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Evolution plus 2 TESTY AUDIOSCRIPT

Track 01 dressed after I eat and brush my teeth. Ive got

Unit Test 1, Activity 1 time, dont worry.
Dad: What time do you go to school?
1 My brother lives in a small town. He likes books and Lisa: At 8:15, but classes start at 8:45.
good food. I like meat but his favourite food is Dad: OK. Help yourself to breakfast.
pancakes. I talk to him on the Internet a lot. Lisa: Dad, why dont we go out for pizza in the
2 I live in a house in a small town but my brother lives Dad: Thats not very healthy, you know. And Im
in a flat in a big city. His flat is really cool! Ive got a very busy. Ive got a lot of work in the
picture of it on my smartphone. Look! afternoon.
Lisa: But Dad its my birthday today! Do your
3 I live with my brother in the country. I go to school best! Whats all that noise?
in a small town. Weve got a fantastic games console. Dad: Its your birthday present. Happy birthday!
We play games a lot. Lisa: Wow, a dog! Thank you, Dad.
Dad: Look after your new pet every day. Get up
4 Ive got a new games console and my brother has got early and go for a walk with your dog. You
a new smartphone. Its got many apps and he can listen can go out with him in the morning and I can
to music on his earphones. do it in the evening.
Lisa: Oh, OK.
5 I live with my brother. He reads a lot of e-books. He Dad: Have you got any plans for the evening? Do
isnt happy when I play my games console because its you want to meet your friends?
noisy. He tells me to use his headphones. Lisa: No, I havent got any plans for the evening.
Dad: And I havent got any work in the evening.
Track 02 Lets go for a pizza!
Unit Test 2, Activity 1 Lisa: Great! What time?
Dad: Why dont we go at seven? You can take your
John: Today in our local radio, theres a famous dog with you.
singer with us Anna Rose. Hello Anna. Lisa: Wow! Thank you, Dad!
Anna: Hello, John. Nice to see you again.
John: Anna. Tell us please about your new CD. Is it Track 04
in the music stores now? Unit Test 4, Activity 1
Anna: Yes, you can buy it in the big music stores.
There are many fantastic new songs on it. Zoe:
Please come to my concert at the stadium. Hi, my name is Zoe. I live in a big flat in the city
John: Anna, you look great. Are you on a diet? centre. I never make my bed. I really hate doing this
Anna: You know that I sing and dance at my but I tidy up my room every day and vacuum all the
concerts. I eat healthy food because I want to carpets in our flat once a week. I often do the
look young and feel good. I love orange washing-up too, but I dont do it every day.
juice and I drink it every day at breakfast, but I dont iron any clothes but my dad likes ironing. He
when Im on stage, Ive got some water irons clothes every day.
with me. I dont drink orange juice when I
sing. Elliot:
John: Whats your favourite food? Hi, Im Elliot and I live in a small house in the
Anna: Tomato soup, I think. But I dont like rice. country. I dont tidy up a lot and I dont have to
There isnt any rice in my diet but I like pasta. vacuum the carpets because we havent got any carpets
John: Where do you buy your food? at home! I do other kinds of housework. For example,
Anna: Ive got a house in a big city and not in the I take out the rubbish every evening. My mum is often
country but I buy my food in the market or go angry with me because I dont sweep the floor and I
to a greengrocers. Ive got a lot of fans, only make my bed once or twice a week. I know this
so I go shopping with two security guards! isnt good but I hate making the bed.

Track 03 Lucy:
Unit Test 3, Activity 1 Hi, my names Lucy. I live in a big house in the
suburbs. I like sweeping the floor so I often sweep it in
Dad: Lisa its 7:15 and youre not ready for school. my own and my sisters room. I never do the
Have a shower, get dressed and come down for washing-up. My sister does it. She likes it. I dont like
breakfast. doing the washing-up but I take out the rubbish. I dont
Lisa: But Dad, I dont have a shower in the morning wash my clothes but I always iron them in the morning
because I have a bath in the evening. And I get before I go to school.

