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‘Te aor, Mel Sand Yuri Venoshansky Mel Sifatthe 173 Worle Wei Crmponapa (Geuted) a Work i Met office in South Ablea_ 8 Grate with to of Rusu's pesto onioban ee, Satin Kachanoy ad Yn. Vd HeLeS Abin 173 wAtURA et BOLSoning at gig tan lng Ret ay csr) and he le Serge Reig, Belg spatenry Mel ig hat aig for the Seihliinghcoasd Hitman saat be oe ferent ‘Mel Swi his itr, Lina Moraceva {Prof Aleve Medvede, forme ae an Acai a Bet ‘vl hana weplier ad ston! cosch deer ortiglenencing the ld responsible Prine Denver, USA 1SBN and Elion, 1998, aa erned at cach who way not be suficienty aware ofthe efficent sal aor dmods of wining discussed inthe text, While every effet has Boen na eee on Conecnca of shill tere are cany technical subletes inherent in llc leaned with oh igh piee eeweh Bales Fplecaas sepigucs preted jn this book, yOU are sonaly advised to cbiin mo runing and consult &spesnist strength coach, Always be fr which the authors andthe publish forthe main ext and Bookman for headings, CONTENTS 1. STRENGTH AND THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 1 1a Preliminary tssues 111 Resistance Tining for Different Purposes 1 1512 Factors limiting Stwength Production 12 1.2 Fundament Biomechanics of Strength 17 1.9 A Philosophy of Physical Training 22 1.4 Specificity in Training 25 LS Strength and Fitness 90 nes Peps nd Wok Capry 1,6 The Nature of Strength 32 Det of Sen Sho Train nd Ponce Sng and ComecveTosoe 1.7 The Muscle Complex 3 17.1 The Stweme of Muscle 34 1.72 AMode! ofthe Muscle Complex 36 The Sere Fence ian nl Tela ‘chm Landing of Coser Tisue ‘he fac ot Sod Ea Bey The Infoseer on Comaive Tse Solis ate Ma 1.73 Implications ofthe Muscle Medel for Flexibility 7 1.7.4 The Relationship between Stability and Mobility 47 1.8 Classification of Muscle Actions 48 etton and Ballistic Movement 49 ‘ratuscle Contraction 50 11. The Triphaste Nature of Muscle Action Tia types of Muscle Fibre 54 4.15 The Mechanism of Muscle Growth 1.14 Neurophysiologieal Aspects of Exercise 118 Blocaergetics and the Energy Systems 115) The Ee 1183 The Shon-Term Energy System 73 1134 The nermedoe Energy System 7% 118 The Long-Tem Energy System 76 1 Implations foe Physical Conditioning 11157 Hormona! Factors and Strength Tring % 41.16 Adaptation and the Training Effect #0 1.16) The Gener Adspation Syndrome 81 Adan Rosman vem Supewanpticn 1.162 The Biochemistry of Adpation in Sport #9 1.163 General Tere of the Tining Prooses 5 Teofusr Mosel Ting Me Cony orev Ove Tang 1.164 A Model of Physical Fimess 86 2. SPECIAL STRENGTH TRAINING FOR SPORTS MASTERY 91 Heh rf Easing Abs Tea Sugero rag Ting 2.1 Schemes for Perfecting Movements 93, 2.1 Increasing the Working Effet of Movements st 2.12 Perfecting the Motor Sourture of Sports Movements 96 Tenens i ‘ekioena Chin The Kea Se 2.13 Perfecting the Biodynamic Seucture of Movements 102 ‘Specialisation to Develop Sports Mastery 104 221 Specific Foon of Producing Muscular 2a iar Strength 10 323 Be Punctional Topography ofthe Muscular Sytem — 0s 223 Motor Specialisation in Developing Sports Mastery 07 i) ets 23:1 Tue Succ of Physi Finest 12 232 The Inerelsion between Mote Abiiies 11 233 The Stuctre of Mater Abii 234 General Concepts of te St roof Physical Finess 16 3, FACTORS INFLUENCING STRENGTH PRODUCTION 122 5.1 The Reglmes of Muscular Work 121 9.2 Qualitative Characteristics of Strength 125 3.2.1 Explosive Seength 125 (oes sd ec ey Seed Spent Sens nd cls 3.22 Suenghh- Endurance 38 9.9. The Influence of External Conditions on Strength 141 331 The Infuence of he Po-workng