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5I.No.: ADGS/17 50000757 , : usta, | ain 2017 Qumgy 2ipley (ucoug.oy gb) QUPsOUL Oster Cpr : 2 enti] [Qungg wAiGuenedr : 200 Bamss@ag UPoslageyrer &pésdn sfleyoremar sascmongts U_ésa)id : peau exajoredr Garg Aprainy Cpicy AemagagiG 10 AALmeesG gpcergts Aeremiusnringss pRELUBD. 2 Bp Barns Aprens 100 cHamsamers Aanein Garang, or wohiss Asrgapdr Qacilampdsnguded raen Aemssianid Or io Quppsrercaaun cram iengayih Gen ul a7guib Ceupgyssreradr & eravenaun rem engu 4D sfumiggys Oendraiagd. gpg Genpund Me iuden, yscnan Uég HS EPkEEt eopcirenoaR Cen OpficAg, situa adran Carpi, emp Apr @ciener Quip Qandrar Caveir@ib. Gptey Ggm sider Gans, HapALLrd Hamp Apne wnppip sou. wn rg. aban Hass 5squ Henuiciasayd. rear Samés eid s.o.onen nBUAUairadr amairenas. 4. erisegeoLu Ufa cence Die vaepAlen amg Cod ppaade eppAsar seoopgde OL ghd fired a(yp Cada. Cap conguiid Bang Apne cqogsé sng Deorsoner GHB TCL ctor, Ban sere aang e.his(eriG scnararfLinergad gqiLiGib, 6. erisgGeoLu UBay ctoi, Gpiayspndr cra ip FlamAGpneLiy auffers cab (Sl. No.) apsSuoupanpub Her pprciér Qycrad uanppe sease@iers aonvigiin Oimsdhd fob sda sear Sp @wUOLU Usgiperent CLamdlonad EAége srl Carn, Clopscin curiisnar Ban sprafc Biedr Colbess ang poplars Gptainsnems piléansle @OL9 Oarmany pays CopAererenciiGb, 7. Sang eemap (8), @),(C) nig D) carareng sian_aoané Garcia Bis cat GP Gx efter ALL GaxioGid. eULUGQumiignd go Cates $Cr Ge den anLitgten CRiRAEGEs Canin essen Greeks BOusivadr scr don poral @Bigiian Geoetumenden schércenadacoasau LOLs. 8 ee Oe ce amen cite QS. BD. © woyG) ran prong, cen awn sescr o-sivenen, Gears Ben uatas fs shtucn sng Beoon Cr Gq Bar aL ZO LOD upg gpm SConctoms oBagiont CourOin ged Casesign fp see mus Cptideboy dar beekSropes ConinOd. G6 Canes Sores CoxbULL Hlonuchigsnd 665 Ben sermrengnsk «BBOLOD. epryamons ruscr(B) Caniong fumes Blo. ined aeybamé org SeiaxGoreBagean. ema Cavan, @809 9. fiisdr omg Opngiiden appl uaapepiid féxGan wong AplesCa mings. Coie Corsfd Dis arrp OprgntoarGuin eg en pprenatun Gries mi. bog 9 Oawhde age Grsoem rg Bér_Brismér 2. uste5eO Us in sumer tb. Sucflerng, Agsng5iDen do fia © Risse on Oe pi6 Qedoavornd, 10. @ flied oggAld untiushe clans Apngiiddr en A LEssAbS cpedmseng 2 UCundiigs Qarérereomd, 11, apiidler uy ofles Aan GSC Geren GPL yscignce qp_ainengng 12, leans Grider cerroous Gu Cour, GUI GS arc. Coun memgy. 18. Giopacin sPajonsché cronpunag, Sfland Cpicurmerutd gyAaQegn pLamsnss erie, ocrers CpAQd can eifiagssoUGEng. [ SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKLET FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS [Turn over SEAL tt Dimensional formula for work done is a MT? ®) «© MULT’ o Carcnauler Ufliorem aimiztiun® (a) MIT? ®) ML?T? «© ML'T? (D) MLT* An allotrope of carbon discovered by Richard Smalley et al. (A) Graphite (B) Diamond af Follerene @)) Carbon black Aisi do, cdorel siPlAuenisich sam pip snivieiicn yppCaxdgien.o diigouid (A) Areout. B) ere ©) yeaa D) sqdu sma Which of the following is not a green house gas? (A). Water vapour So © Os ©) Oz Geraugacaidper usmoGioo airy sroonpg 7g? A) ftom ®) Or (©) @) CO: 3 ADGS/17 [Turn over 4 Name the network structure gives shape, strength and heip in cell movement. (A) Lysosomes (B)_, Golgi bodies (C) Endoplasmic reticulum A” Cytoskeleton Qeiwse 28, agy wip Gad Qungdsdr paige dus uawsear Aad EG UTS Qarpscnad a0 @ger Aust creer? (A) we@CeunGambsdr B) Ganedél o.geuyscr (©) canGimBamne cummed D) cos Gnas orgnd sO 5 Which among the following is exempted for consuming by a person in an optimum quantity? ~ A) Salt (B)_ Sugar © Fat BP Fibre Leubpdr crangs g6fly wipeeu mh 2.ne8e snCanG oS geendrar Gas pia? @) edusie ®) siéses ©) Qamagiy @) prisigs 6. Turner syndrome is depicted by @ xy @), Xxy (© XxYY OP xO Lienflén AeinCrad Qeuery @AssuOSdrpg). (s) Liner pshmssPGsGd Gorse Barong SfssiiGdenpg. A) XY (By) XXY © xy @) xO 7. Speggnatogenesis is ‘Maturation of spermatogonia (8) Maturation of oogonia (©) Maturation of epididymus (D). Maturation of seminiferous tubule evQuinoGLgatate erenigs A) aGuiGLnGsrafiun wPEUEL so (B) omGanelun apgliSusen god CO aGgnved Pie Auoor so D) GasleAGugdo emis epPis fuer ger ADGS/17 4 5 8. 10. iL. e = was the 102 Indian Science congress was held? Mumbai {B) New Delhi (©) Ahmedabad ) Bengaluru 102 aug) Ds Sws sessed wepn@ cig pen Quis? A pbeu . Bug aad (©) saungmng OD) Guise ‘The Indian actor, who received France's Chevalier awaid in 2016 is A) Rajini Kanth ®)_, Sivaji Ganesan (©) Amitabh Bachchan @ Kamal Haasan s5uiphle (2016) Apnenoler QeardGus AEs Guin Gi Hw pgs ———— -syeunit. A) reel angs B) Aasng} sCanoer (©) ong user (D) snaponeér March 9, 2015-July 26, 2016 is a record journey time of one of the following. Identify its name, (A) AG6OO PF Solar Impulse 2 (©) JUNO @) Sky Bender Asagumapper gérsleng: sngmeni Lwesrdsro.ore 9, write 2015 apse 26, gxDeme 2016 erenpeoner eran Blanding). .21per Quiflenerd sain fs. + (A) Aq6oo B) Ganeont @iouscrew 2 (© JUNO D) dows Queen Who was appointed as the first Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog? (A) Ashok Gulati Arvind Panagariya (C) Subramaniyam Swamy (D) Y.V. Reddy NIT! gGuinsdet appa gionomg senovaupme GuuéstnnLout writ? A) aGeré gang © stimveatiud sams 5 "apesn7 (Turn over 12, In Sep 2016, India has officially declared itself free from ——————— (A) Dengue Fever ®) Yaws OO Avian Influenza @) Polio Asiibit 2016-6, @asur OPASodg wymours AGucGeA rss gsromaa aParniigienors opleAsgcrergy A) Ging smissd B) undo ©) qebluscn Qeincigpuséraor D) GurciGuur 18. Identify the joint military exercise(s) of India among the following 1 Druzhba - 2016 I. Yudh- Abhyas - 2016 TIL, Indra - 2016 (A) Tand If only ®) Tony Land II only o ILand Ill only Aaragucnaupncr, Ps Aundlerg Gono Orr wAPA/uuIGAsoond soim His IL Druzhba - 2016 (qpequm - 2016) IL Yudh - Abhyas - 2016 (j-sicusreiv - 2016) IIL, Indra - 2016 (@sArm - 2016) (A) Tudg Tol Gb (@) Igo ©) Topp Il weg ©) Hoppe I oc go ! ADGS/IT 6 S 14. 