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 Macmillan Polska 2014

Evolution plus 2 TESTY AUDIOSCRIPT
Track 05 going to the cinema to see this new science
Unit Test 5, Activity 1 fiction film. Are you into science fiction?
Lewis: Yes, I am, but Im learning English this
Amber: Ben, stop tweeting and talk to me, please. Sunday evening. Theres a test on Monday.
Ive got a problem. And I want to watch the stars. Ive got a new
Ben: Im not tweeting Amber, Im busy. telescope.
Amber: What are you doing?
Ben: Im looking at some photos of bike helmets Track 07
on the Internet. Ive got a new bike and Unit Test 7, Activity 1
elbow pads but I havent got a bike helmet or
knee pads. I have to buy them. Its 1 Hi, my names Matt. I usually go to the mountains
important to have the correct sports kit, with my family in August but this year we were in
you know. Mallorca. Mallorca is a small island. My brother
Amber: Come on, Ben! Its really important. wanted to stay near the beach but we stayed in the city
Ben: Ok, ok. Whats the matter? centre. It was awesome!
Amber: Can you help me with my maths homework?
Its really tricky. Im in a maths competition 2 Hi, my names Kate. We usually go to the mountains
at school. Laura is in the lead so I have to in summer. We often stay at my grandparents little
get a good grade this time. You have to help holiday house. I love climbing mountains. Last year
me. we were in the mountains too but we stayed in a big
Ben: Im not good at maths, but show it to me, hotel. It was awesome!
anyway. Uhm Im sorry. I havent got a
clue. Why dont you talk to mum? 3 Hi, my names Ryan. Last year we stayed at my
Amber: Shes busy too. Shes working in the dining brothers holiday house near the lake. My brothers
room and dad isnt at home. Never mind. family wasnt there because they were on holiday in a
I have to go now anyway. big hotel in Egypt at the time. There arent any hotels
Ben: Where are you going? there, its a long way from any city, and theres a
Amber: Im going to the sports centre now. Theres a forest next to the house. I like staying there. I dont
karate competition. Do you want to come like swimming but I like riding my bike in the forest.
with me?
Ben: It sounds good. I like karate but I need to Track 08
have dinner first. Lets meet in the kitchen. Unit Test 8, Activity 1
Amber: Ok. See you in a minute.
Track 06 Jenny: Emily, how was your birthday yesterday?
Unit Test 6, Activity 1 Did you have a birthday party?
Emily: No, I didnt, but it was a great day! I went
Katie: Hello Lewis. How are things? What are you to a caf with my parents and then we went
doing on Saturday? to the park. In the park, we took some
Lewis: I usually go to the swimming pool with my great photos near the lake.
Dad in the morning, but this week were Jenny: Cool. And whats this?
going swimming on Sunday so I havent Emily: Oh, this is my birthday present. Its a
got any plans. No, wait a minute. My sister is laptop! Its got a very good touchpad.
taking me tenpin bowling on Saturday Jenny: Wow! It sounds awesome. Can I have a
evening. Why are you asking? look?
Katie: Well, Im going to the skate park in the Emily: Sure. I can show you the photos with the
morning. Why dont you come with me? lake.
Lewis: I dont go to the skate park very often but Jenny: Wow! Its really beautiful. Emily, whats
OK, lets go there. Do you have any other happening? The laptop isnt working.
plans for Saturday? Emily: Oh, dont worry. It isnt turned on. Wait a
Katie: Im meeting Mark in the evening and were minute. Its OK now, click on this icon and
going to a hip hop concert. visit my website to see the photos.
Lewis: Sounds cool.
Katie: And what are you doing on Sunday? 2
Lewis: Im having lunch with my friends in this new Tom: Whats the matter, Kayla?
caf next to the church. And you? What are Kayla: Our team didnt win the competition. Tina
you doing on Sunday? didnt jump very high so the Braxton team
Katie: Im going to church in the morning. Im not was in the lead, and we were second. But
going out to a caf this weekend so Im then I didnt jump very well either and ...
having lunch at home. At eight oclock, Im Tom: So did you finish second?

