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Cathodoluminescence is an optical and electromagnetic in turn can scatter as well. Such a cascade of scattering
phenomenon in which electrons impacting on a events leads to up to 103 secondary electrons per inci-
luminescent material such as a phosphor, cause the dent electron.[1] These secondary electrons can excite va-
emission of photons which may have wavelengths in the lence electrons into the conduction band when they have
visible spectrum. A familiar example is the generation of a kinetic energy about three times the band gap energy
light by an electron beam scanning the phosphor-coated of the material (Ekin 3Eg ) .[2] The excess energy is
inner surface of the screen of a television that uses a transferred to phonons and thus heats the lattice. One of
cathode ray tube. Cathodoluminescence is the inverse the advantages of excitation with an electron beam is that
of the photoelectric eect, in which electron emission is the band gap energy of materials that are investigated is
induced by irradiation with photons. not limited by the energy of the incident light as in the
case of photoluminescence. Therefore, in cathodolumi-
Spectrometer CCD nescence, the semiconductor examined can, in fact, be
electron beam
almost any non-metallic material. In terms of band struc-
ture, classical semiconductors, insulators, ceramics, gem-
parabolic mirror
stones, minerals, and glasses can be treated the same way.

sample 2 Cathodoluminescence mi-

secondary electrons
cooling stage
5 300 K
EBIC In geology, mineralogy, materials science and semicon-
ductor engineering, a scanning electron microscope t-
Sketch of a cathodoluminescence system: The electron beam ted with a cathodoluminescence detector, or an opti-
passes through a small aperture in the parabolic mirror which cal cathodoluminescence microscope, may be used to
collects the light and reects it into the spectrometer. A charge- examine internal structures of semiconductors, rocks,
coupled device (CCD) or photomultiplier (PMT) can be used for ceramics, glass, etc. in order to get information on the
parallel or monochromatic detection, respectively. An electron composition, growth and quality of the material.
beam-induced current (EBIC) signal may be recorded simultane-
2.1 Cathodoluminescence in a scanning
electron microscope
1 Origin of cathodoluminescence In these instruments a focused beam of electrons im-
pinges on a sample and induces it to emit light that is
Luminescence in a semiconductor results when an collected by an optical system, such as an elliptical mir-
electron in the conduction band recombines with a hole ror. From there, a ber optic will transfer the light out
in the valence band. The excess energy of this transi- of the microscope where it is separated into its compo-
tion can be emitted in form of a photon. The energy nent wavelengths by a monochromator and is then de-
(color) of the photon, and the probability that a photon tected with a photomultiplier tube. By scanning the mi-
and not a phonon will be emitted, depends on the ma- croscopes beam in an X-Y pattern and measuring the
terial, its purity, and the presence of defects. However, light emitted with the beam at each point, a map of the
rst the electron has to be excited from the valence band optical activity of the specimen can be obtained (cathodo-
into the conduction band. In cathodoluminescence, this luminescence imaging). Instead, by measuring the wave-
occurs as the result of an impinging high energy elec- length dependence for a xed point or a certain area, the
tron beam onto a semiconductor. However, these pri- spectral characteristics can be recorded (cathodolumines-
mary electrons carry far too much energy to directly ex- cence spectroscopy). Furthermore, if the photomultiplier
cite electrons. Instead, the inelastic scattering of the pri- tube is replaced with a CCD camera, an entire spectrum
mary electrons in the crystal leads to the emission of can be measured at each point of a map (hyperspectral
secondary electrons, Auger electrons and X-rays, which imaging). Moreover, the optical properties of an object


can be correlated to structural properties observed with 5 Further reading

the electron microscope.
The primary advantages to the electron microscope based Cathodoluminescence microscopy: Optical imaging
technique is its spatial resolution. In a scanning elec- and spectroscopy with deep-subwavelength resolu-
tron miscroscope, the attainable resolution is on the or- tion, T. Coenen, B. J. M. Brenny, E. J. R. Vesseur,
der of a few ten nanometers,[3] while in a (scanning) and A. Polman, MRS Bulletin 40, 359 (2015)
transmission electron microscope, nanometer-sized fea- Angle-resolved cathodoluminescence nanoscopy, T.
tures can be resolved.[4] Additionally, it is possible to Coenen, University of Amsterdam (2014)
perform nanosecond- to picosecond-level time-resolved
measurements if the electron beam can be chopped Cathodoluminescence plasmon microscopy [PDF],
into nano- or pico-second pulses by a beam-blanker or M. Kuttge, Utrecht University (2009)
with a pulsed electron source. These advanced techniques
Electron beams set nanostructures aglow [PDF], Na-
are useful for examining low-dimensional semiconductor
ture 493, 143 (2013)
structures, such a quantum wells or quantum dots.
While an electron microscope with a cathodolumines- Angle-resolved cathodoluminescence imaging po-
cence detector provides high magnication, an optical larimetry, C. I. Osorio, T. Coenen, B. J. M. Brenny,
cathodoluminescence microscope benets from its ability A. Polman, and A. F. Koenderink, ACS Photonics,
to show actual visible color features directly through the DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00596 (2015)
eyepiece. More recently developed systems try to com- Imaging of hidden modes in ultra-thin plasmonic
bine both an optical and an electron microscope to take strip antennas by cathodoluminescence, E. S.
advantage of both these techniques. [5] Barnard, T. Coenen, E. J. R. Vesseur, A. Polman,
and M. L. Brongersma, Nano Lett. 11, 4265 (2011)
Directional emission from plasmonic Yagi-Uda an-
3 Extended applications of tennas probed by angle-resolved cathodolumines-
cathodoluminescence cence, T. Coenen, E. J. R. Vesseur, A. Polman, and
A. F. Koenderink, Nano Lett. 11, 3779 (2011)
Although direct bandgap semiconductors such as GaAs B. G. Yacobi and D. B. Holt, Cathodoluminescence
or GaN are most easily examined by these techniques, Microscopy of Inorganic Solids,New York, Plenum
indirect semiconductors such as silicon also emit weak (1990)
cathodoluminescence, and can be examined as well. In
C. E. Norman, Microscopy and Analysis, March
particular, the luminescence of dislocated silicon is dif-
2002, P.9-12
ferent from intrinsic silicon, and can be used to map de-
fects in integrated circuits. S. A. Galloway et al., Physica Status Solidi (C),
Recently, cathodoluminescence performed in electron V0(3), P.1028-1032 (2003)
microscopes is also being used to study surface plasmon C. M. Parish and P. E. Russell, Scanning Cathodo-
resonances in metallic Nanoparticles.[6] Surface plasmons luminescence Microscopy, in Advances in Imaging
in metal nanoparticles can absorb and emit light, though and Electron Physics, V.147, ed. P. W. Hawkes,
the process is dierent from that in semiconductors. P. 1 (2007)
Similarly, cathodoluminescence has been exploited as a
probe to map the local density of states of planar di- Lhnemann, J. (2013). Luminescence of group-III-
electric photonic crystals and nanostructured photonic V nanowires containing heterostructures (pdf) (PhD
materials.[7] Thesis). Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin.