16. 16. is the most important amongest the Indian breeds of buffaloes (A) Bhadawari & Marah (© Mehsara ©) Surti QpSurchGaeu —————_——.- aéry agew Bond gncr ois sored epsAupgond emis A) unureunft ®B win © — Qwegor @) «cA Chemically formed sedimentary Rocks are (A) Limestone (B) Clay MH Gypsum @) Basalt GarPuiwd Cpenpliin, & padre LiTanD Uncyscit (A) | seioremnmiiyaserdy @) safwenr © guew D) , sqied ‘The average depth of the world oceans (3890 meters (B) 3700 meters (C) 3899 meters A 6000 meters ead a crar Gupmpeciién spre aipid (A) 3890 BCLs (B) 3700 BCL (©) 3899 Bea fac D) 6000 cL teen 7 ADGS/17 [Turn over 17. The reign of Shah Jahan is regarded as the Golden Age of Mughals because of (A) Economic prosperity (B) Religious Toleration (©) Construction of Taj Mahal Development of Mughal Art and Architecture oqrganralles yc Aésrad cpaanuitasie Gunpsroons <@piiGSpgs TGarcnprd A) Qungerpey Qaggooo B) sow sds séreno (©) saver situs gy D) paoru seme, 5 4LA sone CperGonpmid 18. Against whom did Shivaji launch his initial campaigns (A) The ruler of Bejapur (B) The Mughal emperor (©) The ruler of Ahmadnagar PP" The heriditary owner of forts and local officers of Bejapur Broan] gangs (pp Loo QusGinysener win gy Cuneo nit A SQuys snes B) Quracmu Gupgat ©). S506 pat os ©) SgQoyr wi sgcucL oo auf eflenourentaaicr Came scanpd ppd cogs sisecoamijib 19. Where did the English set up their first factory of trading depot in India (A) Bombay . 8) Madras (©) Hughli OP Surat Bpiiurdte ayiidiCouh aces. fAe pisaergs CoB exijipm ereomenns Pigcflent (A) ubumis B) Qsdrenan (©) aprsefi ©) ore ADGS/17 8 e 20. 21. 22. Mother Therasa belonged to which country? (A) England Germany (©) Rumenia w ‘Yugoslavia sichonen Ogpaun rps pmoo.é Caiipaut? , A) | Gadenig B) Aginoel © GCoahun - D) wyCancvCoctiur ‘Who has described elections as the heart of democracy? (A) James Bryce GP Joseph Schumpeter (©: Abraham Lincoln (D) Woodrow Wilson ison Audlér @gunb Guncnpgy Cpige ver anGluscuit winir? A) Ggiocr Geopeo B) Cgred svsdicLit © Brand Siscr (PD) 2.Gyn cBidoodin Which one of the following statement is not correctly matched? (A) Article 53 - deals with the Executive Authority of President (B) Article 54 - deals with the Election of the President (A Article 55 = deals with the qualification of the President (D) . Article 56 — deals with Term and Removal of the President Aaagamappsr aps anéBusd sauprs Meromascit Qarengs 11? A) B53 - gampupdar Hirons Bend ujd mpdpgs B) iP 54 — noms SsipAsGssbuGd wep us Hug 89-55 — ganPupssna seAscuip apens DO) BP-55 ~ gampugider upc srob wppid ups Boos Upsigs 9 ADGS/17 [Turn over 23, The Maritime Jurisdiction of our country was laid down in the AO 40% Amendment @) 41" Amendment (C) 424 Amendment (D) 43" Amendment — BOG DIL 4.m aL doTibs aPamy apdGoon a qemssugy (A) 40-exgy sinélucranniyy Poss ®) 41-01) sydwecnoiny AGEsd (C) 42-ag) on Bumooiy Goss D) 43-ag sgAuemoiy Sess appointed to make recommendations for the welfare of MM economically and educationally backward sections among the minorities {B) backward communities © women 24, Justice Sachar Committee w: @) _ transgenders SOU8 sort Gy Pyatucig A) Agurcreoodienfs opps wpgyd sdof Buns Aerpiduicrer wis epdsmar pocrseer Ufipgiong Qeiius B) Despindus sepapPenpdsren pacrsoar UAlgieny Geiss (©) Quainschdr pacrmassanen uflgiennsenar Gin Qsndrer ©) Yarpmd undenppaugason pocrsoan uifidgiony Asi ADGS/17 10 5 25. 