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 Macmillan Polska 2014

Evolution plus 2 TESTY AUDIOSCRIPT
Kayla: No, we finished in third place and the Charlie: Well, theyve got a small restaurant in the
Braxton team was first. town centre. There arent many restaurants
Tom: Calm down! Its not the end of the world! in our town. There are two ... no ... three ...
Theres my parents restaurant, one in the
3 shopping mall and another one in Black
Organizer: Chloe, come here quick. Help me with Street.
the passport. I cant read the dates. Host: What do you do in your free time, Charlie?
When were you born? On 2nd July Charlie: I meet friends, play on the games console
1993? or, at the weekend, I help my parents at the
Chloe: No, I wasnt born in July. I was born restaurant. They get up at 6:15 and go to the
on 2nd June 1998. restaurant. I help them in the morning. I get
Organizer: And your sister? When was she born? up at 7 oclock, have breakfast and at 7:45,
Chloe: She was born on 12th January 1990. I ride my bike to the restaurant.
Organizer: So who was born on 20th July 1996? Host: Does Lisa help at the restaurant too?
Chloe: My brother, Peter. Charlie: Yes, she does but she goes to the restaurant
in the evening. My brothers help my
Track 09 parents too. They go to the restaurant in the
Unit Test 9, Activity 1 afternoon, after school. They dont help at
the weekend because at the weekend they
1 Abigail get up at 10 oclock and at 10.30 theyre on
My family is going on holiday to Italy this summer. I the way to the beach. They surf there all
love travelling by car but this year were going by day! Im not good at surfing ...
plane. I want to see a famous monument: the Leaning Host: Ok, Charlie, thats fine. Lets start
Tower of Pisa. I was in Italy last year too. We went the game ...
there by car and stayed in a beautiful historic palace
that is now a hotel. But I left my favourite purse there. Track 11
This year, were staying in a modern hotel. Cool! Progress Test Units 46, Activity 1

2 Ethan 1 Hi, Im Luke. I like learning English. We often do

I left my sports bag on the underground yesterday. I projects in our English classes. Were making a video
usually go to my karate classes by car but yesterday I about our school now. I usually get good grades
went by underground. My wallet and sports kit were in because I revise for the tests with my mum and she is a
the bag. I went to the Lost Property Office but it teacher.
wasnt there. Im happy that I didnt take my laptop
with me that day. 2 Hi, Im Lucy. I love making music mixes and
playing the guitar. I often listen to electropop or rock
3 Megan music.
I had a great time last year on our trip to Spain. But it I dont usually listen to classical or folk music.
wasnt all good. I left my brand new suitcase on the sometimes play concerts for my parents in the living
plane when we changed planes in France. We stayed in room.
an impressive modern hotel near the beach. It was
good fun! 3 Hi, Im Max. I dont like playing musical
I enjoyed going to the beach on foot. My brother and instruments or watching TV. I prefer going out and
his friends travelled to Spain by car to be with us, but doing some sport.
they stayed in a hotel in the city centre. I sometimes play with a ball in the garden. I never play
in the living room or in my bedroom because my
Track 10 parents really hate it.
Progress Test Units 13, Activity 1
4 Hi, Im Peter. Im into thrillers. I dont like watching
Host: Whos next in our competition? Well ... its: the news or historical films. I often watch TV in the
Charlie Rowley! Charlie, tell us about your living room. But when my brother has extra English
family. classes I have to watch my favourite films in my
Charlie: Well, I live with my parents and two bedroom.
brothers. We live in a large house in the
suburbs. My sister, Lisa, doesnt live with us. 5 Hi, Im Shannon. Im not good at any sports. I prefer
Shes a student and lives in a flat with her listening to classical music or watching a ballet. I like
friends. Sorry, Im very nervous. historical films too. In my free time, I sometimes make
Host: Dont be nervous, Charlie. What do your videos too.
parents do?

