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8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia

[ThB4-2] May 30-June 3, 2011, The Shilla Jeju, Korea

Advanced Building Blocks of Power Converters

for Renewable Energy Based Distributed
Riming Shao, Mary Kaye and Liuchen Chang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3

AbstractThe power converter is a critical component of liberalization of the electricity market for more players in
a distributed generation (DG) system, particularly for a the generation business, and advancement in DG
renewable energy based distributed generator. With the technologies. Fig. 1 shows the transformation of the
rapid development and growing applications of DG systems, Denmark generation landscape from a dominant
power converters have evolved from a traditional power centralized generation structure in the 1980s to a mixture
conversion device to a system integrator. This paper
outlines the basic and advanced building blocks of power
of centralized generation stations and distributed
converters for distributed generation systems, with an generators.
emphasis on the new algorithms developed especially for
grid-connected single-phase power converters in small wind
turbines and photovoltaic systems. A grid-connected power
converter should feed power of a high quality into a grid
with a low total harmonic distortion (THD), and fast
dynamic response to the variations of a renewable energy
resource. The newly developed space vector based pulse-
width-modulation (PWM) with predictive current control
provides a direct cycle-by-cycle regulation of the current
waveform feeding into the grid.

Effective anti-islanding is an essential function of a power

converter, in compliance with the grid interconnection
requirements. As active islanding detection methods exert Fig. 1. Transition of Danish power generation structure rapid
disturbances to the grid and passive islanding detection development of the distributed generation market.
methods generally have large non-detection zones, new and
hybrid islanding detection methods have been developed. A Many distributed generators use renewable energy as
power spectral density method has been developed to their sources, including wind energy, solar energy,
continuously monitor and identify the possible features of
hydraulic energy etc. As most renewable energy
an islanding formation. Maximum power extraction from
renewable energy resources is vitally important for resources are variable in nature, power conversion is
distributed generators. Many algorithms have been required for these DG systems. For example, a variable
developed for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of speed wind turbine system needs to convert the variable
photovoltaic and wind energy systems. A new MPPT voltage and variable frequency generator output into a
method has been developed by integrating the fast fixed voltage and fixed frequency ac output feeding into a
extremum-finding method of Golden Section Search (GSS) grid. A photovoltaic (PV) system needs to convert the
into a multi-stage MPPT algorithm. The proposed MPPT variable dc output of a photovoltaic array into a fixed
algorithm provides fast response (in the order of 40 msec) voltage and fixed frequency ac output feeding into a grid.
and high tracking accuracy (99.9%) as compared to the
Power converters have been used to accomplish this
existing algorithms.
power conversion function. A typical distributed
Index TermsAdvanced control, Distributed generation, generation system using wind energy is shown in Fig. 2.
Power converters, Renewable energy systems. The power converter is a critical component of a
distributed generation system, particularly for a
I. INTRODUCTION renewable energy based distributed generator. With the
rapid development and growing applications of DG
Distributed generation (DG) systems have experienced systems, power converters have evolved from a
rapid growth in the past three decades, particularly since traditional power conversion device to a system
the late 1990s. The drivers of this rapid market growth integrator. This system integrator may include multiple
include the steady increase in demand for electricity and function blocks, as shown in Fig. 3. This paper outlines
electricity generation capacity, requirements for reduction the basic and advanced building blocks of power
in greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, converters for distributed generation systems based on

978-1-61284-957-7/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

renewable energy. As depicted in Fig. 3, the basic
function of a power converter is power conversion.
Advanced functions of a power converter may include
maximum power extraction algorithms to maximize the
power output under variable conditions of renewable
energy resources; control and protection algorithms to
meet the requirements for grid interconnection; and
communication and diagnosis functions to facilitate the
control and integration at the power system level.
Fig. 4. Power circuit of a single-phase grid-connected wind turbine
power converter.

