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MCQs Test of 1st Professionals College of Nursing NMCH Multan

Topic: Environmental Health Time: 45 min

Max Marks: 50

1. Historically the highest priority in environmental health is controlling:

a. Infectious diseases
b. Air pollution
c. Population growth
d. Energy waste

2. In _________ the UN conference on the humane environment focused the

attention of the whole world on the environmental hazards:
a. 1975
b. 1972
c. 1999
d. 2001

3. Which of the following is the disadvantage of landfill?

a. It becomes unstable when decomposition occurs.
b. Buried chemicals leaks into the soil
c. It is often a breeding ground for infectious diseases
d. All of the above

4. The increase in the concentration of green house gases is primarily the effect
a. The release of CSFs
b. Energy used in the developed world.
c. Heavy metal contaminations
d. Temperature inversions

5. The definition of environment The control of all those factors in mans

physical environment which exercise or may exercise a deleterious effect on
his physical development, health and survival is given by:
a. World Health Organizations (WHO)
b. American Nursing Association (ANA)
c. Canadian Nursing Association (CAN)
d. American Nursing of Credentialing center (ANCC)

6. ________ refers to the group of individuals of any one kind of organisms living
together in a particular locality is called as:
a. Community
b. Ecosystem
c. Population
d. Biosphere

7. Two major components of ecosystem are:

a. Living and non living things
b. Living and non living organisms

c. Environment, humane and health

d. Environmental health components

8. The ozone layer protects the ear from excessive:

a. Radon exposure
b. Nuclear radiation
c. Ultra violet radiations
d. Chlorofluorocarbons

9. Plants are called as _________ and animals are called as __________:

a. Consumers, producers
b. Producers , consumers
c. Producers, decomposers
d. Decomposers, consumers

10. Lead poisoning is the serious problem among children who:

a. Live in older buildings
b. Have low birth weight
c. Have not been vaccinated
d. Have poor diet.

11. All of the following strategies can help reduce chemical pollution and its
health effects EXCEPT:
a. Burning your trash
b. Buying locally grown and/or organic produce
c. Eat less meat
d. Staying out of the houses for few days after fumigating

12. Which of the following is not a possible effect of exposure to the

possible noise?
a. High blood pressure
b. High Blood cholesterol
c. Deafness
d. Tinnitus.

13. All are the factors effecting the ecosystem and environmental health
a. Population Explosion
b. Industrialization
c. Urbanization
d. Food products

14. Excessive overflow of water from river to nearby villages and town and
towns and disrupts the entire life and environment called as:
a. Floods
b. Water outflow
c. Earthquake
d. Land slid

15. Contamination of the environment by substances that are potentially

harmful to living and non living things is called as:
a. Environmental pollution
b. Environmental pollutants
c. Environmental Hazard
d. Environmental pollution and pollutants

16. Effects of air pollution are:

a. Respiratory disorders
b. Heart problems
c. Brain damage
d. All of the above

17. All are the sources of air pollution except:

a. Industries
b. Automobiles
c. Chemical fertilizers
d. Landfills

18. Acid rain was detected by Robert Angus in ____

a. 1872
b. 1999
c. 1888
d. 2001

19. The method of reducing of pollutants in the air which can be done by
excessive planting of trees and vegetation around residential and industrial
areas is called as:
a. Contamination method.
b. Replacement method
c. Dilution
d. Disinfection of air
20. About _______ of water on the earth is in the oceans:
a. 97%
b. 88%
c. 97%
d. 77%

21. All of the following WHO guidelines regarding water Quality standards
a. Accessibility of water
b. Chemical substance
c. Radiological aspect
d. Water purification

22. Unwanted chemical, organic and other substances which get added in
an indefinite proportion in the soil or on land and destroy the soil and causes
soil erosion is called as:
a. Land pollution

b. Land pollutant
c. Both a & b
d. Landfill

23. In filtration, the amount of dissolved solids passing through the filters is:
a. Difference between total solids and suspended solids
b. Sum of total solids and suspended solids
c. Independent of suspended solids
d. None of the above