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Evolution plus 2 TESTY AUDIOSCRIPT
Track 12 3
Final Test, Activity 1 Dad: What size is it, Jenny?
Jenny: Its medium. I love it dad! What do you think?
Ruby: Hi, my names Ruby. And whats your name? Dad: Yes, its really nice, and I think its just right
Ross: My names Ross. What hobbies have you got? for you.
Ruby: I like running and rollerblading. And I play the Jenny: So can I have it?
violin in a folk band too. Dad: Dont you want to try on the green one too?
Ross: In a folk band? Is it fun? Jenny: No, this one is cool.
Ruby: Yes, of course. Especially the concerts.
A lot of tourists come to our town because
there is a famous historic cathedral in the Old Track 14
Town. In the summer, we often play there and Exam Practice Test 1, Activity 2
collect money for charity. Last year, our band
went to a music competition in France. It was 1
awesome! And you? What do you do in your Anna, I need some mushrooms and spinach for your
free time? favourite pasta. Can you buy them at the greengrocers
Ross: Well, my mum likes folk music too, but I dont on your way home? Dad is working late today and
listen to any music. I prefer going to Danny is at grandma's, so the dinner is just for the two
woodwork classes. These are really great! I of us.
also spend a lot of time with my friends. I do
some martial arts and ride a bike in a cycling 2
team. We often go to competitions in Mike: Hey Emily, its me, Mike. Can you hear me?
Germany. I like to spend time with my parents Emily: Hi. I can hear really loud music. Are you
too. This year, were going to a famous theme listening to you new CD again?
park in France! Mike: No, Im not. Im at the stadium. My favourite
Ruby: Sounds great! And what do your parents do? band is on stage now. I cant believe it! The
Ross: My mum works in a department store in the screen is just like a giant TV, and I can see the
city centre and my dad is a taxi driver. And singer very well. Its so exciting!
where do your parents work?
Ruby: My mum works for a charity organisation and 3
my dad is a businessman. He often goes to Today in the studio weve got Tim Morrison. He
work by taxi. sometimes saves peoples lives, but hes not a
Ross: Cool. Do you like going to the cinema? lifeguard. He works in a hospital, but hes not a doctor.
Who is he? Yes, a nurse! Tim its great to have you
Track 13 here.
Exam Practice Test 1, Activity 1
1 Mark: Hi Eva, Im calling about our visit to the
Isabel: Hey Jack, what are your plans for tomorrow? museum. I dont know the city very well, and I
Jack: I really like Saturdays, but this Saturday is a dont know how to get there. Is it
horror. somewhere near the department store?
Isabel: Really? Why is that? Eva: No, it isnt. It's ...
Jack: I have to revise for my maths test on Monday. Mark: Listen, Ive got an idea. Can I meet you in the
I hate maths. Its difficult. city centre at 4:30? We can go there together, I
Isabel: No, it isnt. Its easy. I can tell you how to dont want to get lost.
improve your grades. 5 oclock, my place? Eva: Sure, no problem!
Jack: Thanks, Isabel! Youre a great friend!
Track 15
2 Exam Practice Test 1, Activity 3
Kyle: Sally, what time is the party on Friday?
Sally: 6 oclock. Are you coming with Mike and 1
Josh? Teacher: Daniel, just look at your desk. Please
Kyle: Yes. But weve got a problem. We dont know tidy it up a bit.
how to get to the club. Daniel: Ive only got some books on my desk
Sally: Oh, its easy. The club is in the city centre, Teacher: and a sandwich. Break is over! Please
next to the post office. Turn right behind the work with Joshua.
cinema. We can meet in front of it at 5:45. Daniel: Great, I love doing projects!
Kyle: That sounds good, thanks!

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 Macmillan Polska 2014

Evolution plus 2 TESTY AUDIOSCRIPT
2 Andy: Oh, I wanted to invite you to a reggae concert.
Mum: Matt, I need potatoes and some lamb. Jen: Im sorry Andy, Im going tenpin bowling
Matt: Are they in the fridge? with my sister and her friends, but you can join
Mum: Yes, they are. Oh, and some peas. And us!
Matt, can you sweep the floor? Theres some Andy: Thanks. Maybe some other time.
dry pasta on it. Thanks.
Matt: No problem, Mum! 2
Youre listening to Radio Roxy. In the next three hours
3 be prepared for some really great music: the new
Shop assistant: Can I help you? album of the famous electropop group The Loops.
Woman: Yes, Id like some fresh raspberries Then, at 5:30 a fantastic rock concert with many local
and a jar of honey. artists. And now some important information. The
Shop assistant: Here you are. These organic interview with the hip hop star Big Misha is not at
raspberries are perfect for pies. 6:00, as we said before. Its at 6:15. Dont miss it! Stay
Woman: Thank you. How much are they? tuned!
Shop assistant: 2.50.
Maria: Oh, hi Harry, great to have you back. How
Track 16 was your holiday?
Exam Practice Test 1, Activity 4 Harry: It was awesome. We were in the mountains
my parents, my sister and I. We went
Emma: Hi, are you a new student in our class? hiking every day. Did you have a good
Luke: Yes, Im new, but I already know some time?
people. Like Josh. Weve got the same Maria: Well, it was OK. I went to the lakes in
hobbies. August. But the weather was terrible.
Emma: Really? Do you like board games too? Josh Harry: Its not the end of the world. Last year we
is crazy about them. went to the seaside and it was raining too.
Luke: I do. I hate games consoles and computer We spent the holidays tweeting and
games. I think theyre boring. watching ghost stories, can you imagine
Emma: Oh, my best friend Isabel likes computer that?
games. Can you see her? Shes got her
laptop with her today. She loves 4
computers, blogging and downloading Michael, are you busy now? Somethings wrong with
music. my printer. I tried to print out the poster for todays
Luke: And whos the boy sitting there alone, concert, but its not working. Its probably my fault.
reading a book? Can you please come over and have a look at it? Call
Emma: Oh, thats Benjamin. Hes revising for a me back, ok?
Luke: Oh, I see. I hate doing tests. Track 19
Emma: Hey, lets help my friend Lisa. Shes Exam Practice Test 2, Activity 2
cleaning the board and the lesson starts in a
minute. Lets get moving. 1
Luke: Great idea. Lets clean the board together. Tim: Emma, can you help me with this? Its just
too difficult.
Track 17 Emma: Let me have a look. Is this for a science
Exam Practice Test 1, Activity 5 project?
Tim: No, its for a test. Heres my notebook.
1 Whats the matter with Lisa? Emma: Hmm, I dont know. Wait, I can bring the
2 I have to sweep the floor twice a day. laptop from my room and we can visit the
3 The concert starts in 10 minutes. website of the Science Museum and find the
4 Are there any pancakes left? answers online.

