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SCV 1203

Name : Megat Muhammad Syafiq bin Idris

ID No : AC 100299
I/C No : 880320-56-5237
For this activity, I have selected three of the most famous websites in sports which is, and My evaluation and comparison for these websites are based on
the e-catalog and e-purchasing system provided by each of these sites. Firstly, here are some
of the important data recorded:

1. Website Analysis for :

Time (secs) No. of pages No. of device No. of mouse

switches clicks
First Trial 20:19:35 13 3 68
Second Trial 13:45:40 10 2 60
Third Trial 9:20:28 6 2 52

2. Website Analysis for :

Time (secs) No. of pages No. of device No. of mouse

switches clicks
First Trial 10:13:30 9 8 28
Second Trial 8:03:47 10 3 22
Third Trial 5:11:16 8 1 14

3. Website Analysis for :

Time (secs) No. of pages No. of device No. of mouse

switches clicks
First Trial 13:20:11 8 5 17
Second Trial 3:05:25 5 1 9
Third Trial 1:15:57 5 1 8

The Analysis
Based on my tiny experiment, now I can conclude the advantages and disadvantages of
the e-catalog and e-purchasing system provided by, and
My evaluation is based on the efficiency, effectiveness, and user-friendliness of each websites.

The first website is What I like about this site is the design,
arrangement and layout design. The style is very attractive, interactive, clean and user-friendly.
For the e-catalog and e-purchasing system, provides a special link which is, developed for customer to purchase via online. All the products of this brand
are gathered into this site and customer can easily find or search their desired items. Besides
that, customer can also modify, alter or edit the product(s) that they want based on their own
taste. For example, they can change the color of the item, add their own name, insert symbols
and even their national flag. The system is highly effective, has high-level security and
users/customers will be satisfied with the services that provided because the
information on each item is very detail and easy to understand by users. The e-purchasing
system is very easy to use and users will have no problem if they intend to purchase items this
site. My recommendations for is, provide instructions for users. Although the system
is very easy to use, instructions are always important for customers.

The second website is At first, I was so impress with the design of the
page because it is very attractive. But my disappointment came when I visited the e-catalog and
e-purchasing system from this website. The e-catalog system is complete because it contains all
the products from adidas brand. But responded very slowly. Interaction became
very difficult and user can lose their interest. The e-purchasing system for this site is another
disappointment in my opinion. Because the system is very slow and users have to wait more
than a minute to be able to purchase or order items. I am very frustrated because
is a very famous site and they should prevent this problem to occur. What I like about this site
is the detailed information provided by the e-purchasing system. It has complete description of
all the products and users can also modify their desired item. I recommend that
should improve their e-purchasing system into a system that is more reliable, efficient,
systematic, easy and most importantly fast and secure system for their customers.

The third website is is a fully-flash website and

surprisingly this site responded very well and fast. The design is simple but the e-catalog and e-
purchasing system is very effective and has high level of security. One thing that frustrated me
is the choice of products and items from Umbro. The products are very limited and the catalog
contains very few items. The e-purchasing system of contains high-level security
system which protects all the customers. I am so impressed with the security level because it
makes purchasing more safe and secure between Umbro-customer. The system also provides
complete data which can help customer to buy their products. I recommend that
should put more items in their e-catalog and e-purchasing system so that they can attract more
customers. The system is already good but only has few products to be display to customers.

The Statistics

For this project, I used Camtasia Studio 7 to record all the screen activities. Mouse
clicking action can be detected by the signal I have set in Camtasia Studio. I have compiled all
the recorded data and produced a 17-minute video.

In the video, I applied special effects such as cursor effects, title clips and callouts.
Cursor effects are used to show mouse clicking action. This can determine how many times I
clicked the mouse. The recorded video also helped me to determine the number of times I used
the keyboard. Title clips are used to define topics in the video. And callouts are used to
highlight some important moments in the video. The time is recorded by using the timer in
Camtasia Studio 7.

Some of the problems that I’ve countered with while doing this assignment is the
internet connection. The Wifi-UTM is quite slow and collecting data is difficult in this situation.
Some of the pages such as can’t be fully-explored because of the connection
problem. But somehow, I did manage to get it solve by visiting the same site again at midnight
where the internet connection is quite fast.

Another problem is the server from The site responded very slowly, even
after several times of refreshing and reloading. Most of the pages in this site can’t be recorded
completely because of the slow responding time.

As for the conclusion, despite all the problems that I’ve countered, I learned a lot and
gained many useful information. I learned the importance of having a very good, well-construct,
safe and systematic system is crucial in sending a clear and effective message to users.

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