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KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED "Chetak Chambers", 4th Floor, 14, R.N.T. Marg, Noone = 7 01 Made Pradesh 7 491 731 271 9100; 271 9191 Fax : + x 4 REOD. OFF: "Mehta Chambers", 34, Siyaganj, INDORE - 452 07 Madhya Pinte Phone : +91 731 254 0963. E-mail: Website : http:/www.kritindia. CIN : L24132MP1996PL.CO11245 May 11, 2017 * To, The Corporate Relations Department The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Tower, Dalal Street, Mumbai (M.H.) 400 001 Dear Sirs, Subject: Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 - Scrip Code: 55310 - Pursuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are enclosing the following: a) Audited Financial Results for the quartef and year ended on 31 March, 2017, b) Form A ©) Declaration in respect of statement on impact of audit qualifications 4d) Auditor's Report dated 11! May, 2017 -Stand alone ‘The said resulls is also placed on the website of the Company Thanking you, ‘Yours Faithfully, For Kriti Nutrients Limited KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED ‘CIN: L24132MP1996PLCO11245, Regd, Office:."Mohta Chambers", 34, Siyaganj,Indor 452 007 (MP.) AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2017 PARTI Lakhs (Except Earnings Per Share) Guarer endow Year Ended se Particatars HoeawTA] 31.12.2006) 34032078} —aoa2017] 30320 I. (Guudies) |unaudred| audited | (auettes) (Audited 1” [income from operations (a) Net saes/income from operations [Net of excne a77ea7] 07830] __se0839] —~aaarv.7al senza. out) . (o) Other operating income 49.17] 30283] 60) 775.87 364.20 otal income from operations (net) 4025s.04| 131.73] 9920.40]|___36702:31 2 [Expenses 2) cost of materials consumes z3si402] , 1006723] 8589.53]] —_az00.16 (0) Purchases of stockin-trade euad 38.75 23.7] 145.52 naa Ic). tnereasey/Oecreasen iventores of finished goods, | 273284] (2517.82)) —sassi] (suas (03.39] |workin- progress and stockin-rade (a) Employee benefits expense 201s] 16857 13266 677.05 + 65.60 le) Depreciation and amortisation expense s2a7] 68 sea] 243.9 no) to other expenses 7302} 9206] 766.3270] asso Total expenses 17948.s4) —s710.80| 53.34]] —_sasa.49 3 [Prof (Lose) from operations before other income, woaso] arta] sear] __v76878] rasa {nance costs and excestional tems (1-21 [other income wal ari Base] 2675 099 [Profit from Operations before Finance Costs and 400.72) 462.29] 427-76] ——taaa.00] T3732] [Exceptional itemsi+4) 8 [Finance cost 76220) 104.05 74836] a7 a9 7 [Profit rom Grdinany Actives after Finance cost but | 246.52 358.24] 278.88] asa 217.83 before Exceptional items(5-6) 8 [Exceptional tems a9 a) 2.0] 7.9 00 9. [Profit rom Orainary Adlivitos before Tax (7) 248.52] 36028 7084] 98030 73 10 [Taxxpense Tose] 84a Trg 330] 788.45 11 [Net Profit from ordinany actives ater tax @ 70) aase| 580 701.68) eso. CET] 12. [Bavaordinary tome 09 0.09 0.09 0.00 0209 13. |Not Profi trom Ordinary Actives for the period (17 +] 442.86] 239.00] ——zo1.68] 6304 323.39 lia { 14 | share of Prof / oss of associates 709 0) 2.00] 0.09 a9 418 [Minority interest 2.09 2.09 0.0] 0.00 0.09 16 |Net Profit after taxes, minority nfarost and share of 142.56) 238.0] 2.66] 630.54 2.39 profit (oss) of associates (13+ 14+ 15) 417 Paid up Equty share Capital (Face Value Rs. per share) | S003) Soa.o9 30104] S01 S004 418 |Reserves excuding Revaluation Reserves 419q) Earning per share (before extraordinary Rams) (of Ra } 1-each) (not annualised) 5) Basic 028] al oad 125 124 outed 029 os a. 124 124 419(0)[Eaming per share (ater exteaorcinary toms) (ot RE 4 -}F-each) (not annualised) | a) asic oa os) 0. 125 126 |b) otutee 029 aa aad 124 126] PARTAI ‘Statement of Assets and Liabilities 3. | Particulars Ino. As atsT05.2077] As ats 032079 ‘8 [EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1 | Shareholders’ funds 1 The above Financial Results were reviewed by the Aust Commitee on 10.05.2017 and approved by the Board of Directors at their ‘meeting held on 11% May. 2017. 2 The previous period! year igure are regrouped / rearranges wherever necessary 3 During th year the company explored opportunites by entering newer markets at penetratve pricing to excand customer base which ‘resulted in higher turnover. 4 The Board of Diecto's has recommended dividend of Rs 0 12 Per Share(12 %) forthe financial year endes on 31.03.2017, subject to approval by members in Anoual General Meeting. In he previous year the Company had paid inerim and final Divdend Rs. 012(12% ) per share 5 Other Expenses includes Prior period expenses of Rs. 2.50 Lacs for Curent year, (Previous Year Rs. 2.44 Lakhs ) 6 The figures for he quarter ended 31st March, 2017 and 3st March 2016 are the balancing fgure between the avcited figures in respect ofthe ful Financial Year and published uraubites year to date gues upto third quarter ended 31st December of he respectve Financal Year 7 The Company has only one Business Segment to be reported namely Ol Seed Extraction and Refining , as per Accounting Standard -17 ated 1th May, 2017 Place Indore For KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED DI (SHIv SINGH MEHTA) |Z) MANAGING DIRECTOR (DIN:00023523) (a) Share capital 501 04 so1.08 ~ | (0) Reserves and surplus 333167 | 2,766.98 ‘Subsotal- Shareholders funds| 3.83271] 3,258.02 2 | Minority interest 5 3 [Non-Current Liabilities (a) Long-term borrowings 0.00 7000 (b) Deferred tax ables (net) ser02 51991 {6} Other long-term labities 15958 15431 ‘Subsotal- Non- current liabilities! 