24. Permanent hardness is caused due to:

a. Magnesium carbonate
b. Magnesium bicarbonate
c. Magnesium sulphate
d. All of the above

25. The excess presence of which of the following cause the teeth of
children mottled and discolored?
a. Fluorides
b. Chlorides
c. Hardness
d. All of the above

26. The source of Arsenic in water is:

a. Industrial waste
b. Fertilizers
c. Phosphate rocks
d. All of the above

27. The process of nutrient enrichment is termed as:

a. Eutrophication
b. Limiting nutrients
c. Enrichment
d. Schistosomiasis

28. Which of the following is not a water borne disease?

a. Typhoid
b. Scabies
c. Cholera
d. Hepatitis

29. Which of the following is not a water hygiene disease?

a. Leprosy
b. Conjunctivitis
c. Trachoma
d. Diarrhea

30. The major contributor of Carbon monoxide is:

a. Motor vehicle

b. Industrial processes
c. Stationary fuel combustion
d. None of the above

31. Ozone of found in:

a. Mesosphere
b. Ionosphere
c. Stratosphere
d. Exosphere

32. Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by a photochemical reaction


a. Ultra violet solar radiation

b. Infra red radiation
c. Visible light
d. All of the above

33. Natural source of pollution is

a. rain forest
b. mining for minerals
c. forest fire
d. falling of meteoroids

34. Harmful substance released by power plants and cars is

a.carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. potassium
d. magnesium

35. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) remains in atmosphere for

a.22 to 111 years

b. 30 to 50 years
c. 80 to 90 years
d. 10 to 20 years

36. Causes of air pollution includes

a. chlorofluorocarbon
b. cars and motor vehicles
c. power plants and industries
d.all of above

37. Addition of harmful substances that has bad effects on environment and
living things is classified as

a. allotrophication

b. eutrophication
c. atmospheric pressure

38. Disease that are caused by air pollution includes

a. lung cancer
b. respiratory illness
c. skin diseases
d.all of above

39. Salinization of soil is classified as type of pollution
b. light pollution
c. radioactive contamination
d. noise pollution

40. Large number of organisms can die if there is

a. low level of oxygen

b. low level of carbon dioxide
c. low level of methane
d. low level of ethane

41. Layer of atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet rays from Sun is called

a. troposphere
b. ozone layer
c. thermosphere
d. mesosphere

42. Air condition equipment, leaking refrigerators, spray cans and burning
of plastic foams release

a. carob-oxides
b. herbicides
c. pesticides
d. chlorofluorocarbon

43. Consequences of deforestation includes

a. burning of fossil fuels

b. soil erosion
c. flooding
d. climate changes

44. What is land pollution?


a. This is the contamination of the environment with bad toxic,

chemical and waste
b. Contamination of the ones home
c. Growing of trees and cutting them down
d. Cutting down of trees and using them to make furniture

45. Which of these factors is not a cause in an increase in land pollution?

a. Increase in solid waste of garbage on open lots
b. Toxic waste
c. Proper disposal of cans in nearby bins
d. Radioactive waste

46. Death of fish in lakes and rivers in some countries has been attributed
a. gaseous pollutants
b. air toxics
c. acid rains
d. pollution
47. Biological decay, forest fires and volcanic eruptions are example of

a. gaseous pollutants
b. water pollutants
c. human-caused pollution
d. all of these

48. Aluminum (Al) salts may become fatal to fish if allowed to react with

a. soil in rivers
b. soil in lakes
c. fossil fuel
d. gaseous pollutants like acid rains

49. High level radioactive waste can be managed in which of the

following ways?

a. Open dumping
b. Composting
c. Incineration
d. Dumping in sealed containers

50. Biomedical waste may be disposed of by?

a. Incineration
b. Autoclaving
c. Land filling
d. Both (b) and (c)

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