity will be 100%, justifying our previous
assumptions. In practise, collision damping losses reduce this figure somewhat, but (as we
know from our bathrooms) even the most basic metal layer will act as a good reflector.
Furthermore, if n2 n1 (as is the case for good conductors), the reflection coefficient E is
-1. This means the total electric field at the interface (i.e. the sum of the incident and
reflected waves) must be close to zero, providing a simple justification for the heuristic
boundary condition adopted in Chapter 4.


We now consider an easier route to the solution to the interface problem, which will prove a
useful tool for the analysis of waveguides in Chapter 6. Since the solution has the form
Ey(x, z) = E(x) exp(-jz) in both media, the thing to do is to assume this at the outset.
Substituting this solution directly into the wave equation 5.4-2, we get:

d2E/dx2 + (n2k02 - 2) E = 0
This type of equation is known as a waveguide equation, and it links the transverse field
E(x) with the propagation constant . In this case, it is a standard second-order differential
equation, of the form:

d2E/dx2 + C2E = 0
Note that its solutions are sines and cosines if C2 > 0, and exponentials if C2 < 0.

For our particular geometry, the waveguide equations we must solve are:

d2E1/dx2 + (n12k02 - 2) E1 = 0 in Medium 1

d2E2/dx2 + (n22k02 - 2) E2 = 0 in Medium 2
Here E1 and E2 are the transverse field distributions in the two media. Knowing (as we do)
the exact solution, the sensible thing is to choose a trial solution in the same form. We
therefore take:
E1 = E cos(x - )
E2 = E' exp(x)

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Where and are as in Equation 5.4-36 and E, E' and are unknown constants. Once
again, we can determine their values by boundary matching. Now, the first of our original
boundary conditions were that Ey1 = Ey2 at the interface; for the transverse fields, this
implies that E1 = E2 on x = 0, so:

E' = E cos()
Similarly, the second condition was that Ey1/x = Ey2/x at the interface; for the
transverse fields, this implies that dE1/dx = dE2/dx on x = 0. Performing the necessary
differentiation, we get:

-E sin(-) = E'
Dividing Equation 5.5-6 by Equation 5.5-5, we then obtain:

tan() = /
Since this is identical to Equation 5.4-41, we have obtained exactly the same results as
before, without invoking the Fresnel coefficients at all. A solution of this type is called a
modal solution.


We have become accustomed to solutions to interface problems that involve either
propagating waves on both sides of the interface, or propagating waves on one side and
evanescent ones on the other. It is now reasonable to ask whether other possibilities exist.
Can we, for example, have a solution that is evanescent on both sides of an interface? It
turns out that this is indeed possible, and is of engineering significance.

The geometry involved is the interface between a metal (most often, silver or gold) and a
dielectric, as shown in Figure 5.6-1. Because the wave is evanescent on both sides, it is
effectively confined to the interface, and is therefore a surface wave. Its correct title is a
surface plasma wave or surface plasmon, since propagation in the metal layer involves
plasma oscillations of the free electrons inside the metal, but this is not important to our
electromagnetic analysis. What is important, however, is that surface plasma waves can be
shown to exist only for TM polarization.

Figure 5.6-1 Geometry for surface plasmon waves.

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We shall tackle the problem using the modal approach above. First, however, we recall once
again that at optical frequencies a metal can be adequately modelled as a dielectric, but with
a relative permittivity that is large and negative. The methods we have used so far will
therefore still prove suitable. Now, it is sensible to perform the analysis in terms of the
magnetic field, since this is always oriented in the same direction. In this case, the relevant
time-independent wave equation is:

2 H + rk 0 2 H = 0
Assuming that the magnetic field is parallel to the y-axis, a suitable modal solution has the

H = H(x) exp(-jz) j
Where H(x) is the transverse variation of the magnetic field, and is the propagation
constant. Substituting this solution into Equation 5.6-1, we obtain the following waveguide

d2H/dx2 + (rk02 - 2) H = 0
To solve the plasmon problem, we simply assume a relative dielectric constant of r1 in
Medium 1 (the metal layer), and r2 in Medium 2 (the dielectric). The equations we must
solve are therefore:

d2H1/dx2 + (r1k02 - 2) H1 = 0 in Medium 1

d2H2/dx2 + (r2k02 - 2) H2 = 0 in Medium 2
Assuming exponential decay of the transverse magnetic field on either side of the interface,
the solutions in each region can then be specified as:

H1(x) = H exp(-1x)
H2(x) = H' exp(2x)
Where H and H' are arbitrary constants, and 1 and 2 are given by:

1 = (2 - r1k02)
2 = (2 - r2k02)
As before, the boundary conditions are that the tangential components of the magnetic and
electric fields must match at the interface, which lies at x = 0. Matching the magnetic field
(which is wholly tangential) we see simply that H' = H. To match the electric fields, we
must first evaluate E. This is best done using the curl relation between H and E:

x H = j E
Given that Hx = Hz = 0, we can then find the individual components of E as:

Ex = (+j/) Hy/z ; Ey = 0 ; Ez = (-j/) Hy/x

Since the only tangential component of the electric field is Ez, the second condition will be
satisfied if:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16


(1/r1) Hy1/x = (1/r2) Hy2/x on x = 0

For the modal solution we have assumed, this condition requires:

(1/r1) dH1/dx = (1/r2) dH2/dx on x = 0

Performing the necessary differentiation, we then find that:

-1/r1 = 2/r2
Although Equation 5.6-11 looks insoluble (given that 1 and 2 are positive quantities), it
can be satisfied in this particular case, because r1 is negative. Squaring both sides, we

(2 - r1k02) / r12 = (2 - r2k02) / r22

After some rearrangement, we may then extract the propagation constant as:

= k0 [r1r2 / (r1 + r2)]

Knowing r1 and r2, we may therefore calculate . The transverse magnetic field
distribution is then much as shown in Figure 5.6-1. The field decays exponentially on both
sides of the interface, but the decay constant is different in each medium. Because of the
sign of r1, Equation 5.6-6 shows that the rate of decay in the metal is much larger than that
in the dielectric. As a result, the light hardly penetrates the metal, and the major part of the
field extends into the dielectric.

The analysis above is an extremely simple demonstration that a single interface may
actually 'guide' an optical wave. However, to be more realistic, one major modification must
be made to our model. As we saw in Chapter 3, the dielectric constant of a metal is actually
complex (because of collision damping), so r1 really has the form r1 = r1' - j r1''. If this
expression is used in Equation 5.6-13, it is found that the propagation constant is also
complex, so the plasmon mode decays as it propagates. In real materials, this is very
significant, and plasmon modes have an extremely short range.


We shall now calculate the range of a surface plasmon in a typical material, silver. In this
case, the data in Figure 3.4-1 shows that r1' -16.9 and r1'' 0.55, at 0 = 0.633 m.
Assuming that the surrounding dielectric is air, for which r = 1, is given by:

= (2 / 0.633 x 10-6) x [(-16.9 - j 0.55) / (-15.9 - j 0.55)]

= 10.2 x 106 - j 1.05 x 104
Now, the actual form of the plasmon wave is given by Equation 5.6-2. Splitting the
propagation constant into real and imaginary parts, we can write:

= r - ji
With this notation, Equation 5.6-2 then becomes:

H = H(x) exp(-jrz) exp(-iz) j

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This shows that the mode amplitude will decay to 1/e of its initial value in a distance ze,
given by:

ze = 1/i
We may take ze to be representative of the range of the plasmon mode. Inserting the
relevant value from Equation 5.6-14, we then obtain a range of ze 100 m, a very small
figure. In practise, other effects reduce the range still further, making a surface plasmon
wave useless for communication. Nonetheless, one highly important application has been
found for optical plasmons: sensing.


We have already mentioned that because of the imbalance between 1 and 2, the vast
proportion of the field extends into the dielectric. As a result, it is possible to show that the
value of r is highly sensitive to the exact nature of the dielectric. If this medium is made in
the form of a sensing layer, with a dielectric constant that can be altered by some parameter
of interest, a variation in that parameter will then result in a detectable change in the plasmon
propagation constant.

The experimental apparatus needed to measure this change is extremely simple. It is known
as the prism coupler, and will be described in detail in Chapter 7. For the present, we
merely note that many sensor materials have already been tested for suitability. The most
promising application area is biosensing, where is hoped that surface plasmon devices will
provide a range of extremely cheap, disposable medical sensors (for example, for
measuring enzyme levels).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


5.1. (a) Find the critical angle for an interface between a high-index glass (n1 = 1.7) and
air (n2 = 1). (b) What is the corresponding Brewster angle, if the incident beam
travels in the glass?
[(a) 36.03o; (b) 30.46o]

5.2. The critical angle for an interface between two media is 30o. Find the transmission
coefficient, for normal incidence from the high-index side of the interface.

5.3. Find the power reflectivity 2 and transmissivity T2, for TE incidence at 1 = 30o on
an interface between air (n1 = 1) and glass (n2 = 1.5).
[0.0577; 0.577]

5.4. The figures below show the definitions of the reflection and transmission coefficients
at a dielectric interface. In the left-hand figure, incidence is from Medium 1, and the
coefficients are and T, respectively. In the right-hand figure, incidence is from
Medium 2, and the corresponding values are ' and T'. Using only the fact that light
rays are reversible, show that (a) = -', and (b) 2 + TT' = 1.

5.5. Verify the results of Question 5.4 analytically, using the Fresnel coefficients.

5.6. The figure below shows a three-layer dielectric stack. Media 1 and 2 are semi-infinite,
with refractive indices n1 and n2, respectively; Medium 3 has thickness d, and index
n3. The effect of the stack on a plane optical wave may be analysed by summing the
contributions from all possible paths between the input and the output, using the
transmission and reflection coefficients to calculate the path amplitudes and taking
account of any optical phase changes.

For example, the reflectivity may be found by summing all paths starting and ending
in Medium 1. Path 1 simply involves reflection at the first interface. The amplitude
for this is 13, where 13 is the reflection coefficient at the boundary between Media 1
and 3. Path 2 involves transmission through the first interface, reflection at the
second, and transmission through the first interface again; the amplitude for this is
T1332T31 .exp(-j2k0n3d), where T13 and T31 are transmission coefficients at the first
interface, and 32 is the reflection coefficient at the second.

Write down the amplitude for Path 3. Generalise your results to form an infinite
series for the reflectivity of the stack, and sum the series. Hence show that there will
be no reflection at all, if the refractive index of Medium 3 is n3 = (n1n2) and if its
thickness d represents a quarter of a wavelength in the medium. What application
might this have?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


5.7. Derive the Fresnel coefficients for TM incidence on a dielectric interface.

5.8. The figure below shows a plane wave incident from air on a glass slab of finite
thickness. Show that there is no reflection from either interface, for TM incidence at
the Brewster angle B.

5.9. Show (a) analytically, and (b) numerically, using data from Question 5.3, that the
Fresnel coefficients for TE incidence satisfy the relation:

2 + T2 (n2/ n1) [cos(2) / cos(1)] = 1.

5.10. Interpret the result of Question 5.9 in terms of power conservation.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20



Flanagan M.T., Pantell R.H. "Surface plasmon resonance and immunosensors" Elect. Lett.
20, 968-970 (1984)
Hecht E., "Optics", 2nd Edn., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading MA (1987);
Chapter 4.
Kretschmann E. "The determination of the optical constants of metals by the excitation of
surface plasmons" Z. Phys. 214, 313-324 (1971)
Liedberg B., Nylander C., Lundstrm I. "Surface plasmon resonance for gas detection and
biosensing" Sensors and Actuators 4, 299-304 (1983)
Otto A. "Excitation of nonradiative surface plasma waves by the method of frustrated total
reflection" Z. Phys. 216, 398-410 (1968)
Ramo S., Whinnery J.R., van Duzer T. "Fields and waves in communication electronics",
2nd Edn., John Wiley & Sons, New York (1984); Chapter 6.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21



It is now time to consider more effective guiding structures for electromagnetic waves. To
introduce the basic ideas, we shall start with a very simple geometry, the metal-walled
guide. Though this is not actually used at optical frequencies, it contains nearly all the
features of more useful guides and can be analysed with little mathematics. The metal-
walled guide consists of two plane mirrors held parallel to one another in free space, as
shown in Figure 6.1-1. From our knowledge of mirrors, we would expect plane waves to be
reflected and re-reflected at each interface, and hence bounce up and down between the
mirrors. This zig-zag pathway effectively results in travel only in the z-direction, so the field
is guided down the z-axis.

Figure 6.1-1 A metal-walled waveguide

We must begin by working out what kind of field can exist in the guide. First, we recall that
the time- independent field due to a y-polarized plane wave travelling at an angle to the z-
axis (either upwards or downwards) is:

Ey = E exp{-jk0[z sin() x cos()]}

Since we can guess that the field inside the guide is a combination of an upward- and a
downward- travelling wave, we will assume the solution:

Ey = E+ exp{-jk0[z sin() + x cos()]} + E- exp{-jk0[z sin() - x cos()]}

where E+ and E- are unknown constants. Now, we must satisfy the usual set of boundary
conditions at any interfaces. If we adopt the approximations used in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 for
a good conductor, these reduce to a requirement that the electric field vanishes at the metal
walls (so that Ey = 0 at x = 0 and x = h). We can satisfy the first condition if E- = - E+, i.e. if
the solution has the form:

Ey = E sin[k0x cos()] exp[-jk0z sin()]

The solution is therefore a wave with a sinusoidal amplitude envelope that travels in the z-
direction. It is called a guided mode, because it has its energy confined within the guide
walls. Note that the field can once again be written in the standard form:

Ey = E(x) exp(-jz)

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where E(x) is the transverse field distribution, and is the propagation constant.
Clearly, in this case, is given by:

= k0 sin
so the smaller the ray angle inside the guide, the smaller the propagation constant. The exact
value of (and thus of ) is fixed by the second boundary condition, namely:

sin[k0h cos()] = 0
Now, Equation 6.1-6 is satisfied whenever:
2k0h cos() = 2 (where = 1, 2 .... etc.)
This is called the eigenvalue equation of the guide. It may be viewed as a condition for
transverse resonance, since it implies that the round-trip phase accumulated by bouncing up
and down between the walls must be a whole number of multiples of 2.

Each solution corresponds to a particular guided mode, defined by the mode index .
However, in general, only a fixed number of modes can be supported by the guide. For
example, if /k0h > 1, there is no solution, so the condition for a guided mode of order
to exist is that:

h > /k0
Consequently, if the guide width h is too small, no modes are supported all. This occurs

h < /k0 or h < 0/2

This puts a lower limit on the useable value of h of half the optical wavelength. If h is
slightly bigger, just one mode is supported, and the guide is then called single-moded. If h
is bigger still, a finite number of modes can propagate, so the guide is multi-moded. Any
mode that cannot propagate is described as being cut off. The higher the order of the mode,
the smaller the value of , and, exactly at cut-off, the ray angle is zero, so at this point the
rays just bounce up and down between the metal walls, making no progress down the
guide. Each guided mode has its own particular transverse field distribution. The field
patterns of the first two modes are shown in Figure 6.1-2. Note that the lowest-order mode
has no sign reversals, while the second-order mode has one, and so on.

Figure 6.1-2 Transverse field distributions of the two lowest order modes in a metal-
walled guide.

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The metal-walled guide is very effective at microwave frequencies, when the conductivity of
the walls is high, and the reflectivity is correspondingly good. However, at optical
frequencies, is lower, causing unacceptable propagation loss. Fortunately, an alternative
guiding mechanism is available, based on total internal reflection at a dielectric interface.


Figure 6.2-1 shows more useful structure, a dielectric waveguide. This consists of three
layers of dielectric: layer 1 (which has thickness h, and refractive index n1), and layers 2 and
3 (which are both semi-infinite, and which have indices n2 and n3 respectively). We shall
assume that n1 > n2 and n1 > n3, so that total internal reflection can occur at each interface.
Often, layer 1 is referred to as the guiding layer, while layers 2 and 3 are the substrate
and the cover layer. A guide of this type can be formed simply by depositing a high-index
guiding layer onto a polished substrate - the cover can then often be air. Because of this
common geometry, it is usual to describe the structure as an asymmetric slab guide, and
take n1 > n2 > n3.

Figure 6.2-1 A slab dielectric waveguide.

We can represent the refractive index variation using a discontinuous function n(x), as
shown in Figure 6.2-2a. Other, smoother profiles can result from using different fabrication
methods; for example, Figure 6.2-2b shows the graded-index profile obtained when a guide
is made by diffusion of metal atoms into a crystalline substrate. In this case, the index
distribution below the crystal surface is a Gaussian function (as will be shown in Chapter
13), given by:

n(x) = n2 + (n1 - n2) exp[-(x - h)2/LD2] for x < h

where LD is a constant related to the diffusion conditions, the diffusion length.

Figure 6.2-2 Refractive index profiles for asymmetric 1-D waveguides.

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However, because many of these methods are also used to fabricate more complicated
channel guide structures, we shall postpone their detailed discussion, and stay with the
simple slab guide for the time being.

Through total internal reflection, waves may bounce to and fro between the guide walls
much as before. However, the form of solution used above - combinations of plane waves -
rapidly becomes too complicated when used with dielectric guides. Instead, we shall base
the analysis on the modal solution introduced in Chapter 5, and merely look for solutions
moving at constant speed in the z-direction. For simplicity, we assume y-polarization once
again, so that the mode is Transverse Electric, or TE. In each layer, the scalar wave
equation we must solve is therefore given by:

2Eyi (x, z) + ni2k02 Eyi (x, z) = 0 (i = 1, 2, 3)

while the solutions can be written in the form:

Eyi (x, z) = Ei (x) exp(-jz) (i = 1, 2, 3)

The waveguide equation (which links the transverse field Ei with the propagation constant
) is then given in each layer by:

d2Ei/dx2 + [ni2k02 - 2] Ei = 0
Since we are interested in fields that are confined within the guide (which will be standing
waves inside the guiding layer, and evanescent fields outside) we will assume the following
trial solutions:
In layer 1: E1 = E cos(x - )
In layer 2: E2 = E' exp(x)
In layer 3: E3 = E'' exp[-(x - h)]
Where the constants , and are as given in Chapter 5, namely:

= (n12k02 - 2)
= (2 - n22k02)
= (2 - n32k02)
Once more, we must satisfy the boundary conditions, which require continuity of Ei(x) and
its gradient dEi/dx at each interface. Matching fields at x = 0 gives the answer we found in
Chapter 5, namely:

' = cos()
while matching the field gradients gives:

E' = -E sin(-)
Dividing Equations 6.2-7 and 6.2-8, we may eliminate the field amplitudes from the
problem, and obtain a closed-form expression for :

tan() = / , or = tan-1(/)

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Similarly, matching fields at x = h gives:

E'' = E cos(h - )
while matching field gradients gives:

-E'' = -E sin(h - )
Dividing Equations 6.2-10 and 6.2-11, we therefore obtain:

tan(h - ) = /
Now, self-consistent solutions are only possible when Equations 6.2-7 - 6.2-12 are all
satisfied simultaneously. The most important point is that the trigonometric relations in
Equations 6.2-9 and 6.2-12 are both satisfied. Once this is done, the field amplitudes E' and
E'' can be found in terms of E, simply by substituting values for and into Equations 6.2-
7 and 6.2-10.

We can reduce the two main equations to a single one, as follows. Using the standard
trigonometrical identity:

tan(A - B) = (tanA - tanB) / (1 + tanA tanB)

we can convert the left-hand side of Equation 6.2-12 to:

tan(h - ) = [tan(h) - tan] / [1 + tan(h) tan]

Substituting the value of tan from Equation 6.2-9, we then obtain:

[tan(h) - /] / [1 + tan(h) /] = /
Finally, after some rearrangement, we get:

tan(h) = [ + ] / [2 - ]
This is the eigenvalue equation for the dielectric guide. Once again, it can be shown that
only certain values of can satisfy it, so this guide will also only support a discrete set of
guided modes. Since the parameters , and are all functions of the propagation constant
, the eigenvalue equation is obviously a function of as well. However, it is a
transcendental equation (which means the solution cannot be written in closed form), so the
-values must be found numerically. This is not difficult, but before we examine the
solutions themselves, we will examine the connection between the eigenvalue equation and
the transverse resonance condition mentioned previously.


We first recall the definition of the parameter , from our discussion of total internal
reflection in Chapter 5. first appeared when the reflection coefficient E was written in the

E = exp(j2)

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Since this is a complex exponential, -2 can be interpreted as a phase-shift between the

incident and reflected waves (note the negative sign here). We can therefore define two new
parameters -212 and -213 for our three-layer guide. These are the shifts that occur on
reflection from the interfaces between layers 1 and 2, and layers 1 and 3, respectively. 12
can be identified with our previous parameter , so we may write tan(12) = /. By analogy,
we can also put tan(13) = /. Equation 6.2-12 can therefore be written as:

tan(h - 12) = tan(13)

Taking the inverse tangent of both sides of Equation 6.2-18, allowing for the periodic
nature of the tan function (which repeats every radians), and multiplying both sides by a
factor of two, we get:

2h - 212 - 213 = 2
Equation 6.2-19 is now a transverse resonance condition, much like Equation 6.1-7.
However, there are some differences. Firstly, the term h has replaced k0h sin(). This is
not a real change, since it is easy to show that = k0n1 sin(), the new term therefore
merely reflects the fact that the guiding layer is a medium of refractive index n1. Secondly,
the phase terms -212 and -213 have been introduced. The overall interpretation of Equation
6.2-19 is therefore that the total phase accumulated in bouncing between the guide walls,
including the phase changes experienced on reflection, must be a whole number of
multiples of 2. The astute reader will be able to explain why this extra feature (the phase
changes due to reflection) did not apparently show up in our analysis of the metal-walled
Once the values of are found, the transverse field patterns can be drawn. It is easiest to do
this for a symmetric guide, which can only support modes with symmetric or antisymmetric
field patterns. In this case, it can be shown that the eigenvalue equation 6.2-16 reduces to:

tan(h/2) = /
for all modes with symmetric fields, and:

tan(h/2) = -/
for all antisymmetric modes. If Equations 6.2-20 and 6.2-21 are solved numerically, the
following results are obtained. At low optical frequencies (when 0 is large and k0 is low),
the guide is single-moded and only symmetric patterns of the type shown in Figure 6.2-3
can be supported.
Note that the field varies cosinusoidally inside the guide, and exponentially outside, as
expected. At extremely low frequencies, a significant amount of power propagates in the
evanescent field. A mode of this type is described as poorly confined. As the frequency
rises, however, the field concentrates more towards the centre of the guide. We shall see
later that this improved confinement of the mode is advantageous, since it reduces the
propagation loss that occurs when the waveguide is formed into a bend. As the frequency
rises further, the guide becomes two-moded and a second, antisymmetric field solution
becomes possible. This is shown in Figure 6.2-4.

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Figure 6.2-3 The lowest order symmetric mode of a slab waveguide.

Figure 6.2-4 Mode patterns for a two-moded slab guide.


At higher frequencies still, even more patterns are possible. We can work out how many
modes can propagate at any given frequency as follows. Particular modes cease to be
guided when the ray angle inside the guide tends to the critical angle (note that this is
different from the metal-walled guide, where cut-off = 0o). Since = n1k0sin, and Snell's
law requires n1 sin = n2 at = c, this implies that n2k0 at cutoff. At the same time, we
can show that 0, so the confinement of the field tends to zero at this point. For
symmetric modes, the cutoff condition then reduces to:

tan(h/2)c.o. = 0
and hence:

(h/2)c.o. = 0, , 2 ....
Similarly, for antisymmetric modes, the cutoff condition is that

(h/2)c.o. = /2, 3/2 ....

So in general we must have:

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(h/2)c.o. = /2
where is again the mode number. This is the cutoff condition for all the modes in a
symmetric slab guide. However, it can be expressed more conveniently with a little further
manipulation, as we now show. Since = (n12k02 - 2), then at cutoff we must have:

c.o. = k0 (n12 - n22)

so that:

(h/2) c.o. = (k0h/2) (n12 - n22)

This parameter is often called the 'V' value of the guide; it is a dimensionless number,
which can be used to characterise a guide - generally, a guide will be heavily multimoded if
V 1. Combining Equations 6.2-25 and 6.2-27, we get:

(k0h/2) (n12 - n22) = /2

This now represents the cutoff condition for all possible guided modes in a guide of width
h, constructed from dielectric layers of refractive indices n1 and n2. We can use it as
follows. For the lowest order mode (corresponding to = 0), the cutoff condition is
satisfied when:
(k0h/2) (n12 - n22) = 0
Since h, n1 and n2 are all finite, it follows that k0 must be zero to satisfy Equation 6.2-29.
Effectively, therefore, there is no cutoff for the lowest order mode; this is a particular
property of the symmetric slab guide. Similarly, for the second lowest order mode ( = 1)
cutoff occurs when:

(k0h/2) (n12 - n22) = /2

and so on. We can also use the cutoff condition to work out the dimensions needed for a
guide to be single-moded, given the guide indices and the optical wavelength. In this case,
we require the second-order mode to be just cut off. Rearranging Equation 6.2-30 slightly,
we then find that:

h < 0/2(n12 - n22)

There is therefore a strict upper limit on the allowable width of the guide.

We can now put in some example numbers to illustrate typical dimensions of single-mode
guides. We choose 0 = 0.633 m, corresponding to the He-Ne laser wavelength, and
guide indices of n1 n2 1.5; these are typical for different types of glass. With the
relatively large index difference of n1 - n2 = 0.01, we then get h < 1.8 m. For the same
parameters, but with the smaller index difference of n1 - n2 = 0.001, we get h < 5.8 m.
Single-mode guides are clearly small in practical materials!

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Naturally enough, we will be concerned with the information-carrying capacity of

waveguides. This will prove especially important for optical fibres, which we will discuss in
Chapter 8. Now, our previous analysis of plane waves (in Chapter 2) showed that
dispersion occurs whenever vph (or /k) varies with frequency. The analogous quantity can
be found for the th guided mode, simply by inserting the relevant value for the propagation
constant. In this case, we get:

vph = /
It is also often convenient to define an effective index neff for the mode, such that the
phase velocity is given by:
vph = c/neff
A moment's thought then shows that the effective index and the propagation constant are
related by:

= 2neff/0
For a given mode, the effective index may therefore be interpreted as the refractive index of
an equivalent bulk medium, which would give identical values for the phase velocity and
propagation constant to those obtained in the guide.
Once more, the dispersion characteristics of modes can be represented by a graph of
against . For the symmetric slab guide, it is as shown in Figure 6.2-5. Here the lowest
order mode has been labelled the TE0 mode, the second lowest the TE1 mode, and so on.

Figure 6.2-5 Dispersion diagram for the symmetric slab guide.

Note that each characteristic lies between two lines, which have slopes of c/n1 and c/n2,
respectively, so that the phase velocity of any mode cannot be less than c/n1 or greater than
c/n2. The former value is approached if the mode is well-confined, when most of the field is
travelling inside the guide (layer 1, which has refractive index n1). The latter is approached
as the mode tends towards cut-off, when most of the field is travelling outside the guide (in

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


a medium of index n2). Consequently, the effective index of all guided modes must lie
between n1 and n2.

Since the phase velocity clearly depends on frequency (and also on the mode number), the
guide must be dispersive. For each mode, we may define a group velocity vg as:

vg = d/d
In general, the group velocity will also depend on frequency and mode number. Note that
this effect (known as waveguide dispersion) is distinct from the material dispersion
discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, which for simplicity was ignored in Figure 6.2-5; it forms
an extra contribution to the overall dispersion, and one which may be extremely large.
Often, the two components of waveguide dispersion are referred to separately, as inter- and
intra-modal dispersion, respectively. The former refers to the variation in vg between the
different modes, the latter to changes in a particular mode's group velocity with frequency.
We shall return to both aspects in Chapter 8.


The modal solutions found so far are, of course, descriptive of light confined inside the
guide. However, further solutions must exist which account for light propagating outside
the guide. These are known as radiation modes, and we now describe the way they are
calculated. Remember that we solved Equation 6.2-4 to find the TE modes of a slab guide.
This is, of course, a general second-order differential equation, which can be written in the

d2Ei/dx2 + Ci2 Ei = 0
In our previous analysis, the form of the solution was exponential or sinusoidal, depending
on the sign of the term Ci2 = (ni2k02 - 2). If we consider all possible values of , it turns
out that a wider range of solutions can be found. If we again take n1 > n2 > n3, which is
often the case in real guides, the complete set can be represented as a diagram in -space as
shown in Figure 6.3-1. The essential features of the diagram are that:
1) For > k0n1, the solutions are exponential in all three layers. Since this implies infinite
field amplitudes at large distances from the guide (which are physically unrealistic) we will
ignore these solutions for the time being.

2) For k0n1 > > k0n2, there are a discrete number of bound or guided modes, which are the
solutions already found. These vary cosinusoidally inside the guide core, and decay
exponentially outside the guide.

3) For k0n2 > > k0n3, the solutions vary exponentially in the cover (layer 3), and
cosinusoidally in both the guide (layer 1) and substrate (layer 2). Since these fully penetrate
the substrate region, they are called substrate modes. Any value of is allowed, between
the two limits given above, so the set forms a continuum.

4) For k0n3 > , solutions vary cosinusoidally in all three layers. These particular field
patterns are known as radiation modes. Once again, any value of is allowed in the range
above, so the set forms another continuum.

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Figure 6.3-1 Modal solutions represented in -space.

The introduction of radiation modes suggests that we should alter our previous dispersion
diagram to account for them. Equally, we should allow for the possibility of backward-
travelling modes (which have negative values of ). Both modifications are simple to carry
out, and the complete set of modes for a symmetric slab guide is then as shown in the
modified - diagram of Figure 6.3-2. We will find this representation useful in the
solution of coupled mode problems in Chapter 10.

Figure 6.3-2 Full dispersion diagram for the symmetric slab guide.

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Having found the complete set of all possible solutions for the electric field, it is simple to
obtain the corresponding magnetic field patterns. This gives a self-consistent, vectorial
solution for the entire guided electromagnetic field. First, recall that the TE solution for E is
a y-polarized guided mode, written as E = j E(x) exp(-jz). Now, from the curl relation
between E and H, we can show that the associated magnetic field has two components,
given by:

Hx = (1/j0) Ey/z = (-/0) E(x) exp(-jz)


Hz = (-1/j0) Ey/x = (-1/j0) dE/dx exp(-jz)

Unlike the electric field, the magnetic field therefore has a longitudinal component (i.e.
acomponent in the direction of propagation) as well as a transverse one.


It is often convenient to represent both the fields in terms of vectorial transverse fields.
Thus, for the th mode, we would write:

E = E exp(-jz) and H = H exp(-jz).

where E and H are vectorial descriptions of the transverse fields. This notation will prove
useful in some of the later proofs in this section. We may find expressions for E and H
for TE modes by comparing Equation 6.3-4 with the results above. If this is done, we get:

E = j E and H = i (-/0) E + k (-1/j0) dE/dx

We can see from Equation 6.3-5 that (unlike the transverse electric field, which is real), the
transverse magnetic field is complex, since Hz is imaginary.


A similar analysis can be performed for the case when the magnetic field lies in the y-
direction. The field patterns are then known as Transverse Magnetic, or TM modes, and
are complementary to the TE solutions already found. The results are qualitatively similar,
but this time the eigenvalue equation for guided modes takes the form:

tan(h) = (' + ') / (2 - '')

' = (n12/n22) and ' = (n12/n32)
Broadly speaking, the behaviour of TM modes is similar to that of TE modes. However,
detailed analysis shows that the field profiles no longer have the smooth, continuous form
found earlier. Similarly, the detailed shape of the dispersion diagram is slightly different,
because of the refractive index ratios that appear in Equation 6.3-7. However, if the index
differences are small (so that the ratios approach unity) the two are practically identical.

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This implies that a useful simplification can be made in this case, known as the weak-
guidance approximation.


The vectorial analysis used so far is very complicated, and a simpler approach is often
desirable. This is especially true for the two-dimensional refractive index distributions that
occur in channel guides or optical fibres. Luckily, it turns out that if the index difference n
forming the guide is small, a scalar approximation can be used instead. Since this is often
the case in practical guides, the approximation is a very useful one. It is based on the
observation that, for a small value of n, the critical angle c at a single interface is very
large. Hence, for a guided mode, the ray directions inside the guide are almost parallel to the
axis of propagation, as shown in Figure 6.4-1.

Since the total field inside the guide may be considered as a summation of similar bouncing
waves, the combined E- and H-vectors must be almost exactly orthogonal to each other, and
to the axis of propagation. This will be the case anyway for our TE mode, assuming that
dE/dx is small in Equation 6.3-3 (the physical justification being that the field inside a weak
guide must be a fringe pattern of large periodicity). The resulting modes are known as
TEM modes (implying that both the electric and the magnetic field components are
approximately transverse).

Figure 6.4-1 Field directions for total internal reflection at a low-n interface.

As it turns out, the following analysis can also be used to treat two-dimensional guides of
arbitrary cross-section, provided the index changes involved are small. They may also be
gradual changes, rather than the discrete steps we have encountered so far. To illustrate this,
let us consider a guide formed by a 2-D index distribution n(x, y), lying in the z-direction
as shown in Figure 6.4-2.

Figure 6.4-2 A two-dimensional waveguide.

If we pick one field component to work with (say E), then this can point in either the x- or
the y-direction. For example, let us suppose that it points in the y-direction. The scalar
amplitude Ey(x, y, z) then satisfies (at least, approximately) the three-dimensional scalar
wave equation:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 13


2Ey (x, y, z) + n2(x, y)k02 Ey (x, y, z) = 0

We now assume a modal solution in the usual form, namely as a product of a transverse
electric field distribution and an exponential propagation term. This time, the transverse
field must also be two-dimensional, so we take:

Ey (x, y, z) = E(x, y) exp(-jz)

where E(x, y) is the transverse electric field. Substituting into Equation 6.4-1, we obtain the
following waveguide equation linking E with :

2x,yE(x, y) + [n2(x, y)k02 - 2] E(x, y) = 0

Here the subscripts on the Laplacian indicate that differentiation is to be performed with
respect to x and y only. Though Equation 6.4-3 is very similar to our previous waveguide
equation, it is also valid for 2-D guides. Although several standard techniques exist for
solving this type of equation, we will postpone any attempt at a solution until Chapter 8. For
now, we simply note that a complete set of two-dimensional modes - both guided and
radiation modes - can exist. However, we can assume directly that the transverse magnetic
field points in the x-direction, and that its amplitude can be found from that of the
transverse electric field as:

H(x, y) = -(/0) E(x, y)

The two transverse fields are therefore related by a simple scaling factor.


Since the modes above form a complete set of solutions to Maxwell's equations for a
waveguide geometry, we must be able to describe an arbitrary field by a weighted
summation of all types of mode. Before we detail how this is done, we must examine some
further general properties of the solutions. The most useful one is that the modes are
orthogonal to each other. This means that an integral over the whole guide cross-section,
of a product of the transverse field of two modes, is zero. This can be proved using the
power conservation theorem, as we now show.

The power propagating in a guide can be found by integrating the normal component of the
time- averaged Poynting vector over the guide cross-section. For a guide lying in z-
direction, we obtain:

Pz = 1/2 Re [ A (E x H*) . k dx dy]

Since power is conserved in a lossless system, this implies that dPz/dz = 0, or:

d/dz [1/4 A (E x H* + E* x H) . k dx dy] = 0

where we have used the identity Re(z) = 1/2 (z + z*). Let us now assume that any field can
be written as a sum of modes. For simplicity, we restrict the expansion to forward-travelling
guided modes (although generally we should include backward-travelling and radiation
modes as well). Suppose that the th mode has transverse fields E and H, and propagation
constant . We can then write:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


E = a E exp(-jz) and H = a H exp(-jz)

Here the terms a are expansion coefficients, which describe the amplitude of each mode
contributing to the total field. Substituting these expressions into Equation 6.5-2, we get:

d/dz [1/4A ,{aa* exp[j( - )z] E x H *

+ a*a exp[j( - )z] E* x H}. k dx dy] = 0

, aa* j( - ) exp[j( - )z] A [E x H* + E* x H] . k dx dy = 0

Now, the coefficients a and a* are arbitrary. Equally, the propagation constants of
different modes are unequal, so that . The only way Equation 6.5-5 can be satisfied
for all z is therefore if:

A (E x H* + E* x H) . k dx dy = 0
This called the orthogonality condition. It is also possible to show (by including
backward-travelling modes as well) that each of the two parts of the integral are themselves
zero, so that:

A (E x H*) . k dx dy = 0
We will now show how this condition is used in practice, using a number of examples.

We begin with the case of TE modes in a slab guide, for which there is clearly no need to
integrate in the y-direction. The orthogonality condition therefore reduces to:

x (E x H*) . k dx = 0
Or, in terms of the relevant vectorial components:

x -Ey Hx* dx = 0
Substituting for H x , and assuming that Ey is real, we then obtain:

x (Ey Ey) dx = 0
In other words, the integral of the product of two different modes, when taken over the
cross-section of the guide, is zero. This is confirmed by Figure 6.2-4, which shows the field
distributions for the lowest-order symmetric and antisymmetric modes in a symmetric
guide. Clearly, the integral of the product of these two functions must be zero.

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We can obtain a similar result for TEM modes in a weak two-dimensional graded-index
guide, by using the relation between the transverse electric and magnetic fields given in
Equation 6.4-4. Substituting into Equation 6.5-7, and making no assumption that the fields
are real, we get:

A (Ey Ey*) dx dy = 0
In both cases described above, the orthogonality condition is often written in shorthand as:

< Ey , Ey > = 0
The bracket notation employed here is often used in quantum mechanics. The operation of
multiplying two functions together and integrating over a range is called an inner product.


We can use the orthogonality relation to define the power carried down the guide by each
mode. From the previous section, we know that the total power flow Pz in the z-direction is
given by:

Pz = 1/4 A , {a a* exp[j( - )z] E x H *

+ a* a exp[j( - )z] E* x H} . k dx dy
However, from the orthogonality relation, we also know that many of the terms in Equation
6.6-1 must be zero. Removing these gives:

Pz = a a* [1/4 A { E x H* + E* x H} . k dx dy]
We can now simplify this expression by defining a modal power coefficient P, such
P = 1/4 A [ E x H* + E* x H] . k dx dy
In which case, we obtain:

P z = a a * P
This is a very simple result. It implies that the power carried by forward-travelling modes is
found as the sum of the modulus-squares of the mode amplitudes, weighted by the
coefficients P.


Calculation of the modal power coefficients is quite simple. For TE modes in a slab guide,
for example, we can define P per unit width in the y-direction as:

P= 1/4 x (E x H* + E* x H) . k dx

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Inserting the relevant vectorial components, and substituting for Hx using Equation 6.3-5,
we get:
P = (/40) x (Ey Ey*+ Ey* Ey) dx
It is obvious that each component in the integral above contributes an equal amount to the
total. Furthermore, the transverse fields Ey are real in this case. We therefore obtain:

P = (/20) x Ey2 dx
Note that this can of course be written in inner product notation, as P = (/20) < Ey ,
Ey >.


The orthogonality condition can be also used to show how arbitrary transverse fields can be
written in terms of the modal solutions, by finding the expansion coefficients themselves.
Suppose we wish to expand a forward-travelling field E(x, y, 0) at z = 0 in this way. We
first put:

E(x, y, 0)= a E (x, y)

If we now take vector products of both sides of Equation 6.7-1 with the complex conjugate
of the transverse magnetic field of one mode (say, the th), and integrate over the cross-
section, we get:

A [E x H*] . k dx dy = A a [E x H*] . k dx dy
Now, since the field is forward travelling, we could also have put:

= a H
Performing a similar operation, but this time using the complex conjugate of the transverse
electric field of the th mode, we get:

A [E* x H] . k dx dy = A a [E* x H] . k dx dy
Adding Equations 6.7-2 and 6.7-4 together then gives:

A [E x H* + E* x H] . k dx dy = A a [E x H* + E* x H] . k dx dy
Now, from the orthogonality condition, we know that the right-hand side of Equation 6.7-5
must be zero, unless = . Hence, we can rearrange it to extract the modal coefficient a as:
a = A [E x H* + E* x H] . k dx dy / A [E x H* + E* x H] . k dx dy
The coefficients can therefore be found by evaluating Equation 6.7-6 for each mode in turn.
Once more, we shall illustrate this with an example.

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To expand a TE field Ey(x) in terms of the TE modes of a slab guide, we follow the usual
procedure of dropping the integration with respect to the y-variable. Substituting the
relevant vectorial components into Equation 6.7-6, we get:

a = x Ey Ey dx / x Ey2 dx
Note that the integral in the denominator of Equation 6.7-7 really just represents a
normalisation factor. The integral in the numerator is more important; it is often called an
overlap integral, because it represents the 'overlap' of the two fields Ey and Ey. This is
really a measure of how similar the total field is to the th mode, rather like a correlation.
Clearly, if the two are actually identical, we obtain a = 1 (and a = 0 for ). This is
common sense. Finally, we note that Equation 6.7-7 can be written in inner product
notation, as a = < Ey , Ey > / < Ey , Ey >.


Overlap integrals are particularly useful in calculating the coupling efficiency in end-fire
couplers, when an external field is used to excite a guided mode. They can also be used to
explain what happens when a mode passes through a waveguide discontinuity or a taper.
We shall postpone a description of end-fire coupling until Chapter 8, concentrating for now
on discontinuities and tapers.


Figure 6.8-1 shows a number of different waveguide discontinuities. In each case, the
substrate is continuous, but there is some difference in the guiding layer on either side of
the junction.

Figure 6.8-1 Examples of waveguide discontinuities.

This could involve a change in layer thickness, or the addition of an overlay of a different
material. Both can be achieved easily using conventional planar processing techniques.
Alternatively, the orientation of the guide can change. This requires machining of the
substrate surface to the desired topology before deposition of the guiding layer. A junction
can also be formed between two entirely different guides, with no common substrate. In this
case, the process is called butt coupling.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


In both cases, Equation 6.7-6 can be used to calculate the effect of the discontinuity. For
example, let us assume in a TEM model that the set of modes on the input side of the
discontinuity have transverse field distributions Ey. On the other side, the corresponding
fields are Ey'. We will now show how to find the efficiency with which an input mode (for
example, the lowest-order mode E0y) is coupled across the junction. We may take the input
field at the junction as a0E0y, where a0 is the input mode amplitude. The power Pin carried by
this field is then:

Pin = (/20) a02 < E0y , E0y >

After the junction, the portion of the total field carried by the lowest-order mode is now
a0'E0y', where a0' is the new mode amplitude. This can be found as:

a0' = <a0E0y , E0y'> / < E0y' , E0y' >

The power Pout carried by this field is (by analogy with Equation 6.8-1):

Pout = (/20) a0'2 < E0y' , E0y' >

Substituting for a0', this reduces to:

Pout = (/20) a02 < E0y , E0y' >2 / < E0y' , E0y' >
If we now define the coupling efficiency as the ratio Pout/Pin, we obtain:

= < E0y, E0y' >2 / {< E0y, E0y > < E0y' , E0y' >}
Clearly, is a dimensionless number, which tends to unity as E0y tends to E0y'. Although
this is what one would intuitively expect, the implication is that the input mode will cross a
discontinuity without much in the way of conversion to other modes, merely provided it is
small enough. We can also deduce that the most effective waveguide joint will be one
between two guides with matched fields. Though we have not included radiation modes in
the calculation, this would be required in a rigorous model; it would then be found that
some power is lost to radiation at any discontinuity.


We can extend this principle to discover what happens in a tapered waveguide. The upper
diagram in Figure 6.8-2 shows a typical slow taper, which involves a gradual change in the
guide cross-section. The lower one shows a discrete approximation to this shape, consisting
of a series of steps. Once again, we might wish to discover how a mode of a particular order
travels through the taper. If we can avoid any mode conversion, we might then be able to
design the structure to enlarge the cross-section of a particular mode in a slow and
controlled manner. The taper would then act as a beam expander, for use as a matching
section between two different guides.

The theory we need to analyse the problem is called the method of local normal modes.
Using a TEM model, the strategy is to proceed as follows. We start by arranging that the
steps in our discrete approximation are at regular intervals z apart. We then consider the
field at three different points. The first is point 1, just to the left of the discontinuity at z = 0
in Figure 6.8-2. Here it is assumed that the local normal modes have transverse field
functions Ey and propagation constants .

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


Figure 6.8-2 Continuous and discrete models of a waveguide taper.

If we expand the field Ey in terms of these modes, we can write:

Ey = aEy
The second place of interest is point 2, just to the right of the discontinuity at z = 0. In this
region, the local transverse fields and propagation constants have the slightly different
values of Ey' and '. If we expand the same field in terms of these modes instead, we can

Ey = bEy'
Here the terms b are an entirely different set of mode amplitudes, but we can relate them to
our original a-values using the overlap principle. If this is done, we get:

b = a < Ey , Ey' > / < Ey' , Ey' >

This relation between the b-values and the a-values effectively tells us how the mode
amplitudes change simply in crossing the step at z = 0. Now, the next place of interest is
point 3. This is just to the left of the discontinuity at z = z, and we call field here Ey'. This
can be found by propagating the field at point 2 over the distance z between points 2 and
3. All that happens is that the phase of each mode changes slightly en route, so we must

Ey' = b Ey' exp(-j'z)

Now, our aim is to see how the mode amplitudes change with distance. We should,
therefore, have expressed the field at point 3 in a form comparable with that used at point 1,
i.e. as:

Ey' = a' Ey'

Here the terms a' represent the amplitudes of the local normal modes at the start of the next
discontinuity at z = z. These new amplitudes now can be extracted as follows. First, we
equate 6.8-10 and 6.8-9, which gives:

a' = b exp(-j'z)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


Then we substitute for b using Equation 6.8-8, to get:

a' = { a < Ey , Ey' > / < Ey' , Ey' > } exp(-j'z)

At this point, we note that the quantity a' - a is actually the change in a that has occurred
over the distance z. We might call this a. Using Equation 6.8-12, we may write it as:

a = { a < Ey , Ey' > / < Ey' , Ey' > } {exp(-j'z) - 1} +

{ , a < Ey , Ey' > / < Ey' , Ey' > } exp(-j'z)
We now make a number of approximations, which will be valid provided the distance z is
short enough and the discontinuity is small. We start by assuming that the transverse modal
field changes only a small amount in the distance z, so we can put Ey' = Ey + Ey. To
reasonable accuracy, we can then say that:

< Ey , Ey' > / < Ey' , Ey' > 1

Using the orthogonality principle, we may also show that:

< Ey , Ey' > / < Ey' , Ey' > < Ey , Ey > / < Ey , Ey >
We now assume that the propagation constant also changes only a small amount in the
distance z, so we can put ' = + . To first-order approximation, we can then write:

exp(-j'z) (1 - j z ) 1
However, we note that a slightly different approximation must be used for the other
exponential term in Equation 6.8-13, because it is the difference between two similar
quantities. We therefore write:

exp(-j'z) - 1 -j z
When all these values are substituted into Equation 6.8-13, it reduces to:

a = -jz a + , a < Ey , Ey > / < Ey , Ey >

Dividing both sides by z, and letting z tend to zero, we then get:

da/dz = -ja + , a < Ey , Ey/z > / < Ey , Ey >

Where a and are functions of z, and Ey is a function of x, y and z. Equation 6.8-19 is
now a differential equation, which describes the way the amplitudes of the local normal
modes change with distance. In fact, there is one such equation for each value of (i.e., for
each mode of interest) and all the equations must be solved simultaneously for a given set
of boundary conditions. Because each mode amplitude appears in every equation, they are
known as coupled mode equations.

In principle, the equations can be solved as follows. The local normal modes must first be
found at all points along the taper, so that the functions Ey(x, y, z) and (z) are known.
The equations are then integrated numerically. However, this process is exceptionally
tedious, so we will not perform it here; instead, we will simply draw some broad

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


conclusions. Firstly, we note that the solution for a particular mode must be a = A exp(-
jz) (where A is a constant) if the summation in Equation 6.8-19 is zero. Under these
conditions, the mode amplitude does not change, only its phase. To design a conversion-
free taper, we must simply arrange for it to be slow enough, so that:

< Ey , Ey/z > 0

Even if the taper does not satisfy these conditions, we can extract a significant result from
the mathematics. We have already seen that the transverse fields of a symmetric slab guide
are either symmetric or antisymmetric patterns. If we taper such a guide symmetrically, the
same must be true for the local normal modes. More importantly, we can also say that
Ey/z must be symmetric for a symmetric mode, and antisymmetric otherwise. It therefore
follows that < Ey , Ey/z > = 0 if one of the modes is symmetric and the other
antisymmetric. Consequently, such a taper cannot convert a symmetric mode to an
antisymmetric one, or vice versa. We will find this rule useful in Chapter 9.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


6.1. Sketch the dispersion diagram for guided modes in a metal-walled waveguide.

6.2. Find the cutoff frequency of a planar waveguide, formed from a slab of dielectric with
metallized walls. The slab has thickness 0.5 m and refractive index 1.5.
[2 x 1014 Hz]

6.3. Show that the eigenvalue equation for symmetric modes in a symmetric slab dielectric
waveguide is given by: tan(h/2) = /, where , and h have their usual meanings.

6.4. A symmetric slab guide is to be used at 1.5 m wavelength. What is the V-value of
the guide, if its thickness is 6 m, and the refractive indices of the layers are defined
by n1 n2 1.5, and (a) n1 - n2 = 0.05, and (b) n1 - n2 = 0.005? How many modes
are supported in each case?
[(a) 4.866; (b) 1.539; 4 modes; 1 mode]

6.5. Show that the eigenvalue equation for TM modes in an asymmetric slab dielectric
waveguide is given by: tan(h) = (' + ') / (2 - ''), where , and h have their
usual meanings, and ' and ' are given by: ' = (n12 / n22) and ' = (n12 / n32).

6.6. Sketch the variation of the transverse magnetic field for the lowest-order TM mode of
a symmetric slab dielectric waveguide (a) far from cutoff, and (b) near to cutoff.

6.7. A symmetric slab guide has refractive indices n1 = 1.505, n2 = 1.5. If the guide
thickness is 1 m, estimate the effective index of the lowest-order TE mode of the
guide at 0 = 0.633 m.

6.8. Show by direct integration that two symmetric TE modes of a symmetric slab
dielectric waveguide are orthogonal to one another, if the modes are of different

6.9. Two identical planar waveguides are butt-coupled together, as shown below.
Assuming that the transverse variation of the electric field in the left-hand guide is
Ey(x) = E0 exp(-x2), calculate and sketch the dependence of the coupling efficiency
on any accidental lateral misalignment .

6.10. (i) Figure I) below shows a discontinuity between two different, symmetric slab
dielectric waveguides. Describe qualitatively what you expect to occur when the
lowest-order guided mode is incident from the left, assuming that the discontinuity is
(a) small, and (b) large.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


(ii) The two guides are now joined by a taper section, as shown in Figure ii).
Describe what will occur under similar circumstances, if the taper is (a) fast and (b)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24



Kogelnik H. "Theory of dielectric waveguides", in "Integrated optics", T.Tamir (Ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979).
Lee D.L. "Electromagnetic principles of integrated optics" John Wiley and Sons, New York
(1986); Chapter 4.
Ramo S., Whinnery J.R., van Duzer T. "Fields and waves in communication electronics"
John Wiley and Sons, New York (1984); Chapter 14.
Synder A.W., Love J.D. "Optical waveguide theory" Chapman and Hall, London (1983);
Chapters 1, 11, 12 & 13.
Taylor H.F., Yariv A. "Guided wave optics" Proc. IEEE 62, 1044-1060 (1974)
Tien P.K. "Light waves in thin films and integrated optics" Appl. Opt. 10, 2395-2412
Yariv A. "Optical electronics" Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1985); Chapter 13.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25



We will now consider the range of devices that comprise the system of planar waveguide
integrated optics. Since these operate on sheet beams (i.e., beams that are confined in one
direction only), they are analogous to the devices used to manipulate free-space beams.
Consequently, the major building blocks are refractive components (generally, lenses) and
diffractive components (known as gratings). However, we must also consider the important
question of input and output couplers, needed to connect the guided wave system to the
outside world.

Before proceeding further, we must first ask what information is needed to understand the
behaviour of an optical device. The general answer is that we will be happy if we can predict
the directions and amplitudes of the output beams, for any given input. Some geometries are
relatively simple, and yield this information quite readily - for example, in Chapter 5 we
found the complete solution to the single interface problem. Others are less tractable, and
force us to accept a partial solution. Many integrated optic devices fall into this 'difficult'
category. The beam directions are easy to predict, but often the amplitudes can only be
found after considerable mathematics. We will therefore concentrate on a simple method of
finding the beam directions, based on the principle of phase matching.


We begin by revisiting the interface problem mentioned above. Figure 7.2-1 shows
reflection and refraction at the interface between two semi-infinite media. Here a beam of
wavelength 0 is incident at an angle 1, and the two media have refractive indices n1 and n2
respectively. We assume that n1 is greater than n2, but that 1 is less than the critical angle so
that a propagating transmitted wave arises.

Figure 7.2-1 Phase-matching at a single interface transmission and reflection.

The procedure in any phase-matching problem is the same. We start by identifying all the
propagation constants of interest. Here there are only two, with values k1 in Layer 1 and k2
in Layer 2, given by:

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k1 = 2n1/0 = k0n1 and k2 = k0n2

We then consider the input wave. Assuming TE incidence, the electric field of the input
beam only has a y-component. We know from past experience that this can be written in the

Eyi = Ei exp{-jk0n1[z sin(1) - x cos(1)]}

Now, however, we note that it could be written in shorthand form, as:

Eyi = EI exp(-jki . r)
Here r is the radius vector, while ki (known as the propagation vector) has components:
ki = -k1 cos(1) i + k1 sin(1) k
It is easy to demonstrate equivalence between the two forms, simply by evaluating the scalar
product term in Equation 7.2-3.

Now, examining Equation 7.2-4, we see that the propagation vector is oriented parallel to the
direction of travel of the wave, and has modulus:

kI = (kix2 + kiz2) = k1
Since we are only really interested in beam directions, this vector contains all the
information we need - in fact, it corresponds roughly to the ray introduced in our earlier
discussion of bulk optical devices. What properties does it have? Well, if one end of the
vector is fixed, the locus of all possible positions of the other end in the x - z plane must be
a circle, of radius k1. Figure 7.2-2 shows two equally valid representations of this circle. In
three dimensions, the locus is a sphere. For the range of possible input beams in our
interface problem, the locus is adequately represented by the upper half-circle in Figure 7.2-
1. This can be drawn with a radius proportional to k1 (or to n1).

Similarly, we can represent the reflected beam by the vector kr, and the transmitted beam by
kt. The moduli of these two vectors are kr = k1 and kt = k2, so the locus of the free end
of kr is also defined by the upper half circle in Figure 7.2-1, while that of kt may be taken as
the lower half-circle. Note that the radius of this second circle is proportional to k2 (and thus
to n2), and is therefore smaller than the upper one, since n2 < n1. We will now use these
vectors to interpret our previous results in a new way. Firstly, we know that the incident and
reflected beams make equal angles with the interface normal, so the z-components of their
wave vectors must be the same. We may therefore put:

krz = kiz
Similarly, we know that the angle 2 of the transmitted wave is governed by Snell's law, n1
sin(1) = n2 sin(2). This requires that the z-component of the transmitted wave vector is
also the same, so:

ktz = kiz
Together, these equations imply that the z-components of all three vectors are identical. This
is consistent with our earlier result that all parts of the field travel at the same speed in the z-
direction. However, it has given us a new way to find the beam directions.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


Figure 7.2-2 Locus pf propagation vectors in the x-z plane two alternative

We first draw circles of the correct relative radii, together with the propagation vector of the
incident beam. We then add in the reflected beam vector, and compute the transmitted beam
vector from the intersection with the lower circle of the interface normal through the end of
the reflected wave vector. Of course, 1 may be greater than the critical angle. In this case,
total internal reflection occurs, and the dashed-line construction yields no intersection at all
with the lower circle (as in Figure 7.2-3). Our interpretation of this event is that the field in
Layer 2 cannot now consist of a propagating wave; instead, it must be a boundary wave of
some kind, travelling parallel to the interface.

Figure 7.2-3 Phase-matching at a single interface total internal reflection.

From previous experience, we recognise it to be an evanescent wave, with propagation vector

. The direction of must be parallel to the interface, and its magnitude is given by:

= kiz
The propagation vector is therefore defined by the revised dashed-line construction in
Figure 7.2-3.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


Figures 7.2-1 and 7.2-3 are both illustrations of the general principle of phase-matching,
which requires that the components of all propagation vectors parallel to an interface must
match at that interface. We shall now see how this can be used to analyse more complicated
device geometries.


We begin with the cube beamsplitter, which is also often known as the frustrated total-
internal- reflection (or FTIR) beamsplitter. This normally consists of two symmetric
90o glass prisms, separated by a small, accurately-defined air gap. Figure 7.3-1 shows the
device in use. Here, a beam input through the left-hand face of the upper prism is divided
into two components: a reflected wave, emerging from the right-hand face of the upper
prism, and a transmitted wave from the corresponding face of the lower prism. It turns out
(as we shall see later) that the power splitting ratio between the two beams can be set by
varying the gap width. Why should this behaviour occur?

Figure 7.3-1 The FTIR beamsplitter.

Well, the central region of the device can be considered as a stacked structure, consisting of
three separate layers. The two outer layers correspond to the prisms, and have refractive
index n1, while the inner layer (the gap) has refractive index n2. Since the device is a
multilayer, it would seem reasonable that its operation can be explained in terms of the
phase-matching principle. In fact, Figure 7.3-2 shows the required phase-matching diagram,
and we will now explain its construction.

As before, we start by considering the fate of the incident wave. If we take n1 1.5 and n2 =
1 (i.e., glass prisms, separated by an air gap) then the critical angle at the upper prism/gap
interface is c = sin-1(1/1.5) = 41.8o. If the input beam travels at the typical angle of 1 = 45o,
it will suffer total internal reflection. The upper part of the phase-matching diagram is
therefore constructed exactly as for Figure 7.2-3; the incident and reflected wave-vectors are
first drawn in, and the dashed line construction is used to show that an evanescent wave
exists beneath the surface of the first prism.

To construct the lower part of the diagram, we must consider the field in the gap more
carefully. If the gap is large, it is reasonable to expect that the evanescent field below the
upper prism will decay quickly enough for it to be unaffected by the presence of the lower
interface. Typically, this occurs if the gap is wider than a few m. In this case, the physical
situation is exactly as for simple total internal reflection, and no power crosses either
interface. There is then no transmitted beam.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


If the gap is sufficiently small, however, a new phenomenon occurs. Remember that the field
solutions for evanescent waves may be of two types, which either decay or grow away from
an interface. Normal evanescent waves consist entirely of the former type, and we have
discarded the latter as 'physically unrealistic' in the past, because they imply infinite field
amplitudes at infinite distances from the interface. It turns out, however, that in order to
satisfy the boundary conditions at the two interfaces here (which are only a finite distance
apart), the field in the gap region must be constructed as a linear sum of the two solutions. It
then consists of a rather more complicated boundary wave, which can have significant
amplitude at the lower interface.

Figure 7.3-2 Phase-matching in the FTIR beamsplitter.

The waves generated by this hybrid field can be found by phase matching at both interfaces.
We have already covered the procedure for the upper one. At the lower one, there is only
one possibility - a propagating transmitted beam, travelling downwards at the angle 1. This
is found by a similar construction, matching the z-component of the propagation vector of
the wave in Layer 3 with that of the boundary wave at the lower interface. The amplitude of
the transmitted wave must clearly tend to unity as the gap tends to zero, because both
interfaces will then disappear. In fact, it can be set to any desired value between unity and
zero by choosing the gap correctly. Since the device is lossless, the power in the reflected
beam must decrease as the transmitted beam increases. Generally, the gap is adjusted to
equalised the two, whereupon the device acts as a 50 : 50 beamsplitter.

Rather surprisingly, therefore, power can be transferred across a gap region by a non-
propagating, evanescent field, provided the gap is small enough. The process is often known
as optical tunelling. It explains the name of the FTIR splitter - the tunnelling effectively
frustrates the total internal reflection that would normally occur at the upper interface. The
gap required for significant tunnelling depends primarily on the decay rate of the evanescent
fields. If 1 is much larger than the critical angle, the fields decay very rapidly, and a very

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


small gap is needed. As 1 approaches c, the fields decay more slowly, and the gap may be
increased. We will now show how optical tunnelling can be exploited for the excitation of
the guided modes of a planar waveguide.


Planar guided modes can be excited by an external free-space beam using a prism coupler,
shown in Figure 7.4-1. This consists of a prism of suitable refractive index, which is
separated from the waveguide by a small gap. Typically, the prism index should be
somewhat higher than that of the substrate, and the gap should be of the order of 1 m. This
can be achieved by clamping the prism and guide together - dust particles then serve as

Figure 7.4-1 The prism coupler.

The input beam is again assumed to be a plane wave, which enters the prism from free-space
at an angle 1. If 1 is large enough, this beam is total-internally-reflected at the prism/air-
gap interface. Once again, therefore, the field beneath the prism is an exponentially-decaying
evanescent wave, travelling parallel to the interface. The propagation constant of this field is
given by:

= k1 sin(1)
This field can be used to excite a guided mode in the waveguide underneath, if is matched
to the propagation constant of the mode, as we now demonstrate.

The basic mechanism is illustrated by the phase-matching diagram shown in Figure 7.4-2.
Here, the upper part of the diagram shows the excitation of a boundary wave beneath the
prism. If the gap is very large, nothing further occurs. However, if it is small enough, the
field solution in the gap must be modified as described for the FTIR splitter. This implies
that there is again the possibility of power transfer across the two interfaces by optical
tunnelling. If conditions are correct, this can give rise to a travelling wave in the waveguide
layer. The propagation vector kg of this wave is found using a similar construction - the
intersection of the dashed line with a circle of radius proportional to n3 gives kg.

By choosing the angle of incidence correctly, the angle 2 can be made to correspond
exactly with the direction of a downward-travelling, propagating wave in a zig-zag ray model
of a guided mode. This wave will therefore be total-internally-reflected at the lower interface,
since there is no intersection of the dashed line with the lowest circle (which has radius

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6


proportional to n4). Naturally, such a reflection must give rise to an upward-travelling wave
in the guide layer (with propagation vector kg'), and an evanescent boundary wave in the

Figure 7.4-2 Phase-matching in the prism coupler.

We have now identified all the waves in Figure 7.4-2. Note, however, that the conditions for
the constructions above to be valid are quite critical. The prism index must be higher than
that of the gap material, so that total internal reflection does indeed occur at the upper
interface. However, it must also be higher than that of the guide itself, so that the ray angles
2 and 2' (which are close to 90o in a weak-index guide) are obtained at a more convenient
external angle 1 (say, 30o < 1 < 60o).

Figure 7.4-3 shows how the whole of the transverse field pattern might look at this point.
Near the waveguide, the pattern looks very similar to that of an ordinary guided mode. In the
substrate, it must be evanescent, while in the guide layer itself it must be a standing-wave
pattern, composed of the sum of two zig-zag waves.

Certainly, there are differences in the gap region, where the field is a hybrid boundary wave,
and in the prism itself, where it is again a standing wave. However, if the gap is not too close

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 7


to zero, it is not inconceivable that the 'desired' portion of the field could be made to detach
itself from the rest and propagate forward as a guided mode.

Figure 7.4-3 The transverse field distribution in the prism coupler.

We can achieve this by removing the external excitation at a suitable value of z. Could we
then be said to have launched a guided mode? The short answer is yes, but there are several

Firstly, to make a useful input coupler, the prism should be relatively small compared with
the substrate length, so that the guided beam propagates out from under the prism to other
devices. In this case, the input beam can no longer be a plane wave, but must be a bounded
beam. The amplitude of the guided mode must therefore build up from zero at the left-hand
end of the coupler, to some value at the right. Secondly, the power transfer process is bi-
directional - a prism coupler can just as easily be used in reverse, to couple a guided mode
out into free space. If we are not careful, therefore, the guided mode will start coupling back
out of the coupler at its right-hand end.

Fortunately, it has been found that a halved prism coupler can convert a bounded beam into
a guided mode with good efficiency. This provides a sharp termination to the coupling
region, at a point when the guided mode has built up to a reasonable amplitude (Figure 7.4-
4). If the beam reflected from the prism is now measured, it will be found to contain rather
less than 100% of the input power. This is because a substantial fraction of the power has
now been coupled into the guided mode, and the required energy must clearly be provided
by the input beam.

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Figure 7.4-4 The prism coupler used with a bounded beam.

So far, our discussion has concentrated on the situation that occurs when the input beam is
incident at the correct angle 1 = p, when it is phase-matched to the guided mode. What
happens at other angles? If 1 is substantially different from p, it turns out that the field
amplitude inside the guide is drastically reduced from that shown in Figure 7.4-3. This
implies that the guided mode is not excited nearly so well, and the prism reflectivity returns
to close to 100%. For incidence angles near to p, the reflectivity falls, following the typical
resonance curve shown in Figure 7.4-5.

Both the width and the depth of the resonance depend on several factors - the precise
variation of the air-gap, the length of the prism, the shape of the input beam, and absorption
losses within the system. However, measurement of the reflectivity minimum can be used to
determine the phase-matching angle p, and hence the propagation constant of the guided
mode (from Equation 7.4-1). Note that angles are generally measured external to the prism,
and therefore correction must be made for refraction at its input face. Consequently, the
prism angles and refractive index must be known accurately.

Figure 7.4-5 Resonance curve for a prism coupler.

A prism coupler can also provide other information. For example, the number of minima in
the reflectivity curve yields the number of modes supported by the guide. Knowledge of the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


effective indices of all the modes may even be used to reconstruct the refractive index profile
of the waveguide, using an inverse technique beyond the scope of this book. Waveguide
propagation loss can also be established, using two prisms. One acts as an input coupler,
while the other (a distance z away from the first) is an output coupler. The power transferred
through both prisms via the waveguide is then measured for different values of z. Any
variation must clearly be due to propagation loss, since this depends on z. The prism
coupler is therefore an extremely versatile characterisation tool.


It is desired to characterise a weak planar guide (n 0.01) formed on a substrate of

refractive index 1.5. How should the coupling prism be chosen? Well, the effective index of
the guide must lie in the range 1.5 < neff < 1.51. The phase matching condition (Equation
7.4-1) can be written in the form:

neff = n1 sin(1)
For 1 60o, we obtain n1 1.7. A prism of high-index glass would therefore prove
suitable. It would be convenient to make this as a right-angle prism, with hypotenuse angles
of 60o and 30o.


Until now, we have only considered one-dimensional propagation of a mode, down the z-
axis. However, a planar guided mode can travel in any direction in the y - z plane. To
proceed further, we need a more general description. This is provided by a vectorial notation
similar to that introduced at the beginning of this Chapter. Assuming that the mode has a
transverse field distribution E(x) and propagation constant , a suitable scalar solution
might have the form:

E(x, y, z) = E(x) exp(-j . r)

= 2neff / 0
Equation 7.5-1 still describes a mode with an x-dependent transverse field. However, its
phase variation is defined by the vector , which is assumed to lie in the y - z plane. The
orientation of gives the wave direction, while its magnitude describes the effective index of
the mode. The locus of all possible propagation vectors in the y - z plane is, once again, a
circle, this time of radius . However, if the guide supports more than one bound mode (say,
n of them), the loci of all possible modes of guided propagation are a set of concentric
circles, of radii 1, 2 ... n. Figure 7.5-1 shows the circles for a three-moded guide, drawn
with radii proportional to neff1, neff2 and neff3.

Just as in bulk optics, a guided mode can be reflected and refracted at a discontinuity.
However, instead of the discontinuity being between two homogeneous media, it will
generally be between two different types of waveguide. As discussed in Chapter 6, these
could have different guide layer thicknesses, or the same thickness but different refractive
indices, or different overlays, or be inclined at an angle to each other. Consequently, the
propagation vectors in each guide may have different magnitudes, or lie in different planes.

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Figure 7.5-1 Loci of propagation vectors in the y-z plane for a three-moded waveguide.

Solution of the general boundary-matching problem at an interface is very complicated. To

find a full solution, it is often necessary to assume the presence of both the full set of bound
and radiation modes on either side of the interface, including both polarizations. This
implies that mode conversion, polarization conversion and scattering into radiation modes
can all occur at interfaces. The possible propagation directions are then governed by the
phase matching principle.
Here, we will consider a simplified example involving a coplanar discontinuity in a three-
moded guide. The interface is parallel to the y-axis, and we will restrict our attention to the
bound modes. Figure 7.5-2 shows the phase-matching diagram, for the case when the
lowest-order mode (which has effective index neff1) is incident obliquely from the left.

Figure 7.5-2 Phase matching diagram for the interface between two guides.

The diagram is constructed by first drawing circles of radii proportional to neff1, neff2 and neff3
(using the relevant values on either side of the discontinuity). The propagation vector of the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 11


input wave (labelled I) is then drawn in at the correct angle, and with length proportional to
neff1. The component of this mode that is reflected must travel at an equal and opposite angle
to the interface normal, allowing the vector R to be added. All other possible propagation
vectors can then be found from the intersection of the dashed line - the normal to the
interface passing through the end of R - with the two sets of circles. In this example, there
are six possible vectors, corresponding to three transmitted waves (collectively labelled T)
and three reflected waves (labelled R). The input beam therefore suffers reflection, refraction
and mode conversion.

If the discontinuity is small, however, most of these effects can be neglected. From Chapter
6, we know that little mode conversion occurs at weak interfaces. The most important of the
waves described above will therefore be the reflected component R and the transmitted
component T that are of the same order as the input mode. A reasonable approximation to
Figure 7.5-2 is therefore provided by the reduced diagram of Figure 7.5-3, which retains
only the waves I, R and T.

Figure 7.5-3 Approximate phase matching diagram for the interface between two guides.

Furthermore, unless the angle of incidence is very oblique, we might expect the amplitude to
T to be much larger than that of R, so that the main effect occurring is one of refraction of
the input mode. We might guess that this will be governed by a modified Snell's law
equation, of the form:

neff1 sin(1) = neff2 sin(2)

where neff1 is the effective index of the lowest-order mode in waveguide 1, and 1 is its angle
of travel, and neff2 and 2 are the corresponding values in waveguide 2. To illustrate this,
Figure 7.5-4 shows the refraction of a real guided beam at an interface between two guides
of different thickness.

To summarise, we may assume that if the interface is sufficiently weak, the input field will
travel across it without losing too much power. Its transverse field distribution will not alter
much, but its direction of propagation will change through refraction. This means that
refractive optical components may operate by slight local modification of an otherwise
uniform planar guide.

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Figure 7.5-4 Refraction of a guided beam at a boundary between guide layers of thickness
800 and 2400 (photograph courtesy R.Ulrich, Technische Universitt Hamburg-


Refractive guided wave components can be subdivided into a number of classes. The
simplest work through the sudden change in direction that takes place at an abrupt
discontinuity, as described above. This allows guided wave lenses to be constructed; these
are analogous to bulk optical lenses (except that in general they may only convert one
cylindrical guided beam into another). For example, a simple plano-convex lens might be
made by the deposition of high-index overlay material in a region bounded by a parabola
and a straight line, as shown in Figure 7.6-1.

Figure 7.6-1 Plano-convex overlay lens.


We will now try to estimate the factors governing the performance of overlay lenses.
Previously, we obtained the following formula for the focal length of a bulk-optic lens, made
of material of refractive index nL and with two spherical surface of radii r1 and r2:

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1/f = (nL - 1) (1/r1 + 1/r2)

In this case, the surrounding medium is air (which has unity refractive index). More
generally, we might expect that for a surround of index nM, the formula above modifies to:
1/f = (nL/ nM - 1) (1/r1 + 1/r2)
Now, if a guided wave lens also works by refraction, we would expect its operation to be
controlled by the values of the effective index inside and outside the lens. If these are neffL
and neffM, the corresponding formula is:

1/f = (neffL / neffM - 1) (1/r1 + 1/r2)

where r1 and r2 are now the radii of curvature of the two circular boundaries of the high-
index overlay.

We can now directly compare the lens shapes required to perform the same task in bulk and
guided wave optics. Suppose we wish to design a plano-convex lens, with a given focal
length f. In this case, we may take r1 to be infinite, so that r2 is given by:

r2 = (nL / nM - 1) f (in bulk optics)

r2 = (neffL / neffM - 1) f (in guided wave optics)
Typically, nL / nM - 1 will be around 1.5 - 1 = 0.5 in the bulk device. What is the
corresponding value of neffL / neffM - 1? With a substrate of refractive index ns = 1.5, we
might expect to be able to form guides with effective indices neffM 1.6 using a high-index
guiding layer. Now, the discontinuities forming the lens must be weak, to prevent scattering
to radiation modes. This implies that neffL - neffM must be much smaller than neffM - ns. An
upper limit might be neffL - neffM = 0.02. We then find that neffL / neffM - 1 is 0.02/1.6 = 0.0125.
Substituting these values into Equation 7.6-4, we conclude that the guided wave lens has a
radius of curvature 0.5/0.0125 = 40 times smaller than the bulk device.

If we now take the focal length of the guided wave lens to be 5 cm (the maximum that will
fit on a chip of reasonable dimensions), we find that r2 = 0.63 mm. This implies that the
largest possible aperture of the lens (2r2) is only 1.26 mm, and to achieve this the lens must
differ in shape quite considerably from the ideal thin-lens assumed in the calculation - in
fact, it must be semicircular. Consequently, the lens will have a very low numerical aperture,
and will also produce a very aberrated focus.


There are several solutions to this problem. Remember that the transfer function of a lens is
given by:

L = s exp(jk0R2/2f)
Where s is a constant, and R is the distance from the axis. The focusing property of the
lens can thus be ascribed to the parabolic variation of phase-shift it imparts. In guided wave
optics, L must have a similar form. Now, any phase shift of 2 radians (where is an
integer) can be disregarded, since all these are equivalent to no shift at all. We can therefore
safely remove any parts of the overlay that simply contribute shifts of 2, and still obtain a
parabolic phase variation. The modified overlay pattern shown in Figure 7.6-2, where each

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step in thickness is a step of 2 in phase, is therefore equivalent to a plano-convex lens;

however, it is much thinner. This is known as a Fresnel lens.

Though the Fresnel lens is useful, it does not provide an answer to the underlying problem:
the weak change in effective index possible at an abrupt interface leads to a requirement for
small radii of curvature of the lens boundaries. The answer is to use larger changes in
effective index, which are applied gradually to prevent mode conversion. We cannot analyse
such lenses here, but merely state that there are two common types. Both are circularly
symmetric, and can therefore nominally focus a plane guided wave with aberrations that are
independent of the angle of incidence of the beam. In fact, they are two-dimensional forms
of the Maxwell fish-eye or Luneburg lens in bulk optics.

Figure 7.6-2 Fresnel overlay lens.

The first is the overlay Luneberg lens, shown in Figure 7.6-3. As before, the lens is
formed from a high-index overlay, but this time with a graded, circularly-symmetric
thickness profile. For some particular overlay profiles, focussing is achieved through
continuous refraction of the input wave, and the ray paths inside the lens are therefore
curved. The desired overlay profile may be approximated by sputtering material through a
circular aperture.

