Homework For Scotty Li: 1 Integer Exponents

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Homework for Scotty Li

March 14, 2017

1 Integer Exponents
We need to review integer exponents, and I'd like for you to have some notes
on them to look back on. To make things easier to understand, we will begin
by assuming that all exponents are positive. I'd also like to quickly say that
we are going to alter the way we refer to things. I was talking about exponents
recently and my teacher corrected me, so I want to make sure you are learning
exponents in the right way. First, let's recall the denition of the operation

called exponentiation with positive integer exponents. (Explain in your own
words what integers are on the margin somewhere.) If a is any number and n
is a positive integer, then
an = a
| a a{z a} .
n times

For example,
35 = 3 3 3 3 3 = 243.
In terms of how we refer to the numbers, when we write 23 , we say that 2 is the
base, exponent, and the whole thing is a power of 2. In this particular
3 is the
example, we have the third power of 2. Sometimes when we refer to exponents,
things can get confusing. The awkwardness comes from the fact that we call this
expression 2 to the third power or 2 raised to the power [of] 3. This sounds
as if we are saying that 3 is the power to which we raised 2, and as a result the
word power is often used interchangeably with exponent. If we look closely
at the phrase raised to the third power, we see that we are not claiming 3 is
the power. Instead, 3 identies which power you are talking about (the third
one). We are raising the number 2 to a new power level, and in this case we
have raised it to its third power level. The power is the number it became, not
the number of steps it took to get there.

Next, let's remind ourselves about parenthesis and important basic rules involv-
ing exponents. Consider the following two cases:
(2) and 24 .
These will have dierent values once we evaluate them. When performing ex-
ponentiation, remember that it is only the quantity that is immediately to the
left of the exponent that gets the power. In the left case, there is a parenthesis
immediately to the left of the exponent of 4. This means the object inside the
parenthesis gets the power. Here, we have
(2) = (2) (2) (2) (2) = 16.
In the second case though, it is 2 that is immediately to the left of the exponent,
so it is 2 that gets the power. The minus sign will stay out front and will not
get the power. In this case we have 24 = 2 2 2 2 = 16. Please pay attention
to parenthesis. Ignoring them or putting a set of them where they don't belong
can completely change a problem.

Moving on, let's take care of zero exponents and negative integer exponents.
For zero exponents we have,

a0 = 1 provided a 6= 0.

Note this denition requires that a not be zero. For our beginning cases, we
will not bother with dening 00 because it is such a complicated issue, so we
will not dene it. This means if 00 ever arises in the problem we are solving,
we will be stopped in our tracks because we cannot mathematically manipulate
an object that is undened.

For negative exponents, if a is any nonzero number and n is a positive integer
(yes, n is positive ) then,
an = .
Can you see why our denition requires that a not be zero? Recall that division
by zero is not dened. What happens when you let a be zero? Why can't you
proceed further with the math? (Write your answer somewhere in the margin.)
To nish, here are a few examples of this denition,
52 = 1
52 = 1
25 and (4) = 1
= 1
= 64 .

2 Properties of Integer Exponents
Let's look at some of the main properties of integer exponents. Properties
of an operation are little rules that become apparent after applying the basic
denitions in several situations. Using them can make calculations a bit easier.
Each property can be proven from the basic denitions, and you can challenge
yourself to prove them all if you'd like (this is optional though). After each
property, I've listed an easy example. Don't be fooled though. The assignment
problems will not be so easy. They will require use of several of these properties
to solve.

1. an am = an+m , e.g. a9 a4 = a9+4 = a5 .

m 3
2. (an ) = anm , e.g. a7 = a73 = a21 .
anm a4
an 11 = a
= a7
am = 1
, a 6= 0 , e.g.
a .
amn a11 = 1
a114 = 1
a7 = a7
4. (ab) = an bn , e.g. (ab)4 = a4 b4 .
a n n 8 8
= abn , b 6= 0, e.g. ab = ab8 .


a n b n bn a 10 b 10 b10
b = a = an , e.g. b = a = a10 .
n 1 20 1
7. (ab) = (ab)n , e.g. (ab) = (ab)20

1 1
an = an , e.g.
a2 = a2 .
an bm a6 b17
bm = an , e.g. b17 = a6 .

k 3
10. (an bm ) = ank bmk , e.g. a4 b9 = a43 b93 = a12 b27 .
 6 2
an k ank a (6)(2) 12
= ab(5)(2) = ab10 .

bm = bmk
, e.g.

3 Practice Problems
Evaluate the given expression and write the answer as a single number with no
exponents. Start your practice on a new sheet of paper with your name in the
upper right hand corner (and the date). Put a title in the middle, then solve
each problem by rewriting the question and then showing your work clearly.

1. 62 + 4 32
(32 +22 )2

40 22
31 42

4. 21 + 41
On the following problems, simplify each of the following and write the
answers with only positive exponents.
5 3
4x4 y


2 5
6. 10z 2 y 4 z3y
n2 m
7m4 n3

5x1 y 4
(3y 5 )2 x9
z 5
z 2 x1

24a3 b8
6a5 b

11. 2w4 v 5
2x4 y 1
x6 y 3

m2 n10
m7 n3
3 4
(2p2 ) q
(6q)1 p7
z 2 y 1 x3
x8 z 6 y 4

4 Assignment Problems
For the following problems, evaluate the given expression and write the answer
as a single number with no exponents. I want you to do these problems neatly.
Rewrite the question each time with proper labeling. Leave enough space (and
write big enough) so I can see your thinking clearly. Please treat this like a
school assignment. I would like to see your name at the top, an appropriate
title for the assignment, and the date. Please staple the upper left corner of
your papers when you are ready to turn them in.
1. 2 52 + (4)
2. 60 35
3. 3 43 + 2 32
4 4
4. (1) + 2 (3)
5. 70 42 32
6. 43 + (4)
7. 8 23 + 160
8. 21 + 31
32 (2)3
42 53
For these next problems, simplify the given expression and write the an-
swer with only positive exponents.
4 1
3x2 y


 3 4 3
12. 2a2 b

c6 b10
b9 c11
4a3 (b2 a)
c6 a2 b7
(6v2 ) w4
(2v)3 w10
 0 3
(8x21 ) y x8
y x1

a2 b4 c1
b9 c8 a4
p6 q 7 (p2 q )
(p1 q 4 )2 p10

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