26. Match the coalition governments in Column A with their Prime Ministers in Column B. Column A Column B @ Natioval Front 1. * Deve Gowda (b) United Front 2. V.P. Singh (©) National Democratic Alliance 3.‘ Dr. Manmohan Singh @__ United Progressive Alliance 4. AB, Vajpayee , (a) b) (©) @ a) 2 4 1 3 wr 2 1 4 3 © 3 1 4 2 ot 3 2 4 UGA s1-68d dren ae speriuaisme_er UGA ay4-ce 2 cron Aygo ws Hamer Gung sss. ued = ug (@) Cgéiu qpercnen ~ 1 Gpasour ©) dius apdnanca 2 ALG dis © Cphugapruss mre 3. Dr. neiGonsdrélis @ géhu yppCunig alia 4. AB. aunggumd (a) ) ©) @ a) 2 4 1 3 B 2 1 4 3 © 3 1 4 2 © 1 3 2 4 Either House of the Parliament is authorised to declare the seat of a member vacant, who remains absent without permission from all the meetings of that House for a period of wo” Sixty days 'B) Ninety days (© One hundred and twenty days @) Six weeks + pr. str/sratd, ag giidont sig gd Qenfl sag) Qancramod Qessrd 165 QL sop snc ardagy QroinG sjnaseGd sfiehésoomd. B) sgug prise (B) Agrengyngy pmsct © gy Bqugsi pmadr (D) 4g) eurpriveir oo ADGS/17 [Turn over 27. Planning Commission was set up in the year wo 1950 (B) 1947 (C) | 1955 @) 1958 BLL4Gy Dptu yen (A) 1950 (B) 1947 © 1955 @) 1958 28." Which Bank was called Imperial Bank? MP” State Bank of India (B) Reserve Bank of India © Bank of India @) Indian Bank BodTAwed aA cong senso. asad ogy? A) ung eGUc ama : B) feiss unis a0 SHUN {C) minds ay Qiu DO) Biduc aus 29. Second Five Year Plan was formulated based on the model. wo” Mahalanobis @) Rudra (© Myrdal @) AK. Sen Rein soupy goprenG BLL gas © ganéSiuert (A) QisaGermBev B) war ©) “Wind @) AK. Gees ADGS/17 12 ao Point out the incorrect statement about Rajaram Mohan Roy. 31. Tt (A) He was given the title of Raja in 1831 ®B) He wrote a pamphlet in Bengali against idol worship QP Go back to Vedas’ was his slogan ©) He died Bristol in 1833 omgnomd Gionsén mi Upiw geupren anssseog oLigé amiieyd, (A) 1831-0 9uGé6 ong carp ULL apmatULLg, B) Ace anPunCqiig Bly euisner Gomer sem flees crap Soanit O Cagsgte PGdUmsE ceug sKeuTE eee D) 1833 - a Mev pserir Among the following who was known as the ‘Political Sage’? (A) W.C. Banerjee PI Sustice Ranade (©) Gopala Krishna Gokhale @) —Balagangadhar Tilak EQy QanQiéatn ic Oererauis esr ‘oySuud epafleni eng sYPWLULLasi wm? (A) W.C. uneniigg 8) gevqe. grav. © Comune Leagan GanaCer DO) uneswarsy Bost 13 ADGS/17 [Turn over 32. Who embraced thé gallows with the slogan “I wish the downfal f th British Empire (A) Bhagat Singh @®) Lalalajpat Rai (©) Roshanlal GP Ramprasad Bismil HOALindy spélen