Figure 7-6-3 Overlay Luneberg lens.

An equivalent lens can also be formed without using an overlay, as follows. Before
fabrication of the guide, a circularly-symmetric depression (generally spherical) is
precision-turned in the substrate using a diamond lathe. Usually, the edges of the
depression are also rounded, to provide a gradual input transition that reduces scattering.
The guide is then fabricated, with uniform thickness, to follow the topology of the
depression. The slow change in local orientation of the guide then causes continuous

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refraction, so that rays follow a geodesic path (the shortest path, in accordance with Fermat's
principle) through the lens, which is consequently known as a Geodesic lens.

Figure 7.6-4 shows a geodesic lens. Note that the optical path through the centre of the lens
is larger than that at the edges, because of the increased distance that must be travelled in
crossing the deepest parts of the depression. This retards the centre of the wavefront, so that
a converging output is obtained.

Figure 7.6-4 Geodesic lens.

Figure 7.6-5 shows ray paths through a real geodesic lens, which are made visible through
the use of a fluorescing dye. Clearly, it is impossible to manufacture a diverging lens using
the geodesic technique. However, we note that two waveguide lenses, with differing focal
lengths, can be used as a telescope beam expander (previously described in Chapter 4). This
arrangement is often used to expand a beam coupled directly into the guide from a laser to a
more useful cross-section.

Figure 7.6-5 Ray paths in a geodesic lens (photo courtesy Y.Okamura, Osaka University).

A further important class of components operate by diffraction rather than refraction. These
are periodic structures, known as gratings. In many ways, they are ideal guided wave
components, and they may be analysed using an extension of the phase matching principle.
We will show how this is done first in bulk optics, and then in guided wave optics.

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To investigate the operation of a grating, we need a model. Figure 7.7-1 shows the simplest
possible representation of a periodic structure, which is made from an infinite array of point
scatterers spaced at equal distances y along the y-axis. We can work out what happens
when a light-wave strikes it using qualitative arguments. The wave is infinite, plane, and of
free-space wavelength 0; it travels at an angle 0 to the z-axis, and the refractive index
everywhere is n, so the effective wavelength is 0/n.

Allowing each point to scatter isotropically and independently, we might initially expect light
to be transmitted through the grating in all directions - in other words, as a spectrum of all
possible plane waves. However, this argument completely ignores the periodicity of the
structure. Further thought reveals that a plane wave output is actually possible only when the
scattered components from any two adjacent points (e.g. A and D) add up exactly in-phase.
If this is not the case, the net contribution from all the scatterers will average to zero in the
far field of the grating (see, for example, Question 4.6).

Figure 7.7-1 Simplified model of scattering by a periodic structure.

This type of constructive interference can only occur when the difference between the path
lengths AB and CD in Figure 7.7-1 is a whole number of wavelengths. We can calculate the
relevant path difference for an output angle L as:

AB - CD = y [sin(L) sin(0)]
For constructive interference, we require AB - CD = L 0/n, where L is an integer, so that:

sin(L) = sin(0) + L0 / ny
Equation 7.7-2 implies that constructive interference only occurs at a set of discrete angles
L. The action of the grating is thus to split the input beam up into a number of plane waves,
travelling in different directions. These are known as diffraction orders; associated with
each is an index L, and the solution of Equation 7.7-2 gives the direction of the Lth order.
Since the equation contains 0, the angles depend on the wavelength of the optical beam, so
gratings are intrinsically dispersive and will produce a series of output spectra from a
polychromatic input. Equation 7.7-2 also shows that the diffraction orders will be more

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 17


widely separated the closer the spacing of the scatterers, i.e. as y decreases. To get a useful
separation and dispersive power, y should be of the same order as 0.

We cannot estimate the intensities of the individual diffraction orders from this argument,
but we would expect to see many of them, of roughly equal intensity. This is often a
nuisance, as we may be interested in just one order. Equally, we would not expect the
intensities to depend much on the wavelength or the angle. This type of grating is therefore
unselective, favouring no particular incidence condition or diffraction order. It is usually
known as an optically thin grating, and the multiwave diffraction regime is called the
Raman-Nath regime, after its original investigators in the field of ultrasonics (Sir C.V.
Raman and N.S.N. Nath).

Before proceeding further, we note that the results above may be interpreted geometrically,
using the modified phase-matching diagram shown in Figure 7.7-2. This is rather different
to the diagrams we have used so far, and deserves a reasonably thorough explanation. First,
an important new parameter, known as the grating vector, is defined. For historical
reasons, this is labelled K. It is oriented in the direction of the periodicity of the grating (i.e.
in the y-direction in this case), and has modulus:

K = 2 / y
Next, the usual circular locus for the propagation vectors is drawn, with radius proportional
to k = nk0, and the propagation vector of the input wave is added. To avoid confusion with
the grating vector, this is labelled 0. The propagation vector L of the Lth diffraction order
is then found by first adding L times the grating vector to 0, and then finding the
intersection with the circular locus of the dashed line, drawn normal to the grating boundary
through the tip of this new vector.

Figure 7.7-2 Phase matching diagram for diffraction orders in a grating.

Simple geometry then shows that:

Ly = 0y + LK
so that:
nk0 sin(L) = nk0 sin(0) + LK

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(2n/0) sin(L) = (2n/0) sin(0) + 2L/y

Apart from a slight rearrangement, it should be clear that Equation 7.7-6 is identical to 7.7-
2. The modified phase-matching diagram, which is known as a K-vector diagram, is
therefore a useful way to predict the directions of diffraction orders geometrically. Often,
the dashed-line construction is omitted for clarity, being implicitly understood, and the wave
vectors are taken simply as:

L' = 0 + LK
This relation is termed K-vector closure. Figure 7.7-3 shows how this modified
construction can be used to predict the wave directions for an optically thin grating. In this
case, y is large (so K is small) and the output consists of many diffraction orders, all
travelling roughly parallel to the z-axis. The correction in wave direction that results from
completing the construction is then only a small one.

Figure 7.7-3 Reduced phase matching diagram for higher diffraction orders in the
Raman-Nath diffraction regime.


To remove the unwanted diffraction orders, we need to introduce some kind of inherent
selectivity into the grating. Figure 7.7-4 shows a suitable structure (known as an optically
thick grating) which now has a finite thickness, and consists of fringes or extended
scatterers instead of points. These are slanted at an angle to the z-axis and are spaced at
distances apart, but the y-component of their spacing is still y = / cos().

Again we ask what happens when the grating is illuminated, by the same wave as before.
Equation 7.7-2 must still be valid, because the y-period of the grating is the same. However,
the scattering is now distributed in the z-direction. This constrains the allowed diffraction
angles even more. Ignoring multiple scattering, we argue that constructive interference only
occurs when all scattered components add in-phase. This must be true not only for
components scattered by different fringes, but also for contributions from all points along
the same fringe. Path lengths like EF and HG in Figure 7.7-4 must therefore be equal. This
restricts the diffraction angles additionally to:

L = 0 or L = 2 - 0

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The fringes then act as partial mirrors, allowing only transmission or reflection.

Figure 7.7-4 An optically thick grating.

Now, if L = 0, the only solution to Equation 7.7-2 is L = 0, so the only allowed wave is the
0th diffraction order (the input wave). However, if L = 2 - 0, we get:

sin(2 - 0) sin(0) = 2 sin( - 0) cos()

= L0/ny
= L0 cos()/n

2 sin( - 0) = L0/n
This implies that other diffraction orders can exist, but only at certain specific angles. The -
1th order, for example, is allowed at the first Bragg angle, which is defined by Bragg's law:

2 sin(0 - ) = 0/n
Other waves are allowed at higher Bragg angles, but generally the first diffraction order is
the most useful. Combining the two conditions above, we can show that up to two waves can
exist at once. For incidence exactly at the Bragg angle, the two permitted waves are the 0th
(the input) and -1th orders. Away from this angle, the input wave travels through the grating
unaltered. This regime of diffraction is known as the two-wave or Bragg regime, and the
modified structure has therefore introduced the desired selectivity into the diffraction

In practice, the size of the grating will be limited and conditions 7.7-2 and 7.7-11 relax
accordingly. Neither the grating nor the input wave can be infinite, so the wave directions
will be less well defined. This affects the resolution of the grating, but provided it is many
optical wavelengths wide our arguments should be valid. Finite thickness is more important.
Depending on its parameters, a grating may either act like the optically thin grating in Figure
7.7-1, and produce many diffraction orders, or more like the optically thick grating in Figure
7.7-4 and give only two. A reasonable guide is that two-wave behaviour occurs whenever the
input wave has to cross many fringe planes before emerging from the grating.

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We can work out the value of needed to satisfy Bragg's Law (Equation 7.7-11) for some
typical values. Assuming that 0 = 0.5145 m (a green argon-ion laser line) and n = 1.6,
that the grating is unslanted (so = 0) and that the Bragg angle is 0 = 45o, we get 0.23
m. This is an extremely small figure, which implies a grating with a large deflection angle
will be hard to make.


Even in the two-wave regime, restricted thickness will result in a finite angular and
wavelength range over which significant diffraction occurs. The bandwidth can be
estimated by assuming that the efficiency of the first diffraction order (L = -1) will be zero
when there is a whole wavelength difference between contributions scattered from either end
of a fringe. We can work out the change in optical wavelength needed for this to occur as
follows, assuming an unslanted grating of thickness d. The path difference between the two
components is:

= d {cos(0) cos(-1)}
When the Bragg condition is satisfied, we must have -1 = -0, so the path difference is zero.
Now, the change in path difference accompanying a change in wavelength 0 is given

(d/d0) 0
We may evaluate Equation 7.7-13 by first expanding it using the chain rule for
differentiation, as:

(d/d-1) (d-1/d0) 0
d/d-1 and d-1/d0 may then be found by differentiating Equations 7.7-12 and 7.7-2 in
turn, to get:

d/d-1 = d sin(-1) and d-1/d0 = -1 / {n cos(-1)}

Substituting these expressions into Equation 7.7-14, and putting -1 -0, we then find that:

d 0 sin(0) / {n cos(0)}
Now, according to our criterion, the efficiency is zero when = 0/n, so that:

0/0 (/d) cot(0)

This important result implies that the bandwidth of an optically thick grating is inversely
proportional to its thickness, so that the thicker the grating, the smaller the range of
wavelengths over which it will diffract light efficiently.


For the example used before, namely 0 = 0.5145 m, 0 = 45o and = 0.23 m, and a
moderate thickness of d = 10 m, we get 12 nm. For a thicker grating, with d = 1 mm,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


this reduces to 12 . An optically thick grating can therefore act as an extremely

narrow-band wavelength filter, and it is equally simple to show that its angular selectivity
must be correspondingly high.


In addition to high selectivity, we will generally also require high diffraction efficiency. It
turns out that an optically thick grating can be very efficient indeed, provided the structure is
lossless, and the fringe planes are formed by periodic modulation of the refractive index of
the medium. The desired structure is therefore an optically thick phase grating. We cannot
calculate the exact response characteristic for such a grating using the information above
(though we will see how this is done for one particular geometry in Chapter 10). However,
using coupled wave theory, it can be shown that the response characteristic is as in Figure

Figure 7.7-5 Filter response of a high efficiency, optically thick grating.

This figure shows how the transmitted and diffracted beam intensities vary, as either the
angle of incidence or the wavelength of the input beam is changed. At Bragg incidence,
when 0 = B (or 0 = B), the diffracted beam is excited efficiently. There is then a strong
depletion of the transmitted beam, which may reach 100% if the grating is correctly
designed (as in the example above). As 0 (or 0) is changed, the diffracted beam intensity
falls. The transmitted intensity shows a corresponding rise, and both curves have a typical
'filter' characteristic. It turns out that the expression for the bandwidth calculated above gives
surprisingly good agreement with the predictions of coupled wave theory.


The behaviour of a slanted, optically thick grating can also be predicted, using a modified K-
vector closure diagram. To cope with slanted fringes, we simply introduce a more general
grating vector K. This is oriented normal to the plane of the fringes, and its magnitude is:

K = 2/
The diagram is then constructed as before. For example, Figure 7.7-6 shows the diagram
for a slanted grating, replayed at the Bragg angle. The input wave vector 0 is first drawn in.
The corresponding vectors L' for the diffraction orders are then computed from Equation
7.7-7. When this is done, it is found that the end of one such vector, -1', lies exactly on the
circle, so that -1'= -1. This particular circumstance only arises exactly at Bragg incidence,
and the -1th order is then said to be phase matched by the grating. This order can then be

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excited efficiently, because all the components scattered in the direction concerned will add
in-phase. The ends of other propagation vectors (e.g. -2') lie much further away from the
circle. This suggests that the -2th order is far from being phase-matched, and will not be
excited efficiently. For other diffraction orders (e.g. the +1th), the dashed line construction
provides no intersection with the circle at all. These waves cannot exist as propagating
waves, and are therefore cut off. Thus, according to the diagram, only the two waves defined
by the bold vectors are important, and we may reduce the K-vector construction accordingly.
We will do so in the discussion below, which is devoted to the use of gratings in guided
wave optics.

Figure 7.7-6 Reduced phase matching diagram for a slanted, thick grating in the Bragg
diffraction regime.


A wide variety of methods can be used to construct a phase grating in guided wave optics.
All that is required is that the effective index be varied periodically. Figure 7.8-1 shows one
example, where the surface of a planar guide has been corrugated, by etching through a
patterned mask. The resulting changes in thickness of the guide layer then give rise to the
necessary variation in effective index.

Figure 7.8-1 A corrugated grating.


Figure 7.8-2 shows how such a corrugation might be used as a transmission grating.
This is assumed to be optically thick, and therefore operating in the two-wave diffraction
regime. Figure 7.8-2a shows a plan view of the waveguide; the input beam is incident from
the left, and gives rise to two transmitted waves, the 0th and -1th diffraction orders, on the
right. Figure 7.8-2b shows the K-vector diagram, for incidence at the Bragg angle. Note that

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


only two propagation vectors are included in the construction, and that the grating vector
(which is normal to the horizontal fringes in Figure 7.8-2a) is oriented vertically. This
demonstrates an important point. A large angular deflection of the input beam has been
achieved, using a relatively small perturbation to the effective index of the guide, because the
device operates by diffraction rather than refraction. Since small index changes are the norm
in guided wave optics, gratings are ideal waveguide components in this respect.

Figure 7.8-2 Transmission grating: a) schematic and b) K-vector diagram.


In fact, diffractive devices can act as more effective waveguide lenses than the overlay
components discussed earlier, because larger beam deflection allows a higher numerical
aperture. Figure 7.8-3 shows one example, the chirped grating lens. Here a slow variation
in the grating period produces a corresponding change in the deflection angle over the lens
aperture, which results in an approximate focussing action. A linear chirp (i.e., a linear
variation in period) is suitable for focussing an off-axis plane input beam, as shown. More
generally, the grating fringes must be curved, and the local fringe orientation and spacing is
found by local application of the Bragg condition.

Figure 7-28 The chirped grating lens.

Grating lenses suffer from two main disadvantages. Firstly, because of their inherent
dispersion, the focal spot moves as the optical wavelength is altered, and can become highly
aberrated. Secondly, their angular selectivity results in a greatly restricted field of view.
However, these can be unimportant (for example, in a telescope beam expander, when a
fixed angle and wavelength are used).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24



Figure 7.8-4a shows a plan view of an alternative structure. This is a reflection grating,
formed using fringes that are now oriented parallel to the input boundary. The input wave is
incident as before, but this time the two diffraction orders emerge from different sides of the
grating. The 0th order is transmitted, but the -1th order is now a reflected wave. Figure 7.8-4b
shows the K-vector diagram, again for incidence at the Bragg angle. Note that the grating
vector is now oriented horizontally, and that its magnitude is rather larger than that in the
transmission grating above. Reflection gratings therefore typically require much smaller
grating periods.

Figure 7.8-4 Reflection grating: a) schematic, and b) K-vector diagram.


It is of course unnecessary to consider grating boundary shapes to be fixed in the form of

the simple slab geometries considered so far. Figure 7.8-5 shows a grating whose fringes
are oriented at 45o to the edges of a boundary, which has the form of a long, thin rectangle.
Here, a relatively narrow input beam can be diffracted as a much wider output beam. The
device therefore functions as a compact beam expander; which could replace an expansion
telescope. However, the grating strength must be carefully tailored along its length, to ensure
a uniform amplitude distribution in the output beam.

Figure 7.8-5 Beam expander grating: a) schematic and b) K-vector diagram.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25



Equally, it is not necessary to consider the grating to be a static entity. There are two
common forms of electrically-switchable grating, which operate using combinations of the
material effects discussed in Chapter 3. The first is the electro-optic grating, shown in
Figure 7.8-6a. Here a periodic metal structure, known as an interdigital electrode, is
placed on the surface of the guide that is assumed to have been fabricated in an electro-optic
material (e.g., LiNbO3 or LiTaO3). With no voltage applied to the electrodes, there is no
grating. However, when a static voltage is applied, the 'finger' voltages alternate in sign. This
results in a periodic variation in electric field beneath the electrodes (Figure 7.8-6b), which
induces a corresponding variation in index in the guide through the electro-optic effect. The
grating may therefore be switched on and off at will.

However, the beam deflection angle (which is determined by the electrode pitch) is fixed.
Usually, it is rather small, since the lithographic process used to define the electrodes is
limited to a linewidth of 0.5 - 1 m, which yields a period of 2 - 4 m. Despite this,
the electrodes may be sufficiently long that the device acts as a volume grating, so the
diffraction efficiency can be high. 98% efficiency has been achieved with Ti-indiffused
guides on LiTaO3 substrates. The electro-optic grating may therefore act as an effective
modulator. Its speed is limited to about 1 GHz by the capacitance of the electrodes.

Figure 7.8-6 The electro-optic grating: a) basic principle, and b) electric field distribution.

The second is the acousto-optic grating, shown in Figure 7.8-7. This is a more versatile
device, which can steer a beam as well as modulating it. Again, a periodic electrode structure
is placed on the surface of the guide, which is assumed this time to have been fabricated in a
piezo-electric, acousto- optic material. LiNbO3 is again suitable, but non-piezo electric
materials (e.g. Si) can also be used if a layer of piezo-electric material (typically ZnO) is
deposited between the electrodes and the substrate.

This electrode structure, which is known as an interdigital transducer, does not itself act
as the grating. However, when it is excited by an A.C. radio-frequency voltage, it creates a
time-varying, spatially-periodic electric field in the material beneath, which in turn creates a
similar pattern of stress through the piezo-electric effect. Now, this type of stress
distribution effectively corresponds to a pattern of standing acoustic waves, which can of
course be decomposed into the sum of two travelling waves. Consequently, the net result is

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


the excitation of two acoustic waves, which emerge from beneath the transducer, travelling in
opposite directions. Since the waves propagate near the surface of the material, they are
known as surface acoustic waves (or SAWs). Typically, only one wave is required, and
the other is removed using a surface absorber. The remaining wave creates a moving
variation in effective index, through the acousto-optic effect, and it is this variation which
acts as the grating. Once again, the grating may be switched on and off, so the device can act
as a modulator. This time, speed is mainly limited by excessive acoustic propagation losses
at frequencies above 1 GHz.

Figure 7.8-7 The acousto-optic grating.

Most importantly, the grating period may be varied over a limited range (depending on the
transducer bandwidth) by changing the RF frequency. This alters the diffraction angle, so
acousto-optic gratings may also be used as beam deflectors. Diffraction may again take
place in the Bragg regime at high frequencies, but the Raman-Nath regime is often used to
minimise the efficiency variations that occur when the frequency is altered. One further
important difference from the electro-optic grating is that the diffraction orders are all
frequency-shifted (by integer multiples of the acoustic frequency) through the Doppler
effect. The acousto-optic grating may therefore also be used as a frequency modulator.


We may estimate the parameters of a guided-wave acousto-optic beam deflector formed on

a lithium niobate substrate as follows. For LiNbO3, the acoustic velocity is 6.57 x 103 m/s
and the refractive index is ne = 2.2. Hence, at a typical operating frequency of 500 MHz, the
acoustic wavelength is 6.57 x 103 / 500 x 106 = 1.31 x 105 m, or 13.1 m. The period of
the interdigital transducer must have the same value, so assuming a mark-to-space ratio of
unity, each finger electrode must be 13.1 / 4 = 3.275 m wide, a feature size well within the
capacity of photolithography. Assuming an optical wavelength of 0.633 m (red light from
a He-Ne laser), and normal incidence, the angle of deflection of the first diffraction order
will be 1 = sin-1(0/n) = sin-1(0.633 / 2.2 x 13.1) 1.25o.


Finally, gratings are not restricted to interactions involving the phase matching of two modes
of the same type. Consider, for example, a single-moded guide. We have seen that this can

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27


support two polarization modes; consequently, even in this case there are two possible loci
for propagation vectors. Figure 7.8-8a shows the K-vector diagram illustrating the
conversion of a TE-moded input into a TE-moded diffracted beam. Here, both 0 and -1 lie
on the full-line circle, the TE-mode locus. However, an equally valid possibility is the
diffraction of a TM-moded input into a TM-moded output. This is shown by the alternative
construction, where 0 and -1 lie on the dashed-line TM-mode locus. Because of the
difference in radii of the circles, the Bragg angles for TE-TE and TM-TM diffraction are
slightly different. One further possibility exists: a TE-moded input may be diffracted as a
TM-moded output. The phase-matching condition for this case is shown in Figure 7.8-8b;
once again, the Bragg angle involved is different. In this case, mode-conversion
accompanies diffraction. In designing a grating device, therefore, care is needed to ensure
that only the desired interaction occurs.

Figure 7.8-8 K-vector diagrams for a) TE-TE and TM-TM diffraction, and b) TE-TM
mode conversion.


A grating may even be used to phase-match guided and radiation modes, forming an
input/output coupler similar to the prism coupler discussed earlier. This device is known as
the grating coupler, and its principle of operation is shown in Figure 7.8-9.

Figure 7.8-9 The grating coupler.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 28


Here a plane input beam is incident from free space on a corrugated grating, which is
fabricated on the surface of a planar waveguide. Figure 7.8-10 shows the corresponding
phase-matching diagram. If the angle of incidence 1 is correct, the z-component of the first
diffraction order of the grating will equal the z-component of the propagation vector of the
guided mode. This occurs when:

kiz + K =
If this is the case, power will be transferred to the guided beam, much as in the prism

Figure 7.8-10 Phase-matching in the grating coupler.

Although prism and grating couplers are functionally similar, the latter have several
important advantages. Firstly, they are flat, rugged, and fully integrated with the waveguide.
Secondly, it is possible to design grating couplers with a varying periodicity, which can
perform multiple functions - for example, they can couple a guided beam into free space,
and focus it at the same time. Figure 7.8-11 shows the chirped grating coupler, which
contains a grating with linearly varying period.

Figure 7.8-11 The chirped grating coupler.

A guided mode incident on such a grating will be diffracted into a free-space beam, whose
direction of propagation depends on the local grating period. In this case, the output will be

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


a cylindrical wave converging on a line focus above the guide. However, by simultaneously
chirping the grating period and curving the grating fringes, an output can be generated that
converges onto a point focus. This is important in one of the applications discussed in
Chapter 14, the integrated optic disc pickup.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30


7.1. The figure below shows the cross-section of an FTIR beamsplitter, formed from two
layers of dielectric of refractive index n1, separated by a layer of refractive index n2
and thickness h. A plane wave is incident on the upper interface as shown. Assuming
TE incidence, and that 1 > sin-1(n2/n1), write down general expressions for the electric
field in all three layers. What boundary conditions are satisfied by these expressions?

7.2. Repeat the analysis of Question 7.1, assuming a solution in modal form. Show that,
provided h is large enough, the amplitude of the transmitted wave decreases
exponentially with h.

7.3 A high-index glass prism (n = 1.7) is used at 1.5 m wavelength to characterise a

planar guide formed by ion exchange in glass. Assuming that the guide supports
three modes, with effective indices of 1.515, 1.530 and 1.545, respectively, sketch the
variation with launch angle that you would expect in prism reflectivity. What are the
propagation constants of the three modes?

7.4 A step-change in thickness is etched into a planar guide. On the left of the step, the
guide is two-moded (with effective indices for the two modes of 1.504 and 1.505,
respectively). On the right, it is single-moded, with effective index 1.5025. The
lowest-order mode is incident from the left at an angle 1. Sketch the phase matching
diagrams you would expect for (a) 1 0o, and (b) 1 = 87.5o, and interpret your

7.5 Find the most compact arrangement you can for a x5 telescope beam expander,
assuming that it is to be fabricated on a planar waveguide using step-index overlay
lenses. The input beam width is 0.5 mm, the effective index of the guide is 1.6, and
the maximum change in effective index that can be obtained using the overlay without
inducing mode conversion is 0.02.
7.6 Calculate the Bragg angle for an unslanted transmission grating of period = 1.0 m,
in a material of refractive index 1.6. The optical wavelength is 1.5 m. Estimate the
spectral bandwidth of the grating, assuming that it is optically thick, with a physical
thickness of 50 m. How many fringe planes are crossed by the input beam, before it
emerges from the grating?
[27.95o; 56.5 nm; 27]

7.7 Show that the angular bandwidth of an unslanted transmission grating of period
and thickness d is given by 0 /d. Hence calculate the bandwidth of a grating of

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 31


thickness 20 m in a medium of refractive index 1.6, assuming that the Bragg angle is
30o at 0 = 0.633 m.

7.8 Show that Bragg's law may be written in terms of the grating vector and the
propagation constant as 2k sin(0 - ) = K. Interpret this geometrically using a
phase-matching diagram.

7.9 Sketch the K-vector diagrams you would expect for the following geometries: (a) an
unslanted transmission grating of thickness 5 m and period 5 m, for normal
incidence, and (b) an unslanted reflection grating of thickness 5 m and period 0.5
m, for incidence at the Bragg angle. The refractive index of the medium is 1.6, and
the optical wavelength is 0.633 m.

7.10. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Bragg grating lenses, as compared with
other types of waveguide lens. You should consider size, bandwidth, and ease of

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32



Chen B., Ramer O.G. "Diffraction limited geodesic lenses for integrated optic circuits"
IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-15, 853-860 (1979)
Dakss M.L., Kuhn L., Heidrich P.F., Scott B.A. "Grating coupler for efficient excitation of
optical guided waves on thin films" Appl. Phys. Lett. 16, 523-525 (1970)
Dalgoutte D.G., Wilkinson C.D.W. "Thin grating couplers for integrated optics: an
experimental and theoretical study" Appl. Opt. 14, 2983-2998 (1975)
Flanders D.C., Kogelnik H., Schmidt R.V., Shank C.V. "Grating filters for thin-film optical
waveguides" Appl. Phys. Lett. 24, 194-196 (1974)
Forouhar S., Lu R.-X., Chang W.S.C., Davis R.L., Yao S.K. "Chirped grating lenses on
Nb2O5 transition waveguides" Appl. Opt. 22, 3128-3132 (1983)
Gerber J., Kowarschik R. "Photoresist Bragg gratings as beam splitters and beam reflectors
for integrated optical systems" Opt. Quant. Elect. 19, 49-58 (1987)
Hammer J.M. "Modulation and switching of light in dielectric waveguides" in "Integrated
optics", T.Tamir (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979)
Heitmann D., Ortiz C. "Calculation and experimental verification of two-dimensional
focusing grating couplers" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-17, 1257-1263 (1981)
Lean E.G.H., White J.M., Wilkinson C.D.W. "Thin-film acousto-optic devices" Proc. IEEE
64, 779-788 (1976)
Ohmachi Y. "Acousto-optic TE0-TM0 mode conversion in a thin film of amorphous
tellurium dioxide" Elect. Lett. 9, 539-541 (1973)
Schmidt R.V. "Acoustooptic interactions between guided optical waves and acoustic surface
waves" IEEE Trans. Sonics & Ultrasonics SU-23, 22-33 (1976)
Suhara T., Nishihara H. "Integrated optics components and devices using periodic
structures" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-22, 845-867 (1986)
Tien P.K., Ulrich R., Martin R.J. "Modes of propagating light waves in thin deposited
semiconductor films" Appl. Phys. Lett. 14, 291-294 (1969)
Tsai T.S. "Guided-wave acousto-optic Bragg modulators for wide-band integrated optic
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1072-1098 (1979)
Ulrich R., Martin R.J. "Geometrical optics in thin-film light guides" Appl. Opt. 10, 2077-
2085 (1971)
Valette S., Morque A., Mottier P. "High performance integrated Fresnel lenses on oxidised
silicon substrates" Elect. Lett. 18, 13-15 (1982)
Walpita L.M., Pitt C.W. "Fabrication and evaluation of linear constant period beam
expander gratings" Opt. Comm. 52, 241-246 (1984)
Yao S.K., Anderson D.B. "Shadow sputtered diffraction limited waveguide Luneberg
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Yariv A., Nakamura N. "Periodic structures for integrated optics" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-
13, 233- 253 (1977)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 33



In this Chapter, we shall consider the properties of optical fibre, by far the most important
type of waveguide for the transmission of information at optical frequencies. Optical fibre
usually (though not always) has a circular symmetry, and is most often fabricated from very
pure silica, or SiO2. This has a refractive index of n 1.458 at 0 = 850 nm. Figure 8.1-1
shows the typical geometry of a silica fibre; by selective doping, the centre of the fibre
(which is known as the core) is arranged to have a higher refractive index than the
surrounding region (the cladding), thus forming a waveguide. Useful dopants include
germania (GeO2) and phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), both of which increase the refractive
index of silica, and boric oxide (B2O3) and fluorine (F2), which reduce it. Thus, a typical
fibre might consist of a GeO2:SiO2 core, with a SiO2 cladding. Alternatively, a pure SiO2
core could be used, with a B2O3:SiO2 cladding.

Figure 8.1-1 An optical fibre.

Other low-loss fibre materials that have been investigated include low melting-point silicate
glasses (soda-lime silicates, germanosilicates and borosilicates) and halide crystals (TlBrI,
TlBr, KCl, CsI and AgBr). Most recently, attention has been transferred to the fluoride
glasses (mixtures of GdF3, BaF2, ZrF4 and AlF3), for reasons which will be discussed in the
following section. However, whatever the exact composition of the fibre, the cladding is
almost always surrounded by a protective plastic jacket, which acts as a strain relief and
prevents the ingress of water.

Alternatively, plastic-coated silica fibres (or PCS fibres, which might consist of a natural
quartz core clad in silicone resin) and all-plastic fibres (for example, consisting of a
polystyrene core with a methyl methacrylate cladding) are often used. Although these are
cheap, they suffer from considerably higher propagation loss than silica fibre ( 10 dB/km
for PCS fibre, and 500 dB/km for all-plastic fibre), and are therefore suitable only for
transmission over short distances. For all-plastic fibres, the limit is normally tens of metres.

There are many variations on the basic geometry. Some are illustrated in Figure 8.1-2,
which shows a number of different cylindrically symmetric fibre cross-sections, and the
radial refractive index distribution defining them. The most important distinctions are as
follows. Firstly, optical fibre is generally either single-moded or very multi-moded - the
number of modes supported by a multi- moded fibre is normally very large (hundreds).
Secondly, the core may be defined either by an abrupt increase in the refractive index, or by

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


a more gradual variation in index (which is typically parabolic). The former is known as
step-index fibre, the latter as graded-index fibre.

Figure 8.1-2 Optical fibre types.

The dimensions of these fibre types differ quite considerably. Single-mode fibre has
roughly the dimensions of a human hair, with a cladding diameter of the order of 125 m,
and a core diameter of 8 - 12 m (depending on the operating wavelength). Multi-mode
fibre is rather thicker: cladding diameters range from 125 - 400 m, while the core
diameters range from 50 - 200 m. For field use, fibres are supplied in cable form. Cable
styles vary widely, but a typical construction would consist of a plastic tube, strengthened
with steel wires or Kevlar to resist tensile strain, which is filled with the fibre in a loose
helical lay. A recent development has been the availability of fibre in the form of ribbon
cable. This consists of a number (e.g. 8) of single-mode fibres held parallel in a flat ribbon
by a plastic matrix. The individual fibres are often colour-coded, and may be separated out
into indvidual strands, allowing multiple-fibre links to be constructed very simply.


One of the most important features of optical fibre is its exceptionally low propagation loss,
which is normally quoted in units of decibels (dB), according to:
loss = -10 log10(Pout/Pin) dB
Thus, reduction of the power by 50% between input and output corresponds to 3 dB loss.
Expressed in this way, loss varies linearly with distance, so fibre may be characterised by
attenuation in dB/km. Current fibre performance has been achieved through a considerable
research and development effort, which began in the mid-1960s. In fact, loss in silica-based
fibre has been reduced quite staggeringly, from more than 1000 dB/km in 1966 to the
present value of 0.2 dB/km (at 0 = 1.55 m).

There are a number of fundamental mechanisms, which combine to set a lower limit on
transmission loss. These are illustrated by Figure 8.2-1, which shows a typical plot of
attenuation versus optical wavelength for silica fibre. At short wavelengths (0 < 1.6 m),
attenuation is mainly dominated by scattering loss (rather than by absorption due to

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


electronic transitions at ultraviolet wavelengths, as might be expected). The effect itself is

known as Rayleigh scattering; its origins lie in any small inhomogeneities and
imperfections in the structure of the glass forming the fibre - for example, compositional
fluctuations on solidification, trapped gas bubbles, dopants and so on. It can be shown that
this type of scattering varies as 1/04, so it is responsible for the sharp rise in attenuation in
Figure 8.2-1 at short wavelengths.

Figure 8.2-1 Typical attenuation characteristics for silica-based optical fibre.

At longer wavelengths, however, the attenuation is mainly caused by intrinsic absorption,

arising from the excitation of lattice transitions at near-infrared wavelengths. Minimum
attenuation is therefore obtained when the Rayleigh scattering and infrared absorption
curves cross, which occurs at around 0 = 1.55 m. If low loss is the main criterion, this is
the most desirable operating point. Modern fibres approach the two envelopes of Rayleigh
scattering and infrared absorption very closely. However, there may also be significant
attenuation near a number of discrete wavelengths, as can be seen in Figure 8.2-1. This type
of extrinsic absorption can be due either to the dopants themselves, or to additional
impurities. The most significant absorption band lies at 0 = 1.39 m, and is caused by the
presence of residual hydroxyl (OH-) ions, which also give rise to a number of smaller
absorption peaks. These ions originate as water contamination, and must be removed by
careful dehydration. If this is done, the ultimate limit of low-loss can be achieved almost

If different materials could be found that have their infrared absorption lines at longer
wavelengths, the operating wavelength could be shifted in the same direction. The effect of
Rayleigh scattering would then be reduced, and lower minimum loss obtained. This is the
thinking behind current research on fluoride glass fibres. It is believed that such fibres
could have an optimum attenuation as low as 0.001 dB/km, an incredibly small figure.
Figure 8.2-2 shows theoretically predicted loss spectra for two different fluoride glass
fibres, based on (a) BaF2-GdF4-ZrF4 glass and (b) CaF2-BaF2-YF3-AlF4 glass. These
suggest that improved performance should be available at slightly longer wavelengths, in the
range 0 = 2.5 - 3.5 m. Although this encouraging prediction has yet to be fulfilled (the
current 'best' is only 0.7 dB/km), research is actively being continued.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


Figure 8.2-2 Predicted loss spectra for two fluoride glass fibres (based on data by Shibata
et al., Elect. Lett. 17, 775-777 (1981))


We shall now consider the propagation of rays and guided modes in optical fibre,
beginning with step-index fibre. Functionally, this operates in a similar way to the slab
guide introduced in Chapter 6; the fibre is constructed from a core of radius a and refractive
index n1, and a cladding of refractive index n2 (such that n1 > n2), as shown in Figure 8.3-

Figure 8.3-1 (a) The refractive index distribution of step-index fibre; (b) and (c)
propagation of meridional and skew rays.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


The guiding mechanism is again total internal reflection at the core/cladding interface.
However, consideration of the possible paths that may be followed by rays travelling down
the fibre reveals a new feature.

Two entirely different types of ray are now possible. Meridional rays follow pathways
that can be drawn on a single plane (as shown in Figure 8.3-1b). These are directly
analogous to the rays that propagate in planar slab guides. Skew rays, on the other hand,
do not travel in the exact centre of the fibre, but propagate in an annular region near the
outer edge of the core, following off-axis helical paths that effectively circle the fibre axis
after a finite number of reflections. These have no such analogy in a slab model, and are
best visualised in terms of their projection on the fibre cross-section (Figure 8.3-1c). The
existence of such rays implies that the analysis of an optical fibre will be more difficult than
a simple extension to cylindrical geometry would suggest.


One of the most important parameters of a fibre is its numerical aperture, or N.A. This
determines the acceptance cone of the fibre, and the angular spread of radiation it may emit.
Despite the distinction between meridional and skew rays outlined above, a reasonable
approximation to the NA may be obtained by considering only the former, as shown in
Figure 8.3-2. The extent of the acceptance cone will be determined by the maximum angle
emax that an external ray entering the end-face of the fibre may have, while still giving rise to
totally-reflected rays within. This is limited by the onset of cutoff, so the largest angle 1max
allowed inside the fibre must be set by the critical angle, c.

Figure 8.3-2 Geometry for calculation of the numerical aperture of a step-index fibre,

Simple trigonometry shows that 1max = /2 - c. The internal and external angles 1max and
emax are, or course, related by Snell's law, so assuming that the fibre is surrounded by a
medium of refractive index ne, we must have:

ne sin(emax) = n1 sin(1max) = n1 cos(c)

However, c is defined by the fibre core and cladding indices, as c = sin-1(n2/n1). After
slight re-arrangement, we may then express Equation 8.3-1 as:

ne sin(emax) = (n12 - n22)

According to the definition in Chapter 4, this is equal to the numerical aperture of the fibre.
A large difference between core and cladding indices will therefore usually result in a high
NA. Now, if the external medium is air, we know that ne = 1. Using a small-angle

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


approximation, we may then put sin(emax) emax. The solid angle of the acceptance cone
is then:

= emax2 (n12 - n22)

If skew rays are considered as well, it can be shown that both the numerical aperture and the
value of derived above are under-estimates, but they remain reasonable approximations.


Full analysis of a step-index fibre requires the solution of Maxwell's equations for a
cylindrical geometry. Consequently, the fields are constructed from more abstract
mathematical functions than were required for the slab guide (actually, Bessel functions),
and the modes themselves are more complicated. For many of them, the axial field
components Ez and Hz are both non-zero, so these modes are known as hybrid rather than
TE or TM modes. Furthermore, due to the circular cross- section, the transverse fields have
an angular variation as well as a radial one, so they require two identifying parameters
instead of a single mode number. Because of these complications, we will omit the detailed
analysis (to be found in many other texts) and present only the broad conclusions.

The modes of the step-index optical fibre are, in general, classified as TE0,, TM0,,, EH, or
HE, types. The last two are hybrid fields, which have Ez and Hz as the dominant axial
component, respectively. The most important mode is the HE1,1 mode (roughly equivalent
to the TE0 and TM0 modes of the slab guide) which cuts off at zero frequency. However,
the TE0,1 and TM0,1 modes are also significant. These have the next lowest cutoff
frequencies, and so their presence or absence may be used to define whether the fibre is
multi-moded or not. Now, in Chapter 6 we showed that a parameter V = (k0h/2)(n12 - n22)
could be used to characterise a symmetric slab guide of thickness h and core and cladding
indices n1 and n2. In the same way, a V-value may be defined for a step-index fibre of core
radius a and similar indices, in the form:

V = (k0a) (n12 - n22)

It turns out that the TE0,1 and TM0,1 modes cut off when V = 2.405. Thus, if the frequency
is such that V < 2.405, only one mode will propagate and the fibre is single-moded.
Assuming that n1 n2 n, and n1 - n2 = n (which will be the case in weakly-guiding
fibres) the minimum wavelength for single-mode operation is therefore:

0 = (d/2.405) (2n n)
where d is the fibre diameter. For d = 8 m, n 1.5, and n = 0.001, say, we require 0 >
0.57 m.


The hybrid modes have a complicated polarization, although the HE1,1 mode is almost
plane- polarized. However, for weak guides, it can be shown that all the other modes can be
grouped together in combinations, which are degenerate (which means they have the same
propagation constant or phase velocity). A linear combination of these modes can then be
used to construct a new set of nearly plane-polarized fields, which represent a considerable
simplification over the exact ones. These modes are called 'linearly polarized', and are given
new labels of the form LP,. Table 8.3-1 shows the constituents of some low-order LP

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6


modes. The particular case of the HE1,1 mode is the LP0,1 mode; as a rule, the LP1, mode is
constructed from the HE2,, TM0, and TE0, modes, and the LP, mode from the HE+1,
and EH-1, modes (for 0 or 1).

LP mode Exact mode constituents LP mode Exact mode constituents

LP 0,1 HE 1,1 LP 0,2 HE 1,2
LP 1,1 HE2,1, TM0,1 & TE0,1 LP 1,2 HE2,2, TM0,2 & TE0,2
LP 2,1 HE 3,1 & EH1,1 LP 2,2 HE 3,2 & EH1,2

Table 8.3-1 Constituents of some low-order LP modes

Figure 8.3-3 shows approximate representations of the intensity distributions of three low-
order LP modes. The LP0,1 mode is circularly-symmetric, with a field distribution
containing a single peak at the centre of the fibre core. The higher-order modes, on the
other hand, have multilobed patterns, with 2 maxima as measured in the circumferential
direction, and maxima in the radial direction.

Figure 8.3-3 Approximate intensity distributions for the LP0,1, LP2,1 and LP4,2 modes.

The dispersion diagram for the step-index fibre is of the general form shown in Figure 8.3-
4. The main difference in relation to the slab guide is that higher-order modes start to
propagate in much greater numbers as soon as the V-value exceeds the limit for single-
mode operation.

Figure 8.3-4 General dispersion diagram for step-index optical fibre.

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In fact, it can be shown that the number of modes propagating is given approximately by:

N V2/2
provided N is large. A fibre with a V-value of 10 would therefore support 50 modes.


Using the approximate guidelines presented so far, we may compare the main features of
single and multimode fibres. With the typical values of d = 8 m, n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.499
for the former, and d = 50 m, n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.49 for the latter, we obtain the
parameters shown in Table 8.3-2 for a wavelength of 0 = 0.85 m. The high numerical
aperture of the multimode fibre should be noted, together with the large number of modes
that it supports.

Fibre d (m) n1 n2 NA V-value No. of modes

#1 8 1.5 1,499 0.055 1.62 1
#2 50 1.5 1.49 0.17 31.95 510

Table 8.3-2 Characteristic parameters of typical single- and multi-mode fibres.


Just as in the slab guide, we may expect the guided modes of a fibre to be complemented by
radiation modes, and that the full range of modes will exist in two sets, each corresponding
to one of two possible polarizations. While this is true, there are two important new
features. Firstly, the radiation modes are normally subdivided into fields that propagate
inside and outside the cladding. The former are known as cladding modes, and are often a
nuisance. They may be removed using a device known as a mode-stripper. In this, the
plastic jacket is removed from a short section of the fibre, which is placed on a glass plate in
a pool of index-matching liquid. Reflection at the edge of the cladding is then greatly
reduced, and most of the unwanted light radiates into the glass plate. Secondly, since the
fibre is cylindrically symmetric, the two sets of polarization modes are degenerate. A single-
moded fibre therefore actually supports two modes of orthogonal polarization, which
propagate at the same speed. As we will show later, this normally results in a random
polarization fluctuation.


We now consider parabolic-index fibre. Here, the possible ray trajectories are still more
complicated. Because the refractive index distribution is now a continuous function of
radius, rays no longer propagate as straight lines, with total internal reflection causing
abrupt changes in direction. Instead, their paths are determined by a process of continual
refraction. This has the effect of gradually bending the direction of any ray travelling away
from the axis, until it turns towards the axis once again. For meridional rays, the result is a
sinusoidal trajectory, oscillating on either side of the axis. Figure 8.4-1a shows two
different ray paths in the same fibre. As we shall shortly demonstrate, each has almost
exactly the same periodicity in the axial direction, although the turning points (e.g. za and
zb) lie at different radii. This has important consequences for signal transmission.

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For skew rays, a similar process of continual refraction occurs. Consequently, the
projection of a skew ray trajectory on the fibre cross-section has the appearance of a
smooth, rotating orbit, as shown in Figure 8.4-1b. In fact, the ray path can again be shown
to lie entirely between two coaxial cylinders. These are known as caustic surfaces, and
represent the locii of all possible turning points.

Figure 8.4-1 (a) and (b) Trajectories of meridional and skew rays in a parabolic-index


Using some fairly simple scalar analysis, it is possible to calculate the trajectory of a ray in
a graded- index guide, as we now show. We start by noting that the exact refractive index
profile of the fibre is given by the full line in Figure 8.4-2. However, on the assumption that
the light is confined mainly to the region of parabolic variation, we can disregard the index
steps at the edge of the core and cladding, and model the index distribution by a continuous
parabolic function of the form:

n(r) = n0 {1 - (r/r0)2}
where n0 is the refractive index at the centre of the fibre, and r0 is a characteristic radius.
This profile is shown dashed in Figure 8.4-2; while it implies a negative refractive index
when r > r0, we can assume that r0 is large enough for this to be unimportant for all practical

Figure 8.4-2 Exact and approximate refractive index distribution of a parabolic index

At this point, we shall adopt a one-dimensional model, ignoring the y-variation of the
refractive index and constraining the trajectory to lie in the x - z plane. This will allow us to
deduce many of the features of a two-dimensional guide in a qualitative way. Later on, we
will check for agreement with the more complicated geometry. With this approximation, we
may put r = x and r0 = x0 in Equation 8.4-1. Now, the direction of the ray at any point (x, z)
may be then defined by a vector k, such that k is equal to the local value of the
propagation constant, k0n(x). Similarly, the local slope of the trajectory may be found as:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


dx/dz = kx/kz
where kx and kz are the x- and z-components of k. However, if the entire trajectory
corresponds to a guided mode, we may also set kz = , where is the modal propagation
constant. Since kx and kz are related by kx2 + kz2 = k2, we obtain:

kx = (k02n2 - 2)
Substituting from Equation 8.4-1, we then get:

kx = {(k02n02 - 2) - k02n02(x/x0)2}
Equation 8.4-2 may be therefore written as:

2 (dx/dz)2 = (k02n02 - 2) - k02n02(x/x0)2

We might guess that the solution of Equation 8.4-5 is indeed a sinusoidal trajectory, of the
general form x = A sin(Bz + ), where is an arbitrary phase factor. We shall now try to
verify this hypothesis, and simultaneously determine the unknown constants A and B.
Performing the necessary differentiation, substituting into Equation 8.4-5, and rearranging
the terms, we get:

(k02n02 - 2) - (k02n02A2/x02)sin2(Bz + ) - 2A2B2cos2(Bz + ) = 0

Now, the only way Equation 8.4-6 can be satisfied for all z is if the sin2 and cos2 terms can
somehow be removed. This can be done if their coefficients are equal (since sin2() +
cos2() = 1), which requires:

k02n02A2/x02 = 2A2B2 or B = k0n0/x0

This places an immediate restriction on the value of B, the spatial frequency of the periodic
oscillation of the trajectory. Assuming that Equation 8.4-7 is indeed satisfied, Equation 8.4-
6 reduces to:

(k02n02 - 2) - (k02n02A2/x02) = 0
so that the amplitude A of the oscillation is given by:

A = x0 (1 - 2/k02n02)
Equation 8.4-9 shows that the smaller the value of (i.e., the higher the order of the mode)
the larger the amplitude. Our solution for the ray trajectory is therefore:

x = x0 (1 - 2/k02n02) sin{(k0n0/x0)z + }
Now, for weak guides (when k0n0 for all modes), B 1/x0. With this approximation,
we can put:

x x0 (1 - 2/k02n02) sin(z/x0 + )

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Equation 8.4-11 implies that the spatial frequency of the trajectory is virtually independent
of , i.e. the same for all modes. It turns out that the above analysis is modified somewhat
in the case of a two-dimensional parabolic-index fibre, but only qualitatively so, providing
comforting evidence for the shape of the ray paths in Figure 8.4-1. More importantly, it
allows the use of a parabolic-index medium as a type of imaging device, known as a GRIN-
rod lens (where the GRIN acronym stands for gradient-index).


A GRIN-rod lens is a short length of glass rod of moderately large diameter (1 - 3 mm),
which has the radial index variation of Equation 8.4-1. Formally, it is a section of highly
multimoded fibre, but in practice no cladding is used. It is fabricated by ion exchange of
thallium- or caesium-doped silica glass, in a bath of a molten salt. Typically, KNO3 is used,
at a temperature of 500oC. During the exchange, sodium and either thallium or caesium
ions diffuse out of the glass, and are replaced by potassium ions from the melt. The
difference in polarizability of K+ and Tl+ ions then causes a reduction in the refractive
index. Now, the local concentration of Tl+ at the end of the process is determined by
standard diffusion equations. Due to the cylindrically symmetric geometry, the
concentration is higher at the centre of the rod than at the periphery, following a parabolic
variation in between. The concentration of K+ ions, on the other hand, is approximately
uniform. The net result is a refractive index profile corresponding well to the ideal variation.
GRIN-rod lenses are produced commercially by the Nippon Sheet Glass Co. of Japan,
under the trade name 'SELFOC micro-lens'.

We shall again base the following argument on one-dimensional analysis. Firstly, we can
guess that rays in a GRIN-rod lens will also follow periodic trajectories. The period P of
the oscillation is defined as the pitch length, given by:

P = 2x0
It is normal for the lens length to be chosen as some fraction of a pitch, close to either P/2
(a half-pitch lens) or P/4 (quarter-pitch). If this is done, a GRIN-rod lens may perform
imaging operations, as we now demonstrate. Figure 8.4-3a shows a half-pitch lens, used to
form an image of a point source of light located on-axis at A.

Figure 8.4-3 a) a 0.5P GRIN-rod lens, imaging a point source at A at A; b) a 0.25P lens,
used to image a point source at A at infinity, and c) a 0.23P lens, with working tolerance.

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Naturally, this source will emit rays in all directions, but each will begin at the same point.
Assuming that this is defined as x = 0, z = 0, the trajectories of all rays inside the lens have
the form of Equation 8.4-11, with the phase factor = 0. Each sinusoidal trajectory will
have a different amplitude, so that the slope of the trajectory at z = 0 matches the direction
of an input ray. However, after travelling a distance z = P/2 through the lens, all rays will
have returned to the axis once again, at the point A'. Consequently, the lens may be
considered to form a real image of A at A'. Since an off-axis point object above A can be
also shown to form a real point image displaced the same distance below A', the lens forms
an inverted image of the entire input plane at the output end-face. Similar reasoning shows
that a quarter-pitch lens forms an image of a point source at infinity, thus collimating a
point emitter (Figure 8.4-3b).

For practical reasons, GRIN-rod lenses are normally made in lengths somewhat shorter
than those above. For example, Figure 8.4-3c shows a 0.23P lens, which will collimate light
from a point source slightly displaced from the lens, thus allowing a working tolerance for
alignment and so on. This is particularly important, since dispersion of the lens material
generally results in a wavelength- dependent value of P. Without such a tolerance, operation
at a wavelength for which P is shorter than the design value would require the source to be
placed inside the lens.

GRIN-rod lenses have several advantages over conventional lenses. Since they are small,
they are well-suited to use in micro-optic systems, and are often used to connect optical
fibre components. Most importantly, their imaging properties do not stem from refraction at
their input and output surfaces (which are planar); instead, redirection of rays is performed
by the medium itself. This allows components to be fixed directly to the end faces with
index-matching cement, reducing reflection losses and eliminating scratchable or movable
interfaces. Consequently, the assembly can be highly rugged. Figure 8.4-4 shows a
collection of GRIN-rod lenses.

Figure 8.4-4. GRIN-rod lenses (photograph courtesy D.DeRose, NSG America Inc.).

The ray picture above is just one explanation for the imaging behaviour of a GRIN-rod
lens, and an alternative view is provided by the transfer function model introduced in
Chapter 4. Remember that the properties of a conventional lens stemmed from the
parabolic variation of its optical thickness. The required variation was effected by
controlling the thickness of a material with constant refractive index. In a GRIN-rod lens,
much the same result is achieved by control of the radial distribution of refractive index,
keeping the physical thickness constant. We shall provide one further explanation later on,
in terms of guided modes.

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The solution for ray paths given in Equation 8.4-10 represents almost the entire story.
However, to obtain a closed form solution, we need to know the allowed values of . This
requires the solution of an eigenvalue equation. To set up a suitable equation, we shall make
use of the transverse resonance condition previously introduced for slab guides in Chapter
6, which required the total phase change accumulated in a round trip between the guide
walls to be a whole number of multiples of 2. Remember that this consisted of two terms:
the phase change incurred simply in propagating between the walls, and the phase shift
resulting from reflection at the walls.

In the one-dimensional parabolic-index guide, propagation between any two consecutive

turning points (e.g. za and zb) clearly corresponds to half of one round trip. The first term
may be therefore be found by integrating the x-component of the propagation constant over
the transverse distance between these points, as:

2 xaxb kx dx = 2 zazb kx (dx/dz) dz

However, using Equation 8.4-2, this may be transformed to:

2 xaxb kx dx = (2/) zazb kx2 dz

Substituting our solution for the trajectory (Equation 8.4-10) into Equation 8.4-4, and
inserting the result into Equation 8.4-14, we then get:

2 xaxb kx dx = (2/) (k02n02 - 2) zazb cos2{(k0n0/x0)z + } dz

Now, since za and zb are separated by half a cycle, we must have (k0n0/x0) (zb - za) = .
Integrating over this distance, we get:

2 xaxb kx dx = x0 (k0n0 - 2/k0n0)

The second term - the phase change experienced on reflection - is more difficult to deal
with. After all, if the ray path is determined by continuous refraction, total internal reflection
is not needed to change the direction of the ray. Nonetheless, the sign of kx does actually
change at each of the turning points, which implies that some form of reflection must be
occurring there. To assess the consequences, we need to return to Chapter 5, where we
found general expressions for the reflection coefficients for TE- and TM-polarized light at
a dielectric interface. In each case, it can be shown that when the index step tends to zero
and the angle of incidence approaches 90o, the reflection coefficient tends to exp(j/2).
Consequently, there is an additional phase shift of a = -/2 at each of the turning points.

Including all contributions, the transverse resonance condition can therefore be written:

2 xaxb kx dx + 2a = 2 ( = 1, 2 ....)
Inserting the values found above, we then get:

x0 (k0n0 - 2/k0n0) - = 2
which yields the following allowed values for the propagation constant:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 13


= k0n0 {1 - (2 + 1) / (k0n0x0)}
If the second term in the square root above is small (which implies weak guidance, and
therefore paraxial ray paths), we may approximate Equation 8.4-19 as:
k0n0 - (2 + 1)/2x0
Since k0 = /c, the dispersion characteristics of parabolic-index guide consist of a set of
parallel straight lines, as shown in Figure 8.4-5. This has extremely important
consequences for signal transmission in fibres, which we shall discuss later on. Notice that
we have deliberately obscured details of the cutoff conditions, when ray paths must stray
out to the edge of the core, since these are not modelled realistically using the approximate
index profile we have assumed.

Figure 8.4-5 Dispersion characteristics of a one-dimensional parabolic-index guide.

In the mean time, we simply note the following result, which is relevant to image
transmission through a GRIN-rod lens. As we saw in Chapter 6, a general one-dimensional,
forward-travelling field Ein(x) specified at an input plane z = 0 may be expanded in terms of
guided modes as:

Ein (x) = a E (x)

where a is the amplitude of the th mode, and E(x) is its transverse field distribution. After
propagating a distance z, this field will be modified to:

Eout(x) = a E(x) exp(-jz)

Inserting the propagation constants specified by Equation 8.4-20 into the above, we get:

Eout(x) = exp(-j) a E(x) exp(jz/xo)

where = (kono - 1/2xo)z. We now note that if z = 2xo (i.e., if z = P), Equation 8.4-23
reduces to:

Eout(x) = exp(-j) a E(x)


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


At this point, Eout is equal to Ein multiplied by an unimportant phase factor. Propagation
through one pitch length will therefore leave an image effectively unchanged, as we would
expect from the ray model of a GRIN-rod lens described earlier. We can interpret the
formation of an inverted real image by a half-pitch lens in a similar way.

We shall now show how scalar theory may be used to determine the actual guided modes in
a two- dimensional parabolic-index fibre. We base the analysis on the TEM model
introduced in Chapter 6, which assumes that the index changes forming the guide are weak.
For the refractive index distribution of Equation 8.4-1, the scalar waveguide equation we
must solve is:

2xyE(x, y) + {n02k02 [1 - (r/r0)2] - 2} E(x, y) = 0

Where E(x, y) is the transverse field and is the propagation constant. Since the fibre is
cylindrical, we shall begin by looking for a solution that varies only in the radial direction.
In this case, we may put E(x, y) = E(r), and evaluate its derivative with respect to x as:

E/x = dE/dr r/x = (x/r) dE/dr

Similarly, its second derivative with respect to x is given by:

2E/x2 = [1/r - x2/r3] dE/dr + (x2/r2) d2E/dr2

2E/y2 may be evaluated in the same way, so we obtain:

2xyE = (1/r) dE/dr + d2E/dr2

Equation 8.4-28 may now be substituted into Equation 8.4-25, to give:

d2E/dr2 + (1/r) dE/dr + {n02k02 [1 - (r/r0)2] - 2} E = 0

At this point, we shall make a guess at the solution. Somewhat arbitrarily, we assume that
the transverse field is given by a Gaussian distribution, of the form:
E(r) = E0 exp(-r2/a2)
where E0 and a are constants. Substituting into Equation 8.4-29, and removing the common
terms, we get:

r2 {4/a4 - n02k02/r02} + {n02k02 - 4/a2 - 2} = 0

where we have grouped the terms into two blocks, one dependent on r2, the other a constant.
Now, in order to satisfy Equation 8.4-31 for all r, the two blocks must be zero,
independently. The former condition leads to:
a = (2r0/n0k0)
While the latter requires:

2 = n02k02 - 4/a2 or = n0k0 {1 - 2/(n0k0r0)}


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 15


This shows that the Gaussian transverse field we have assumed is indeed a possible mode
of the parabolic-index fibre. Since its phase-front is plane, this mode will radiate into free
space from an end-face of the fibre as a Gaussian beam; the beam waist (which has radius
a) will be located at the fibre end, and behaviour in the far-field will be as described earlier
in Chapter 4.

Using similar methods, but this time adopting rectangular coordinates, it is possible to show
that the higher-order guided modal solutions are all Hermite-Gaussian modes, with
transverse field varations of the form:

E,(x, y) = H(2x/a) H(2y/a) exp{-(x2 + y2)/a2}

where and are two mode numbers, and H() is a Hermite polynomial of order ,
defined as satisfying the differential equation:

d2H()/d2 - 2 dH()/d + 2 H() = 0

while the propagation constants , are given by:

, = n0k0 {1 - 2( + + 1)/ (n0k0r0)}

The first few Hermite polynomials are as given in Table 8.4-1. From this, it should be clear
that the Gaussian solution above (for which H(2x/a) = H(2y/a) =1) is the lowest-order
mode, with = = 0. This is confirmed by the agreement of Equations 8.4-33 and 8.4-36.
Although the latter differs slightly from Equation 8.4-19, found using our earlier ray model,
it still has the same general form. Consequently, we may deduce that the general
characteristics of a parabolic-index fibre will indeed be qualitatively similar to those for a
one-dimensional parabolic-index guide.

H0() = 1 H3() = -12 + 83

H1() = 2 H4() = 12 - 482 + 164
H2() = -2 + 42 H5() = 120 - 1603 + 325

Table 8.4-1. Some low-order Hermite polynomials.


We shall now consider a number of aspects of signal propagation in optical fibre,
beginning with dispersion. In Chapter 6, we showed that there are generally two
contributions to dispersion in waveguides: intermodal and intramodal dispersion. The latter
can be further subdivided into contributions from material and waveguide dispersion. We
shall consider them separately, and examine the dominant effects in both step- and graded-
index fibre. First, we reiterate that all forms of dispersion arise from variations in the group
velocity over the signal bandwidth. Intermodal dispersion results from differences in vg
between different modes, and is therefore important only in multimode fibre. However, if it
is present, it normally dominates all other contributions.

Clearly, to evaluate the group velocities of the relevant modes, we must have already made
an accurate calculation of the dispersion diagram. Since we have not done this for step-
index fibre, we must use an approximation. Our argument runs like this. Modes that are far
from cutoff will have most of their energy contained inside the core, so their group velocity

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16


will be close to that of the core material. Ignoring all other forms of dispersion, this will be
roughly equal to the phase velocity in a medium of refractive index n1, namely c/n1.
Similarly, modes that are close to cutoff will have their energy mostly propagating in the
cladding, so that their group velocity will be roughly c/n2. In a distance L, the time-spread of
a signal due to intermodal dispersion is then:

t = L{1/vgmin - 1/vgmax} (L/c) (n1 - n2)

Assuming the typical value of n1 - n2 = 0.01, we obtain t/L 33 ns/km. Now, in a digital
communications system, pulses of duration T are normally sent separated by gaps of T.
Intersymbol interference will occur when consecutive pulses start to overlap, i.e. when t
T. Consequently, intermodal dispersion limits the maximum bit rate B to:

B 1/(2t)
This is normally expressed in terms of a bit-rate : length product BL, given by:

BL c/{2(n1 - n2)}
For the fibre above, we obtain BL 15 Mbit/s km, implying that data may be sent at 15
MBit/s over a distance of 1 km, or at 1.5 Mbit/s over 10 km. The small value of BL renders
this fibre impractical for long-distance, high bit-rate communications.

A considerable improvement is offered by parabolic index fibre, for which we have already
calculated the dispersion characteristics. Assuming weak guidance, Equation 8.4-36 may be
differentiated to give d/d, c/n0. This shows that the group velocities of all modes are
approximately equal, a highly advantageous feature. The explanation is found in the ray
paths of Figure 8.4-1a. Trajectories with small amplitudes of oscillation obviously travel
through shorter physical distances than do those with large amplitude. However, due to the
parabolic index variation, paraxial rays spend more time in regions of high index, and
therefore travel more slowly. The two effects - decreased physical distance, and increased
refractive index - balance out, so that the transit times of all rays are roughly equalised.
Consequently, a drastic reduction in intermodal dispersion is obtained, allowing a
considerable increase in the bit-rate : length product, typically to 1 Gbit/s km. For this
reason, multimode parabolic- index fibre has been very succesful, allowing transmission at
repectable data rates over short distances. However, for higher rates and longer distances, it
is essential to eliminate intermodal effects entirely by using single-mode fibre. The major
limitations on bandwith then have different origins.

In Chapter 2, we showed that the broadening of a signal due to variations in the propagation
constant with frequency could be written as t L d2k/d2, where is the signal
bandwidth. Although this was originally derived for plane waves, we would expect that the
following analogous expression would describe similar effects caused by variations in the
-value of a single guided mode:

t L d2/d2
This phenomenon is known as intramodal dispersion. In general, it consists of
contributions from material and waveguide dispersion, as we now show. Firstly, we recall
from Chapter 2 that dispersion in plane waves could be related to variations in the refractive
index with wavelength, according to t -(L00/c) d2n/d02, where 0 is the wavelength
range of the signal. For a guided mode, we simply replace n by neff, to obtain:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 17


t -(L00/c) d2neff/d02
Consequently, intramodal dispersion follows from variations in the effective index with
wavelength. These will arise if the constituents of the core or the cladding display any
wavelength-dependence, i.e. through material dispersion. Now, we have already plotted the
dispersion characteristic of pure silica in Chapter 3, and noted that dispersion goes to zero
at 0 1.27 m. This would be the ideal operating point if signal distortion were the only
criterion, but (as we showed earlier) the optimum wavelength for transmission is around 0
= 1.55 m. However, several methods may be used to move the point of zero dispersion to
longer wavelengths. Firstly, the addition of some dopants (e.g. GeO2) to silica shifts the
point in the required direction. Secondly, there is a further contribution to dispersion that
we have not yet included: variations in effective index arise simply from the changes in
angle between any guided ray and the fibre axis that must occur with changes in
wavelength. This is known as waveguide dispersion, and is independent of material

In step-index fibre, particular parameter choices can lead to waveguide dispersion of

opposite sign to the material dispersion, resulting in cancellation of the total dispersion at
the required wavelength. Unfortunately, this type of dispersion-shifted fibre normally
has a rather small core, leading to problems with jointing. However, by using a more
complicated refractive index profile (e.g. a W-shaped profile) it is possible to achieve
similar cancellation using cores of larger cross-section.


In our analysis, we have concentrated on infinite, perfect guides. The exception has been a
discussion of tapers in Chapter 6, where we showed that variations in guide shape can
induce mode conversion. Now, although fibre is nominally made with a uniform cross-
section, there will inevitably be small irregularities (e.g., at the interface between core and
cladding, as in Figure 8.6-1a). Any change in ray direction resulting from scattering by
such an irregularity then corresponds to mode conversion. Slight changes in direction
(Figure 8.6-1b) lead to similar effects. Over the large distances involved in optical fibre
transmission, even a small amount of intermodal scattering can lead to a significant
transfer of power between modes. This leads to a range of consequences, which assume
differing importance in the various fibre types. We shall begin by discussing the effects in
multimode fibre.

Figure 8.6-1 Mode conversion, at (a) a small irregularity, and (b) a change in direction

Firstly, it might be thought that intermodal dispersion can be avoided by launching only a
single mode. However, since the processes above lead to a gradual transfer of energy to
higher-order modes, multimode operation must occur after a finite distance. Intermodal
dispersion is therefore inevitable. Secondly, it is likely that scattering will lead to some rays
striking the core/cladding interface at angles lower than the critical angle. These will not be
reflected, leading to energy loss through the excitation of radiation modes. This is known as

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


microbending loss if it is caused by small changes in guide direction (or as bend loss, if
the changes are large). High-order modes, which strike the interface at angles closer to c,
are more susceptible to bend loss. Now, it is likely that intermodal scattering will sooner or
later lead to the excitation of modes near to cutoff, which are very sensitive to radiation loss.
Consequently, multimode guides show an increase in bend loss with distance. One way to
alleviate this is to decrease the critical angle, which requires a large index difference between
core and cladding. However, in step-index fibre, this increases intermodal dispersion.

As we have mentioned, intermodal dispersion is not a problem in single-mode guides.

Nonetheless, intermodal scattering still leads to undesirable effects. Bend loss remains,
although this can be be held to acceptable levels by maximising the index change forming
the guide, and ensuring that the bend radius always exceeds a specified minimum value. We
shall discuss this point more fully in Chapter 9. Here, we will concentrate on an alternative
phenomenon: polarization fluctuation. This occurs in circularly symmetric fibre, due to
random perturbations acting along the length of the fibre.

Now, it can be shown that energy may be coupled most effectively between any two modes
by an external perturbation if it is a periodic one, with a spatial frequency that phase-
matches the modes. We have already met one example of this in Chapter 7 (the phase
matching of beams travelling in different directions by an optically thick grating) and we
will encounter some others in Chapter 10. The general idea is that two codirectional modes
with propagation constants and can be phase-matched by a perturbation with a spatial
frequency K such that:

K = 2/ = -
Any random perturbation along the length of a fibre may be resolved into a set of Fourier
components, each corresponding to a given spatial frequency of perturbation. Although the
exact frequency spectrum cannot be specified, we can make reach some broad conclusions
as to its general form.

i) It will be difficult to avoid a component at zero spatial frequency, since this represents the
'average' level of perturbation.

ii) The spectrum will fall off rapidly at higher frequencies, because anything else would
require rapid variations in the fibre with distance; (iii) the spectrum will not be constant,
because the most common disturbances (temperature changes and vibration) are inherently
time varying.

As we have mentioned before, even a single-moded fibre actually supports two modes.
These have orthogonal polarizations, and are degenerate in circularly symmetric fibre.
Consequently, the zero- spatial-frequency component above can phase-match them.
Random coupling between the two then leads to a rotation of the polarization. This is a
problem in interferometric systems, where the polarization of the interfering beams must be
held parallel. Clearly, these require a different type of fibre, which holds the plane of
polarization. Naturally enough, this is known as polarization- preserving fibre. Its
improved performance is obtained by adopting a non-circularly-symmetric core geometry,
which eliminates the degeneracy between the two polarization modes. Since these now have
different propagation constants (say, x and y) they are no longer phase-matched by the
zero-spatial- frequency component of any external perturbation. In fact, the larger the
difference between x and y the better, since this will result in a larger phase-matching
frequency (which will have a smaller component in the spectrum of a typical perturbation).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


The effectiveness of polarization-preserving fibre is normally measured in terms of the beat

length between the two modes, defined as:

= 2 / x - y
Values of in available fibre are generally of the order of millimetres.

It will be appreciated that a difference in propagation constant between two polarization

modes is just another manifestation of the familiar phenomenon of birefringence.
Polarization-preserving fibre is therefore also known as high-birefringence or hi-bi fibre.
There are two basic methods of inducing the required effect; the first operates by modifying
the physical symmetry of the fibre cross-section, while the latter works by removing the
isotropy of the fibre material. In each case, preferred axes are imposed on the overall
geometry, which become the polarization axes of the modified fibre.

To obtain form-induced birefringence, the core is made non-circular, usually by adopting

an elliptical cross-section. The two preferred polarizations are then aligned parallel to the
semi-major axes of the ellipse. So that these may readily be identified, a flat is often ground
on the cladding, parallel to one axis (Figure 8.6-2a). This also improves the accessibility of
the core, which is often advantageous (for example, in the directional coupler structures that
will be discussed in Chapter 10). For obvious reasons, this type of fibre is known as D-

Alternatively, in stress-induced birefringence, the circular shape of the core is retained,

but an anisotropic stress is applied to it. The most effective method uses the segmented
construction shown in Figure 8.6-2b. Here an annular region of the cladding is divided into
quadrants, with alternating segments made of glasses with different thermal expansion
coefficients. Silica (with expansion coefficient 1) is used for most of the cladding, while
the shaded areas consist of B2O3- doped silica (which has a higher coefficient 2). During
the cooling stages of the fibre fabrication process, differential contraction causes a large
uniaxial stress to be applied to the core, which in turn induces birefringence in the core
material (GeO2-doped silica) through the photoelastic effect. This type of fibre is known
as bow-tie fibre (from the shape of the stress-producing sectors) and offers beat lengths
as short as 0.5 mm at 0 = 0.633 m.

Figure 8.6-2 Polarization-preserving fibres: (a) D-fibre (photo courtesy R.Dyott, Andrew
Corporation), and (b) bow-tie fibre (photo courtesy D.Payne, Southampton University).


We will now examine some of the technology required to connect optical fibre and other
guided wave components in complete systems. This is important, because it is only the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


availability of low-loss, low-cost joints and splices that has allowed the full potential of
optical fibre to be realised outside the laboratory. Two aspects are involved: the coupling of
free-space beams into guided-wave components, and the direct connection of waveguides.
Both may be tackled using a general method known as transverse coupling, and analysed
using similar mathematical apparatus. We shall concentrate on the former in this section,
leaving the latter to the next.

The technique of coupling free-space beams into guided modes by transverse excitation is
known as end-fire coupling. For multimode fibres, the process is easy to visualise. In a
ray model, each guided mode is defined by a characteristic angle of propagation relative to
the fibre axis. Ignoring reflections, a field comprising an arbitrary collection of modes will
then exit through an end-face of the fibre as a cone of light, whose apex angle is set by the
numerical aperture defined earlier. Reversing this argument, we would expect that a cone of
external radiation impinging on a fibre end-face will excite a random set of guided modes,
which will then propagate down the fibre. The required external field can be generated very
simply by a lens, leading to the typical arrangement shown in Figure 8.7-1.

Figure 8.7-1 End-fire coupling into a multimode fibre.

Notice that this argument contains no details of the proportions in which the modes are
excited. However, we can deduce that it will be unproductive to use a beam whose numerical
aperture is much greater than that of the fibre, because a considerable fraction of the input
power must then be wasted on the excitation of cladding modes. Equally, we can guess that
a low-NA input field will launch a greater proportion of low-order modes, which have
shallower ray angles. A simple design approach would therefore be to match the numerical
aperture of the input to that of the fibre. For example, fibre #2 in Table 8.3-2 has an NA of
0.17. Assuming that the parallel beam has a diameter of 1 mm, the required focal length of
the lens is approximately 0.5/0.17 3 mm.

Another feature ignored by the model above is the relative positions of the components. For
example, if the fibre is placed a considerable distance from the focus of the lens, we would
expect low coupling efficiency. To include this aspect, we must consider the excitation of
individual modes rather more carefully. This can be done by examining the fields at the
boundary between the free-space and waveguide systems in more detail, as in Figure 8.7-2.
On the left, we have the input wave. Near the focus, this can be specified by a transverse
field Ein which travels almost entirely in the axial direction. Exactly at the focal plane, Ein
will be a Gaussian function if the input beam is itself Gaussian. The particular mode of
interest (say, the th mode, whose transverse field is E) is on the right. According to the
analysis of Chapter 6, the excitation efficiency of the th mode may then be found in terms
of overlap integrals, as:

= < Ein , E >2 / {< Ein , Ein > < E , E >}


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


Consequently, the main feature determining is the overlap between Ein and E. For high
efficiency, the two fields should coincide spatially as far as possible. Given that the field
diameter will be of the order of m in single-mode fibre, this implies stringent alignment
tolerance. Furthermore, the fields should match each other closely in shape and size. We
shall investigate this using an example.

Figure 8.7-2 Geometry for modal analysis of end-fire coupling.


A typical end-fire coupling operation might involve the launching of light from a He-Ne
laser into a single-moded parabolic-index fibre using a microscope objective. We can
estimate the dependence of coupling efficiency on the focal spot size, as follows. Firstly,
from the results of Chapter 4, we can assume that since this type of laser emits a Gaussian
beam, the phase-front at the focus of the lens will be planar, with the diffraction-limited
amplitude distribution EL(r) = AL exp(-r2/w02). Similarly, we may take the guided mode to
have a Gaussian transverse field, given by E1(r) = A1 exp(-r2/a2). The fibre is assumed to be
aligned exactly on-axis, with its end face at the focal plane. In this case, the overlap integrals
are best performed in radial coordinates. If this is done, we obtain:

< EL , EL > = 0 2r EL2(r) dr = (w02/2) AL2

< E1 , E1 > = 0 2r E12(r) dr = (a2/2) A12

< EL , E1 > = 0 2r EL (r) E1(r) dr = {w02a2/(w02 + a2)} AL A1

Substitution into Equation 8.7-1 then yields:
= 4w02a2 / {w02 + a2}2
By differentiation, it can be shown that maximum coupling efficiency is obtained when the
fields are exactly matched in size, so that w0 = a; simple substitution then shows that max
= 100%. However, falls rapidly away from this condition; for example, when w0 = 2a, we
obtain = 64%. Although this figure might still seem reasonable, it actually corresponds to
an insertion loss of 2 dB, equivalent to the attenuation incurred in propagating through
about 10 km of low-loss fibre!