4 See also 6 References

[1] Mitsui, T; Sekiguchi, T; Fujita, D; Koguchi, N. (2005).
Luminescence Comparison between electron beam and near-eld
light on the luminescence excitation of GaAs/AlGaAs
Electron-stimulated luminescence semiconductor quantum dots. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
44: 18201824. Bibcode:2005JaJAP..44.1820M.
Photoluminescence doi:10.1143/JJAP.44.1820.
[2] Klein, C. A. (1968). Bandgap dependence and re-
Cathodoluminescence microscope lated features of radiation ionization energies in semi-
conductors. J. Appl. Phys. 39: 20292038.
Scanning electron microscopy Bibcode:1968JAP....39.2029K. doi:10.1063/1.1656484.

[3] Lhnemann, J.; Hauswald, C.; Wlz, M.; Jahn, U.; Hanke,
M.; Geelhaar, L.; Brandt, O. (2014). Localization
and defects in axial (In,Ga)N/GaN nanowire heterostruc-
tures investigated by spatially resolved luminescence spec-
troscopy. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47: 394010.
arXiv:1405.1507 . Bibcode:2014JPhD...47M4010L.
[4] Zagonel; et al. (2011). Nanometer Scale Spectral Imag-
ing of Quantum Emitters in Nanowires and Its Correlation
to Their Atomically Resolved Structure. Nano Letters.
11: 568. doi:10.1021/nl103549t. PMID 21182283.
[5] What is Quantitative Cathodoluminescence?". 2013-10-
[6] Garca de Abajo, F. J. (2010). Optical
excitations in electron microscopy. Re-
views of Modern Physics. 82: 209275.
arXiv:0903.1669 . Bibcode:2010RvMP...82..209G.
[7] Sapienza, R.;Coenen, R.; Renger, J.; Kuttge, M.; van
Hulst, N. F.; Polman, A (2012). Deep-subwavelength
imaging of the modal dispersion of light. Nature Ma-
terials. 11: 781787. Bibcode:2012NatMa..11..781S.
doi:10.1038/nmat3402. PMID 22902895.

7 External links
An introduction to CL (from the Laboratory of Sed-
imentary System of the Seoul National University
From the discovery of the electron to subwavelength
microscopy: An introduction to cathodolumines-
cence DELMIC Microscopy Blog
Cathodoluminescence intensity mapping: Adding
an extra dimension to your research DELMIC Mi-
croscopy Blog
Glowing yellow calcite and green aragonite:
Cathodoluminescence sheds light in geosciences
DELMIC Microscopy Blog
Quick look cathodoluminescence analyses and their
impact on the interpretation of carbonate reservoirs.
Case study of mid-Jurassic oolitic reservoirs in the
Paris Basin
Scientic Results about High Spatial Resolution
Gatan, a company oering commercial cathodolu-
minescence systems for SEM and TEM
Attolight, a company oering commercial cathodo-
luminescence systems
DELMIC, a company oering commercial cathodo-
luminescence systems
HORIBA Scientic, a company oering commer-
cial cathodoluminescence systems

8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
Cathodoluminescence Source: Contributors: Fredbauder, RTC,
The Anomebot, BenFrantzDale, Deglr6328, Func, Linas, Bluemoose, Rjwilmsi, CarolGray, Jaraalbe, Macmille, Prolineserver, TDogg310,
Kmarinas86, Modest Genius,, Cm the p, Meisam.fa, Plantsurfer, Magioladitis, Avicennasis, STBot, Skier Dude, Jcwf, ARTE,
Binris, Anonymous Dissident, Berserkerus, Tize, Tau666666, Addbot, , Pv42, Omnipaedista, Fotaun, Thehelpfulbot, Trappist the
monk, EmausBot, Lfzagonel, ClueBot NG, MerlIwBot, Bibcode Bot, BG19bot, ChrisGualtieri, Mysterious Whisper, JudgeDeadd, Melanie
gaillet, Usernameforwikepida, Kaitlinvb, MDayGatan, GreenC bot and Anonymous: 21

8.2 Images
File:Cl-scheme.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Pv42
File:Lock-green.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: en:File:
Free-to-read_lock_75.svg Original artist: User:Trappist the monk

8.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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