SpsheuCu préx 67. . Match Liat I with List II correctly and select answer : @ &) © @ List I Karikalan Chenguttuvan Nedunchezhiyan I Kayavahu @) ws B® © @) 4 3 3 1 4 © 2 2 2 1 ager r rr List Ceylon ruler Pandya ruler ‘Chola ruler Chera ruler Lcqud Tg ucqud I eter Gung gf sfiuinen leno CpibO5 @) ®) © @ @ @®) © @) utqued I aflanadt Asiiugt_Qaier ApOesAefuceT swan, @ 3 4 38 3 &) eee How we ae Sr we oe uc ques TT Aaa 94 Burt Lureiong us eye Blumer Camp gt Susnorit Gey gy Auman 25 ADGSA7 [Turn over 68. The battle of Talaikota took place on (A) 27" October 1565 ®) 12 December 1565 AP 23° January 1565 @) 13% June 1565 book Canes Cunt ——_# pooi_ Quidmgy A) 27, aim 1565 @) 12, qabur 1565 ©) 23, aenauf 1565 @) 13, ged 1565 69, The Newspaper published by the Arya Samaj was (A) Arya Samaj OP Acya Prakash (© New India (D) Satyartha Prakash tofu mong flor Aare Aaixf uppers (A) apf siompgis CB) apflia Dyameg © sy @isur D) ssHumip Sysrely 70. Kathakali is a famous dance in the state of (A) Tamil Nadu . (B) Karnataka (©. Andhra Pradesh RI Kerala spiscl garb Gis wrap ho Ay Qupps | A) pbpn@ ®) sigan © e665 MnGpo0 @) Gegarr ‘ ADGSH7 26 2 72. ‘The second Jain council was held at (A) Pataliputra (B) Rajagriha GP Valabhi @) = Vaishali yernevgs ew OWE Lb pa OUD BLAb (A) um oSuyppigr B) smh © edad ©). oases ‘The Vice-President, who resigned from his office, for assuming the President office was BT VN. Giri (8) Fakruddin Ali Ahmed (© Neelam Sanjiva Reddy () 8. Radhakrishnan CHUNs sraet sQaesias THs Candapians poypmu gears Gq soroast Upsilon Qoreenrion Geriseut & : B) Usypler oe 21505) (© pabsGFa Ang @D) axed. QoupnBlgcyenrdn 27 ADGSA7 ~ [Turn over 73. 4. 75. Which one of the following communities was granted minority status across India in January 2014? (A) Parsis AD sins (©) Buddhists (D) Transgenders aagamapyer geal 2014 serpy Osun epyernégions AyurcrecwGent peers, ep ogpaid orgs? A) unidisacr © By coments (C) Usp wppPonir OD) epcapmd undenggsauit ‘How many national parties contested in the 16 General Elections? @ 6 ore OT @) 4 16-aigi Qungié Cpiigcies aggonen Gpfius wt Asdr Gum iG on? ws ®) 6 © 7 @) 4 Which is the constitutional authority that has been responsible for constituting the Finance Commission periodically? (A) Public Accounts Committee B) Parliament of India MM” President of India + ®) Comptroller and Auditor General of India SHUICL ano Dor Gases PS yoromugoog meooiisHs Pend Gupp sinfuaeocy Parpenoy ag? A Gung: semis Gey B) OpAu urgmgpoérp © Bihu equrs peau D) Bifu sawn seming geaflsnsuinerit ADGS/17 28 e 76. 78. e In which year the Election Commission issued the ‘election symbols order’ under which political parties had to register themselves with the commission? (A) 1952 1968 © . 