End-fire coupling via a lens may be used with other types of laser. For example, laser
diodes (to be covered in Chapter 12) emit radiation from a narrow stripe, so their output is

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


highly divergent, with a numerical aperture that is normally much larger than that of single-
mode fibre. However, a lens may be used to collect the output, and redirect it towards the
fibre in a converging beam of reduced NA. This process is equivalent to the formation of a
magnified image of the lasing stripe on the fibre end. In practise, highly compact optical
arrangements are often used. Figure 8.7-3 shows three examples. In Figure 8.7-3a, a
separate GRIN-rod lens is used between the laser diode (LD) and the fibre. In Figure 8.7-
3b, a hemispherical glass microlens is attached to the end of the fibre, which has been
tapered down to a reduced diameter. Finally, in Figure 8.7-3c, the end of a tapered fibre has
been melted to form a lens directly in the fibre material.

Figure 8.7-3 Laser diode-to-fibre connection schemes: a) using a GRIN-rod lens, b)

using a microlens attached to the fibre, and c) using a tapered, lensed fibre.


The end-fire coupling principle can be used to construct a demountable connector known as
a lensed fibre connector. Figure 8.7-4a shows the basic idea.

Figure 8.7-4 (a) principle of lensed fibre connector; (b) and (c): connectors based on
spherical microlenses and GRIN-rod lenses (after A.Nicia, Elect. Lett. 14, 511 (1978)).

Each half of the connector consists of one prepared fibre end and one lens, which has a
numerical aperture matched to that of the fibre. The left-hand lens is used to collimate the
output from fibre #1, while the right-hand lens focusses this beam down onto the input of

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


fibre #2. Because the expansion-contraction process results in a near-plane beam of

relatively large diameter passing between the two connector halves, errors on longitudinal
alignment have virtually no effect, and the significance of errors in lateral position is
drastically reduced. Naturally, extremely small and cheap lenses are required. Figures 8.7-
4b and 8.7-4c show two possibilities; in the former, small spherical glass balls are used,
while the latter is based in GRIN-rod lenses.


We now consider the direct interconnection of fibre components. In this case, the transverse
coupling procedure is known as butt coupling. The basic idea is very simple; the two
components to be joined have their end-faces prepared accurately orthogonal to their axes
of propagation. The axes are then aligned, and the components are simply butted together.
Permanent attachment may then be achieved by gluing or by fusion splicing (to be
described later). However, this process is naturally subject to error.

Figure 8.8-1 shows examples of the difficulties that may arise in connecting two fibres. The
fibres could be displaced from their ideal relative positions, by (a) a short axial distance z,
(b) a small transverse distance x, or (c) a rotational misalignment . All such errors result
in reduced coupling efficiency. The effects may be calculated in terms of the overlap
between the field on the left-hand side of the joint and that on the right, using an expression
similar to Equation 8.7-1.

Figure 8.8-1 Misalignment of a fibre joint in a) axial, b) lateral and c) rotational

Alternatively, they may be measured directly. For example, Figure 8.8-2 shows
experimental measurements for the variation in coupling efficiency with off-axis
misalignment x, for joints between identical single-mode fibres. Two sets of data are

Fibre #1 has a diameter of 8.6 m, a V-value 2.41 and a numerical aperture of 0.056, while
Fibre #2 has d = 4.3 m, V = 2.18 and NA = 0.102. In each case, efficiency falls drastically
for offsets measured in m, although the larger- diameter fibre is more tolerant. The only
answer is stringent alignment accuracy.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


Figure 8.8-2 Experimental variation of coupling efficiency with transverse displacement

in butt- coupled joints (after W.A.Gambling et al., Elect. Lett. 14, 54-55 (1978)).


The problems involved in achieving the necessary alignment accuracy are enormous. To
begin with, the ends of the components to be joined must be smooth, flat and accurately
orthogonal to their axis of propagation. Two basic methods are used to achieve this:
polishing and cleaving. In the former, the fibre is mounted in a chuck, allowing one end
to be held perpendicular to a rotating lap. The end-face is first ground flat, using an abrasive
such as carborundum or aluminium oxide. Several grinding stages are needed, using
abrasive of successively finer quality. Finally, the end is polished using diamond grit, to
remove as far as possible the scratches induced by grinding. Alternatively, a chemical polish
such as syton (colloidal silica) may be used. Although the procedure appears laborious,
automatic machines exist that may polish a number of fibres simultaneously.

In the latter, a free end is first stripped of its protective jacket for a few inches, using a
chemical stripper. It is then placed in a cleaving tool, as shown in Figure 8.8-3. This usually
consists of four main components: two clamps, which hold the fibre at points a few
centimetres apart, a curved anvil, which is used to tension the fibre, and a diamond scoring

Figure 8.8-3 Cleaving an optical fibre.

The procedure is to score the surface of the fibre with the diamond, inducing a crack. This
is developed right through the cross-section, by moving the anvil so that the tension in the
fibre is increased past a critical point. The tip of the crack travels at the speed of sound, and,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


provided the tool is correctly adjusted, can leave a smooth, hackle- free surface orthogonal
to the axis to within 0.5o. Greater control of this angle may be obtained by using a focussed
ultrasonic wave to supply the energy needed to propagate the crack.


Permanent splices between identical fibres may be made by a fused joint, using either an
electric arc or an oxyhydrogen flame. The process is known as fusion splicing, and the
basic steps involved are illustrated in Figure 8.8-4. The two ends to be spliced are first
cleaved, and clamped into the splicing machine (8.8-4a). This normally contains a set of
precision piezo-electric micromanipulators, which allow the two ends to be aligned under a
microscope (8.8-4b). To improve the alignment, the transmission through this interim butt-
joint may be optimised. For example, light may be launched into fibre #1 by injection
through a bend, and detected by radiation from a bend in fibre #2.

Figure 8.8-4 a) - f) steps involved in fusion splicing.

The position of the stages may then be adjusted under the control of a microprocessor,
which is driven by a hill-climbing algorithm programmed to maximise the transmitted
power. When the alignment is satisfactory, the two fibres are separated axially by a short
distance (8.8-4c), and the electric arc is used to pre-fuse their tips. Surface tension causes
each one to melt into an accurate hemisphere (8.8-4d), removing any irregularities caused
by cleaving. The two fibres are then fed together, and the electric arc is used to perform the
final fusion (Figure 8.8-4e). In this stage, surface tension forces once again perform a
useful function, pulling the fibres into improved transverse alignment (8.8-4f).
Modern fusion splicing machines are semi-automatic, and routinely achieve splices with
extremely low loss ( 0.1 dB); Figure 8.8-4g shows a typical commercial splicing machine.
Splicers have also been developed for jointing fibre ribbon cable. This is a highly
demanding task, requiring the fabrication of joints between closely-spaced fibres. Besides
the constraints of space, each new fusion operation must not disturb the previous one.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


Figure 8.8-4 g) an automatic fusion splicer, the BICCOTEST 4100 (photograph courtesy
D.Henderson, Biccotest Ltd.).

After completion of the splice, the unjacketed fibre is rather fragile, and some kind of
reinforcement is normally used. A typical reinforcement kit consists of short sections of
meltable ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) tube and steel rod, held in a length of polyethylene
(PE) heat-shrink tubing. The components are placed over the splice and heated, so that the
EVA melts onto the fibre. Simultaneously, the PE tubing is collapsed, to hold the steel rod
firmly against the EVA-coated splice (Figure 8.8-5).

Figure 8.8-5 Fibre splice reinforcement (after M.Miyauchi, Elect. Lett. 17, 907 (1981))

For less demanding applications, mechanical splices are often used. In this case, the two
fibres are placed in a precision assembly, which is secured with epoxy. Figure 8.8-6 shows
one example, based on a preferentially-etched Si substrate. This has been lithographically
patterned and processed in an anisotropic etch (such as ethylene diamine pyrocatechol, or
EDP). Crystal planes with a higher density of atoms are more resistant to attack by such a
mixture, so the etching follows these planes. For a suitable crystal orientation, the result is a
pattern of deep etched grooves with sloping side walls (V-grooves), which act as a
precision kinematic mount for cylindrical fibre, locating it accurately in the transverse
plane.Two fibres are therefore self-aligned simply by placing them both in a groove and
butting them together. The whole assembly is then glued together under pressure, or held
mechanically if the splice is to be reusable. For mass-production, plastic replicas may be
made of the etched substrates. In the first stage, a negative copy is made of the grooved

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27


surface by nickel electroforming. This 'master' is then used to produce large numbers of
positive copies by precision moulding.

Figure 8.8-6 A self-aligned mechanical splice based on preferentially-etched silicon.


Reusable splices have only limited lifetime, and proper demountable connectors are often
required. We have already described lensed connectors; butt-jointed connectors form the
other main type. In single-fibre connectors, each fibre end is normally encased in a
precision ferrule, which increases the effective diameter and allows accurate coaxial
alignment of the two ends by a mating sleeve. The ferrules may be cylindrical (in which
case a cylindrical sleeve is used), but some misalignment inevitably follows from the
clearance between the ferrules and the sleeve. Errors also follow from any lack of
concentricity between each ferrule and its fibre, but these may be reduced by using a core-
centering lathe for assembly.

Connectors of this type are suitable for multimode fibres. For higher precision, conical
ferrules are used. Insertion of the ferrule into a tapered sleeve then allows the virtual
elimination of machining tolerance, so that dust particles set the final limit on the transverse
alignment. This is the principle underlying the operation of the biconical taper connector,
which is often used for single-mode fibres. Figure 8.8-7 shows a number of different fibre
connector plugs.

Clearly, any approach involving discrete ferrules is impractical for the multiple joints
required in ribbon fibre connectors. Most often, these are based on etched silicon
substrates, using an extension of the principle previously described for mechanical splicing.
For, example, the two ribbon fibre ends may be mounted on precision-etched baseplates, so
that each fibre in the array is accurately fixed in a V-groove. On the male half of the
connector, two larger grooves are used to locate a pair of precision steel pins, which mate
with corresponding grooves on the female half. A joint may then be made simply by
aligning the pins and sliding the two connector halves together. Figure 8.8-8 shows a
typical multifibre connector based on similar principles.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 28


Figure 8.8-7 Fibre ends fitted with a variety of different connector plugs. A biconical
taper plug is shown at the top left (photograph courtesy D.Tedone, GTE Products Corp.).

Figure 8.8-8 A multifibre connector (photo courtesy S.Takagi, Furukawa Electric Co.).

8.9 Fibre-based components

We now consider a number of simple passive components constructed from optical fibre,
for use in multimode and singlemode systems. In the former, devices are often based
around GRIN-rod lenses and bulk-optic beamsplitters. Figure 8.9-1 shows two examples.
The first is a 3 dB power splitter, which divides an input beam equally between two
outputs (Figure 8.9-1a). The beam enters from the left-hand fibre, and is collimated by a
1/4-pitch GRIN-rod lens. The resulting parallel beam is then passed into a frustrated-total-
internal-reflection beamsplitter, of the type described in Chapter 7. This divides the beam
equally into two components, which are end-fire coupled into output fibres using further
1/4-pitch GRIN-rod lenses. With the addition of a fourth unused port, the device is
symmetric, and may act as a bidirectional 2 x 2 splitter.

The second component (Figure 8.9-1b) is a demultiplexer, used to separate or combine

light of two different wavelengths in a wavelength-division-multiplexed communications

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


system. Just as in the previous example, a bulk-optic component (in this case, a multilayer
filter, similar to the Bragg reflection gratings discussed in Chapter 7) is sandwiched
between 1/4-pitch GRIN-rod lenses. However, only two lenses are used, and the input and
output fibres are not located on-axis. Light of wavelength 1 is therefore collimated by the
left-hand lens as an off-axis parallel beam. This particular wavelength is reflected by the
filter, so the parallel beam is returned off-axis by an equal and opposite angle, and is then
end-fire coupled into the left-hand output fibre. Light of a wavelength outside the reflective
band of the filter (say, at 2) passes straight through, and is end-fire coupled into the right-
hand output. Of course, the operation of the device could be reversed, so that two inputs at
1 and 2 are combined into a single output.

Figure 8.9-1 Multimode fibre components based on GRIN-rod lenses: (a) beamsplitter,
and (b) wavelength demultiplexer (after S.Sugimoto et al., Elect. Lett. 14, 15-17 (1978)).

Single-mode fibre components are rather different. Because of the stringent alignment
tolerances, end-fire coupling operations are inherently lossy; in fact, the best results are
normally obtained by sticking to single-mode operation throughout. A component that is
functionally equivalent to the 3 dB splitter above is known as a fused tapered coupler. To
fabricate the device, two sections of single- mode fibre are first stripped of their protective
jackets, placed parallel, twisted together and clamped by their free ends. Flame heating is
then applied to the twisted section, so that the fibres gradually melt into one another. At the
same time, the clamped ends are gradually drawn apart, so that the central section is tapered.
As each fibre is thinned, it approaches cutoff, and light propagating in either core is spread
further into the cladding.

Figure 8.9-2 Cross-section of a fused tapered coupler (photograph courtesy

D.Mortimore, British Telecom Research Laboratories).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30


Since the fibres are melting together, the cores approach each other, so the modal fields in
the two fibres start to overlap. There is then a possibility for power to be transferred from
one fibre to the other. In this case, the mechanism is complicated, and we will simply
assume that power exchange takes place. However, in Chapter 10 we will examine a similar
device - the directional coupler - where a reasonable analytic explanation of the
phenomenon can be given. The process is sufficiently controllable that it can be terminated
when any desired splitting ratio is achieved. After encapsulation of the fragile central
section, the device is complete. Figure 8.9-2 shows the cross-section of a typical coupler.

More complicated components may be constructed using similar techniques.

Polarization-preserving couplers can be made by fusing together two high-
birefringence fibres - for example, two D-fibres, arranged with their flat surfaces in contact.
Similarly, larger numbers of fibres may be fused together, to make 1 x N or N x N power
splitters (where N might lie in the range 3 - 7). When N becomes much larger, the
monolithic approach is impractical, and it is simpler to synthesise the required structure by
splicing together a number of smaller devices in an array. For example, Figure 8.9-3 shows
an 8 x 8 star coupler, built up from twelve 2 x 2 fused tapered couplers. Note that there is
exactly one pathway from each input to each output. Furthermore, all paths pass through
the same number of 2 x 2 couplers (three), and have the same transmission through each
(50%). Consequently, light incident on any of the eight input ports is equally divided
among all the outputs.

Figure 8.9-3 An 8 x 8 star coupler, built using fused tapered components.

We now introduce an entirely different single-mode fibre device: a polarization

controller. We have already noted the phenomenon of polarization fluctuation in
circularly-symmetric fibre. In many situations, it is necessary to adjust the output
polarization from a fibre, before coupling into another component (which may be
polarization-sensitive). Now, in bulk optics, it can be shown that a plane wave of arbitrary
polarization may be transformed into any desired output polarization state using two
quarter-wave plates. We recall from Chapter 3 that these are slabs of birefringent material,
with a thickness chosen to give a /2 phase difference between the two orthogonal
polarization components. An in-line single-mode polarization controller can perform a
similar trick, using the fibre-optic equivalent of a quarter-wave plate.

Figure 8.9-4a shows the principle. The fibre is formed into a coil, of radius R and length L.
If R is sufficiently small, bending the fibre in this way results in a uniaxial stress in the
core, acting towards the centre of the loop. As we saw in bow-tie fibre, this causes stress-
induced birefringence, and L is simply chosen so that a /2 phase shift is obtained between
the two polarization modes in travelling round the loop. It is also necessary to be able to

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 31


achieve an effect analogous to the rotation of a wave plate. This is done by fixing the input
and output of the coil (points A' and B'). The entire coil is then rotated about the line A' - B',
twisting the sections A' - A and B - B'. This can induce the necessary rotation of the plane
of polarization with respect to the principal axes of the coil. Two coils are needed in a
complete polarization controller, which is then as shown in Figure 8.9-4b.

Figure 8.9-4 Single-mode fibre fractional wave devices: a) basic principle, and b)
polarization controller.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32


8.1. Attenuation in silica glass is approximately 4 dB/km at 0 = 0.65 m. What is the
fraction of power transmitted through 10 km of silica-based fibre? Assuming that the
main contribution to loss arises from Rayleigh scattering, estimate the attenuation at
0 = 1.3 m. What is the fraction of power transmitted through the same length of
fibre at this wavelength?
[0.01%; 0.25 dB/km; 56.2%]

8.2. A multimode fibre, with a numerical aperture of 0.2, supports approximately 1000
modes at a wavelength of 0.85 m. Estimate its diameter.
[60.5 m]

8.3. Using (i) a one-dimensional ray-optic argument, and (ii) a modal argument, explain
the formation of an inverted real image by a half-pitch GRIN-rod lens.

8.4. Show that the reflection coefficients for TE- and TM-polarized light at a dielectric
interface both tend to exp(j/2), when the refractive index step tends to zero and the
angle of incidence approaches 90o.

8.5. Calculate the half-width of the lowest-order mode of a parabolic-index fibre,

assuming that the peak refractive index of the fibre is n0 = 1.5, the characteristic
radius is r0 = 25 m and the wavelength is 0 = 0.85 m. What will be the half-angle
of divergence of the far-field radiation pattern of this mode? (Hint: refer to Equation
[2.1 m; 7.4o]

8.6. The waveguide equation for an idealised model of a parabolic-index fibre may be
taken as:
2xyE,(x, y) + {n02k02 [1 - (r/r0)2] - ,2} E,(x, y) = 0.

Show by direct substitution that permissable solutions for the transverse fields of
higher-order guided modes are given by:

E,(x, y) = H(2x/a) H(2y/a) exp{-(x2 + y2)/a2}

where H() is a Hermite polynomial of order and a = (2r0/n0k0), and that the
corresponding propagation constants , are given by

, = n0k0{1 - 2( + + 1)/ (n0k0r0)}.

8.7. Show that the first few low-order Hermite polynomials given in Table 8.4-1 do
indeed satisfy the governing differential equation:

d2H()/d2 - 2 dH()/d + 2 H() = 0.

Sketch the variation of the transverse fields

E,(x, y) = H(2x/a) H(2y/a) exp{-(x2 + y2)/a2}

along the line y = 0. Under what conditions will the solution prove inaccurate?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 33


8.8. What properties are the most desirable in optical fibre that is to be used in a long-
distance telecommunications system? You should discuss loss, dispersion, ease of
jointing, and the availability of other systems components such as sources and
8.9. The theoretical expression for the end-fire coupling efficiency between a Gaussian
beam of characteristic radius w0 and the lowest-order mode of a parabolic-index fibre
(which also has a Gaussian transverse field, of radius a) is given by:

= 4w02a2 / {w02 + a2}2.

Sketch the variation of with the parameter = log(w0/a). Prove that the variation is
symmetric about the point = 0, when maximum efficiency of 100% is obtained.

8.10. Sketch the layout of a 16 x 16 star coupler, based on an array of 2 x 2 fused tapered

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 34



Adams M.J. "An introduction to optical waveguides" John Wiley & Sons, New York
(1981); Ch. 7.
Adams M.J., Payne D.N., Ragdale C.M. "Birefringence in optical fibres with elliptical
cross-section" Elect. Lett. 15, 298-299 (1979)
Ainslie B.J., Day C.R. "A review of single mode fibres with modified dispersion
characteristics" IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-4, 967-979 (1986)
Birch R.D., Payne D.N., Varnham M.P. "Fabrication of polarization-maintaining fibres
using gas- phase etching" Elect. Lett. 18, 1036-1038 (1982)
Dyott R.D., Schrank P.F. "Self-locating elliptically cored fibre with an accessible guiding
region" Elect. Lett. 18, 980-981 (1982)
Fleming J.W. "Material dispersion in lightguide glasses" Elect. Lett. 14, 326-328 (1978)
Gambling W.A., Matsumura H., Cowley A.G. "Jointing loss in single-mode fibres" Elect.
Lett. 14, 54-55 (1978)
Gambling W.A., Payne D.N., Matsumura H. "Radiation from curved single-mode fibres"
Elect. Lett. 12, 567-569 (1976)
Gloge D. "Weakly guiding fibers" Appl. Opt. 10, 2252-2258 (1971)
Kao K.C., Hockham G.A. "Dielectric fiber surface waveguides for optical frequencies"
Proc. IEE 113, 1151-1158 (1966)
Keiser G. "Optical fiber communications", McGraw-Hill International, London (1986).
Khoe G.-K., Kock H.G., Kuppers D., Poulissen J.H.F.M., de Vrieze H.M. "Progress in
monomode optical fibre interconnection devices" IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-2,
217-227 (1984)
Koehler B.G., Bowers J.E. "In-line single-mode fiber polarization controllers at 1.55, 1.3
and 0.63 m" Appl. Opt. 24, 349-353 (1985)
Marshall I.W. "Low-loss coupling between semiconductor lasers and single-mode fibre
using tapered lensed fibres" Br. Telecom. J. 4, 114-121 (1986)
Midwinter J.E. "Optical fibers for transmission" John Wiley & Sons, New York (1978)
Miller C.M. "Fibre-optic array splicing with etched silicon chips" Bell Syst. Tech. J. 57,
75-90 (1978)
Miller T.J., Hart A.C., Vroom W.J., Bowden M.J. "Silicone- and ethylene-vinyl-acetate-
coated laser-drawn silica fibres with tensile strengths > 3.5 GN/m2 (500 kp.s.i.) in >
3 km lengths" Elect. Lett. 14, 603-605 (1978)
Miya T., Terunuma Y., Hosaka T., Miyashita T. "Ultimate low-loss single-mode fibre at
1.55 m" Elect. Lett. 15, 106-108 (1979)
Miyauchi M., Matsumoto M., Toda Y., Matsuno K., Tokumaru Y. "New reinforcement for
arc-fusion spliced fibre" Elect. Lett. 17, 907-908 (1981)
Mortimore D.B. "Low-loss 8 x 8 single-mode star coupler" Elect. Lett. 21, 502-504 (1985)
Nicia A. "Practical low-loss lens connector for optical fibres" Elect. Lett. 14, 511-512
Payne D.B., McCartney D.J., Healey P. "Fusion splicing of a 31.6 km monomode optical
fibre system" Elect. Lett. 18, 82-84 (1982)
Pinnow D.A., Gentile A.L., Standler A.G., Timper A.T., Holbrook L.M. "Polycrystalline
fiber optical waveguides for infrared transmission" Appl. Phys. Lett. 33, 28-29
Senior J.M. "Optical fiber communications: principles and practice" Prentice-Hall
International, London (1985)
Shibata S., Horiguchi M., Jinguji K., Mitachi S., Kanamori T., Manabe T. "Prediction of
loss minima in infra-red optical fibres" Elect. Lett. 17, 775-777 (1981)
Tomlinson W.J. "Applications of GRIN-rod lenses in optical fiber communication
systems" Appl. Opt. 19, 1127-1138 (1980)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 35


Villaruel C.A., Moeller R.P. "Fused single mode fibre access couplers" Elect. Lett. 17, 243-
244 (1981)
White K.I., Nelson B.P. "Zero total dispersion in step index monomode fibers at 1.30 and
1.55 m" Elect. Lett. 15, 396-397 (1979)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 36


The second important system of integrated optics arises when the waveguides take the form
of channel guides. These still lie on a planar substrate, but are now arranged to confine the
optical field in two directions, x and y. Figure 9.1-1 shows cross sections through the most
common geometries. We shall now describe these in some detail, together with a summary
of typical fabrication methods; this information was omitted from our previous discussion
of planar guides in Chapter 6, on the grounds that many of the structures used are common
to each waveguide system. Further processing information can be found in Chapter 13.

Figure 9.1-1 Channel waveguide types: a) buried, b) ridge and c) strip-loaded.


Figure 9.1-1a shows a buried channel guide, which is made by modifying the properties
of the substrate material so that a higher refractive index is obtained locally. Most
fabrication processes result in a weak, graded-index guide buried just below the surface,
and, although channel guides normally have one axis of symmetry, they usually lack a well-
defined cross-sectional shape.

Diffusion is often used to fabricate guides of this type. For example, titanium metal can be
diffused into lithium niobate or lithium tantalate substrates, by first depositing the metal in
patterned strips of 1000 thickness and then carrying out an in-diffusion at a high
temperature ( 1000oC) for several hours (3 to 9). This is known as the Ti: LiNbO3
process. The additional impurities cause a change in refractive index that is approximately
proportional to their concentration, with a typical maximum value of n 0.01. Figure 9.1-
2 shows contours of constant refractive index that are obtained by diffusion of Ti metal into

Alternatively, material can be exchanged with the substrate. For example, protons (H+ ions)
can be exchanged with Li+ ions in LiNbO3. This is done by first covering the substrate with
a masking layer, which is patterned so narrow stripe openings are made. The crystal is then
placed in a suitable hot melt (in this case, benzoic acid, heated to 200oC), and exchange of
material takes place through the crystal surface in regions exposed by the mask openings.
Proton exchange yields an index change of n +0.12 for one polarization mode (the TM
mode), but the index change is actually negative for the other one. Consequently, a
waveguide is only formed in the former case. Silver ions can be exchanged with Na+ ions in
soda-lime glass in a similar way, by immersing the substrate in molten AgNO3, at
temperatures of 200 - 350oC. In this case, the time required to form a guide is large (several

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


hours), but if a DC electric field is used to assist the ion migration, the process can be
speeded up quite considerably. The index change obtained is n 0.1.

Figure 9.1-2 Contours of constant refractive index in a Ti-diffused channel waveguide.

Finally, material can be implanted using an ion implanter. This is a large, expensive item
of vacuum equipment, which can be used to select a particular species of ions and then
accelerate the desired ions electrostatically, so that they strike the substrate surface at high
speed and penetrate some distance. Because this process is ballistic, it causes damage to the
lattice as well as a change in refractive index. Ion implantation is therefore normally
followed by an annealing step, which shakes out the lattice damage. This allows properties
that rely on a regular, undamaged crystal lattice (e.g., electro-optic behaviour) to be
preserved, and greatly reduces waveguide propagation losses. Following annealing, He+
implantation has been found to be reasonably successful in LiNbO3.


Figure 9.1-1b shows a ridge waveguide. This is a step-index structure, usually fabricated
from a planar guide that has been patterned and etched to leave a ridge. Total internal
reflection then takes place at the sides of the guide, as well as the top and bottom faces.
Often, the etching is designed to follow specific crystal planes, so the edges of the ridge
may be sloped. Similarly, material is often (especially in laser structures) regrown around
the sides of the guide. Much higher field confinement is possible using a ridge than a
buried guide. As mentioned above, the index change that can be obtained by material
modification is very small, so the evanescent field of any guided mode must extend for
some distance outside the core. In a ridge guide, on the other hand, there can be a large
index difference between the ridge and its surround. This is an important advantage; for
example, bends can be much tighter in ridge-guide systems, as we shall see later.

Waveguides are often made as ridges in semiconductor materials, because of the ease with
which a mesa structure may be made by etching. Although the actual characteristics of
semiconductors will not be covered until Chapter 11, we shall now describe the basic
semiconductor waveguide types. There are two: heterostructure guides, which operate by
the refractive index differences obtained between different materials, and homostructure
guides, which use the index reduction following from an increase in the majority carrier

The two most common semiconductor materials used in optoelectronics are based on the
ternary alloy gallium aluminium arsenide and the quaternary alloy indium gallium
arsenide phosphide, respectively. To fabricate heterostructure waveguides in the
GaAs/GaAlAs system, successive layers of material are first grown on a GaAs substrate, in
differing compositions of the general form Ga1-xAlxAs (where x is the mole fraction of the
constituent). Because GaAs and GaAlAs have similar lattice parameters, these additional
layers are lattice-matched to the substrate and the composite crystal can grow without strain.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


Now, in Ga1-xAlxAs, the refractive index ranges roughly linearly from n 3.57 for x = 0 to
n 3.36 for x = 0.35 (at near infrared wavelengths). The variation of the alloy content
between the layers then yields the refractive index difference necessary for a waveguide.
For example, Figure 9.1-3 shows how a planar guide might be fabricated using a layer of
high-index GaAs, grown epitaxially on top of a thick layer of Ga1-xAlxAs (which acts as a
low-index isolation layer, separating the guide from the high-index GaAs substrate). The
guiding layer may then be etched down to a narrow rib, to form a ridge guide.

Figure 9.1-3 A GaAs/GaAlAs planar waveguide.

Waveguide fabrication is similar in the InP/InGaAsP system. This time, layers of the
quaternary alloy In1-xGaxAs1-yPy are grown on an InP substrate. However, lattice- matching
to the substrate is only obtained for particular combinations of x and y, which are detailed
in Chapter 13. More complicated layered structures are also often used. For example,
Figure 9.1-4 shows a double heterostructure waveguide, which has a low-index GaAlAs
confining layer on both sides of the guide. This arrangement is used extensively in
semiconductor lasers, since the difference in bandgap between the GaAs and GaAlAs layers
can provide carrier confinement in addition to confinement of the optical field. It will be
discussed in detail in Chapter 12.

Figure 9.1-4 A double heterostructure GaAs/GaAlAs planar waveguide.

Instead of using compositional variations to form a layered guiding structure, waveguides

can also be formed by making use of the reduction in refractive index that follows from an
increase in the free carrier concentration. As we showed in Chapter 3, this follows the
general law:

n = -N02e2 / (820nm*c2)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


where N is the carrier density, and m* is their effective mass. For example, undoped GaAs
may be grown on top of a doped (n-type) substrate to form a planar homostructure guide,
as in Figure 9.1-5.

Figure 9.1-5 A planar waveguide in GaAs formed by changes in free carrier


Alternatively, a similar structure may be created by proton bombardment of an n-type

substrate. This creates damage sites near the surface, which trap free carriers. This is known
as free carrier compensation, and produces a increase in refractive index. Now, we
showed in Chapter 3 that the index change obtained by doping may be found for n-type
GaAs as n = -0.01, when N = 5 x 1018 cm-3 and 0 = 1 m. This implies that the index
changes possible in homostructures are much lower than in heterostructures, giving reduced
confinement in any guide structure. In fact, since mh* me* in InP, the hole-induced index
difference is much smaller than the equivalent electron-induced value, so only n-type
material is useable for waveguiding. A further problem arising in homostructures is that the
increased carrier concentration in the substrate causes a rise in absorption, which can result
in unacceptable propagation loss. Heterostructures therefore offer several advantages.

Ridge guides can also be made in amorphous material on semiconducting substrates. One
common system involves silicon oxynitride guides, constructed on a silicon dioxide buffer
layer, which in turn lies on a silicon substrate. Silicon oxynitride has a relatively high
refractive index, but one which is lower than that of the silicon, for which n 3.5. The two
are therefore separated by a thick layer of SiO2, which acts as a low-index (n 1.47)
spacer. Other systems use doped silica (e.g. an SiO2/TiO2 mixture) on top of the silica
buffer layer. These are important, since they allow the fabrication of waveguides in a form
compatible with VLSI electronics.


Two-dimensional confinement may also be less obvious. Figure 9.1-1c shows a strip-
loaded guide. Here, a three-layer structure has been used, which has a substrate, a planar
layer, and then a ridge. The planar layer is arranged as a guide, but one that is just cut off.
However, the addition of a further high-index overlay is sufficient to induce guiding in a
localised region near the ridge. Confinement of the optical field in the y-direction is
obtained because the refractive index, when averaged in the x-direction, is higher in the
region of the ridge. The additional ridge overlay may have a different refractive index to that
of the planar guide, or (as in Figure 9.1-1c) the same index.


The analysis of a channel guide is generally a complicated problem, and different

approaches are used for ridge and channel guides. Since the index changes concerned in
the former are so large, a TEM model cannot be used, and a rigorous solution is normally
required. Figure 9.1-6 shows one possible model of a ridge guide, which consists of a

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


region of dielectric of rectangular cross-section surrounded by regions of differing

refractive indices.

Figure 9.1-6 Model of a rectangular dielectric waveguide.

It has been shown that modes of such a guide can be found (at least approximately) by
assuming solutions for the transverse variation of the electric field in the form of a product,
i.e. as ET(x, y) = E1(x) E2(y). Since the layers are individually uniform, we may guess that
E1(x) and E2(y) must have the form either of cosinusoidal or of exponential functions, by
analogy with the solution for a slab guide. These solutions are then built up in a piecewise
fashion, as follows:

In Region 1, the field is assumed to vary cosinusoidally with both x and y

In Region 2, the field is assumed to decay exponentially with x, and vary cosinusoidally
with y
In Region 3, the field is assumed to vary cosinusoidally with x, and decay exponentially
with y

And so on. These fields are matched rigorously at the interfaces between Regions 1 and 2,
1 and 3, 1 and 4, and 1 and 5, but only approximately in the shaded corner regions. The
result is a set of two- dimensional mode patterns, which are neither truly TE nor truly TM.
Often, the confinement provided by the layering is much stronger than that in the lateral
direction, so this type of mode may be non-circular, with a high aspect ratio (e.g. 3 : 1).

Unfortunately, the index distribution obtained by other fabrication methods can be less well
defined. For example, we have already seen in Figure 9.1-2 the refractive index distribution
arising when a strip of Ti metal is diffused into a LiNbO3 crystal. Since the index change is
weaker in this case, the waveguide modes are TEM-like and the approximate model
(Equation 6.4-3) developed in Chapter 6 may be used to find them. We shall not attempt to
solve this equation here, but simply present the results. Figure 9.1-7 shows contours of
constant intensity for the transverse field E(x, y) in a single- mode guide, with the index
distribution of Figure 9.1-2.

Figure 9.1-7 Isointensity contours for the modal field in a Ti-diffused channel guide.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


Notice that the mode is roughly circular, but there is increased confinement at the surface,
due to the large index change at the substrate/air interface.


As with optical fibres, power is generally coupled into a channel guide by transverse
excitation, using end-fire or butt coupling. For example, Figure 9.2-1 shows the
experimental set-up for end-fire coupling into and out of a Ti:LiNbO3 channel waveguide
device. The Ti:LiNbO3 chip is contained in the package at the centre of the photograph, and
consists of an array of six directional coupler switches. A x10 microscope objective to the
left of the device is used to focus the output from a 1.523 m wavelength He-Ne laser onto
a polished end-face of the chip, and micromanipulators are used to align one of the device
inputs to the focused spot of light. A second microscope objective is used to couple light
out of the chip, forming real images of the two device outputs at a convenient nearby plane.
Detectors may be placed at this plane to measure the device response.

Figure 9.2-1 Apparatus for end-fire coupling into a Ti:LiNbO3 channel waveguide device.

More usefully, a channel guide device can be joined to a different type of guide (e.g. a
fibre) simply by polishing an end of each component, aligning the field-carrying cores
together, and forming a permanent cemented joint. There are two requirements for high
efficiency in butt coupling, as we saw in Chapters 6 and 8.

(1) The modal field in the channel guide must be matched (in overall shape and
dimensions) as far as possible with that in the fibre. Perfect mode matching is never
possible, but considerable success has been achieved in many cases by careful choice of the
fabrication conditions. For Ti:LiNbO3 devices, for example, this may be done by adjusting
the width and thickness of the Ti metal strip, and the diffusion temperature and time.

(2) The field-carrying cores must be accurately aligned with respect to one another, in
relative spatial position and angular orientation. Typical tolerances for the former are < 1
m. For single joints, this can be achieved by micromanipulation, using piezoelectric

If conditions (1) and (2) are satisfied, the fibre-device-fibre coupling loss can be as low
as 1.5 dB in Ti:LiNbO3 devices, at near infrared wavelengths.

Unfortunately, micromanipulation is not a feasible method of adjusting the relative

positions of closely-spaced arrays of fibres and channel guides. An alternative self-

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6


alignment technique is therefore preferred. Figure 9.2-2 shows one method, used with
Ti:LiNbO3 devices.

Figure 9.2-2 Precision alignment structure for multiple fibre end-fire coupling to an
integrated optic channel waveguide chip (after E.J.Murphy et al., IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-
22, 928-932 (1986)).

This is based on the V-grooved silicon substrates used in the fibre connectors and splices
discussed in Chapter 8. The fibre array is simply sandwiched between two grooved
substrates, and the end of the entire assembly is polished. It is then only necessary to
position each array correctly, instead of each individual fibre. In the example above, one half
of each fibre-carrying sandwich is extended as a ledge, which mates with the integrated
optic chip. Only one adjustment (parallel to the substrate surface) is then needed to align
each fibre array with the channel guides on the chip.



The main causes of propagation loss in straight waveguides are absorption, and scattering
from material inhomogeneities and boundary imperfections. Note that the latter is greatly
reduced in fibre manufacture by the process of pulling a preform down to the final fibre.
This 'smoothing' does not occur in the fabrication of an integrated device, which is
produced as a 1 : 1 copy of a master mask set. Consequently, scattering losses are much
higher in integrated optics. However, all forms of loss vary considerably, depending on the
precise nature of the guide. We shall illustrate this with examples.

For Ti:LiNbO3 buried channel guides, losses are typically 1.0 dB/cm @ = 0.633 m, 0.5
dB/cm @ = 1.15 m and 0.2 dB/cm @ = 1.52 m. In this case, the major contribution
to loss is the photorefractive effect. This is a form of optical damage, which results in the
optically induced formation of refractive index changes. These scatter light out of the guide,
causing increased loss. Photorefractive effects are very dependent on the level of optical
power in the guide. They are extremely significant at visible wavelengths, but reduce
enormously in the near infrared.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 7


For GaAs ridge guides, losses were originally extremely high ( 4.0 dB/cm), but these have
been reduced considerably in recent years, to 0.2 dB/cm. Much of the loss in
homostructures arises from the presence of free carriers in the low-index confining layers
outside the guide, which gives rise to loss through collision damping. For low loss, a mode
must therefore be well confined inside the more resistive guiding layer. However, further
loss arises from scattering from the guide walls. If these are etched down crystal planes,
they may well adopt a 'staircase' profile, causing significant scattering.


A common requirement in a guided wave system is to be able to route light round a bend,
for example to establish links between different devices on an integrated optic chip.
However, as mentioned in Chapter 8, any curvature of a waveguide results in a loss
additional to the normal propagation loss. Figure 9.3-1 illustrates the effect, which is caused
by continuous conversion of the guided light into radiation modes. We shall now give an
alternative physical explanation of the process.

Figure9.3-1 Radiation loss at a waveguide bend.

One way to understand the underlying cause of the radiation is to consider the profile of the
transverse field as the guided mode travels round the bend. To keep in step, this pattern
must rotate around the centre of curvature of the guide, like a spoke in a rotating wheel.
Consequently, the further from the centre, the faster the field must move. However, the
outermost evanescent part of the field extends to infinite radius, so at some distance from
the core the field would have to exceed the speed of light in the substrate material to keep
up. The portion of the field outside this point must be radiated, reducing the power in the
guided mode. Bend loss is therefore very dependent on the confinement offered by the
guide. For indiffused guides, the index change forming the guide is small, so the
confinement is poor. Consequently, if low loss is required, bends must be shallow, with
typical radii of curvature of greater than 1 cm for Ti:LiNbO3 devices. This limits the device
packing density considerably. In ridge guide systems, the index change is larger, so bends
can be considerably tighter.

A detailed analysis of the conversion of guided light into radiation modes in a bend can be
performed using the method of local normal modes, which we previously used to
investigate slow tapers. This time, however, the axis of propagation of the guide must
change with distance around the bend, so the analysis is rather more complicated. An
approximation to the coupled mode solution is therefore often used. Typically, it is found
that the guided power falls off as:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 8


Pz = P0 exp(-z)
where Pz is the power after travelling a distance z and P0 is the input power. The attenuation
coefficient has the semi-empirical form:

= c1 exp(-c2r)
where r is the radius of curvature and c1 and c2 are constants. Equation 9.3-1 can be
interpreted as saying that the rate of power loss is proportional to the local guided power.
This is reasonable, provided that no radiated power is subsequently coupled back into the
guide. Since this process can and does occur, Equation 9.3-1 should be used with some

Note that, for a bend of a given angle , the transmitted power is P = P0 exp{- r}. For
bends of large radius, P tends to unity, since the loss coefficient tends to zero. However,
for extremely small radius bends, P tends to unity once again. This is because the distance
travelled round the bend now becomes very small, which counters the effect of an
increasingly large value of . In between, there is a minimum in P. By differentiation, this
can be shown to occur at a critical radius r = 1/c2.

Bends are often used to provide offset transitions at the input and output of devices, or to
separate guides at the edge of a chip for ease of coupling to fibres. In either case, an S-
bend is used. This can take the form of an abrupt transition, as shown in Figure 9.3-2a, or
a smooth curve (Figure 9.3-2b). Generally the former works better if the offset is small, and
the latter otherwise.

Figure 9.3-2 Waveguide S-bends: a) abrupt and b) gradual.

We now consider a range of passive channel waveguide devices, which can be used as
building blocks in a more complicated guided wave optical circuit. We begin with

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


polarizers. In bulk optics, these are devices that will pass one polarization component of a
plane wave, while attenuating the other (preferably blocking it entirely). An integrated optic
polarizer is a similar component, which will pass only one polarization mode. There are a
number of ways to achieve this. The major strategies are:
(1) To radiate one polarization mode preferentially. This can be done by adding a
birefringent overlayer to the guide, so that one polarization mode is cut off while the other
still propagates. For example, Figure 9.4-1 shows an early polarizer for a waveguide
formed in a glass substrate. This consisted of an overlayer of calcite, for which the ordinary
and extraordinary indices are 1.658 and 1.486, respectively. Since the guide index is
approximately 1.5, only the TE mode is guided with the crystal arranged in the orientation
shown, and the TM mode is radiated. Although this approach produces a functionally
adequate polarizer, it is not suitable for integration. More recently, fully integrated
processes have been developed. One example combines short sections of proton-exchanged
waveguide with guides formed by the Ti:LiNbO3 process. This produces a TM-pass
polarizer, because proton exchange only forms a waveguide for the TM mode.

(2a) To absorb one polarization mode preferentially. This can be done using a metal
overlay, in conjunction with a dielectric. For Ti:LiNbO3 guides, an Si3N4/Al combination is
suitable. Strong absorption of one mode can then occur if it is coupled into a surface
plasmon (previously encountered in Chapter 5) propagating in the metal layer. (2b) To
couple one polarization mode preferentially into another guide. This can be performed
using a polarization-selective directional coupler. Both of these involve the phenomenon
of codirectional coupling, which will be covered in Chapter 10.

Figure 9.4-1 Waveguide polarizer using a calcite overlay (after S.Uehara et al., Appl. Opt.
13, 1753-1754 (1974)).

We now consider the integrated optic equivalent of a mirror, which offers a simple method
of changing the direction of a guided beam. It can occupy considerably less space than a
bend, and can theoretically be more efficient. Such a device can operate by the reflection of
guided modes from a flat, highly reflective interface, arranged exactly orthogonal to the
guide. A suitable interface can be made by cutting a trench across the guide, as shown in
Figure 9.5-1. This can be done using a highly anisotropic etch process - reactive ion
etching (RIE) and focussed ion beam micro- machining are both suitable. The interface
must then be metallised to increase its reflectivity.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 10


Figure 9.5-1 Integrated optic normal reflector.

While the integrated mirror is conceptually a simple device, it is hard to make in practise,
because any reduction in surface flatness, orthogonality or reflectivity will lower the overall
reflection efficiency, as we now show. This can be calculated by modelling the local mirror
reflectivity as the product of a real function R(x, y), which accounts for the amplitude
reflectivity, and a phase function (x, y), which accounts for mirror tilt and flatness. An
incident mode with transverse field distribution E(x, y) will therefore be reflected as a new
field, with transverse field distribution E'(x, y), given by:

E'(x, y) = E (x, y) R(x, y) exp{-j(x, y)}

The problem can then be treated as one of end-fire coupling, where we simply wish to know
the efficiency r with which the new field E' will excite the old field E. From Chapter 6, we
know that this will be given by:

r = < E', E >2 / {< E', E'> < E , E >}

The important feature in Equation 9.5-2 is (as usual) the overlap integral between E' and
E. The reflection efficiency is clearly 100% if E' = E. However, it is reduced if there are
significant differences between E' and E.


We may use this approach to estimate the tolerance on mirror tilt angle, assuming that the
mirror is tilted about the y-axis through an angle from the vertical plane as shown in
Figure 9.5-2. We shall evaluate the reflection efficiency r using fields defined on the plane
z = 0. We start by assuming that the phase-front of the incident mode is flat, so that E (x,
y) is real at z = 0. To calculate the reflected field E', we simply assume that each part of the
mode must travel a different optical distance (which depends on the transverse co-ordinate
x) in moving from z = 0 to the mirror, and back again.

E' is therefore given approximately by:

E' (x, y) E (x, y) exp{-j2x tan()}

where the exponential term accounts for the additional phase-shift accumulated in travelling
the extra path.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 11


Figure 9.5-2 Integrated optic reflector with a skewed mirror.

The phase function in Equation 9.5-1 therefore has the form:

(x, y) = 2x tan()
so the functional description of the tilted mirror is particularly simple: it imparts a linearly-
varying phase-shift across the guided beam. We may now estimate that r will fall to zero
when there is a phase shift of radians across the beam, as the overlap integral in the
numerator of Equation 9.5-2 will then average to zero. For a waveguide of depth h, this
implies that:

2h tan() 2h

Using the typical parameters of 0 = 1 m, h = 5 m and neff = 2.2, we get 1.3o. Since
must be considerably lower than this for good reflectivity, the allowable tilt angle is
extremely small.


Mirrors can also be used to turn a beam through ninety degrees, for example by making an
interface at 45o at an intersection between two orthogonal ridge guides, as shown in Figure
9.5-3a. The device is similar to the direct reflector, but there is no need for coating to
increase reflectivity - the interface itself is normally totally-reflecting, due to the large index
difference between the ridge guide material and its surround (air). This particular technique
is important, because it allows the construction of bendless integrated optical circuits.

Figures 9.5-3b and 9.5-3c show examples of reflective waveguide bends, formed using
GaAs and high-silica waveguides, respectively.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 12


Figure 9.5-3 a) Total-internal reflection mirror; b) and c) Reflective bends in GaAs ridge
guides and high silica ridge guides, respectively (photographs courtesy P.Buchmann, IBM
Research Division, Zurich, and A.Himeno, NTT); d) frustrated total-internal-reflection

Figure 9.5-3d shows a related device, formed from two 90o reflectors separated by a small
air-gap. This is made using a narrow etched trench, so that the light can cross the air-gap by
optical tunnelling. The device then acts as a frustrated-total-internal-reflection beamsplitter,
similar to the bulk-optic FTIR device described in Chapter 7, and the splitting ratio is
controlled by adjusting the gap width.


We now consider devices that can change the cross-section of a guided beam, by a gradual
tapering of the guide parameters. The first such device is the waveguide horn, shown in
Figure 9.6-1. This was important in the early days of integrated optics, since it was used as
a conversion element between single-moded guides and much wider, multimode guides.
Since the development of all single-mode integrated optics, it has been rather less in

A horn operates by a slow expansion of the guide cross-section. As we saw in Chapter 6,

the theory of local normal modes implies that, if this process is slow enough, the input
mode will gradually evolve into the lowest-order, symmetric mode of the multimoded output
guide, without mode conversion. Generally, the allowed rate of expansion at any point along
the taper depends on the number of guided modes supported at that point. At the left-hand
end, the number of modes is small, so the expansion rate can be relatively fast.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 13


Figure 9.6-1 A channel waveguide horn.

At the right hand end, the number is large, so the rate must be much slower. This leads to
the characteristic parabolic variation in cross-section shown in Figure 9.6-1.

The second such device, the Y-junction, is the simplest kind of branching element. It
consists of a single-mode input guide, which is gradually separated by a forked transition
region into two similar single-mode output guides as shown in Figure 9.6-2.

Figure 9.6-2 Characteristic modes of a symmetric Y-junction.

The operation of the device is slightly more complicated than it appears, and one useful
viewpoint is provided by considering the characteristic modes of the entire structure at each
end. This is particularly simple at the left-hand end. Here, the structure consists of one
single-moded guide, which supports a characteristic mode with a transverse field
distribution EL(x, y), given by (say):

EL (x, y) = E(x, y)
At the right-hand end, the device consists of two similar single-moded guides, separated by
a distance S. If we define the transverse field patterns of the upper and lower guides to be
ERU and ERL, respectively, we may write:

ERU (x, y) = E(x, y - S/2) and ERL(x, y) = E(x, y + S/2)

Now, the combined structure at the right-hand end can also be thought of as a composite
guide, which supports its own set of characteristic modes, known as supermodes. We will
now guess the form this set might take. Firstly, we shall assume that there are only two
guided supermodes. This is reasonable, since the structure has twice the guiding cross-

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


section of a single guide. Secondly, we guess that each supermode can be written as a linear
combination of the modes of each individual guide. This is also realistic; because the wave
equation in the vicinity of each guide must look very like that for a single guide, the
solutions must be similar. Finally, since the structure is inherently symmetric, we shall
assume that the supermodes are symmetric and anti-symmetric field patterns. We shall
label these patterns ERS and ERA, respectively.

At the right-hand end of the device, therefore, we assume that the combined structure can
support two guided supermodes, of the form:

ERS(x, y) = ERU + ERL

ERA(x, y) = ERU - ERL
We shall now consider the response to an input to the single guide the left-hand end, as
shown in Figure 9.6-3.

Figure 9.6-2 Excitation of a Y-junction at the left-hand end.

At some reference point near the input, the transverse field can be taken as:

Ein(x, y) = ain EL(x, y)

where ain is the input mode amplitude. Propagation through the taper region can be
analysed using the theory of local normal modes. According to this, the single input (which
is a symmetric distribution) will be gradually converted into the symmetric supermode in
the transition region. Because the taper itself is symmetric, no antisymmetric modes -
especially the antisymmetric supermode - can be excited. Similarly, provided the taper rate
is low enough, no symmetric radiation modes will be generated. In a carefully constructed
Y-junction, conversion into the symmetric supermode will therefore be 100% efficient. At
some reference point near the output, the transverse field can therefore be written as:

Eout(x, y) = aout ERS(x, y)

Assuming 100% efficiency, we can calculate the field amplitudes. The input power is given

Pin = (/20) ain2 < E , E >

While the output power is:

Pout = (/20) aout2 < ERS, ERS >

Now, if the two output guides are sufficiently far apart, Equation 9.6-7 can be approximated

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 15


Pout = (/20) aout2 {< ERU , ERU > + < ERL , ERL >}
= 2 (/20) aout2 < E , E >
where we have assumed that < ERU , ERL > 0. Equating Equations 9.6-6 and 9.6-8, we see

aout = ain/2
We now change our viewpoint, and consider the device output in terms of the modes
travelling in each of the two right-hand guides individually. Clearly, Equation 9.6-5 can be
rewritten as:

Eout(x, y) = ain/2 ERU (x, y) + ain/2 ERL (x, y)

Equation 9.6-10 implies that the Y-junction divides the input equally between the two output
guides. Each has a mode amplitude of 1/2 times the input amplitude, and therefore carries
half the power.

We now consider operation in the reverse direction, when light is incident from just one of
the two channels on the right (as shown in Figure 9.6-4).

Figure 9.6-4 Excitation of a Y-junction at the right-hand end.

This time the incident beam can be written as:

Ein'(x, y) = ain' ERU(x, y)
Combining Equations 9.6-3, we see that this field can be expanded in terms of the
supermodes, as:

Ein'(x, y) = (ain'/2) [ERS(x, y) + ERA(x, y)]

This is physically reasonable; the supermodes add together to give a finite field amplitude
in the upper guide, and cancel to give nothing in the lower one.

What happens to these two components at the junction? For the symmetric supermode, the
situation is effectively that of Figure 9.6-3 in reverse, so it must be gradually converted into
the single guide mode. This contribution can be written as:

Eout'(x, y) = aout E(x, y)

By analogy with Equation 9.6-9, we can say that:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16


aout = 2 (ain'/2)
Consequently, the amplitude of the emerging mode is 1/2 times that of the input mode,
and hence the power carried by this contribution is half the input power. We now consider
the fate of the component carried by the antisymmetric supermode. This cannot be
converted into a symmetric distribution by a symmetrically tapered Y-junction, and hence
cannot emerge as a guided mode at all. Instead, this component must be converted into
antisymmetric radiation modes. Excitation of the Y-junction from the right hand side with a
single input therefore results in an automatic loss of 50% of the power to radiation. This
feature is not immediately apparent, and should therefore be considered carefully.

Y-junctions can be combined together in binary tree structures. These allow a single input
to be split into 2N outputs, all carrying equal power, using N levels of two-way splitting.
Figure 9.6-5 shows an example with three levels, which produces eight output beams from
a single input. Y-junction trees are often used as input devices for parallel arrays of other
components. They can also be used in reverse, to combine 2N guided inputs in a single
guided output. However, for the reasons just given, 100% efficiency is only achieved if all
of the inputs have equal amplitude and phase.

Figure 9.6-5 A Y-junction tree structure.


We now move on to discuss a range of electrically controllable devices, which require the
fabrication of a waveguide in an electro-optic substrate. The Ti:LiNbO3 process is an
extremely simple and versatile method of constructing such devices in lithium niobate.
However, many other materials (especially the semiconductor systems based on
GaAs/GaAlAs and InP/InGaAsP) are also electro-optic. The first such device is a phase
modulator. As we saw in Chapter 3, the most desirable configuration is a transverse
modulator, where the electric field is applied in a direction orthogonal to the axis of
propagation. The drive voltage required is proportional to g/L where g is the electrode gap
and L is the device length. In bulk optics, it is difficult to make g/L small, which results in a
high drive voltage. However, integrated optic devices require much lower voltages.


Figure 9.7-1 shows typical geometries used with an insulating crystal such as LiNbO3,
which illustrate many of the differences between bulk and guided-wave electro-optic
devices. Firstly, the electric field must now be applied through a pair of electrodes deposited
on the same surface of the crystal, as shown in Figure 9.7-1a. Secondly, these must be
arranged to lie somewhere above a waveguide, as in Figures 9.7-1b and c. (Note that, in
LiNbO3 devices, a thin dielectric buffer layer - usually 2000 of SiO2 - is inserted to
space the electrodes away from the waveguides, to avoid any undesirable polarization
effects.) The resulting static electric field may then be used to alter the refractive index in

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 17


the region of the guide, which in turn alters the phase of a guided optical wave. However,
due to the strong confinement of the mode, the electrode gap can now be very small (of the
order of a waveguide width), so that a high field can be created in the gap region using a
greatly reduced voltage ( 10 V).

Figure 9.7-1 Surface electrode phase shifters: a) electric field lines, b) and c) guide
placement for exploitation of vertical and horizontal electric field component, respectively.

Calculation of the field distribution Es(x, y) produced by the electrodes is a difficult

electrostatic problem, which requires the solution of Laplace's equation for a relatively
complicated set of boundary conditions. Although this can be done, it requires knowledge
either of an analytical technique known as conformal mapping, or of numerical methods for
the solution of partial differential equations. Since both topics lie some way from our main
theme, we shall simply assume the known solution directly.
The field distribution can be shown to be highly non-uniform, as indicated by the field lines
in Figure 9.7-1a. Their direction defines the local field direction, and their spacing its
strength. As can be seen, they run down from one electrode and up into the other; in
between, they are roughly horizontal. The vertical component of the field therefore peaks
just below the edge of each electrode, while the horizontal field peaks in the gap region.
Since the optical field is significant only near the waveguide core, we can exploit either the
vertical or horizontal parts of the electric field by placing the guide in different positions
beneath the electrodes. Figure 9.7-1b shows how the guide should be placed if the vertical
field component is to be used. For Z-cut LiNbO3, with the optical wave propagating in the
Y-direction, the TM mode is then affected by the strong r33 electro-optic coefficient, while
the TE mode is controlled by r13. Figure 9.7-1c shows the placement for the horizontal
field, which requires a different crystal cut. Using semiconductors, the construction of an
electro-optic device is more complicated, and special precautions are required to obtain a
high field in the guide core. These will be discussed in Chapter 12.


The two effects described above - non-uniformity of electrical and optical fields - make it
harder to work out the induced phase shift in integrated optic devices. However, this can be

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


done approximately using a perturbation method, as we shall now show. First, we suppose
that the guide is single-moded, and oriented in the z-direction. If it is formed by a two-
dimensional index distribution n(x, y), the modal field must satisfy the scalar waveguide
2xyE(x, y) + [n2(x,y)k02 - 2] E(x, y) = 0
We now suppose that the effect of the static field Es(x, y ) is to induce a two-dimensional
refractive index perturbation n(x, y), in the region from z = 0 to z = L, so that the new
refractive index in this region is defined by n' = n + n. Next, we assume that the effect on
the guided mode will be to change its propagation constant to ' = + , without altering
its transverse field distribution. This is reasonable, if the mode is initially well confined. The
waveguide equation for the modified guide is therefore as Equation 9.7-1, reading n' for n
and ' for . If n and are small, we may put:

n'2 = (n + n)2 n2 + 2nn and '2 2 + 2

so that the waveguide equation for the perturbed mode is given by:

2xyE(x, y) + {[n(x, y)2 + 2n(x, y)n(x, y)] k02 - [2 + 2]}E(x, y) = 0

This looks rather formidable. However, we note that many of the terms can be cancelled out
using the unperturbed waveguide equation, Equation 9.7-1. Removing these terms leaves:

{2n(x, y) n(x, y) k02 - 2}E(x, y) = 0

Unfortunately, Equation 9.7-4 is a two-dimensional equation, since it contains a number of
spatially varying quantities; really, we wish only to extract the scalar term . This can be
done by multiplying both sides of the equation by E*(x, y) and integrating over all space. If
this is done, we get:

k02 < nn E , E > - < E , E > = 0

so the change in propagation constant is given by:

= (k02/) < nn E , E > / < E , E >

In Equation 9.7-6, the numerator is the most important term, since the denominator just
represents a normalisation factor (which can be ignored if we have arranged that < E , E > =
1). The change in propagation constant is then found as an overlap between the electrically-
induced index change n(x, y) and the modal field E(x, y). This reflects the fact that the
electric and optical fields are both localised; we must therefore arrange them to overlap
spatially, or the index perturbation will have no effect on the guided mode. Assuming that <
E , E > is indeed unity, and that the guide is weak, we may find the change in effective index

neff = (k0/) < nn E , E > < n , E2 >

Now, from the results of Chapter 3, we know that the index change n will be linearly
proportional to one particular component of the electric field (which we define as Es'),

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


n(x, y) = -n3r Es'(x, y)/2

Here n and r are the relevant refractive index and electro-optic coefficient, respectively. neff
is then:

neff= -n3r/2 <Es' , E2 >

The field E' will in turn be proportional to the drive voltage V, and inversely proportional to
the electrode gap g. It is therefore often useful to write Equation 9.7-9 in the alternative

neff -n3rV/2g
where we have introduced an overlap factor , defined as:

= g/V < Es' , E2 >

The overlap factor is normally calculated by numerical integration, and lies in the range 0
1. Incomplete overlap between the electrical and optical fields therefore causes a
reduction in the effective index change over the value expected for uniform fields. For well-
designed devices, is 0.6 - 0.7. The phase shift = L corresponding to the change in
effective index above is then:

= 2neffL/0 = -n3rVL/g0
In a device with a given electrode gap, the phase shift is linearly proportional to both drive
voltage and device length. It is then convenient to characterise transverse modulators in
terms of the voltage-length product (VL) required for a phase-shift of = radians,
given by:

(VL) = g0/n3r
Note that this implies that larger drive voltages are required at longer optical wavelengths.


We may estimate (VL) for Ti:LiNbO3 devices as follows. For Z-cut lithium niobate, for
example, with propagation in the Y-direction and TM polarization, the refractive index is
altered by the Z-component of the electric field via the r33 coefficient (note the use of upper-
case letters to describe the crystal axes, which are slightly different from the x, y, z
coordinates above). In this case, we may write (VL) = g0/ne3r33. Assuming that 0 = 1.5
m, that the electrode gap is 7 m, and that the overlap factor is 0.6, we obtain (VL) = 7
x 10-6 x 1.5 x 10-6 / (2.23 x 30.8 x 10-12 x 0.6) = 0.053 V m, or roughly 50 V mm. A 5 mm-
long device would then require a 10 V drive.


If the field is poorly confined, our assumption that the transverse field distribution of the
mode will remain unaltered when the index change is applied becomes invalid. For example,
the guide index may be depressed sufficiently far that the mode becomes cut off, and
radiates into the substrate. This type of device is known as a cutoff modulator, and can be
used to provide intensity modulation directly, rather than a simple phase change. Figure

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


9.7-3a shows a schematic of the device, which consists of a pair of phase-modulator

electrodes operating in a region of weak optical confinement.

Figure 9.7-3 A cutoff modulator: a) schematic, b) operation with no applied voltage, and
c) operation with a voltage sufficient to induce cutoff.

With no applied voltage, the guided beam is transmitted through the active section with little
attenuation (Figure 9.7-3b). If a voltage of the correct sign is applied, this section
approaches cutoff, and the guided beam suffers heavy attenuation through conversion to
radiation modes (Figure 9.7-3c).


A phase modulator can be used to obtain frequency modulation instead of phase shifting,
by using a time-varying electrical drive. The simplest method, known as the Serrodyne,
uses a sawtooth drive voltage as shown in Figure 9.8-1.

In the regions of linear ramp, the voltage varies linearly with time, so that V(t) is given by:

V(t) = Vmax t/T

where T is the period of the sawtooth and Vmax is the maximum voltage. This results in a
sawtooth variation in phase-shift, which (again in the regions of linear ramp) varies as:

(t) = V(t) = maxt/T

where is a proportionality constant and max is the maximum phase shift. Consequently,
the electric field at the output of the phase-shifter is given by:

Eout(x, y, t) = Eout(x, y) exp(-jmax t/T)


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


Now, this can be written as:

Eout(x,y,t) = Eout(x, y) exp(jt)


= -max /T
The effect of the time-varying phase shift is therefore equivalent to a constant downward
frequency shift in the regions of linear ramp. If the drive is arranged so that the voltage
steps between the linear regions correspond to discontinuities of 2 in , these jumps
have no noticeable effect and the output is always a frequency-shifted wave. The Serrodyne
method is very simple and effective, but the frequency shift is limited by the difficulty of
generating a sawtooth wave at high frequencies.

Figure 9.8-1 Variation of drive voltage and phase shift in a Serrodyne frequency shifter.


We may use the analysis above to calculate the frequency shift produced by a Serrodyne
phase modulator of 5 mm length, driven by a 20 V peak-to-peak sawtooth drive voltage with
a period of 1 s, given that the static voltage-length product required for radians phase
shift is (VL) = 50 V mm. In this case, max = x 20 x 5 / 50 = 2 and T = 1 s, so f = 1


Another common form of drive voltage (which is considerably easier to generate at high
frequencies) is a sinusoid. If the modulation frequency is m, the phase shift has the form:

(t) = max sin(mt)

The wave emerging from the phase shifter is then given by:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


Eout(x, y, t) = Eout (x, y) exp{-j max sin(mt)}

We can then use a well-known mathematical identity to expand the exponential in Equation
9.8-7 as a sum of frequency-shifted waves, as:

Eout (x, y, t) = Eout (x, y)

n (-1)n Jn (max) exp(jnmt)
where n is an integer, and Jn is the nth order Bessel function. As can be seen, the use of a
sinusoidal drive does not yield a single frequency-shifted component. Instead, a whole
series of upper and lower sidebands are generated. The individual components have angular
frequencies of + nm, so they lie at regular spacings of m in frequency space, and have
Bessel function amplitude coefficients. This frequency spectrum is very similar to that of an
FM wave in communications theory. Consequently, the effect of raising max by increasing
the drive voltage is not an increase in amplitude of the desired frequency-shifted component
- rather, it is that more and more sidebands are generated. This is often undesirable, since it
increases the overall signal bandwidth.

Figure 9.8-2 shows the variation of the three lowest-order Bessel functions J0(), J1()
and J2() with . These are slowly varying functions, whose values are found tabulated in
many standard mathematical texts. The fraction of the optical power Pn contained in the nth
sideband is given by:

Pn = Jn2(max)
Thus, for an example maximum phase shift of radians, the power contained in the first
(upper) sideband is P1 = J12() = 0.0813, slightly more than 8% of the input power.

Figure 9.8-2 The variation of the three lowest-order Bessel functions.


The speed at which a phase modulator can be driven is of course limited, and the high-
frequency cutoff depends strongly on the electrode design. Figure 9.8-3 shows a typical
layout for a Ti:LiNbO3 device, where the electrodes can be considered as lumped
elements. These act as capacitors, which must be charged and discharged by the voltage
source. Typically, this has a fixed 50 output impedance, so the high-frequency cut-off is

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


determined by an RC time constant, where R = 50 and C is the electrode capacitance.

Now, C can be reduced either by decreasing the electrode length, or by increasing the
electrode gap. Unfortunately, both these strategies also increase the drive voltage, the first
because the voltage-length product (VL) of a given design is fixed, and the second because
it results in a weaker electric field. One possible solution is to match the electrodes to the
generator using a matching network, but broad band matching is virtually impossible.
Consequently, broad band lumped-element devices have a high-frequency cut-off at around
1 GHz.

Figure 9.8-3 A channel waveguide phase modulator with lumped-element electrodes.

One way of improving high-frequency performance is to replace the lumped-element

electrodes with electrodes that act as a waveguide at microwave frequencies, known as
travelling-wave electrodes. Typically, the required structure is an asymmetric coplanar
stripline, constructed from a pair of electrodes with greatly increased metal thickness ( 15
m), as shown in Figure 9.8-4.

Figure 9.8-4 A channel waveguide phase-shifter with travelling wave electrodes.

This can be arranged to present a constant, real impedance at microwave frequencies, which
can be matched to the output impedance of the generator quite simply. The electrical signal
is then launched as a travelling microwave at one end of the electrodes, travels the length of
the device, and is absorbed in a matched termination at the far end. This time, the high-
frequency cut-off is determined by a mismatch in the velocity of the optical and electrical
waves, due to the difference in dielectric constant at the two frequencies concerned. This is
highly significant for LiNbO3 devices. The result is reduced modulation at high
frequencies, but operation at 10 - 20 GHz is quite possible. Figure 9.8-5 shows a fully
packaged Ti:LiNbO3 microwave phase modulator, fitted with fibre pigtails.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


Figure 9.8-5 A packaged Ti:LiNbO3 phase modulator (photograph courtesy

R.C.Alferness, AT&T Bell Laboratories).

Phase modulation can be converted into amplitude modulation, by inserting a phase shifter
in one arm of an interferometer. The simplest is the Mach-Zehnder interferometer,
shown in Figure 9.9-1.

Figure 9.9-1 An electro-optic channel waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometer,

constructed using Y-junctions.

The structure consists of two back-to-back Y-junctions, separated by a region containing a

pair of identical electro-optic phase modulators. It operates as follows. The input wave is
first split into two components by the left-hand Y-junction. Using our previous results, the
transverse field across the device just before the phase shifter region can be written as:
E(x, y) = (ain/2) [ERU(x, y) + ERL(x, y)]
As before, ain is the modal amplitude of the single-guide input, and ERU and ERL are the
transverse fields of the modes in the upper and lower guides, respectively. Each beam then
travels through a phase-shifter section, and opposite shifts of are applied to each, to get a

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


push-pull effect. The transverse field across the whole device just beyond the phase-shifters
can then be written as:

E(x, y) = (ain/2) [ERU (x, y) exp(-j) + ERL (x, y) exp(+j)]

Now, this field can be expressed alternatively, in terms of the characteristic modes of the
two-guide system forming the central region of the device. If this is done, we obtain:

E(x, y) = (ain/2) [ERS(x, y) cos() - j ERA(x, y) sin()]

where ERS and ERA are the transverse fields of the symmetric and antisymmetric
supermodes in the central region. This distribution now passes into the right-hand Y-
junction. For the reasons given earlier, the component carried by the symmetric supermode
emerges from the single guide output, while the antisymmetric component is radiated. The
amplitude of the guided output is thus given by:
aout = ain cos()
so that the normalised output power P = Pout/Pin can be found as:

P = cos2() = [1 + cos(2)] / 2
The normalised output therefore varies cosinusoidally with , as shown in Figure 9.9-2.
The output power is unity when no phase shift is applied, falling to zero when = /2,
3/2 etc. In each of these cases, the electrodes induce a relative phase shift between the
components travelling in the two arms of radians. On/off intensity modulation may
therefore be achieved very simply, by arranging the induced phase-shift to jump between
zero and /2 radians.

Figure 9.9-2 Variation of guided output power with phase imbalance, for a Mach-
Zehnder interferometer.

An interferometer of a rather different kind can be made by allowing two waveguides to

cross at a shallow angle, as shown in Figure 9.9-3. This is known as an X-switch. In
general, such a device has two possible modes of operation (one interferometric, the other
operating via switchable total-internal-reflection). Exactly which occurs depends the design
parameters, but here we will assume the interferometric mode is operative. If the device is
fabricated in an electrooptic material, it can perform intensity modulation in a similar
manner to the Mach- Zehnder interferometer. However, because it has two guided output
ports, it can also function as a two-way switch.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


Figure 9-30 The X-switch.

In the central region of the switch, the guide is arranged to support two modes, which are as
usual symmetric and antisymmetric in character. This can be done by making the index
change forming the guide in this region double that elsewhere. Now, an input to one of the
switch arms will excite both the characteristic modes equally. These travel at different
speeds to the two output arms, where they are recombined. Depending on their relative
phases, a high output is obtained from either of the arms.

Electrodes are now added to the device, with a narrow central gap. When a voltage is
applied, the static electric field is high down the device centre line, and weak elsewhere. The
consequence is an induced index change in the gap region. The overlap between the
symmetric mode and this perturbation is strong, so its phase is altered according to the
phase modulation principle described earlier. However, the overlap with the antisymmetric
mode is much smaller, since this must have zero amplitude at its centre. A relative phase
difference is then induced between the two modes, so that interferometric addition or
cancellation occurs, and the power output from each arm is sinusoidally dependent on the
applied voltage. Although the device is difficult to make, it has the advantage of requiring no

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27


9.1. Describe briefly the difference in structure of semiconductor waveguides fabricated
using homo-structures and heterostructures. Calculate the maximum possible
thickness of the guiding layer of a symmetric GaAs/Ga0.85Al0.15As double
heterostructure guide, if single-mode operation is desired at a wavelength of 0.9 m.
[0.55 m]

9.2. For a particular channel guide system, experimental measurements of the radiation
loss incurred in 90o waveguide bends showed a 10 dB loss for a 1 mm bend radius,
and 3 dB loss for 1 cm radius. Estimate the loss incurred in a 45o bend of 5 mm
[5.27 dB]

9.3. A ninety-degree bend is formed in a single-mode semiconductor ridge waveguide

system using a total-internal reflection mirror. Unfortunately, due to an error, the
reflecting interface is offset by from its optimum position, as shown below. Explain
how you would estimate the transmission through the bend. Can the transmission
reach 100%, if = 0?

9.4. The figure below shows a Y-junction tree, used as a beam combiner for eight single-
mode inputs. If the input mode amplitudes in guides 1 ... 8 are 1, -2, 3, 0, -1, 2, 4 and
-1, espectively, calculate the efficiency of the beam-combining process. How does the
efficiency improve, if corrections are made to the input phases so that the
contributions sum in-phase?

9.5. Sketch the electric field lines associated with the following surface electrode
geometries. In each case, indicate where you would place a pair of channel guides, if
the electrodes are to be used to provide push-pull phase-shifting in the central region
of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 28


9.6. A cutoff modulator is based on a single-moded Ti:LiNbO3 channel waveguide with

an effective index of neff = 2.201. Assuming that the substrate index is ne = 2.2, that
the device will operate via the r33 electro-optic coefficient (30.8 x 10-12 m/V) using
surface electrodes with a 7 m gap width, and that overlap between the electrical and
optical fields is = 0.6, estimate the voltage required to induce cutoff. Why might
your estimate prove inaccurate?
[71.1 V]

9.7. A 10 mm-long electro-optic phase modulator is driven with a 10 V peak-to-peak

sinusoidal voltage, at a frequency of 10 MHz.

Assuming that the voltage-length product required for radians phase shift is (VL)
= 50 V mm, find the percentage of the output power contained in a bandwidth
ranging from 20 MHz below the optical carrier frequency to 20 MHz above it.

9.8. The figure below shows a travelling-wave electro-optic phase modulator. Assuming
that the angular frequencies of the electrical drive and the optical wave are m and 0,
respectively, and that the effective indices of the stripline waveguide and the optical
guide are nm and no, calculate and sketch the dependence of the induced optical phase
shift on m. At what frequency does first fall to zero?

9.9. A Mach-Zehnder interferometer is constructed using two identical phase-shifters,

which provide push-pull modulation. Each is 1 cm in length, and has a voltage-length
product for radians phase-shift of of (VL) = 50 V mm. Sketch accurately the
variation of guided output power with time, for a constant optical input and the D.C.-
biassed triangle-wave drive shown below.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


9.10. The figure below shows single-mode channel waveguide integrated optic circuit.
Explain the operation of each component, and of the circuit as a whole. How does the
output power vary, as a function of the path imbalance L? What might the device be
used for?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30



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Betts G.E., Chang W.S.C. "Crossing-channel waveguide electrooptic modulators" IEEE J.
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Buchmann P., Kaufmann H., Melchior H., Guebos H. "Totally reflecting mirrors:
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Burns W.K., Hocker G.B. "End-fire coupling between optical fibers and diffused channel
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Elect. Lett. 22, 756-758 (1986)
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Houghton A.J.N., Rogers P.M. "The fabrication of guided wave optical modulators and
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Jackel J.L., Rice C.E., Veselka J.J. "Proton exchange for high-index waveguides in
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Kaminow I.P., Stulz L.W., Turner E.H. "Efficient strip-waveguide modulator" Appl. Phys.
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Martin W.E. "A new waveguide switch/modulator for integrated optics" Appl. Phys. Lett.
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McIlroy P.W. et al. "Low loss single mode InP/GaInAsP waveguides grown by MOCVD"
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Minford W.J., Korotky S.K., Alferness R.C. "Low-loss Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide bends at
= 1.3 m" IEEE Trans. Micr. Theory & Tech. MTT-30, 1790-1794 (1982)
Murphy E.J., Rice T.C. "Self-alignment technique for fiber attachment to guided wave
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Nayar B.K., Booth R.C. "An introduction to integrated optics" British Telecom J. 4, 5-15
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Takato N., Yasu M., Kawachi M. "Low-loss high-silica single-mode channel waveguides"
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Uehara S., Izawa T., Nakagome H. "Optical waveguiding polarizer" Appl. Opt. 13, 1753-
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Walker R.G., Bennion I., Carter A.C. "Low voltage, 50, GaAs/AlGaAs travelling-wave
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Wilson, R.G., Betts D.A., Sadana D.K., Zavada J.M., Hunsperger R.G. "Proton, deuteron
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Conf. on Integrated Optics, London, Pp 63-65, 14-15 Sept (1981)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32



Until now, we have been concerned mainly with the properties of perfect, uniform guides.
We have shown them all to support a set of characteristic modes, which are (by definition)
field structures that propagate down the guide with only a change in phase. We have
encountered some exceptions to this rule - most notably, waveguide tapers, bends, gratings
and beam couplers, where the mode amplitudes also change due to power redistribution
between guided modes, or conversion from guided to radiation modes - but we have
managed to avoid any quantitative calculations of the amplitude changes concerned. It is
now the time to rectify this omission.
It turns out that a common physical principle underpins the behaviour of nearly all
perturbed waveguide structures: namely, that the introduction of a perturbation to an
otherwise perfect guide can cause an interchange of energy amongst the modes of that
guide. This interchange can be highly significant, if a number of conditions are satisfied. In
fact, one individual mode can be converted into another with close to 100% efficiency in
many cases. This principle, known as mode coupling, is ubiquitous, and occurs in many
branches of physics other than guided wave optics (most notably, in quantum mechanics).
As far as we are concerned, it is important to note that besides explaining the performance
of waveguides suffering from some imperfection or distortion, the principle can also be
exploited for use in new guided wave devices. We shall illustrate this point by considering
some of the wide range of devices that operate through coupling between co- and contra-
directional modes.