Most inverters for distributed generation systems are

voltage-source current-controlled inverters, where the
current feeding into the grid is directly controlled by a
pulse-width-modulation strategy [1]. One of three major
techniques may be used for regulating the output current
of a voltage source inverter. The three current control
methods are hysteresis, ramp comparison and predictive
current control. Hysteresis current controllers determine
Fig. 2. System structure of a typical renewable energy based DG unit. the switching of power semiconductor devices (assuming
IGBTs) based on the errors between the actual output
currents and current references. Hysteresis current
controllers are simple and robust, but the converters'
switching frequency largely depends on the output
parameters and the control delays often compromise the
quality of the output current.
Ramp comparator controllers compare the error
current signal to a triangular carrier waveform to generate
the inverter gating pulses. The main advantage of the
ramp comparison technique is that the inverter switching
frequency is mostly limited to the frequency of the
triangular waveform, thus producing a well defined
spectrum of harmonics to facilitate the filter design.
However, the system response is affected by the stability
requirements of the feedback loop. Thus, inherent phase
Fig. 3. Building blocks of a power converter for a DG unit.
and amplitude errors arise, even in steady states [2].
Predictive controllers calculate the inverter voltages
This paper will present the new algorithms developed required to deliver the output currents according to the
by the authors for grid-connected single-phase inverters current reference [3]. This method offers the potential for
for small wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. A achieving more precise current control with low
generic power circuit for such a power converter is distortion and harmonic noise. However, it takes more
presented in Fig. 4. An uncontrolled rectifier converts the calculations and requires a good knowledge of the system
variable ac source into a variable dc source. The dc boost parameters.
chopper provides the dc voltage regulation and voltage An improved current predictive control strategy has
increase, as well as maximum power control if needed. been developed to generate the desired voltage of the
The inverter stage (i.e. dc-ac converter using IGBTs) inverter output which is then used to generate the inverter
converts the dc voltage into an ac source, feeding into the PWM gating signals based on space vector control [1].
ac grid. If a PV array is the renewable source, no The required inverter voltage Vop for generating PWM
rectifier is needed. can be determined by:
d i g rid
Power conversion from one form or level to another is
the fundamental function of a power converter. In where Vgrid is the grid voltage, igrid is the grid current, and
particular, a grid-connected inverter should feed power of L is the filters inductance. For implementation in a
high quality into a grid with a low total harmonic digital controller, (1) can be written in a discrete form:
distortion (THD), and fast dynamic response to the
I ref [ n  1]  I grid [ n ]
variations of a renewable energy resource. This power V op_av > n @ V grid_av [ n ]  L (2)
quality requirement demands advanced pulse-width- Tperiod
modulation (PWM) algorithms for the inverter stage.
where _av denotes the average voltage during a V op_av [ n ]
switching period (i.e. a PWM cycle) of IGBTs, [n]
represents the current switching period, Iref is the current
reference, and Tperiod is the switching period. The timing
T12 [ n ]

V dc
T13 [n]

T period  T12 [ n ]
` (5)

relations of the control variables are represented in Fig. 5.

