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An Evaluation of the Possibility of

Aquaponic Methods of Food Growth

and Sustainability in Haiti

Cole Wagner
The Spanish Inquisition
Spruce Creek High School
An Evaluation of the Possibility of Aquaponic
Methods of Food Growth and Sustainability in Haiti

Cole Wagner
The Spanish Inquisition
Spruce Creek High School


Haiti is currently undergoing major social and economic problems. Haitis current
economic situation has left millions un-employed and in poverty. Haitis people require an
approachable and sustainable way to cultivate crops. The purpose of this research to create a
cheap and efficient aquaponics system to grow plants in a subtropical climate. We created a
simple yet efficient aquaponics system that will not only cultivate crops in a sustainable fashion
and raise fish, but be readily available to the average Haitian citizen.

We designed two different Aquaponic systems: one that was hypothetical and one that we
could physically manipulate. Both our research and testing provided significant results. Research
concluded that the hypothetical design was practical and could be used in a place like Haiti. Our
physical designed proved that the automatic feeding apparatus worked. The water cycle system
we used cycled fertilized water throughout the tank, and cultivated multiple cups worth of wheat

Aquaponics provides a cheap and sustainable way to cultivate crops in a subtropical

climate such as Haitis. Haiti is in desperate need of help, aquaponics might be that solution.

Table of Contents

Abstract I

Introduction 1

Methods 1

Design and Materials 1

Results 3

Conclusions 3

References 4


Haiti has been undergoing intense economic and social turmoil. The recent earthquake
and following unrest has left the country in its worst state since its founding. Haiti is the poorest
country in the western hemisphere; and cannot feed its own people. Over 80% of rural citizens
fall under the poverty line. Agriculture is by far Haitis most profitable sector of its economy, yet
Haiti still cannot feed its 10 million residents. The government is not entirely to blame for Haitis
situation, Haitis terrain is only somewhat cultivable to crops. Currently, only 11.8% of the
countries land can grow crops, and only 5% percent of the land is sustainable over a long period
of time.
Aquaponics is becoming a more popular method of farming in low income countries such
as Haiti. Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. In an Aquaponic system,
waste from fish is broken down and used as fertilizer to help seeds grow. The water used is
recycled so that it is fed back into the tank. While initial setup of Aquaponics system might be
somewhat expensive and time consuming, the potential yield of the system will save farmers
money and time. Our goal with this research was to create an inexpensive farming solution to
help combat the poverty Haiti is currently experiencing.


We set out to design two ways of testing our design; a design that we could physically
manipulate in the classroom and a hypothetical design that would go to Haiti. While the two
designs differ in size and functionality, they both aim to accomplish the same task.

Design and Materials

Our physical design is designed to automate the feeding process of the fish. In order for
the design to function, and Arduino must be present to run a specific code to feed the fish every
36 hours. The fish are housed underneath the planting area. Water is pumped from the fish tank
to the planting area and vice versa. A weight and counter weight keep the feeding lid closed at all
times. A small servo motor is placed on the side to open the lid every 36 hours.
A special box holds the fish food about 3 inches above the feeding lid. The box is
connected to an arm that runs to the ground for support. The arm also acts as support for the
Arduino and bread board. A servo mounted at the top dips the box every thirty six hours for only
a couple seconds to not over feed the fish. The food holder is made from straight plastic, while
the arm is made of a sturdy cardboard. The fish itself will fertilize the water; and a pump will
cycle the fertilized water to the seeds.
The hypothetical design encompasses where the fish and plants would be held. This
design is modular for even greater flexibility to the user. The plant bed is divided into 7 sections.
One water intake chamber, 5 rice beds, and a water outtake chamber. The area is designed to
trickle down from the intake chamber to the outtake. The automatic feeding apparatus from the
physical design would be utilized to a greater extent here; as there is more fish to feed.

The fish bed is made from plastic, each piece fitting inside each other. The beds are designed to
sit on top of fifty five gallon drum which will hold the fish. A pump will push water fertilized
from the fish into the intake chamber; which will then trickle down the rice beds, and out the
outtake chamber. Any fish will work with the design; but tilapia are the preferred fish because of
their quick maturity and size. The design will also bread fish as well. This aquaponics system
cannot function without power. Due to instable power lines in Haiti, many citizens do not have
access to working energy. Solar power is what this Aquaponic farm will use to power the pump.
A light will need to constantly on near the sensor; so the plants never stop receiving fertilized

At the end of six weeks; our group produced significant results in Aquaponic growth and
research. Our conducted research concluded that tilapia and rice would be appropriate stables for
the Aquaponic farm as they are inexpensive and naturally found throughout Haiti. Research into
potential cost concluded that each set of farms would cost around (depending on the size of the
farm) $257.76 per unit. Since the design is modular; the size of the farm can be expanded at will.
It should be noted that the size of the farm will directly influence the cost of maintenance.

Our physical design produced significant result in terms of fish welfare and crop yield.
All five grass beds produced an ordinate amount of wheat grass. The fertilization worked
perfectly; the water pump delivered fertilized water to the seeds exactly as planned. The
automated feeding process worked as it should. The arms fed the fish every 36 hours by dumping
the food holder over the feeding hole. 5 full cups of wheat grass were produced; assuring us that
the process worked seamlessly with little to no maintenance.


Following the 2010 Haitian earthquake; Haiti has been in a state of social and economic
turmoil. Little economic growth has hindered Haitis ability to rebound. Even with agriculture
being the most profitable sector of Haitis economy; Haiti still cannot feed most of its 10 million
citizens. Many Haitian farmers have been leaving traditional farming methods behind; and
turning to alternate methods such as aquaponics. Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture and
hydroponics, and is becoming a popular alternative to traditional farming. The goal of this
research was to create a low cost but efficient aquaponics system; built for the people of Haiti.

Both our physical and hypothetical designs produced significant results in both research
and crop yield. Research into the hypothetical design proved that rice and tilapia would be used
in the farm. Both rice and tilapia are found naturally throughout Haiti. Our physical design
produced significant results in crop yield; and proved that our design is functional. Our system
produced five full cups of wheat grass while maintaining the fishs health. Fertilized water
circulated throughout the system with ease.

Haiti is in desperate need of assistance; aquaponics may be that solution.

McCarthy, Matthew, Mr. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquaponics - Aquapanaponics."
Advantages and Disadvantages of Aquaponics. Aquapanaponics, 6 Feb. 2011. Web. 2 Apr.

Rakocy, James E.; Bailey, Donald S.; Shultz, R. Charlie; Thoman, Eric S. "Update on Tilapia and
Vegetable Production in the UVI Aquaponic System" (PDF). University of the Virgin Islands
Agricultural Experiment Station. Web. 2 Apr. 2016

"Benefits of Aquaponics and Why Aquaponics Is Better than Organic." Volcano Veggies.
Volcano Veggies, 4 Oct. 2013. Web. 2 Apr. 2016.

"Aquaponics floating biofilter grows rice on fish ponds". Tom Duncan. Web. 2 Apr. 2016

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