tate ofthe Muscles 141 3132 The fect of the Loudon Spt of Muscle Contaction 148 aot 133 TetetfSroghin Spee} Asin Hon ee EEE tee 134 Thetanip heehee 8 3.341 Steneth Variation with Postarl Change 150 3.3.42 Strength, Safety nd Pevic Tt 150 3343 The Pfectof Head Poston on Stenghh 152 353.44 Sirngih, Symmetry and Limb Alignment 152 4335 The Dependence of Seng on Bodymass, 153 336 The Relationship beeen Suength and Height 56 33:7 The Relationship between Suenpth and Age 157 3.38 The Relationship between Svength and Gender 18 3339 The Inrease in Human Suengt over Time 159 8.4 Factors increasing the Working Effect of Strength 160 34) The Warm-up 60 3.42 The After-ffet of Muscle Activity 164 343 Additonal Movement 164 344. Preparatory Movement 165 345 Coordination in Muscular Work 168 346 EWciency of Boergy Expendinre 18 3.427 Emotion and other Psychological Factors 168 434 The Eifect of Cold Applicaton 70 3.49. Breathing and Strength Production 170 3.4.10 Strength Developmen and Proproception 171 ii ‘sporting Performance 172 Bea arn Ing Matrix System 188 3.7 The Movement Matrix System “4. THE MEANS OF SPECIAL STRENGTH TRAINING 4.1 The Problem of Trnining Means 199 4.1) Cares of Sng acest 200 4112 the eat of Senge ring Mens 202 442 lectricl Stimulation for Strength Development 205, 421 The Physiol! tof Eleostimaltion 207 199 4211 Kesens for Config Research 38 4212 Cline Applestons of Ectostiulaion 208 4213 Farber detewch Findings 212 42.14 An Inegate Toor of Flectostimulaon 212 425 The Use ofElecoostmulaon in Tnng 213 4.22 Resistance and Srength Trining 215 423 Kini nergy and Seength Processes 219 424 lone Tang 23 Inne Tring Anu Spey Scory tte sty (er Aes wants Atty {ste Tony 425 Foci Trig 2p 426 lininticand Other Tsining Means 210 4261 The kine Tining Method 201 4262 Limitations of the lokingtis Method" 232 ene —— Mac dog acim 4273 Machines andthe Vanale Resistance Piles 238 4274 ‘Te Taine Satey of Machinos ann, 42175 The Eciecy of Maco Tang 8 428 The Concept ofSymmetieTinng 0 429 The Concept of Muscle lation 4 4.8 Dynamic Correspondence as « Means of Strength Training 43.1 The Ampliude nd Dicetion of Movemat 383 4.32 The Acceamated Regen ofFoce Production 248 433 The Dynamic ofthe Elion ie 434 TheRate and Time of Maximal ote Podoston 36 43.5 The Regine of Muscle Work bt 143.6 Correspondence of Taning Means to he Sports Movements 28 4.4 Strength Training and General Endurance 249 ‘Senge Training and Geto Endurance efeefchn Spiias 5, THE METHODS OF SPECIAL STRENGTH TRAINING 255 5.1 The Problem of Methods 255, So lle the ws yi 5.2 General Principles of Speclal Strength Tralning 258 521 The Developmeat of Maximum Suengih 288 522 AuroregulaingProresive Resitance Exercise (APRE) 262 523 The Development of Speed-Stength 45 524 The Development of Faplosive Suongth and Reactive Ability 268 Poms a ae Tring Sytem Pore Teieg ot Sa ‘The ands Tory Pes ‘ssf rie sen Poets 52.5 The Development of Suongt-Endurunce 257 5.8 Appllcation of Special Strength Training Means 259 5.3.1 Interaction between Different Trinng Means 293 532 A Sequential System of Training Means 29) sem oftraing Mesos 24 jl Strength Trainin je eqn a Fe cgat ima of 03ee! ipa ee nine Me = lion of Soe Ts te aance the Tin EC ng eet 2 54 The se 344 Sennen fe 33 Spaiec Conon: £4) Ping set Sport 900 5.5. Cross Training in 56 circu Training 902 6. PROGRAMMING AND ORGANISA G1 The Development of Training Organisation {ION OF TRAINING 916 va ie Mais : 162 Perlodisation as « Form of Organisat Cera ra 621 Types of ean £22 Clean oft erst of Peiodtion ‘ante tte es Soc Tome 623 The Reaonshpbeween nasty a Volume 