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Architecture is an art for all to learn because all are concerned with it John

Architecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry, Propriety,
and Economy. All of these must be built with due reference to durability,
convenience, and beauty. Durability will be assured when foundations are carried
down to the solid ground and materials wisely and liberally selected; convenience,
when the arrangement of the apartments is faultless and presents no hindrance to
use, and when each class of building is assigned to its suitable and appropriate
exposure; and beauty, when the appearance of the work is pleasing and in good
taste, and when its members are in due proportion according to correct principles
of symmetry Vitruvius
Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought
together in light Le Corbusier
Anyone entering on the study of architecture must understand that even though a
plan may have abstract beauty on paper, the four facades may seem well-
balanced and the total volume well-proportioned, the building itself may turn
out to be poor architecture. Internal space, that space which cannot be completely
represented in any form, which can be grasped and felt only through direct
experience is the protagonist of architecture. To grasp space, to know how to see
it, is the key to understanding the building. Bruno Zevi
Architecture, painting , and sculpture are called the fine arts. They appeal to the
eye as music does to the ear. But architecture is not judged by visual appeal alone.
Building affect all of the human senses sound, smell, touch, taste, and vision
Forrest Wilson
It became apparent to us that architecture is generally assumed to be a highly
specialized system with a set of prescribed technical goals rather than a sensual
art responsive to real human desires and feelings. This limitation is most
frighteningly manifested in the reliance on two dimensional diagrams that lay more
stress on the quantifiable features of building organization than on the
polychromatic and three dimensional qualities of the whole architectural
experience. Kent Bloomer & Charles Moore
The only way you can build, the only way to you can get the building into being, is
through the measurable. You must follow the laws of nature and use quantities of
brick, methods of construction, and engineering. But in the end, when the building
becomes part of living, it evokes unmeasurable qualities, and the spirit of its
existence takes over. Louis Kahn
Built environments have various purposes; to shelter people and their activities
and possessions from the elements, from human and animals enemies, and from
supernatural powers; to establish place; to create humanized, safe area in a
profane and potentially dangerous world; to stress social identity and indicate
status; and so on. Thus the origins of architecture are best understood if one
takes a wider view and considers sociocultural factors, in the broadest sense, to be
more important than climate, technology, materials and economy Amos
I should believe the buildings Kenneth Clark
We require of any building, that it act well, and do the things it was intended to do
in the best way; that It speak well, and say the things it was intended to say in
the best words; that it look well, and please us by its presence, whatever it has to
do or say John Ruskin
Architecture also exists without necessary assistance from an architect; and
architects sometimes create buildings which are not architecture Norval White
Architecture is produced by ordinary people, for ordinary people; therefore it
should be easily comprehensible to all Steen Eiler Rasmussen

SULLIVAN, Form follows function.

GAUDI, Form does not necessarily follow function.
WRIGHT, Form follows function- that has been misunderstood. Form and function
FRANK should be one, joined in a spiritual union.
Every great architect is necessarily- a great poet. He must be a great
original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.

GROPUIS, Art and Architecture, the new unity.

KAHN, Architecture is the reaching out for the truth
A house is a house.

The house is a machine for living in

MAILLART, A bridge is like a house.


BURNHAM, Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble,
DANIEL logical diagram once recorded will not die.

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir mens blood.

SAARINEN, Beauty grows from necessity not from repetition of formulas.

Architectural-form equals social-form.
Gottlieb Eliel

SAARINEN, Function influence but does not dictate form.


PERRET, Truth is indispensible to Architecture & architectural lie concepts.


NIEMEYER, Form follows beauty.

Oscar Ribeiro Architecture is invention.
de Almeida
Soares Filho

NERVI, PIER Structural correctness, which is identical with functional, technical &
LUIGI economic is a necessary & sufficient condition of satisfactory aesthetic

LUDWIG, Less is more.

DER ROHE Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.
Maria Ludwig
Michael Mies Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it

MENDELSOH Architecture seizes upon space, encompasses space and is space itself.
Architecture depends on the sensuous seizure by means of touch and

LOOS , Supply and demand regulate architecture form

LE The house is a Machine to live in.
Charles- Cube within a cube.

LATROBE , A bldg. is the combination of different geometric figures.


JOHNSON, Architecture is the art of how to waste space

CORTELYOU All architects want to live beyond their deaths.

GROPIUS, Architecture begins where engineering ends


BREUER, A Building has straight geometrical lines. Even when these lines are free, it
MARCEL must always be evident that they have been studied & that they did not spring
LAJOS up simultaneously.

Nature & Architecture are two different things.

Architecture is a social art.

POCIO, Architecture must meet 3 requirements: strength, beauty, and unity.


I am neither a capitalist nor a socialist, I am not a religious or an atheist Lucio Costa

Where the architects task is to restore a correct order of values It is still the architects duty to
attempt to humanize age of machines. But this should not be done without regard for form
Alvar Aalto
When change needs, ask a stranger Peter Behrens
Starting with holes Buckminster Fuller
1. Scottish architect who has particularly known for his interiors based on classical
decorations Robert Adam
2. He was called Masters master where his students are architects like Gropius, Breuer,
and Van de rohe Peter Behrens
3. Architect of the famous World Trade Center Yamasaki and Roth
4. Architect who leads the development of the Quezon Memorial Circle Francisco Manosa
5. German architect who uses more representational styles which has been called Scrapped
classicism Peter Behrens
6. One of the most sublime painters and sculpture and one of the most influential architect
and draft man. Palazzo Ducale
7. His first design were drawings of fantastic architectural visions in steel and glass as well as
costume and poster design Erich Mendelsohn
8. He designed the Palazzo Chierecati, Vicencia, Italy. Known as the grandest town residence
Andrea de Pietro della Gondola

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