706.58 7aa.22 44| Carrent Wabiities (@) Shorterm borowings 3.306 14 1055.69 (b) Trade payables 173982 11548.38 (6) Other curent abilities 298.20 ‘602.08 (a) Shorterm provisions 32909 ‘Sub-total - Current iabiitea| 3535.20 "TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 70,320.36 7547.44 8 [assers . 1] Non-current assets (a) Fed assets 3507.03 3,458.82 (©) Nor-curret investments Bat aat (@) Long-term loans and advances oan 4783 (4) Other non-current assets 19.12 1924 ‘Subsotal- Non-curvent asset Bia8 67 353430 2) Current assets (@) Curent investments (©) Inventores| 3.95393 2443.70 (0) Trade receivables 1485.99 507.36 (6) Cash and Bank Balances 193.36 18231 - |e) Shosterm loans and advances 287.58 42875 (Other current assets 890.83 453.02 ‘Subtotal - Current ase! 3,591.69 a013.14 TOTAL ASSETS 70,320.36, TAT A } Notes KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED "Chetak Chambers", 4th Floor, 14, R.N.T. Marg, INDORE - 452 001 Madhya Pradesh. Phone : +91 731 271 9100; 271 9191 Fax : +91 731 270 4506; 404 2118, REGD. OFF. : "Mehta Chambers’, 34, Siyaganj, INDORE - 452 007 Madhya Pradesh, Phone : #91 731 254 0963. E-mail :, Website : CIN : L24132MP1996PLCO11245 Form A (For audit report with unmodified opinion) (Pursuant To Regulation 33(d) Of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 1_| Name of the company | KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED 2 | Annual financial statements for the | 31 March 2017 year ended Z 3_| Type of Audit observation [Un Modified 4 [Frequency of observation [NA ee FOR: KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED ee cea Shiv Singh Mehta { janoj Fadnis Managing Director Chairman Audit Committee DIN: 00023523 DIN: 01087055 Chief Financial Officer Chartered Ace: “Schema For: R.S. BANSAL & COMPANY Vijay Bansal Partner M.No. 075344. Date: 11.05.2017 Place: Indore KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED "Chetak Chambers", 4th Floor, 14, R.N.T. Marg, INDORE - 452 001 Madhya Pradesh Phone : +91 731 271 9100; 271 9191 Fax : +91 731 270 4506; 404 2118. REGD. OFF. : "Mehta Chambers", 34, Siyaganj, INDORE - 452 007 Madhya Pradesh. Phone : +91 731 254 0963. E-mail:, Website : CIN : L24132MP1996PLCO11245, May 11, 2017 To, ‘The Corporate Relations Department ‘The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited : Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Tower, Dalal Street, Mumbai (M.H.) 400 001 Dear Sirs, Subject: Submission of declaration as per Second proviso to the Regulation 33(3)(d) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulation, 2015-for the Annual Audited Financial Results for the year ended 31"Mareh, 2017. ‘ Scrip Code: 533210 - Dear Sir, We hereby submit the following declaration regarding unmodified Auditors Report on the Audited Financial Results/Statements for the year 31March, 2017 as audited by the Auditors of the Company. DECLARATION ing obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2013, and amendments made therein vide SEBI Circular No SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2016-17 dated 25" May,2016 and further amendment dated 27" May, 2016, We, the undersigned do hereby declare that in the Audit Report, accompanying the Annual Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended on 31.03.2017, the Auditor does not expressed any Modified Opinion(s)’ Audit Qualification(s)/ or other Reservation(s) and accordingly the the statement on impact of audit qualifications is not required to be given Pursuant to SEBI (Listi + You are requested to please consider and take on record the same. ‘Thanking you Yours faithfully For Kriti Nutrients Ltd. a Shiv Singh Mehta Managing Director © 2702834-36 « Fax 0731-4003435 Chartered Accountants email: vbansal@yahoo.o.n R. S. Bansal & Co. “Urvashi 1st Foor, 3 Jaora Compound, Indore - 452 001 A CA. Vijay Bansal CA. Ravindra Kumar Chour: CA. Neha Shuklz B.Com. FCA, DISA (ICA) B.Com., FCA M.Com., M.Phil, ACA Auditor’s Report on Quarterly and Annual Financial Results of Kriti Nutrients Limited Pursuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 To, The Board of Directors Kriti Nutrients Limited Indore We have audited the accompanying quarterly financial results of KRITI NUTRIENTS LIMITED (‘the Company”) for the quarter ended March 31, 2017 and the year to date results for the period from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, attached herewith, being submitted by the company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. These quarterly and annual financial results have been prepared on the basis of financial statements which are the responsibility of the Company's Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial results based on our audit of such financial statements which have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards notified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on auditing generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the Financial Results are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts disclosed in financial results. An audit also includes assessing the audit principles used and significant estimates made by the management. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, these quarterly financial results and annual financial result i. are presented in accordance with the requirements of regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in this regard; and ii. give a true and fair view of the net profit and other financial information for the quarter as well as year ended March 31, 2017. FOR: R. S. & COMPANY Chartered Accouintants; Firm Reg. No.: Place: Indore Dated: 11% May, 2017

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