6.9 Training as an Odjective of Management 336, 64. Prerequisites for Organising Tralning 938 65 Classification of Sports 340 66 Characteristics of the Tralning Process 943 66. Adapaton nese Musas Work 34 {62 Struc Fancoa pein in Tring 96 663 TheSincureof Sei Physica Prpamoess 67 Preparedness and the Training Load 347 71 The Tining Load and it fet 3 67.2 Factor determining he Tring feet 351 693 The Cones ofthe Losing 1 See Lat ‘ean Pte aig 624 Te Volane of Ting Lod 56 695 The pansion Tag Lats SS The Long-Term Delayed Training Btect Beit ma EE oar 612 13 6.14 6.15 7a 72 73 610.3 Constructing Training by Funcionl indicate sp Primary Aims in Programming Training 975 Models for Structuring Annual Training 7s 121 A Model or Spons requiring Eplsive Steno 6122 A Mosel for Mediom Dut dunce Sn 6123 AModel fr Long Duration Erte Sn gp ‘6.124 A Model for Sports requiring Trcyeli Perodisation 349 6125 Practical ciples of Progamming 95 ‘A Sequence for Programming Annual Training 398 Managing the Training Process $67 ‘The Future of Programming Training 969 STRENGTH TRAINING METHODS 390 Bodybullding and Other Strength Training Methods 301 Sthmutou! Meas ecielednc Metiods fr Overs Baris PNF asa Training System 401 721 Definition and Scope of NF sot 722 Relationship of PNF to Physical Conditioning ana 723 The Fundamentals of PNF 403 723.1 The Principles of NF 402 723.2 Procedures of PNF oat 7233 Pateme of NF 0s 7234 Positions and Posture of NF 408 723 Pacingin PNP 405 7.24 Modifications io PNF. «26 Paer Deviion a Safe Fates 725 Functional Newromuscular Conditioning 07 ‘Musele Training 407 : 73.1 A Summary of Movements ofthe Joints 407 732 Fxamination of Some Joint Actions 402 Use of the Strength Training Compendium 430 DESIGNING SPORT SPECIFIC STRENGTH PROGRAMMES 411 considerations verte Modeling “7 ay Priory faa Needs Anaipsls and 8 ah ae rig Pre Bernat sere ry of 1 fr porte ion of Bec sacs - ve rapt xe Citi Be not Weg Fact Saris tecke nestor Emerton 85° Overtraining «29 ‘a6 Restoration and Stress Management Since (apie levine son Founs nu weet 87 The Use Of Testing a 8, minipn of fey atrngth ning 68 eet ae 89, sty snd Ting Ape! s80 1s ie Bet wanes Sede, Stone Weg a ‘8.10 Safety and Machine Training 453, $11 Protection by the Muscles 455 8.12 Towards the Future 456 NevPoyieal Fao een den Pes anf a Fay ine PREFACE The great rides ade in port daring the pat few decades au jor whats tothe pesca applet of exersesciene and systematic taining In keeping arc te harman Doing toy i det ng wit the Opie moto, the human tng todays defintely Strong and fst. Plateaus ofperoomancene Neely being Uanscendd andthe ques fo exslaring the imi ‘fun potential continues unabned ei ioe : An East-West Model of Sports Development Wit a bt he ptt sce in gin ets pm ssh expel y te ‘ene Soviet Union, hich spd he mow se tyne spore evepmet aoe ese ising secu andere wih noni fh ee sous kaye by the seek a es nd victois jyed ver any des y tees numer pos Wot Campoatinn ft Olympic Games. Not many yea afr he USSR thls oto poang elope a ee ‘oaches a at of a oping call acing wih Eas Bi’ cues nhs Eat Geta Polen Karis, Hungary ad enn wel x Cab, Noth Kora Cine ls of es ene tp ling tnd efeting ti Wes eoumpare The inseducen ie Ch of he span wos! ete Iho fle ieee, nail poration shot rms resron pe hs aay lye mo oc in prods th Chie sapere einng damit stem pry Avia aps ofthe Kassin model wa te te of eng eng pple cl ea spore The few nore coco and mets of tain uc a predomi td homes, which itered aco the Wet were pil adopted ed eens ang any sort fond icra arty wih tc ccd enh te, howee see etlped Tis