Considering the calculation of Vgrid_av[n], the voltage where T13[n] represents the zero voltage duration, and
equation of (2) is then written as (3) which is directly T12[n] represents the duration when the inverter output
used for generating gating signals based on space vector voltage is the dc link voltage, during a switching period.
PWM principles. The centered space-vector approach is used to control the
gating signals of IGBTs in order to minimize the current
I ref [n  1]  Igrid [n] (3) harmonics for fixed switching frequency [4].
Vop_av [n] 1.5Vgrid [n]  0.5Vgrid [n  1]  L
Tperiod The developed current controller based on space
vector PWM has been applied to 10kW IGBT inverters
for variable speed wind turbines for controlling the grid
current. The inverter output current waveform feeding
into the single-phase grid is shown in Fig.7 at the output
power of 7kW, where the current THD is 1.4%. The
inverter output current waveform at the output power of
10kW is shown in Fig.8, where the current THD is 0.9%.
These test results verified that the proposed PWM
strategy has a high power quality even through the grid
Fig. 5. Timing relations of the control variables. voltage has a noticeable total harmonic distortion of
As shown in inverter power circuit in Fig. 4, the
output voltage of the inverter, Vop, is the potential
difference between VA and VB, where VA and VB are the
potentials at the points A and B in Fig. 4 with respect to
the neutral potential VN=0. The voltage vector VA VB T > @
can be expressed as:
VA 1 1  1 a (4)
V Vdc
B 2  1 1 b
where a and b are the switching signals for the four
IGBTs with 1 representing the turn-on state and 0
representing the turn-off state, Vdc is the dc link voltage.
The output voltage of the inverter can have three values:
Fig. 7. Inverter output current & voltage waveforms at 7 kW.
Vop (1 0) = V dc , Vop (0 1) = - Vdc and Vop (1 1) = Vop (0 (Upper trace: output current of the inverter (20A/div);
Lower trace: output voltage of the inverter (200V/div))
0) = 0. Fig. 6 shows the output voltage in a space vector
form for a single-phase inverter.

Fig. 6. Single-phase space vector diagram.

Fig. 8. Inverter output current & voltage waveforms at 10 kW.
Based on the average inverter output voltage in a (Upper trace: output current of the inverter (20A/div);
Lower trace: output voltage of the inverter (200V/div))
switching period, the switching of the IGBTs, i.e. the
durations of the IGBT conducting states can be
Under certain local conditions, a DG system may
maintain a stable output power with a stable frequency
and voltage even when the grid is disconnected from the protection (OFP/UFP) still play a very important role in
point of common coupling (PCC). This islanding the islanding prevention. Other passive islanding
operation of the DG system could have a significant detection methods include: rate of change of output
impact on the safety of the power system personnel and power (ROCOP), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF),
facilities. Grid interconnection standards require that a rate of change of frequency over power (ROCOFOP),
DG be de-energized when an island is formed, as shown phase jump detection (PJD) and harmonics detection
in Fig. 9 [5]. Thus effective islanding detection (HD),
techniques are a key building block of the DG power With active islanding detection techniques,
converters. perturbations are purposely injected, normally from the
DG into the point of DG connection. Active methods are
Main EPS often used in DG power converters because of their fast
response and small non-detection zone. Among active
anti-islanding techniques are reactive power export error
Area Electric Power detection (RPEED), impedance measurement method
System (AEPS)
(IM), active frequency drift (AFD), active frequency drift
with positive feedback (AFDPF), slide mode shift (SMS),
and automatic phase shift (APS) etc. For active anti-
Point of
Common Coupling islanding approaches, determining a proper perturbation
(PCC) is always a challenge and often a compromise between
successful elimination of islanding and good system
stability and quality.
Point of Research efforts have been made to improve the
DG Connection sensitivity of the passive islanding detection methods and
to improve the positive feedback of the active islanding
detection method. The target is to develop effective
Load DG unit DG unit Load
islanding detection strategies with small non-detection
Local Electric
zones and with minimum perturbations to the DG
Local Electric Local Electric
Power System 1 Power System 2 operation. This section reports on an islanding detection
Power System 3
algorithm based on power spectral density (PSD).
The power spectral density of a signal x(n) with a
Fig.9. Interconnection of a DG system with electric power system. finite-length sequence of N points is defined as,
Many islanding detection techniques have been 1 2
P (Z ) X N ( e jZ ) (6)
developed for inverter systems in the past two decades [6]. N
These techniques can be classified into two categories:
remote techniques and local techniques. While the remote where,
islanding detection methods rely on communications
between a central controller and distributed generators, N 1
the local techniques rely on the local conditions of the
X N (e jZ ) x ( n )e
n 0
k, k 0,1,..., N  1 (7)
DG sites in the decision making process and often present
cost-effective solutions to DG anti-islanding issues. An The signal energy can be represented in the frequency
overview of anti-islanding techniques is shown in Fig. 10. domain by,
Anti-Islanding Techniques
1 N 1
Remote Techniques Local Techniques EZ N ( e jZ ) , Z k (8)
N k 0 N
PLCC Passive Techniques Active Techniques

OVP/UVP & OFP/UFP RPEED The proportional power spectral density (PPSD) is
defined in the following as a measure of signal power
spectral density over its total energy.

