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Review Form

Paper name:

All items are fundamental to understanding the quality of the article. Use space as necessary for
their suggestions for changes or to include any of these items not specified or not clear in the

The abstract presents the objective, theoretical framework, methodology and main results? *



The following itens must be evaluated according to the scale: 1 Not acceptable 2 Reasonable
3 Good 4 Very good

1. Quality of writing (objectivity, formal structure) *

2. Importance of the theme for the research field *

3. Conceptual rigor *

4. Contribution to the research area *

5. Methodological rigor *


6. Quality of the Data analysis *

7. General discussion and conclusions *

Geral evaluation: *


Accept with revisions

Reject, and new submission is encouraged


All of the items below are important for the understanding of the quality of the article. Use as
space as necessary for you suggestions, changes or inclusions.

Title and Abstract: *

Introduction: *

Literature Review: *

Research Method *
Results: *

Limitations: *

Recommendations: *

References: *

Overall organization: *

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