1971 ) 1989 , Saud a Asdr siacfién 6 A Adib Ogmiuns Ceiga gmerugALb use) Geigy Qancrar CascinOid crenigh Opmiiunen, “Cpige Acro assyoer” ops aan@ Gpipd syeneauid IpcnIopg? (A) 1952 ®) 1968 © 3971 @) 1989 ‘The new agricultural technology was tried as a pilot project and was called as (A) _ Integrated Rural Development Programme [IRDP] , (B) _ Integrated District Development Programme [IDDP] (© _ Intensive Agricultural Development Programme [IADP] PP Intensive Agricultural District Programme [IADP] 1ySu Bosru Amped puss RG EpaCanry ACLs poor qpenpuGsPant pynb srarpfflenen creeungy sien put? A eqrdeanps Aymocup aoTitsA PLU B) eqmAeansgs oral. aeniéA PLL © Bbis Aeerv qioris® BCL ©) B65 dosru wrt. gL Which plan had set the correct goal in the form of moving “Towards faster and more inclusive growth”? @ 10% plan @) 9 plan GQ 1" plan @) 12" plan . opp ALLS Apmipg, yaCagappsren sfiunar Cpréapng PliemIsser “Aegourer cusriddlenu Cored wip ofs edron ass cusrisl” A) 10-ag ACL B) deg Pub (Q 1l-egs BCL @M) 12-ag Pid 29 ADGS/L7 [Turn over 79. The Union Government is planning to launch Rashtriya Aviskar Abhiyan to 2... awareness among the students in (A) Classic music (B) Ancient history (©) Science and arts A” Science and mathematics wEAu inher ‘resi hus yeflegsni und? VraratETEG os aos APL Bescon a Qanés QosA_ Gero Ai wong? (A) usp ensip Qos B) Apncreno aeons © aflAud wpgrd sow D) sifleBusc wig seniigid 80. Which district has the highest per capita income in Tamil Nadu in 2010-11? (A) Coimbatore ®) Chennai (© Tanjavur @P Kannyakumari BOPpML ye ofp wre Lib 2010-11-a si8s parr exqaumujen_us neu Liom@id? A) Cemudusssi (B) Qsérener ©) serergyit QD) scrahuingoi 81. What ia the ranking of nuclear power among the various sources of electricity in India in 2013-14? (A) Third PP Fourth © Fith ©) Sixth DpBuincHé 2013-14 yd ageing sd cig 20nd LOCA Wedany gsupisald Guibp srid auflens ener? A. wep B)* pres © ae ©) 20 ADGS/17 : 30 & a? Write the given incidents in chronological order using the codes given below : a) Gandhi Irwin Pact. (i) Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajaguru executed. ii) Gandhi Irwin Pact endorsed in the congress. (iv) Second round table conference. A) @, Gi), G, Gv) PF @), @, Gi, Gv) © Gi, @, Gv), @ ©) @, Gd, Go, GD Derarg. Hapajsoner QanQsstuL Oorer GHUSOsmans wueriGss sroaifnsiuGsg. @ — snpA Qichler gous. Gi) Uspitis, 5dCaeu, IEG FHA GUL. Gi) anf Oicilen QULEEADDS antidlgsla GLurd. Gy) Qyerraug aL Gos wrprd. A ©, Gd. @, @) B)- ©, G, Gi), @) © Gi), Gi), Gy), O @) ©, Gi), Gv), @ 83. After his return from Surat, V.0.C decided to celebrate whose liberation in a grand manner? . (A) ° Balagangadhar Tilak we Bipin Chandra Pal (C) | Lalalajpat Rai (@) Subramania Bharathi 67s npr yAeig AGI Aér 12S wegeru AGgooeou Tpdonensonss Asem SroralsAgppnt? A Usesisangs Dost B) Gen aGiuNe (©) oomeorangquyé amis D) siipoeatins uns) 5 : . 