X N (e jZ )
P(Z )
EZ N 1 (9)

Fig. 10. Overview of anti-islanding techniques.

k 0
N (e

The local anti-islanding techniques include passive The normalized energy in a low frequency band can
and active techniques. In general, passive islanding be used to detect the formation of an island, according to
detection techniques have large non-detection zones. simulation and experimental studies of inverter-based DG
Traditional passive schemes such as over/under voltage systems. This normalized energy, denoted as the
protection (OVP/UVP) and over/under frequency proportional energy (PE), can be calculated from PPSD,
To maximize the power output of a DG supplied by a
where L represents the low frequency band. renewable energy source, a maximum power extraction
Both simulation and experimental studies revealed strategy is a necessary function of a power converter.
that the proportional power spectral density in the low Although wind turbine systems, photovoltaic systems,
frequency band is confined in a low value range during hydraulic energy systems all require such a control
the grid-connection operation of power converters, and strategy, the maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
that PPSD in the low frequency band substantially technologies are demonstrated in this paper using a PV
increases at the formation of an island. Thus, proportional inverter as an example. The objective of an MPPT
energy in the low frequency band is monitored algorithm is to track the maximum power output of a PV
continuously and compared with a threshold, as an island module at various operating conditions, as shown in
indicator. Fig. 11 shows the DG system under anti- typical V-I characteristics in Fig. 14.
islanding testing.

Fig. 11. DG test platform for island detection and protection.

Fig. 14. Typical V-I characteristics of a PV module.
Fig. 12 shows the test results of PPSD under an island
operation of a DG system, with a noted increase of PPSD Numerous MPPT algorithms have been developed for
in the low frequency band. Fig. 13 depicts the substantial PV inverters. As one of the most commonly used
increase of proportional energy at the formation of an methods, the perturb & observe (P&O), or hill climbing
island, which can be used to de-energize the DG from the method shifts the operating point of a PV module/array
grid. toward the direction of power increase after a small
perturbation is applied to the PV voltage [7]-[9]. The
250 incremental conductance (INC) method is based on the
mathematical theory of maxima [10][11]. The maximum
200 power point (MPP) on the PV power curve can be
determined by comparing the instantaneous conductance

(I/V) to the incremental conductance (dI/dV). The

100 advantage of the INC method over the P&O method is
that the INC method can determine whether the operating
50 point is exactly the MPP, and thus eliminate the
continuous trial-and-error process. Other MPPT
10 20 30 40 50 60 algorithms have been developed based on artificial
Normalized Frequency ( S radian) intelligent approaches such as fuzzy logics, neural
networks and particle swarm optimization.
Fig. 12. PPSD of the measured period under an island.
Improving the tracking accuracy and stability,
eliminating the difficulty in selecting the search step size,
and reducing the searching time have been the focus of
the efforts in developing advanced MPPT algorithms. A
600 new multi-stage MPPT algorithm has been developed
based on the combination of golden section search (GSS),

400 Trigger P&O and INC methods [12].

Signal The GSS is a technique for locating the extremum of a
200 unimodal function inside a bracketing interval by
repeatedly narrowing the width of the interval. The search
0 step size is decreased at a constant ratio throughout the
650 700 750
Sample Instant of Voltage Period at the PCC
entire process. Using the well-known golden ratio of
Fig. 13. PE increase at the formation of an island.
 distributed generation installations. Fig. 18 presents the
         field test results of the MPPT algorithm in an inverter
      start-up process.
The GSS method does not require any derivatives. 160