beak as br won ole may of se spec sang cong tcnigus mabe ese scientists, coches and sports mode profs i cots which hve aot Ben expsed We mast porn cones and meds of Runa ig i aro contd tf 8 ply Rasa pee bere tren equal vate body of Went mata wich snl Complements td ees Ristan model, The euling ex, rfl «hn of evan Las and Wester seen see Strength without Drugs ‘As competitors stugale ner the asympotes of thir ability, they sek any meus, seni oF mythical n stfemptsto transcend their physical and mental iit, te tis pont that sport on degenerates ito a form ‘which invokes the use of mage potions, now classed euphemisialy as erogenic sds, those substances or Aevioes whic can enhance performance ‘Among the best know of the ict epogenie drs ae the anabolic steroids, chemicals which are derived ffom male growth hormene to facia te growth of muscle bulk and strength The epidemic proportions reached by the abuse of anabolic substances fram pharmaceutical and so-called Wat sources isa consequence ‘of commercial exploitation and predominantly mule preoccupation with size and suength. It is iclevant fo discuss any further aspests of this phenomenon bere Its existence is mentioned to emphasize the fat tht the ‘quest for strength is one of enormous importance to man and that he will resort to any means to achieve it. The ‘widespread use of steroids and other chemical supplements sam admission that one has runout of ning ideas ‘0 produce further progrese natural, This is hardly suprising, because the virwally the same repertcire of treditiona bodybuilding exercises and techniques is usally applied in fationable programmes devised by endless processions of bodybuilding heroes. The user often fal © approcate the individuality of each programme and ‘when progress cease, be frequently ress osnabolic supplementation. Even then, be invariably uses excessive doses of different anabolicandrogenic (AA) steroids, guided more by the experince of individual bodybuilders rather than by scientific knowledge of how to cycle clinically modest doses over 1 few weeks ito scarfily nsogeie went ining snd shock ct seseraon mS son that its impossible t become Sr pec crest POE a eam Mpamnes et HIE PORES by set pe ae bing more cia ea, ough is Reese rer 2 ene pre ree i, as ron AA serie is SR sid toro ely penalised. After all top athe eh a prt et en ce red nda se estan will cosa tat PONE a yen FO et ie vance among ail competitors, not when drug rests oe 0 9 ee formation in this book has been gathered a alco tine application, The inf me 2 ne which the authors bave called ‘chromonutrition emphisizes that pe thiete, Chronoourition ee ies at determines the effectiveness of ‘te timing of ingest | Sw empm mrt otnst ci in in te lenny nnn Sahay | Pata Fecha Kita, Lette Alt wad the speclied Fam fs a Te | Pe tsi tae ws Le pain i, pin, ent rom Waseem sens Le et fanealomms mies ge crake tee a swe Ts neers Oe aauey Objectives and Audience tsemo'h oevas o stok oso bow a dace undesndng of te phenomenon of stength can enon sy tly deepal pes of sei reg wiht resorting drugs, ‘Aion i ie ign atte fre purpose of deeopng seen in sports competiors, ‘isk prc fon wh ire! © anyone who neds to ean ay ofthe Neng elated uli for efecv parca nay fom of phytase The tem special stength taining’ wed fh kha pe ing fr Ratan cle and covchs is closest equvet inthe West esport ‘pes ig, er ent al eas a tds of developing ‘pecialsengt. Spee! een ally ogee eget wich tne 0 hy elt ot oly heals, couch, pal eduator and personal trainer, bot al won physetpins and dias whose tk itis o provide specie forms of musculsicleal ‘ile