We will start with one of the most successful and versatile devices in both integrated and
fibre optics, the directional coupler, which works by coupling together two modes
travelling in the same direction. In its simplest form, this acts as a beam splitter, but more
complicated devices can be used as two-way switches or modulators; further variants can be
used as filters or polarizers. In broad outline, the device works as follows.

From previous experience, we know that there is an evanescent field extending outside any
dielectric waveguide. If two parallel guides are placed sufficiently close together, these parts
of the field must overlap spatially. Usually, the interwaveguide gap required for this overlap
to be significant is of the order of the guide width. For example, Figure 10.2-1 shows the
situation for the lowest-order modes in two identical, adjacent symmetric slab waveguides.
The refractive index distribution of the twin- guide system is also shown. The indices of the
two guide cores are ng1 and ng2, respectively, and the index in the substrate material outside
the guide has the uniform value ns.

Because of the intermodal overlap, it is hard to decide which guide any light in the overlap
region actually belongs to. This implies that there must be a mechanism for light in one
guide to be transferred to the other. It turns out (as we shall see later) that, if the two guides
satisfy a particular set of conditions, and run parallel for sufficient distance, this interchange
of power can be highly significant, reaching almost 100% in many cases. The light then
starts coupling back, so the power transfer process must be periodic with distance. We can
represent this as shown in Figure 10.2-2.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


Figure 10.2-1 Overlap of the transverse fields of two adjacent parallel symmetric slab

Here the input is to Guide 1, at z = 0. We shall assume that complete coupling occurs at z
= L, when all the light has been transferred to Guide 2. At z = 2L, therefore, the light will
have been completely coupled back to Guide 1, and so on. In fact, the process is a
continuous, bidirectional one, of a type known as multiple scattering. The condition the
guides must satisfy for 100% power transfer is therefore that they are synchronous (i.e.
have the same propagation constants) so that all the scattered contributions add up in-phase.
This usually requires them to be identical.

Figure 10.2-2 Conceptual representation of the coupling process.

We can use this effect to make a device that can switch light between two waveguides, as
follows. We start with two identical single-moded guides, and choose the length of the
coupling region so that the device runs from z = 0 to z = L. Under normal circumstances,
an input to Guide 1 will then be completely coupled across, and emerge as an output from
Guide 2. If we can now arrange to desynchronise the guides under electrical control, we can
prevent the power transfer process occurring. In this case, the light emerges from Guide 1,
without any cross coupling. Since the choice of output guide is now electrically alterable,
the device functions as a two-way switch.


Figure 10.2-3 shows the cross-section of a structure suited to realisation in integrated

optics. This is made from two channel waveguides buried in an insulating, electro-optic

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


substrate, with a pair of surface electrodes. The Ti:LiNbO3 process is now well developed
for fabrication of such devices. We have already discussed the effect of this type of
electrode pair in Chapter 9. When a D.C. voltage is applied between the two electrodes, the
result is a static electric field, represented by the field lines in Figure 10.2-3. Note that the
field is directed mainly downwards through the left-hand guide, and upwards through the
right-hand one. This will produce a change in the refractive index through the linear electro-
optic effect. The exact result will depend on the precise field variation, but the crystal
orientation will also affect matters. For simplicity, let us assume that the crystal is chosen so
that the vertical field component is the important one for the particular polarization of light

Figure 10.2-3 Cross-section of an electro-optic directional coupler.

Now, the linear electro-optic effect is (by definition) linear. In this case, therefore, we can
deduce that the index change must be of opposite sign in the two guides. Consequently, any
change in guide propagation constant that results must also be of opposite sign. The
application of a D.C. voltage to the electrodes can therefore be used to desynchronise two
otherwise identical guides. The difference between the propagation constants is often
written as = 2 - 1, and is proportional to voltage. The electrode structure shown is
consequently often known as a pair of electrodes. An electro-optic device using such
electrodes is called a directional coupler switch, shown in plan view in Figure 10.2-4.
Here, additional bend sections have been included to separate the waveguides at the input
and output, for example for coupling to pairs of fibres (which have a large core-to-core
separation due to their cladding). Integrated optic directional couplers in semiconducting
crystals require a rather different electrode construction, which will again be covered in
Chapter 12.

Figure 10.2-4 Plan view of a directional coupler switch.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3



We will now form a theoretical model of the directional coupler. The derivation of the
relevant equations is, unfortunately, rather lengthy, so for simplicity we base the analysis on
scalar theory, and concentrate on the central region of the device where the guides run
parallel. We start by assuming that the two guides are oriented in the z-direction, and are
described in isolation by the refractive index distributions n1(x, y) and n2(x, y), respectively.
Figure 10.3-1 shows how these distributions might look for a pair of symmetric slab
waveguides. Here the refractive index outside the guides is everywhere ns, while the indices
in the two guiding layers are ng1 and ng2 respectively. Assuming that the electric field is
polarized in the y-direction, the scalar wave equation governing the variation of the electric
field Eyi(x, y, z) for each guide in isolation is then given by:

2Eyi(x, y, z) + ni2(x, y)k02 Eyi(x, y, z ) = 0

Both guides are now assumed to be single-moded, with guided eigenmode solutions
defined by:

Eyi(x, y, z) = Ei(x, y) exp(-jiz)

Where i = 1 or 2, and where Ei(x, y) is the transverse field of the mode in the ith guide, and
i is its propagation constant. These solutions must satisfy the individual waveguide

2xyEi(x, y)+ [ni2(x, y)k02 - i2] Ei(x, y) = 0

Here the subscripts on the Laplacian imply that the differentiation is to be performed with
respect to x and y only. We take it that these equations have previously been solved by
some means, so that we know both of the transverse field distributions Ei(x, y) and both
propagation constants i.

Figure 10.3-1 The refractive index distributions n1(x) and n2(x) for two isolated guides.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


Now, we assume that the complete coupler is described by a refractive index distribution
nT(x, y), which corresponds to both guides together. We have already shown in Figure
10.2-1 how this distribution might look for the slab waveguide model used above. The
scalar wave equation for the complete coupler is then:
2Ey(x, y, z) + nT2(x, y)k02 Ey(x, y, z) = 0
Now, because we expect power to be coupled slowly from one guide to the other, we
assume that we can describe the solution for Ey(x, y, z) as a superposition of the modes in
the two isolated guides, i.e. as a linear combination of the two modal solutions previously
found. We therefore put:

E(x, y, z) = A1(z) E1(x, y) exp(-j1z) + A2(z) E2(x, y) exp(-j2z)

Here the functions A1(z) and A2(z) are the local amplitudes of the two modes. Clearly, these
must vary with distance, to describe the slow changes in power associated with the coupling

Carrying out the necessary differentiation, we can show that:

2Ey(x, y, z) = [A1 2xy E1 + (d2A1/dz2 - 2j1 dA1/dz - 12 A1) E1] exp(-j1z) +

[A2 2xy E2 + (d2A2/dz2 - 2j2 dA2/dz - 22 A2) E2] exp(-j2z)
We now substitute this expression, and the assumed solution of Equation 10.3-5, into the
scalar wave equation (Equation 10.3-4). The resulting equation can then be drastically
simplified, by eliminating the 2xy terms using the waveguide equations for the individual
guides (10.3-3). The relevant terms are merely collected together, and set equal to zero. The
result is:

[ d2A1/dz2 - 2j1 dA1/dz + k02(nT2 - n12) A1] E1 exp(-j1z) +

[ d2A2/dz2 - 2j2 dA2/dz + k02(nT2 - n22) A2] E2 exp(-j2z) = 0
Note the appearance in Equation 10.3-7 of two new functions, nT2 - n12 and nT2 - n22.
Bearing in mind the square-law relationship between refractive index and relative dielectric
constant, n2 = r, we can interpret these as follows. The first represents a perturbation in
dielectric constant r1 to Guide 1, caused by the introduction of a neighbouring waveguide,
Guide 2. This will clearly be non-zero only in the neighbourhood of Guide 2. The second
is a similar perturbation r2 caused to Guide 2 by Guide 1, and will in turn be significant
only near Guide 1.

Of course, we can make further simplifications. For example, we can neglect second
derivatives of the amplitudes (e.g. d2Ai/dz2), on the grounds that these represent modal
envelopes, which will probably vary only slowly with distance. We can also divide through
by exp(-j1z). This yields:

[-2j1dA1/dz + k02(nT2 - n12) A1] E1 + [-2j2dA2/dz + k02(nT2 - n22) A2] E2 exp(-jz) = 0

where = 2 - 1 represents the mismatch in propagation constant between the guides.
We are now nearly there; Equation 10.3-8 is almost (but not quite) useable. The problem is
that we really wish to find an equation governing the changes in the wave amplitudes Ai
with distance. Since these are one-dimensional functions, it is not sensible to solve a three-
dimensional equation. Somehow, we must remove the x- and y-variations contained in the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


quantities Ei and nT2 - ni2. We do this in two steps. First, we multiply the whole of Equation
10.3-8 by the complex conjugate of the transverse field in Guide 1 (E1*), and integrate over
the device cross-section. This yields the following new equation:

[-2j1 < E1 , E1 > dA1/dz + < k02(nT2 - n12) E1 , E1 > A1] +

[-2j2 < E2 , E1 > dA2/dz + < k02(nT2 - n22) E2 , E1 > A2] exp(-jz) = 0
Here we have used the inner product notation introduced in Chapter 6 to represent all the
integrals that arise. These are of course independent of x and y, so the operation has had the
desired effect.

Secondly, we now make a number of assumptions concerning the relative sizes of the
remaining terms. (1) We assume that the overlap term < E2 , E1 > is negligible, i.e. that the
spatial overlap of the two modes is small. This is reasonable, if the guides are not too close
together. (2) We also assume that the self-coupling term < k02(nT2 - n12) E1 , E1 > is
negligible. This is physically reasonable, since the integral is only non-zero in the region of
the perturbation r1, which lies in the evanescent region where the field function E1 is itself
small. (3) We assume on the other hand that the self- overlap term < E1 , E1 > is non-
negligible, since E1 must of course overlap completely with itself. (4) We also assume that
the coupling term < k02(nT2 - n22) E2 , E1 > is non-negligible, since E1 is significant in the
region where r2 is non-zero, the core of Guide 1. Neglecting terms (1) and (2), and
retaining terms (3) and (4), leaves Equation 10.3-9 in the form:

-2j1 < E1 , E1 > dA1/dz + < k02(nT2 - n22) E2 , E1 > A2 exp(-jz) = 0

Now, we could of course repeat the process above, this time multiplying Equation 10.3-8 by
E2*. We can guess that the result will be the slightly different equation:

-2j2 < E2 , E2 > dA2/dz + < k02(nT2 - n12) E1 , E2 > A1 exp(+jz) = 0

We now make two more simplifications. Firstly, since the propagation constants will not
change by very much during the switching process, we assume that 1 2 0 for the
purpose of division. Secondly, we assume that the symmetry of the device will ensure that:

< k02(nT2 - n22) E2 , E1 > / < E1 , E1 > < k02(nT2 - n12) E1 , E2 > / <E2 , E2 >
With these assumptions, Equations 10.3-10 and 10.3-11 become:

dA1/dz + j A2 exp(-jz) = 0
dA2/dz + j A1 exp(+jz) = 0
Here we have introduced a new quantity , which is known as the coupling coefficient.
This is arguably the most important parameter of the coupler, and is defined as:

= (k02/20) < (nT2 - n22) E2 , E1 > / < E1 , E1 >

Equations 10.3-13 are known as coupled mode equations, and represent the final stage in
the derivation. Essentially, they imply that variations in the amplitude of the mode in Guide
1 are linked to the amplitude of the mode in Guide 2 through the coupling coefficient , and
vice-versa. In other words, the mode amplitudes are coupled together. We shall see how to
solve the equations very shortly; first, we will briefly consider factors affecting the value of
the coupling coefficient.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6



The expression for in Equation 10.3-14 is relatively complicated. However, we note that
the first term, k02/20, is really a constant, since it depends mainly on the optical
wavelength. Similarly, the last term, < E1 , E1 >, is a normalisation factor. The salient
features are all contained in the central term, < (nT2 - n22) E2 , E1 >. This is, in effect, an
overlap integral between r2 (the dielectric constant perturbation seen by Guide 2 due to
Guide 1) and the two fields E1 and E2.

In our slab guide model, r2 is non-zero only within the core of Guide 1, so this region will
give the only contribution to the integral. The main requirement for to be large is
therefore that the evanescent tail of the field E2 penetrates Guide 1 to a significant extent.
We can then say that is most strongly affected by the interwaveguide gap g, which should
be small (but not too small, or our equations will be invalid). Because evanescent fields fall
off roughly exponentially, it turns out that also depends exponentially on g, to good
approximation. Typically, g should be of the order of the guide width (usually, a few m).

is also affected by the confinement of the modes. For example, a poorly confined mode
will have an evanescent field that extends a long distance from the guide core, which will
result in a strong coupling coefficient. However, weak confinement may be undesirable
because it increases bend loss, so the optimum confinement is something of a compromise.
Finally, is affected by polarization. Even though we have assumed a scalar model here, the
use of a birefringent electro-optic substrate generally causes different coupling rates for TE
and TM modes. This is clearly unfortunate, since the device will no longer be polarization-
independent. Fortunately, careful choice of the fabrication parameters can equalise TE and
TM in some cases (for example, in the Ti:LiNbO3 process).


We shall see first what happens when the two guides are synchronous, i.e. when there is no
propagation constant mismatch, so that = 0. The two coupled mode equations then
reduce to:

dA1/dz + j A2 = 0 ; dA2/dz + j A1 = 0
We can solve these equations as follows. Differentiating the left-hand one, we get:

d2A1/dz2 + j dA2/dz = 0
Substituting for dA2/dz using the right-hand one then gives:

d2A1/dz2 + 2 A1 = 0
This is a standard second-order differential equation, with the general solution:

A1 = C1 cos(z) + C2 sin(z)
Here C1 and C2 are constants that must be chosen to satisfy the boundary conditions. If we
initially launch light only into Guide 1, with unit modal amplitude, these must be that:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 7


A1 = 1, and A2 = 0 on z = 0
Now, from Equation 10.4-1, we know that:

A2 = (-1/j) dA1/dz
So the boundary conditions could be written in the alternative form:

A1 = 1, and dA1/dz = 0 on z = 0
It is easy to see the solution must then be:

A1 = cos(z)
The solution for A2 can be found by differentiation, using Equation 10.4-6. The result is:
A2 = -j sin(z)
Note that A2 is not real in Equation 10.4-9, showing that A2 is in quadrature with A1. It is
probably more useful to consider the powers in the two guides, rather than mode
amplitudes. These can be found in the usual way, via Poynting's Theorem. Normalising
relative to the input power, we get:

P1 = A1A1* = cos2(z) ; P2 = A2A2* = sin2(z)

This demonstrates one of the nicer features of coupled mode theory. After a string of
complicated manipulations, we still end up with a physically convincing result: total power,
which is of course given by P1 + P2, is conserved by the device. This is what we would
expect, since there is no loss. We can plot the variations of P1 and P2 with distance as
shown in Figure 10.4-1.

Figure10.4-1 Variation of the powers P1 and P2 with distance z.

As can be seen, the variations are in complete agreement with our earlier qualitative
discussion, and the power distribution between the guides is an oscillatory function of z. All
the power is transferred from Guide 1 to Guide 2 at the point z = L, when L = /2.
Complete transfer also occurs when L = 3/2, 5/2 and so on. Generally, however, the
device parameters are chosen for the lowest of these values. We can arrange this either by
altering the length L or the coupling coefficient . For Ti:LiNbO3 channel waveguide
devices, L/2 is typically 5 - 10 mm.

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What happens if there is a mismatch in propagation constant, so that is non-zero? Well,
we can still solve the coupled mode equations. First, it is best to make the substitutions:

A1 = a1 exp(-jz/2) and A2 = a2 exp(+jz/2)

Clearly, we can obtain derivatives of these new variables, in the form:

dA1/dz = [da1/dz - j/2 a1] exp(-jz/2)

and so on. Substituting into Equations 10.3-13, we find that all the exponentials cancel out,
leaving only constant terms, so that:

da1/dz - j/2 a1 + j a2 = 0
da2/dz + j/2 a2 + j a1 = 0
These equations are exactly equivalent to Equations 10.3-13, but much easier to solve. We
won't repeat the mathematics involved, but merely quote the general solution. For the same
input as before, the power output from Guide 2 is given by:

P2 = sin2[(2 + 2)] / (1+ 2/2)

where we have introduced two new parameters, a normalised coupling length and a
normalised dephasing parameter , given by:

= L ; = L/2
Equation 10.5-4 looks a bit like a sinc2 function (remember that sinc(x) = sin(x) / x). We
can plot it out as a function of (together with the power in Guide 1, given by P1 = 1 - P2),
for our design value of = /2. This gives the typical switching characteristic shown in
Figure 10.5-1. When = 0 (i.e., at synchronism) all the power emerges from Guide 2 as
before, but as increases the power transfer is destroyed and P2 falls, with a sort of
'filter' characteristic. Similarly, P1 rises as increases, so that total power is once again
conserved. Now, the first zero in Equation 10.5-4 occurs when:
(2 + 2) =
Given that we chose a normalised coupling length of = /2, this implies that:

= 3/2, or L = 3
To make a switch, we therefore need only to be able to define two states:

i) state A, when no voltage is applied to the electrodes (so L = 0). The light then emerges
from Guide 2.

ii) state A', when a voltage is applied such that L = 3. The light then emerges from
Guide 1.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


Figure 10.5-1 Directional coupler switch characteristic.


We can compare the voltages required to switch a coupler and a Mach-Zehnder

interferometer, as follows. For example, we know from Chapter 9 that the output of the
interferometer will fall to zero when there is radians phase difference between the arms.
The equivalent value in a coupler can be found from Equation 10.5-7 as 3 rads. At first
sight, therefore, the coupler seems less efficient, since it will need 3 times the voltage for
the same electrode geometry. However, coupler electrodes provide push-pull modulation
from a narrow electrode gap. This would not be practical in the Mach-Zehnder modulator,
since the guides are further apart (a bipolar drive is actually required in Figure 9.9-1 for
push-pull operation). A more realistic figure for the voltage ratio is therefore 3/2.


The astute reader will have noticed that one switch state in Figure 10.5-1 is electrically-
adjustable, but the other (at = 0) is set by the coupling length. Since is dependent on
modal confinement, an error in fabrication may easily lead a value of different from /2.

It is natural to ask whether the two switch states may then still be obtained. The short
answer is no: the cross-coupled state will in general suffer crosstalk. As a result, an
alternative set of electrodes, known as stepped electrodes, are often used. Each
electrode is divided into two at its midpoint, giving two pairs of electrodes, both of length
L/2. Using two separate control voltages (one for each pair) it is then possible to tune the
device so that both states are always achievable. However, this can only be done if the value
of is greater than /2.

Directional coupler switches are often integrated together as a switch array. If a number of
couplers are suitably arranged on a substrate, they can connect 2N inputs to 2N outputs
very simply. Figure 10.5-2 shows an example of a 4 x 4 switch, connecting four input
fibres to four outputs. 8 x 8 Ti:LiNbO3 switch arrays are now common, but there is a limit
to array size set by the dimensions of available crystal substrates.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 10


Figure 10.5-2 A space switching array.


Directional couplers can also be made in single-mode optical fibre form. The fibre is first
mounted in a silica or glass block, which has a curved groove cut in it, and the block is then
polished down until the fibre core is just exposed. Two such blocks are then placed
together, so that the polished areas are in contact, with a little index-matching fluid at the
join. The evanescent fields in the two fibres then overlap, so power is transferred between
them much as in the integrated device above. This arrangement is known as a polished
fibre coupler, and is shown in Figure 10.6-1.

Figure 10.6-1 A polished fibre directional coupler.

The main differences from the integrated optic device are that the coupling is non-uniform,
because the spacing between the fibre cores varies with distance, and that the fibre version is
not switchable. However, the coupling efficiency may easily be tuned, simply by sliding the
blocks across each other as shown in Figure 10.6-2a. This alters the core-to-core
separation, and hence the coupling coefficient, allowing simple variation of the splitting
ratio. Often, this is adjusted for a coupling length of = /4, so the device acts as a 50 : 50
splitter. Figure 10.6-2b shows a tunable single-mode fibre coupler.

If ordinary circular fibre is used to fabricate a polished coupler, the resulting component
will effectively scramble the input polarization, because there will be coupling between
orthogonal polarization modes. To make a polarization-preserving coupler, this process
must be suppressed. The easiest way is to use polarization-preserving fibre, so that
orthogonal polarization modes are not synchronous. D-fibre and bow-tie fibre (described in
Chapter 8) are both suitable. The only complication is that the polarization axes of the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 11


fibres in the two blocks must be parallel; the usual approach is to arrange them to be
parallel and perpendicular to the polished surfaces.

Figure 10.6-2 a) Arrangement for tuning the coupling strength of a polished fibre coupler,
and b) a commercial tunable fibre coupler (photograph courtesy A.Tobin, Sifam Ltd.).


Polarization-preserving couplers allow the construction of fibre circuits that operate on

interferometric principles. We have already encountered the integrated optic Mach-Zehnder
interferometer, and we will describe the use of fibre MZIs in Chapter 14. Here, we will
consider an alternative circuit, the Sagnac interferometer, which can be used as an all-fibre
mirror. Figure 10.6-3 shows the circuit, which consists of a fibre coupler with two of its
outputs connected together in a loop.

Figure 10.6-3 A fibre loop mirror.

To show that this acts as a mirror, we will consider the generation of a reflected output.
There are two possible paths between input and output that lead to a reflection. In the first,
light traverses the coupler without cross-coupling, travels clockwise round the loop, and is
then cross-coupled on meeting the coupler again. For unity input, the resulting amplitude is

Ar1 = cos(L) exp(-j) .-j sin(L)


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Here the first term is the coupler transmission without cross-coupling, the second is the
phase-shift incurred in travelling round the loop, and the third is the coupler transmission
with cross-coupling.

In the second pathway, light is cross-coupled on the first encounter with the coupler, travels
anti-clockwise round the loop, and passes through the coupler without cross-coupling on
the second encounter. Since the phase accumulated in the loop is independent of direction
(except under the special circumstances discussed in Chapter 14), the resulting amplitude

A r1 = -j sin(L) exp(-j) cos(L)

Clearly, the total reflected amplitude Ar must be the sum of these contributions, so that:

Ar = -j sin(2L) exp(-j)
The reflected power, Pr = Ar2, is then given by:

Pr = sin2(2L)
Equation 10.6-4 implies that the reflected power can reach 100% if the normalised coupling
length L is suitable (for example, when L = /4), independent of the length of the loop.
At first sight, this seems curious. To check we have not made a mistake, we can evaluate the
transmitted power in a similar way. The total transmitted amplitude At is again the sum of
two components:

At = [cos(L) exp(-j) cos(L)] + [-j sin(L) exp(-j) .-j sin(L)]

= cos(2L) exp(-j)
Hence, the reflected power Pt = At2 is given by:

Pt = cos2(2L)
Comparing Equations 10.6-4 and 10.6-6, we see that the result is self-consistent; the two
outputs sum to unity (to be expected, since there is no loss) and the transmission is indeed
zero when the reflectivity reaches 100%. The physical principle in use is one of interference
- the transmission falls to zero when the two components in Equation 10.6-5 cancel out.


Significant coupling can still occur between two entirely different waveguides, provided
they are synchronous and their modal fields overlap suitably. This principle can be
exploited in a range of different devices, of which the most important are directional coupler
filters and polarizers.


We shall begin with the directional coupler filter, which is typically formed from two quite
dissimilar, parallel dielectric waveguides in close proximity. For example, these might be
structurally similar, but have different core widths and refractive indices. Alternatively, they
might be quite different in shape - Figure 10.7-1 shows a section through a coaxial fibre

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coupler, which operates by coupling between a central cylindrical guide and an outer
annular guide.

Figure 10.7-1 Cross-section of a coaxial fibre coupler.

We can understand the effect of using two different guides by considering their dispersion
characteristics. For example, Figure 10.7-2 shows typical - diagrams for two slab
guides. Note that for most of the frequency range, the guides have different -values.
However, the curves have been arranged to cross (by careful choice of the waveguide
parameters) so that at one frequency p both propagation constants are equal to p. Now,
within a narrow range of this frequency, both curves are approximately linear. Similarly, the
variations of 1 and 2 with 0 are roughly linear within a small range of the phase-
matching wavelength p, as in Figure 10.7-3a.

Figure 10.7-2 Typical dispersion curves for two different guides.

We may approximate these curves by:

1 p + (0 - p) 1/0 and 2 p + (0 - p) 2/0

where 1/0 and 2/0 represent the slopes of the dispersion characteristics near p.
This allows us to write the difference in propagation constant = 2 - 1 between the two
guides as:

(0 - p) {2/0 - 1/0}
Consequently, depends linearly on the difference in wavelength from p. Without doing
any more mathematics, we can deduce that the variation of the cross-coupled output P2 with
wavelength will be as previously defined for a switched coupler in Equation 10.5-4, but
assuming that is as given above. A typical response is shown plotted in Figure 10.7-3b.
It is clear that the device functions as a band-pass filter, cross-coupling significant power
only in the region of the synchronous wavelength p. The filter bandwidth is set by the size
of the proportionality constant {2/0 - 1/0}. For maximum selectivity, the
difference in slopes of the two dispersion characteristics should be large. Unfortunately,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


with the relatively weak guides in common use, there are restrictions in the possible range
of slopes. This in turn limits typical filter bandwiths to 100 using Ti:LiNbO3 devices.

Figure 10.7-3 Directional coupler filter operation: a) dispersion characteristics, and b) filter


The principle of codirectional coupling between two dissimilar guided modes can also be
adapted to provide polarizing and polarization-splitting functions, if one of the modes
concerned is a surface plasma wave (which we previously introduced in Chapter 5). Surface
plasmon polarizers represent a useful alternative to the birefringent devices described in
Chapter 9.

We recall that a surface plasmon is a particular field structure that may be supported at the
interface between a metal and a dielectric. We have already shown that it can only exist for
TM-polarized light, and that is an extremely lossy, short-range mode. Let us suppose that
by appropriate choice of parameters its propagation constant may be matched to that of a
mode in a nearby parallel dielectric waveguide. Synchronous coupling between these modes
may then occur. However, energy transferred to the surface plasma wave will be quickly
dissipated as heat due to ohmic loss, so the coupling process will be largely one-way. In
this way, the TM mode in the dielectric guide will be heavily attenuated, while the TE mode
(which has no plasmon mode to couple to) is virtually unaffected. Such a device therefore
acts as a TE-pass polarizer.

Figure 10.7-4 shows the construction of a surface plasmon fibre polarizer. It is based
on a polished fibre block, of the type previously used to fabricate a fibre directional coupler.
However, there are two additional overlayers: a thin metal layer, and a dielectric loading
layer. In fact, the surface plasmon mode is supported by a three-layer structure, comprising
the two layers just mentioned, and an additional layer provided by the polished block.

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Consequently, the form of the plasmon mode is rather more complicated than our previous
analysis suggests. Furthermore, detailed analysis shows that more than one such mode can
exist. However, the principle described above is nonetheless valid: by careful choice of the
layer parameters, it is possible to phase-match one of the possible surface plasma waves to
the TM fibre mode, which can then be heavily attenuated. Typical results show 50 - 60dB
extinction ratios, with excess losses for the transmitted polarization of only 0.5 dB.

Figure 10.7-4 A fibre polarizer based on a polished fibre block.

By placing another uncoated, polished fibre block on top of such a polarizer, a

polarization- splitter can be made. This operates by using the surface plasmon as an
intermediary between the two fibres. Now, we have already seen how TM light from the
original fibre can be coupled into the plasmon mode. If the additional fibre is also
synchronous, the plasmon can in turn couple light into this guide, effectively transferring
light between the two different fibres. Since the plasmon now acts only as a 'stepping stone'
for a short period, little power is dissipated in the process. Naturally, only TM light is
transferred in this way; TE light passes through without coupling.


We now consider a slight modification to the basic directional coupler design, which can
lead to significantly improved performance. Returning to Figures 10.5-1 and 10.7-3b, we
notice a characteristic of both responses: the existence of significant sidelobes. This can be
unsatisfactory, since switched states must be accurately located in the sidelobe 'nulls' for
good crosstalk performance. Figure 10.8-1 shows an alternative coupler design, which
avoids this problem. The modification introduced is simply that the interguide separation is
made to be slowly varying with distance, reaching a minimum at the device centre and
increasing at either end.

Figure 10.8-1 Directional coupler with tapered coupling due to varying interguide

What is the effect of this slow tapering? Well, we already know that the coupling coefficient
depends on g, so it is reasonable to assume that a spatially-varying g(z) will lead to a
varying (z). Since depends roughly exponentially on the gap, a parabolic change in g
(due to circularly curved guides) would lead to a Gaussian variation in . In this case, we
might expect that the coupled mode equations for the device will be as Equations 10.3-13,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16


but with the constant replaced by (z). For simplicity, we shall just consider the equation
for A2, which becomes:

dA2/dz + j (z) A1 exp(+jz) = 0

Now, if we knew the form of A1(z), this equation could be integrated over the device length,
to get:

A2(L) - A2(0) = -j 0L (z) A1(z) exp(+jz) dz


Without solving the equations, we do not know A1(z). However, we can make an
approximation, valid for weakly-coupled devices: if little power is transferred, we may take
A1(z) to be virtually constant. For unity input to Guide 1, we then get:

A2(L) -j 0L (z) exp(+jz) dz

Equation 10.8-3 now shows that there is an integral relationship between the output A2(L)
and (z). For constant coupling, we may evaluate this very simply, to get:

A2(L) -jkL exp(+jL/2) sinc(L/2)

This implies that the cross-coupled output power P2 is given by:

P2 2 sinc2()
where = L and = L/2, as before.

Equation 10.8-5 could of course have been found from the exact solution (10.5-4) merely
by assuming a small value of . However, this derivation shows an interesting feature: the
amplitude response (Equation 10.8-3) looks very like a Fourier transform of the coupling
distribution. The sinc function obtained in Equation 10.8-4 therefore arises from having
uniform coupling over a finite distance, i.e. because (z) is a rectangle function. To
suppress the sidelobes, we should choose alternative variations for (z) whose Fourier
transforms have lower lobes. One example is the Gaussian variation described earlier, since
this transforms to another Gaussian. If the coupling is tapered in this way, the levels of the
sidelobes may be greatly reduced. Most usefully, it turns out that this principle is still valid
for strongly coupled devices, even though the relation between the switch response and the
coupling variation is no longer a simple Fourier transform.


We now move on to consider another extremely useful device, which operates this time by
contradirectional coupling - the reflection grating filter. This is very similar to the planar
waveguide gratings described in qualitative terms in Chapter 7. It can be made by etching a
periodic corrugation on the surface of a waveguide, as shown in Figure 10.9-1.

The device can be used to convert a mode travelling in the forward direction into a
backward- travelling mode, through the Bragg effect. Each groove acts like a weak mirror,
which would individually give only a very small reflection. However, if the components all

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 17


sum constructively, the result can be a very strong combined reflection. For this to occur,
we require the components reflected from adjacent grooves to add in-phase.

Figure 10.9-1 a) Schematic of a corrugated reflection grating, and b) electron microscope

view of a reflection grating on a ridge guide formed in InP (photograph courtesy G.Heise,
Siemens AG).

Now, the optical path between grooves is neff, where neff is the effective index and is the
grating wavelength. If a component reflected from one groove is to sum in-phase with the
contribution of its neighbour, we require that twice this path is a whole number of optical
wavelengths (the factor of two arises from the reversal in direction). We can write this as:

2neff = m0
Where m is an integer. This is a special case of Bragg's Law, and if we take m to be unity,
the guided wave is incident at the first Bragg condition. We shall assume this is the case
from now on.

Now, with this assumption we can clearly re-arrange Equation 10.9-1 as:

2 (/2) = (0/2neff)
As in Chapter 7, we now define a grating vector K, whose direction is normal to the
corrugations, and whose magnitude is given by:

K = 2/
Bearing in mind that the propagation constant is equal to 2nefff/0, Equation 10.9-2
implies that:

K = 2
Thus, when the Bragg condition is satisfied, the magnitude of the grating vector is exactly
twice . This corresponds to the K-vector closure condition discussed in Chapter 7, and
could be represented by a K-vector diagram. However, an alternative viewpoint is provided
by Figure 10.9-2.

This shows the dispersion characteristics of both a forward- and a backward-travelling

mode; clearly, the latter merely has a negative value of . Here Equation 10.9-4 is
represented by the dashed-line construction, which shows that the forward and backward
modes are phase-matched by the grating vector for incidence exactly at the phase-matching
frequency p.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


Figure 10.9-2 Phase matching by a grating, illustrated on the plane.


We can work out the period needed to satisfy the Bragg condition for a typical design, as
follows. We take the optical wavelength to be 0 = 1.5 m, a common near-infrared
wavelength. We assume that the guides are made in titanium-indiffused LiNbO3 (whose
refractive index is 2.2). Because guides made by indiffusion are very weak, we may take
neff ns, so 2ns/0 = 9.2 x 106. Hence K = 2 = 18.4 x 106, and = 2/K = 0.34 m.

The small figure for found above implies that gratings are hard to make. Generally, a
surface pattern is first prepared, either by electron beam lithography or by exposure to a
holographic interference pattern. This is then etched into the guide using ion beam
milling, reactive ion etching or wet etching. In semiconductor materials, the refractive
index is generally higher, which results in an even smaller value of . The required pattern
is then so hard to generate that a different grating with period 2 or 3 is often used
instead, with incidence at a higher Bragg condition.


Now, following the argument above, we would expect a strong reflection from the grating
when Equation 10.9-4 holds, because the scattered components will add constructively.
What happens if this is not the case (if we change the optical wavelength, for example)?
Well, there will still be scattered components, but these will now sum with different phases.
Clearly, the further we are off-Bragg, the greater the differences involved, and there will
soon come a point when they are so large that the effective sum of the components is zero.
At this point, there is no net reflection. The grating is therefore wavelength-selective, and
can be used as a filter.


We can also analyse gratings using scalar coupled mode theory. As with the coupler, we
first briefly consider the properties of the unperturbed guide (i.e. the guide without the
grating). This is again oriented in the z-direction, and is formed by a two-dimensional index
distribution n(x, y), so wave propagation will be governed by a scalar wave equation similar
to Equation 10.3-1 (ignoring the subscript i). As before, we assume that the guide is single-
moded, so a forward-travelling mode Ey(x, y, z) = E(x, y) exp(-jz) will satisfy a waveguide
equation similar to Equation 10.3-3, as does a backward-travelling mode Ey(x, y, z) = E(x,
y) exp(+jz). We now assume that the guide is perturbed by a periodic index change n(x,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


y, z), which represents the grating. In the simplest model, n could be defined by a periodic
function of the form
n(x, y, z) = n(x, y ) cos(Kz)
Here n(x, y) describes the variation of the index perturbation in the transverse direction,
while the cosine accounts for the periodicity of the grating in the z-direction. The scalar
wave equation for the complete system (i.e. guide plus grating) is then:

2Ey(x, y, z) + [n(x, y) + n(x, y, z)]2 k02 Ey(x, y, z) = 0

Given that the perturbation is likely to be small, we can approximate Equation 10.10-2 by:

2Ey + [n2 + 2nn] k02 Ey = 0

Now, we know from the qualitative discussion above that a guided mode incident in the +z
direction will be reflected as a mode travelling in the -z direction, provided the Bragg
condition is nearly satisfied, so that K 2. We therefore assume a solution to Equation
10.10-3 as the sum of a forward- and a backward-travelling mode, in the following form:

Ey(x, y, z) = AF(z) E(x, y) exp(-jz) + AB(z) E(x, y) exp[-j( - K)z]

Here AF and AB are the amplitudes of the forward- and backward-modes, respectively, and
their z-dependence accounts for the gradual conversion of one mode into the other. Note
that the backward mode can be recognised as varying approximately as exp(+jz), if K
2. Doing the necessary differentiation, we can obtain the Laplacian as:

2Ey = [AF 2xyE + (d2AF/dz2 - 2j dAF/dz - 2 AF) E] exp(-jz) +

[AB 2xyE + (d2AB/dz2 - 2j{ - K}dAB/dz - { - K}2 AB) E] exp[-j( - K)z]
We now substitute this and the assumed solution into the wave equation (10.10-3). This
produces a very lengthy equation, which can however be simplified using much the same
techniques as we have used before. We first eliminate all the 2xy terms, using the
unperturbed waveguide equation, and neglect second derivatives of AF and AB (on the
grounds that these vary slowly). This gives:

{-2j dAF/dz exp(-jz) + [-2j( - K)dAB/dz - {( - K)2 - 2]}AB] exp[-j( - K)z] +

2nn k02 cos(Kz) [AF exp(-jz) + AB exp[-j( - K)z]] }E = 0
We then note that the cosine term above can be written as:
cos(Kz) = (1/2) [exp(jKz) + exp(-jKz)]
With this substitution, we can write:

cos(Kz) {AF exp(-jz) + AB exp[-j( - K)z]} =

(1/2) {AF exp[-j( - K)z] + AF exp[-j( + K)] + AB exp[-j( - 2K)] + AB exp(-jz)}
Notice that terms containing exponentials like exp[-j( + K)] and exp[-j( - 2K)] have not
appeared before, and are not contained in our assumed solution (Equation 10.10-4). In fact,
these represent higher diffraction orders of the grating, and we can safely ignore them here

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because they will not be phase-matched. With this approximation, Equation 10.10-6
reduces to:

{-2j dAF/dz exp(-jz) - [2j( - K) dAB/dz + [( - K)2 - 2] AB] exp[-j( - K)z] +

nn k02 [AF exp[-j( -K)z] + AB exp(-jz)] }E = 0
Now, if Equation 10.10-9 is to be true for all z, the coefficients of exp(-jz) and exp[-j( -
K)z] must vanish separately. We therefore equate them both with zero, to get the following
{-2j dAF/dz + nn k02 AB} E = 0
{-2j( - K)dAB/dz - [( - K)2 - 2] AB + nn k02 AF} E = 0
Further approximations are also possible. Because the grating will only have a significant
effect if we are close to the Bragg condition, we can put:

- K/2 =
Where is a small quantity. Consequently, we can write:

( - K)2 - 2 - 4
We will use this in the lower equation in 10.10-10. We also need an approximation for -
K; a reasonable substitution is simply to put - K -. If this is done, Equations 10.10-10

{dAF/dz + j (k02/2) nn AB} E = 0

{dAB/dz - j2 AB - j (k02/2) nn AF} E = 0
These look very like coupled differential equations once again, apart from the x- and y-
variations contained in the terms n(x, y), n(x, y) and E(x, y). We can get rid of these by
multiplying by E* and integrating over the waveguide cross-section. This gives:

dAF/dz + j AB = 0 ; dAB/dz - j2 AB - j AF = 0
These are now true coupled mode equations; once again, the rate of change of each mode
amplitude depends on the amplitude of the other mode, via a coupling coefficient , given
= (k02/2) < nn E , E > / < E , E >
Notice how depends on an overlap between the index perturbation n and the transverse
field E. If we put the grating in the wrong place, therefore, the field will simply not see it,
and there will little reflection. In the Figure 10.9-1, the corrugation is at the upper surface of
the guide. Consequently, the grating will only affect the evanescent part of the field, where
the amplitude is weak. This will give a low value of , so a long grating will be needed for
high reflectivity.


As with the directional coupler, we will start by investigating the solution of the equations at
synchronism (i.e. when = 0, so that K = 2). The coupled mode equations are then:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


dAF/dz + j AB = 0 ; dAB/dz - j AF = 0
Notice how similar these are to the equations for a synchronous coupler (10.4-1) - the only
real difference is a sign change in the lower equation. We can therefore solve them in a very
similar way. We start by differentiating the upper equation, and then eliminating AB using
the lower equation. This gives a second-order equation for AF, in the form:

d2AF/dz2 - 2 AF = 0
Because of the sign change mentioned above, solutions of this equation are not
trigonometric functions; instead, they are hyperbolic. We may therefore put:

AF = D1 cosh(z) + D2 sinh(z)
Here D1 and D2 are constants, chosen to satisfy the boundary conditions. With a forward-
going input, AF is clearly specified at z = 0. However, the backward wave must grow from
zero at the far end of the device, which is of length L. Suitable boundary conditions are

AF = 1 at z = 0, AB = 0 at z = L
It is then quite simple to show that the solutions must be:

AF (z) = cosh[(L - z)] / cosh (L) ; AB(z) = -j sinh[(L - z)] / cosh(L)

Notice that the modal amplitudes at any point inside the grating now depend on the precise
value of L. Now, the power carried in the +z direction by the forward wave is clearly PF =
AFAF*. However, the power carried in the same direction by the backward wave is -PB,
where PB = ABAB*. Once again, it can be shown that power is conserved by the system of
equations, since PF - PB = constant.

Figure 10.11-1 shows the variation of PF and PB with distance through the grating, for a
typical normalised thickness of L = 1.5. As can be seen, the incident wave decays as it
travels through the grating. However, as it loses energy, the reflected wave grows.

Figure 10.11-1Variation of reflected and transmitted powers with distance.

The separation of the two curves is constant, consistent with the power conservation relation
above. In general, we will actually be most interested in the two outputs from the grating.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


These are the grating transmissivity T and reflectivity R, defined as T = AFAF* at z = L and
R = ABAB* at z = 0. It is easy to show these are given by:

T = 1 / cosh2(L) and R = tanh2(L)

Equation 10.11-6 implies that 100% peak reflectivity is possible, simply provided the
normalised coupling length L is large enough. For example, if L = 2, we obtain R =
0.93; similarly, for L = 4, we get R = 0.999. Figure 10.11-2 shows a plot of T and R
versus L. Power conservation is again demonstrated, since the sum of T and R is unity

Figure 10.11-2Grating reflectivity and transmissivity versus normalised length.


Now we consider the case when the optical wavelength is slightly incorrect, so that 0.
Once again, the solutions can be found by quite straightforward methods at each of the
outputs as:
T = 1 / [cosh() - j (/) sinh()]2
R = 1 / [(/) + j(/) coth()]2
Where , and are defined by:

= L, = -L and = (2 - 2)
These solutions can be plotted against (i.e. as a function of the difference in from the
design value), for a given normalised thickness. Figure 10.12-1 shows the response for L
= 3. As expected, the results are in keeping with our earlier qualitative discussion. For =
0, there is high reflectivity. As increases, the reflected power falls, with a typical filter
response. This is accompanied by a corresponding rise in transmissivity, and for
sufficiently large , there is no significant reflection.


We can estimate the bandwidth of a typical reflection grating filter as follows. For a
reasonable range of normalised lengths, the half-power point in curves like Figure 10.12-1
is reached when:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


So that:

Since = 2neff/0, we can write:

2neff0/ 02
And therefore that:

0 302 / 2neffL
For the typical parameters used before, namely neff 2.2 and 0 = 1.5 m, and a grating
length of L = 1 mm, we obtain 0 0.5 nm. Grating filters are therefore highly

Figure 10.12-1Typical filter response of a reflection grating.


We have already described how gratings can be made in integrated optics. They can also be
made in fibre optic form, by etching a corrugation over a fibre that has been polished back
to expose its core. Figure 10.13-1 shows how this is done, starting with one half of a
polished fibre coupler. A fibre grating might be used as a frequency selective mirror in a
fibre laser, or as a channel selector in a wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM)
communications system. Notice that the distance from the fibre core to the grating
corrugation varies through the device, due to the curvature of the fibre. Consequently, the
coupling coefficient must also vary. It can be shown that tapered coupling of this type has
much the same effect as was found in the directional coupler, so we might expect the
sidelobes of the filter response to be supressed.

Figure 10.13-1Optical fibre grating based on half a polished fibre coupler.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


More recently, an alternative method of grating fabrication has been investigated, based on
the inherent photosensitivity of Ge-doped silica to short-wavelength radiation. This allows a
periodic change in refractive index to be obtained inside the fibre core itself, rather than in
the cladding. The fibre is simply exposed to an optical interference pattern, either derived
from two coherent, counter- propagating guided waves or from two external beams. In the
latter case, a grating period suitable for reflection of a guided infrared beam may be
obtained, allowing the construction of filters for use in fibre lasers. Figure 10.13-2 shows a
typical set-up for external recording. The exposure source is normally an Ar+ laser,
operating either at = 0.488 m or at the frequency-doubled wavelength of 0.244 m.
Although the work is at an early stage, and the index change obtained is rather weak (n
6 x 10-5), high-efficiency gratings have already been produced by this method.

Figure 10.13-2Writing and detection of a reflection grating in germanosilicate fibre (after

Kashyap R. et al., Elect. Lett. 26, 730-732 (1990))


It turns out that the directional coupler and the reflection grating are merely the simplest
examples of a wide range of devices that operate by some combination of co- and contra-
directional coupling. We therefore conclude with a few examples illustrating further
coupled mode interactions.



The first example occurs in the grating coupler, which we previously met in Chapter 7 as an
input-output coupling component. There, its operation was described in terms of a K-vector
diagram, but an alternative view is provided by the - diagram of Figure 10.14-1.

Essentially, this is the same as for a simple reflection grating (Figure 10.9-2), but the
frequency has been raised (or the wavelength lowered) so that the left hand-end of the
grating vector no longer lies in the region where backward-travelling, guided modes exist;
instead, it falls in the area of radiation modes. Consequently, we would expect the grating
exactly to phase-match a forward-travelling guided mode to a backward-travelling radiation
mode, and that this interaction could be described by a pair of coupled mode equations.
This simple picture does not, unfortunately, represent the whole story. We have already
seen that significant power can be coupled to modes that are not exactly phase-matched,
provided they are reasonably close to synchronism. Since the radiation modes are a
continuum, the guided mode will be coupled to an entire group of such modes, whose

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


propagation constants lie close to the phase-matched value. The longer the grating, however,
the more selective it becomes, and the more restricted the group; eventually, the description
above must become a reasonable one. When this occurs, the radiated output travels
predominantly in a defined direction, which must of course be wavelength-dependent. This
allows a grating coupler to be used as a form of spectrometer.

Figure 10.14-1Phase matching by a grating between guided and radiation modes, illustrated
on the plane.


A grating can also be used to achieve phase-matching between two otherwise asynchronous,
codirectional guided modes. These might be the two different polarization modes in a
single-moded guide formed in a birefringent substrate (e.g. LiNbO3). Phase-matching is
obtained when one mode is excited as the first diffraction order of the grating, so that:

K = TE - TM = 2 neff/0
where neff is the difference in effective indices of the TE and TM modes. Since neff is
usually only moderate, K is small, and the grating wavelength is large ( 7 m in
Ti:LiNbO3 at 0 = 0.6 m). To obtain coupling between orthogonal modes, a periodic
perturbation to an off-diagonal element of the dielectric tensor is needed. This cannot be
achieved using a simple surface corrugation, but it can be induced electrically through an
off-diagonal electrooptic coefficient, by using a periodic electrode as shown in Figure

Figure 10.14-2A TE-TM mode converter filter.

This type of device is known as a TE-TM mode converter, and can be used as a
polarization rotator or a filter. Filter operation depends on the difference in dispersion of

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


the two modes, as for the dissimilar-guide directional coupler described earlier. However,
greater wavelength selectivity ( 10 in Ti:LiNbO3) can be obtained in this case, because
larger differences in slope of the two dispersion characteristics are possible with orthogonal
It is not, however, necessary for the two modes concerned to exist in the same guide. If a
grating is combined with a directional coupler, it may be used to phase-match codirectional
modes of the same polarization in the two guides (if they are dissimilar) or orthogonal
polarizations (if they are the same). Equally, the two modes do not have to be codirectional.
Figure 10.14-3 shows a device which acts as a track-changing reflector, by using a
reflection grating to phase-match contradirectional modes in a fibre coupler formed between
entirely different guides.

Figure 10.14-3Track-changing reflector, based on grating-assisted coupling between two

dissimilar optical fibres.

Without the grating, any codirectional coupling would be asynchronous, as shown in the
- diagram of Figure 10.14-4. Similarly, the grating period is chosen so that it cannot
retroflect light in either Guide 1 or Guide 2. However, at the correct frequency, it can phase-
match a forward mode in Guide 1 to a backward mode in Guide 2. This occurs when:
K = g1 + g2
The result is that the reflected output now emerges from a different fibre to that used for the
input - this is particularly convenient for channel-dropping operations.

Figure 10.14-4Phase-matching by a grating between forward- and backward-travelling

modes in different guides, as illustrated on the plane.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27


10.1. Discuss the approximations inherent in the derivation of the coupled mode equations
for a directional coupler. Are they valid? If not, can you suggest the likely
consequences for device performance?

10.2. An alternative view of a synchronous directional coupler can be based on the well-
known optical principle that the output from a linear device is given by the sum of all
possible routes between input and output.

Figure (i) below shows one path between an input to guide 1 and an output from
guide 2. This involves a single scattering at an abitrary position z, such that 0 z L.
If the scattering amplitude per unit length is -j, and the input amplitude is A10, the
net contribution from all such paths is:
A2L1 = -j A10 0L dz = -jL A10

Figure (ii) below shows another possible route, involving three scatterings.

(a) If the sum of all such paths is denoted by A2L3, evaluate A2L3.
(b) Draw the paths contributing to A2L5, which has five scatterings, and evaluate the
integral for this case.
(c) Sum the series A2L = A2L1 + A2L3 + A2L5 ..., and show that it corresponds to the
normal solution for a synchronous directional coupler.

10.3 A directional coupler is constructed from two identical, symmetric slab waveguides.
The guide thickness is h, and the guide and substrate indices are ng and ns,
respectively. Using the methods outlined in Chapter 6, derive a solution for the
transverse field of the lowest-order, symmetric TE mode of a single such guide. Then,
by direct evaluation of the overlap integral concerned, show that the coupling
coefficient decreases exponentially with the interguide separation g in the twin-
guide device.

10.4 The coupled differential equations for an asynchronous directional coupler are given

dA1/dz + j A2 exp(-jz) = 0 ; dA2/dz + j A1 exp(+jz) = 0.

Assuming that total power is defined as PT = A12 + A22, show (without solving
the equations) that power is conserved by the device.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 28


10.5. From a series of experiments with Ti:LiNbO3 directional couplers made with
different interwaveguide gaps g, the following data were obtained for the length
required for complete coupling: g = 4 m; L/2 = 5 mm; g = 6 m; L/2 = 7 mm; g =
7.5 m, L/2 = 9 mm. Estimate the length required to achieve 50% coupling efficiency
when g = 7 m.
[4.14 mm]

10.6 A fibre directional coupler is to be made by polishing two glass blocks, which have
fibres embedded in curved grooves. (a) Suggest how the polishing process can be
monitored, so it can be terminated when the core is reached. (b) When the coupler is
assembled, it is found that the amount of cross-coupled light is very small, despite
attempts to design it for 100% coupling. Suggest two possible explanations, and the
remedy in each case.
10.7 The output of a synchronous reflection grating can also be found as the sum of all
possible routes between the input and output. Figure (i) below shows one path
between a forward-going input and a backward-travelling output. This involves a
single scattering at an arbitrary position z, such that 0 z L. If the scattering
amplitude per unit length is -j, and the input amplitude is AF0, the net contribution
from all such paths is:

AB01 = -j AF0
dz = -jL AF0

Figure (ii) below shows another possible route, involving three scatterings.

(a) If the sum of all such paths is denoted by AB03, evaluate AB03.

(b) Draw the paths contributing to AB05, which has five scatterings, and evaluate the
integral for this case.

(c) Sum the series AB0 = AB01 + AB03 + AB05 ..., and show that it corresponds to the
normal solution for a reflection grating, when replayed at the Bragg wavelength.

10.8 The coupled differential equations for a reflection grating at Bragg incidence are
given by:

dAF/dz + j AB = 0 ; dAB/dz - j AF = 0

Verify that the general solutions to these equations, subject to the boundary
conditions AF = 1 at z = 0, AB = 0 at z = L, are indeed:

AF(z) = cosh[(L - z)] / cosh (L) ; AB(z) = -j sinh[(L - z)] / cosh(L).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


10.9 A Bragg reflector is to be used with an integrated optic channel waveguide. Past
measurements with this system suggest that the coupling coefficient is = 200 /m at
the design wavelength. How long should the grating be, for 99% reflectivity?
[15 mm]
10.10 Compare the wavelength selectivity of waveguide filters based on (a) codirectional
coupling between dissimilar waveguides, and (b) contradirectional coupling via a
grating. What are the factors limiting selectivity in each case?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30



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Alferness R.C., Joyner C.H., Divino M.D., Buhl L.L. "InGaAsP/InP waveguide grating
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tunable Ti:LiNbO3 directional coupler filter" Elect. Lett. 21, 466-467 (1985)
Bennion I., Reid D.C.J., Rowe C.J., Stewart W.J. "High reflectivity monomode-fibre
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Cozens J.R., Boucouvalas A.C., Al-Assam A., Lee M.J., Morris D.G. "Optical coupling in
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Digonnet M.J.F., Shaw H.J. "Analysis of a tunable single mode optical fibre coupler" IEEE
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Dyott R.B., Bello J. "Polarization-holding directional coupler made from elliptically cored
fiber having a D section" Elect. Lett. 19, 601 (1983)
Flanders D.C., Kogelnik H., Schmidt R.V., Shank C.V. "Grating filters for thin-film optical
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Hill K.O., Fujii Y., Johnson D.C., Kawasaki B.S. "Photosensitivity in optical fiber
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Quant. Elect. QE-12, 396-401 (1976)
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Markatos S., Zervas M.N., Giles I.P. "Optical fibre surface plasmon wave devices" Elect.
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421-425 (1973)
Veselka J.J., Korotky S.K. "Optimisation of Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguides and directional
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933 (1973)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 31


In Chapter 3, we described the interaction of light and matter in terms of electric and
magnetic fields imposing forces on discrete charges. These charges - electrons - were
considered to be either basically free (as in a metal) or bound (as in a dielectric).
Furthermore, the dynamics of the interaction were explained in classical terms, so that the
electron was regarded as a particle with charge and mass, obeying the laws of mechanics.
There is considerable evidence to support this view - for example, measurements of the
charge and charge-to-mass ratio of an electron - and it has lead to a variety of hugely
successful devices, many still of great importance (the oscilloscope, the TV tube, and high-
power, high-frequency valves). Equally, the model leads to a perfectly adequate explanation
of many optical phenomena - for example, the slowing of a wave in matter. This has allowed
us to analyse many guided wave optical devices merely by assuming different distributions
of refractive index.

Unfortunately, light displays some features beyond the scope of this model. So far, we have
treated optical waves purely as solutions of Maxwell's equations. This provides a perfectly
good explanation of the propagation of electromagnetic energy on a large scale, but it is
seriously inadequate for the description of energy transfer between the electromagnetic field
and matter. The need for a different analysis was first proposed by Max Planck in 1900, in
connection with black body radiation. Planck found that the wavelength distribution of
the energy radiated by a body in thermal equilibrium could only be explained if the energy
exchanged between the field and the body (idealised as a collection of oscillators) took place
in discrete amounts, comprising an integral number of elementary units known as quanta.
He also showed that the magnitude of these quanta must be hf, where h is a constant,
subsequently called Planck's constant (with the value 6.62 10-34 J s ), and f is the
frequency. The quanta of visible radiation have become known as photons. Further support
for this idea came later through observations by P. von Lenard of the photoelectric effect,
where the illumination of a metal surface under vacuum was found to result in the ejection
of electrons. Here, the critical feature was that the threshold of electron emission was
determined by the frequency of the radiation and not by its power. This effect was explained
completely by Albert Einstein in 1905.

Black body radiation and the photoelectric effect both relate to the interaction of radiation
with matter. We might argue that a classical electromagnetic picture is still valid in the
absence of absorption or emission effects. In fact, even this cannot really be justified. The
first evidence came with an analysis of the scattering of X-rays by electrons, by
A.H.Compton in 1923. Compton showed that there is a change in the X-ray wavelength
with scattering angle; this is only consistent with a billiard-ball type of collision, in which
the X-rays are represented by quanta of energy Ephoton = hf, carrying momenta of pphoton =
h/. At this point, we introduce the notation hbar = h/2, which allows us to write:

Ephoton = hbar photon and pphoton = hbar kphoton

It is therefore clear that light actually posesses some of the attributes of both waves and
particles, a property known as wave-particle duality. In practice, the relative importance of
each facet of behaviour depends on the circumstances. As mentioned earlier, a wave analysis

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


is often adequate, but the quantum nature of radiation should be invoked if any energy
interchanges take place.

It is also a reasonable guess that if a quantity we have previously considered to be a wave

may have particle-like properties, something described earlier as a particle may display
wave-like behaviour. This turns out to be true: electrons also share the properties of both
particles and waves, and their wave nature is important in explaining their behaviour in
crystalline solids, especially the semiconductor materials used for optoelectronic devices. If
we regard the electron as being similar to a photon, so that in each case we are dealing with a
localised, particle-like entity, we might say that the momentum of an electron (pelectron)
corresponds to pphoton, while its energy (Eelectron) is analogous to Ephoton. In general, the
electron energy will the sum of kinetic and potential contributions, so that:

E = 1/2 mv2 + V
where m is the electron mass, v is its velocity and V is its potential energy. Naturally, since p
= mv, we could write this alternatively as:

E = p2/2m + V
We now take one more step and say that if a photon has momentum and energy while at the
same time having angular frequency and propagation constant (or wavenumber) k, it is
possible that an electron - which clearly has momentum and energy - should also have a
frequency and wavelength, i.e. wave-like characteristics associated with a particle-like model.
If this were true, we could introduce an electron wavenumber and angular frequency,

hbar kelectron = pelectron and hbar electron = Eelectron

Consequently, we might also write:

hbar = p2/2m + V = hbar2k2/2m + V

Equation 11.1-4, first suggested by L. de Broglie in 1924, is the key to the link between the
particle and wave nature of electrons. So far, it is just conjecture; the most we can say is that
it is plausible, and direct experimental evidence is required for confirmation. This has been
provided in many ways. The earliest was the observation of electron diffraction - an
interference phenomenon associated only with waves - by C.J. Davisson and L.H. Germer
in 1927. As we saw in Chapter 7, diffraction can be observed from a periodic structure with
a spacing comparable to the wavelength in question. For electrons, we can easily calculate
the wavelength for a given energy. When V = 0, Equation 11.1-3 implies that:

p = (2mE)
so that the equivalent wavelength may be found as:

= h/p = h/(2mE)
Now, for electrons accelerated through V volts, we have E = eV. For V = 1 kV, this
corresponds to = 0.04 nm, and for 10 kV, = 0.012 nm. Thus for typical oscilloscope
accelerating voltages, we obtain wavelengths roughly corresponding to X-rays. This should
result in observable diffraction from the periodic array of atoms in a crystal. In the event,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


Davisson and Germer showed that the scattering of electrons from a perfect crystal of nickel
was not isotropic, but showed a clear dependence on angle (as expected from Bragg's law).
This and other experiments established the validity of the idea of the wave nature of
electrons, and the accuracy of the de Broglie relation.

We shall begin our discussion of these new ideas by considering the description of
radiation in terms of photons. To use a classical analogy, we might regard these localised
fields as groups of plane waves, or wavepackets. For propagation in free space, we might

E(z, t) = - E() exp{j(t - kz)} d

for a one-dimensional wavepacket. This will travel at a speed given by the group velocity vg
= d/dk (which is equal to the phase velocity c in free space).

The relation between the shape of the packet and its frequency spectrum E() is determined
by the laws of Fourier transformation. For example, Figure 11.2-1 shows a snapshot of a
burst of radiation of uniform amplitude and length z. The corresponding angular
frequency spectrum (which is directly analogous to one previously computed in Chapter 2)
is also shown. In this case, the angular frequency c of the radiation determines the centre
frequency of the spectrum and the length z of the packet the range of frequencies present.
As z increases, the range decreases, until in the limit we are left only with a single plane
wave of frequency c.

A typical radiation field will comprise many photons of random lengths, separated by
random intervals. The classical and the quantum pictures can then be reasonably brought
together, by treating the classical power density as being a measure of the photon density at
any place. Except for very low power levels, the photon density is likely to be sufficiently
high that the inherent 'graininess' of the radiation field is effectively smoothed out (although
it will still be responsible for a level of noise).

Figure 11.2-1 A wavepacket and its frequency spectrum.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


We must be more careful in our description of a radiation field, however, if it is confined

inside a volume. For example, Figure 11.2-2 shows a cube of side h, consisting of material
of refractive index n. This structure is effectively a three-dimensional resonant cavity, so we
can guess from our earlier analysis that only particular standing-wave patterns may exist
inside it. Any localised field we care to postulate - for example, a wavepacket - may then
only be constructed from these allowed fields.

Fig11.2-2 A cube of matter of side h.

To determine the allowed fields, we might solve the time-independent scalar wave equation:

2E(x, y, z) + n2k02E(x, y, z) = 0
subject to the simplified boundary conditions of E = 0 on all faces of the cube. By analogy
with our previous results for a one-dimensional cavity, we might assume the solution:

E = E0 sin(kxx) sin(kyy) sin(kzz)

Substitution into Equation 11.2-2 shows that this will indeed be valid, provided:

k x 2 + ky 2 + kz 2 = n2 k 0 2
while the boundary conditions will be satisfied if:

kx = x/h ; ky = y/h and kz = z/h

where x, y and z are integers. Equations 11.2-4 and 11.2-5 imply that the possible values
of k0 are restricted. In particular, we find that the allowed frequencies are specified by:

= ck0 = c/nh
where 2 = x2 + y2 + z2. Any localised field may therefore only be constructed as a
summation of components at these frequencies, rather than as a continuous integral.
Because this is a complicated process, it is now sensible to consider the allowed solutions
(or states) as being of significance in themselves. One question we might ask is, how many
of them are there? Well, if h is large, the minimum difference in frequency between any two
states is small, so that the allowed frequencies approximate to a continuum. Note that if is

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


constant, then so is . Consequently, if the allowed frequencies are plotted in a three-

dimensional space, with axes x, y and z, then a sphere of radius represents a surface of
constant . In this space, the distance between neighbouring states is one unit, when
measured in the x- y- or z-directions, so the number of states contained in a cube of unit
volume is one. The number of states with frequency less than might therefore be taken to
be equal to the volume of the sphere, namely 43/3. However, the indices x, y and z must
all actually be positive for the results to be meaningful, so the true figure should really be
1/8th of this value. Including the effect of polarization (which doubles the number of states),
we finally obtain the result that the number of states with frequency less than is 3/3.
However, since:

where C = nh/c, it can easily be seen that:

3/3 = (/3) C3 3
If we now define this quantity to be equal to the integral of a new function s() , i.e. as 0
s() d, where s()d is the number of states in an interval d, then we may extract s()
by differentiation, as:

s() = C3 2
Often, we will be more interested in a function S(), the number of states per unit frequency
interval per unit volume (generally known as the density of states). This may be obtained
very simply by dividing Equation 11.2-9 by the volume of the cavity (h3) to get:

S() = n32/2c3
Note that this result is entirely independent of the cavity dimension h.

We may also care to enquire whether any of these possible states are indeed filled in a
practical cavity, i.e. how much radiation exists at a given temperature. Using the methods of
statistical thermodynamics can be shown that the probability of a state of frequency being
filled at absolute temperature T is:

F() = 1/{exp(hbar/kT) - 1}
where k is Boltzmann's constant. Equation 11.2-11 is known as the Bose-Einstein
probability function, and it was originally derived under two assumptions: (1) that
radiation exists only in quanta whose energy is a multiple of hbar, and (2) that there is no
restriction on the occupation of any state. We may use it to deduce the number of filled
states lying in a frequency range between and + d. If we write this quantity as n()
d, then clearly n() d = S() F() d, or:

n() d = [(n32/2c3) /{exp(hbar/kT) - 1}] d

Equally, we may use it to find the energy density of the radiation field in the same range.
Since each state of frequency carries energy hbar, this is given by () d = hbar
S() F() d, or :

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() d = [(hbarn33/2c3) /{exp(hbar/kT) - 1}] d

This is the famous black-body radiation law mentioned earlier, and its agreement with
experiment went far to establish the quantum theory. As we shall see later, we can also
interpret the existence of radiation in terms of the interaction of three processes for the
absorption and emission of light. In equilibrium, these balance, so that the radiation density
is stabilised at the black body level. However, by manipulating them away from their
equilibrium rates, they may be exploited for device applications.

We now turn our attention to electrons. Having established their wave nature, it would be
natural to try to develop a suitable electron wave equation. In Chapter 2, the wave equation
for light arose from Maxwell's equations. The problem here is that we do not have a
corresponding set of 'electron laws'. However, recall that we used the electromagnetic wave
equation to deduce the dispersion characteristic of light. By contrast, we already know the
dispersion characteristic of electrons; it must be Equation 11.1-5. An alternative route would
therefore be to work backwards from this. We start by plotting the dispersion characteristic
in Figure 11.3-1, for free electrons (i.e. with V = constant, say zero). Note firstly that it is
parabolic, and hence quite different from the linear characteristic of light waves, and
secondly that the curve might also represent the variation of electron energy with k (since E
= hbar ).

Figure 11.3-1 The dispersion characteristic of an electron.

Remember that the dispersion characteristic provides a relation between and k for a
travelling wave, which is itself descriptive of the electron in a uniform potential. Now, in our
earlier electromagnetic analysis, a z-propagating plane wave solution for the electric field
was written in the vector form:

E(z, t) = E0 exp{j(t - kz)}

For an electron wave, we choose a similar type of solution, writing:

(z, t) = 0 exp{j(t - kz )}

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where the quantity (known as the wavefunction) describes some characteristic of

electrons that is roughly analogous to the electric field, but is now a scalar. Differentiating
with respect to t, we find:

/t = j0 exp{j(t - kz )} = j
while differentiating with respect to z gives:

/z = -jk and 2/z2 = - k2 .

We can now form a wave equation from the dispersion relation, by substituting for and
k2. If this is done, we get:

jhbar /t = hbar2/2m 2/z2 - V

We could easily extend this argument to three dimensions, where we would find:

jhbar /t = hbar2/2m 2 - V.
This equation was first derived by Erwin Schrdinger in 1926, and is known as the time-
dependent Schrdinger wave equation.

One obvious question is, what does the wave function mean? Since the Schrdinger
equation is complex, it is a reasonable guess that will also be complex, and therefore of
no direct physical significance. In fact, the exact interpretation of was the cause of some
controversy. After much debate, it was concluded that the quantity dv (or 2 dv)
could be taken to represent the probability that an electron will be found in the volume dv.
This situation is not so different from that occurring in electromagnetic theory. We may feel
more familiar and comfortable with the fields E and H, and hence tend to regard them as
real and observable, but when we want to observe or detect an electromagnetic wave, we have
to extract energy from it, and the measure of energy content is proportional to E2 (or
H2). We are therefore inevitably sampling the field intensities, much as we sample 2.
Naturally, in order to obtain the realistic result that the probability of finding a given electron
somewhere in all space must be unity, the wavefunction must be normalised, so that:

v 2 dv = 1

Clearly, the value of 2 dv is the same everywhere for the wave of Equation 11.3-2. We
therefore conclude that a single electron wave is spread throughout space; in order to model
a mobile, localised electron we must again group a number of plane wave components
together into a wave-packet. This will travel at the group velocity, which may be found by
differentiating the E - k characteristic to get:

vg = d/dk = hbar k/m = (2E/m)

A moment's thought shows that this is identical to the speed of our earlier particle-like
electron, showing that our new model is consistent with the old. Note, however, that the
speed of the electron wavepacket is variable, and depends on its energy. Consequently, when
we increase the kinetic energy of an electron (e.g. by accelerating it in an electric field), its
velocity increases monotonically.

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The Schrdinger wave equation thus fills the role played by the electromagnetic wave
equation that we have used so far. Although we have based the derivation on a simple
travelling wave, we would expect that other solutions will describe electron behaviour under
more complicated boundary conditions. For example, we would expect the 'trapping' of an
electron wave to be possible, since we have already seen that an optical wave may be
confined in a waveguide. Here, the details of the guiding structure were introduced through
a variation of the refractive index; for an electron, we now have variations in the potential
energy caused by some distribution of charge or electric potential.

Before examining this aspect, we adopt a simplification used earlier, namely to eliminate any
time- dependence by assuming a harmonic solution. We therefore write:

(x, y, z, t) = (x, y, z) exp(jt)

If this is done, the Schrdinger wave equation reduces to its time-independent form:

2(x, y, z) + (2m/hbar2) {E - V}(x, y, z) = 0



We shall now attempt to find solutions to Equation 11.3-10 for a particular situation
analogous to an electromagnetic problem considered in Chapter 6, the propagation of an
optical wave in a slab guide. This time, however, we will examine the behaviour of an
electron wave confined to a one-dimensional potential well, and propagating in the z-
direction. To describe the well, we will assume a potential energy distribution of the form V
= 0 for 0 x h; V = V0 otherwise. The geometry is shown in Figure 11.3-2; this
distribution is analogous to the index variation of a symmetric slab guide, if decreased
potential is taken to correspond to increased refractive index.

Figure 11.3-2 Potential energy distribution forming a one-dimensional well.

Clearly, in this geometry there will be no y-variation in the solution, so that /y = 0. The
solution we assume in each of the three regions may then be taken in the separated form:

i(x, z) = i(x) exp(-jz)

With this substitution, Equation 11.3-10 reduces to:

d2i/dx2 + [(2m/hbar2) {E - Vi} - 2] i = 0


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in each region. This is similar to the waveguide equation for the dielectric guide, which had
the form:

d2Ei/dx2 + (ni2k02 - 2) Ei = 0
In fact, the analogy is perfect if we take the term (2m/hbar2) {E - Vi} to correspond to
ni2k02. We may therefore assume the features of the likely solutions directly from previous
results. Firstly, if the term (2m/hbar2) {E - Vi} is greater than 2, the solution for i(x) will
be in the form of sines and cosines; otherwise, it will be exponential. We would expect the
former situation to occur inside the well (where V = 0) when (2m/hbar2) E > 2. In Region
1, therefore, we could put:

1(x) = 0 cos(x - )

= {(2m/hbar2) E - 2}
However, when Vi is large (e.g. outside the well), we might find (2m/hbar ) {E - Vi} < 2,

so the solution will be an exponential instead. In Regions 2 and 3, we would then expect the

2(x) = 0' exp(x) ; 3(x) = 0'' exp{-(x - h)}


= [2 - (2m/hbar2) {E - V0}]
The solutions may be matched at x = 0 and x = h, by imposing the reasonable requirement
that and d/dx must be continuous. Since the mathematics is identical to that used in
Chapter 6, it should be obvious that bound solutions will exist, provided the eigenvalue
equations tan(h/2) = / or tan(h/2) = -/ are satisfied. Just as we found for the slab
guide, only a discrete number of solutions can be found, each corresponding to a state in
which the electron is 'trapped' inside the well. A typical solution - with the lowest energy - is
shown in Figure 11.3-3. Clearly, the probability of finding the electron is highest inside the
well, and diminishes rapidly outside it, although there is a finite expectation of locating it
close to the well. States with a higher energy (analogous to higher-order guided modes)
penetrate the region outside the well to a greater extent. In fact, if the energy is high enough,
the electron is not confined at all, but is free to roam. This is analogous to the onset of
cutoff in a waveguide, and the un-bound states are roughly equivalent to radiation modes.
We will not examine these in detail; instead, we focus our attention on the energy levels of
the bound states.

Now, in Figure 11.3-3, the exponential decay of the wavefunction outside the well is defined
by , which in turn depends on , E and V0. If we assume additionally that V0 is very large
(tending to infinity), will be so great that we can take to be zero outside the well. This
geometry is known as the infinite potential well. Since the electron is now completely
confined, the boundary conditions resemble those of the metal-walled guide, and the
eigenvalue equations reduce to:

{(2m/hbar2) E - 2}h = .

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Figure 11.3-3 Variation of the wavefunction for the lowest-energy bound solution in a
potential well.

We then obtain for the possible electron energies:

E = 2(2hbar2/ 2mh2) + hbar22/2m

These results are plotted in Figure 11.3-4; they suggest that the energies are quantized, and
can take only specific, discrete values. Note firstly that the levels are not equally separated -
the energy difference between the th and +1th levels increases rapidly with . Furthermore,
the separation of the levels depends inversely on the size of the well, and is only apparent
for small values of h; as h , the energies revert to those of a free electron. In the
absence of motion in the z-direction (i.e., when 0), the energy is entirely potential. In
this case, Equation 11.3-19 reduces to:

E = 2 (2hbar2/ 2mh2)
However, as increases, the total energy rises, since there are now kinetic and potential

Figure 11.3-4 The energy levels of an electron in an infinite potential well.

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We can estimate the size of well for which quantization effects become significant, by
comparing the value of the term 2hbar2/ 2mh2 with the thermal energy of a free electron.
From the principle of equipartition of energy, the latter will be Eth = 3/2 kT, where k is
Boltzmann's constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K). At room temperature (when T 300 K), Eth =
6.21 x 10-21 J. 2hbar2/ 2mh2 reaches this value when h = {(6.62 x 10-34)2 / (8 x 9.1 x 10-
x 6.2 x 10-21)} = 3.1 x 10-9 m. Quantization effects will thus be important for well sizes
approaching interatomic distances.


In a one-dimensional well, we cannot easily restrict electrons to propagate in the z-direction

alone, so that motion in the y-direction should really be allowed. The first question we might
ask is, does this make any difference? Not really; the analysis above can be repeated,
assuming the more general solution (x, y, z) = (x) exp{-j(yy + zz)}; if this is done, we
reach similar conclusions, with 2 = y2 + z2. Equally, we might wish to confine the
electron in more than one direction. For example, we might have an infinite well, in the form
of a cube of sides h in each of the x-, y-, and z- directions (as in our earlier Figure 11.2-2).
This does make more of a difference, as we now show.

