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Teaching Philosophy

Javier Isais Romo

Throughout my experience as a student teacher, coach and tutor I have

attempted to exhibit several of the traits that the teaching profession entails.
Including, knowledge in the subject area and motivational tools to encourage
students to be the best that they can be. But, there are many more skills to the
teaching profession. As an educator, it is your responsibility to create an
environment that encourages lifelong learning. Some of the criteria that I consider
to be essential in the teaching environment include the four Cs which are
communication, curiosity, caring, and cultural awareness.

Critical Thinking: Students need to develop the skills they need to be 21st
century thinker and learners. In the current era of the age of information,
students need to develop the skills to think critically and process the information
that they are receiving. By analyzing the source and content presented in texts
students will be able to make better judgements of the information that they are
being presented with.

Collaboration: Having collaboration experience enables students to have the

skills to work together with others in the globalized world. Encouraging students
to reach out to each other to solve problems and share knowledge not only builds
collaborative skills, but it also leads to deeper understanding and learning.

Communication: Teachers should promptly establish a comfortable setting

where students feel that they can interact among themselves and the teacher
with mutual respect through communication. Teachers need to demonstrate the
importance of being heard, in a democratic society. A goal in the classroom is to
establish a positive setting based on trust and care. By establishing this, you will
be preparing them for future interaction as adults in our complex society.

Creativity: Teachers need to create an environment where students are

encouraged to express themselves in various forms. Teachers need to
acknowledge that students have multiple intelligences, therefore both projects
and assessments should enable students to demonstrate their mastery of the
content. Being creative will give students the upper hand as they enter the 21st
century job market.

As a teacher, there are many qualities that you must possess, and the four
Cs, that I have mentioned serve as a foundation to the profession. I want to
give students the proper tools, to make this world a better place for them and
future generations. I do not want to simply preach the four Cs but I want to
practice them through my personal ethics and actions in the community.

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