Track 18 2
Exam Practice Test 2, Activity 1 Teacher: OK, here we are. We have to look
1 Student: Ms Finney, look, its the bird we saw
Andy: Hi Jen. Any plans for this afternoon? yesterday in our book.
Jen: I usually go shopping with my dad on Fridays, Teacher: Very good, Daniel.
but he is working late today , so Ive got Student: I like the trees too. Are they green all year
different plans. long?

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 Macmillan Polska 2014

Evolution plus 2 TESTY AUDIOSCRIPT
3 sports at the moment. Shes probably
Tom: Mum, can we go somewhere else now? Its so writing her blog now. Its about tennis.
boring here. Boy: Oh, thats cool. I like tennis too. I can talk to
Mum: Just relax and enjoy the sunshine! her later. Whats her name, by the way?
Tom: Ive got a better idea. Why dont we go for a Girl: Its Mia. You can talk to her, but be careful.
swim? Ethan really likes her.
Mum: Great idea. I only hope the water isnt too cold. Boy: Ethan, is this the boy making a video with his
Girl: Yes, thats him. He loves making videos and
Track 20 taking pictures.
Exam Practice Test 2, Activity 3 Boy: I can see that. OK, lets get moving and start
running. Ready?
Dad: Rachel, Mums out so why dont we watch
something together this evening? Ive got a Track 22
fantastic comedy. Exam Practice Test 2, Activity 5
Rachel: Well, I like comedies, but I prefer ghost
stories. Theyre awesome! I like being 1 Are they winning the game?
scared. 2 We lost the game.
Dad: Oh, Im not sure. Can we choose something 3 Are you into films?
not too scary? 4 Excuse me. Can you help me?
Rachel: I think Ive got the perfect film for us The
smile of a ghost!
Track 23
Mum: Jack, please, get moving. Its really late. Evolution plus 2 Tests
Jack: Mum, can you help me? I dont know where Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2009
my knee pads are. Polish edition Macmillan Polska 2014
Mum: Please check in your wardrobe, between your
jeans and T-shirts. Just get them quickly, Im
going to the garage.
Jack: Thanks mum. Im coming soon.

Jamie: Hey, Katie, I took lots of great photos in the
park yesterday. Do you want to see them?
Katie: Sure, but we cant use my laptop. Its not
Jamie: Let me take a look ... Is it turned on?
Katie: Hmm, I think it is.
Jamie: No, it isnt. Now, Im turning it on, and we can
look at the photos.
Katie: Thanks, genius.

Track 21
Exam Practice Test 2, Activity 4

Girl: Im happy you came here with me. I hate

running alone.
Boy: No problem. You know me, I love sports. Are
these your friends over there?
Girl: Yes, all of them. Can you see the boy wearing
a bike helmet? Its Mike. He rides a bike every
Boy: And the girl with a bike and elbow pads? Is
she his sister? They look so similar.
Girl: Its Mikes girlfriend, Hannah. They usually
do sports together. The girl with a smartphone
is her sister. She loves playing tennis but she
hurt her leg last week and she cant do any

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 Macmillan Polska 2014

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