In this case, we must satisfy the equation:

2(x, y, z) + {(2m/hbar2) E} (x, y, z) = 0

inside the well, subject to the boundary conditions of = 0 on all faces of the cube. This
situation is again analogous to the three-dimensional Fabry-Perot resonator, so we should
look for standing wave solutions in each of the three directions. We might put:

(x, y, z) = 0 x(x) y(y) z(z)

where 0 is a constant, and:

x = sin(kxx) ; y = sin(kyy) ; z = sin(kzz)


Substituting into Equation 11.3-21, we see that this solution will be valid, provided:

kx2 + ky2 + kz2 = k2 = (2m/hbar2) E

Similarly, the boundary conditions will be satisfied, if we choose:

kx = x/h , ky = y/h and kz = z/h

This yields the final result for the allowed energies:

E = (x2 + y2 + z2) (2hbar2/ 2mh2)

This result should be compared with Equation 11.3-20; clearly, confinement in each
direction has contributed a similar amount to the total energy. However, there is a new
feature - the spacing of the levels is different. While the single index 2 may only have the
values 1, 4, 9 and so on, the term x2 + y2 + z2 may assume the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...,

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depending on the exact choices of x, y and z. Interestingly, some of the values of x2 +

y2 + z2 may be made up in more than one way. For example, a total of 3 may only be
obtained if x = 1, y = 1, z = 1, but 6 may be obtained from x = 1, y = 1, z = 2, or from
x = 1, y = 2, z = 1, or from x = 2, y = 1, z = 1. As a result, different states may now
have the same energy; such states are described as degenerate. Furthermore, as the energy
rises, the number of states with the same (or nearly the same) energy will also increase. We
will return to this later, when we consider the density of states for electrons.


It might be argued that the quantization of energy levels in a potential well is of purely
academic interest. However, we do not need to add many refinements to describe situations
of fundamental importance. For example, the function:

V(r) = -e2/40r
describes the potential energy of an electron at a distance r from a single positive charge,
e.g. a proton. This is clearly a three-dimensional well, albeit of a more complicated form. If
we now substitute Equation 11.3-27 into the Schrdinger equation and look for bound
solutions, we will actually determine the electronic energy levels of a single hydrogen atom.
As it turns out, this problem has a complete analytic solution. Most importantly, differences
between the energy levels can be shown to correspond exactly to the energies of photons
that are absorbed or emitted by hydrogen, demonstrating not only that the levels themselves
are substantially correct, but also that the absorption and emission of radiation may be
linked directly to electronic transitions. This is illustrated by Figure 11.3-5, which shows the
interaction of a photon with a simple two-state system. If an incident photon has energy hf
= E2 - E1, it may cause an electron to jump from the low energy state E1 to the high energy
state E2, being itself absorbed in the process (Figure 11.3-5a). Similarly, a transition in the
reverse direction may cause the emission of a photon, again of energy hf = E2 - E1 (Figure

Figure 11.3-5 a) absorption and b) emission of radiation, modelled by electronic


This view of absorption and emission is clearly rather different from the mechanistic model
previously given in Chapter 3. Most importantly, it was found necessary to postulate the
existence of a third process in order to explain the black body radiation law. Here, an
incident photon of the correct energy may induce a downward electronic transition, resulting
in the emission of a photon (Figure 11.3-6). Since the original photon is not absorbed, the
result is that two photons actually emerge.

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Figure 11.3-6 Stimulated emission.

At first sight, this is a very strange effect, since we might expect that when a photon hits an
electron in the state E2 it would force the electron to move to a still higher state (say, E3). To
appreciate why this does not occur, we must remember that the photon is essentially a wave
train of electric field with some characteristic frequency, and that the electron states E1 and
E2 are simply normal modes of the unperturbed atom. If these modes are perturbed by
interacting with an oscillating field, then mode coupling will occur strongly if the frequency
of the field matches the difference in frequency between the two modes. This is clearly
analogous to the mode coupling situations encountered in Chapter 10, where a spatially
periodic perturbation was used to phase-match two propagating modes.

Since the new photon has been emitted in response to the stimulation of the driving field, the
phases of the incident and stimulated photons must be linked. In fact, they are identical, so
that the two photons are effectively joined together in a single wavetrain. We may describe
this as a 'doubly occupied photon mode'. This effect, known as stimulated emission, is the
key to the amplification of light in optoelectronic devices. Spontaneous emission can also be
interpreted in terms of coupling between higher and lower states, except that in this case the
stimulating perturbation is not derived from an external agency (an incident photon) but
from fluctuations in the local field within the atom itself.

For the other elements, a similar model may be constructed. For example, helium has two
protons and two electrons, so each electron will derive potential energy from its companion,
as well as from the protons in the nucleus. Unfortunately, the relevant mathematical
description turns out to be of the type known as a many-body problem, which cannot be
solved analytically. In fact, the higher the atomic number of the element, the worse the
difficulty. However, through suitable approximations, quantum mechanics has allowed good
estimates of the energy levels of all the elements to be made.

Two additional refinements are needed to account completely for all the spectroscopic
observations. Firstly, some energy levels are found experimentally to be split into two
closely-spaced levels. This feature may be explained by attributing to electrons an additional
property known as spin, which may have one of two states, spin-up and spin-down.
Originally, the physical description of spin was mechanistic - electrons were assumed to
spin about their own axes - but no such analogy really exists; it is simplest to view spin as a
vehicle for increasing the number of possible states to conform with experiment. Secondly,
to account for details of the actual occupation of the levels, it is necessary to assume that
there can only be one electron in any given state at any time. This idea was first postulated
by W.Pauli in 1925, and is known as the exclusion principle.

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The arguments above apply to isolated potential wells or to single atoms. However, most
electronic and optoelectronic devices are based on crystalline solids. Here, the electron
waves are propagating in a lattice, i.e. in a medium that contains a regular periodic array of
fixed, positively-charged nuclei, each of which generates its own potential distribution. To
model this geometry, we must somehow combine the results for single wells with the
additional feature of periodicity.

To do so, we must in general express V as a periodic function of all three co-ordinates.

Solution of the resulting Schrdinger equation is extremely difficult, forcing some
simplifications. Firstly, we shall assume a one-dimensional variation of potential energy,
V(x). Secondly, we might guess that any new features in the solution will emerge from the
periodic nature of V(x), and not from its detailed form.

In this, we follow Krnig and Penney, who gave a particularly simple explanation of the
behaviour of electrons in crystals - known (naturally) as the Krnig-Penney model - in
1931. Since any periodic variation will do, we will use the simplest consistent with the
physics. For a one-dimensional lattice, the potential energy of an electron will be a
maximum exactly between the ions, falling to a minimum at each ion. We shall therefore
adopt the potential distribution of Figure 11.4-1.

Figure 11.4-1 Variation of V(x) used in the Krnig-Penney model.

Here, the potential energy near each ion is modelled as a well of height V0 and width h. The
edges of neighbouring wells are g apart, so that the lattice periodicity is L = g + h. For
simplicity, we shall ignore electron motion in the y- and z-directions, and concentrate on the
effect of the lattice on the variation of the wavefunction in the x-direction. The equation that
must be solved is therefore:

d2(x)/dx2 + [(2m/hbar2) {E - V}] (x) = 0

with V = 0 inside the wells, and V = V0 outside.

Now, we have tackled wave propagation problems in a layered structure many times before.
In each case, a solution was first found for each layer in turn; the solutions were then
matched at the interfaces, using suitable boundary conditions. The difficulty here is that we
will have to solve an infinite number of simultaneous equations, since there are an infinite
number of layers. Clearly, we must try to find some relation between the values of the

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wavefunction at different points along the lattice, which will reduce the number of equations.
This was originally done by Bloch in 1928, who based his analysis on a mathematical
theorem governing the solutions of differential equations with periodically- varying
coefficients (known as Floquet's theorem). The physical argument runs like this. Since the
lattice is infinite, a displacement of the coordinate origin by exactly one period can make no
difference to the boundary conditions. Consequently, if (x) is a solution, '(x) = (x + L)
must also be one. The two can only be related by a simple constant, so we may write:

(x + L) = C (x)
Similarly, for a displacement of more than one period (say, N whole periods), we may write:

(x + NL) = CN (x)
This follows from repeated application of Equation 11.4-2. Now, in order for the solution to
be finite everywhere, we must have CN = 1. Consequently, C can only be a complex
number of modulus unity, so that C = exp(j). As a result, CN must be of the form CN =
exp(jN). If we now define a new quantity k as k = /L, Equation 11.4-3 can be written as:

(x + NL) = exp(jkNL) (x)

Since NL is a distance, this can be seen to be a strange type of travelling electron wave if k
is interpreted as the wavenumber. Because is not constant, it is not a plane wave, but it
has features that are clearly wave-like. For example, within each period, the wave-functions
are all similar to (x), but each solution is shifted in phase by a progressive amount along
the lattice, and the pattern repeats itself after a distance = 2/k. Most importantly,
Equation 11.4-4 is the desired connection between the value of at two different points
along the lattice. We may now return to our original problem.

We begin by assuming that the energy E is less than V0, so that the electrons tend to
become trapped inside the potential wells. In these regions, we would therefore expect the
wavefunction to be a standing-wave pattern. Locating the x-origin conveniently at the right-
hand edge of one of the wells, we might therefore guess a solution inside the well (i.e., for -
h < x < 0) of:

1(x) = 0 exp(jx) + 0' exp(-jx)

where 0 and 0' are constant coefficients, and:

= {(2m/hbar2) E}
Using Equation 11.4-4, we can write the wavefunction in the next well along (i.e. for g < x <
L) in terms of this solution, as 1'(x) = exp(jkL) 1(x - L), or:

1'(x) = exp(jkL) [0 exp{j(x - L)} + 0' exp{-j(x - L)}]

The solution inside other wells may be found in the same way.
Outside each well, on the other hand, we can guess that the solution will be exponentially
varying. However, since the wells are close together, we would expect that an electronic
tunelling analogous to the frustrated total-internal reflection occurring in similar optical
geometries might take place between them. It is then prudent to allow a solution in the form

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of exponentially growing and decaying waves. In the region to the right of the well of
interest (i.e. for 0 < x < g) we might put:

2(x) = 0'' exp(x) + 0''' exp(-x)

where 0'' and 0''' are further constants, and:

= [(2m/hbar2) {V0 - E}]

We can now match the solutions at the boundaries. At x = 0, for example, we must equate
1 with 2, and d1/dx with d2/dx. This yields:

0 + 0' = 0'' + 0'''

j{0 - 0'} = {0'' - 0'''}
Similarly, at x = g, we must equate 1' with 2 and d1'/dx with d2/dx. If this is done, we

exp(jkL) {0 exp(-jh) + 0' exp(+jh)}= 0'' exp(g) + 0''' exp(-g)

j exp(jkL) {0 exp(-jh) - 0' exp(+jh)}= {0'' exp(g) - 0''' exp(-g)}
Equations 11.4-10 and 11.4-11 represent four equations, which may be solved for the four
unknowns 0, 0', 0'' and 0''. Now, it can be shown that in any such system of
simultaneous equations, a non-trivial solution only exists if the determinant of the matrix of
the equation coefficients is zero. In this case, we find (after some manipulation) that this
condition is satisfied when:

cos(kL) = cos(h) cosh(g) + {(2 - 2)/2} sin(h) sinh(g)

Since the electron energy E depends on and , Equation 11.4-12 is a form of dispersion
equation, relating E to k. Hence, it should reveal any modifications to the dispersion
characteristic imposed by the lattice. Assuming it is soluble, we might return to Equations
11.4-10 and 11.4-11 to find the values of 0, 0', 0'' and 0'''.

If this is done, it should be no surprise that the overall solution is as shown in Figure 11.4-
1, where we have plotted the variation of along the lattice. This repeats periodically, as
expected from Equation 11.4-4. Not unnaturally, the 'strange waves' (or Bloch waves) peak
in the neighbourhood of the ion cores, where electrons are most likely to be found.

As it turns out, Equation 11.4-12 is most easily interpreted graphically. However, before
doing this, we shall make one simplification. We allow V0 to become very large and g to
tend to zero, in such a way that the product V0g remains finite. In the process, the following
limiting behaviour occurs: h L and g 0, while 2g remains constant and much greater
than 2g. Equation 11.4-12 then tends to:

cos(kL) = cos(L) + P sin(L) / (L)

Where P is a new parameter, given by:

P = 2gL/2 = mV0gL/hbar2

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Equation 11.4-13 may now be interpreted as follows. The right-hand side can take a wide
range of values, depending on the exact values of P and L. However, the left-hand side is
limited to the region between -1 and +1 (for real k). For a given value of P, we conclude that
there will only be a restricted range of L (and hence of E) for which a solution can be
found. This is illustrated in Figure 11.4-2, which shows the right-hand side of Equation
11.4-13 plotted against L, for P = 10.

Figure 11.4-2 A plot of the function cos(L) + P sin(L) / (L) against L, for P = 10.

Only the shaded areas allow solutions for real k. For large P, these are centred on the zeros
of the function sin(L) /( L), i.e. on L . Breaks in the solution occur when the right-
hand side of Equation 11.4-13 lies outside the limits of 1, i.e. when kL = .

The corresponding E - k diagram is shown in Figure 11.4-3. As predicted, it is

discontinuous, and there are ranges of energy with no solutions. The widths of these
'forbidden bands' depend on the value of P, but their positions do not; they lie at k = /L.
The diagram combines some of the features of both free and bound electrons - it has an
overall shape that is parabolic, but nonetheless only discrete bands of energy are allowed.

Figure 11.4-3 E-k diagram for the Krnig-Penney potential, with P = 10.

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We can see why this must be, by considering Equation 11.4-13 in the limits of small and
large P. For small P (when the barriers are small), it approximates to cos(kL) = cos(L),
which has the trivial solution = k. The energy is then found from Equation 11.4-6 as:

E = hbar2k2/2m
This is the parabolic E - k characteristic of a free electron, and is shown as a dashed line in
Figure 11.4-3. Similarly, if P is very large (when the barriers are much greater), Equation
11.4-13 tends to:
P sin(L) / (L) = 0
This has the solution = /L, with the corresponding allowed energy levels:

E = 2hbar22/(2mL2)
These should be compared with the solutions previously given for an isolated well
(Equation 11.3-20); the two are clearly identical if the width of the well (h) is set equal to L.

If the crystal is infinitely large, then the sections of dispersion characteristic outside the
forbidden bands are continuous lines, and there are no further restrictions on the possible
values of E and k. Any real crystal will have finite dimensions, however.

We can model this through the introduction of additional boundary conditions. For our 1-D
lattice, the length of an M-atom crystal will be ML. Since we would expect electrons to be
confined inside the crystal, we might arbitrarily require:

(x) = 0 at x = 0 and at x = ML
We have met this type of boundary condition many times before. It may be satisfied by
assuming a solution as a sum of a forward- and a backward-travelling wave, which combine
into a standing-wave pattern. Now, a value of k satisfying Equation 11.4-13 for a given
energy E is also satisfied by -k, so the full dispersion diagram is symmetric about k = 0,
with the left-hand half describing backward waves. Combining two waves of the same
energy will give a standing wave of the form:

(x + NL) = sin(kNL) (x)

Clearly, Equation 11.4-18 then requires that the allowed values of k are restricted to:
k = /ML
Consequently, the dispersion characteristic cannot be continuous, but must consist of
discrete points. In each band (which has width /L) there will be M states, each representing
one standing-wave solution. Since M is likely to be large, the energy levels are likely to be
so close together that this granularity will be hard to detect; nonetheless, it is significant. The
effect of incorporating M atoms into a 1-D lattice is summarised in Figure 11.4-4, which
shows that each level of an isolated atom is split into a band of M states. Including spin, this
figure rises to 2M.

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Figure 11.4-4 Comparison of the energy levels of an isolated atom and of a finite crystal
Reduced dispersion characteristics

We now consider briefly one further way of representing the dispersion characteristic. As
we have seen, forward- and backward-travelling waves are of the form (x + NL) =
exp(jkNL) (x). However, since these functions are periodic in k, they are actually
indistinguishable from the very similar solutions (x + NL) = exp(jk'NL) (x), provided
k' = k + 2/L. This shows that a very compact diagram may be drawn for both forward
and backward waves, by taking suitable elements from the extended diagram and shifting
them to the left or right by multiples of 2/L. If this is done, the reduced dispersion
characteristic shown in Figure 11.4-5 is obtained.

Figure 11.4-5 Reduced E-k diagram for the Krnig-Penney potential.


Real crystals differ from this simple model in several respects. Firstly, they are three-
dimensional; to account for this, we should allow a three-dimensional periodic potential, and
consider the variation of E with the three components of a vector k, describing propagation
in three-dimensional space. Secondly, the ion cores need not be located on a regular

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cartesian grid - their positions are determined by the particular lattice structure of the crystal.
Thirdly, the potential distribution near each ion will be more complicated than the one used
above. Despite this, the broad conclusions remain qualitatively valid; the energy levels of a
real crystal comprise a series of bands, the investigation of which has been a major task for
solid state physicists. The results are normally represented as E - k diagrams for motion in
a given direction, or as surfaces of constant energy in k-space.

As we shall see in the next section, the exclusion principle dictates that most optical and
electronic effects will be determined by the outer bands, because low-energy bands are
likely to be completely filled under normal conditions (so that no transitions may be made
to them). The outermost and second outermost bands are known as the conduction and
valence bands, respectively.


Furthermore, the important features are mostly determined by the shape of the E - k
diagram near the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band. One
particular result, which cannot really be predicted at all by our current one-dimensional
model, is that the value of k required for maximum energy in the valence band may or may
not correspond to that for minimum energy in the conduction band. This is illustrated in the
two possible E - k diagrams of Figure 11.4-6. In Figure 11.4-6a, the two bands lie one
above the other at their point of closest approach. Crystals with this type of band-structure
are known as direct-gap materials.

Figure 11.4-6 E - k diagrams for (a) direct- and (b) indirect-gap materials.

Naturally, we would expect the absorption and emission of radiation in crystals to involve
electronic transitions. For example, in Figure 11.4-6a, absorption of a photon of energy
hbar > Eg can provide sufficient energy to promote an electron from a position near the
top of the valence band into the conduction band. The III-V semiconductor GaAs is one
example of a direct-gap material, with Eg 1.42 eV. In this case, we would expect the
wavelength of any absorbed or emitted light to be around 0.87 m. Other materials of
similar band structure can be made, with band-gaps chosen for the particular application.
For example, the ternary alloy GaAs1-xPx has an energy gap Eg 1.42 + 1.24x eV in the
range 0 x 0.45 (after which the bandgap becomes indirect), so the corresponding optical
wavelength may be tuned between 0.63 and 0.87 m by changes in the alloy composition.
Ga1-xAlxAs has a similar linear energy gap variation up to x = 0.35. Using these materials,
devices ranging from visible LEDs to near-infrared lasers may be constructed.

Figure 11.4-7 shows a contour map of the variation of Eg with composition for another
important optoelectronic material, the quaternary alloy In1-xGaxAs1-yPy. As can be seen, the
variation is quite complicated. However, most devices are made from layers of InGaAsP
grown on InP substrates. These layers must have compositions that are lattice-matched to

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


InP for strain-free growth to be possible. As we will show in Chapter 13, the locus of all
possible compounds meeting this condition is the approximate straight line linking InP to
In0.53Ga0.47As. The overall materials system therefore allows the fabrication of devices with
direct bandgaps lying between Eg = 1.35 eV (InP) and Eg = 0.74 eV (In0.53Ga0.47As). The
corresponding photon wavelengths are 0.92 m and 1.67 m. Sources emitting at the
important wavelengths of 0 = 1.3 m (where dispersion is minimum in silica fibres) and
1.55 m (where loss is minimum) may thus be made using the InP/InGaAsP system.

Figure 11.4-7 Variation of energy gap with alloy composition, for the InGaAsP materials


Optical absorption in a direct-gap material satisfies the principle of energy conservation, but
Newton's laws also require conservation of momentum. While a photon carries a fixed
momentum pphoton = hbar /c in vacuum, an electron can have a momentum pelectron = hbark,
whose exact value depends on the position of the electron in the E - k diagram. What do the
relative sizes of these quantities imply? We can estimate the momentum of a typical photon
as follows. For a photon energy of 1 eV, pphoton is approximately 5 x 10-28 N s in vacuum. In
a material of refractive index n, this rises by a factor of n. Taking n 4, we have p 2 x 10-
N s.

Now, the variation of the electron wavelength between the bottom and top of a band is p =
hbark = hbar/L. If we assume the lattice constant L is 2 , then p = 1.6 x 10-24 N s.
Hence the momentum carried by a photon is 1000 times less than the momentum change
required when transferring an electron across a band. It follows that while visible photons
have enough energy to carry electrons over the energy gap, their momenta are insufficient to
translate them significantly in the k-direction. Electron transitions due to optical interactions
alone therefore follow essentially vertical paths on the E - k diagram.

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Other materials have different band structures. For example, in Figure 11.4-6b, there is an
offset of k between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band. In
this case, the crystal is said to be indirect-gap; the Group IV elements Si and Ge are
typical indirect-gap materials. Clearly, a large momentum mismatch must be made up if
optical absorption or emission is to occur. Where is this to come from? The answer is that it
can be supplied through the agency of a phonon.

So far, we have concentrated on the behaviour of electrons in the lattice, which was itself
assumed to be fixed. However, the lattice is simply an arrangement of atoms held together
by bonds, which are only approximately rigid. Consequently, it can vibrate if supplied with
energy. Since it possible to describe any such vibrations in terms of travelling sound waves,
the lattice vibrations are wave-like, and we might expect that they may also be quantized.

This is indeed the case, and the elementary units of vibration are known as phonons. By
analogy with photons, we can guess that a phonon carries an energy of Ephonon = hbar,
where is the angular frequency of the vibration, and a momentum of pphonon = hbark =
hbar /v, where v is the velocity of sound in the material. A typical upper value for might
be 1013 rad/s and for v, 5 x 103 m/s, so that phonon energies of (say) 10-3 eV would have
momenta of 3 x 10-26 Ns. Comparing these figures with those calculated for photons, we
see that phonons typically carry less energy but more momentum. A combination of photon
and phonon emission or absorption can therefore allow conservation of both energy and
Thus in Si and Ge, most interband electron transitions involving photons would also include
a phonon. Since phonon absorption is relatively improbable at room temperature, such a
transition does not have a high rate, so we should not expect significant light emission from
indirect-gap materials. (However, in some instances, efficient emission can be obtained, by
providing impurity levels within the band-gap, in which electrons can be trapped. The
impurity site is capable of absorbing any momentum imbalance.

For example, in the GaAs1-xPx system with x > 0.45, the band structure becomes indirect,
but the addition of nitrogen can provide electron traps near the valence band edge, allowing
effective emission down to the yellow part of the visible spectrum.) The band structures of a
number of important optoelectronic materials are summarised in Table 11.4-1.

Material Eg (eV) @ 300K Band structure Type

Ge 0.66 Indirect Semiconductor
Si 1.12 Indirect Semiconductor
GaP 2.2 Indirect Semiconductor
InP 1.35 Direct Semiconductor
GaAs 1.42 Direct Semiconductor
C (diamond) 5.47 Insulator
SiO2 8 Insulator

Table 11.4-1 Characteristics of a number of important semiconducting and insulating


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Other important characteristics of electrons may be deduced from the E - k diagram. Recall
that a free electron can be modelled as a wavepacket, travelling at the group velocity. Clearly,
we would like to describe motion of electrons in a crystal in a similar way, but this time we
have found solutions to the wave equation as a vast array of stationary states. However,
standing-wave solutions are merely sets of counter-propagating waves, and these travelling
waves may also be grouped together into a wave- packet that can describe a partially
localised electron. This time, motion of the packet amounts to a 'hopping' of the electron
between the atoms.

Most importantly, there is now a restriction on the acceleration of an electron by an electric

field. As the electron gains energy, the constituents of the packet must jump to higher levels.
However, the exclusion principle implies that this is possible only if the levels are
unoccupied. If all are filled, there can be no conduction. Herein lies the distinction between
conductors and insulators, as we will see later. Even if appropriate levels are available, the
process of conduction is more complicated than might be expected, as we now show.

Returning to the reduced E - k diagram of Figure 11.4-5, we note that since the band
structure is periodic, a reasonable approximation to the shape of the th band is provided by
the relation:

E(k) = E0 - E cos(kL)
where E0 and E are constants. This function is shown in Figure 11.5-1a. Note that when k
is small (i.e. near the bottom of the band), we can use a binomial expansion for the cosine,
to get:

E - Emin = E k2L2/2
where we have defined Emin as the minimum energy level of the band. Consequently, the E -
k relation is approximately parabolic in this region.

The velocity of a wavepacket inside the crystal may again be found by differentiating the
dispersion characteristic. In this case, vg is given by:

vg = (1/hbar) dE/dk = (L E/hbar) sin(kL)

The resulting variation is shown in Figure 11.5-1b. Most interestingly, an increase in energy
does not necessarily give an increase in vg. We can explain this curious fact as follows. By
differentiating Equation 11.1-5, we can express the mass of a free electron as:

m = hbar / {d2/dk2}
Thus m is simply related to the curvature of the dispersion characteristic. We can define a
similar quantity m* - known as the effective mass - for an electron in a crystal lattice. In
this way, we can still treat the electron as a pseudo free particle, but allow for the interaction
with the lattice through differences in the mass from that of a free electron. Differentiating
Equation 11.5-1, we obtain:

m* = {hbar2/(L2 E)} sec(kL)


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Figure 11.5-1 Variation of a) electron energy, b) group velocity and c) effective mass
through a band.
The effective mass clearly varies through the band in an extraordinary way, as shown in
Figure 11.5-1c. Near the bottom of the band (where k 0), the E - k characteristic is
roughly parabolic, so the electron has a positive, constant mass. This can be found by
approximating Equation 11.5-5 as:

m* hbar2/(L2E)
Note that this may be entirely different from the mass of a free electron; however, by
combining Equations 11.5-2 and 11.5-6, we may still find a parabolic relation linking E, k
and m*, given by:

E - Emin = hbar2k2/2m* (for E > Emin)

This result shows that the E - k characteristic near the bottom of the band may be written in
the same form as for a free electron (remember that E = hbar2k2/2m in this case), provided
we shift the energy origin by Emin and use the effective mass instead of the free mass.

Near to the top of the band (where k /L), the band curvature has changed sign, so the
effective mass is now negative! This means that if a force is applied to an electron, it will

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decelerate. This odd result can be understood by recognising that there can be a gain in
potential energy, more than offsetting the apparent reduction in kinetic energy. Thus we
conclude that electrons near the top of a band have a negative effective mass, while those
near the bottom have positive mass.
Although the band structure of a three-dimensional crystal is considerably more
complicated, it turns out that the conclusions above are still broadly valid. The effective mass
may be found by differentiating the dispersion characteristic twice (although since this is
now a function of kx, ky and kz the result will depend on direction, so that m* turns out to be
a tensor quantity). However, it is generally true that the E - k relation is roughly parabolic
both near the bottom of the conduction band and near the top of the valence band, and that
the local curvature is of opposite sign. Consequently, the effective masses of electrons in the
former case are positive, while those in the latter are negative.
Although this appears bizarre, we shall see in the next section that there is a simple
interpretation of the negative-mass states in terms of a different type of charge carrier,
known as a hole.


So far we have discussed solutions to the Schrdinger equation without considering the
actual occupation of the states by electrons. We will now consider this point, for a three-
dimensional cube of crystal. We start by deriving a suitable density of states function, as we
did earlier for photons.
To begin with, we return to the result previously obtained for a three-dimensional well,
namely that for an electron confined in a cubic well of side h the allowed energy levels are
given by:

E = 22hbar2/ 2mh2
where 2 = x2 + y2 + z2 and x, y and z are integers. If h is large, the minimum
difference between levels is small, so the energies again tend to a continuum. With the
restriction that x, y and z must be positive, and including the effect of spin (which doubles
the number of states), the number of states with energy less than E can be shown by our
previous method to be 3/3. However, since:

2 = C E
where C = 2mh2/2hbar2, it can easily be seen that:

3/3 = (/3) C3/2 E3/2

If we now define this quantity to be equal the integral of a new function s(E) (i.e. 0 s(E)

dE, by analogy with s() for photons), then we may find s(E) by differentiation to be:

s(E) = (/2) C3/2 E

The density of states may then be obtained by dividing Equation 11.6-4 by h3 to get:

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S(E) = (/2) C'3/2 E where C' = 2m/2hbar2

Now, we have obtained this result by assuming that electrons are confined inside a finite
potential well. However, we really wish to find the density of states in a lattice. Most
especially, we will be interested in the variation of S(E) near the bottom of the conduction
band and the top of the valence band. How should we modify Equation 11.6-5 to cope with
this? Arguably, the result we have obtained has followed from combining the quantization
effect of the well with the parabolic relation between E and k for a free electron.

Since we showed in Equation 11.5-7 that the E - k diagram is also parabolic near the bottom
of the conduction band, we might expect a similar result to be obtainable merely by
replacing E by E - Ec (where Ec is the minimum energy of the conduction band) and m by
me* (where me* is the value of m* near Ec). In this case, we get:

S(E - Ec) = (/2) C''3/2 {E - Ec} for E > Ec , where C'' = 2me*/2hbar2
The E - k relation is also parabolic near the top of the valence band, although the parabola is
now upside-down. Applying a similar argument, we can show that the density of states here

S(Ev - E) = (/2) C'''3/2 {Ev - E} for E < Ev , where C''' = 2mh*/2hbar2

where mh* is the modulus of m* near Ev. Combining Equations 11.6-6 and 11.6-7, the
variation of S(E) throughout the conduction and valence bands is much as shown in Figure

Figure 11.6-1 Typical variation of a) the density of states, and b) the Fermi-Dirac
distribution function.

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We now turn our attention to the actual occupation of the levels. Once again, the details are
determined by statistical thermodynamics. Given that the total energy of the electrons and
their number are fixed, and that they satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle, it can be shown
that the probability of occupation of a state of energy E is given by a function known as the
Fermi-Dirac probability function (since it was originally derived independently by E.
Fermi and P.A.M. Dirac in the 1920s). This represents the most likely distribution of
electron energies, and has the form:

F(E) = 1/[1 + exp{(E - EF)/kT}]

where EF (the Fermi energy) is the energy at which the probability of a state being filled is
exactly 0.5. The Fermi-Dirac probability function is rather different from the Bose-Einstein
function, and is shown in Figure 11.6-1b for two temperatures T1 and T2. As can be seen,
increased temperature causes a greater spread of the function, so that the probability of
occupation of higher-energy states rises. A reduction in temperature causes the opposite
effect, so that lower states are filled preferentially. In the limit as T 0, we find that F(E) =
1 for E < EF, and F(E) = 0 for E > EF.

By and large, the electronic properties of most materials are determined by the absolute
position of the Fermi level, and by the size of the energy gap Eg by comparison to kT. We
shall consider first what happens when EF lies in the energy gap, when Eg kT as shown in
Figure 11.6-1. Since the Fermi- Dirac function tails off rapidly into the conduction band, we
should find only a few electrons in this range. In pure or intrinsic material, these must have
originated in the valence band, but thermal energy provides a means for them to move up
into the conduction band. Together with these filled states, there is a vast array of empty
ones. Electrons can easily move into these states, so they can gain energy in an electric field.
Some electrical conductivity is therefore to be expected.

Similarly, since the Fermi-Dirac function is close to unity in the valence band, we would
expect most states in this band to be filled. In intrinsic material, however, some empty states
must be generated as electrons are promoted to the conduction band. The presence of even a
few such states can allow nearby electrons to move into them, and hence contribute to
conduction. In this case, the process of conduction is best viewed rather differently. Since
the availability of an empty state allows a neighbouring particle - a negatively charged,
negative-mass electron - to move into it, the empty state and the electron can effectively
change places. Because only a small number of spaces are available in a great sea of
electrons, it is simpler to treat the spaces themselves as the particles. These positively-
charged pseudo-particles are known as holes; since they move in the opposite direction to
electrons, they may be described by a positive mass. This leads to great simplifications.

To summarise, we would expect that a small number of electrons in the conduction band
and holes in the valence band will be able to conduct electricity. Furthermore, an increase in
temperature will extend the tail of the Fermi-Dirac distribution, and hence the number of
electrons and holes available for conduction, and a shift of EF from the middle of the band-
gap will markedly increase the number of carriers in one band at the expense of the other.
Materials with this kind of energy band diagram are classed as either semiconductors or
insulators. The distinction is essentially one of degree. If Eg is so large that the numbers of
carriers in the two bands are very small, then the material is an insulator. If the energy gap is
moderate, it is a semiconductor. Table 11.4-1 illustrates this distinction.

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Finally, we note that in most metals, the conduction band is partly filled even at low
temperatures, so the conductivity is always high. Despite this advantage, the limited
conductivity of a semiconductor is more than compensated for by the degree of control that
can be exercised through the positioning of the Fermi level. This is achieved by doping the
material with impurity atoms. Since the properties of the semiconductor are then largely
determined by the dopants, it is called extrinsic material.

For example, crystalline silicon is formed from Group IV atoms, each of which has four
outer-shell or valence electrons and combines in a tetrahedral covalent bond with its nearest
neighbours. Group V atoms (e.g. arsenic or phosphorous) are of a similar size, but have five
valence electrons. If such an atom is substituted for silicon in the lattice, four of its five
electrons will be used up in nearest- neighbour bonding. Very little energy (typically, < 0.05
eV) is required to detach the remaining one from its parent atom, since it is only weakly
bound. If this can be supplied, the fifth electron will be available for conduction. We can
represent the process by defining additional localised impurity states in the energy diagram,
located slightly below the bottom of the conduction band. Since the dopants provide
electrons in this case, they are known as donors, and the level of the impurity states is
defined as Ed (as in Figure 11.6-2a). Less energy is required to promote electrons into the
conduction band from these states than from the valence band, and, in the process, the
number of conduction electrons is increased, without altering the number of holes. Doping
with donors has the additional effect of lifting the Fermi level up towards Ec, as we shall see

Group III atoms (such as gallium or boron) have only three valence electrons.
Consequently, if these are substituted for silicon, they lack the correct number of electrons
for complete bonding. Given a small amount of energy, an electron may be attracted from a
neighbouring silicon atom, leaving a hole in the silicon bond network. We may represent
this process by defining other impurity states at the acceptor level Ea, just above Ev as
shown in Figure 11.6-2b. Because holes may be created from these states very easily, the
effect is to alter the hole density without changing the number of electrons. A further
consequence is that the Fermi level is pulled down towards Ev.

Figure 11.6-2 Impurity states for (a) donors and (b) acceptors.

Dopants may also be added to III-V semiconductors, such as GaAs and InP. Clearly, a
Group VI atom will provide an additional electron if it replaces a Group V atom in the
lattice, so it can act as a donor. Similarly, Group II dopants can replace Group III atoms and
act as acceptors. However, Group IV dopants may be donors or acceptors, depending on
which atom they replace.

Thus, as we move EF around in the energy gap (or even out of it) by suitable doping, we can
alter the conductivity of semiconductors, and produce material with either predominantly

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'normal' electron conduction (known as n-type material), or mainly 'abnormal' electron or

hole conduction (p-type material). We have already seen one application for this technique
in Chapters 3 and 9; a change in the number of free carriers can be used to generate a
change in refractive index, via the plasma contribution to the dielectric constant. However,
many other highly important properties follow from further application of the same basic


The equilibrium densities of electrons and holes can be calculated very simply for intrinsic
material. To find the total density n of electrons in the conduction band, we merely multiply
the density of available states (i.e. S(E)) by their probability of being filled (F(E)), and
integrate the result from the bottom of the conduction band to the top. Thus we may write:

n = Ec Et F(E) S(E) dE
Where Et is the level at the top of the conduction band. Returning to Figure 11.6-1,
however, we note that it is often true that E - EF kT within the conduction band, so that
F(E) declines roughly exponentially with E in this range. We may therefore write :

F(E) exp{-(E - EF)/kT}

Since this function tends to zero very quickly as E increases, the upper limit Et of the
integral above may be allowed to tend to infinity without appreciably changing the answer.
Using the density of states function given in Equation 11.6-6, the integral may then be
approximated by:

n Ec exp{-(E - EF)/kT} (/2) C''3/2 (E - Ec) dE

This is a standard integral, which may be evaluated analytically to give:

n Nc exp{-(Ec - EF)/kT}
where Nc is a term varying only slowly with temperature, given by:

Nc = 2(2me*kT/h2)3/2
The net result is that n depends (for the most part) exponentially on temperature, and on the
position of the Fermi level relative to the base of the conduction band. The first feature is as
we would expect, since an increase in temperature means that more carriers will have
sufficient energy to move from the valence band into the conduction band. We will return to
the second shortly.

Similarly, to find the total density p of holes in the valence band, we merely multiply the
density of available states by their probability of not being filled (1 - F(E)), and integrate the
result from the bottom of the valence band to the top. Thus we may write:

p = Eb Ev {1 - F(E)} S(E) dE
Where Eb is the energy at the bottom of the valence band. A suitable approximation to the
Fermi-Dirac function may again be used. Returning to Figure 11.6-1, we note that E - EF

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kT throughout the valence band, so that F(E) is close to unity, and 1 - F(E) decreases
roughly exponentially with -E in this range. We may therefore write:

1 - F(E) exp{-(EF - E)/kT}

Since this tends to zero very quickly as E decreases, the lower limit Eb of the integral may
be allowed to tend to minus infinity, without much effect. Using the density of states
function given in Equation 11.6-7, and evaluating the integral by standard methods, we get:

p Nv exp{-(EF - Ev)/kT}
where the term Nv is also slowly-varying with temperature, and given by:

Nv = 2(2mh*kT/h2)3/2
The result is similar to that previously obtained for n, but this time we find that the density
of holes is exponentially dependent on the position of the Fermi level relative to the top of
the valence band.

The generation of carrier pairs should yield equal electron and hole densities, so that n = p.
We may use this to deduce the position of the Fermi level. Substituting for n and p from
Equations 11.7-4 and 11.7-8, we find after a little rearrangement that EFi is given by:

EFi = {Ec + Ev}/2 + (3kT/4) loge(mh*/me*)

Since me* and mh* are of the same order, the Fermi level lies about half way between the
conduction and valence bands, as anticipated. We may also calculate the quantity ni = n = p
(the intrinsic carrier concentration). We first form the product n x p using Equations
11.7-4 and 11.7-8, as:

n x p = NcNv exp{-(Ec - Ev) / kT} = NcNv exp{- Eg/kT}

As can be seen, this result is independent of the position of the Fermi level, a point we will
return to shortly. ni may then be found as the square-root of the above, namely:

ni = (Nc Nv) exp{- Eg/2kT}

The intrinsic carrier concentration therefore decreases exponentially with Eg. This explains
the poor conductivity of insulators, which have large energy gaps. Why, however, should ni
depend only on temperature? To answer this, we must examine the dynamics of carrier-pair
generation. Since this is a thermal effect, we would expect its rate to depend only on T. We
might define this as G(T).

However, in equilibrium, it must be exactly balanced by an inverse process called

recombination, in which a conduction electron falls back into the valence band,
annihilating an electron and a hole. Now, the probability of an electron finding a hole
available for recombination must be proportional to the hole density, i.e. to p. Since the
electron density is itself n, the recombination rate R must be proportional to the product of n
and p. In equilibrium, we must have R = G(T), which implies that R can only be a function
of temperature. Consequently, the product n x p = ni2 is constant at a given value of T.

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We now consider the properties of extrinsic material, starting with the electron density in n-
type material. Let us assume there is a density Nd of donor atoms in an otherwise pure
semiconductor. At a given temperature, we might expect a fraction Nd+ of these to be
ionised, and so have made their electrons available for conduction. As a result, the electron
density will increase. The details of what actually occurs depend on the value of T. At low
temperatures, Nd+ is small, so that n ni. At higher temperatures, there is a range where the
donors are fully ionised, so Nd+ Nd. Normally, the dopant density is high enough that Nd
ni at room temperature. In this case, the donated electrons dominate the electron density,
and we may write n Nd. Electrons are then the majority carriers; their density is
essentially equal to that of the dopant atoms, and independent of temperature. At higher
temperatures still, the rate of thermal carrier generation increases sufficiently that n tends to
ni again.

In the normal regime, where n Nd, we may use Equation 11.7-4 to find an approximate
position for the Fermi level, as:

EFn Ec - kT loge(Nc/Nd)
Consequently, in n-type material, the Fermi level moves close to the base of the conduction
band, as we have previously stated. (Note that if EFn is very near to the band edge, or even in
the band itself, Equation 11.7-4 is no longer accurate. This is the case in heavily doped

We must also consider the effect of doping on the hole density. Now, to first-order, the
generation rate G will be unchanged by the introduction of dopant atoms, because carrier-
pair generation is a thermal effect. Consequently, the recombination rate R must also be
unaffected, so that the expression np = ni2 must still be valid. In the normal regime, where n
Nd, we would therefore expect the hole density to decrease, so that the product np is held
constant. The holes are therefore minority carriers, since their density is reduced by
doping to a value p = ni2/n ni2/Nd, which is much lower than ni. In n-type material,
therefore, conduction occurs predominantly by electrons.

Results for p-type material (where doping is through acceptor atoms) may be found by
analogy. In the normal regime, the acceptors are fully ionised, and the density of holes
induced in the valence band by the doping greatly outweighs the effects of thermal carrier-
pair generation. In this case, holes are the majority carriers, and we find that p Na, where
Na is the acceptor density. Using Equation 11.7-8, we can show that the position of the
Fermi level becomes:

EFp Ev + kT loge(Nv/Na)
The Fermi level then shifts to a position near the top of the valence band, also as described


Having established the carrier densities, we must examine how they may move. Clearly, an
electric field will accelerate an electron. However, the acceleration will not continue
indefinitely; collisions at random intervals will cause the electron to lose its kinetic energy,

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 31


reducing its velocity to zero. The instantaneous speed of the electron will therefore be
random, but its average value - known as the drift velocity, vd - in the direction of the field
will be non-zero. The motion of n electrons per unit volume results in a current density Je
Je = nevd
Clearly, vd should increase with the applied field, so we may write:

vd = eE
where e is a new parameter, the electron mobility. The current density Je is therefore also
proportional to the field. A similar motion of holes may occur; because holes move in the
opposite direction, but carry the opposite charge, the analogous expression in this case is Jh
= pehE, where h is the hole mobility. The total current density is the sum of these two
components, namely:

J = {nee + peh} E
Now, Maxwell's equations imply that a one-dimensional field E will yield a current density J
= E. From the above, we can see that this is substantially true, provided we define the
conductivity as:

= nee + peh
This is not the end of the story, however, since there is a further mechanism for motion of
free carriers, that is not included in the version of Maxwell's equations given in Chapter 2:

In any system of mobile particles (e.g. a gas, or a collection of free carriers), random
thermal motion occurs independently of any other effect. If concentration gradients exist,
this will tend to remove them, so that the concentration everywhere tends to equalise. The
necessary mathematics is common to many branches of physics, and may be derived by
considering a simple field-free system involving one-dimensional diffusion. Figure 11.7-1
shows two adjacent layers of a mixture of mobile carriers (say, electrons); each has unit
cross-sectional area and thickness dx, but the left-hand layer contains a density n of
electrons, while the right-hand one has a different density n' = n + n/x dx.

Figure 11.7-1 Geometry for calculation of diffusion current.

Due to the random motion, we would expect a fraction of the electrons in the left-hand
region to move to the right and cross the boundary between the layers. Now, the number
moving into the right-hand region per unit area and time will be proportional to n, so we

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32


may write it as Den, where De is a constant known as the electron diffusion coefficient.
Simultaneously, electrons from the right- hand region will move in the opposite direction.
The probability of moving in either direction must be the same, so the number of electrons
crossing the boundary from right to left is De{n + n/x dx}. The two processes yield a net
motion to the right of Den - De{n + n/x dx} = -Den/x dx electrons. These move a
distance dx in unit time, so this is equivalent to a flux density F of electrons, where:

F = -n/x
Because electrons carry a negative charge, this is equivalent to a diffusion current density

J = Deen/x
Equation 11.7-20 shows that a non-uniform electron density will result in a flow of current
in the direction of the concentration gradient. A similar equation may be written for holes;
since these carry a positive charge, this time we get J = -Dhe p/x, where Dh is the
diffusion coefficient for holes. Thus, including both drift and diffusion components, the
electron and hole current densities are:

Je = neeE + Deen/x and Jh = pehE - Dhep/x

In the steady state, the partial derivatives are replaced by total ones. The total current density
is then the sum of Je and Jh. However, before we can use Equation 11.7-21, we must
determine the actual carrier distributions. In general, the distribution of (say) electrons will
depend on x and t. We can find the variation n(x, t) by setting up a continuity equation,
starting by neglecting the effect of recombination.

Figure 11.7-2 shows another view of our one-dimensional system, where a layer of
thickness dx has an electron flux density F flowing in from the left, and F' = F + F/x dx
flowing out to the right.

Figure 11.7-2 Geometry for derivation of the continuity equation.

The effect of the difference between F and F' is a net outflow of F - {F + F/x dx} = -
F/x dx electrons per unit area per unit time. Since these are lost from a layer of thickness
dx, the local electron concentration must drop, at a rate n/t, where:

n/t = - F/x
Equation 11.7-22 -the continuity equation - shows that a flux gradient will cause a
decrease in the local electron density, which tends to equalise the value of n everywhere.

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Assuming that De is independent of n, we may combine Equations 11.7-19 and 11.7-22 to

eliminate F. We then get:
n/t = De2n/x2
Equation 11.7-23 - known as the diffusion equation - may be solved to find the electron
density, subject to given boundary conditions. We shall see how this is done in the next

We now consider the additional effect of recombination. Let us suppose that the electron
concentration is uniform, and higher than the equilibrium value nE for some reason. Due to
recombination, n will tend to decrease. As we will show later, the rate of decrease will be
proportional to the excess electron density, so we may write:

n/trecomb = -(n - nE)/e

where e is a constant known as the electron lifetime. This has the general solution:

n(t) - nE = {n(0) - nE} exp(-t/e)

where n(0) is the initial value of n. As a result, the excess electron concentration decays
exponentially with time. A synthesis of the effects of recombination and diffusion is simple;
we merely modify Equation 11.7-23 to include the right-hand side of Equation 11.7-24.


Having previously described the optical and electronic characteristics of semiconductors in
isolation, we shall now consider combined optoelectronic interactions. We shall start by
returning to the black- body radiation law, to examine its origins in the elementary processes
occurring within the material. The processes we must consider are absorption, spontaneous
emission and stimulated emission; these were previously shown in Figures 11.3-5 and 11.3-
6, but we shall now consider their operation in detail. For simplicity, we shall consider
transitions between single states in two levels of a direct-gap semiconductor. The lower state
might lie in the valence band and have energy E1, while the upper one (with energy E2)
might lie in the conduction band, as in Figure 11.8-1. For convenience, the Fermi- Dirac
distribution function is also shown in this figure.

First, we consider spontaneous emission. Here, an electron from the upper state drops down
to the lower state, emitting a photon of angular frequency (where hbar = E2 - E1) en
route. Now, the likelihood of this transition occurring must be proportional to the product of
the probabilities of finding an electron in the upper state in the first place, i.e. F(E2), and of
finding the lower state unoccupied (namely {1 - F(E1)}). If it does actually take place, the
optical energy density () will increase. We may therefore write the rate of increase of
() due to this transition alone as:

d()/dtspon = A F( E2) {1 - F(E1)}

where A is a constant.

Next, we consider absorption. Here, an electron from the lower state is promoted into the
upper one, through the absorption of a photon. The likelihood of this occurring must
depend on the probabilities of finding an electron in the lower state, i.e. F(E1), and of
finding the upper state unoccupied, namely {1 - F(E2)}, and also on the energy density

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 34


(). If the transition occurs, () will decrease this time, so the rate of change of energy
density due to absorption can be written as:

d()/dtabs = -B12 () F(E1) {1 - F(E2)}

where B12 is a constant.

Figure 11.8-1 Two particular states in the valence and conduction bands of a

Finally, we consider stimulated emission, where the effect of an incident photon is to cause
an electron to drop from the upper state to the lower one, releasing an additional photon. In
this case, we have:

d()/dtstim = B21 () F(E2) {1 - F(E1)}

where B21 is a further constant.

The total rate of change of energy density d()/dt must be given by the sum of all these
values. In equilibrium, this must be zero, so that:

A F(E2) {1 - F(E1)} - B12 () F(E1) {1 - F(E2)} + B21 () F(E2) {1 - F(E1)} = 0

Substituting for the Fermi-Dirac distribution function from Equation 11.6-8, and
performing a small amount of rearrangement, we may then extract the value of () as:

() = A / [B12 exp{(hbar)/kT} - B21]

At this point, we pause to note our achievement: we have recovered the equilibrium energy
density at angular frequency by considering the detailed balance of three processes
which tend either to increase or to decrease the density of photons of this frequency. In fact,
we could perform a similar analysis for transitions between any two states, and we would
obtain a similar result. Why should this be? The answer must lie in the universal black body
radiation law. Returning to Equation 11.2-13, we have already shown that the energy
density () must be:

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() = [(hbar n33/2c3) /{exp(hbar/kT) - 1}]

Comparison between Equations 11.8-5 and 11.8-6 shows that this will be the case, if B12 =
B21 = B and A/B = hbarn33/2c3. We have therefore deduced two important truths: the
coefficients associated with absorption and stimulated emission are identical, while those for
spontaneous and stimulated emission have a definite ratio. Historically, the A and B
coefficients are known as the Einstein coefficients (after Albert Einstein, who first
suggested the possibility of stimulated emission).


In optoelectronics, we will normally be concerned with operation away from thermal
equilibrium. For example, we might increase the photon density above its equilibrium value
by shining a beam of light on a semiconductor, or we might increase the carrier density by
injecting extra electrons. To analyse the results, we must make some simplifications. We
should really describe the transfer of electrons between bands in terms of the probabilities
of occupation of a particular pair of states, integrating over all possible states. Since this is a
complicated procedure, we shall use a much simpler model, in which we regard the system
as having only two states. Among other things, this implies that all photons involved have
roughly the same energy. This model is so far from the truth that we might expect any of its
predictions to be valueless. In fact, if the conditions are carefully chosen, the predictions are
consistent with observation and are simple enough to be useful.

As before, the rate of change of the concentration of photons of energy hbar Eg has
three contributions. We begin by considering the case where there is no optical feedback,
and the electron and hole densities are low. In these circumstances, we can neglect
stimulated emission entirely. The rate of spontaneous emission will obviously depend on
the electron density in the conduction band. However, it will also depend on the density of
holes in the valence band, because this band is so full that the availability of unoccupied
states for electrons to move into is a rate-limiting factor. Absorption depends on the photon
density only, since there are a very large number of electrons in the valence band and many
spaces in the conduction band. The rate of change of photon density is therefore:

d/dt = anp - b
where a and b are constants related to (but not identical to) the Einstein A and B coefficients
used in the previous Section. Now, the generation of each photon consumes one electron
and one hole, so we may write the rate of change of electron density as:

dn/dt = -anp + b
Naturally, we could write an identical equation for holes, but we shall not bother: the essence
of the problem is already fully described. The problem with these equations is that they are
nonlinear. However, they can be linearised through suitable approximations, as we now

In thermal equilibrium, the electron, hole and photon densities are stabilized at their
equilibrium values nE, pE and E, and all derivatives are zero. We may therefore write:

anEpE - bE 0

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We now assume that all quantities are perturbed from their equilibrium values, so that n = nE
+ n, p = pE + p and = E + . In this case, Equation 11.9-2 becomes:

d(nE + n)/dt -a{nE + n}{pE + p}+ b(E + )

We may now remove a number of terms using Equation 11.9-3. At this point, we also note
that the requirement for charge neutrality implies that n must equal p. Assuming
additionally that n and p are small, Equation 11.9-4 may be reduced to:

d(n)/dt -an{nE + pE} + b

This implies that an excess photon density will increase the electron density through
absorption. However, this process is counteracted by spontaneous emission, which will tend
to remove any such increase by recombination. The change due to spontaneous emission
alone can be written:

d(n)/dtspon -n/rr
where rr is a constant known as the radiative recombination lifetime, defined as:

rr = 1/a{nE + pE}

We may estimate the radiative recombination lifetime in p-type silicon with a doping level of
Na 1024 m-3 as follows. For Si, the relevant recombination coefficient is a 2 x 10-21 m3/s.
The recombination time is rr = 1/a{nE + pE}; this may be approximated by 1/apE 1/aNa
since pE nE.Thus, rr 1/(2 x 10-21 x 1024) = 0.5 x 10-3 s. This is so long, that the
corresponding rate rrr = 1/rr is extremely small. By comparison, the recombination
coefficient in GaAs is a 7 x 10-16 m3/s, a factor of 105 larger.


Now, it is possible for recombination to involve the generation of phonons rather than
photons. This is termed non-radiative recombination, and has a characteristic lifetime
nr. Since the rates of the two processes are additive, we might therefore define an overall
recombination rate as:

d(n)/dtrecomb -n/e
where 1/e - the overall electron lifetime used in the previous Section - is given by:

1/e = 1/rr + 1/nr

With this new notation, the electron rate equation may be written in the form:

d(n)/dt -n/e + b
Allowing the generation of photons to occur only through radiative recombination, a similar
argument would lead to the corresponding equation for photons:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 37


d()/dt n/rr - b
This shows that any excess of photons will tend to decrease through absorption, and
increase through spontaneous emission, as might be expected.

So far, we have assumed uniform electron and photon densities, and we must now make
allowance for concentration gradients. This is very simple - in fact, we have already covered
the modifications needed for electrons in Section 11.7. We must include another term, that
accounts for the extra rate of change of n due to gradients in electron flux. For a one-
dimensional flux in the x-direction, this term is n/t = -F/x. Since F = -Den/x, F/x =
-De2(n)/x2 and Equation 11.9-10 becomes:

(n)/t = De2(n)/x2 - n/e + b

This places the electron rate equation in a form similar to Equations 11.7-23 and 11.7-24.
However, since the electron diffusion current is J = Dee(n)/x, we may also write
Equation 11.9-12 as:

(n)/t = (1/e) J/x - n/e + b

This version will prove more appropriate for the analysis of light-emitting devices in
Chapter 12.

We now consider a similar modification to the photon rate equation. For photon motion in a
different direction (say, the z-direction) the excess photon flux is = vg, where vg is the
group velocity for photons. The extra term is now -()/z = -vg()/z, and Equation
11.9-11 becomes:

()/t -vg()/z + n/rr - b

Equations 11.9-12 and 11.9-14 must really be solved simultaneously, to provide a full
description of the interaction between electrons and photons. However, considerable insight
may be gained from approximate solutions for several limiting cases.


We start by making an approximation to the photon rate equation, that is appropriate for
describing the absorption of a travelling wave of photons. If radiative recombination can be
neglected, and a steady- state exists, so that ()/t = 0, Equation 11.9-14 reduces to:

d()/dz -(b/vg)
The rate of change of with distance therefore depends linearly on . Now, as each
photon carries energy hbar Eg, and travels at velocity vg, the optical power density is P
Egvg. Since P is proportional to , it should decay with distance as:

dP/dz -(b/vg)P

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We have already come across this behaviour before: in an absorbing medium, the power
carried by an optical wave travelling in the z-direction varies with distance as P(z) = P(0)
exp(-pz), where p is the power absorption coefficient (equal to 2, where is the
amplitude absorption coefficient of Chapter 2). In this case, dP/dz = -pP. By comparison
with Equation 11.9-16, we may extract the power absorption coefficient as p b/vg. We
have therefore found a satisfying link between a macroscopically observable quantity (p)
and microscopic events (interband transitions).


We now make an approximation to the electron rate equation that can describe the
photogeneration of carriers. If diffusion currents may be neglected, and a steady-state again
exists, so that (n)/t = 0, Equation 11.9-13 reduces to:

n pvge pe
This implies that absorption of photons will give rise to an increase in n (and similarly in p).
We might use this mechanism in a photodetector, which works by measuring the
corresponding increase in conductivity. This can be done by applying a voltage to contacts
on either side of a slab of material, as shown in Figure 11.9-1. Any change in the current
through the circuit is then linearly proportional to the intensity of the illuminating beam. The
output may be converted into a voltage, by measuring the voltage dropped across a load
resistor RL.

Figure 11.9-1 A photoconductive detector.

This device is called a photoconductive detector. While it is extremely simple, it suffers
from two important disadvantages. Firstly, the conductivity will not be zero, when the optical
beam is switched off, due to the inevitable presence of thermally generated carriers.
Consequently, there will be a DC voltage across RL. Although this may be blocked by the
capacitor C, thermal carriers will also be responsible for noise in the output. Secondly, the
value of n depends on e, so for high sensitivity we require a long lifetime. However, a
large value of e implies that the photo-generated carriers will persist for some time after the
beam is switched off (remember that we showed in Equation 11.7-25 that the decay of n
from an initial value follows n(t) = n(0) exp(-t/e)). It is therefore difficult to combine
high sensitivity with a high-speed response.

As we will see later, it is possible to construct different types of detector, which do not have
these limitations. These are based on p-n junction diodes, and are essential for the success
of modern lightwave communications systems.

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We now make an approximation that is more appropriate to the electrical generation of light
through spontaneous emission (known as electroluminescence), which will be useful in
describing the operation of LEDs. Assuming this time that absorption is unimportant, and
that photon concentration gradients are negligible, the photon rate equation may be
approximated by:

()/t = n/rr
Making a similar approximation to the electron rate equation we get:

(n)/t = 1/e J/x - n/e

These equations show that, the existence of a diffusion current will lead to a rise in n,
which will in turn result in an increase in through spontaneous emission.


Finally, we will extend our model to include stimulated emission; this version of the
equations will be appropriate for the description of semiconductor laser operation. We will
now ignore spontaneous emission, since stimulated emission will dominate this process.
Now, the rate of stimulated emission will simply depend on the product of n and p and the
photon density. In this new situation, however, the rate of absorption must be reconsidered,
since n and p must be very high, and we cannot assume that there will be large numbers of
electrons in the valence band or empty levels in the conduction band. We can only say that
there is some number Nval of the former and Ncon of the latter, and the actual values of these
quantities will depend on the degree of excitation of the system.

We may therefore modify the rate equation for a travelling photon wave (Equation 11.9-14)
to get:

/t -vg/z - b'{NvalNcon - np}

where b' is a new constant. Note that , n and p appear in the equation, rather than , n
and p, since we are no longer considering small perturbations. Normally, np is much less
than NvalNcon, so that net absorption occurs. However, Equation 11.9-20 implies that optical
gain will be possible, if we can somehow increase np above NvalNcon. This might be
achieved by taking (say) a p-type material, which already contains a large hole density, and
somehow injecting a large number of electrons. Under these circumstances, there will be
many more electrons in the conduction band than in the valence band, so the electron
population is inverted from its normal equilibrium distribution.

There must be some particular level of excitation at which the loss of photons by absorption
is exactly balanced by gain from stimulated emission. Under these circumstances, the
material is said to be transparent. If we define the electron concentration required for
transparency to be no, there will be a net gain of photons by stimulated emission if n is
increased above no. In this case, we may write:

/t -vg/z + G(n - n0)


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where G is the gain constant for the material. Typical values for n0 and G are 1024 m-3 and
10-12 m3/s, respectively. At this point, the amplification of a travelling optical wave will be
feasible. It should be noted that the generation of photons by stimulated emission is not
isotropic; the stimulated photons travel in essentially the same direction as the incident

Further modification to the equations (e.g. to include all three optical processes at once) are
obviously possible. This is actually required in the case of a semiconductor laser - at low
injection levels, spontaneous emission is the dominant process, but stimulated emission
takes over at higher levels. However, we shall postpone this complication until Chapter 12.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 41


11.1. Show that the energy density of radiation emitted by a black body in an interval
between the wavelengths 0 and 0 + d is given by (0) d = (8hnc/05) /
{exp(hc/kT) - 1} d. Sketch the variation of (0) with 0, for two different
temperatures - say, 1000 K and 6000 K. Show that peaks at a wavelength defined
by Wien's law maxT = constant, and calculate the value of the constant.
[2.9 x 10-3 m K]

11.2. What is the value of accelerating voltage required to obtain an electron wavelength of
0.05 nm in vacuum? What is the corresponding electron momentum?
[602 V; 1.32 x 10-23 Ns]

11.3.An electron of energy E is incident on the potential step shown below. By assuming a
suitable solution for the wavefunction on either side of the step, calculate the
probability that the electron will be reflected by the step, for the two cases of (a) E >
V, and (b) E < V.

11.4. Calculate the wavelength at which the materials in Table 1.4-1 should first start to
absorb light. Which material would you use to fabricate a) a photoconductive detector,
and b) a transparent window, for operation at 0 = 1.55 m. Compare your choice for
a) with the ternary alloy Ga0.47In0.53As (Eg = 0.73 eV, direct-gap).

11.5.Calculate the position of the Fermi level in intrinsic InP, assuming that Eg = 1.35 eV at
300 K, and that me*/m = 0.077, mh*/m = 0.64, where m is the mass of a free electron.
[0.716 eV above the valence band edge]

11.6.Using the data given in the table below, compare the intrinsic carrier concentration ni in
Ge, Si and GaAs at a temperature of 300K. Assuming that Nc and Nv are roughly
independent of temperature, estimate the rise in temperature needed to double ni in

Ge Si GaAs
Nc (m-3) 1 x 1025 2.8 x 1025 4.7 x 1023
Nv (m-3) 6 x 1024 1.04 x 1025 7 x 1024
Eg (eV) 0.66 1.12 1.42

[2.3 x 1019 m-3; 6.95 x 1015 m-3; 2.25 x 1012 m-3; 16.3 K]

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 42


11.7. Which of the following can act as (a) donors and (b) acceptors in GaAs: Be, C, Cd,
Mg, S, Se, Si, Sn, Te, Zn? A sample of GaAs is doped with 1018 Zn atoms per m3. Is
the material p-type or n-type? Using the data from Question 11.7, find the position of
the Fermi level and the majority and minority carrier densities, assuming complete
ionization of the dopants.
[0.408 eV above the valence band edge; 1018 m-3; 5 x 106 m-3]

11.8. Explain why the likelihood of occupation of an acceptor level may be found using the
Fermi-Dirac probability function as F(Ea) = 1/[1 + exp{(Ea - EF)/kT}]. Using this
expression, check the validity of assuming complete ionization of the dopant atoms in
Zn-doped GaAs at room temperature. You may take it that the impurity level for Zn
lies 0.031 eV above the valence band edge. How would the density of ionized dopant
atoms be calculated in Sn-doped GaAs?

11.9 Show that if stimulated emission is not included in the calculation, the black-body
radiation law modifies to () d = (hbar n33/2c3) exp(-hbar/kT) d. When
would this represent a good approximation? Derive a different approximation, valid
for low photon energies.

11.10Assuming that n0 1024 m-3, and G = 10-12 m3/s, estimate the electron density required
to achieve an optical power gain of 106 m-1 in a material of refractive index 3.5.
[8.7 x 1025 m-3]

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 43



Carroll J.E. "Rate equations in semiconductor electronics" Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge (1985)
Kittel C. "Introduction to solid state physics" John Wiley and Sons, New York, 3rd Edn.,
(1966); Chs. 9 and 10.
Leaver K.D. "Microelectronic devices" Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow (1989);
Chs. 1 and 2.
Pais A. "Subtle is the Lord ... The science and life of Albert Einstein" Oxford University
Press, Oxford (1982); Chs. 19, 21 and 23.
Pulfrey D.L., Tarr N.G. "Introduction to microelectronic devices" Prentice-Hall
International, Englewood Cliffs (1989); Chs. 2 - 5.
Solymar L., Walsh D. "Lectures on the electrical properties of materials" Oxford University
Press, 4th Edn., (1988); Chs. 2, 3 4, 7 and 8.
Sze S.M. "Semiconductor devices: physics and technology" John Wiley and Sons, New
York (1985); Chs. 1, 2 and 7.
Yariv A. "Quantum electronics" John Wiley and Sons, New York, 3rd Edn., (1989); Chs. 1,
2 and 11.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 44


This Chapter is devoted to the wide variety of optoelectronic devices that are made in
semiconductor materials. Many (although not all) involve the absorption and emission of
light, and most are based around the surprisingly versatile structure mentioned at the end of
Chapter 11, the p-n junction diode. We shall begin by considering the electronic aspects
of this device.

In its simplest form, a p-n junction diode can be constructed as a homojunction, using an
abrupt change between p- and n-type regions in a single piece of semiconductor. Figure
12.1-1 illustrates the formation of a diode, in a one-dimensional 'thought experiment' based
on the ideas of the previous Chapter. The p- and n-regions might initially be considered to
be separated slabs of material. When these are placed in intimate contact, the difference in
hole concentration between the p- and n-type regions should result in the diffusion of holes
from the former into the latter (Figure 12.1-1a). In the same way, electrons ought to diffuse
in the reverse direction, from the n-type material into the p-type. If the two carrier types meet
near the interface, they will recombine. The effect should then be that a layer - known as the
depletion region - will be almost entirely denuded of carriers (Figure 12.1-1b).

Figure 12.1-1 Formation of a p-n junction between p- and n-type material: a)

counterdiffusion of majority carriers, and b) the fully formed junction.

A logical question to ask is, what determines the width of the depletion region? For example,
is it possible that the counter-diffusion process would continue indefinitely, until all the free
carriers have been used up, so that the depletion region extends right through both layers of
material? The short answer is that the process is self-limiting. As we shall see, carrier
recombination in the depletion region sets up a space charge; this in turn induces an electric
field, which acts as an obstacle to further motion of carriers, so that the depletion region
quickly stabilises as a thin layer. However, in practise, the dynamics of junction formation
are irrelevant to the operation of the device, and we need only consider the situation after
equilibrium has been established.



Due to the lack of free carriers, the depletion region must be locally charged, since the
charges of the dopant ions that are embedded in the lattice are no longer compensated by
those of the mobile carriers. The sign of this 'exposed charge' varies. On the p-side, for

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


example, it is negative, due to exposure of the charge of the ionised acceptors. In contrast,
the charging is positive on the n-side, because the positive charges of donor ions are now
exposed. To a first approximation, the charge distribution within each region is uniform
(although we shall review this later). Thus, assuming total ionization of the dopant atoms, a
space extending from (say) x = -xdp to x = 0 in the p-type material may be assumed to have
a local charge density = -eNa, while in the n-type material the space between x = 0 and x =
xdn has a charge density eNd (Figure 12.1-2a). Here xdn and xdp are the lengths of the p- and
n-sides of the depletion layer; these are related to the total width w of the region by w = xdp
+ xdn.

Figure 12.1-2 a) charge density and b) electric field, for a p-n junction in equilibrium.

Now, when taken as a whole, the complete structure must be electrically neutral, so the
exposed charges must balance each other. We may therefore put:

xdpN a = xdnN d
This allows us to write the width of the depletion layer as:

w = xdn{1 + Nd/Na}
Note that the 'split' of the depletion layer between the p- and n-sides may be highly unequal,
if Na Nd. For example, the p-side might be much more heavily doped than the n-side; in
this case (known as a p+-n junction), we find that xdp xdn, so the depletion layer extends
further into the n-side.

We can use Figure 12.1-2a to find the electric field resulting from the charge distribution.
The calculation is based Gauss' law, which requires that the electric flux flowing out of a
closed surface equals the charge contained inside it. Taking the enclosed volume to be a
parallel-sided slab of unit cross-sectional area lying between two planes at -xdp and x, the
enclosed charge is given by:

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q = -eNa (x + xdp) (for -xdp x 0)

= -eNd (xdn - x) (for 0 x xdn)
This must give rise to an equal flux density, which (by symmetry) has only an x-component
Dx. As a result, the corresponding electric field Ex = Dx/ is given by:

Ex = -(eNa/) (x + xdp) (for -xdp x 0)

= -(eNd/) (xdn - x) (for 0 x xdn)
where is the dielectric constant of the semiconductor. This electric field variation is shown
plotted in Figure 12.1-2b. As can be seen, the field varies linearly on each side of the
depletion region. On the p-side, it falls from Ex = 0 at x = -xdp to Ex = -(eNa/) xdp at x = 0;
similarly, on the n-side, it rises from this minimum value to zero at x = xdn. Now, the
existence of an electric field within the depletion region suggests that there will be a voltage
between different points. We might therefore find the p.d. between (for example) the left-
hand edge of the depletion region and an arbitrary point x by direct integration, i.e. as:

V(x) = -xdpx -Ex dx

Substituting from Equation 12.1-4, we then obtain:

V(x) = (eNa/) {x2/2 + xxdp + xdp2/2} (for -xdp x 0)

= (eNa/) xdp2/2 + (eNd/) {xxdn - x2/2} (for 0 x xdn)
This distribution is shown schematically in Figure 12.1-3. Throughout the depletion region,
V(x) varies parabolically, following a smooth S-shaped curve from zero at -xdp to a
maximum (which we shall refer to as the built-in voltage, Vbi) at xdp. Since the electric
field is zero at either end of the depletion layer, dV/dx is also zero at these points.

Figure 12.1-3 Potential distribution inside a p-n junction at equilibrium.

Clearly, the built-in voltage may be found as Vbi = V(xdn); substituting into Equation 12.1-6,
we get:

Vbi = (eNa/) xdp2/2 + (eNd/) xdn2/2

Substituting for xdp from Equation 12.1-1, and for xdn from Equation 12.1-2, we can find
Vbi in terms of the depletion layer width w as:

Vbi = (ew2/2) {NaNd / (Na + Nd)}


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Conversely, we can find the width w in terms of the built-in voltage by inverting Equation
12.1-8, as:

w = {(2Vbi/e) (Na + Nd) / NaNd}

At this point, we have found a closed-form expression for the depletion layer width, which
contains just one unknown parameter, Vbi. We shall now consider the factors that determine
V bi. itself.


We start by returning to the results of Chapter 11, where we drew energy band diagrams for
isolated regions of n- and p-type material. How should these be modified for the composite
p-n junction? We would expect some features - the relative spacings of the conduction band,
the Fermi level and the valence band, for example - to be preserved at a reasonable distance
from the depletion layer. Inside the depletion region, the band structure will clearly be
modified. However, we may make one deduction: the Fermi level (for which the occupation
probability is 0.5) must be the same in all regions, because this level is derived purely from
considerations of thermal equilibrium. Armed with these two rules, we can guess that the
band diagram for the p-n junction must be constructed from the two diagrams of Figure
11.6-2 as shown in Figure 12.1-4.

Figure 12.1-4 Energy band structure for a p-n junction in equilibrium.

We start by considering the situation outside the depletion region. Here the bands are flat,
and the main features are spaced as before, but the absolute values of the energy levels in the
two halves of the structure are shifted to make the Fermi levels coincide. After this shift, the
conduction band level is clearly different in the p- and n-regions. We will define the values
of Ec in these two regions as as Ecp and Ecn. Now, remember that the position of the Fermi
level in n-type material was previously defined relative to the conduction band, in terms of
the density of donor atoms. Using Equation 11.7-13, we may therefore define the Fermi
level EFn as:

EFn Ecn - kT loge(Nc/Nd)

Similarly, the position of the Fermi level in p-type material can be defined relative to the
valence band in terms of the acceptor density. However, it will be more convenient to relate
EFp to Ecp instead. We can do this by combining Equations 11.7-12 and 11.7-14, which

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EFp Ecp - kT loge(NaNc/ni2)

We now have two results for the Fermi level, one for each side of the junction. According to
our previous argument, they should be equal. Equating them allows us to find the difference
between the conduction band levels on the p- and n-sides, as:

Ecp - Ecn = kT loge{NaNd/ni2}

Now, a difference in the energy of a conduction electron on the two halves of the junction
represents a potential barrier, which acts to prevent the transit of electrons across the
depletion layer. There is a similar barrier to hole motion, which can be calculated from the
difference between the valence band levels on the p- and n-sides. Overall, the energy barrier
is equivalent to a built-in voltage across the structure of Vbi = {Ecp - Ecn}/e. Vbi is therefore
given by:

Vbi = (kT/e) loge{NaNd/ni2}

Equation 12.1-13 is the missing link, which will allow us to calculate the width of the
depletion layer.


We can find the parameters of a typical p-n junction as follows. Assuming that the material
is silicon (for which ni 1.4 x 1016 m-3 at T = 300 K), and that the donor and acceptor
densities in the p- and n-regions have the typical values of Na = 1024 m-3, Nd = 1022 m-3,
respectively (so this is a p+-n junction), Equation 12.1-13 implies that the built-in voltage is
Vbi = {1.38 x 10-23 x 300 / 1.6 x 10-19} loge{1024 x 1022 / 2 x 1032} = 0.82 V.

The depletion layer width is then given by Equation 12.1-9 (assuming that = 11.7 0 for
Si) as w = {(2 x 11.7 x 8.85 x 10-12 x 0.82 / 1.6 x 10-19) (1024 + 1022) / (1024 x 1022)} m =
0.33 m. Most of this layer extends into the n-region, since Na Nd. The salient features of
a p-n junction are therefore a built-in voltage of the order of a volt, dropped across a layer
less than a micron wide. This is equivalent to an electric field of 2.5 x 106 V/m, a high


We may exploit the relation between voltage and the energy of a conduction electron once
again, to fill in the missing features of the band diagram inside the depletion region. We
have already seen that the voltage V(x) relative to the left-hand edge of the depletion layer
varies parabolically. Consequently, the conduction band energy level will also be spatially
varying, following:

Ec(x) = Ecp - eV(x)

The conduction band therefore bends parabolically across the depletion layer, as in Figure
12.1-4. The valence band varies similarly, maintaining a constant energy gap Eg between the
two levels.

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Knowledge of this band structure may be used to calculate the free carrier distribution
throughout the depletion layer. For example, if we substitute Equation 12.1-14 into
Equation 11.7-4, we can find the variation of the conduction electron density as:

n(x) = Nc exp{-[Ec(x) - EF]/kT}

A typical variation of n(x) is shown in Figure 12.1-5. Note that n(x) does not abruptly fall
to zero at the edge of the depletion layer, as we have assumed so far; instead, the variation is
smooth. However, the drop from the equilibrium value in the n-type material outside the
depletion layer (labelled nn) is sufficiently rapid for our assumed charge distribution
(Figure 12.1-2a) to be a good approximation to the truth.

Figure 12.1-5 Carrier distribution for a p-n junction in equilibrium.

Our model is therefore reasonably self-consistent. The corresponding hole density variation
p(x) is also shown. The equilibrium hole density pp in the p-type material may be vastly
different from nn if the junction is asymmetric (i.e., if Na Nd).