alo wh iy io cei ehnig sabi and mobility by some form of steng-bsed Firat Fox tic mun, one of the chapen reuse speci sveogth taining tothe ps ows a PN (rproeive NewomsclrFaltation) _ Onsale main sims of his book isto lone of tbe ‘siti mtodey anes ‘apsin the applied strength taining fil, i, the ack of _ Pons tac hg tm ONE ng impoke Sorig A major sim is alo to extend the imi concepts of strength and fess which have been perpetuated i sary ting books and exercise physiology texte nthe Wea. Thee books have Wid fe ew MPO fw componn tr cmc eect ety, ae rowtved te eect of more specie components sch ar apecbarengh, seed-euaen, fest. Screg and speed-suength endurence, Consequently sports tang programmer which have been Dsl 0 these simpli fess models ave been senouly deficient in hey seca spurs feparaton "he mer ls eng aig Hyung ve ao ha pn npc he ef seen tinng in spor. Some f tem eer the paral prices of nospeciis wht Guy ¥en adewinly, while others offer muck ie sume compendia ef talon physique ters cooing Cet ies which have been uted sine he un of thn centry. The proline comer Ses eaten sd popula pysiue maprines inthe Wes ts reed the oft impression tat these ene, wel now Rodsbulders and commerily-accediedistracor ae Maly cqupped to provide stcogh waning veryone,iling elite ates. Moreover, many ofthe more popula books ot apled ease see Ne teen writen by scientists with cosdeabc Iaowlede of eavaylar phy, Bur les epeence of special stengt ining in spo. tthe sme ine, sme of the fies reap tining exper nd books ae in Rus and astern Ensopean counts, so that he average physical edacatr, conch an sports scent in the West has tle or ao accesso them. Where English resatons of hese Boks exis they ave usualy eral ant dont adequate net thet ofter-nfumilar terminology an philosophy for Wester reader That he infomation they convey definitely valuables bre out bythe dominance of mst Opi prs by abies fom these coun, For the above reason, the nee fora more extensive book on splint conditioning Became obvious spel iit coud synthesize siete and praca! findings fom Last and West. The newer of gan o “opens inthe former Soviet Union also seemed to provide he oportuneime fr ch a vente ‘The Authors This unique cooperative venture commenced whe the authors met in Moscow in 1980 angina ill momentum in 1991 when Dr Sif pent sever! weeks there wih his Russian colleague, dscssing thir muta! research interests and mecting with ther sports scientists at major Russian rescarch instues. A staff meer and scientific interpreter atone ofthese instuss, Linna Moratchevs, served as a invaluable ink between the (wo !uhors organising working meetings and willy devoting much of fer ime to waning many ofthe difclt concep, ‘The stage which culminate in the inviuble meeting between the authors was stn 1969 when Dr Sif & competitive Olympic weigher and postgraduate student in appieé mathematics atthe University of the Witwatersrand, began receiving tanslton of Soviet sports science publications fm Dr Michiel Yess, pro- fesor in physialedueton at the Unversity of Califia, Flleton, This mate, wupmenad by his esl visits to Dr Yesssin the USA, furnished DrSiff with an extensive working familiaty With Soviet sports sinse and ultimately inspired him to visit Russian uly 1990 and November 199 Subsequently, Dr Sif invite Dr Verhoshansky’ wo visit South Aca on lecture tour in March 1992 During the month he spent in Dr Sffs home, he was able to discuss extensively with Dr Sif the material fr this ‘ook nd thir mutual esearch findings, aided by Linna Moatcheve as thal nee. ‘The relaxing and unique stmosphere