31 ADGS/17 [Turn over 84. The sum of the two number is 33 and their difference is 15, the smaller number ia @ 7 @) ws © 3 Do cairachies oc OFAprons 33, siaipfler GaugunG 15 orale sxscn Aplus croix ogy? @ 7 @® nu’ © -9 @) 3 86. Pipe A can fill a tank in 45 hrs and pipe B can fill it in 30 hra. Both the pipes are opened when the tank is empty. How soon will the tank be full? (&) 12hre ®) 14brs © hes : PT 8 hrs A aenp Gypmunengy Qgmigcous 45 wash Cong Send B erénp Gypruineng) Gpm'gcous 30 wesfl Sprsbeud Pepe Qaidng. DG Gprisceryd Ss yo Gung) Apa’ y, srluns 2 stengy ovefled STE TLgcow HpLLiagsHe cerascray wowh Gam wid. A) 12 wevi@and B) 14 washes ©) 16 waar D) i8 veces 86. Find the odd man out. 10, 26, 45, 64, 60, 75, 80 oF ° ®) 25 © 80 : @) 10 Beraugid Asm Ad Qungisrsa Cpicy Qeis. 10, 25, 45, 54, 60, 75, 80. (A) 54 @) 25 © 80 @) 10 ADGS/17 nr) . 5 87. If 63+25 =16,12+18=12 and 23+17=13 then 54+22=? WO: @®) 17 3 © 19 @) 20 63+25 = 16, 12418 = 12 wpgid 23 +17 =13 cra 54+22=7 A& 13 : ®) 17 © 19 @) 20 20 women can finish a piece of work in 16 days and 16 mien can finish it in 15 days. What is the ratio of the working capacities of a man and a woman? a) 3:4 PT 43 k © 5:3 @) 2:1 9 Catenarcous 20 Quainsdr 16 pm“ sefigus 16 -geinadr 15 prisahgud on_sAnmiacr. aya wpb Queirasiiér Cassnars finer oSidipionengs @ 3:4 @B) 4:3 © 5:3 @) 2:1 1f 10% of A is equal to 12% of B then 15% of A is equal to ——_—- percent of B. (A) 20% ”” 18% © 15% @) 8% Avdr 10% crcinigy Ba 12% swionengy ecotheo A-ct 15% yong) B-cr ———_—- apchips bg srg. (A) 20% @) 18% © 15% ©) 3% 33 ADGS/17 [Turn over 90. 7600+(1250+50)=? @ 180 oo 7525 ©) 5720 (D) 3200 7500 + (1250+50) =? 180 (B) ° 7525 © 5720 @) 8200 91. If WORDSWORTH is written by VPQERXNSSI, then DAFFODILS would be written aa (4) CBEGNEJMR : OP CBEGNEHMR (© CBEGNEMOR () CBEEGNHMR WORDSWORTH erénieos VPQERXNSSI, «rox ery Slannés DAFFODILS gy orcuoungs oraggoomb? (A) CBEGNEJMR ®) CBEGNEHMR (©) CBEGNEMOR (D) CBEEGNHMR 92. The next two letters in the letter sequence below are MLNKOJ— — @& RH ® Qs © LT Pl an Gesu Garer arepigs aficond Oss Qrain@ cepsgxiscr wren? MLNKOJ — — @® RA @) Qs © LT @) PI ADGS/17 . 34 93. a ‘The height of an equilateral triangle is 10 em. Its area is “w 20 emt ®) 30cm? 100 100 cra? 2 © 00er FF OR oxi aouiés (pa CanamsPir a.wimid 10 Ge.8 crafidd ise UpLiLeTey a 2 cost ®) 30 Gas 100 (C) 100 Gai? Qas5* © @) ee At which rate of simple interest, will the amount be twice in 20 years? a 4% . % © 6.66% D) 3.33% : Doug aGrascia prd Aegis Aprons Oo woweremd gal aly ASpid eténerouns Qorev? a 4% B) 5% ~ © 6.66% D) 3.33% ‘A sum of Rs.1,600 gives 8 simple interest of Rs. 252 in 2 years and 4 months, The rate of interest per annum is 3 1 3. aw (a) 105% @) 125% 3 . 1 Bo =% oe o 1% - 1,600 8g Zerg msde 4 wigtisciés Deo s@id safer gq 252 rahe -cin@ nig, oid 3 : 1 Sag 122% CS . ®) 125 3 1 © 87% @) 75% 36 ADGS/17 [Turn over 96. 97. e is an online diary used to share one’s views and is also used as a strong marketing tool (Ay Banner wo Blogs (©) Cyber apace ©) E-commerce Souler sopeisman Ups Gendered Wi aigss Henduy sgeAumaayd LUEUGId Qevena: 69 ——— ged (A) Genbud umm B) aimaciupay (© Qeoaru Gach ©) Beraatiai ‘What is the name given to the act of gaining illegal entry to computer files through remote terminals or micro - computers? 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