Note also that the value of n at the depletion layer edge in the p-region (which we might call
np) is not identically zero, although it will generally be fairly small. From Equation 12.1-15,
we can see that nn = n(xdn) = exp{-(Ecn - EF)/kT}, so that np = n(-xdp) is given by:

np = nn exp(-eVbi/kT)
The value of p at the depletion layer edge in the n-region (termed pn) is found in a similar
way as:

pn = pp exp(-eVbi/kT)
where pp = exp{-(EF - Evp)/kT}, and Evp is the valence band level in the p-region (Figure
12.1-4). Given that Vbi is significantly greater than 25 mV (i.e. kT/e at 300 K), we find that
np, pn nn, pp.

We can use these distributions to examine the details of the equilibrium inside the depletion
layer, for example for electron motion. In Chapter 11, we saw that the current density for
electrons is composed of two components (due to drift and diffusion, respectively). If the
two contributions are calculated, it can be shown that they balance exactly at any point inside
the depletion layer, and that the net current density is zero (although each component may
individually be very large).

A similar dynamic balance may be found for holes, so that equilibrium is established for
both types of charge carrier. This contrasts with the situation outside the depletion layer;

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here there is no field, and no concentration gradient either, so that the two current
components are zero independently for both species.


Suppose that electrical contacts are now attached to the two ends of the diode, so that
external voltages can be applied. We shall assume that these are metal, and of a particular
type that forms an ohmic contact with the semiconductor. In this case, the metal can supply
or receive any number of electrons, so the carrier density at the interface will be the
equilibrium value. For example, aluminium forms an ohmic contact on p- or heavily doped
n-type Si. Ohmic contacts may be also made to intrinsic or n-type Si, via an intermediate
layer of n+-Si. However, other combinations (e.g., Al on n-- GaAs) form a rectifying contact
called a Schottky barrier, which is itself a form of diode.

Since the depletion layer has a very low carrier concentration, we would expect the bulk of
any applied voltage to be dropped across this highly resistive layer. If we make the n-type
side more negative than the p-type by V volts - a condition known as forward bias - this
will tend to reduce the built-in barrier from eVbi to e{Vbi - V}. As a result, the band diagram
will alter as shown in Figure 12.1-6

On the other hand, if the n-side is made more positive than the p-side - when the junction is
said to be in reverse bias - the applied voltage will tend to increase the size of the built-in
potential barrier. In this case, the band diagram will modify as shown in Figure 12.1-7.

Figure 12.1-6 Energy band structure of a p-n junction in forward bias.

Figure 12.1-7 Energy band structure of a p-n junction in reverse bias.

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The reduction in the barrier height in a forward-biassed junction will naturally make it easier
for electrons to travel across the depletion region from the n-side to the p-side, and for holes
to move in the reverse direction. The arrival of these carriers at the depletion layer edges will
then cause a change in the minority carrier densities. The new values np' and pn' may be
found by substituting Vbi - V for Vbi in Equations 12.1-16 and 12.1-17. If this is done, it is
easy to see that:

np' = np exp(eV/kT) and pn' = pn exp(eV/kT)

Clearly, np' will be much greater than the equilibrium value np (and similarly pn' pn) for
values of V greater than about 25 mV. Even a small forward bias will therefore produce a
considerable increase in minority carrier density near the depletion layer edges. This is
called minority carrier injection. Now, any such increase in np (for example) must
follow from an actual transport of electrons from the n- to the p-side. However, it is
important to recognise that the densities of the majority carriers are generally so much
greater than those of the minority carriers that the fractional change in nn is very small. Its
value (and that of pp) may thus be considered unchanged to a good approximation.

The fate of the injected carriers depends on the geometry. If the diode is short enough,
recombination may be neglected, and the carriers simply diffuse to the contacts. In this case,
we must return to the results of Chapter 11, where we showed that the equations governing
carrier diffusion had the form n,p/t = De,h2n,p/x2. In the steady-state, n,p/t = 0, so the
carrier densities must vary linearly with distance. The solution is then as shown in Figure
12.1-8; on the p-side, the electron concentration falls linearly from np' at the depletion layer
edge (x = -xdp) to the equilibrium value np at the contact (x = -xp). Similarly, on the n-side,
the hole concentration falls from pn' to pn between x = xdn and x = xn.

Figure 12.1-8 Minority carrier distribution outside the depletion layer of a forward biased
p-n junction.

Despite the absence of appreciable fields outside the depletion region, some current must
still flow to the contacts, because the concentration gradients give rise to diffusion currents.
The total current density is the sum of contributions from electron and hole diffusion,

J = Dee dn/dx - Dhe dp/dx = Dee{np' - np}/Lp + Dhe{pn' - pn}/Ln

where the lengths Lp and Ln are given by Lp = xp - xdp and Ln = xn - xdn. Note that if the
doping is unequal, the two components in Equation 12.1-19 may differ vastly in size. For
example, in a p+-n junction, the majority hole density pp is much greater than the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 8


corresponding electron density nn, so the minority hole densities pn' and pn are greater than
np'and np. The current is then carried mainly by holes. Substituting for np' and pn', we find
the following relation between J and V:

J = Js {exp(eV/kT) - 1}
where Js (known as the reverse saturation current density) is given by:

Js = Deenp/Lp + Dhepn/Ln
This is the well-known exponential characteristic of a diode, shown in Figure 12.1-9. For a
device of cross-sectional area A, the current is simply I = J x A, so the I - V characteristic
has a similar shape.

When V is zero, the current is also zero. For a small positive voltage, however, the forward
current can be extremely high. In contrast, the reverse current rapidly saturates at Is = Js x A
(which is typically small) when V is negative. As a result, the diode acts as a rectifier,
presenting an extremely high impedance to reverse voltages and a low impedance to forward
ones. Note that the behaviour of a real diode departs from the ideal at high reverse voltages,
a feature we will return to shortly.

Figure 12.1-9 J-V characteristics for a p-n junction diode.


We now examine how this characteristic is modified, if the distance to the contacts is large
enough for recombination to be important (which is the case in light-emitting devices). Once
again, we start by returning to the results of Chapter 11. In the steady state, the electron
density (for example) on the p-side is governed by:

De 2n/x2 - (n - np)/ e = 0
where we have written np for the equilibrium level nE. This is a standard second-order
differential equation, which can be solved exactly, subject to the boundary conditions of n =
np' at the edge of the depletion layer (x = -xdp) and n = np at the contact (x = -xp). Provided
xp is sufficiently large, however, a reasonable approximation to the solution is given by:

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n(x) - np = {np' - np} exp{(x + xdp) / (Dee)}

Equation 12.1-23 shows that the excess electron density decays exponentially away from
the depletion layer edge, falling to 1/e of its initial value in a length Le = (Dee). This is
known as the diffusion length of electrons in the p-type material. The excess hole density
on the n-side varies in a similar way, decaying to 1/e of its initial value in a corresponding
length Lh = (Dhh).

Now, the value of Je at x = -xdp is the total injected electron current density. Performing the
necessary differentiation, we find that:

Je = Dee{np' - np} / Le
This is qualitatively very similar to the equivalent term in Equation 12.1-19, apart from the
replacement of Lp by Le. Consequently, we may deduce that our later result for the J - V
characteristic (Equations 12.1-20 and 12.1-21) will still be valid, merely provided we replace
Lp by Le and Ln by Lh. A diode therefore still behaves as a rectifier, even when
recombination is significant.


We now consider how the width of the depletion layer is modified by the application of a
voltage. To find the new width w(V), we merely substitute Vbi - V for V in Equation 12.1-9,
which gives:

w(V) = {1 - V/Vbi} w(0)

where w(0) is the width of the unbiassed junction. The effect of a negative value of V is
therefore to increase the depletion layer width, while a positive value has the opposite effect.
Now, according to Equation 12.1-25, w can become negative for voltages greater than Vbi;
this is clearly unrealistic, and merely shows that our original approximation concerning the
charge distribution inside the depletion layer has broken down at this point.


At high reverse voltages, our approximations will also break down (although in a slightly
different manner). Consider the band diagram shown in Figure 12.1-10. An electron
moving to the right will travel down the sloping region of the conduction band in a series of
'hops', with each abrupt decrease in energy corresponding to a collision with the lattice.

Figure 12.1-10 Carrier multiplication by avalanche breakdown under high reverse bias.

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If the electric field is high enough, the electron may gain a considerable amount of kinetic
energy between collisions. Consequently, it is possible for the energy given up at a collision
to be greater than Eg. In this case, the energy is sufficient to ionise a lattice atom, by
promoting a valence electron to the conduction band. If this occurs, the number of carriers
will increase, since there will now be two electrons moving to the right, and one hole moving
to the left. After further acceleration by the field, the electrons may perform further
ionisations, and so on. Under high reverse bias, a shower of new carriers may therefore be
created. This leads to a sudden rise in the reverse current - a behaviour known as avalanche
breakdown - at the characteristic breakdown voltage Vbr shown in Figure 12.1-9. This
effect is exploited in the avalanche photodiode, which we will describe later.


Up until now, we have assumed that the materials on either side of the junction are of
essentially the same type, with any differences introduced through doping. This need not be
the case - for example, we have already mentioned the metal-semiconductor junction.
Alternatively, different semiconductors may be used. Clearly, there are certain constraints; it
must be feasible to grow the layered structure as a perfect crystal, which requires the two
materials to be lattice-matched. Despite this restriction, it is entirely possible to fabricate
diodes with different band-gaps on either side of the junction. In this case, the structure is
known as a heterojunction.

Heterojunctions are of great importance in optoelectronics, since they allow two important
new features to be built in to the basic diode structure. Firstly, the difference in refractive
index between the two materials may be used to provide optical confinement, as in the
heterostructure waveguides described in Chapter 9. Secondly, the modification to the energy
band diagram introduced by the variation in Eg may be used to provide different potential
barriers to the motion of electrons and holes, allowing each type of carrier to be confined
independently to a particular region of space. As a result, the performance of light-emitting
devices may be improved enormously.

The energy band diagram of a typical heterojunction is shown in Figure 12.1-11, under
equilibrium conditions. Here the energy gap Eg1 on the p-side is greater than the value Eg2
on the n-side, so the structure is known as a P-n anisotype heterojunction (the upper-case
letter denoting the material with the larger energy gap). Outside the depletion layer, the
diagram is constructed as before, using the continuity of the Fermi level to determine the
absolute levels of the conduction and valence bands. Inside the depletion layer itself,
however, the construction is slightly different.

The analysis required to determine the band variation may be adapted from that used for the
homojunction. The exposed charge distribution of Figure 12.1-2a may again be used;
however, the electric field variation shown in Figure 12.1-2b must be modified, to allow for
the different dielectric constants 1 and 2 in the two materials. The former value must be
used in the upper line in Equation 12.1-4, the latter in the lower one. Integration of the
electric field to find the potential variation V(x) across the depletion layer may then be
carried out much as before. If this is done, a slightly different proportion of the built-in
voltage Vbi is found to be dropped across each side of the junction.

Due to the difference in energy gap between the two sides of the junction, it is no longer
possible to construct the conduction and valence bands by assuming that they follow the
potential variation V(x). In fact, as we shall see shortly, both bands must be discontinuous.
Instead, we must rely on the assumption that the vacuum level - the level above the
conduction band - is continuous and follows V(x). Generally, this band is displaced by an

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amount from the conduction band level Ec, where is a quantity known as the electron
affinity (the energy required to liberate an electron from the conduction band) and above
the Fermi level, where is the work function.

Figure 12.1-11Energy band structure for a P-n heterojunction in equilibrium.

To complete the diagram, the vacuum level is drawn in on either side of the junction. The
difference in height of this level then determines the built-in voltage Vbi, allowing the width
of the depletion layer to be found as before. Within the depletion layer, the variation of the
vacuum level follows V(x). The conduction band is then drawn in at a height 1 below the
vacuum level on the p-side, and 2 below on the n-side, where 1 and 2 are the electron
affinities in the two materials.

This construction leads to an abrupt discontinuity Ec 2 - 1 in the conduction band level

at the boundary between the semiconductors. The valence band is then drawn in at a height
Eg1 below the conduction band level on the p-side, and Eg2 below on the n-side, leading to a
discontinuity Ev at the interface. The net result is that the potential barrier faced by
electrons has height eVbi + Ec, while that for holes has height eVbi - Ev, making it harder
for electrons to cross the junction, and easier for holes. The same state of affairs exists in
the P-p isotype heterojunction, formed between two different p-type semiconductors. Other
combinations may be envisaged where the reverse is true, so the holes face a higher barrier;
this is the case in both p-N and n-N structures.


p-n junction diodes may be fabricated as multilayer structures, for example by growing a
layer of p-type material on an n-type substrate using an epitaxial process. In this case, the
resulting junction is said to be abrupt, and its main features are as described above.
Alternatively, diodes may be fabricated by diffusion, for example by heavily doping a region
near the surface of an n-type substrate with acceptors. In this case, the properties of the
semiconductor do not change rapidly between the p- and n-type regions, but are instead vary
more gradually, following the distribution of dopant beneath the surface. In this type of
graded junction, the charge distribution in the depletion region varies more smoothly than
we have assumed, and the electric field distribution must also be modified accordingly.
Nonetheless, the operating principles described above are still broadly correct.

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We now return to a problem we touched on briefly in Chapters 9 and 10, that of
constructing electro- optic waveguide devices in semiconducting materials. Here, the
difficulty is that the presence of carriers prevents the development of a high electric field
across the guide. The p-n junction provides a solution to the problem. For example, Figure
12.2-1a shows a cross-section of a typical phase modulator, built from an n-type InP
homostructure strip-loaded waveguide on a <100> n+ substrate. The guide is capped with a
p+ layer, thus forming a p+-n homojunction at the top of the guide, with the bulk of the
depletion region located inside the guide itself.

One ohmic contact is placed on top of the p+ layer, while the other is connected to the
substrate. When the junction is reverse biased, the highly resistive depletion region grows
downwards, so that all of the applied voltage is eventually dropped across the guide layer.
The field is then sufficient to obtain a usable index change through the relatively weak r41
electro-optic coefficient, thus inducing an optical phase change. Figure 12.2-1b is an
electron microscope photograph of a similar device, based on an InP/InGaAsP

Figure 12.2-1 a) Cross-section of an InP integrated optic phase modulator; b) SEM

photograph of an actual device (photograph courtesy P.M.Rogers, British Telecom
Research Laboratories).

Electro-optic directional coupler switches may be constructed in a similar way, using two
closely- spaced strip-loaded guides. For example, Figure 12.2-2 shows a cross-section
through a typical directional coupler, this time constructed using n--on-n+ GaAs
homostructure guides.

Figure 12.2-2 Cross-section of a GaAs integrated optic directional coupler (after H.Inoue
et al., Appl. Opt. 25, 1484-1490 (1986)).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 13


Here, a much simpler electrode structure is used, with Al electrodes deposited directly on
top of the two guides. As a result, these contacts are not ohmic (although the substrate
contact is), but are instead of the rectifying Schottky barrier type mentioned earlier. These
also act as diodes, so that operation in reverse bias is much as described above. To switch
the coupler, a negative voltage is applied to just one of the Schottky electrodes, thus
inducing an electric field which desynchronises the guides.

Electrically switchable devices may even be constructed using semiconductors with weak or
negligible electro-optic coefficients. We already know from Chapters 3 and 9 that the
refractive index changes used in homostructure guides are obtained through variations in
doping, which cause changes in the free carrier concentration. A similar index change can be
created dynamically, by the electrically- controlled injection of minority carriers, this time
using a forward-biased p-n junction.
For example, Figure 12.2-3 shows the cross-section of an X-switch formed in silicon
(which does not exhibit a linear electro-optic effect at all). Again, a p+-n junction is
constructed at the top of the guide. When the junction is forward-biased, holes are injected
into the guiding region, thus generating a refractive index change. Optical absorption is
avoided by operating at a wavelength outside that required for band-to-band transitions,
e.g. 0 = 1.3 m. Similar devices may be made in InGaAsP, and the index change caused
by carrier injection is actually an order of magnitude larger than that available through the
electro-optic effect. However, switching speeds are limited by the lifetime of the injected
carriers, which must disappear through recombination when the forward current is switched

Figure 12.2-3 Cross-section of a Si-based carrier-injection switch (after J.P. Lorenzo et al.,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 6-8 (1987)).

We shall now consider the p-n junction in the alternative role of a light detector, or
photodiode. In Chapter 11, we noted that absorption in a bulk semiconductor can induce
band-to-band transitions, causing a measurable increase in conductivity. However, the basic
weaknesses of photoconductive detection are a high intrinsic level of noise (because of the
presence of thermally excited carriers), and a trade-off between speed and sensitivity (due to
recombination of carriers before they can be collected). The solution is to arrange for the
absorption to occur in a region devoid of thermal carriers, and then use a high electric field
to sweep the photo-generated carriers apart before they can recombine. This can be done
inside the depletion layer of a p-n junction. Figure 12.3-1 shows the excitation of an
electron from the valence band into the conduction band in this region, by a photon of
energy hf > Ec - Ev. Clearly, the built-in field will tend to drive the photo-generated electron

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


out of the depletion region towards the n-side, and the corresponding hole towards the p-

Figure 12.3-1 Generation of an electron-hole pair by a photon inside the depletion region
of a p-n junction.
Two types of photodiode are in common use. Most are surface-entry devices, where the
light is input through (for example) the p+ side of a p+-n junction. Ideally, the light should
pass into the depletion layer without suffering significant absorption in the p+ region,
because carrier pairs generated outside the depletion layer will not be separated. Once inside
this layer, the absorption should be total, because any light transmitted into the n-region will
also be wasted. The depletion layer should therefore be as thick as possible. Side-entry
devices, where the light is passed directly into the depletion layer, are another possibility. In
this case, the useful absorbing region may be extremely long. However, the depletion layer
should again be thick, or the light will spill out on either side.

Once out of the depletion layer, the carriers diffuse to the contacts. As a result, there is an
increase in the reverse current, so that the J - V characteristic is modified in the presence of
light as shown in Figure 12.3-2. Photodiodes are normally operated at a fixed reverse bias
voltage, when they act as a current source. In this case, a reverse current (known as the dark
current) flows in the absence of illumination and contributes to noise. For a large reverse
bias, this current will be Is.

Figure 12.3-2 J-V characteristic for a p-n junction diode in the presence of a light flux.

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We may estimate the responsivity of a photodiode as follows. Assuming that the optical
power falling on the detecting area is P, the number of photons arriving per second is P/hf =
P0/hc. However, not all of these will be absorbed, and not all the carriers generated by
those that are will actually reach the contacts. We may model this by defining a quantum
efficiency , representing the number of useful carrier-pairs generated per photon. Clearly,
the maximum possible value of is 100%. In this case, every photon generates one electron
(which is collected on the n-side) and one hole (which arrives on the p-side). The net effect
is that one unit of charge crosses the device from side-to-side. The total charge crossing in
unit time, which is the photocurrent IP, is then:

IP = Pe0/hc
so the photocurrent is linearly proportional to the optical power, a most useful result which
holds good over a wide dynamic range. The responsivity R = IP/P is therefore given by:

R = e0/hc
Assuming uniform quantum efficiency, the responsivity should then be linearly proportional
to the wavelength 0. However, this is only the case for photons with sufficient energy to
promote an interband transition. Less energetic photons will not contribute to the
photocurrent at all, so the responsivity must fall to zero for g > hc/Eg (or g > 1.24 / eEg,
where g is in m and Eg is in eV).


We may calculate the theoretical responsivity of a silicon p-n junction photodiode as

follows. Eg for Si is 1.14 eV at 300 K, so the optimum wavelength is g = 1.24 / 1.14 =
1.09 m. Assuming a uniform quantum efficiency of 100%, Rmax = 1.6 x 10-19 x 1.09 x 10-
/ (6.62 x 10-34 x 3 x 108) = 0.88 A/W. The theoretical responsivity is then as shown by the
dashed line in Figure 12.3-3.

Figure 12.3-3 Ideal (dashed line) and actual (full line) responsivity of a silicon p-n junction

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16


In practice, the quantum efficiency of a surface-entry device is variable, and peaks at about
80%. At short wavelengths, is reduced, because the attenuation is so strong that the light is
absorbed before it reaches the depletion layer, and at long wavelengths it falls because the
light is transmitted right through this layer. Furthermore, since Si has an indirect band-gap,
is reduced further near g, because a simultaneous interaction with a high-energy phonon
is required for momentum conservation in the band-to-band transition, a relatively unlikely
event. The characteristics of a real Si photodiode are therefore as given by the full line in
Figure 12.3-3, which shows a useful responsivity only up to 0 0.85 m. For high
sensitivity at the near-infrared wavelengths used in second-generation fibre communication
systems, materials with smaller bandgaps are required. Ge (useful up to 0 1.55 m) or
GaInAs (up to 1.67 m) are both suitable.


The basic limitation of a p-n junction photodiode - that the depletion layer is so thin that
radiation of long wavelength is only weakly absorbed - is overcome in the p-i-n structure
shown in Figure 12.3-4a (known as a PIN photodiode). Here, a region of intrinsic or
lightly doped material is introduced between two heavily doped p- and n-type regions.
Because the doping is so low in this region, the depletion layer can then be arranged to
extend right through it under a modest reverse bias, yielding the electric field variation of
Figure 12.3-4b. The effective depletion layer width may therefore be fixed at a value far
greater than the 'natural' one, approximately the width of the intrinsic region.

Figure 12.3-4c shows a cross-section of a typical GaInAs PIN photodiode. The n- region is
a mesa of Ga0.47In0.53As (a particular composition that is lattice-matched to InP). This is
grown epitaxially on an n+ InP substrate, and the p+ region is then made by zinc diffusion.
The structure is therefore a hybrid, part homo- and part hetero-junction. In this device, light
enters through the InP substrate, which has an energy gap of 1.35 eV and so is transparent
to wavelengths longer than about 0.92 m. This avoids the absorption of any light at the
important 1.3 and 1.55 m wavelengths outside the depletion layer. The quantum efficiency
is then almost uniform between 1.0 and 1.6 m, just below g for GaInAs.

Figure 12.3-4 a) A p-i-n structure, b) the corresponding electric field variation, and c) a
substrate- entry GaInAs PIN photodiode (after R.H. Moss Br. Telecom J. 1, 7-22 (1983)).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 17



It is possible to make use of the high-field characteristics of the p-n junction to construct a
photodiode with internal gain. In the avalanche photodiode (or APD), impact ionisation is
used as a method of multiplying the photocurrent before it enters the circuit of any electrical
amplifier, thus providing an increase in receiver sensitivity. Figure 12.3-5 shows the reach-
through avalanche photodiode (RAPD), which illustrates the basic principle involved.

The RAPD is a four-layer device, with a p+-i-p-n+ structure (Figure 12.3-5a). Under reverse
bias, most of the applied voltage is dropped across the p-n+ junction, although the exact
fraction depends on the doping levels. As the voltage is increased, the depletion layer
associated with this junction widens, until it just reaches through to the intrinsic region. The
electric field distribution is then as shown in Figure 12.3-5b. In the depletion region, the
field is extremely high; normally, the peak field is held at 10% below the value at which
avalanche breakdown occurs. In the long intrinsic region, however, the electric field is only
moderate. Light enters the structure through the p+ layer, and travels through to the intrinsic
region, where it is absorbed. The photogenerated carriers drift in the moderate electric field,
with electrons travelling towards the p-n+ junction. Carrier multiplication then takes place
inside the high-field region by impact ionization. As a result, there is a large increase in the
photocurrent, up to 1000 times, which provides the desired improvement in detector
sensitivity. However, since the avalanche process is a statistical one, there is a corresponding
increase in the noise level.

Figure 12.3-5 a) Avalanche photodiode structure, b) the corresponding electric field

variation, and c) the processes of absorption and avalanche gain.


The integration of photodetectors with waveguides poses an inherent compatibility problem

- the former are intended to act as efficient, localised absorbers of light, while the latter
should (ideally) be lossless. A number of strategies may be used to circumvent the
difficulty. Firstly, the waveguide and the detector may be constructed on different levels of a
multilayer, allowing the properties of each level to be tailored individually. Light may then
be transferred between the two at the appropriate point, either by directional coupling or by
radiation. In the latter case, a standard component such as a grating coupler may be used, or
the guide may be induced to cut off. For example, Figure 12.3-6 shows the cross-section of
a structure combining a passive guide made in two glassy layers with a p-n junction
photodiode formed by a p-type diffusion into an n-type silicon substrate. To couple light

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


into the detector, the height of the SiO2 buffer layer is gradually reduced until the high-
index substrate approaches the guide sufficiently to induce cutoff. The light is then radiated
onto the detector.

Figure 12.3-6 An Si p-n junction integrated with an overlay guide (after S. Ura et al., IEEE
J. Lightwave Tech. LT-4, 913-918 (1986); IEEE 1986).

Alternatively, waveguides and photodetectors may be constructed on the same level of an

integrated structure, and butt-coupled together. Clearly, this requires material properties to
be tailored locally. For example, Figure 12.3-7 shows an InP/InGaAsP double-
heterostructure channel guide integrated with an GaInAs PIN photodiode. Here, the
waveguide is formed first, by conventional methods. A trench with dimensions 10 m x
20 m is then etched right through the guide to the n+-InP substrate. This trench is filled
with n- InGaAs by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) to form the intrinsic region of the diode, and
the upper layer is then Zn-doped to form the p+ region. The net result is that the channel
guide is coupled directly into the depletion region of a vertically oriented PIN photodiode.

Figure 12.3-7 a) Cross-section of an InGaAs PIN photodiode integrated with an InGaAsP

waveguide (after W.Dldissen et al., Elect. Lett. 25, 35-37 (1989)), and b) SEM view in the
region of LPE overgrowth (photograph courtesy W. Dldissen, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut).


We now consider another application of the p-n junction, as a light source. In this
incarnation, it is known as a light-emitting diode (or LED). Now, in Chapter 11, we
described electroluminescence as a mechanism for generating photons in a direct-gap
semiconductor. However, an isolated lump of material will not emit significant quantities of
light, because in thermal equilibrium at room temperature the number of downward electron
transitions is extremely small. To improve the optical output, we must move the material far
from equilibrium, so that the rate of spontaneous emission is considerably increased. This
might be done by taking (for example) a p-type material, which already contains a large hole
density, and pouring electrons into it. This can be done in a forward-biased p-n junction.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


Figure 12.4-1 Spontaneous emission by recombination of injected minority carriers in a

forward biased p-n junction.

Figure 12.4-1 illustrates the process; electrons are injected into the p-type material, where
they combine with the holes already present. At the same time, holes are injected into the n-
type material; however, the junction is normally highly asymmetric, so that light emission
takes place mainly from one side.


Once again, we recall that spontaneous emission generates photons that travel in random
directions, so the emission is isotropic; as we will show later, this greatly reduces the
external efficiency of an LED. The emission is also unpolarized. Furthermore, we note that
the output does not consist only of light at the wavelength g = hc/Eg, as a two-state model
would imply. Because of the wide distribution of carrier energies within the conduction and
valence band, the output is incoherent, with a spectrum consisting of a broad range of
wavelengths (Figure 12.4-2). The electron distribution normally peaks near an energy 1/2
kT above the edge of the conduction band, and extends for several kT (say, 5/2 kT) above
Ec. Similarly, the hole distribution peaks at around 1/2 kT below the valence band edge,
extending for about 5/2 kT below Ev. Consequently, the possible photon energies lie in the
range Eg to Eg + 5kT, and the most likely energy is Eg + kT.

Figure 12.4-2 Representative emission spectrum of an LED.

The optical wavelength corresponding to an energy Eg + kT (where is an arbitrary

constant) is 0 = hc/{Eg + kT}. Since kT is typically much less than Eg, we may put:

0 (hc/Eg) {1 - kT/Eg}

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


If kT and Eg are measured in eV, and 0 in m, Equation 12.4-1 may be written in the
alternative form 0 (1.24/Eg) {1 - kT/Eg}. The output from an LED therefore peaks at a
wavelength p, given by:

p (1.24/Eg) {1 - kT/Eg}
Similarly, the half-power bandwidth of the emission spectrum is , where:

3.1 kT/Eg2
Now, Eg for GaAs is 1.42 eV. For a GaAs LED at room temperature, for example, we
therefore find that p (1.24/1.42){1 - 0.0258/1.42} = 0.857 m. Similarly, = 3.1 x
0.0258 / 1.422 = 0.04 m, or 40 nm. For materials with smaller bandgaps, designed to emit
at longer wavelengths, is even larger. For example, an InGaAsP LED operating near 0
= 1.3 m would have a spectral half-width approaching 100 nm. Consequently, the LED
cannot be used as a source for high-speed, long-distance optical communications; the
dispersion caused by such an extended spectrum would be far too large. LED transmitters
are therefore restricted to short-haul applications.


We now consider the efficiency of the electroluminescence process inside an LED, which
we might term the internal efficiency . As it turns out, is frequency-dependent. We can
illustrate this by calculating the optical output of an LED for a time-varying drive current,
assuming a two-state model for simplicity. We start by returning the rate equations of
Chapter 11. Considering spontaneous emission to be the dominant process, and the injected
carriers to be electrons, the first relevant equation is Equation 11.9-19. Since the system will
be significantly perturbed, however, we must replace terms of the form n by n, and so on.
Furthermore, for simplicity, we shall consider the LED to be a lumped-element device,
consisting of a uniform recombination region of cross-sectional area A and depth x (i.e., a
finite volume v = Ax). In this case, we may rewrite Equation 11.9-19 as:

dn/dt + n/e = J/ex = I/ev

where I = J A is the total current injected into the recombination region. Now, in the general
case, the current may consists of a DC bias, with a superimposed AC modulation. We might
therefore put:

I = I' + I'' exp(jt)

Where I' is the DC bias, and I'' and are the amplitude and angular frequency of the AC
modulation, respectively. We assume that I' > I'', so that the LED is always under forward
bias. We may take the solution for the electron density in a similar form, as:

n = n' + n'' exp(jt)

Substituting these expressions into Equation 12.4-4, we get:

n' + n''(1 + je) exp(jt) = {I' + I'' exp(jt)} e/ev

Equating the DC and AC terms in Equation 12.4-7, it is clear that we must have:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


n' = I'e/ev and n'' = (I''/ev) {e / (1 + je)}

We now return to the corresponding photon rate equation. For spontaneous emission due to
electron injection, the rate of change of photons may be taken as:

d/dt = n/rr - /p
Here we have included an additional term -/p, which describes rate of loss of photons
from the active volume (since it is now finite). This must be proportional to itself, and the
proportionality constant p is known as the photon lifetime. For an active volume whose
longest dimension is L, p is of the order of L/vg, the time taken for a photon to escape from
the region. For typical device dimensions of 100 m, p is 10-12 seconds. Since 1/p is
then so large, we may neglect d/dt by comparison, and write:

/p = n/rr
For a recombination volume v, the total number of photons escaping per second is v/p.
This must represent the external photon flux generated by the diode. Since each photon
carries energy hc/g eEg, the optical power P emitted is:

P hc/g (hc/g) vn/rr

We now assume a solution for P in the form of a DC emission plus an AC modulation
term, i.e. as:

P = P' + P'' exp(jt)

Substituting this expression into Equation 12.4-11, together with our previous solution for
n, we get:

P' + P'' exp(jt) = (hc/g) [(I'e/rre) + (I''/rre) {e / (1 + je)} exp(jt)]

Equating the DC and AC components separately in Equation 12.4-13, we then obtain:

P' = 'hcI'/eg and P'' = ''hcI''/eg

where we have defined two new quantities, the DC and AC internal efficiencies ' and '', as:

' = e/rr and '' =e/{rr (1 + je)}

Equation 12.4-14 shows that the optical output from an LED is linearly proportional to
current, for both DC and AC injection. However, the internal efficiency in each case is
slightly different. We shall now examine the implications of this result, by considering the
likely values of ' and ''.


Bearing in mind that 1/e = 1/rr + 1/nr, the DC efficiency ' has the value:

' = rrr / {rrr + rnr}


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


where rrr = 1/rrand rnr = 1/nr are the rates of radiative and non-radiative transitions,
respectively. Consequently, the DC efficiency depends on the fraction of all downward
transitions that are radiative, a physically convincing result. In simple LEDs, ' may be as
high as 50%. Substituting for the constants, the DC output power may be written in the
simple form P' = 1.24 'I'/g, where g is measured in m.

For a GaAs LED emitting at g 850 nm, with ' 50%, roughly 0.73 mW of optical
power should thus be generated per mA of drive current. However, this figure is lowered by
absorption, and by total-internal-reflection at the surfaces of the device, as we shall show


Combining Equations 12.4-15, we note that the AC internal efficiency may also be written

'' =' / (1 + j'rr)}

Since '' is complex, it is clear that the optical modulation cannot be in-phase with the drive
current modulation, but must instead lag behind. The magnitude of '' is given by:

'' = ' / {1 + 2'2rr2}

At low frequencies, the AC internal efficiency tends to the DC value, but for angular
frequencies greater than the break-point c = 1/'rr, '' is approximately:

'' 1/rr
so that '' is independent of ' at high frequencies.

Figure 12.4-3 shows a logarithmic plot of '' versus , for three values of '. As can be
seen, there is a trade-off between the DC efficiency and the position of the break point.

Figure 12.4-3 Variation of the AC internal efficiency '' of an LED, for three values of DC
internal efficiency.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


This illustrates a basic limitation of LEDs: they may be either fast, but inefficient, or slow
but efficient. However, it is not possible to obtain the best of both worlds. DC efficiency
may be optimised by maximising ', by heavily doping the recombination region. The
frequency response is clearly limited by rr, and in typical devices the break-point occurs at
fc = c/2 10 - 20 MHz. LEDs may therefore only be used as sources for optical links of
moderate bit-rate.


Despite the reasonable internal efficiency of an LED, it is an unfortunate truth that very little
of this theoretical output is available for use. To illustrate this point we show in Figure 12.4-
4a a typical surface-emitting LED; this is a layered p-n structure, in which the optical output
is taken from the upper surface. Because the light generation is isotropic, half of the light is
emitted downwards, and has no chance of escaping from this surface. Of the half that is
emitted upwards, only a fraction escapes, due to the small critical angle at the
semiconductor/air interface.

Figure 12.4-4 a) A typical surface emitting LED; b) geometry for calculation of external

The proportion of the light that escapes into the air can be found as follows. We first define
a source of radiation as the point L inside the LED and the point of escape from the surface
of a given ray emitted by L as S, as shown in Figure 12.4-4b. If the angle made by this ray
with the surface normal is , and the distance between L and S is r, the fraction of the
radiation emitted by L lying in the solid angle between and + d is 2r sin() r d / 4r2
= (1/2) sin() d. The proportion of this fraction that actually crosses the interface is then
given by T() = 1 - ()2, where () is the Fresnel reflection coefficient for incidence at
angle . The external efficiency e of the LED is then found as the integral of the product
of the above two quantities, over the angular range for upward-travelling radiation, namely 0
/2. We may therefore write:

e = 0/2 {T()/2} sin() d

Now, T() is a slowly-varying function, falling from a maximum value T(0) = 4n/(n + 1)2 at
normal incidence (where n is the refractive index of the semiconductor) to T(c) = 0 at the
critical angle. A reasonable approximation to Equation 12.4-20 is then:

e = T(0)/2 0c sin() d = T(0)/2 {1 cos(e)}


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


Now, for typical LED materials, n is large (3.5 for GaAs), so c = sin-1(1/n) 1/n and {1
cos(c)} c2/2 1/2n2. With these approximations, we may write the external efficiency

e 1/n(n + 1)2
For GaAs, e 0.0141, so that only about 1.4% of the light generated inside the LED can
actually escape from the surface. Consequently, the DC external output is reduced to Pe =
P'e. For the GaAs LED discussed earlier, the usable output would be 0.73 x 0.0141 mW
10 W per mA drive current.

In fact, a fraction of the light is absorbed while travelling between L and S, reducing this
figure still further. There are two partial solutions to the problem. Firstly, a reflector can be
added to the lower surface, so that some of the light emitted downwards may be exploited.
Secondly, the upper surface of the LED may be antireflection coated, which provides an
improvement in T(0). Thirdly, the surface may be lensed (either by etching the surface into a
hemisphere or by attaching an external microlens), so that a larger proportion of the light is
incident on the interface at an angle less than c. This solution is used extensively in display
LEDs, but is inappropriate for lightwave systems, where the aim is to couple the LED output
into an optical fibre. In this case, the power actually delivered into the fibre will be lower
than the estimates obtained above by a factor c, the coupling efficiency.

Calculation of c for the general case of an optical fibre butt-coupled to the surface of an
LED is a relatively complicated problem. However, for an emission area that is small
compared with the fibre core, and arranged on-axis as shown in Figure 12.4-5, we can
obtain a useful approximation to c.

Figure 12.4-5 Geometry for calculation of LED: fibre coupling efficiency.

Light emitted by the LED travels in all directions, ranging from normal to the surface to
parallel. It can be shown that the distribution of output intensity with external angle e is
Lambertian, following:

I(e) I(0) cos(e)

We may use this distribution perform a calculation very similar to the previous one. Firstly,
we note that the fraction of the output lying in the solid angle between e and e + de is:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


dI = I(e) sin(e) de / 0/2 I(e) sin(e) de

The proportion of this fraction that crosses the air/fibre interface is then given by T'(e) = 1
- '(e)2, where '(e) is the Fresnel reflection coefficient for incidence at an angle e.

Now, of the part that is transmitted into the fibre, only the fraction that is total-internal-
reflected at the core/cladding interface will actually be guided. In Chapter 8, we showed that
this condition led to a maximum acceptance angle for a multimode step-index fibre of:

emax = sin-1{(n12 - n22)} = sin-1(NA)

where NA is the numerical aperture of the fibre. Consequently, c may be found by
multiplying Equation 12.4-23 by T(e) and integrating from e = 0 to e = emax. Since emax
is typically small, and T(e) is slowly-varying, c may be approximated by:

c = T'(0) 0emax I(e) sin(e) de / 0/2 I(e) sin(e) de

Where T'(0) = 4n'/(n'+1)2, and n' is the refractive index of the fibre core. At this point, we
may substitute for I(e) and perform the necessary integration. This yields the extremely
simple result:

c = T'(0) sin2(emax) = T'(0) NA2

Thus, for a step-index fibre with n' 1.5 and NA 0.2, we obtain a coupling efficiency of
c 0.04. This figure may be improved by contacting the fibre directly to the LED, or by
using a lens between the two (if the emitting area is smaller than the fibre core). One
alternative device (the edge emitting LED, which we will describe shortly) also offers an
advantage. However, the fundamental cause of low external efficiency is the undirected
nature of spontaneous emission. A major improvement may only be obtained by adopting
the alternative mechanism of light production, stimulated emission.


In place of the simple p-n junction, a more complicated structure is often used. Typically,
this might be a P-n-N double heterostructure, containing three layers: a p-type layer with
a wide energy gap, a narrow-gap n-type layer, and a wide-gap n-type layer. Now, we have
already mentioned the way in which a single heterojunction may be used to provide potential
barriers of different heights for electrons and holes; the double heterostructure may be used
to provide a high barrier at different positions for electrons and holes. In this way, the
recombination region may be limited to a defined region of space, resulting in an increase in
the radiative recombination efficiency. We illustrate this in Figure 12.4-6, which shows the
energy band diagram for a P-n-N structure.

Here the potential barrier faced by electrons is higher at the P-n interface, while that faced
by holes is higher at the n-N interface. Under forward bias, electrons injected into the n-type
layer from the right are prevented from diffusing away to the left by the first of these
barriers. Similarly, holes injected into the n-type layer from the left are stopped from leaking
away to the right by the second barrier. The net effect is that carriers may be poured into the
central layer, which acts as a localised recombination region. Two further advantages stem
from this construction. The first is that the larger band-gaps of the P- and N-type layers can
make them effectively transparent to radiation generated in the narrow-gap recombination

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


region, thus reducing the amount of light that is absorbed before it escapes from the surface.
The second is that the refractive index of the narrow-gap material at the centre of the
structure may be higher than that of the material on either side. It is therefore possible to
combine localisation of the recombination region with confinement of an optical field. This
feature is exploited extensively in the double heterostructure laser, which will be described
in the next Section.

Figure 12.4-6 Energy band structure for a P-n-N double heterostructure in equilibrium.

Figure 12.4-7 shows a typical surface-emitting double-heterostructure LED, the Burrus-

type LED (named after its inventor). This is a high-efficiency device, suitable for use with
multimode fibre. To fabricate the device, a double heterostructure is first grown on a
substrate, and a SiO2 isolation layer is then deposited on the lower layer of the
heterojunction. This layer is etched, to expose the hetero- junction over a small window.
Metallization layers are then added to the upper and lower surfaces; clearly, the lower of
these makes contact with the heterojunction only in the region of the window. A deep well,
aligned with this window, is then etched right through the substrate to the upper layer of the
heterojunction, and a multimode optical fibre is epoxied into the well in contact with the
LED surface. When a forward current is passed through the LED, it flows mainly through
the region immediately below the fibre. The recombination region (or active region) is
therefore confined vertically by the double heterojunction and laterally by the distribution of
current flow.

Figure 12-4-7 A Burrus-type double heterojunction surface-emitting LED.

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Figure 12.4-8 shows an alternative geometry, the edge-emitting or superluminescent

LED. This is also based on a double heterostructure, but now the emission is taken from
the edge of the junction rather than its surface. Generally, the current is forced to flow
through a narrow strip down the device centreline by the introduction of a current-blocking
silica layer. As a result, the active volume is constrained vertically by the double
heterostructure and laterally by the current flow. Most importantly, light generated by
spontaneous emission is also confined vertically to a certain extent; the refractive index
difference at the top and bottom of the active layer results in total internal reflection. This
tends to channel a large fraction of the light towards the emission windows at relatively
shallow angles. While the radiation pattern is still Lambertian in the horizontal plane (with a
half-power beam width of 120o), it is therefore considerably compressed in the vertical
plane (into a width of 30o).

Figure 12.4-8 An edge-emitting LED.

The large distance travelled before the light escapes does result in an increased level of
absorption (although this may be minimised by making the active layer thin, and forcing
most of the light to travel in the wide-bandgap confining layers). Consequently, the external
efficiency is lower than in a surface-emitting LED. However, this is more than compensated
for by the increased directivity of the output, which allows much higher coupling efficiency
to a fibre. In turn, this makes a reduction in the internal efficiency possible, thus improving
the high-frequency response. Antireflection coatings may again be used to improve the
transmission through the emitting facet. Edge-emitting LEDs may therefore have
bandwidths of 5x their surface-emitting counterparts, while still coupling 5x the power
into a low-NA fibre.

Despite all this, the performance improvement offered is only moderate, and a major
difference can only be obtained using the alternative mechanism of light production,
stimulated emission. Surprisingly, the structure required is very similar, but it has entirely
different optical characteristics. We shall now consider this device - the semiconductor
laser - in detail.

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To explain the difference between the semiconductor laser and the LED, we must return to
the results of Chapter 11. When absorption and stimulated emission are the dominant
processes, the rate equation for a travelling photon wave in our two-level model may be
taken as:

/t = -vg/z + G(n n0)

In the steady-state, /t = 0, so that:

/z = gp
where the power gain is gp = G(n - n0)/vg. In this case, we can find the variation of with z
(z) = (0) exp(gpz)
Equation 12.5-3 describes an exponentially growing wave. This type of amplification ought
to offer a method of light generation, if we can harness it. Clearly, we require n > n0 for gp to
be positive, so that net gain occurs. To achieve this, we must find some means to raise the
electron density far above the equilibrium level. The injection of electrons across a forward-
biassed diode immediately suggests itself as a suitable method.

Figure 12.5-1 shows a three-dimensional sketch of the band-structure of a p-n+ junction

diode under heavy forward bias. Here the forward voltage V is so large that the relative
levels of the conduction band on either side of the junction are the opposite of those in
equilibrium. In this case, we would expect a veritable flood of electrons to be injected into
the p-side. An optical wave travelling parallel to and sufficiently close to the depletion layer
will then move through a region with greatly increased electron concentration.

Unfortunately, our previous expression for np' is inaccurate at the high forward bias
required to invert the population. However, by a more accurate calculation, it can be shown
that the net gain is obtained when the difference between the quasi Fermi-levels EFn and EFp
is greater than the bandgap Eg.

Now, the injected electrons will diffuse away from the depletion layer edge, so the gain must
fall off in the same direction. Arguably, the excess electron concentration will fall to zero
within about a diffusion length. Since no amplification will occur outside this region, the
optical wave should be confined near the depletion layer to take full advantage of the gain.
One approach would be to force it to propagate in a waveguide that passes through the gain
region. We might then ask, how should the guide be designed for optimum gain?

To answer this, we must find the effective power gain due to a distribution gp(x) that varies
over the guide cross-section. This can be done using the methods of Chapter 9, where we
calculated the effect of a nonuniform index perturbation n on a guided mode in a phase
modulator. There we found that the change in effective index was found from the overlap
between the perturbation and the normalised transverse field, as neff = < n , E2 >. It is
easy to show that the effective power gain is also found as an overlap, this time between the
transverse field and the gain distribution, i.e. as:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


gpeff = < gp , E2 >

Consequently, we may deduce that the most important condition for high effective gain is a
strong overlap between the modal field and the gain distribution.

Figure 12.5-1 Amplification of a travelling optical wave near the depletion layer of a
forward biased p-n junction.

Early semiconductor lasers were made from p-n homojunctions. These contain an in-built
planar guide, formed by the increase in refractive index that occurs naturally in the depletion
region due to the absence of free carriers. However, since the index change obtained this
way is very small (n/n 0.1 - 1%), such a guide provides a very weak confinement of the
optical field. The lack of any kind of potential barrier also allows the diffusion of injected
carriers away from the junction. Consequently, homostructure lasers have a low effective
gain and are of historical interest only.

A much more successful geometry is the double heterostructure laser, which uses
compositional variations to optimise the optical and carrier confinement. For example,
Figure 12.5-2a shows the band diagram for a P-n-N heterostructure under strong forward
bias. Note that there is a potential well in the n-region, in both the conduction band and the
valence band. As mentioned earlier, electrons injected into the upper well from the N-side
are highly localised, and available for recombination with holes injected into the lower well
from the P-side.

Figure 12.5-2b shows the corresponding refractive index distribution across the junction;
the wide band-gap P- and N-type regions have a lower index than the n-region, so a roughly
symmetric slab guide (with n/n 5%) is created exactly in the high-gain region.

The modal field (Figure 12.5-2c) is then well confined, and has a strong overlap with the
gain. Furthermore, the confinement is highly stable, since it is hardly altered by changes in
the injection level. Modern semiconductor lasers are therefore almost exclusively built
around variants of the double heterostructure. For example, in the separate confinement
heterostructure (SCH), optical field confinement and localisation of the recombination

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30


region are optimised separately, using a quadruple heterojunction. The two inner junctions
limit the active region, while the two outer ones confine the optical field.

Figure 12.5-2 a) Energy bands, b) refractive index and c) modal field in a double
heterostructure laser.

Figure 12.5-2b shows the corresponding refractive index distribution across the junction;
the wide band-gap P- and N-type regions have a lower index than the n-region, so a roughly
symmetric slab guide (with n/n 5%) is created exactly in the high-gain region. The
modal field (Figure 12.5-2c) is then well confined, and has a strong overlap with the gain.
Furthermore, the confinement is highly stable, since it is hardly altered by changes in the
injection level. Modern semiconductor lasers are therefore almost exclusively built around
variants of the double heterostructure. For example, in the separate confinement
heterostructure (SCH), optical field confinement and localisation of the recombination
region are optimised separately, using a quadruple heterojunction. The two inner junctions
limit the active region, while the two outer ones confine the optical field.


We may estimate the effective power gain in a double heterostructure laser as follows. In the
central active layer, we may take the power gain to be constant, and equal to gp1. However,
there may also be additional sources of loss (free carrier absorption, for example), which we
might define by a power absorption coefficient p1. In the unpumped outer layers, there will
be no gain, only loss defined by p2 and p3 in the left- and right-hand layers, respectively.
For the co-ordinates of Figure 12.5-2, the overlap integral in Equation 12.5-4 may then be
evaluated as:
gpeff = 1(g p1 - p1) - 2 p2 - 3 p3

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where the overlap terms 1, 2 and 3 are defined as:

1 = 0h E2 dx , 2 = - 0 E2 dx , 3 = h E2 dx
and 1 + 2 + 3 = 1. To maximise the effective gain, 1 should be made much greater than
2 and 3, by confining as large a fraction of the optical field as possible inside the central
pumped region. For a more complicated channel guide geometry, we might write by

gpeff = (gp - pcore) - (1 - )pclad

Where is the overlap of the guided mode with the active region - known as the
confinement factor, and pcore and pclad are the losses in the core and cladding,


An optical amplifier may be turned into an oscillator by providing positive feedback. We

have already described how this is done in Chapter 4; all that is needed is to add mirrors to
the gain block, so that the structure becomes a Fabry-Perot cavity. In the semiconductor
laser, the mirrors may be fabricated very simply, by cleavage down crystal planes orthogonal
to the junction plane, as shown in Figure 12.5-3. Naturally, their reflectivity is fixed; for a
material of refractive index 3.5, surrounded by air, the amplitude reflectivity is R1 = R2 (3.5
- 1) / (3.5 + 1) 0.56. This figure is high enough to obtain a suitable level of feedback,
while still allowing a good fraction of the light generated to escape from the cavity. Gain is
provided by the injection of current in a direction normal to the junction. Because a planar
structure provides confinement of the light only in one direction, we would expect light to
travel between the mirrors as a sheet beam, growing in amplitude as in propagates.

Figure 12.5-3 Basic geometry of a planar double heterostructure laser.

In practise, the use of a simple layered structure is undesirable. Firstly, both the drive
current and the heat generated by non-radiative transitions will be large, since they are
proportional to the area of the junction. Secondly, the finite lateral extent of the guide
implies that it will actually function as a very broad, multimoded channel guide. The optical
field inside the cavity will then consist of a random mixture of modes, which may lead to a
highly nonuniform intensity distribution across the beam. Thirdly, broad-area emission will
result in very low coupling efficiency into a fibre. Almost always, extra refinements are used
to reduce the active volume and introduce transverse confinement, so that the light
propagates in a single-moded channel guide.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32


The primary problem with semiconductor lasers is therefore to combine two-dimensional

confinement of the optical wave with localisation of the recombination region. There are
many possible solutions. One is to restrict the flow of current laterally, for example by
using an SiO2 isolation layer with a stripe contact window, as shown earlier in Figure 12.4-
8. This geometry is known as the oxide stripe laser. Alternatively, a full-area contact might
be used, but the semiconductor might be made highly resistive in all except a narrow stripe
region, for example by proton bombardment. Both methods restrict the gain region laterally.
However, the lateral optical confinement is only moderate, since this is introduced by a local
increase in gain rather than by an index variation. Such lasers are therefore often described
as gain-guided. Due to the weak confinement, the guide may support several transverse
modes, and the relative importance of each mode may be highly dependent on the level of
injection. For stable operation on a single transverse mode, stronger lateral confinement
must be established using refractive index changes. This requires a more complicated

Figure 12.5-4 shows the simplest example of a suitable geometry, the ridge waveguide
laser. In this example, the laser is designed to emit long-wavelength IR radiation (at 0
1.5 m), so the InP/InGaAsP materials system has been used. The starting point is a planar
InP-InGaAsP-InP double heterostructure, but the upper InP layer is partially etched into a
rib (typically 5 m wide) to provide lateral confinement of the mode by strip-loading.
Note that the current is also automatically confined by the finite width of the rib, although it
may start to spread as it passes into the active layer.

Figure 12.5-4 A ridge waveguide laser (after A.W. Nelson et al., Br. Telecom J. 4, 85-103

Figure 12.5-5 shows a more complicated example, the buried heterostructure laser. The
laser shown is designed to emit at a shorter wavelength (0 0.83 m), and is therefore
based on the GaAs/GaAlAs materials system. The starting point is a GaAlAs-GaAs-
GaAlAs double heterostructure, which is again fashioned into a ridge. This time, however,
the ridge is etched completely down to the substrate, and buried on either side by additional
high-resistivity GaAlAs. Lateral optical confinement is not lost, however, since the burying
layer has a lower refractive index than the active region. Contact is then made to the top of
the heterostructure via an oxide stripe window, and the current is constrained to flow
through the active region by the high resistivity of the surrounding material.

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Figure 12.5-5 A GaAs/GaAlAs buried heterostructure laser

Still better current confinement is possible using more complicated structures. For example,
Figure 12.5-6 shows the double-channel planar buried heterostructure laser. This begins
life as a planar InP-InGaAsP-InP double heterostructure, which has two deep channels etched
through it to the substrate. Four additional layers are then added, by further epitaxial growth. In
order, these consist of p-InP, n-InP, p-InP and p+-InGaAs. The important feature is that by
utilising a peculiarity of liquid- phase epitaxial growth known as selective area epitaxy, the n-
InP layer may be constrained to grow everywhere except over the central ridge. As a result, the
structure contains several in-built, reverse-biased p-n junctions, which provide far better current
blocking than high-resistivity material. Not only do they force the current to flow into the top of
the ridge, but they also prevent it from spreading out of the sides of the active region.

Figure 12.5-6 Cross section of an InP/InGaAsP double-channel planar buried

heterostructure laser (after A.W.Nelson et al., Br. Telecom J. 4, 85-103 (1986)).

We now consider the basic analysis of semiconductor lasers. From Chapter 4, we know that
two conditions are required for laser operation. The first is that a longitudinal resonance is
satisfied, so that the phase-change accumulated in a round-trip up and down the cavity is a
whole number of multiples of 2. Only then will the feedback be positive, so that the
amplitude of the optical field inside the cavity is high. For a single-mode guide with
effective index neff, this condition may be written as:

2k0neffL = 2
However, it should be noted that the effective index is normally dependent on the level of
injection, due to the free carrier contribution to the dielectric constant. The resonant
wavelengths are spaced by:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 34


= - +1 = 2/2Lneff
is therefore inversely proportional to the cavity length. The second condition for laser
operation is that the round-trip gain must exceed unity, so that:

R1R2 exp(2geffL) > 1

The effective power gain at the threshold of lasing is therefore:

gpefft = 2geff = 1/L loge(1/R1R2)

Consequently, the shorter the cavity, the higher the threshold power gain. For a cavity of
length 250 m, with end-mirrors of reflectivity R1 = R2 = 0.56, we obtain gpefft 4,640 m-1.
Note that the gain that must be provided in the active region is even higher, since from
Equation 12.5-7 we obtain:
gpt = pcore + {(1 - ) / }pclad + (1/L) loge(1/R1R2)
In our earlier discussion of LEDs, we described how the distribution of electron and hole
energies leads to a finite spectrum for spontaneous emission. For the same reason, gain can
be obtained in a semiconductor laser over a finite range known as the gain bandwidth.
Normally, the variation of gain with wavelength is written in the form:

gp() = a(n - n0) - b( - p)2

where a and b are constants, and p is the wavelength for peak gain. With this in mind, we
would expect the output of a laser with a relatively long cavity to consist of a series of
closely-spaced lines, as shown in Figure 12.5-7a. Each corresponds to a particular
longitudinal mode, when Equation 12.5-8 is satisfied for a given value of . The gain
bandwidth of (for example) an InGaAsP laser has a half-width of 30 nm. For the typical
parameters of = 1.5 m, L = 250 m and neff = 3.2 we obtain 1.4 nm, so many lines
must lie within the gain bandwidth. We cannot comment on the relative powers in each of
the lines yet (except to say that there will be more power in those nearest to the gain peak)
since the details of the spectrum depend on the level of injection. However, an extended
spectrum is generally undesirable in fibre communications systems.

Figure 12.5-7 Representative output spectra for a) and b) a long-cavity laser, with one and
two transverse modes, respectively; c) a short-cavity laser supporting a single transverse
Furthermore, we note that a laser with a broader stripe that supports several transverse
modes would have a more complicated spectrum. Since each transverse mode will have a
different effective index, each will have its own associated spectrum of longitudinal
resonances. However, the effective gain of higher-order modes is likely to be lower, since

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 35


they are more weakly confined than the fundamental mode. Consequently, the spectrum of a
two-moded laser might be as shown in Figure 12.5-7b, where the smaller lines correspond
to the second-order mode. Since the lowest-order mode is generally the most useful, single-
transverse-mode operation is highly desirable. In this case, and with a much shorter cavity,
we might expect only one longitudinal resonance to fall inside the gain bandwidth, so that
the output is effectively single-line (Figure 12.5-7c). However, this requires an extremely
small value of L ( 50 m).


Band-gap engineering offers further scope for the control of laser properties. For example,
Figure 12.5-8a shows the equilibrium band diagram of an undoped GaAlAs-GaAs-GaAlAs
double heterostructure. Due to the difference in bandgap between the materials, there are
potential wells in both the conduction band and the valence band. In conventional lasers,
these are exploited purely for carrier confinement. However, as the width h of the central
layer is reduced, new effects start to occur. In Chapter 11, we analysed the confinement of
an otherwise free electron in a one-dimensional well, and showed that the result was a
quantization of the electron energy. For an infinite well of width h, with a minimum potential
energy of V = 0, the allowed energies were:

E = 2(2hbar2/2mh2) + hbar22/2m (where = 1, 2 ...)

Of these two contributions, the first arises from the quantization effect of the well, while the
second is a kinetic energy term due to motion in the two remaining allowed directions. By
analogy, we might expect the energies of conduction electrons in the well of Figure 12.5-8
to be of the form:

Ec1' = Ec1 + 2(2hbar2/2me*h2) + hbar22/2me* (where = 1, 2 ...)

while the corresponding hole energies might be:

Ev1' = Ev1 - 2(2hbar2/2mh*h2) - hbar22/2mh* (where = 1, 2 ...)

where Ec1 and Ev1 are the extremities of the conduction and valence bands in the GaAs
layer, and me* and mh* are the electron and hole effective masses. As a result, the minimum
difference between conduction and valence levels is no longer Eg1 = Ec1 - Ev1, but:

Eg1' = Eg1 + (2hbar2/2h2) (1/me* + 1/mh*)

This energy difference corresponds to a transition between stationary electrons and holes in the
levels defined by = 1, = 1. This is equivalent to the creation of an artificial semiconductor,
with a bandgap different from that of either of the materials forming the well. Note that Eg1' is
controlled essentially by the value of h. Consequently, the emission wavelength of a laser
constructed in this way should be similarly variable.

In fact, the wavelength may be tuned over almost the entire range set by the bandgaps of the two
constituent materials, GaAs and Ga1-xAlxAs. The tuning range is therefore limited mainly by the
transition of GaAlAs to an indirect bandgap material at x 0.35. Using quantum wells made
from InP and InGaAs (which are both direct-gap), the wavelength may be tuned over the
staggering range 1.07 - 1.55 m, by varying the well width between 10 and 110 .

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12.5-8 a) Band structure and b) density of states for a GaAlAs-GaAs-GaAlAs quantum well.

The quantum size effect offers other advantages besides wavelength tunability. For example,
it is possible to repeat the calculation to find the density of states S'(E) in the conduction
band inside a single well. If this is done, we obtain:

S'() = me*/hhbar2 for E E E+1

where E = Ec1 + 2(2hbar2/2me*h2). Consequently, S'(E) is discontinuous, as shown in
Figure 12.5-8b. Although this is very different from our previous parabolic result for S(E) -
which is also the density of states for an infinite well width - the most important point is that
S'(E) intersects S(E) at each energy E, but otherwise lies inside it. We may therefore deduce
that there must be a smaller total density of states in the conduction band in a quantum well
(actually, this is obvious, since the effect of quantization is to disbar many possible states).
Now, remember that we must invert the electron population to obtain optical gain. With fewer
states to invert, the electron concentration required for transparency must be lower, so a
quantum well laser must have a lower threshold than a conventional one. However, its peak gain
must be reduced, since the conduction band will be filled more easily.

If the well is large enough, a double heterostructure laser can be made using a single quantum
well as the active layer. However, as the well size is reduced, it becomes impossible to provide
suitable optical confinement - the resulting waveguide is too narrow, so that the optical field
extends considerably outside the gain region. It is then normal to construct the active layer as a
multilayer stack, consisting (for example) of many alternating layers of InP and InGaAs, and to
provide the optical confinement separately. In this case, the structure is known as a multi-
quantum well (MQW) laser.


Assuming that the laser operates on a single transverse mode, and that the output is
concentrated in a single line, we may model the operation of a laser using relatively minor

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modifications of the two-state, lumped-element rate equations derived earlier for LEDs.
Although the optical field inside the cavity will actually consist of a standing-wave pattern, we
shall ignore this and simply assume an average value for the photon density . This will be high
at the resonant wavelength (which we take to be g), and zero otherwise. For simplicity, we shall
ignore optical loss, and assume a confinement factor of = 1. We may then take the photon
rate equation for a cavity of volume v in the form:

d/dt = n/rr + G(n n0) - /p

Here we have included terms describing spontaneous emission (n/rr), stimulated emission
and absorption (G(n - n0)), and loss of photons from the cavity (/p). The factor has
been introduced into the first of these to describe the fraction of the isotropically generated
spontaneous emission which is actually coupled into the guided mode; typically, this is very
small ( 10-3), due to the low NA of a single-mode guide. Similarly, the electron rate
equation may be taken as:

dn/dt = I/ev - n/e - G(n - n0)

Since Equations 12.6-1 and 12.6-2 are non-linear, we will solve them by means of
approximations that are valid in the two important regimes of operation. In the steady state,
the left-hand side of each of these equations is zero, so we may then combine them to
eliminate G(n - n0). This yields:

/p = n/rr + (I/ev - n/e)

Now, the light flux out of the cavity is = v/p as before. As we have ignored optical loss,
this flux must all emerge from the cavity end-mirrors. If each photon carries energy hc/g,
the optical power output is then P = hc/g, or:

P = (hcv/g){n/rr + (I/ev - n/e)}

Note that Equation 12.6-4 represents the total output, so that P/2 emerges from each of the


For a low photon density, spontaneous emission is the dominant process, so we may set the
term {I/ev - n/e} (which describes stimulated emission) equal to zero. In this case, we have
n = Ie/ev, so that:

P = hcI/eg
where = e/rr. For low currents, the output is therefore proportional to current, as in the left-
hand part of Figure 12.6-1a. The laser acts as an LED in this regime, with a reduced internal


Now, the existence of spontaneously emitted light in the laser cavity provides a source of
optical noise, from which laser oscillation may start. The noise will travel up and down the
cavity, and, if there is net gain, it will be amplified as it propagates. Very quickly, the photon
density will become high, so that stimulated emission becomes the dominant process. In the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 38


steady state, assuming that spontaneously emitted light is now negligible, we may
approximate Equation 12.6-1 by:

G(n - n0) - /p = 0
We may then obtain the electron density during lasing as:

n = n0 + 1/Gp
As a result, the electron concentration is entirely independent of . Equation 12.6-7 must also
represent the electron density at threshold, nt, and therefore describes the threshold

Figure 12.6-1 a) Optical power - current characteristic of a semiconductor laser, b) dependence

of threshold current on temperature, and c) kink in characteristic due to mode-hopping.


We may the result above to estimate the photon lifetime. Since we have already established
the threshold condition, we may find n t by an alternative route. Setting 1 and core =
clad 0 in Equation 12.5-12, the threshold gain is gpt 1/L log(1/R1R2). Since gpt = G(nt
n0)/vg, we may find the threshold electron density as:

n t = n0 + (vg/GL) loge(1/R1R2)
Comparing Equations 12.6-7 and 12.6-8 we may then obtain the photon lifetime p as:

p = L / {vg loge(1/R1R2)}
The photon lifetime is therefore independent of the level of injection, and depends only on the
cavity length and mirror reflectivity. For a semiconductor of refractive index n, we may put vg
c/n. Assuming that n = 3.5, the end-mirror reflectivity is R1 = R2 0.56. If the cavity length is
250 m, the photon lifetime is p = 250 x 10-6 x 3.5 / {3 x 108 x loge(1/0.562)} = 2.5 x 10-12
sec, or 2.5 psec.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 39



We now consider operation above threshold. Assuming negligible spontaneous emission,

Equation 12.6-4 approximates to:
P = (hcv/g) (I/ev - n/e)
Since we have already shown that the electron concentration is clamped above threshold, n/e
must be constant. We might define it to be equal to It/ev, where It is a new parameter known
as the threshold current. It is therefore proportional to the active volume v and the
threshold electron density nt, and inversely proportional to e. Its exact value is highly
dependent on the laser type; typical values are the range 10 - 100 mA. Using this definition,
Equation 12.6-10 may be written as:

P = hc{I - It}/eg
The output of a semiconductor laser is therefore a discontinuous function of the drive
current, being proportional to I - It in the lasing regime as shown in the right-hand part of
Figure 12.6-1a. The peak output power is normally limited either by mirror damage (caused
by the high optical intensity passing through the end-facets) or by thermal breakdown
(caused by the high current density passing through the junction). Ouput powers in the
range 1 - 10 mW are routinely available at all the major wavelengths (near 0.85 m for
GaAs/GaAlAs lasers, and 1.3 and 1.5 m for InP/InGaAsP).

Generally, It rises with temperature, because the spread of energies in the conduction and
valence band increases, reducing the density of carriers that can generate a photon of a given
wavelength. The recombination time e is also decreased. Consequently, the power - current
characteristic of a laser at three values of T might be as shown in Figure 12.6-1b. In fact,
operation at a greatly reduced temperature was often used to lower the threshold current to
an acceptable level in early lasers, which had poor confinement factors. e also decreases as
the active region ages, so It rises with time.


The two-state model we have used cannot describe multiline operation. However, we may
obtain a feel for the likely behaviour, as follows. If the spontaneous emission term is
retained in Equation 12.6-1, a steady-state solution for the photon density may be found as:

= (n/rr) / {1/p - G(n - n0)}

This shows that the light in the cavity may be considered to arise from spontaneously-
emitted noise, 'amplified' by the factor F = 1 / {1/p - G(n - n0)}. Since the denominator of
this expression will be very small, F must be very large. In a more complicated model,
including several longitudinal modes, we might assign a different gain to each, following
Equation 12.5-13. We might then write:

F = 1 / {1/p - [G(n - n0) + b'( - p)2]}

for the amplification factor for mode , where is the wavelength of the mode and b' = bvg.
The relative sizes of each F then depends on the closeness of each term G(n - n0) + b'( -
p)2 to 1/p. For low currents (i.e., when n - n0 is small), all the amplification factors are
small, and roughly equal, so that multiline operation occurs. As n n0 increases, every value

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 40


of F will increase, but the line whose wavelength is closest to p will have a proportionately
larger amplication factor.

We can then guess that the mode spectrum will tend to alter as shown in Figure 12.6-2,
where the power is gradually concentrated into one dominant line as the current rises. This
is highly desirable, since it reduces the effect of dispersion when a laser is used as a source
for optical communications. Note that an increase in drive current may also make it possible
for the transverse lasing mode to change, for example, from the lowest-order mode at low
current to the second-lowest at higher current. This behaviour is known as mode-hopping.
It may be observed as a kink on the laser output characteristic, as shown in Figure 12.6-1c,
and is generally undesirable.

Figure 12.6-2 Typical variation of the mode spectrum of a semiconductor laser.


We now consider briefly a number of other characteristics of a semiconductor laser. Firstly,

in order to obtain good overlap between the optical field and the gain distribution, the height
h of the active region of a double heterostructure laser supporting a single transverse mode
is normally very small, of the order of 0.1 - 0.5 m, while the corresponding width w is
typically 1 - 5 m. The core of the laser waveguide is therefore rectangular, with an aspect
ratio of 10 : 1. The mode supported by the guide is similarly distorted, being highly
compressed perpendicular to the plane of the layering, as shown in the near-field pattern of
Figure 12.6-3.

To a good approximation, each facet behaves as a point emitter, so that the far-field radiation
pattern is roughly that of a paraxial spherical wave. Now, we saw in Chapter 4 that the
spread of a bounded beam is inversely dependent on its width. Due to the shape of the near-
field pattern, we would expect the angular spread to be greatest in the plane perpendicular to
the junction (also as shown in Figure 12.6-3). A typical value for the full-angle, half-
maximum spread in intensity in this plane is 30 - 50o; the corresponding spread
parallel to the junction is much smaller, in the range 10 - 15o, but both figures depend
strongly on the construction of the laser. The output may be collimated using a spherical
lens, simply by placing the emitting area at the focal point. The resulting beam will roughly
parallel, but (due to the differences in beam divergence) its cross-section will be elliptical.
Approximate circular symmetry may be restored by passing the beam through an

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 41


anamorphic expansion telescope that magnifies in one direction only. However, the presence
of gain in the active region causes a slight astigmatism of the modal phase-front. If accurate
collimation is required, this must be corrected by passing the beam through an additional
cylindrical lens.

Figure 12.6-3 Near- and far-field radiation pattern from a buried heterostructure laser.

Because of the increased directivity and coherence of the light generated by stimulated
emission, much higher coupling efficiency to a low-NA single-mode fibre can be obtained
with a laser than with an LED. The coupling efficiency may be found by evaluating the
overlap between the modal fields of the laser and fibre, much as was done in Chapter 8.
Since the laser mode is typically rather small, an improvement in efficiency may be obtained
by using a lens. This magnifies the laser mode slightly, so that it makes a better match to the
fibre mode.

Finally, we note that a nominally single-moded guide may support two orthogonal
polarization modes. However, due to differences in end-mirror reflectivity, the mode
polarized parallel to the junction plane experiences greater round-trip gain, and will lase
preferentially. Consequently, the stimulated emission is linearly polarized in this direction.
However, spontaneous emission will add unpolarized light to the output, which will also
have a component perpendicular to the junction plane. This lowers the degree of
polarization, i.e. the ratio of orthogonally polarized components. This is limited, and will
vary with the output power. A typical value for a laser driven well past threshold is greater
than 50 : 1.


We now consider the behaviour of a semiconductor laser when it is modulated by a
sinusoidal time-varying drive current, to demonstrate the improvement in its high-frequency
response over that of an LED. Now, it can be shown that the time taken to build up the
photon density in the cavity from zero is relatively long, due to the slow response of the

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device at low current (when it operates as an LED). For high-speed operation, a laser is
therefore normally biased past threshold, using a DC bias current. We shall therefore
assume that the drive current is of the form I = I' + I'' exp(jt), where I' is the DC bias, and
I'' and are the amplitude and angular frequency of the superimposed AC modulation,
respectively. Note that the bias is chosen so that I' > It and I' I''. We shall also define the
other quantities of interest in a similar way, as the sum of a DC bias and an AC modulation
term. We therefore put = ' + ''exp(jt), n = n' + n'' exp(jt) and P = P' + P''exp(jt).

We now substitute these expressions into Equations 12.6-1 and 12.6-2. To simplify the
results, we perform the following operations: (1) we neglect spontaneous emission as small
by comparison with stimulated emission, and (2) we eliminate as many terms as possible,
using the relations between the DC terms ', n', I' and P' derived in the previous section. The
photon rate equation then reduces to:

j'' = G'n''
Similarly, the electron rate equation becomes:

jn'' = I''/ev - n''/e - ''/p - G'n''

Equations 12.7-1 and 12.7-2 may then be combined, to yield the small-signal optical
modulation amplitude P'' in terms of the corresponding current modulation term I'', as:

P''() = (hcI''/eg) (G'/p) / {-2 + j[1/e + G'] + G'/p}

Because this expression is rather complicated, we now introduce a number of new
parameters. Firstly, we define the modulation amplitude at zero frequency as:

P''(0) = hcI''/eg
Using this, we define the complex modulation ratio as m() = P''() / P''(0). Finally, we
introduce a resonant frequency r and a damping factor , defined as:

r = (G'/p) and = {1/e + pr2} / 2r

With this new notation, the modulation ratio may be written as:

m() = r2 / {(r2 - 2) + 2jr}

The small-signal frequency response of a laser is therefore that of a damped simple
harmonic oscillator. This result might well have been anticipated; since the rate equations
amount to two coupled first-order differential equations, the transient response is effectively
described by two uncoupled second-order equations, each in the form of the governing
equation of an oscillator. Since m() is complex, the optical modulation must lag behind the
current once again. The modulus of m() is of most interest, since this describes the depth
of the optical modulation. This is given by:

m() = r2 / {(r2 - 2)2 + (2r)2}

Figure 12.7-1 shows a logarithmic plot of m() versus , for typical values of r and .
At low angular frequencies, m() is unity. As the frequency rises, there is a peak in the
response, due to a resonance between the electron and photon populations. This is known as

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 43


a relaxation resonance; for low damping, it occurs at a frequency close to r. Finally, at

high frequencies, the response falls off roughly as m() = r2/2. The bandwidth is
therefore set almost entirely by the resonant frequency r. Using some simple
manipulations, it is possible to define r alternatively as:

r = (GgP'/hcv)
The resonant frequency is therefore variable, rising as the square root of the DC power
level. In order to obtain the greatest modulation bandwidth, the laser should therefore be
driven as hard as possible.

Figure 12.7-1 Small-signal frequency response of a semiconductor laser.


We may estimate r and for a GaAs laser as follows. Assuming a cavity length of 250
m, and an active area cross-section of 0.1 m x 3 m, a gain constant of 10-12 m3/s, and an
output power level of 3 mW at g = 820 nm, we obtain r = {10-12 x 0.82 x 10-6 x 3 x 10-3
/ (6.62 x 10-34 x 3 x 108 x 250 x 0.1 x 3 x 10-18)} = 1.29 x 1010 rad/sec, corresponding to a
bandwidth of 2 GHz.

This is entirely typical; the modulation bandwidth of a laser is typically 100x greater than
that of an LED, making the laser the preferred source for high bit-rate communications
systems. For modulation at still higher speeds, an external modulator must be used. Now,
we have previously estimated the photon lifetime for a 250 m - long GaAs laser as p 2.5
psec. Assuming a recombination time of e 1 nsec, the damping factor is = {109 + 2.5 x
10-12 x (1.29 x 1010)2} / (2 x 1.29 x 1010) 0.05. This is also typical; the relaxation
oscillations are underdamped at normal powers, leading to the sharp peak in the response
near r in Figure 12.7-1.


Although it is blessed with the important advantage of simplicity, the Fabry-Perot
semiconductor laser suffers from several undesirable characteristics. The first is that its
output is often multi-line, a major drawback for optical communication systems. In this
Section, we shall consider a number of solutions to the problem. The two most successful

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approaches involve reflection gratings, of the type described in Chapter 10; these are known
as the distributed Bragg reflector (or DBR) and the distributed feedback (or DFB)
laser, respectively. Figure 12.8-1 is a comparison between the two structures.

Figure 12.8-1 a) DBR and b) DFB lasers.

In the DBR laser, either or both of the cleaved end-mirrors are replaced by a corrugated
reflection grating. As a result, the DBR laser has several sections: a central active region,
which provides the gain, and passive grating reflectors, which provide feedback. Now, we
would expect high reflectivity from the grating only for longitudinal modes whose
wavelengths approximately satisfy the Bragg condition, 2neff = . When this is not
satisfied, the reflectivity is quickly reduced to zero, drastically reducing the photon lifetime
in the process. We have already shown that the relative importance of different longitudinal
modes is governed by amplification factors F. Including a mode- dependent photon
lifetime p, these might be written as F = 1 / {1/p - [G(n - n0) + b'( - p)2]}. Since they
depend inversely on the difference between two comparable quantities, even a small increase
in 1/p can have a significant effect. Consequently, the introduction of grating feedback
causes a vastly greater purification of the spectrum than the grating filter response might
suggest. In fact, the mode selectivity is governed almost entirely by the curvature of the
response near the Bragg wavelength, and the output of a DBR laser may consist only of a
single line.