afforded by the AMfcan countryside including its Game Parks and tospitablecitzens, though entirely perihen tothe task of authorship, served to cement a close undertanding ‘erveen the two scents which transcended the importance of puriy of language tanltion end accuracy of content. At times, the African bintplace ofthis book suggested important analogies between the impresive Physical performance of its wild animals and fimess qualities suchas stengt, speed, power, agility reactive Abily and plyometics, This, in tum indicated that many training sees fom ‘darkest Ac could be extrected by observant analysis of nature and applied with scenic guidance to advancing the spatng endeavours of ‘mankind. ‘That the land ofthe strongest and animal (he elephant, the fastest animal on eat (the chest) {hemos powerful ape ine gorilla nd many ofthe worls mast effective jumping creatures (sh a the grace ‘orngbok) should have given birt oti stengt-seed book is coinsienaly noteworthy. : enrages and profesor in sp poral Tes in Moscow and HS UNE Mh 9 pre or cin ss ao St page Lane ic TBAT rrserth we Domechanics,ergornn Met St Amar ea we nd Mathematics) was awarde ianing md I phd was in ySOOHy. SPA Siete otien se yan esha A ely esa ee err yee To eee testy. ovina HR acs nd was mumageconch of the Sout Aca Gane We A ad ectrios Serve svar or exceptions cone The ht of te waivers se asc ru cao yl son prs soe ee ater fon ar wl ee npn orga ews heal Steep ache temas Te ae creed td te cenin l ring pope ix sce nat di tae Sado nt bere rr co Sperone cae one reaper ee let ioe ert re oe ee evens ee ems on snare ca eh nb iy ce mk ee Ch hcl eg on eo op ae ‘Sedings and mods, which be hopes will be wanlsted into Enlis within the next few years. oe : Santa pe pinta actin tr Pr een a he i ‘Tgimes, with particular relevance tothe fess needs af competitive athletes. ag ii stripe ati lca lt ew mi one x oye vid Sea iene creepiest oy ote ton of epnies es oe ‘der icincge oa echt andconjpat sequence) wich ae rerly encountered Eee cakie= pe ntincdtemiyartm rep ase se eee fem rule nares Eh wal Taney hve bre dene 0 ‘ining Tn some places, taditionl terms such as ‘aerobic’ and ‘The Book ‘An invaluable bolqround othe Rusian methods and pilesophy Sr nen rae nc naa el tnd thei performance, wii STRENGTH AND THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM Objective Iki the objective of this bock to explee the phenomenon of dacoveris asiog fom thie ques, with preparedness for sporting performance sti pacity, fitness and preparedness well asthe differen necessary framework fr research and practical aplication strength and to spply to physical condoning the Dticular emphasis on the development of pera fimss und he highest level. In meeting this objetv, the concepts of wore ‘ypes of strength are examined in dea fo provide the ofall findings, Je analyses the different types of strength, heir ols in tuman movement and how they may be developed ficeny. tn iMustating how scientific research may be applied in tuning or rehbiiaion, Ry dscuses the various means and methods of strength tiring, raging fom resistance tring with weighs to impulsive (plyometrc) loading without weights. It identies which specifi types of suengl Fines ue taut by he athlete, the forms in which strength is produced over the range of «given sporting movemeat an the mort. 'ppropsate sequences for developing the different types of enh iness over» proloaged taining pei Since considerable research reveals that strength snot single fundamental fitness factor lik endovascular

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