Vref (V)
Thus, it is robust and noise-resistive, as the derivative 120

computation is easily disturbed by fluctuating signals and 100

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
noises. Moreover, the GSS mechanism ensures that the

Voltage (V)
evaluation points are spread out from each other in every 140
search interval. Therefore, when comparing the values in 100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
order to find the maximum, the GSS algorithm has good 15

Current (A)
tolerance for measurement errors due to inherent noises 5
and power ripples caused by switching mode converters. 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
In this paper, P&O, GSS, and INC are combined to 1800

Power (W)
form a multi-stage MPPT algorithm for PV systems. The 1200
MPPT procedure is divided into three stages, where these 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
three different methods are used, respectively. Initially, Time (ms)

the P&O is applied with relative large perturbation steps Fig. 16. Search results of the proposed GSS-based multi-stage MPPT.
to quickly obtain a bracketing interval with the MPP
inside. Once the MPP is located in a relatively narrow
range by P&O, MPPT switches to the second stage where Start

the GSS takes over. Using GSS, the MPP is found in a Stage 2: GSS
Initial: V(n-1), P(n-1)
very short time through a few iterations. Lastly, the INC V=X V(n-3)=V(n-2)
technique is used in the third stage to verify the MPP. If Stage 1: P&O

the MPP is true and does not drift, the system operates at V(n)=V(n-1)+V
Initial search interval for GSS:
the MPP in steady states. If INC judges that the MPP has Vref=V(n)
V(n-3) V(n-1) * V(n-2)
drifted, the system goes back to the first stage; P&O is |_________|_____|_________|

triggered again and the new MPP is sought.

Sampling No GSS
As shown in Fig. 15, a simulation model for the PV time? Return MPP
system under study was built in MATLAB for Yes Stage 3: INC
comparative studies of the performance of various MPPT
algorithms under different operating conditions. Fig. 16 INC time No
depicts the search results of the proposed multi-stage interval
Yes Yes
MPPT strategy. In this multi-stage process, the P&O P(n)P(n-1)?
stage takes 7 steps (21 ms) and GSS takes 5 steps (15 ms). Calculate
No P, dP , and dV
The total search time is 36 ms. The output power and
search accuracy are 1438.6 W and 99.94%, respectively. Swap P(n-1) and P(n)
Swap V(n-1) and V(n) Yes
PWM Generator |dV|dVmin?
Discrete, Pulses Uref
Ts = 2.5e-007 s. No
600 S powergui
i g + Yes No
S T V+ + - L V=X? Yes No
V- I -
A 200 V
PV Array V=X V=X
25 + v Boost Chopper
- C1 dV=dVmin dV=-dVmin

V V(n-2)=V(n-1)
I V V(n-1)=V(n), P(n-1)=P(n) No
P Vref V(n)=V(n-1)+V |dP/dV|?
Scope Vref=V(n) True MPP
Delay Voltage Controller Yes

Yes No
Fig. 15. PV system simulation model in MATLAB. Sampling No dP/dV>0?

A flowchart in Fig. 17 demonstrates the procedure of Yes V=X V=-X

the GSS-based multi-stage MPPT strategy. The search P(n)=V(n)I(n)
time and accuracy from different MPPT strategies found
in publications are summarized and compared in Table I. Generate initial point for
Yes No
It was found that the newly proposed GSS-based multi- P(n)P(n-1)? P&O: V(n-1), P(n-1), V
Go to stage 2
stage MPPT algorithm performs very well, featuring Start over

short search time and high search accuracy. The multi-

Fig. 17. Flowchart of the proposed GSS-based multi-stage MPPT.
stage MPPT has been applied to PV inverters for
SEARCH TIME AND ACCURACY OF DIFFERENT MPPT METHODS The Authors acknowledge the support from Natural
MPPT Methods
Search Search Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
Time (ms) Accuracy
Canada, and Atlantic Innovation Fund.
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Hill climbing [8] 28500 98.28%
Modified adaptive hill climbing [8] 23500 98.45% REFERENCES
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