Now, the wavelength of each longitudinal mode is governed by the optical path length
between the reflectors. Since the effective index in the active region will depend on the level
of pumping, the positions of the longitudinal modes relative to the peak in grating
reflectivity must alter with current. To obtain optimum reflectivity for one desired mode,
independent of variations in drive current, a slightly more complicated structure is required.
For example, Figure 12.8-2 shows a three-section DBR laser.

Figure 12.8-2 A three-section, continuously tunable MQW-DBR laser (after T.L.Koch et

al., Elect. Lett. 24, 1431-1433 (1988)).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 45


This has a multi-quantum well active section; feedback is provided by a cleaved mirror at the
left-hand end, and a grating reflector at the right. However, in this case the Bragg wavelength
may be altered by a tuning current, which varies the effective index beneath the grating
through minority carrier injection. A central passive phase-shifting section (operating by the
same mechanism) then allows the position of one longitudinal mode to be matched to the
peak in grating reflectivity. Through an interplay between the three currents, tunable single-
line operation is therefore possible.

DFB lasers (Figure 12.8-1b) achieve a similar end result, but operate by an entirely different
principle. In this case, the grating and the active region coincide, and is no longer possible to
consider the feedback as being provided by reflectors at either end of a cavity; instead, it
must be distributed throughout the active region. To show that this may give rise to laser
operation, we need a simple model. Below threshold, linear coupled mode theory is suitable.
All that is required is the insertion of an effective gain parameter g into the coupled
equations previously derived for a reflection grating. If this modification is made to
Equations 10.10-14, for example, we obtain:

dAF/dz - gAF + jAB = 0

dAB/dz + {g - j2}AB - jAF = 0
We can check that the extra terms are realistic, by examining the solutions for the forward
and backward mode amplitudes AF and AB when the coupling coefficient is zero. They grow
exponentially in the z directions, as exp(gz), which seems reasonable. When is non-
zero, the equations may still be solved analytically. However, the solutions are hard to
interpret, as they contain many complex quantities. It is therefore simpler to discuss a
typical numerical solution, for the boundary conditions of unity input to one end of the
device (i.e., for AF = 1 on z = 0 and AB = 0 on z = L). For example, Figure 12.8-3 shows
logarithmic plots of reflectivity R = ABAB* on z = 0 versus detuning L, for a coupling
length of L = 0.4 and different values of normalised gain gL.

For gL = 0, the response is that of a passive grating, reaching a peak when the Bragg
condition is satisfied and falling gradually to zero with a standard filter response as
L increases. As gL rises, however, the shape of the response alters dramatically. The
reflectivity improves overall, which is only to be expected. More interestingly, sharp peaks
start to appear in the curves. These are displaced symmetrically on either side of the Bragg
condition, and their characteristics are broadly analogous to those of the longitudinal
resonances occurring in a Fabry-Perot cavity. They arise when the contributions that are
scattered by the grating and then amplified by the gain mechanism combine with a suitable
relative phase to ensure high net reflectivity. For gL = 3, the first-order resonances are
extremely pronounced, reaching a peak of 13,000, a staggering figure. In fact, for slightly
higher gain, R may be infinite, as may the transmissivity T. At this point, the device may be
said to be lasing, because an output may appear from both ports for a zero input.

From Figure 12.8-3, it is clear that the largest peaks occur at the first-order resonances, so
these will have the lowest threshold. The spectrum of a DFB laser will therefore consist of
two lines, each of slightly different wavelength. These are automatically aligned with respect
to the Bragg wavelength, so no separate tuning mechanism is required to optimise their
thresholds. However, the wavelength of each line will alter with drive current, due to the
change in effective index, so a DFB laser is tunable over a moderate range. Although this is
a considerable improvement over a Fabry-Perot laser, further advances are possible. All that
is required is to generate some form of asymmetry in the grating reflectivity. This may be

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done, by inserting a step in the phase of the grating at a suitable point along the cavity, a
simple process for gratings fabricated by electron-beam writing. Since the required shift is
one quarter of a period, such devices are known as /4-shifted DFB lasers. The net result
is that the threshold gains of the two first-order resonances are displaced from one another,
so that one longitudinal mode lases preferentially and the output is single-line.

Figure 12.8-3 Reflectivity as a function of detuning L, for a reflection grating with gain.

Figure 12.8-4a shows a schematic of a typical long-wavelength ridge waveguide DFB laser.
This is very similar in construction to the Fabry-Perot laser shown in Figure 12.5-4, but an
extra layer of material has been inserted above the active layer. The grating is fabricated by
etching a pattern of electron-beam-defined grooves into this layer, using a preferential wet
chemical etch that forms self-stopping V-shaped grooves with a precise depth (giving a
well-controlled coupling coefficient). Note that etching of the active layer itself is
inadvisable, because most etch processes create surface damage sites that degrade the
recombination efficiency, increasing the threshold.

Because it is possible to fabricate complicated grating profiles, the perturbation of the guide
need not be sinusoidally varying (although it must be periodic in ). In general, the
perturbation may be written as a Fourier series, with components of period , /2, /3 etc.
These have associated grating vectors K1 = 2/, K2 = 2K1 and K3 = 3K1, respectively.

We have already seen that the fundamental component of a grating may be used to provide
Bragg reflection at a wavelength 0 = 2neff (say, a near-infrared wavelength). Clearly, the
second harmonic component will operate in a similar way at half this wavelength
(somewhere in the visible spectrum). This is not particularly useful in itself. However, if the
grating period is now doubled, the second harmonic may operate at the original IR
wavelength. This is highly advantageous, because it allows the resolution of the process
used to define the grating pattern to be relaxed. Second-order gratings are therefore

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Figure 12.8-4 a) Schematic of a typical InP/InGaAsP ridge waveguide DFB laser, and b)
SEM view of a similar device (photo courtesy Dr C.J.Armistead, S.T.C.Technology Ltd.)

Second-order gratings do have one additional characteristic, which is best illustrated using
K-vector diagrams. Figure 12.8-5a shows the diagram for Bragg reflection using the
second-harmonic grating vector K2, which generates a backward-going diffraction order
from a forward-travelling input. This is as expected. However, the fundamental grating
vector K1 may also cause diffraction, as shown in Figure 12.8-5b. Since it is half the length
of K1, the diffraction orders it generates propagate vertically upwards into the guide cover
layer and downwards into the substrate. The fundamental grating therefore acts as a grating
coupler, dumping energy out of the cavity. Consequently, it acts as an additional source of
loss, increasing the lasing threshold. Although this is normally undesirable, many
manufacturers are prepared to pay the price for the reason given above. The same output
coupling mechanism is also important in surface-emitting lasers, which we shall describe

Figure 12.8-5 K-vector diagrams for diffraction from (a) the second harmonic and (b) the
fundamental of a second-order grating.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 48


All forms of grating feedback share one further advantage over Fabry-Perot lasers. Because
they do not require cleaved mirrors, the substrate is not limited to the length of the laser. It is
therefore simple to combine a DFB or DBR laser with other guided wave devices. Particular
attention is now being paid to the integration of arrays of lasers with beam-combining
components, so that their outputs may be combined in a single channel. For example, an
array of DFB lasers (each arranged to emit a slightly different wavelength) might be
integrated with a Y-junction tree. The output of the tree will then consist of a number of
wavelengths, each of which can be modulated separately. Such a source might form the
basis of a wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) communications system.


We shall now consider a different question, namely how to increase the power of a
semiconductor laser. Now, the main limitations of stripe-geometry Fabry-Perot lasers are
their restricted active volume and the requirement that the optical output must pass through
end-facets of small cross- sectional area - indeed, catastrophic mirror failure was a major
problem in early devices. One obvious way to improve total output is to use several lasers,
placed side-by-side on a chip, so that the active volume and output-coupling window are
increased simultaneously. The problem with this arrangement is that each of the lasers will
oscillate independently. As a result, it is impossible to combine their outputs into a single,
high-power beam, because they must sum together with random phases.

To obtain a useful increase in power, the laser must be forced to emit light of a fixed spatial
pattern. Preferably, the outputs of all emitters should be of equal amplitude and phase, and a
variety of possible structures have been investigated in pursuit of this goal. For example, the
earliest geometry - the coupled waveguide array laser, shown in Figure 12.9-1 - was
based on a combination of a directional coupler and a Fabry-Perot cavity. A number of
parallel laser stripes were arranged close together on a chip, so that the modal fields in
adjacent stripes overlapped. It was anticipated that co-directional coupling would then
introduce phase locking. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as we show below; however,
the experience allowed better structures to be devised very quickly.

Figure 12.9-1 A seven-element co-directionally coupled ridge waveguide array laser.

To analyse the coupled waveguide array laser, we need a simple model. Once again, this
may be provided by coupled mode theory. Ignoring the feedback from the mirrors for the
time being, we may start by considering the related problem of wave propagation in an N-
element coupled waveguide array. We shall assume there is equal gain in each stripe
(defined by an effective gain g) and nearest- neighbour coupling between stripes (defined
by a coupling coefficient ). In this case, the coupled mode equations governing the change

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in amplitude of the mode in each stripe with distance along the array may be obtained by a
simple modification of our earlier two-guide equations, as:

dA1/dz - gA1+ j A2 = 0
dAn/dz - gAn + j {An+1 + An-1} = 0 for n = 2, 3 ... N - 1
dAN/dz - gAN+ j AN-1 = 0
Equation 12.9-1 shows that the two outermost guides are coupled to a single neighbour,
while all the other guides are coupled to two. Now, in Chapter 10, we solved two similar
equations for fixed boundary conditions. This time, we shall follow a different course and
look for eigenmode solutions. These describe patterns of mode amplitude that may
propagate along the array with a change in overall amplitude or phase, but not of shape.
Each such pattern may therefore be written in the form:

An = an exp(-jz)
Here the coefficients an describe the fixed shape of the pattern, while the eigenvalue
(which may be complex) accounts for any change in gain or phase additional to the average
propagation constant 0 implicit in the equations. Initially, we shall assume that the array is
infinite, so that the central equation in 12.9-1 is valid everywhere. Because the array now
represents an infinite 'medium' (albeit with rather complicated properties), it is natural to
look for wave solutions. We therefore put:

an = A exp(-jn)
where is a constant. Equation 12.9-3 describes a form of travelling wave, moving across
the array and changing in phase by discrete amounts between guides. There is a strong
analogy between this solution and the Bloch waves of Chapter 11; indeed, the behaviour of
light in a periodic array of guides is very similar to that of electrons in an array of potential
wells. Here we have approached the mathematics slightly differently, but we should not be
surprised if similar conclusions are reached. Substituting this solution into Equation 12.9-1
and eliminating all common terms gives the following relation between and :

= jg + 2 cos()
Ignoring the gain term, Equation 12.9-4 shows that the eigenvalue may only take a
restricted range of values (so that -2 2), varying cosinusoidally with over the
range. This should be compared with the E - k relation predicted by the Krnig-Penney
model in Chapter 11.

We now reintroduce the finite lateral extent of the array, by assuming that the upper and
lower equations in 12.9-1 will effectively be satisfied if we assume coupling to two
ficticious guides (at n = 0 and n = N + 1), which support modes of zero amplitude. This
may be done by taking an = A' sin(n), i.e. by assuming a standing-wave solution. Applying
the boundary conditions a0 = aN+1 = 0, we then find that is restricted to the following set of
discrete values:

= / (N+1)
where = 1, 2 .... N is the mode number. The complete solution to Equation 12.9-2 is
therefore defined by mode amplitudes an and propagation terms , given by:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 50


an = A sin[n / (N+1)] ; = jg + 2 cos[ / (N+1)]

Now, the terms an are the amplitudes of the modes in each guide. If each individual mode is
defined by a transverse field Ei(x, y), the total field pattern of the th eigenmode must
therefore be:

E(x, y) = i=1N ai Ei(x, y)

Figure 12.9-2a shows a one-dimensional plot of the lowest-order transverse mode ( = 1)
for a seven- guide array. Within each guide, the pattern is like that of the individual guide
mode, but there is an overall sinusoidal envelope defined by Equation 12.9-6. Similarly,
Figure 12.9-2b shows the second- order mode ( = 2). This is similar, but the spatial
frequency of the envelope is now doubled. The trend continues as increases, so that the
envelope of the highest-order mode has the greatest spatial frequency, with adjacent mode
amplitudes of opposite sign.

Figure 12.9-2 Near-field patterns of a) the lowest-order and b) the second-lowest order
transverse mode of a seven-element coupled waveguide array.

We now return to the provision of feedback by the end-facets. If their reflectivity is uniform
across the array, each eigenmode will be reflected without any change in shape, i.e. without
mode conversion. The eigenmodes found above are therefore identical to the transverse
modes of the waveguide array laser itself, since they may travel a round-trip through the
cavity unaltered. If the laser can be forced to oscillate on just one of these modes (the
lowest-order is the most uniform, and hence the most useful), the required phase-locking
will have been introduced, because the output from each stripe will then have a fixed phase
relationship with its neighbours.

To investigate the mode selectivity of the structure, we must examine the conditions for
lasing. The total propagation constant of the th transverse mode is 0 + , including the
average term 0. Only Re() will affect phase variations, so the longitudinal resonance
condition is therefore:

2{0 + Re()} = 2
where is an integer and L is the cavity length. Since Re() is different for each transverse
mode, we may deduce that each will have a different spectrum of longitudinal modes.
Similarly, only Im() governs the overall gain of each mode, so the condition for unity
round-trip gain is:

R1R2 exp{2L Im()} = 1


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 51


where R1 and R2 are the amplitude reflectivities of the mirrors. Examining Equation 12.9-6,
however, we can see that Im() = g for all . Consequently, the threshold gain must be the
same for each transverse mode, so co-directional coupling has actually introduced no
selectivity at all. We would therefore expect the laser to oscillate on a random mixture of all
the possible transverse modes.

In practice, early array lasers tended to lase only on the highest-order mode. The
explanation lay in the fact that only the active region of each stripe is pumped, so that there
is very little gain between the stripes. An accurate calculation shows that the coupling
coefficient is then complex, so that Im() is actually different for each mode, being greatest
for the highest-order one. This is physically realistic; this particular mode has a field that
changes in sign from guide-to-guide, falling to zero in between, so it is unaffected by
interstripe loss. However, being the least uniform mode, it also is the least usable. Despite
some attempts to introduce selectivity by separately pumping each stripe or using non-
uniform stripe spacings, directionally coupled arrays have therefore largely been abandoned.
Nevertheless, high outputs were achieved; for example, 2.6 W CW was obtained from a 40-
stripe array.

A more effective mechanism is required force single-transverse-mode operation. The

obvious solution is to introduce a mode-dependent loss, which reduces the effective gain of
undesired modes while allowing desired ones to travel up and down the cavity unaffected.
Now, in Chapter 9 it was shown that a single-mode Y-junction will radiate any anti-
symmetric component that is injected at its forked end. Consequently, Y-junctions can be
used to construct a filter that discriminates against transverse field patterns of high spatial
frequency (which have fields of opposite sign in adjacent stripes). Figure 12.9-3 shows a
device based on such a filter, the Y-junction-coupled array laser. At either end of the
device, there is an array of uncoupled single-moded laser stripes. In this example, there are
seven stripes in the left-hand array, and eight in the right. The two arrays are linked together
in the central section by a network of back-to-back Y-junctions, leaving two unconnected
stubs on the left. All sections of guide are equally pumped, and the structure is contained in
a Fabry-Perot cavity.

Figure 12.9-3 A Y-junction-coupled semiconductor array laser.

To analyse the structure, we assume for generality that there are N stripes at the left-hand
end of the array, and N+1 at the right. Once more, we assume that each guide has a total
length L, an amplitude gain g and a propagation constant 0. Similarly, the end-mirror
amplitude reflectivities are again R1 and R2. The Y-junctions act as linear beam splitters or
combiners, as described in Chapter 9. We proceed by defining the amplitudes of the modes
in the individual stripes at the left-hand end of the cavity as a1 ... aN at the start of a round

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 52


trip. It is then simple to show that the amplitudes b1 ... bN+1 before reflection at the right-
hand facet are:

bn = 1/2{an + an-1} exp(-j0L) exp(gL)

Here once again we have introduced two ficticious amplitudes a0 and aN+1 (those of the
modes in the stubs), which are both zero. After reflection at the right-hand facet, propagation
back to the left-hand end of the cavity, and further reflection, the new mode amplitudes a1' ...
aN' are:

an' = 1/4{an+1 + 2a n + a n-1}R1R2 exp(-j20L) exp(2gL)

Now, if the original amplitudes a1 ... aN represent an eigenmode, they should be related to
the new amplitudes a1 ... aN' by a constant factor (otherwise the pattern will have changed in
a round-trip). We may thus put an' = an, where is a constant. This allows us to solve
Equation 12.9-11 using our previous methods. Initially, we ignore the finite extent of the
array, and assume a solution as a kind of travelling wave, writing an = A exp(-jn). We then

= 1/2{1 + cos()} R1R2 exp(-j20L) exp(2gL)

However, since the array is actually finite, we must satisfy the boundary conditions a0 = aN+1
= 0. The solution must therefore again be a standing-wave pattern, so that an = A' sin(n).
Since it is clear that the analysis will give very similar results to those obtained for the co-
directionally-coupled array, we may immediately deduce that is again restricted to the set
of values given in Equation 12.9-5, and that the overall shapes of the modes at the left-hand-
end of the array are as specified in Equation 12.9-6.

Each mode will lase when its round-trip gain is unity, i.e. when = 1. From Equation 12.9-
12, we can see that the longitudinal resonance condition for all transverse modes is now the
same, namely 20L = 2. More interestingly, the threshold gain g is now different for
each, being given by:

g = 1/2L loge(1/fR1R2)
Here the factor f (the transmission of the Y-junction network for the th mode) is:

f = 1/2{1 + cos[ / (N+1)])}

From this, we can see that the highest transmission efficiency (slightly less than unity) is
obtained for the lowest-order transverse mode, which must therefore have the lowest lasing
threshold. In contrast, the transmission of the highest-order mode is close to zero, so its
threshold will be very high. The Y-junction network has therefore introduced the desired
selectivity in favour of a single transverse mode with a useful spatial distribution. Practical
Y-junction-coupled lasers have excellent stability, showing little change in their near- or far-
field patterns over the entire range of operation, and their output powers are typically of the
order of 400 mW CW at present.


In the future, it may be desirable to arrange for the emission from a laser chip to be taken
from its surface, rather than an end-facet. This would allow the fabrication of two-

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 53


dimensional arrays of lasers, which might have applications in optical processors. At the
very least, it would enable an entire wafer of lasers to be tested for failures before individual
devices are separated by cleaving. A variety of surface-emitting semiconductor laser
geometries are currently being investigated. These are all still based on single-mode
waveguides, but there are two major distinctions between types.

Firstly, the laser cavity may be in the conventional orientation, parallel to the surface.
Feedback may be obtained without cleaving, by using distributed Bragg reflectors. If these
are based on second-order gratings, diffraction from the grating fundamental can be used to
obtain output coupling normal to the surface, as described earlier (although unnecessary
cladding layers over the grating are generally removed, to minimise absorption). For
example, Figure 12.10-1 shows a Y-junction-coupled, surface-emitting DBR array
laser. A laser of this type has already been demonstrated with a 10 x 10 array of emitters
occupying an area of 60 m x 5 mm, with a total output power of more than 1 W.

Figure 12.10-1 A Y-junction-coupled, surface-emitting DBR array laser.

Alternatively, the cavity may be normal to the substrate surface. In this case, the device is
known as a vertical cavity surface-emitting laser. Figure 12.10-2 shows a typical
example, a circular buried heterostructure GaAs/GaAlAs laser. Although the double
heterostructure is still formed from layers parallel to the surface, the cavity is a roughly
cylindrical pillar approximately 6 m in diameter and 7 m long with its axis normal to the
surface. The current is injected from a ring electrode into the lower end of the pillar, which
is surrounded by lateral current-blocking layers. Feedback is provided by a gold/silica
mirror at the bottom of the cavity, and by a silica/titania multilayer stack deposited in a deep
well etched right through the substrate at the top. The optical output is taken from the upper

More recent vertical cavity lasers have used distributed feedback or distributed Bragg
reflection, based on epitaxial multilayers, thus eliminating the requirement for external
mirrors. Due to the short length of the cavity, the output consists only of a single
longitudinal mode, a feature of all such lasers. The particular laser shown had a threshold
current of 6 mA, and an output in excess of 1 mW. Although all surface-emitting lasers are
at a very early stage of development, they represent a promising new technology, which may
have many applications outside communications.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 54


Figure 12.10-2 Cross-section of a GaAs/GaAlAs circular buried heterostructure vertical

cavity surface emitting laser (after S.Kinoshita et al., IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-23, 882-888
(1987); IEEE 1987)


Besides acting as a versatile source, the semiconductor laser can provide other functions.
For example, if the end-facets are suitably coated so that they are anti-reflecting, laser
operation will be suppressed due to the lack of feedback. However, optical gain will still be
available in the cavity, provided the electron density is driven above threshold. In this case,
the device may act as a travelling-wave laser amplifier (TWLA). Figure 12.11-1 shows
the principle, and a typical application.

Figure 12.11-1 Schematic of a travelling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier.

The TWLA is connected between two fibres, as an in-line amplifier. A relatively weak
optical input will grow exponentially as it passes through the TWLA, emerging as a much
stronger amplified signal. The maximum possible input is limited, because the gain saturates
at high optical power, but this level is quite sufficient for use in typical systems. Recent
devices based on double-channel planar buried heterostructure lasers show little polarization
sensitivity (1 dB variation in gain between orthogonal polarizations), gains of 30 dB

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 55


(although this figure is reduced by coupling losses), and bandwidths of 75 GHz.

Unfortunately, the amplification is not noiseless, due to the presence of spontaneous
emission. This may be minimised by passing the output through a narrowband filter, which
blocks the majority of the wide-band spontaneous emission noise, while passing the desired
signal. Figure 12.11-2 shows a fully packaged travelling wave laser amplifier with fibre

Figure 12.11-2 A travelling-wave laser amplifier (photograph courtesy Telesis, a

publication of Bell Northern Research Ltd.).
Travelling wave laser amplifiers can have applications other than as simple repeaters. For
example, Figure 12.11-3 shows an amplifying switch based on a passive coupler combined
with two TWLAs. The coupler acts as a splitter, which merely directs the input to the two
amplifiers. Since the output of each TWLA may be switched off by removing the bias
current, the whole network acts effectively as a two-way switch. The isolation achieved in the
off-state is good - typically 30 dB for a 200 m long device - while the gain provided in the
on-state is easily sufficient to make up for coupling losses. Fully integrated switches based
on similar principles appear an attractive possibility for the future.

Figure 12.11-3 An amplifying switch based on travelling wave laser amplifiers (after
M.J.O'Mahony, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-6, 531-544 (1988); IEEE 1988).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 56


12.1 A silicon p-n junction diode has doping levels of Na = 1024 m-3 and Nd = 1023 m-3.
Estimate the electric field across the depletion layer, under 5 V reverse bias. Assuming
that the mobilities of electrons and holes in Si are e = 0.135 m2/Vs and h = 0.048
m2/Vs, respectively, estimate their transit times across the depletion layer. Discuss the
implications for photodiodes.
[20.4 x 106 V/m; 0.1 psec; 0.3 psec]

12.2 A silicon p-n+ diode has a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2, and doping levels of Na =
1021 m-3 and Nd = 1024 m-3. Assuming that the distance Lp from the depletion layer to
the p-side contact is 0.1 m, and that the corresponding distance Ln is Lp, calculate
the current through the diode under a forward voltage of 0.5 V. The hole and electron
diffusion coefficients may be found using the Einstein relation De,h = e,hkT/e. If
the minority carrier lifetimes are 1 s, are your assumptions valid?
[284 mA]

12.3 Compare the performance of InP/InGaAsP phase modulators based on a) the electro-
optic effect and b) minority carrier injection. For the former, you may assume that r41
= -1.4 x 10-12 m/V is the relevant electro-optic coefficient, that the overlap factor is
0.5, and that the breakdown field is 3 x 107 V/m. For the latter you may assume that
me*/m = 0.077, mh*/m = 0.64, and that an upper limit on the injected carrier density
is N = 1024 m-3. The refractive index of InP is 3.2, and the operating wavelength is
0 = 1.5 m.

12.4 A Ga0.47In0.53As PIN photodiode, with a cross-sectional area of 0.1 mm2, produces a
photocurrent of 0.996 A when illuminated by a beam of 1.3 m wavelength and 1
mW/cm2 intensity. Calculate a) the quantum efficiency, and b) the photocurrent at 1.5
m and 1.7 m wavelength.
[0.95; 1.15 A; 0]

12.5 A surface-emitting GaAs LED, emitting at 820 nm, launches 50 W of optical

power into a step-index fibre when driven by a current of 50 mA. Assuming that the
fibre has a NA of 0.3, estimate the internal efficiency of the LED. If the minority
carrier recombination time is 10 nsec, what is the radiative recombination time?
Estimate the 3 dB modulation bandwidth of the LED.
[54%; 18.4 nsec; 27.6 MHz]

12.6. Show that the effective power gain experienced by a guided mode with normalised
transverse electric field E due to the presence of a non-uniform power gain
distribution gp may be written as gpeff = < gp , E2 >. Discuss the way in which the
double heterostructure maximises gpeff.

12.7. Show that, if a non-unity confinement factor and non-zero losses are included in the
calculation, the power obtained from a semiconductor laser in the lasing regime alters
to P = hc{I - It}/eg, where:

= {1/L loge(1/R1R2)} / {pcore + (1 - )pclad + 1/L loge(1/R1R2)}.

The table below shows measurements of the power out of one facet of a GaAs/
GaAlAs laser at different currents. The active volume is 250 x 0.1 x 3 m, and

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 57


emission is at 820 nm. Estimate the threshold current density, and the average power
absorption coefficient in the cavity.

20 mA 15 W
30 mA 500 W
35 mA 2 mW
37.5 mA 2.75 mW

12.8 Assuming that the drive current of a semiconductor laser is in the form of a DC bias
current I' plus a small time-varying modulation I''(t), and that the optical output power
is the sum of a constant term P' and a similar time-varying term P''(t), show that the
differential equation governing P''(t) is:
d2P''/dt2 + 2r dP''/dt + r2 P'' = {hcr2/eg}I'',

where the resonant frequency and damping factor are

r = (GgP'/hcv) and = {1/e + pr2} / 2r.

12.9 Solve the differential equation in Question 12.8 for the case of a step change in the
modulating current from I'' = 0 to I'' = i'' at t = 0, assuming is small. Sketch the
response for = 0.05.

12.10 A Y-junction-coupled GaAs/GaAlAs array laser has nine lasing stripes at one end of
the cavity, and ten at the other. Calculate the lasing threshold for all the transverse
modes, assuming a cavity length of 500 m. Sketch the near-field patterns of the
lowest- and highest-order transverse modes at either end of the cavity. How would
you calculate the far-field patterns?

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 58



Botez D., Ettenberg M. "Comparison of surface- and edge-emitting LEDs for use in fiber-
optical communications" IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-26, 1230-1238 (1979)
Burrus C.A., Miller B.I. "Small-area double-heterostructure aluminium-gallium arsenide
electroluminescent diode sources for optical fiber transmission lines" Opt. Comm. 4,
307-369 (1971)
Carenco A., Menigaux L., Linh N.T. "InP electro-optic directional coupler" Appl. Phys.
Lett. 40, 653-655 (1982)
Casey H.C., Panish M.B. "Heterostructure lasers" Academic Press, New York (1978)
Casey H.C., Somekh S., Ilegems M. "Room-temperature operation of low-threshold
separate- confinement heterostructure injection laser with distributed feedback" Appl.
Phys. Lett. 27, 142-144 (1975)
Chen K.-L., Wang S. "Single-lobe symmetric coupled laser arrays" Elect. Lett. 21, 347-349
Gillessen K., Schairer W. "Light emitting diodes - an introduction", Prentice-Hall
International, Englewood Cliffs (1987).
Dutta N.K., Cella T., Piccirilli A.B., Brown R.L. "Tunable single wavelength lasers" Proc.
SPIE 800, 56-62 (1987)
Evans G.A. et al. "Coherent, monolithic two-dimensional (10 x 10) laser arrays using
grating surface emission" Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 2123-2125 (1988)
Holonyak N., Kolbas R.M., Dupuis R.D., Dapkus P.D. "Quantum well heterostructure
lasers" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-16, 170-185 (1980)
Inoue H., Hiruma K., Ishida K., Sato H., Matsumura H. "Switching characteristics of GaAs
directional coupler optical switches" Appl. Opt. 25, 1484-1489 (1986)
Kapon E., Katz J., Yariv A. "Supermode analysis of phase-locked arrays of semiconductor
lasers" Opt. Lett. 10, 125-127 (1984)
Kinoshita S., Iga K. "Circular buried heterostructure (CBH) GaAlAs/GaAs surface emitting
lasers" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-23, 882-888 (1987)
Mikami O., Nakagome H. "InGaAsP/InP optical waveguide switch operated by carrier-
induced change in the refractive index" Opt. Quant. Elect. 17, 449-455 (1985)
Moss R.H., Ritchie S. "The development of gallium indium arsenide for photodetectors"
Br. Telecom J. 1, 7-22 (1983)
Nelson A.W., Spurdens P.C., Close S., Walling R.H., Moss R.H., Wong S., Harding M.J.,
Cooper D.M., Devlin W.J., Robertson M.J. "The role of MOVPE in the manufacture
of high performance InP based optoelectronic devices" J. Crystal Growth 93, 792-
802 (1988)
Okuda H., Hirayama Y., Furuyama H., Kinoshita J.-I., Nakamura M. "Five-wavelength
integrated DFB laser arrays with quarter-wave-shifted structures" IEEE J. Quant.
Elect. QE-23, 843-847 (1987)
O'Mahony M.J. "Semiconductor laser optical amplifiers for use in future fiber systems"
IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-6, 531-544 (1988)
Scifres D.R., Lindstrom C., Burnham R.D., Streifer W., Paoli T.L. "Phase locked (GaAl)As
laser diode emitting 2.6W CW from a single mirror" Elect. Lett. 19, 169-171 (1983)
Stillman G.E., Cook L.W., Tabatabaie N., Bulman G.E., Robbins V.M. "InGaAsP
photodiodes" IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-30, 364-381 (1983)
Streifer W., Cross P.S., Welch D.F., Scifres D.R. "Analysis of a Y-junction semiconductor
laser array" Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 58-60 (1986)
Thompson G.H.B. "Physics of semiconductor laser devices" John Wiley and Sons, New
York (1980).
Wada O., Yamakoshi S., Hamaguchi H., Sanada T., Nishitani Y., Sakurai T. "Performance
and reliability of high-radiance InGaAsP/InP DH LEDs operating in the 1.15 - 1.5
m wavelength region" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-18, 368-373 (1982)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 59


Welch D.F., Cross P., Scifres D., Streifer W., Burnham R.D. "In-phase emission from
index-guided laser array up to 400 mW" Elect. Lett. 22, 293-294 (1986)
Yariv A. "Optical Electronics", Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1985); Chs. 11, 15.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 60



We will now consider some of the methods used to make the guided wave devices
discussed in the preceding Chapters. Because the range of these devices is itself so great, it
is hardly surprising that many different techniques are needed. However, these can be
broken down reasonably conveniently into two groups, which we will describe separately.

Firstly, we note that planar and channel guide integrated optics are both analogous to very
large scale integrated (VLSI) microelectronics, in that the aim in each case is to fabricate a
number of small, interconnected devices on a single substrate. LEDs, semiconductor lasers
and detectors are also mass-produced on common substrates, which are subsequently
separated into individual elements by dicing. The planar processing strategy of VLSI can
therefore be used for optoelectronics, and many of the individual steps involved can be
carried out using similar equipment.

In contrast, the aim of optical fibre manufacture is to produce a waveguiding medium in

extremely long lengths. Since this lacks any planar characteristics or localized features, the
fabrication procedure is entirely different. In fact, the whole operation is much more akin to
wire-drawing - optical fibre is also manufactured by a drawing process, but in a unique
construction known as a fibre-pulling tower. While it can be pulled directly from melts, a
preform is generally used in modern processes. In effect, this is a large size 'copy' of the
fibre, which is drawn down to the final cross-section. Such preforms are often built up
using deposition methods analogous to those developed for planar substrates.


The basic steps involved in planar processing are as follows. The starting point is always a
substrate, which must be specially prepared so that it is correctly orientated, polished flat,
and cleaned. Thin layers of material can then be added to the substrate surface. If the
additional material is amorphous, it may be deposited directly onto any type of substrate;
crystalline layers, on the other hand, may only be added to crystalline substrates, and then
only by strain-free epitaxial growth. However, both of these techniques may be carried out
in a number of different ways, each offering a specific advantage. Alternatively, the
properties of the substrate can be modified near its surface, for example, by diffusion or
implantation of different material species. Finally, material can be removed from the surface
by etching. All of these techniques can be applied to the entire area of the substrate, but it is
often necessary to delineate small areas for local processing. This is carried out using a
pattern transfer process called lithography, which itself involves deposition and removal of

Because the dimensions involved in most optoelectronic devices are very small (of the order
of 1 m - waveguide tracks are usually several microns wide, while grating structures
normally have sub-micron periodicity), nearly all the processing stages are carried out in a
special-purpose room known as a clean room. This is fed with filtered air to remove any
dust particles that might otherwise introduce flaws during pattern transfer, and maintained at
constant temperature and humidity to ensure process repeatability. Similarly, the services to
the room (water, and process gases) are also highly purified, and clean-room technicians
wear special clothing, designed to minimise the contamination they introduce. These
precautions greatly increase the yield of working devices, and improve their reliability and

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


lifetime (extremely important in devices destined for undersea use, where replacement of
failed components is difficult and costly).

Finally, after the majority of the process operations are completed, the device must be
packaged and sealed. At this point, any required electrical connections must be made by
wire bonding between electrode contacts on the substrate and terminals on the package.
Similarly, any optical connections - e.g., optical fibre pigtails - must be attached by precision
mechanical alignment.


We begin by considering typical substrate materials. For passive integrated optic devices,
the substrate could be a sheet of amorphous material (say, glass) or, alternatively, a wafer of
crystalline material such as Si might be required as a substrate beneath a passive silica guide
for its mechanical or electronic properties. For electro-optic devices, insulating crystalline
substrates (e.g., LiNbO3) are used, while light-emitting devices require semiconducting
materials (InP or GaAs). Substrate shapes and dimensions vary widely, but usually the
thickness is of the order of 0.5 mm, while the lateral dimensions are typically several

Crystalline substrates originate from a boule, which is itself a large, perfect crystal of the
material concerned. In general, the process of crystallization can involve a phase change
from any of the following phases - vapour, liquid, or amorphous solid - into a crystalline
solid phase. However, the liquid-to-crystalline solid transition is used most often. In this
case, the crystal is grown by the slow solidification of material at the interface between a
liquid (a highly purified melt of the desired material composition) and a solid (which itself
originates as a small, perfect seed crystal), so that each successive plane of atoms attaches to
the previous one in the correct relative position.

For example, silicon is often grown by the Czochralski process, using a crystal-pulling
rig. Here, a large charge - normally, tens of kg - of previously-prepared electronic-grade Si
is placed in a crucible, and melted by an R.F. induction heater or a resistive heating coil.
Ideally, the crucible should be extremely unreactive with molten Si, to avoid contamination
by impurities. Now, the melting point of silicon is 1412oC, which eliminates most potential
crucible materials except fused silica (SiO2). Since this is rather fragile, the crucible requires
further mechanical support by a graphite susceptor, and is normally destroyed at the end of
the run by stress fracture on cooling. To avoid contamination, melting is performed in either
an inert gas atmosphere (e.g. argon) or vacuum.
The seed crystal is held by a chuck on the end of a long screw thread, so that the desired
growth plane is accurately parallel to the surface of the melt. At the start of the growth, the
seed is lowered into the melt, and it is then gradually withdrawn by a slow rotation of the
screw. The crucible is generally also rotated, and slowly raised to keep the surface level at a
constant height as the melt is consumed. Careful control of a number of parameters - e.g.
temperature, crucible rotation rate and pulling rate - is required for defect-free growth, and to
maintain a uniform boule diameter. However, commercial processes are now highly
automated, and extremely large boules are grown routinely. These may be several metres in
length, and yield wafers of 8" diameter after grinding and sawing.

Gallium arsenide (melting point 1238oC) may also be prepared by Czochralski growth,
using a variant known as the liquid encapsulated (LEC) process. The basic difference is
that since GaAs decomposes when heated, the As vapour pressure above the melt must be

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


controlled or the stochiometry of the melt will alter as the As evaporates. This is done by
covering the melt and the hottest part of the growing crystal in a thick layer of molten boric
oxide (B2O3 - a glassy viscous liquid insoluble to both Ga and As), while pressurising the
growth chamber to 300 - 500 psi using an inert gas (e.g. N2). Other differences are the use
of a boron nitride crucible, and the application of a magnetic field to the melt, to damp down
thermal convection through the 'magnetic viscosity' effect; this greatly reduces the number
of dislocations in the crystal. GaAs growth technology is less highly developed than that
used for silicon, but wafers are now available up to four inches in diameter. Indium
phosphide (melting point 1062oC) also suffers from the problem of decomposition on
heating, and so must be grown by the LEC process. There are two additional problems,
however: the dissociation pressure of InP is higher than that of GaAs, and the increased
viscosity of boric oxide at 1062oC results in an increase in stacking faults and a smaller
yield of perfect crystals.

After recovery from the crystal puller, the boule is reshaped. The ends are first removed by
sawing, together with any flawed regions, and the remainder is ground into a cylinder on a
lathe. The crystal axes are then located by x-ray diffraction, and orientational flats are
ground on the cylinder so that the axes may be identified later on. The boule is then sawn
into wafers, using a diamond-impregnated saw blade. To minimise wastage (or kerf loss),
this must be as thin as possible. For small boules, a disc-shaped blade may be used, with the
cutting edge at its periphery. This type of blade cannot be used for large boules, however,
because of the likelihood of buckling as the blade diameter increases. Instead, an annular
blade is used; this is supported and tensioned at its outer rim, while the inner rim provides
the cutting edge. After separation, the wafers are lapped flat, and their edges are rounded (to
minimise edge chipping in later mechanical handling). The wafers are then chemically
etched to a depth of about 10 m (more for GaAs), to remove crystallographic defects
induced by the cutting and shaping operations. Finally, one or both surfaces are polished, to
a flatness of better than 2 m.



There are several methods of depositing material in the form of dielectric or metallic films,
either for insulating layers or for contacts. All are limited to about 1 m coating thickness.
The simplest technique is vacuum evaporation. The principle involved is trivial; the
substrate and the coating material are both placed in an evacuated enclosure, some distance
apart. The coating material is then heated to its melting point, so that it evaporates. Enough
thermal energy is supplied to enable individual atoms to escape from the surface of the
molten material, and (since there are no intervening gas molecules to collide with) these
travel in a straight line towards the substrate, where they adhere. Several methods may be
used to melt the evaporant. For example, Figure 13.4-1a shows resistive heating; here, the
evaporant is simply loaded into a coiled wire (typically, a tungsten filament), through which
a heavy D.C. current is passed. Alternatively, the heating element may be boat-shaped, and
made of sheet metal (e.g. Mo) or graphite.

Many metals (e.g. Ag, Au and Al) may be evaporated very successfully using resistive
heating. However, some metal evaporants (e.g. Ti) have high melting points, and are
extremely reactive when molten. This may lead to dissolution and failure of the filament, and
contamination of the film by impurities. Similarly, many dielectrics have even higher melting
points, and also very poor thermal conductivity. Consequently, alternatives to resistive
heating are often required.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


Figure 13.4-1 (a) resistive heating, (b) electron-beam heating, and (c) schematic of an

One suitable alternative is electron-beam heating, shown in Figure 13.4-1b. Here a hot-
wire filament is again used, but this time simply as a thermionic electron emitter. A charged
aperture above the filament then accelerates the electrons in the vertical direction (through,
say 5 keV) while simultaneously limiting them to a roughly collimated beam. A magnetic
field is arranged to lie perpendicular to the direction of the electron beam, so that it is bent
into an arc and falls on a water- cooled crucible containing the evaporant. This is now heated
by the kinetic energy of the electrons, rather than by direct contact with a hot body,
eliminating the problems described above.

Figure 13.4-1c shows a complete evaporator. The evacuated enclosure is a glass bell-jar,
held at a pressure of 10-6 Torr; higher pressures result in oxide formation during the
evaporation of metal films. The sample is held face down over the evaporant by a support
frame, and evaporation takes place upwards. The thickness of the film is monitored, by
allowing the simultaneous coating of a small quartz crystal, arranged as a part of an
oscillator circuit. Changes in the resonant frequency of the circuit may then be related to the
mass loading of the crystal, and hence to the thickness of the coating. The uniformity of the
deposition may be improved by mounting the substrate on a planetary stage, so that it
follows a rotating, spinning orbit during coating. It should be noted that, due to the direct
line-of-flight of atoms from the evaporant to the substrate, evaporation cannot be used to
coat any features of the surface topology that lie 'in shadow'.

An entirely different method of vacuum coating is R.F. sputter-deposition, which can

provide conformal coatings of both metals and dielectrics, albeit at the expense of requiring
a more complicated apparatus. Here the substrate is placed much closer to the coating
material, which is normally arranged in a large sheet known as the target (Figure 13.4-2).
This time, the process does not take place under high vacuum; instead, an inert gas (e.g. Ar)
is bled into the chamber at a pressure of 10-3 - 10-2 Torr. The gas is then excited into a
plasma - a gaseous mixture of ions and free electrons - by an A.C. radio-frequency electric
field (usually at 13.56 MHz, a standard scientific frequency) in the space between target and

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


substrate. However, the former is arranged as the cathode, and the latter as the anode, so that
positively charged Ar+ ions strike the target preferentially, and eject atoms from it. This
process - known as sputtering - is a physical one, which operates by transfer of
momentum between the incident, fast-moving ion and the static atom. Although the
sputtered atoms are ejected in random directions, many move towards the nearby substrate,
where they adhere to the surface.

Figure 13.4-2 Apparatus for planar RF-sputtering.

Because of further collisions with heavy ions inside the plasma, the sputtered atoms strike
the substrate from a wide range of angles, so the technique can be used to coat non-planar
substrates. However, since argon atoms are chemically inert, no additional reactions take
place. Sputtering may also be induced using a D.C. field, but with a dielectric target the
arrival of positively charged ions leads to a build-up of surface charge, which very quickly
halts the process. Consequently, D.C. sputter- deposition is only appropriate for metals.
Naturally, just as the target is bombarded by positive ions, the substrate is continually struck
by electrons. Since these are much lighter, they do not eject material, but they can raise the
substrate temperature considerably (by several hundred degrees), unless water-cooling is
used. Alternatively, a permanent magnetic field may be used to force the electrons to follow
cycloidal tracks, which avoid the substrate for the most part. The sputtering rate is highly
dependent on the target material, and is generally low ( 0.01 m/min for glassy materials).
The time taken to deposit material to the thickness required for a guiding layer (microns)
may therefore be large. Despite this, sputtering was one of the first techniques used
successfully for the fabrication of step-index planar waveguides, using SiO2 and Al2O3

We now consider a further method of deposition, chemical vapour deposition (or CVD).
This is not a vacuum process. Instead, a hot gas mixture (often at atmospheric pressure) is
passed over the substrate in a furnace, so that a film of the correct composition is gradually
deposited following chemical reactions, which take place at the substrate surface. The
physical layout of the equipment used can take a variety of different forms, depending on
the direction of the gas flow (which might be horizontal or vertical) and the form of heating
used. For example, Figure 13.4-3 shows a horizontal- tube hot-wall reactor, consisting of a
quartz tube with an external resistive heater. The substrate is placed on a quartz support, and
loaded into the tube through a removable end-cap. The process gases are injected from one
end, and heated prior to arrival at the substrate by contact with the walls. They flow over the
substrate as a laminar boundary layer, and are adsorbed on the surface where they react to

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


form the desired film. By-products of the reaction and unreacted process gas are removed to
exhaust at the downstream end of the tube.

Figure 13.4-3 A horizontal-tube hot-wall CVD reactor.

The temperature and pressure are both highly dependent on the process used. One major
branch of CVD involves the thermally activated oxidation of hydrogen compounds, such as
silane (SiH4), phosphine (PH3) and arsine (AsH3). For example, silica layers may be
deposited at atmospheric pressure by a mixture of silane and oxygen, at a temperature of
400 - 450oC, following the reaction:

SiH4 + O2 SiO2 + 2H2

Similarly, silicon nitride might be produced from dichlorosilane and ammonia at 750oC,
or from silane and ammonia at 900oC, following:

3SiCl2H 2 + 4NH3 Si3N 4 + 6HCl + 6H2

or 3SiH4 + 4NH3 Si3N4 + 12H2
As a final example of the versatility of the basic CVD process, we mention that it is possible
to fabricate doped glassy layers easily. For example, phosphosilicate glass (SiO2 doped
with P2O5) may be produced following the two simultaneous reactions:

SiH4 + 2O2 SiO2 + 2H2O

2PH 3 + 4O2 P2O 5 + 3H2O
The index changes needed in planar silica-based waveguides (for example) may therefore be
obtained merely by alterations in the process gas flows.

A number of important variations on the standard CVD process exist. For example, SiO2
may also be produced by decomposing the metal organic compound TEOS
(tetraethylorthosilicate, Si(OC2H5)4), at a reduced pressure and a higher temperature (650 -
750oC). A profusion of acronyms is used to distinguish these process variants; low-
pressure processes come under the heading of LPCVD, while the initials MOCVD describe
processes based on metal organic compounds. The latter are rapidly increasing in
importance for the growth of thin crystalline films, as we will describe shortly.

Though CVD is conceptually a simple process, in reality it is significantly complicated by

two aspects. The first is the difficulty of ensuring uniform film deposition - in terms of both
thickness and stochiometry - since the temperature, concentration, chemical composition and
velocity of the gas mixture can vary considerably along the length of the tube and across its
diameter. The second is the need to handle gases that are often toxic, explosive or corrosive
(or a combination of all three). Some gases are highly dangerous; in particular, we mention

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6


silane, which is both toxic and explodes in contact with air. Double-layer stainless steel
pipework is therefore a standard safety precaution.

Using a modification of the CVD process, it is possible to deposit films at lower substrate
temperatures (200 - 350oC), by supplying the necessary energy from an electrically excited
gas plasma rather than as heat. This variant is known as plasma-enhanced chemical
vapour deposition, or PECVD. Figure 13.4-4 shows typical apparatus; the substrate is
placed on a heated susceptor, which is arranged to act as one of a pair of R.F. electrodes. A
plasma is then established between the electrodes, and the process gases are then bled into
this region (which may have a very high electron temperature). The plasma might be derived
from an inert gas; for example, silicon dioxide films may be deposited by reacting silane
and nitrous oxide in an argon plasma. Alternatively, it might itself form one of the reactants.
Considerable interest is currently being shown in PECVD processing for the fabrication of
waveguides on silicon substrates. These require a thick dielectric spacer (at least 12 m of
SiO2) to separate the waveguide (doped silica) from the substrate.

Figure 13.4-4 Basic PECVD apparatus.


All of the above processes deposit amorphous films, with a random rather than a regular
crystalline structure. To add material while maintaining a regular arrangement of atoms (as
required in III - V optoelectronic devices), the layer must be grown epitaxially. This can be
done by matching the lattice parameters of the film to those of the substrate, so that the latter
acts as a template for ordered growth. If the grown material has the same chemical
composition as the substrate (e.g., as when a GaAs layer is grown on a GaAs substrate), the
process is called homoepitaxy. Often, however, the two materials have different
compositions. In this case, the process is known as heteroepitaxy. For guided wave optical
devices, there are currently two important materials systems. Firstly, it is possible to grow
the ternary alloy gallium aluminium arsenide (Ga1-xAlxAs) on GaAs substrates, over the
complete range of alloy composition, since the lattice dimensions of the former are almost
entirely independent of the mole fraction x.

Secondly, the quaternary alloy indium gallium arsenide phosphide (In1-xGaxAs1-yPy) can be
grown on InP substrates. In this case, the lattice dimensions are a strong function of alloy
composition. To a reasonable approximation, the lattice parameter a(x, y) of the alloy obeys
Vegard's law, and may be described by the polynomial function:

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 7


a(x, y) = xy aGaP +x(1 - y) aGaAs + (1 - x)y aInP + (1 - x) (1 - y) aInAs

where aGaP = 5.4512 , aGaAs = 5.6536 , aInP = 5.8696 , and aInAs = 6.0590 are the lattice
parameters of the binary compounds GaP, GaAs, InP and InAs, respectively. This reduces
to a linear relation for any possible ternary alloy. Figure 13.4-5 shows contours of constant
lattice spacing on the x - y plane. Also shown is the locus of all compounds that are lattice
matched to InP, which may be grown without strain on InP substrates. This is almost
exactly a straight line, obeying the relation y 1 - 2.14x. When y = 0, the locus intercepts
the x-axis at x 1/2.14, i.e. at the alloy In0.53Ga0.47As.

Figure 13.4-5 Variation of the lattice parameter with composition, for InGaAsP.

Just as in crystal growth, epitaxial processes may be based on vapours or liquids, but
epitaxial growth may be performed at temperatures well below the melting point of the
substrate. Processes based on liquids are known as liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE); these
exploit the principle that mixtures may have lower melting points than those of their
stochiometric counterparts. For example, a mixture of 5% of arsenic with 95% gallium
melts at 880oC (considerably lower than the melting point of GaAs, 1238oC). However,
when the mix is slowly cooled, some of the arsenic must precipitate out of solution. Most
importantly, it does so stochiometrically, with each atom of As combining with one of Ga.
The result is GaAs, which grows epitaxially on the substrate surface. Clearly, the ratio of
gallium to arsenic in the melt will change in the process, but if the ratio is high to begin with,
the effect will be negligible. As a result, continuous growth of GaAs films on GaAs
substrates can be carried out, without melting the latter. Ga1-xAlxAs films may be grown in a
similar way, from melts containing Ga, Al and As, and In1-xGaxAs1-yPy can be grown from
four-component melts. However, it is difficult to maintain a specified composition
throughout the thickness of a layer.

Figure 13.4-6 shows one LPE technique, the horizontal slider method for the fabrication
of GaAlAs/GaAs epitaxial films, which has been extremely successful in its time. The key
component is a carefully machined graphite boat, fitted with a horizontal graphite slider.

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Normally, several substrates are placed in shallow wells machined into the top of the slider;
one of these is the wafer destined for overgrowth, while the others are sacrificial dummies.
Similarly, charges of the growth material are placed in deeper wells in the boat, which are
sealed with further wafers capped with graphite plugs. The whole assembly is placed inside
a resistively heated furnace tube, in an inert gas atmosphere, so that the growth material is
melted. Using push rods, the relative positions of the boat and slider may be manipulated, so
that the wafer is covered in the required melt. This will grow an epitaxial layer on the wafer
surface when the temperature is suitably lowered. The dummy wafers are used to seal all
unused melts. When it is time to change the composition of the epitaxial film, the slider is
simply moved under a new melt. Due to the close fit of slider and boat, the old melt is wiped
cleanly off the wafer surface, while the new melt is wiped on. Further growth then takes
place over a prescribed program.

Figure 13.4-6 The horizontal slider method for growth by liquid phase epitaxy.

Although a simple process, LPE suffers some disadvantages. Firstly, some crystal faults are
inevitably introduced between the layers as melts are exchanged, reducing the perfection of
interfaces. Secondly, because of the high temperature, some interlayer diffusion also occurs;
this renders the junctions between layers of different composition less abrupt, which can be
undesirable for many device applications. Thirdly, since the process can operate relatively
near to equilibrium, slight changes in temperature can cause dissolution of the substrate
instead of growth. Finally, it is hard to maintain the composition of quaternary layers with
the precision required for accurate lattice matching. As a result, LPE is rapidly being
overtaken by methods based on vapour-phase epitaxy (VPE).

Vapour-phase epitaxy simply involves the use of chemical vapour deposition for epitaxial
rather than disordered growth. In particular, non-equilibrium techniques based on metal
organics (known as MOVPE) appear highly promising, especially for the growth of
InP/InGaAsP films, which require considerably better process control than GaAs/GaAlAs
structures. As in CVD processes, the Group V elements arsenic and phosphorus are derived
from the hydrides arsine (AsH3) and phosphine (PH3), while the Group III elements indium
and gallium are obtained from the metal alkyls trimethyl indium ((CH3)3In) and trimethyl
gallium ((CH3)3Ga). For example, GaAs may be deposited at 600 - 800oC, following the

(CH3)3Ga + AsH3 GaAs + 3CH4

Deposition of InP follows a similar reaction, using trimethyl indium and phosphine, while
InGaAsP requires all four constituents. Hydrides of sulphur or selenium (H2S and H2Se)
are used as sources of n-type dopants for both InP and InGaAsP; p-type dopant sources
include dimethyl zinc and dimethyl cadmium. Figure 13.4-7 shows a schematic of an
MOVPE process for the growth of InGaAsP on InP. Here the hydrides and dopants are
added directly to the vapour stream, while the metal organics (contained in temperature
controlled baths) are transported by a carrier gas such as H2 or He.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 9


Figure 13.4-7 Schematic of an MOVPE process for the growth of InGaAsP films on InP
substrates (after A.W.Nelson et al., Br. Telecom J. 4, 85-103 (1986)).

The main defect of earlier CVD processes - lack of uniformity - appears to be well under
control in modern MOVPE rigs, which offer a number of advantages. Firstly, the
stochiometry of the gas mixture may be set very accurately using mass-flow controllers.
Secondly, any transitions between layers of different composition may be made merely by
switching from one gas mixture to another, and gas switching may be extremely fast with
electrically-controlled solenoid valves. Thirdly, the process temperature is lowered to
650oC, which reduces interlayer diffusion. As a result, the extent of any interlayer lattice
imperfections is greatly reduced, and heterostructure interfaces may be extremely abrupt (a
few atomic layers in thickness). This allows the fabrication of very thin, pure films. More
importantly, multilayer films may be built up with very sharp boundaries between the layers.
These may be used as multiple quantum well (MQW) structures.

A final growth method is molecular beam epitaxy, or MBE. This is a low-temperature

process, based on evaporation under ultrahigh vacuum (10-8 - 10-10 Torr). Essentially,
several crucibles containing the constituents of the growth material are heated (normally, by
electron-beam heating) so that their contents evaporate simultaneously. The departing atoms
combine in flight to form a molecular beam, which is then adsorbed on the substrate.
Precise control of the evaporation rates of the separate materials is required to establish the
correct stochiometry of the growing layer. However, the advantage is that growth occurs at
such a low temperature that hardly any diffusion takes place between the layer and the
substrate, so that MBE may also be used to grow MQW structures - in fact, it was the
original MQW process. Its main disadvantage as a production tool is that the growth rate is
extremely small compared with other epitaxial methods, typically 0.01 - 0.03 m/hr.


There are several methods of modifying the properties of a substrate near its surface. The
simplest is diffusion. Here the substrate is placed in intimate contact with the dopant
material - which may be a solid, a liquid or a gas - and both are heated to 800 - 1000oC. Due
to their greatly increased thermal energy, the dopant and substrate atoms are all considerably

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more mobile than at room temperature. However, the latter are often anchored reasonably
well to fixed lattice sites, about which they vibrate. As they do so, some sites may be vacated,
into which migrant dopant atoms may then move (as shown in Figure 13.5-1a).

Alternatively, dopant atoms may diffuse into the substrate without the necessity for such
vacancies, by moving through the spaces between the lattice sites, known as interstitials
(Figure 13.5-1b). The overall process is known as in-diffusion. It is often possible to
avoid any large-scale transport of material in the opposite direction; however, this can and
does occur, and is known as out-diffusion; it may involve either host atoms or impurities.

Figure 13.5-1 Diffusion by a) occupation of vacancies, and b) occupation of interstitials.

Mathematically, diffusion is governed by two rate equations, whose derivation is based on

the assumption that the behaviour of any system of mobile particles - for example, a gas - is
a random process driven by concentration gradients. Since we have already derived the
necessary mathematics in Chapter 11 for the analogous phenomenon of carrier diffusion,
we will not repeat it here. Suffice it to say that a one-dimensional gradient in the dopant
concentration C leads to a flux of material of:

J = -D C/x
where D is the diffusion coefficient. Equation 13.5-1 is known as Fick's first law; it
shows that a non-uniform concentration will result in a flux of material in the opposite
direction to any concentration gradient. Now, at the start of an indiffusion process, there is a
large difference in the value of C inside and outside of the substrate. Consequently, dopant
atoms will tend to diffuse inwards, altering the local concentration in the process. To analyse
this effect, we require a continuity equation. Once again, a suitable equation has already
been derived for carrier diffusion in Chapter 11. Restated in terms of the dopant
concentration, this becomes:

C/t = -J/x
Equation 13.5-2 shows that a flux gradient will result in a decrease in the local
concentration, which tends to equalise the concentration everywhere. Assuming the
diffusion coefficient is independent of concentration, we may combine Equations 13.5-1
and 13.5-2 to obtain a single equation in C alone:

C/t = D 2C/x2

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Equation 13.5-3 - known as Fick's second law, or the diffusion equation - may be
solved to find the concentration as a function of position and time, subject to given
boundary conditions.

In-diffusion is often used for the doping of semiconductors (e.g. to form p-n junctions). It
is also used for waveguide fabrication, for example in the Ti:LiNbO3 process. This is
illustrated in Figure 13.5-2, which shows the result of diffusing a thin surface layer of Ti
metal into a LiNbO3 substrate. In this case, it can be shown that the solution to Equation
13.5-3 for times larger than that required simply to diffuse all the metal into the crystal is:

C(x, t) = S/(Dt} exp[-x2/(4Dt)]

where x is the distance from the surface, and S is the amount of dopant per unit area at t = 0.
This solution is plotted in Figure 13.5-2, for a three successive times t. As can be seen, the
concentration profile is Gaussian; as the diffusion time is increased, the surface
concentration is lowered, but the Ti atoms penetrate further into the crystal.

Figure 13.5-2 Concentration profiles resulting from the diffusion of Ti metal into LiNbO3.

The quantity LD = 2(Dt) is known as the diffusion length. It depends on both the
diffusion coefficient and the time; for a deep diffusion, either the diffusion coefficient must
be large or a lengthy diffusion must be used. Now, the dependence of D on temperature is
normally of the form:

D = D0 exp(-Ea/kT)
Where Ea is an activation energy. To reduce the process time, it is therefore normally carried
out at an elevated temperature, at which the dopant molecules are more energetic (giving a
large value of D).

Ti indiffusion causes an increase in refractive index, that is proportional to the local

concentration of Ti metal (at least, for one polarization). Consequently, a planar guide with
the index variation:
n(x) = n0 + n exp{-(x/LD)2}
may be obtained very simply, by coating a substrate with a layer of metal and placing it in a
furnace for a number of hours (e.g. for 8 hours, at 1050oC). More generally, diffusion is a
three-dimensional process. In this case, we may replace the one-dimensional flux J by a

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 12


vector J indicating the flow direction as well as its strength, and Equations 13.5-1 and 13.5-
2 modify to:

J = -D C and C/t = - . J
Similarly, the diffusion equation becomes:

C/t = D 2C
Equation 13.5-8 may be used to model the effect of, say, the diffusion of a narrow strip of
Ti metal into a LiNbO3 crystal. In this case, the concentration profile varies in two
dimensions, so it is not hard to see that a two-dimensional index change (and hence a buried
channel guide) will be formed.

An alternative to diffusion is ion exchange. This time, the substrate is placed in a liquid
melt, usually at a much lower temperature (200 - 400oC). Normally, there is a higher
concentration of one type of mobile ion inside the substrate than in the melt, and a higher
concentration of another inside the melt than in the substrate. As a result, these two species
counter-diffuse, so that material is exchanged between substrate and melt. Ion exchange
may also be used for waveguide fabrication, since differences in the polarizability of the two
species cause a change in refractive index. For example, Figure 13.5-3 shows a process for
the fabrication of channel guides in soda-lime glass (a mixture of SiO2, Na2O and other
metal oxides). Here, the glass substrate has been coated in a layer of mask material, in which
narrow stripe openings have been made, and placed in a bath of molten AgNO3. The mask
acts as an effective barrier to the ions, so that ionic motion only occurs through the
openings. In these regions, Na+ ions diffuse out of the substrate and into the melt, to be
replaced by Ag+ ions. The exchange of relatively light Na+ ions with heavier Ag+ ions causes
an increase in refractive index in the region of the stripe opening, and hence a channel guide.
The motion of the Ag+ ions into the substrate may be enhanced by the application of an
electric field, which drastically reduces the process time and allows deep, uniform diffusion

Figure 13.5-3 The silver-sodium ion-exchange process for channel guide fabrication in
glass (after C.D.W.Wilkinson et al., Elect. Lett. 14, 599-600 (1978)).

Waveguides may be fabricated in LiNbO3 using a similar process known as proton

exchange, which involves the replacement of Li+ ions by H+ ions from a melt of benzoic
acid. However, owing to the crystallinity of the substrate, the refractive index change that

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 13


results is strongly dependent on the crystal orientation and the optical polarization. For
example, Figure 13.5-4 shows typical refractive index profiles for X-cut, MgO-doped
LiNbO3, exchanged for 3 hours in pure benzoic acid. The change in ne near the surface is
large, positive, and almost constant, so a near-step-index guide will be formed. However, the
change in no is actually negative, the opposite sign to that required. A waveguide is therefore
formed for one polarization only.

Figure 13.5-4 Change in refractive index with depth, for a typical proton-exchange process
(data taken from M. Digonnet et al., Opt. Lett. 10, 235-237 (1985)).
As a final example of a technique for material modification, we mention ion implantation,
which is mainly used for doping semiconductors. Here, the change also follows from the
insertion of ions into the substrate, but in an entirely different manner. The process is
carried out under high vacuum, and the equipment required is both sophisticated and
expensive. The source of ions is a crucible of molten material, from which a beam of ions is
extracted electrostatically. This may contain several different types of ion - singly- and
doubly-charged ions of the desired element, impurity ions, and so on - so it is passed
through a filter sensitive to charge and atomic weight (known as a mass filter, or a Wien
filter) to select a single ion species.

The emerging beam is then accelerated by a high voltage (typically 10 - 1000 kV) so that
ions strike the substrate at speed. Instead of sputtering atoms from the surface, they now
have enough energy to penetrate some distance before stopping. As they slow, the ions
loose energy by undergoing several successive collisions with the atoms in the substrate, as
in Figure 13.5-5a. Since the substrate atoms may be displaced considerably from their
normal positions as a result, a thermal annealing step is almost always required after

One attractive feature is that the distribution of implanted ions is very well defined, and
controllable by varying the acceleration voltage. To a reasonable approximation, the variation
of the concentration of implanted ions with depth follows the Gaussian distribution:

N(x) = /(2) exp{-(x - rp)2 / 22}


R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


Here is the density of implanted ions per unit surface area, defined by = 0 N(x) dx, rp

is the projected range of the ions, and is the standard deviation of the projected range. The
peak concentration occurs at x = rp, and is given by Np = N(rp) = /(2) 0.4/. rp
itself depends on several parameters: the mass and charge of the ionic species, the substrate
material, and the acceleration voltage. However, rp is generally limited by the maximum
practical voltage ( 1 MV) to about 1 m.

When plotted on a logarithmic scale, the concentration distribution becomes a parabola;

Figure 13.5-5b shows typical profiles obtained for three different acceleration voltages, such
that V1 < V2 < V3. The larger the voltage, the deeper the implantation, but the broader and
weaker the distribution. Other, more complicated profiles may be synthesised from the
cumulative effect of a succession of implants, each with a different acceleration voltage and
implantation dose, or from a combination of an initial implantation with a drive-in diffusion

Figure 13.5-5 Ion implantation: a) schematic, and b) distribution of implanted ions, for
different acceleration voltages.

Ion implantation is potentially attractive for the direct fabrication of waveguides, since it
suffers less from the lateral spreading inherent in comparable processes like diffusion.
Channel waveguide formation has been investigated in a number of crystalline materials
(e.g. LiNbO3, by implantation of He+ ions). However, the lattice damage causes high optical
propagation loss and a significant reduction in the electro-optic coefficient, which is only
partially restored by annealing.

Material removal or etching methods can generally be subdivided into classes, which are
based either entirely on physical or chemical principles, or on some combination of the two.
Additional divisions may also be made between those techniques which do not require the
use of vacuum and those which do, and between masked and maskless processes.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 15


Wet chemical etching is commonly required to pattern thin metal and dielectric films on the
substrate, either to fabricate specific features (e.g. electrodes), or to open windows in surface
mask layers for subsequent local processing. These materials normally etch isotropically, so
that the fidelity of the pattern transfer is limited by undercut of the etch mask. However,
etches are also often used to alter the surface topology of crystalline substrates. In this case,
the etching may follow a particular direction. Anisotropic etching can be performed in
crystals with diamond and zincblende lattices (e.g. Si, GaAs and InP), because the <111>
crystal plane is more closely packed than the <100> plane, and so is normally etched more

For example, using the water: ethylene diamine pyrocatechol (EDP) etch system, the etching
rates for <100>, <110> and <111> planes in Si are 50, 30 and 3 m/hr at 100oC. The <111>
etch rate is clearly considerably slower. By choosing the substrate orientation correctly, it is
therefore possible to fabricate vertical mesa shapes as shown in Figure 13.6-1a, or inclined
grooves as in Figure 13.6-1b. The former topology is appropriate for ridge guides in
GaAs/GaAlAs and InP/InGaAsP, while the latter is most often used to provide V-groove
alignment features for optical fibres in Si.

Figure 13.6-1 Effect of anisotropic etching of a) <110> and b) <100> substrates.

Suitable etch mixtures for a number of important amorphous and crystalline materials are
summarised in Table 13.6-1.

Material Etch System Comments

Al HNO3 /CH3COOH /H3PO4 /H2O Used for electrode patterning
Au KI /I2 /H2O Used for electrode patterning
Ti HF /HNO3 /H2O Used to pattern Ti prior to diffusion
into LiNbO3
SiO2 HF /H2O /NH4F Used to open windows in SiO2 surface
GaAs H 2SO 4 /H2O 2 /H2O Used to etch rib guides on <100>
InP HCl /H3PO4 Has negligible effect on InGaAsP
InGaAsP H 2SO 4 /H2O 2 /H2O Has negligible effect on InP
Si KOH /H2O /Isopropyl alcohol Used to etch V-grooves in <100>

Table 13.6-1 Wet etch mixtures for a variety of materials used in optoelectronic device

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 16



Although wet etching its still used to a considerable extent, many modern microfabrication
procedures involve one of a battery of rather different vacuum etching techniques, all loosely
known as dry etches. Although these require complicated equipment, they have the
advantage of greatly improved process control and a high degree of selectivity and
anisotropy in the etching.

In dry etching, either purely physical or combined physical/chemical methods are used. The
simplest physical method is sputtering, in which atoms are ejected from a surface by ion
bombardment. The most obvious implementation is R.F. sputter etching, a variant of R.F.
sputter deposition (previously shown in Figure 13.4-2). The electrode connections are
simply reversed, so the substrate is bombarded by positive ions, rather than the target (which
may be a simple electrode). This technique is often used to clean a substrate prior to
deposition, but it may also be used as a method of etching. However, since the ions strike
the substrate from a range of angles, etching is roughly isotropic.

Another physical method is ion beam milling, shown in Figure 13.6-2. This is similar to
D.C. sputter etching (performed by reversing the electrode connections in a D.C. sputter
coater); however, the plasma is generated rather differently. Here an inert gas (e.g. argon) is
bled into the far end of an evacuated chamber. A thermionic emitter is then used to generate
electrons, which ionise the argon. Generally, the interaction between the electrons and the
plasma is increased by using a magnetic field, which makes the electrons follow a long
spiral trajectory. The Ar+ ions are extracted from the plasma and accelerated towards the
target by a biassed grid, and atoms are then sputtered off the substrate by this beam in the
normal way. To prevent the accumulation of positive charge at the substrate, a neutralizer
filament is used. This is a further thermionic emitter, which injects electrons into the beam.
In contrast to R.F. sputter etching, the ions are incident from a defined direction, so that the
etching is anisotropic. However, this advantage is limited by ion 'bounce', which causes ions
to recoil in random directions, eroding the walls of any deep features. The substrate can be
rotated to ensure even etching, and enhanced etch rates in most materials result from
machining at a tilt.

Figure 13-6-2 An argon ion beam mill.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 17


Most often, it is necessary to apply particular processes locally; for example, we might wish
to define a small area of a substrate for sputter etching or ion milling. This can be done by
depositing a layer of a mask material over the substrate, with openings where the etching is
to be performed. Clearly, the property required of the mask material is that it should have a
much lower sputter yield than the substrate, so that it erodes more slowly. Unfortunately,
most purely physical etching techniques offer little differentiation between materials. As a
result, the majority of the mask is etched at roughly the same rate as the substrate, and its
edges (which define the periphery of the etched area) are often attacked even faster, since
they present tilted faces to the beam. This limits the depth of etched features, and prevents
the fabrication of anything other than sloping sidewalls. Consequently, the fabrication of
deep etched features, with walls that are accurately orthogonal to the substrate (as might be
required in a waveguide mirror), is extremely difficult.


We may estimate the maximum groove depth achievable in GaAs by argon ion milling
through a mask layer, as follows. Etch rates for a variety of materials milled with Ar+ ions at
normal incidence, and 1 keV beam energy, 1 mA/cm2 beam current are given in Table 13.6-
2. We might select photoresist as the masking material, spin-coated to a thickness of 0.3
m. With the etch rate given, the mask layer protecting areas of GaAs that are not to be
milled will erode completely in 0.3 / 600 x 10-4 = 5 mins. In this time, exposed GaAs areas
will be etched to a depth of 5 x 2,600 x 10-4 = 1.3 m.

Material Etch rate (/min)

Si 360
SiO2 420
GaAs 2,600
Cr 200
Ti 100
Al 440
Shipley AZ1350 photoresist 600

Table 13.6-2 Etch rates for different materials by Ar+ ions.


One possible solution to the problem of etch selectivity is to avoid the use of a mask
altogether. This is the rationale behind focussed ion beam (FIB) micromachining, which
achieves local sputtering simply by confining the ion beam to a small area. Figure 13.6-3
shows the required apparatus, which is effectively a modified scanning ion microscope.
Here, the source of the ions is not a plasma, but a high-brightness, near-point emitter known
as a liquid metal ion source (LMIS). The ion source is a capillary tube, filled with a metal
of low melting point (e.g. In or Ga), surrounded by a resistive heater. A small aperture,
raised to a negative potential, is placed just beyond the tip of the capillary. On heating, the
metal is liquified, and the molten surface at the very end of the capillary is then able to
respond to external forces. Due to the large electric field in the neighbourhood of the
aperture, this surface is distorted electrostatically into a shape known as a Taylor cone. At
the apex of the cone, the field is strong enough to overcome surface forces and extract large

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 18


numbers of ions, so that the tip of the cone acts as a near-point ion source. After emission,
the ions pass through the aperture as an expanding beam, which may be refocussed by
electrostatic lenses to a point further down the column. Any portion of the substrate placed
here will be subjected to an intense, highly directed flux of ions, which will eject atoms from
the surface by sputtering. The charging of insulating substrates may be prevented, by
machining through a thin metal layer, grounded to leak any charge away.

Figure 13.6-3 A focused ion beam micromachining system, based on a gallium liquid metal
ion source (after Harriot L.R. et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1704-1706 (1986)).

By confining the area of the substrate that is exposed to the ions to a small spot, the
sputtering is localised. The beam may also be deflected and blanked under computer
control. Consequently, it is possible to program the area that is machined, so that a pattern is
etched into the substrate. This may be aligned to other features on the substrate prior to
etching, by using the equipment in an alternative ion microscope mode. In this case, a
smaller ion flux is used, and the beam is raster scanned across the entire substrate.

Variations in the numbers of secondary electrons (also generated by the sputtering process)
emitted during the scan are then used to build up a picture of the surface, so that the
substrate can be moved to a desired co-ordinate origin by an x - y stage. The substrate is
also eroded in this alignment stage, albeit to a very small extent. Normally, the machining is
performed in a number of passes, using a raster scan of the addressed area. Due to the
absence of an erodable mask, the etched features may be extremely deep (tens of microns),
with near-vertical walls.

Focused ion beam micromachining may be used to cut very deep features, and has been
used a number of niche applications in optoelectronics, such as mirror fabrication. However,
it suffers from two major defects. Firstly, it is a serial process, which limits throughput.
Consequently, it is inappropriate for the definition of, say, ridge guides, where most of the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 19


substrate area must be etched. Secondly, it shares the disadvantage of other physical
processes, that there is no distinction between the substrate and the sputtered material
(which may be redeposited elsewhere on the surface).


Both of these problems are avoided by reactive ion etching (RIE), a combined physical/
chemical process requiring a mask layer for local feature definition. It is similar to sputter
etching, but the inert gas is now replaced by a molecular gas, whose decomposition by the
plasma yields by-products that react with the substrate material to form volatile compounds
at low temperatures. The gases that have been used to etch a number of important materials
are detailed in Table 13.6-3.

Material Etch system

GaAs CCl2F2
InP CCl2F2 / Ar / O2
LiNbO3 CCl2F2 or CF4

Table 13.6-3 Dry etch mixtures for a number of crystalline materials used in

An analogous process based on ion milling with a reactive gas also exists; this is known as
reactive ion beam etching (RIBE). In each case, the use of a mask restores the parallelism
of the process, making the etching of large areas feasible, but selectivity between the mask
and the substrate is introduced by tailoring the etchant to attack mainly the latter. Etching is
also normally highly anisotropic, especially with crystalline substrates; this virtually
eliminates mask erosion and undercut, allowing deep features to be etched with ease. A final
advantage is that the etched material may be pumped away, avoiding redeposition, although
the pumping system must be specially protected against the etch gases.

The process of pattern transfer is known as lithography. This is normally a two-step
process; in the first, a mask - normally a glass plate, containing an opaque pattern in
chromium metal - is made. In the second, the features on this master are copied onto the
substrate by a form of printing.


We begin by considering mask fabrication using electron beam lithography. Initially, the
design dimensions of the device are specified, and its salient features are assigned to one of
a number of mask levels. For example, Figure 13.7-1 shows the plan view of a directional
coupler. To fabricate the device using the Ti:LiNbO3 process, two lithographic steps will be
needed: patterning of a layer of Ti metal to define the guides prior to diffusion, and
patterning of a layer of Al metal to outline the electrodes. All waveguide features - generally
in the form of thin, curving tracks - are therefore assigned to Level 1 (unshaded), while the
rectangular electrode blocks form Level 2 (shaded). A separate mask will be made for each
level, and often each will contain additional alignment features so that the two patterns may
be registered together with high accuracy.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


Computer-aided design (CAD) tools are then used to specify the pattern still further. As
a result of direct interaction with the designer, a set of special purpose code is generated.
This is written in a high-level computer language, and each line typically contains a
description of the vertices of an elementary shape, corresponding to the whole or part of one
feature in the design. The code can be interpreted by plotting packages, allowing the pattern
to be verified on a computer screen. When the design is finalised, a compiler is used to
generate a new set of low-level code capable of driving the mask-making machine directly.

Figure 13.7-1 Mask levels for a directional coupler switch in the Ti:LiNbO3 process.

One problem for integrated optics is that while the features contained in waveguide devices
are normally simple, some of these (curved guide sections) are inappropriate for
conventional CAD systems, which have historically been developed to support integrated
electronics, and are therefore based around rectangular shapes, tracks or polygons.
Consequently, using high-level code, a typical curved guide is normally approximated by
subdivision into a set of polygonal shapes. It is then further approximated by the low-level
code as a pixellated pattern, each element of which is an elementary square corresponding to
the minimum feature size of the mask-making system.

Figure 13.7-2 illustrates this gradual degradation. Figure 13.7-2a shows the desired pattern
- a section of curved guide. In Figure 13.7-2b, this is approximated as a track, formed by
concatenating a number of basic parallelogram shapes. Finally, Figure 13.7-2c shows the
result of breaking the shapes into individual pixels.

Figure 13.7-2 a) Desired pattern, b) representation using polygons, and c) representation

using pixels.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


Clearly, some distortion of the original pattern has been introduced, together with
considerable edge roughness. The latter can be major problem, since waveguide bends are
typically shallow - the schematic of Figure 13.7-1 is artificially compressed in the horizontal
direction - and the result can be high scattering loss, unless the pixel size is made small.

The low-level code is then used to write the masks directly, by computed-controlled
deflection of an electron beam over a sensitised plate under high vacuum. The equipment
required is basically a modified scanning electron microscope, fitted with additional beam-
deflection and beam-blanking electronics and a precision motorized positioning table.

Figure 13.7-3 shows a typical electron-beam mask-making machine. The source of

electrons - known as an electron gun - is a thermionic emitter located at the upper end of
the evacuated column on the left. Its output is focussed by a set of fixed electrostatic lenses
to a spot (with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.01 m) in the writing chamber below the column. The
sensitized plate is placed on an x - y positioning table at the focal plane, and writing is
carried out by a combination of beam deflection and table motion.

Figure 13.7-3 An electron-beam mask-making machine (photograph courtesy R.A.Lawes,

SERC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory).

By deflecting the beam electrostatically, a field of about 0.1 mm2 may be addressed, without
moving the table. The field is broken up into a number of pixels on an x - y grid; typically,
each is of the order of 0.1 m x 0.1m and corresponds to one pixel generated by the low-
level code. Shapes that pass outside the field boundaries are then composed of a number of
fields 'stitched' together, with the entire plate being moved by the motorized table to each
new field position. Interferometric position sensors are used to ensure that the stitching is
accurate. Now, a modern electron-beam mask-making machine writes at 107 pixels per
second. Given that each is about 10-14 m2 in area, about 10-7 m2 can be written per second.
Since a moderate-sized mask is about 10 cm x 10 cm, the maximum required writing time is
of the order of 105 seconds, or a few hours. However, in practice, this figure is greatly

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


reduced, since only those areas that contain features (a small percentage of the total in
waveguide devices) need be exposed to the electron beam.

Two different methods are used in the actual writing of the pattern. Both are based on
organic polymers known as electron resists. In negative resist, cross-linking is induced by
irradiation with electrons, making the irradiated areas insoluble. Un-irradiated areas are then
dissolved away during a later development step. In positive resist, on the other hand, cross-
links are broken by electron irradiation, making the exposed areas soluble. Each type
therefore forms a relief image after exposure and processing. The most common negative
resist is poly (glycidylmethacrylate-co-ethyl acrylate) or COP, while its positive counterpart
is polymethyl-methacrylate, or PMMA, developed using methyl isobutyl ketone, or MIBK.
PMMA is considerably less sensitive than COP, but offers higher resolution. However, one
of the main factors limiting resolution in electron beam lithography is back-scatter of
electrons that have passed through the resist into the substrate.

Further processing may then be carried out to transfer the written features to a chromium
metal layer. Additive or subtractive methods may be used; for example, Figure 13.7-4a
shows a subtractive process for chrome-on-glass masks, using negative electron-beam

Figure 13.7-4 Mask fabrication using negative resist and (a) subtractive, (b) additive

The mask plate - a parallel-sided, highly polished glass substrate - is first coated with Cr
metal (e.g. by evaporation) to a thickness of 1000 (1). A layer of negative resist is then
added; typically, this is spin-coated in liquid form, and then baked to drive off any solvent
(2). Next, it is exposed by the scanned electron beam (3), and developed to remove resist
from the unexposed areas (4). The remaining resist is then used as a mask in an etching
step, in which any unprotected areas of chrome are dissolved away (5). Finally, the resist is
also removed, leaving a metal pattern on the glass (6).

Figure 13.7-5 shows a typical set of curved S-bend guide patterns in chromium metal, on a
mask fabricated using the processes described above. The guide widths are 7 m.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 23


Figure 13.7-5 S-bend pattern on a chromium metal mask.

Figure 13.7-4b shows the corresponding additive process, which requires one less step. To
begin with, the plate is coated only in resist (1). It is then exposed to the electron beam, but
this time in different areas (2). After development, the areas of glass that are to be metallized
are therefore unprotected (3). Next, the whole plate is coated with chromium (4). The
remaining resist is then dissolved away, simultaneously removing the unwanted metal, which
simply breaks up in the resist solvent. This is known as lift-off; it offers some advantages
in the fabrication of fine features, but special processing is needed to give the edge of the
resist an undercut profile, so there is a clean break of the metal layer during lift-off.


In the second stage, the pattern is transferred from the mask to the substrate, using an
optical printing step known as photolithography. It is based on the properties of light-
sensitive organic materials or photoresists, whose behaviour is qualitatively similar to the
electron resists described above. Negative and positive optical resists both exist; in the
former, exposure to ultraviolet light polymerises the material, and in the latter, cross-links
are broken by exposure. Figure 13.7-6 shows a typical process for subtractive pattern
transfer using positive resist, with the mask of Figure 13.7-4.

Figure 13.7-6 Optical photolithography: a typical subtractive pattern transfer process.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 24


Here, it is assumed that the substrate has already been coated with the film layer to be
patterned, together with a layer of photoresist. Exposure is carried out in a machine known
as a mask aligner; this contains accurate translation stages, a high-power microscope and a
U.V. exposure source. First, the relative positions of mask and substrate are carefully
adjusted, so that the mask pattern is aligned with existing features on the substrate. The two
are then clamped together by evacuating the space between them, and the resist is exposed
by a flood beam (1). After removal from the mask aligner, the resist is developed; negative
resists generally require organic solvents, while alkaline aqueous solutions are used for
positive resist (2). The result is a pattern of resist on the film layer; this may be transferred
to the film itself by etching (3), followed by removal of the remaining photoresist (4).


The two-step procedure described above suffices for most patterns in integrated optics.
However, the resolution of the copy process is limited by diffraction to approximately the
wavelength of the incoherent ultraviolet exposure source. This is inadequate for making
reflection gratings, especially in semiconductor materials. For these, single-step processes
are generally employed. There are two common techniques. In the first, the grating pattern is
written directly by e-beam lithography onto electron resist, which is coated on the substrate
itself. After development of the resist, the pattern may be transferred to the substrate by (for
example) preferential wet etching. Figure 13.7-7 shows a first-order grating for a DFB laser
(period 0.23 m) etched into InGaAsP in this way.

Figure 13.7-7 A first-order DFB laser grating on InGaAsP (photograph courtesy

C.J.Armistead, S.T.C.Technology Ltd.).

In the second, an ultraviolet laser is used as a maskless exposure source for photoresist.
Now, we have previously seen in Chapter 5 that the local distribution of irradiance resulting
from two coherent plane waves that intersect at an angle is a periodic fringe pattern. This
may be used to record a grating pattern directly in photoresist, in a technique known as
holographic exposure. Figure 13.7-8 shows a particularly simple set-up, which requires
only a single recording beam. This uses a prism, and the geometry is arranged so that the
second beam necessary for the exposure is generated by total internal reflection of the input
wave at the end-face of the prism. Both beams then pass directly into the photoresist layer

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 25


without reflection, since the prism is contacted onto the resist-coated substrate using index-
matching liquid.

Figure 13.7-8 Simple experimental configuration for grating fabrication by holographic



We can estimate the parameters of the holographic set-up needed to record a second-order
grating for a GaAs/GaAlAs DFB laser, as follows. Assuming that the laser wavelength is
850 nm, and that n 3.6 for GaAs, the propagation constant of the laser mode will be
2 x 3.6 / 0.85 x 10-6 = 26.61 x 106 m-1. For Bragg reflection from a first-order grating,
a grating vector of magnitude 2 is needed. However, with a second-order grating, the
spatial frequency is halved, so here we require K = . This corresponds to a grating period
of = 2/K = 0.236 m. We shall assume that a He-Cd laser (0 = 0.442 m) will be used
for recording, and that the two recording beams are generated inside a glass prism (for
which n 1.5) and intersect symmetrically with an interbeam angle of 2. In this case, the
propagation constant inside the glass is r = 2 x 1.5 / 0.442 x 10-6 = 21.3 m-1, and the
spatial frequency generated by the recording is K = 2r sin(). To obtain the value of K
above, the recording angle should be = sin-1(K/2r) = sin-1(26.61 / 2 x 21.3) = 38.65o.
This is sufficiently close to 45o for the set-up shown in Figure 13.7-8 to be used.


We now turn our attention to the methods of optical fibre fabrication. Broadly speaking,
these may be divided into two groups: those which do not require a preform, and those
which do. However, processes based on preforms allow so much more control over the
characteristics of the fibre that they are now entirely dominant. We will therefore limit our
discussion of preformless methods to a brief description of one historically interesting
example, the double crucible method.

As its name suggests, this involves the use of two concentric platinum crucibles, placed one
inside and slightly above the other and heated by external windings (Figure 13.8-1). The
inner crucible is loaded with the core glass (supplied in the form of rods), the outer one with
the cladding glass. When the assembly is raised to a sufficient temperature, both glasses
melt. The core material is then allowed to flow through a nozzle at the base of the inner
crucible to mingle with the cladding material, which can flow through a larger nozzle at the
bottom of the outer crucible. Because of the concentricity of the arrangement, little mixing

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 26


of the two glasses occurs; the flow stream of the core material is cylindrical, while that of the
cladding is annular. The result is that the core glass emerges inside the cladding, in the
geometry of a step-index fibre. After leaving the heated region, the glass quickly solidifies,
and can be coated in a protective thermosetting plastic jacket and wound on a drum. Correct
choice of nozzle dimensions and pulling speed then yields a fibre of the desired core and
cladding diameters.

Figure 13.8-1 the double crucible method for fibre pulling directly from melts.

Although simple, the double crucible method suffers from the disadvantage that the
refractive index profile obtained is entirely dictated by the process. If little interdiffusion of
the two glasses occurs, the profile is almost exactly a step-index one, but the diffusion of a
mobile, highly polarizable dopant (e.g. thallium) out of the core may be used as a
mechanism for obtaining graded-index fibres with near-parabolic profiles. Fibre bundles
(consisting of a number of parallel fibre cores) may even be drawn, using a multiple nozzle
arrangement. However, it is not possible to exercise the degree of control required to
fabricate low-dispersion or polarization-preserving fibres, both of which require complicated
and well-specified index profiles. This can only be achieved by using a preform.

A preform is, in effect, a large-scale model of the fibre cross-section, which is subsequently
reduced to the final diameter by drawing. As an example of an early method of making step-
index preforms, we mention the rod-in-tube method. Here the preform was simply
fabricated from a rod of core glass, fused inside an annular cylinder of cladding glass.
Although direct, and adaptable to more complicated geometries (e.g. non-circular cross-
sections), the resulting fibre suffered severely from scattering loss, caused by scratches and
flaws at the interfaces between the glasses.

Figure 13.8-2 shows the alternative built-in casting method, used to fabricate preforms in
multicomponent fluoride glasses (e.g.a ZrF4-BaF2-GdF3 mixture). In Figure 13.8-2a,
molten cladding glass is poured into a cylindrical brass mould, heated to around the glass
transition temperature. The mould is then upset (Figure 13.8-2b), so that the central portion
of the casting, which is still liquid, runs out, and the core glass is then poured into the
resulting cylindrical hollow (Figure 13.8-2c). After cooling, the casting is removed from the
brass mould, and its ends are trimmed to yield a cylindrical preform of step-index profile
(Figure 13.8-2d).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 27


Figure 13.8-2 The built-in casting method for fibre preform fabrication (after S.Mitachi et
al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 19, L313-L314 (1980))
Neither of these techniques allows the construction of graded-index preforms of arbitrary
refractive index profile. To overcome this problem, a range of entirely different fabrication
methods, based on chemical vapour deposition were developed. There are three main
variants. The first is the outside vapour phase oxidation (OVPO) or soot process. This
was developed by Corning Glass works in 1970, and used to fabricate the first fibre with
losses as low as 20 dB/km. In this case, the preform is built up by depositing layers of silica
glass on a ceramic mandrel or 'bait'. The silica is produced by hydrolysing a mixture of
SiCl4 and O2 in a glassburner, following the reaction:

SiCl4 + 2H2O SiO2 + 4HCl

The result is a stream of small silica particles, or 'soot', which are blown onto the bait by the
oxy- hydrogen flame, where they stick. During deposition, the bait is rotated in a
glassblowing lathe, and the soot stream is traversed up and down the axis to ensure uniform
coverage. In early experiments, titania was used as a dopant to raise the refractive index of
the inner glass layers, which form the fibre core. However, this caused high propagation
loss (due to the presence of Ti3+ ions), necessitating an additional annealing step.
Considerably better results were obtained when germania was used instead, deposited
following the similar reaction:

GeCl4 + 2H2O GeO2 + 4HCl

Because the composition of each layer may be varied merely by adjusting the flow of the
relevant gas, graded-index preforms of arbitrary radial profile may be built up by OVPO.
After the deposition of sufficient material, the bait is removed, and the rather porous soot is
compacted or 'sintered' in a furnace at 1500oC to produce glass of optical quality.
Chlorine gas is used as a drying agent during sintering; the effect is to reduce the
concentration of hydroxyl (OH-) ions, which would otherwise greatly increase propagation
loss in the final fibre.

The OVPO process suffers from two main disadvantages. The first is that the removal of
the bait from the preform is difficult, and may cause cracking. It also leaves a large hole in
centre of the preform; this is closed up during the fibre drawing process, but a central
depression in the refractive index profile normally remains. The second is that the process is
a batch one, which limits its applicability to the production of fibre in very long lengths.

The second process variant is the modified chemical vapour deposition (MCVD)
process, developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories and others in 1974. This avoids one of
the difficulties above, the requirement for a central bait. In effect, the process is one of inside

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 28


vapour phase oxidation (IVPO), with deposition now taking place inside a silica tube
(Figure 13.8-3). One major difference from OVPO is that the chemical reaction does not
take place in a flame. Instead, unreacted gases are mixed together and injected into one end
of the tube. The tube is heated externally to 1500 - 1650oC by a traversing oxyhydrogen
burner, and the reaction is induced at the growing surface by contact with the heated region.
Since this process takes place in an enclosure, an improvement in purity of the deposited
material might be expected over that obtained by OVPO.

Figure 13.8-3 Improved CVD system with control of the internal pressure of the
supporting tube (after M.Okada et al., Elect. Lett. 14, 89-90 (1978))

Once again, the preform is built up slowly in layers, with changes in refractive index
obtained by fine control of the gas composition. This time, however, it grows inwards, and
the soot is simultaneously sintered by the oxyhydrogen flame. In early processes, there was
a tendency for the silica tube to shrink at high temperatures as the deposition progressed,
due to surface tension. This resulted in an increase in the thickness of the tube, which made
it difficult to maintain the correct internal temperature. The effect was suppressed using
slight positive pressure inside the tube, under feedback control from a laser-based
measurement of the tube diameter.

Originally, the deposition reaction was based on the oxidation of hydrides (e.g. SiH4) in an
oxygen gas stream, much as in the planar CVD techniques described earlier. However, slow
deposition rates, (coupled with relatively high contamination by hydroxyl ions) induced a
switch to alternative chloride-based processes. For example, the two materials most
commonly required, silica and germania, may be deposited from SiCl4 and GeCl4,
respectively, following:

SiCl4 + O2 SiO2 + 2Cl2

GeCl4 + O2 GeO2 + 2Cl2
This particular MCVD process has allowed the fabrication of graded-index fibres with
extremely low loss (0.2 dB/km at 1.55 m wavelength). A further process variant exists, in
which the heating is performed by a microwave plasma inside the tube instead of an external

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 29


flame; this is known as plasma chemical vapour deposition (PCVD) and yields similar

One advantage of MCVD is the ease with which more complicated preforms may be made.
For example, Figure 13.8-4 shows the process for making bow-tie high-birefringence
fibres (previously described in Chapter 8), developed at Southampton University.

Figure 13.8-4 Fabrication of bow-tie fibre (after R.D. Birch et al., Elect. Lett. 18, 1036-
1038 (1982))

These require the insertion of stress-producing sectors into the preform, so the fibre is not
circularly symmetric. Figure 13.8-4a shows the first step, which involves the deposition of a
uniform layer of fluorophosphorus silica glass inside a silica tube, followed by a similar
layer of borosilicate glass (which will supply the stress-inducing sectors). In Figure 13.8-
4b, the rotation of the lathe is stopped, and two traversing burners are used to provide
localised hot zones on either side of the tube. The borosilicate layer is then etched away
from two diametrically opposed strips by passing a fluorine- liberating gas (SF6 mixed with
N2) down the tube. In Figure 13.8-4c, two more uniform layers (of fluorophosphorus silica
glass, which acts as a buffer, and germania-doped silica, which provides the core) are then
deposited. Finally, in Figure 13.8-4d, the tube is collapsed, to yield the characteristic bow-tie

Despite this flexibility, MCVD still suffers from being inherently a batch process. So far,
the only method suitable for the continuous preform fabrication is the vapour-phase axial
deposition (VAD) process, developed by NTT Ibaraki Laboratories. Figure 13.8-5 shows
a schematic of a VAD preform plant.

Once again, the process involves the production of soot from chlorides, which are
hydrolysed in a flame exactly as in the OVPO process. The reactions followed in the
deposition of silica and germania are therefore as in Equations 13.8-1 and 13.8-2,
respectively. The main difference is that the preform is grown axially, starting from one end.
A silica rod held in a rotating chuck is used as a bait, and soot is blown onto the end of this
rod by a number of fixed torches. As the deposition procedes, the preform is slowly raised,
to keep the growing surface at a fixed height.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 30


Figure 13.8-5 Schematic of a VAD preform plant (after H.Murata, "The development of
optical fibres in Japan", Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (1989)).

The porous soot preform is consolidated into a transparent glassy mass by passing it
directly from the growth chamber into a sintering furnace (at 1500 - 1600oC), where it is
dried in a chlorine or thionyl chloride (SOCl2) atmosphere to reduce hydroxyl ion
contamination. In this stage, isolated OH- ions are replaced by Cl- ions, generating Si-Cl
bonds; however, these do not affect the fibre propagation loss, since their fundamental
absorption peak lies at around 0 = 25 m, far beyond the operating wavelength. A typical
dehydration reaction follows:

Si-OH + SOCl2 SO-Cl + SO2 + HCl

Figure 13.8-5 shows a multiple-torch plant, where a set of three fixed torches is used to
fabricate a germanium-doped silica core surrounded by a thick silica cladding layer in a
single deposition run. By careful design of the torch nozzles, the spatial distribution of the
individual gas flows may be controlled. This allows the local dopant concentration,
deposition rate and surface temperature to be specified accurately, so that graded-index
guides with the required profile may be fabricated.

Table 13.8-1 is a comparison of the methods described above - the OVPO, MCVD, PCVD
and VAD processes. As can be seen, all can be used to make very low-loss optical fibre in
long lengths, but vapour-phase axial deposition probably allows the most rapid construction
of the largest preforms.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 31



Chemical reaction Hydrolysis Oxidation Oxidation Hydrolysis
Dehydration Yes No No Yes
Heat source Oxyhydrogen Oxyhydrogen Microwave Oxyhydrogen
flame flame plasma flame
Deposition rate (g/min) 9.0 0.5-1.0 0.5 5-10
Production maximum > 10 2 2.5 >10
Profile control Easy Easy Very easy Easy for SM
Typical fibre length (km) 90 15-20 5-10 100
Loss@1.3/1.55m(dB/km) 0.35 / 0.2 0.35 / 0.2 0.35 / 0.2

Table 13.8-1 Comparison of fibre preform fabrication processes (after H.Murata "The
development of optical fibres in Japan", Gordon and Breach Science Publishers (1989)).


After consolidation and drying, the preform is inserted into a pulling tower for the final
drawing stage, shown in Figure 13.8-6. The preform is fed at constant speed into the
electrically heated carbon furnace at the top of the tower, which is maintained at a precisely-
controlled temperature ( 2000oC) under a clean atmosphere.

Figure 13.8-6 Fabrication of optical fibre in a fibre pulling tower.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 32


As the end of the preform melts, it is drawn out of the furnace as a thin liquid stream, which
solidifies rapidly on cooling. For single-mode fibre, the outer diameter is typically 125 m.
At this point, the fibre is extremely fragile, and contact with any surface can induce flaws
and scratches, which will subsequently cause mechanical failure. It is therefore passed
directly into a coating die; this applies a protective plastic jacket, typically in the form of a
100 m-thick layer of silicone resin, which is hardened in a curing oven further
downstream. In order to achieve high coating speeds, the coater is pressurised by a high-
pressure gas source; without this, the fibre has been found to slip through the resin without
being coated. The fibre is pulled by a capstan, whose rotational speed is controlled in a
feedback loop by a non-contact outer-diameter monitor situated just outside the furnace, and
then wound onto a take-up spool.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 33


13.1 Why are binary compounds used as substrate materials for III - V optoelectronic
devices, rather than ternary or quaternary compounds? Distinguish between
homoepitaxy and heteroepitaxy. In what optoelectronic applications might the latter
growth technique be required? What are the advantages of MOVPE over LPE for the
overgrowth of In1-xGaxAs1-yPy?

13.2 Assuming that the lattice parameter a(x, y) of the quaternary alloy In1-xGaxAs1-yPy may
be described by the function a(x, y) = xy aGaP +x(1 - y) aGaAs + (1 - x)y aInP + (1 - x)
(1 - y) aInAs (where aGaP = 5.4512 , aGaAs = 5.6536 , aInP = 5.8696 , and aInAs =
6.0590 are the lattice parameters of the binary compounds GaP, GaAs, InP and
InAs, respectively), show that the locus of compounds lattice matched to InP is almost
exactly a straight line, obeying the relation y 1 - 2.14x. What is the stochiometry of
lattice-matched indium gallium arsenide?

13.3 Show by direct substitution that the concentration variation C(x,t) = {S/(Dt)} exp(-
x2/4Dt)is a solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation C/t = D 2C/x2 for
t > 0. Show also that the constant S is given by S = 0x C(x,t) dx. What does S
13.4 A particular doping process requires the diffusion of an impurity into silicon for 8
hours. Assuming that the process activation energy is 3 eV, and that the diffusion
coefficient tends to 10-1 cm2 s-1 as T , calculate the diffusion length for a) T =
900oC and b) T = 1000oC.
[0.39 m; 1.25 m]

13.5 i) Show that the concentration variation C(x, y, t) = (S/4Dt) exp{-(x2 + y2)/4Dt}
represents a solution of the two-dimensional diffusion equation C/t = D 2C, for
t > 0. What boundary conditions would this solution correspond to?

ii) A channel waveguide is to be formed by indiffusion of a strip of Ti metal into a

LiNbO3 crystal. Assuming that the strip occupies the range -w/2 y w/2 on the
crystal surface prior to diffusion, show that the resulting refractive index distribution
is given by:

n(x, y ) = ns + n exp(-x2/LD2) [erf{(w + 2y)/2LD} + erf{(w - 2y)/2LD}]

where ns is the substrate index prior to diffusion, x is the depth below the crystal
surface, LD = 2(Dt) and n is a constant. Sketch the variation in refractive index
along lines of a) constant x and b) constant y.

13.6 A single-mode fibre is to be clamped between two silicon wafers, which carry V-
shaped alignment grooves. <100> Si is to be used, etched anisotropically down the
<111> crystal planes, which are oriented at 54.74 to the wafer surface. Assuming
that the fibre has a diameter of 125 m, that 5 m clearance is required between the
wafers, and that the etch selectivity is perfect, what should be the groove width? What
will be the groove depth?
[149.55 m; 105.76 m]

13.7 The following lines of code are a short section of a CAD design for the mask set used
to fabricate an integrated optical device, written in the now-obselete GAELIC design

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 34


language. The first line sets the design grid to 0.1 m intervals on each axis, while the
last line terminates execution. Each of the lines RECT(mask)x,y:x,y; generates a
filled rectangular shape on level mask of the mask-set. The bottom left-hand corner of
the rectangle is located at the point (x, y), while the sides of the rectangle are of length
x and y in the x- and y-directions. Sketch the device, indicating the main design
parameters. Assuming that the device is to be fabricated by the Ti:LiNbO3 process,
what crystal orientation should be used?


13.8 i) The device design in Question 13.7 is to be completed by the addition of symmetric,
circular-arc S-bend sections at either end, so that the centre-to-centre separation of the
guides at the input and output is increased to 300 m, for connection to optical fibres.
Assuming that the minimum bend radius that gives acceptable loss in the Ti:LiNbO3
process used is 30 mm, estimate the minimum length of each transition.

ii) The GAELIC command POLY(mask)L,x,y:x1,y1,x2,y2, ...... xn,yn; generates

an n-sided polygonal shape on level mask of the mask-set. The point (x, y) specifies
the first vertex of the polygon, while the increments (xi, yi) define the position of
the i+1th vertex relative to the ith vertex. The vertex positions are listed in anticlockwise
order along the command line. By breaking the curved waveguide sections into a
number of elementary polygonal shapes, use the POLY command to add S-bends to
the design of Question 13.7.
[4.14 mm]

13.9 The GAELIC code of Question 13.7 is to be used as input to an electron beam mask-
making machine. Assuming that negative electron resist and subtractive processing
are used to fabricate the resulting chrome-on-glass mask set, outline the process steps
by which the complete Ti:LiNbO3 device might be fabricated. You should assume that
the waveguide patterns are to be defined by wet etching, and the electrodes by lift-off.

13.10 i) A fibre preform is to be fabricated by MCVD inside a silica tube of length 1 m and
inside diameter 20 mm. Assuming that the material is mainly pure silica (density 2.6
g/cm3) deposited at a rate of 2 g/min, estimate the mass of the preform and the time
taken to form it.

ii) The preform is to be pulled down to fibre in a single step. Assuming that the
preform feed and fibre pulling rates are 3.5 mm/min and 1.5 m/s respectively,
calculate the length and diameter of the resulting fibre.
[0.817 kg; 6.81 hours; 25.6 km; 125 m]

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 35



Beales K.J., et al. "Low loss graded index fiber by the double crucible technique" Proc. 5th
European Conf. on Optical Fiber Communication, Amsterdam, Paper 3.2 (1979)
Bean K.E. "Anisotropic etching of silicon" IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices ED-25, 1185-
1193 (1981)
Birch R.D., Payne D.N., Varnham M.P. "Fabrication of polarisation-maintaining fibres
using gas-phase etching" Elect. Lett. 18, 1036-1038 (1982)
Brodie I., Muray J.J. "The physics of microfabrication" Plenum Press, New York (1982)
Chartier G.H., Jaussaud P., de Olivera A.D., Parriaux O. "Optical waveguides fabricated by
electric-field controlled ion exchange in glass" Elect. Lett. 14, 132-134 (1978)
Flavin P.G. "Fabrication of curved structures by electron-beam lithography" Elect. Lett. 18,
865-867 (1982)
Garvin H.L., Garmire E., Somekh S., Stoll H., Yariv A. "Ion beam micromachining of
integrated optics components" Appl. Opt. 12, 455-459 (1973)
Harriott L.R., Scotti R.E., Cummings K.D., Ambrose A.F. "Micromachining of integrated
optical structures" Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 1704-1706 (1986)
Hu E.L., Howard R.E. "Reactive-ion etching of GaAs and InP using CCl2F2/Ar/O2" Appl.
Phys. Lett. 37, 1022-1024 (1980)
Izawa T., Sudo S. "Optical fibers: materials and fabrication" KTK Scientific Publishers,
Tokyo (1987)
Kapron F.P., Keck D.B., Maurer R.D. "Radiation losses in optical waveguides" Appl.
Phys. Lett. 10, 423-425 (1970)
Mai X., Moshrefzadeh R., Gibson U., Stegeman G.I., Seaton C.I. "Simple versatile method
for fabricating guided wave gratings" Appl. Opt. 24, 3155-3161 (1985)
McIlroy P.W. et al. "Low loss single mode InP/GaInAsP waveguides grown by MOCVD"
Elect. Lett. 23, 701-703 (1987)
Mitachi S., Miyashita T. "Preparation of low-loss fluoride glass fibre" Elect. Lett. 18, 170-
171 (1982)
Murata H. "Recent developments in vapor phase axial deposition" IEEE J. Lightwave Tech.,
LT-4, 1026-1033 (1986)
Murata H. "Development of optical fibers in Japan" Gordon and Breach Science
Publishers, New York (1989)
Naden J.M., Weiss B.L. "Optical properties of planar waveguides formed by He+
implantation in LiNbO3" IEEE J. Lightwave Tech LT-3, 855-859 (1985)
Nagel S.R., MacChesney J.B., Walker K.L. "An overview of the modified chemical vapour
deposition (MCVD) process and performance" IEEE J. Quant. Elect. QE-18, 459-
477 (1982)
Nahory R.E., Pollack M.A., Johnston W.D. "Band gap versus composition and
demonstration of Vegard's law for In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP" Appl. Phys.
Lett. 33, 659-661 (1978)
Nelson A.W. et. al. "The role of MOVPE in the manufacture of high performance InP
based optoelectronic devices" J. Crystal. Growth 93, 792-802 (1988)
Okada M., Kawachi S., Kawana A. "Improved chemical vapour deposition method for long-
length optical fibre" Elect. Lett. 14, 89-90 (1978)
Panish M.G., Cho A.Y. "Molecular beam epitaxy" IEEE Spectrum, April Issue, 18-23
Ritchie S., Rogers P.M. "Optical waveguides in III-V semiconductors" J.I.E.R.E. 57, S44-
S50 (1987)
Schultz P.C. "Fabrication of optical waveguides by the outside vapor deposition process"
Proc. IEEE 68, 1187-1190 (1980)
Stulz L.W. "Titanium in-diffused LiNbO3 optical waveguide fabrication" Appl. Opt. 18,
2041-2044 (1979)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 36


Sze S.M. "VLSI technology" McGraw-Hill International Book Company, London (1983)

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 37



By now, we have encountered a wide range of guided wave components, and it is time to
show how a number of these can be combined together in a complete optical circuit. We
have chosen to illustrate the process of integration with concrete examples from the
literature. Some of these are old applications, which have unfortunately not stood the test of
time. Either the performance of the system turned out to be too poor to be useable in the
end, or it was simply apparent that there were better ways of solving the problem that did not
involve optics at all. Others are so new that they have yet to reveal their limitations, or indeed
their potential. Only a small subset can be described as 'successful'. We make no apology
for this; new technology obeys the law of the jungle, just like everything else, and there will
naturally be few eventual winners. Our criteria for selecting the examples were that they
illustrate the process of integration itself, rather than the judgement of history.


We begin with applications that use one single waveguiding system on its own. The first
such example is the planar integrated optic radio-frequency spectrum analyser. The
function of this particular circuit is to perform a real-time, parallel, spectral analysis of RF
signals. Such a package might form a key component in an aircraft-based electronic
countermeasures system, used to monitor enemy radio or radar signals. Its operation
requires a Fourier transform of the incoming radio signal to be carried out. Although
electronics could be used, optics immediately suggests itself because of the ability of a lens
to perform a parallel Fourier transform on a spatial distribution of light, as mentioned in
Chapter 4. Having chosen an optical implementation, the advantages of integration are light-
weight, and a small, rugged package that will be immune to misalignment through shocks
and vibration (e.g., during takeoff and landing).

Figure 14.2-1 shows one possible realisation of the circuit, which consists of a planar
integrated optic chip, containing a number of the components described in Chapter 7. This
particular example is conceptual, being an amalgam of several real prototypes demonstrated
using different technologies. It is based on a waveguide fabricated on a piezoelectric,
acousto-optic substrate. In this case, we may assume that LiNbO3 has been used, and that
the guide has been formed by Ti indiffusion; however, other systems have used silicon as
the substrate material.

The circuit works as follows. First, a prism coupler is used to launch light directly from an
external laser (typically, a HeNe laser) into the guide. This results in a relatively narrow
beam of guided light, which is then passed to a corrugated Bragg grating; this has a
rectangular boundary, with fringes oriented at 45o to the input beam direction. It is used to
expand the beam cross-section, and also to deflect it through a right-angle. The expanded
beam then interacts with a travelling surface acoustic wave, which is itself excited by the
radio-frequency signal through the piezo-electric effect, using an interdigital transducer. As
a result, there are now two waves propagating near the substrate surface: the guided optical
wave, and the SAW.

Since the substrate is acousto-optic, the surface acoustic wave creates a travelling phase
grating, which may diffract the optical beam. Because the SAW has a relatively small period
at low frequencies, the grating wavelength is rather large so diffraction takes place in the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 1


Raman-Nath regime. This results in the production by the grating of many diffraction
orders, which may be a nuisance. However, the angle of deflection of the most important
order - the first - depends linearly on the RF frequency to a good approximation. For
simplicity, we shall ignore all higher diffraction orders from now on, and simply consider
the principle order as 'the diffracted beam'.

Figure 14.2-1 The planar integrated optic RF spectrum analyser.

An overlay Fresnel lens is used to focus this beam, to a point somewhere in the focal plane.
In fact, because the lens performs a Fourier transform of the optical amplitude distribution,
the distance of the focus from the optical axis also depends linearly on the angle of
deflection. An external, linearly- spaced array of photodiodes is placed at the focal plane, so
that each diode receives a signal when the RF drive is tuned to the correct frequency. The
output of the array is therefore a parallel representation of the power spectrum of the RF
input, which can be passed to further processing electronics. Typical performances reported
for integrated optic spectrum analysers are 200 - 500 MHz bandwidth, 4 - 8 MHz
resolution, 2 s response time and dynamic ranges greater than 20 dB.

As the RF frequency rises, the period of the acoustic grating decreases. It will then become
more selective, and the diffraction regime will gradually change from Raman-Nath to Bragg-
type. This will result in a drop in diffraction efficiency, since the optical wave cannot now
strike the acoustic grating at the Bragg angle for all possible RF frequencies. Furthermore,
the interdigital transducer will only work over a limited frequency range. There several ways
to overcome these problems, so that the overall RF bandwidth is increased. The most
common is to use several transducers, each with a different 'finger' period and angle of
orientation, driven in parallel from the same RF source. At any given frequency, only the
transducer with approximately the correct period will launch a surface acoustic wave, which
will then travel at the correct angle. Alternatively, the acoustic wave may be continuously
'steered' with frequency, using a single transducer arranged as a phased array.

Clearly, the circuit shown above could have been implemented in a variety of different ways
- a telescope could have been used as the beam expander, the Fresnel lens could be replaced
by a geodesic lens, and so on. The important constraint is that all the components must be
made using a common technology, and should therefore be compatible. Consequently, it

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 2


does not necessarily follow that the component with the best performance in isolation
should be used.


We can estimate the parameters of a typical spectrum analyser using results derived in
Chapters 4 and 7. Figure 14.2-2 shows the geometry; the input optical beam is assumed to
be roughly collimated, with a Gaussian amplitude distribution of characteristic width 2w10.

Figure 14.2-2 Geometry for calculation of RF spectrum analyser design.

Even though the results of Chapter 4 were for three-dimensional waves, we can guess that
the effect of focusing the beam by a two-dimensional lens of focal length f will be to
produce a Gaussian focal spot of characteristic width 2w20. This width is found by
substituting for k0 in Equation 4.7-4 to get:

w20 = 2f/w10 = f0/neffw10

For a beam of width 2w10 2 mm and wavelength 0.633 m, propagating in a guide of
effective index 2.2 (typical for Ti:LiNbO3) and focussed by a lens of 2 cm focal length, the
width of the focal spot is 2w20 4 x 2 x 10-2 x 0.633 / ( x 2.2 x 2 x 10-3) 3.7 m. Since
it will be impossible to resolve finer details using such a lens, the width of each detector
should be of this order.

Now, in Chapter 7 we showed that the directions of the diffraction orders are defined by the
grating equation, sin(L) = sin(0) + L0/n. For acousto-optic diffraction, the grating
period is F/v, where v is the acoustic velocity and F is the frequency. Assuming a small
angle of deflection, and normal incidence, the direction of the first order is then

1 0F/neffv

Assuming that v = 6.57 x 103 m/s in LiNbO3, and that the transducer centre frequency is F
500 MHz, we get 1 0.022 rads (or 1.25o). Neglecting the distance between the acoustic
beam and the lens, the centre of the detector array should then be located at a distance y = f
away from the optical axis. From the data above, we find y 2 x 10-2 x 0.022 m, or 440 m.

Differentiating Equation 14.2-2, we can then find the displacement y of the focal spot that
accompanies a change in frequency F, as:

y = f0F/neffv

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 3


For a transducer of (say) 200 MHz bandwidth, we obtain y 2 x 10-2 x 0.633 x 2 x 108 /
(2.2 x 6.57 x 103) m = 175.2 m. The detector array should therefore be of this length, to
cover the full RF bandwidth. The number of output channels may be then be found as the
number of resolvable spots in this distance, i.e. as N y/2w20. Using the data above, we
obtain N 175.2/3.7 48. The channels will then be located at intervals of 200 / 48 = 4.2
MHz in frequency-space.

Since the number of channels is so low, we might enquire as to the limitations on N.

Combining Equations 14.2-3 and 14.2-1, we obtain the surprisingly simple result:

N = (/4) F
where is the time-of-flight of the acoustic wave across the optical beam, defined as =
2w10/v. To increase N, while maintaining the same acoustic bandwidth, we must use either a
wider optical beam or a material with a smaller acoustic velocity.


The second application is more recent, a read head for an optical disc player. Here the
aim is to use a focused laser beam to read the information contained in tiny pits, a few m in
diameter, which are etched in the surface of a rotating optical disc. Such a device might be
used in a compact disc player, or in an optical data storage system (known as a CD ROM).
The advantage to be gained from using optics in either case is the high potential storage

We may estimate this by calculating the number of pits of diameter d which may be stored
on a disc of diameter D. The value of d depends mainly on the size of focused spot we can
create. This is limited by diffraction, and a typical (conservative) value might be d 2 m.
Taking D 10 cm, we obtain a figure of (D/2)2 / (d/2)2 = 2.5 Gbits, a capacity much
larger than that of current magnetic discs. Now, optical data storage must clearly involve
some form of optical reading or writing, however it is configured. This time, the benefits of
integration are the cost-reductions made possible by using a mass-production technology.
This particular application shows that guided-wave optics may even penetrate the consumer
goods market, a considerable achievement for such an embryonic technology.

Figure 14.3-1 shows a prototype read head, which is again based on a planar integrated
optic chip, with an external laser diode and processing electronics. This time, the waveguide
is fabricated on a silicon substrate, using sputtered Corning 7059 glass as the guiding layer,
with an Si-N cladding layer and and a SiO2 buffer layer. The circuit works as follows. The
laser diode is butt-coupled to the chip edge, and so produces a diverging beam in the guide.
This beam then encounters a Bragg grating device, a twin-grating focusing beam splitter
(or TGFBS), which is effectively a split-grating lens. The grating is fabricated by writing a
curved, periodic pattern in a resist layer (using an electron beam deflected under computer
control), and then transferring the pattern to the Si-N layer by reactive ion etching. Most of
the beam passes through the TGFBS without diffraction, to another grating component
known as a focusing grating coupler (or FGC). This is used to couple light out of the
guide and create a focal spot in a plane above the chip, where the optical disc is rotating.

Light reflected from the pit pattern on the disc is then coupled back into the guide, also by
the FGC. The return signal is then split into two converging beams by the TGFBS, and each
focussed beam falls on a split detector. These are made from p-n junction photodiodes

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 4


fabricated directly in the Si substrate, and the SiO2 buffer layer is tapered from the guiding
region to the detecting area so that the light is gradually led onto the diodes. The four
detectors give different signals, depending on the precise positions of the two return foci.
Using combinations of these signals, external electronics can provide not only the desired
readout signal, but also tracking and focusing error signals, which are used to ensure the
correct position of the read head relative to the disc, through a feedback control loop. The
tracking error signal is particularly important, because the track width is approximately one
pit diameter (a few m). Because likely errors in the concentricity of the central hole
locating the disc are vastly greater than this figure, it would be impossible to follow the track
correctly without accurate feedback control.

Figure 14.3-1 Integrated optic read head for an optical disc player: a) schematic (after Ura al., IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-4, 913-918 (1986); IEEE 1986), and b) the actual
device (photograph courtesy T.Suhara, Osaka University).


We shall now present some different examples of optical integration, using the channel
guide components of Chapters 9 and 10. The first is an application designed for use with
VLSI electronics, which is based on the following premise. It is becoming accepted that
electrical connections amongst integrated circuits and between circuit boards will encounter
serious problems, if either the speed of the circuitry or its complexity rises much further.
This is mainly due to two factors. The first is the limitation on signal transmission

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 5


bandwidth caused by RC time constants in the circuit. Contrary to expectations, these do not
scale down with decreasing circuit dimensions, so that propagation delays eventually
become more significant than gate delays. The second is interference caused by stray
capacitances, which also become more significant as components are packed closer together.
Optical interconnects have therefore been proposed as an alternative to electronic links.
These could involve either free-space or guided-wave optics, and both techniques are
currently the subject of research (although it is likely that guided wave devices will prove
more successful in the long run, because they are smaller, more rugged and optically more
efficient). Figure 14.4-1 shows an early prototype circuit based on channel guide
technology, which is designed to connect four LSI chips together on a common substrate.
This particular circuit is a hybrid, owing to the difficulty of fully integrating the different
technologies involved. The optical part is composed of semiconductor laser diodes, a
multimode ridge waveguide circuit, and photodiodes. The waveguide circuit has four guides
for transmitting the optical signals, and a reflective mixing device to broadcast the resulting
signal uniformly back to receivers at each LSI chip.

Figure 14.4-1 Guided wave optical chip-to-chip interconnection circuit (after Kobayashi M.
et al., Elect. Lett. 23, 143-144 (1987)).
Each guide is used for both transmitting and receiving. The laser diodes (LD), which are
butt-coupled to the end of the guide, act as the transmitters; these are InGaAsP diodes,
operating at 0 = 1.3 m, which are bonded onto the substrate upside-down. Angled
reflection mirrors tap a fraction of the return signal from the mixer, and pass it to the photo-
detectors (PD), which act as the receivers. These are PIN photodiodes, which are also
bonded to the substrate in a hybrid fashion.The waveguides are fabricated in a high index
material, an SiO2-TiO2 mixture, and a thick SiO2 buffer layer is used to separate the guides
from the high index Si substrate. In this example, the measured signal transmission capacity
was 1 Gbit/s. Though an early result, this indicates considerable potential for the future.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 6



We now consider an alternative channel guide device, with an application in signal
processing. It turns out that analogue-to-digital conversion is one of the more difficult
tasks to perform quickly using electronics, because many of the most common algorithms
(e.g. successive approximation) are rather slow. What is really required is a device that
compares a signal with a number of different reference levels at once, and then outputs a
suitable binary code. Such devices do exist in electronics, and are known as parallel or
'flash' A-to-D convertors. However, they are expensive, and it was thought at one time that
optical A-to-D conversion offered an advantage at the high-speed end of the market.

The operation of the optical A-to-D converter is based on the periodic response of the
electro-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We have already encountered this device in
Chapter 9, in the guise of a modulator. It consists of two back-to-back Y-junctions, linked
by straight waveguides. The first Y-junction splits the incoming beam into two components,
which pass along the straight guides and are recombined at the second Y-junction. Either or
both of the interferometer arms may have surface phase-shifting electrodes, to allow the
relative phase of the recombining components to be altered. If the two are in-phase, the
guided output is high, and if they are out of phase, it is low. More generally, the output is
periodic in the phase imbalance, as shown in Figure 14.5-1a. If an additional static phase
shifter is used to bias the interferometer, the sinusoidal response is shifted by a quarter of a
period. If the optical output is now detected, and then thresholded by an electronic
comparator at a level of half the maximum possible detector output, the comparator output
will vary as a square-wave with voltage (Figure 14.5-1b). This corresponds to a one-bit
binary representation of the applied voltage.

Figure 14.5-1 a) Basic response of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and b) output after

application of a static phase bias, followed by detection and thresholding.

Because the electro-optic effect is linear, the output of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer must
depend on both the drive voltage and the electrode length. For example, a short device will
be less sensitive to voltage than a long device, and so on. Figure 14.5-2 shows the output
characteristics that might be expected from three similar interferometers, with electrode
lengths of L, L/2 and L/4. Clearly, all the responses are still periodic with voltage, but the
longest device has twice the sensitivity of the intermediate one, and four times that of the
shortest. If the additional processing described above - static phase-shifting, detection and
thresholding - is applied to each interferometer, the comparator outputs will all vary as
square waves, but with periods differing by factors of two. Taken together, they yield a
three-bit binary representation of the drive voltage.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 7


Figure 14.5-2 Power/voltage characteristics for Mach-Zehnder interferometers with

different electrode lengths.

Figure 14.5-3 shows a prototype high-speed, four-bit parallel analogue-to-digital converter

for radio- frequency signals, operating on the principles described above. The optical circuit
consists of four Ti:LiNbO3 Mach-Zehnder interferometers, which are arranged in parallel
on a common substrate and fed by a common optical input through a Y-junction 'tree'. Each
interferometer has the same RF input, and is equipped with travelling-wave electrodes for
high-speed response, but the electrode lengths differ by factors of two, so that the longest
has electrodes of length L and the shortest of L/8.

Figure 14.5-3 A 4-bit parallel optical A-to-D converter.

The circuit therefore performs a four-bit analogue-to-digital conversion of the input voltage.
In this example, the optical input is not continuous-wave; instead, it consists of a train of
short pulses, so that the RF signal is sampled optically at a very high rate. Suitable sources
include pulsed semiconductor lasers and mode-locked YAG lasers. Conversion speeds of
almost 1 Gbit/s have been reached with prototype Ti:LiNbO3 devices, but difficulties with
the comparators and other readout electronics have prevented the anticipated market success.
Despite this, the electro-optic A-to-D converter remains an ingenious and novel application
of guided wave technology.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 8



We now move on to consider systems based around optical fibre and the all-fibre
components of Chapters 8 and 10, beginning with fibre sensors. This is not an obvious
application, because fibre is normally designed to provide a low-loss transmission medium
for optical waves, which are confined near the fibre core and are therefore isolated from their
environment by a substantial thickness of cladding. However, it is also possible to arrange
for a guided wave to be affected quite strongly by external perturbations. For example, the
core might be relocated much nearer the edge of the cladding, so that the evanescent field
extends outside it. The guided wave is then directly affected by any external changes, and
the fibre can act as a sensor.

Once this is accepted, there are many convincing arguments to support the use of fibre as a
sensing medium. Because it is possible to arrange a considerable length of fibre in a coil,
high sensitivity to a particular parameter can be achieved within a small sample volume.
Furthermore, it has already been shown that fibre can be sensitized to a wide variety of
measurands, including temperature, humidity, strain, electric and magnetic fields, pressure,
acoustic waves, and the presence of different inorganic and organic chemicals. Optical
sensors are non-electrical, which is important in many hazardous environments (e.g.
petroleum plants), and can be read out remotely. It is even possible to build multiplexed
sensor highways, which contain a number of sensors in series, that may be interrogated
individually. Optical fibre sensors are therefore a promising future technology.

It is obviously impossible to do justice to a topic of this importance in a small section. All

we can really do is discuss the major issues involved. Broadly speaking, fibre sensors are
divided into two classes, operating on non-interferometric and interferometric principles,
respectively. In the former, an external parameter is arranged directly to affect the
transmission through the fibre by altering the propagation loss. One simple example is the
microbend sensor, which works by inducing a periodic bend in the fibre by compression
between two grooved plates (Figure 14.6-1). The amount of bending, and the consequent
radiation loss, are proportional to the depth of compression or the pressure applied. This
allows very cheap, simple sensors to be constructed, in which a change in the sensed
parameter is directly reflected as a variation in optical transmission. However, all such
sensors suffer from the following major disadvantage: it is hard to differentiate this
particular loss mechanism from any other - for example, from the loss which would arise if
the fibre links to and from the sensor section were accidently bent. This type of sensor is
therefore 'lead sensitive'.

Figure 14.6-1 A microbend sensor.

In the latter, the external parameter is arranged to affect the phase of the light instead.
Unwanted perturbations generally have little affect on phase, so this minimises the lead
sensitivity problem. However, it is still possible to recover the sensor output in the form of
intensity variations, by using interferometry. Figure 14.6-2 shows an example of a generic
architecture for interferometric fibre sensors, based once again on the Mach-Zehnder

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Figure 14.6-2 An interferometric optical sensor.

The optical circuit is slightly different this time, since it contains two 3 dB fibre couplers
(which act as 50 : 50 beam splitters) instead of Y-junctions. The couplers are linked together
by a short reference arm and a much longer sensing arm, which is arranged as a coil. As
before, the first splitter divides the optical input into two components. The upper part passes
through the sensor coil, and so is affected by changes in the measurand. For example, if the
device is to be used as a hydrophone, it is arranged for pressure waves passing through the
coil to dilate it, thus altering the phase of the sensing beam. The beam passing through the
reference arm is not exposed to the measurand, so its phase is unaffected by such changes.
The second coupler is used to recombine the beams. These will add together coherently,
provided that (i) a laser source is used, with a coherence length greater than the path
imbalance of the two arms, and (ii) the two components have the same polarization. The
latter condition generally requires the entire circuit to be constructed from polarization-
preserving fibre, with the input adjusted so that only a single polarization component is

Unlike the Y-junction Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the coupler-based MZI has two
possible optical outputs. We can calculate these quite simply, as follows. First, we recall that
the transmitted and cross-coupled amplitudes A1 and A2 of a synchronous coupler with
coupling coefficient and length L can be written in the form:

A1 = cos(L) and A2 = -j sin(L)

In a 3 dB coupler (for which L = /4) these reduce to:

A1 = 1/2 and A2 = -j/2

An optical input, of amplitude A0, will therefore be split by the first coupler into two
components, of amplitude A0/2 in the reference arm and -jA0/2 in the sensing arm. We
now assume that the sensing beam will encur an additional phase delay relative to the
reference arm, due to the intrinsic difference in their lengths and to the effect of the
measurand. Ignoring any common phase delay, the amplitudes of the two outputs are:

B1 = A0 (1/2)2 + A0 (-j/2)2 exp(-j) = (A0/2) {1 - exp(-j)}


B2 = A0 (1/2) x (-j/2) + A0 (-j/2) x (1/2) exp(-j) = -j(A0/2) {1 + exp(-j)}

The output powers are then proportional to:

P1 = B1B1* = (A02/2){1- cos()} = P0 sin2(/2)


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P2 = B2B2* = (A02/2){1 + cos()} = P0 cos2(/2)

The two outputs are therefore complementary, in that their sum is equal to the input power
P0. They are shown plotted as a function of in Figure 14.6-3. Normally, the phase
imbalance is biased so that the deviations imposed by the measurand occur only in a small
range about the typical bias point 0. This can be accomplished using additional static
phase-shifters. Near the bias point, small changes in P1 and P2 are both linearly dependent
on small changes in , and hence on variations in the measurand, which makes assessment
of the state of the sensor by processing electronics particularly simple. Larger excursions of
the measurand (e.g. of more than one period) may be tracked by a variety of techniques,
including 'fringe-counting'.

Figure 14.6-3 Variation of the powers P1 and P2 with the phase imbalance .


We now consider mixed systems, employing both fibre and integrated optics. We begin
with another type of interferometer, the Sagnac interferometer (which we have already
encountered as the fibre loop mirror in Chapter 10). This has also been investigated
extensively for sensor applications. It shows little sensitivity to any parameter except
rotation, and is therefore of great potential use, since it can act as a gyroscope. In fact, the
fibre gyro has considerable advantages over its mechanical equivalent, since it is lightweight,
requires no 'run-up' time, and needs little maintenance. Three such gyros (sensing rotation
about three orthogonal axes), combined with three linear accelerometers, could form the
basis of future solid-state inertial navigation systems, and they are actively being developed
for applications as diverse as aircraft navigation, missile guidance and oil-well logging.

Since we have already described the static behaviour of a Sagnac interferometer, we will
concentrate here on the situation when the interferometer is rotating. In this case, it can be
shown that there is a phase shift between the two counterpropagating beams in the loop, a
phenomenon known as the Sagnac effect. Although an accurate description actually
requires the invocation of general relativity, we shall base the discussion on approximate
theory, which provides the correct result to first order.

Figure 14.7-1 shows an experimental gyroscope based on a Sagnac interferometer. It is

constructed from a Ti:LiNbO3 channel waveguide integrated optic chip (which contains a
number of signal routing and processing components), an optical fibre sensing coil, an

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external laser diode source, and detector (which will typically be followed by further
processing electronics). The optical circuit works as follows. The N-turn fibre coil, which is
of radius R, is arranged as the sensing loop. Light from the laser is butt-coupled into the
chip, split into two by Y-junction #1, and launched in opposite directions round the fibre
coil. After passing round the coil, which has a length 2NR, the two components are
recombined by Y-junction #1. A second Y-junction, #2, is then used to pick off a proportion
of the power, which is passed to a detector. According to the usual principle of
interferometry, the detected signal is high if the two recombining components are in-phase,
and low otherwise.

Figure 14.7-1 An integrated optic fibre gyro (after L.M.Johnson, Proc. SPIE 566, 96-98

We can calculate the phase change accompanying rotation using the following simple
argument. Normally, the time-of-flight round the loop is , given by:

= 2NR/c
We now assume that the coil rotates at an angular speed , so the recombination point will
continually move away from one beam and towards the other. In a time , it moves an
angular distance , so one beam must travel a distance 2NR + R to reach it, the other a
distance 2NR - R. The beams therefore take different times to exit the loop. The time-
of-flight difference is:

= (2N + )R/c - (2N - )R/c

This corresponds to a phase shift (known as the Sagnac phase shift) of:

= = 4NR2/c2
where is the optical frequency. Consequently, the relative phase of the recombining beams
is linearly dependent on the angular rotation rate. The sensitivity is controlled by the area
enclosed by the coil and by the number of turns. This illustrates the main advantage of fibre
optics, which has turned the Sagnac interferometer into a practical proposition - it is easy to
make N large without incurring high loss. The phase shift can also be written in terms of the

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length L of the fibre, the coil diameter D, and the wavelength of the light used. If this is
done, we obtain:

= 2LD/0c
The phase shift is therefore linearly dependent on the length of fibre used and the coil


We can calculate the typical sensitivity of a gyroscope as follows. Using a 1 km length of

fibre arranged in a coil of 10 cm diameter, and a wavelength of 1 m, we obtain from
Equation 14.7-4:
Now, the earth's rotation rate is e = 2/(24 x 3600) rad/s = 7.3 x 10-5 rad/s. Even to
register this motion, we must therefore be able to measure a phase-shift of 1.5 x 10-4
rad with the design above. For an inertial navigation system, we need to do considerably
better than this - say, at least a thousand times better. A typical phase shift will thus be about
10-7 rad, an incredibly small figure. This presents a considerable measurement problem,
which is only partially solved at the moment.


To achieve this high sensitivity, the optical paths travelled by the two beams must be
identical when the gyro is not rotating, so the system must be reciprocal. Figure 14.7-2 is an
example of the so-called 'minimum configuration' needed to achieve reciprocity in a
gyro. The output is taken from the loop at exactly the point where the input is injected, and a
polarizer is used to ensure that only a single polarization mode is launched and detected.
Generally, a number of further optical components must also be integrated on the substrate
to improve performance. Here, phase- and frequency-shifters have been added. These may
be used to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the detected signal through various signal-
processing tricks, or allow closed-loop tracking of the Sagnac phase shift.


A major application of guided wave optics is in high-speed optical communications. In fact,
point-to- point links have now reached such an advanced stage that data can be transmitted
at very high bit rates over staggering distances. Such progress represents a handsome
confirmation of the original promise of fibre optics, and shows just how well the
considerable investment required to develop low-loss, low-dispersion fibre and the other
vital components of a communications system - lasers of high spectral purity, high-speed
modulators, and fast, low-noise detectors - has paid off.


To illustrate this, Figure 14.8-1 shows a recent experiment, in which data were transmitted at
4 Gbit/s and received after travelling the phenomenal distance of 117 km without
regeneration. The importance of the elimination of repeaters cannot be over stressed - not
only does this lessen the need for fleets of maintenance engineers for land-based systems,

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but it drastically improves the reliability of undersea links, which can only be repaired at
quite considerable expense (or not at all!). Here, the source was a high-power InGaAsP/InP
buried heterostructure laser, operating at 1.53 m wavelength and externally modulated by a
travelling-wave Ti:LiNbO3 directional coupler. The detector was an InGaAs avalanche
photodiode with a GaAs FET preamplifier, coupled to the fibre using a GRIN-rod lens.
This type of system might well act as the basic trunk route of a future long-distance
telecommunications network.

Figure 14.8-1 A 4 Gbit/s signal transmission experiment, over 117 km of optical fibre
(after S.K. Korotky et al., IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-3, 1027-1030 (1985); IEEE

Bidirectional links are clearly feasible using similar technology, and a variety of
demonstration land lines have now been installed for assessment and characterisation.
However, no single user is likely to require access to the entire bandwidth of an optical fibre,
which is vast. Instead, this will be shared between a number of users, or multiplexed. The
two major strategies used are wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), whereby each
user is assigned a specific wavelength interval with which to communicate, and time-
division multiplexing (TDM), where each user is instead offered a set fraction of the
available time. Once again, we can do little in the space available here to describe the
advantages and disadvantages of each method in depth - the reader is best advised to consult
a specialised optical communications text for details. Instead, we offer examples of the
implementation of each method, using some of the hardware we have encountered so far.


We begin with wavelength-division multiplexing. Figure 14.8-2 shows the main features of
an optical WDM system, which operates as follows. A set of N users are first assigned
wavelengths 1, 2 .... N with which to communicate; these might be derived from a set of
lasers, emitting light of different wavelengths. Each user may modulate his source
independently, so that wavelength n acts as a carrier of information for Channel #n. Data
from all N channels is combined together by the multiplexer (MUX), and then passed to a
common channel (a single optical fibre) for transmission. At the far end, the signals are
separated by the demultiplexer (DEMUX), and forwarded to their final destinations.

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 14


Figure 14.8-2 The principle of an optical WDM communications system.

The MUX component may consist of a set of discrete optical filters arranged in cascade, as
shown in Figure 14.8-3a. For example, a set of asymmetric directional coupler filters might
be used as the basic combiner element; alternatives include mode-conversion filters and
Bragg gratings. Each filter is arranged to couple maximum power to the common channel at
a different wavelength, so that Filter #n has a response that peaks at wavelength n (as in
Figure 14.8-3b). In this way, all N channels may be combined into a single output without
loss of power. The DEMUX component may be a similar network, operating backwards.

Figure 14.8-3 Wavelength division multiplexing using a set of cascaded optical filters.

Alternatively, the multiplexer may be a single dispersive component, which effectively

provides all N filters in parallel. This is normally based on a grating of some kind. For
example, Figure 14.8-4 shows a prototype four-channel optical WDM chip fabricated by
the LETI organization, France. The chip is formed from a silicon substrate, carrying three
silica overlayers fabricated by plasma- enhanced chemical vapour deposition.

The lowest layer acts as a low-index buffer layer, separating the guiding layer from the
high-index substrate. The middle (guiding) layer is phosphorus-doped, to increase its
refractive index by n 7 x 10-3 over that of undoped SiO2. This layer is etched into ridges
near the chip edges before the deposition of the upper layer, which acts as a cladding.
Consequently, the input and output channels consist of buried ridge guides, which interface
to a planar guiding region near the chip centre and to optical fibres at the chip edge. The
fibres are automatically aligned in the correct position by grooves anisotropically etched
directly into the silicon substrate.

After leaving the input channel guides, the input beams propagate as diverging cylindrical
waves, which are combined into a single cylindrical beam converging on the output channel
guide by a dispersive imaging device. This is a Fresnel mirror (the reflective equivalent of
a Fresnel lens), which provides a wavelength-dependent, reflective focusing action. The

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 15


mirror is formed by etching a blazed pattern right through the silica overlayers to the silicon
substrate, so that total internal reflection is obtained at the silica/air interface. The chip can
combine four optical channels into a single output; the centre wavelength is 1.545 m, and
the channel separation is 20 nm. Operating in the reverse direction, the chip can separate an
input containing all four wavelengths into individual outputs. The insertion loss is less than
6 dB, while the crosstalk between channels is better than 20 dB.

Figure 14.8-4 A 4-channel wavelength multiplexer on a silicon substrate: a) schematic

(after LETI Technical Data Sheet DOPT 9053), and b) the actual device (photograph
courtesy S.Valette, LETI).

The advantage of wavelength-division multiplexing is that it is asynchronous, so that each

user may have access to the common channel instantaneously. It is an efficient process, in
that the total bandwidth required is approximately N times that of the individual channels.
The disadvantage is the need to fabricate the MUX and DEMUX components. This may be
an extremely demanding task, if the number of channels is large and the centre wavelengths
are closely-spaced.


We now consider the alternative of a time-division multiplexed communications system, the

main features of which are shown in Figure 14.8-5. This time, the N users all communicate

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on the same carrier wavelength. However, they may no longer have access to the shared
channel at will; instead, they are allocated specific time-slots. In Figure 14.8-5, Channel #1
is assigned to the slot centred on time t1, Channel #2 to that on time t2, and so on. Data from
all N users is combined together by the multiplexer, which interleaves the time-slots of the
individual channels so that the overall data rate is uniform, and then passed to the common
channel for transmission. At the far end, the signals are separated again by the
demultiplexer. This is done by sampling and redirecting the data, at exactly the rate and
sequence of the original interleaving process. Consequently, synchronisation information
must also be passed between the MUX and DEMUX components.

Figure 14.8-5 The principle of an optical TDM communications system.

Optical time-division multiplexers and demultiplexers may both be constructed from a set of
channel waveguide switches, arranged to connect a set of inputs to a single output in turn.
For example, Figure 14.8-6 shows a 1 x 4 demultiplexer, fabricated on a LiNbO3
substrate using three electro-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometric (MZI) switches. These are
modified versions of the devices described in Chapter 9; at their output ends, a hybrid X-
junction has been used instead of a Y-junction. This works like a 3 dB coupler, and allows
each interferometer to function as a two-way switch, rather than as a simple modulator. In
fact, the precise device used is unimportant - the MZI could equally well be replaced by a
directional coupler. The important feature is that the switch can act as a high-speed 'gate'
when driven by a sinusoidal signal. This is clearly true for the Mach-Zehnder switch, which
will give an output from one arm when the driving voltage is close to zero, and from the
other when it is close to that required for radians phase-shift between the arms. It is
also the case for a directional coupler, which will give a cross-coupled output only when the
voltage is close to zero.

Figure 14.8-6 A 1 x 4 optical time demultiplexer driven by a single sinewave generator

(after M. Haga et al., IEEE J. Lightwave Tech. LT-3, 116-120 (1985); IEEE 1985)

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The optical input is shown at the left, and is assumed to consist of a train of pulses at
regular intervals. These are to be distributed cyclically to each of the outputs in turn,
following a clocking sequence. The switches are arranged as a binary tree, and are driven
from a common signal generator synchronised to the input data stream and having a period
of T seconds, equivalent to the time frame occupied by four input pulses. This driving signal
is shown as the full line in Figure 14.8-6.

There are slight but important differences between the switches. Modulator #1 has no
optical bias, and its electrode length is chosen so that the peak driving voltage causes a
radians shift. Consequently, an output is obtained from its upper arm near the times t = 0,
T/2, T and so on. Similarly, light passes to the lower arm at t = T/4, 3T/4 etc. These outputs
are used to feed the second-stage devices in the tree. Modulator #2, on the other hand, is
arranged to have a static phase bias of /2 radians between its arms, and its electrodes are
half as long as those of Modulator #1. As a result, its sensitivity to voltage is halved, and the
effect of the voltage can only be an additional /2 phase shift. At t = 0 and t = T, the total
shift is then radians, so an output is obtained from the uppermost guide. At t = T/2,
though, the net phase shift is zero, so the output emerges from the second uppermost guide.
The operation of Modulator #3 is similar, but an electrical delay line is used to shift the
phase of the driving signal (shown dashed in Figure 14.8-6) through 90o. Consequently,
outputs are obtained from the second-lowest and lowest guides at t = T/4 and t = 3T/4,

The net effect is to distribute the pulsed input amongst the four outputs in turn.
Experimentally, the chip was driven by a 1 GHz signal, and was able to demultiplex an input
optical signal from 4 to 1 Gbit/s. Alternatively, the device could have been run backwards,
and used to combine four inputs as a single output data stream. This demonstrates the
impressive capability of integrated guided wave components for high-speed data handling.


Our final example is rather different. In Chapter 12, we described the operation of
semiconductor lasers and travelling-wave amplifiers. Here, we will discuss more briefly
some similar devices based on rare-earth-doped optical fibre, which appear very promising
for use in all-fibre systems.

Remember that optical gain is obtained in semiconductors by inverting the electron

population between the conduction and valence bands. In electrically pumped devices, this is
achieved by minority carrier injection using a p-n junction. However, this particular
mechanism is not unique, and optical gain has been demonstrated in countless other
materials systems. More generally, it is not necessary for the material to be crystalline (or
even solid), or for the pumping to be performed electrically; all that is required is the
existence of a set of suitable energy levels and a method for inverting the population
between two particular levels. Consequently, electrically excited gas lasers and optically-
pumped solid-state lasers (which operate by transitions in guest atoms embedded in
crystalline or amorphous hosts) have been the dominant laser types of the previous two
decades. Of the former, He-Ne and Ar+ lasers are the most common, while ruby, Nd:YAG
and Nd:glass lasers typify the latter.

The inversion mechanism normally involves three or four energy levels. For example, in the
former, optical pumping might involve the excitation of an electron from the lowest state
(Level #1) to the highest (Level #2) through the absorption of a photon of energy hbar =
E2 - E1, followed by a rapid decay to a slightly lower state (Level #3). If electrons have a
long lifetime in Level #3, it is possible to build up the population in this state by continuous

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pumping until it exceeds that in Level #1. Gain is then available at the wavelength
corresponding to the transition between Levels #3 and #1.

Recently, it has been found to be possible to incorporate lasing species in the core of silica
glass fibres, thus forming the fibre equivalent of a solid-state laser medium. For the active
material, attention has been focussed on the rare-earth elements erbium, neodymium,
praesodymium and thulium. Of these, the most important are praesodymium, which may be
used to provide gain at 1.3 m wavelength, and erbium, which operates at 1.55 m. For
erbium, windows for optical pumping exist at 0.8, 0.98 and 1.48 m wavelength, allowing
the use of powerful and potentially inexpensive laser diode pump sources (especially the
0.98 m window).

Figure 14.9-1 shows a typical travelling-wave fibre amplifier experiment involving Er3+-
doped fibre. Two 0.82 m GaAs/GaAsAs lasers are used as pump sources; these inject
light into opposite ends of the Er3+-doped fibre, so that population inversion is maintained
along its entire length. Each pump beam is coupled into the amplifier using a wavelength-
selective fibre coupler; this allows the signal beam (derived from a 1.535 m laser diode) to
be combined efficiently with the pump at the input, and the amplified signal to be separated
from any residual pump radiation at the output. A similar arrangement can be used with a
1.48 m pump, although a high-performance WDM coupler is required because of the
close proximity of the pump and signal wavelengths. In this example, the gain medium was
90 metres of GeO2-SiO2 fibre doped with 34 ppm of erbium. The pump threshold for
transparency was 15 mW, and 22 dB of gain was obtained from a total pump power of 54

Figure 14.9-1 Set-up for in-line amplification using an Er3+-doped fibre travelling wave
amplifier (after K.Suzuki et al., Elect. Lett. 26, 948-949 (1990)).
Naturally, a travelling-wave fibre amplifier may be converted into a fibre laser through the
provision of suitable feedback. To construct a linear cavity, fibre reflectors are required.
Several suitable devices exist. For example, the fibre loop mirror may be used as a broad-
band reflector in a Fabry-Perot cavity. Alternatively, a fibre grating (either based on half of
a polished coupler, or on an intracore grating recorded holographically in a photosensitive
fibre) might be used as a distributed Bragg reflector, providing wavelength-selective
feedback and hence narrow-linewidth operation.

Figure 14.9-2 shows a typical example of a DBR fibre laser based on a polished fibre
coupler grating.This time, the active medium is a 6 metre length of silica fibre doped with
330 ppm of neodymium, and the pump laser is a 0.83 m GaAs/GaAlAs laser diode
coupled into the fibre through a wavelength-selective mirror. The threshold for laser

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operation was 2 mW, and 1.5 mW of output power was obtained for a pump power of 10
mW at the fibre laser wavelength of 1.084 m.

Figure 14.9-2 A DBR fibre laser (after I.M.Jauncey et al., Elect. Lett. 22, 987-988 (1986)).

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 20


14.1 An integrated optic RF spectrum analyser is to be constructed on a LiNbO3 substrate,
with a tilted interdigital transducer. Assuming that the optical wavelength is 0.633 m,
calculate the angle of transducer tilt required for optimum operation in the Bragg
diffraction regime at the transducer centre frequency of 500 MHz. If the transducer
bandwidth is 200 MHz, how wide may the acoustic beam be before Bragg selectivity
limits the diffraction efficiency? The effective index of the Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide is
2.2, and the acoustic velocity is 6,570 m/s.
[0.627o; 7.5 mm]

14.2 The figure below shows a small portion of a conducting path on a VLSI electronic
circuit. The conductor has cross-sectional area A and length L, and is separated from
the ground plane by an insulator of thickness h. Show that, if all the linear dimensions
of the circuit are scaled by , the RC time constant associated with the path remains
unchanged. Why is this a potential problem? Describe several advantages of guided
wave optical interconnects over this type of circuit.

14.3 Binary codes are just one possible way of representing a set of states using a two-
valued sequence. An alternative is offered by Gray codes. These have the advantage
that only one bit of the code changes in moving from one state to the next, which is
useful in preventing errors. Gray codes may be constructed using the following rule.
Start by assigning a code of all zeros to the lowest state; then assign codes for
successively higher states by changing the least significant bit that generates a new
code. Using this rule, write down the codes for all possible two-bit numbers. Design a
two-bit, Gray-coded integrated optic A-to-D converter.

14.4 A beam of wavelength 0 propagates through a length L of optical fibre. Show that the
phase change accompanying a temperature change T is = 2/0 {neff +
dneff/dT} LT, where is the thermal expansion coefficient of the fibre and neff is its
effective index. Assuming that = 0.004 x 10-4 /oC and dneff/dT = 1.1 x 10-5 /oC for
silica fibre, and that n = 1.458 for bulk silica, estimate the phase change per oC for a
10 cm length of fibre at 0 = 0.85 m. Which effect contributes most to the phase
change, thermal expansion or refractive index variation?
[8.56 rad/oC]

14.5The figure below shows an interferometric sensor constructed from two 3 dB couplers
linked by fibres. The additional time delay experienced by a wave propagating along
the sensing arm over that experienced along the reference arm is . Show that, for a
single-frequency optical input, the output is ambiguous in , i.e. that the same output
will be obtained for a variety of different values of . Show further that the sensitivity
of the device to variations in will go to zero whenever = , where is the

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 21


angular frequency of the input. When is the sensitivity maximum? Discuss the
implications of these features for a practical sensing system.

4.6 One solution to the ambiguity problem identified in Question 14.5 is to increase the
bandwidth of the optical input. The figure below shows the input used in the linear
FM method. Here, the input is frequency modulated by a sawtooth wave of period T.
For 0 t T, for example, the frequency variation is linear with time, following f(t) =
f1 + (f2 - f1) t/T. Assuming that < T, calculate and sketch the response of the sensor
of Question 14.5 this input.

14.7 Discuss the importance of launching and detecting a single polarization mode in an
optical fibre gyro. Calculate the time-of-flight difference for two beams propagating
in opposite directions around a 20 cm diameter coil containing 1 km of fibre, at a
rotation rate of 10-5 rad/sec. Would this be directly measurable? What is the
corresponding phase difference, at 0 = 0.85 m?
[2.22 x 10-20 sec; 4.93 x 10-5 rads]

14.8 i) The transfer function Pn(0) = sinc2{(0 - n)/} is a good approximation to the
response of many real filters. Sketch the variation of Pn (0) with 0. What does the
term represent?

ii) The figure below shows a demultiplexer used in a WDM system. The channels are
regularly spaced at wavelengths 1, 2 ... N, such that n+1 - n = , and the peak in
the passband of the nth filter is centred on n. However, due to the finite extent of the
filter response, a fraction of the power at wavelength n+1 will be accepted by the nth
filter. Use the response above to estimate the worst-case interchannel crosstalk,
assuming that .

R.R.A.Syms and J.R.Cozens Optical Guided Waves and Devices 22


14.9 A directional coupler (with a coupling length of L = /2) is driven by a 200 V peak-
to-peak sinusoidal voltage of frequency 1 GHz. The voltage required to switch the
coupler from the cross state to the bar-state is 10 V. Draw a dimensioned sketch of
the cross-coupled output with time, for a CW optical input. What application might
this have in a TDM system?

14.10 A point-to-point communications link operating at 0 = 1.55 m consists of 50 km of

single-mode fibre with a loss of 0.2 dB/km. The source is a 10 mW laser diode,
coupled to the fibre via a GRIN-rod lens. The coupling efficiency is 25%. There are
10 fusion splices in the link, each contributing 0.1 dB loss. Assuming that the receiver
requires a signal of 1 mW to operate, calculate the length of Er3+-doped fibre required
in a travelling-wave amplifier arranged as a pre-detector signal booster. When
pumped at 0.82 m wavelength, the Er3+-doped fibre has a gain of 0.25 dB/m.
[28 m]

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