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The following article was published in ASHRAE Journal, February 2004.

Copyright 2004 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-

Conditioning Engineers, Inc. It is presented for educational purposes only. This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or
in paper form without permission of ASHRAE.

By Glenn C. Hourahan, P.E., Member ASHRAE furnaces vs. electric heat pumps, etc.) that
are compatible with the building and the
buildings application. This includes de-
versized air-conditioning systems significantly degrade the ability
O of unitary HVAC equipment to control humidity within residen-
termining space requirements and
occupant needs. Appearance issues, archi-
tectural design concerns, and space con-
tial and commercial buildings. Additionally, oversizing causes many
straints also influence system selection,
other problems such as large temperature differences between as well as how the mechanical equipment
rooms, occupant discomfort, higher installed cost and excessive part- responds to design and building require-
load operation (see sidebar on Page 16). ments. The overall building budget and
system budget also impact the type of sys-
Reasons for designers/contractors to This article summarizes key steps in tem, zoning, and capabilities of the equip-
routinely oversize HVAC equipment in- performing such a procedure.
clude not performing load calculations, About the Author
performing load calculations incor- Step 1: Establish Building Design and Glenn C. Hourahan, P.E., is vice president of
rectly, and attempting to avoid customer Criteria Requirements Research & Technology for the Air Conditioning
Contractors of America (ACCA) in Arlington, Va.
complaints. However, to properly size Before undertaking a load calculation, He has served on various ASHRAE committees,
HVAC equipment, a rigorous heat gain/ ascertain the type of HVAC systems (i.e., and is a member of the Task Group on Residential
heat loss procedure must be observed. ducted vs. ductless equipment, gas-fired and Small Buildings Applications (TG9.RSBA).

February 2004 ASHRAE Journal 15

Effects of
ment to be selected. The fuel types avail- unitary equipment, in being oversized for
able to the site, in addition to their rela- a part-load condition, easily satisfies the

tive costs, also have an impact. thermostat and cycles off long before mois-
ture removal can be affected. Cycling re-
Step 2: Determine the Design Loads sults in a warmer coil temperature with Marginal part load temperature control
Determining heat loss/heat gain loads less latent capacity than a colder coil.
Large temperature differences between
at design conditions requires examina- Hence, just when latent removal capabil- rooms
tion of several parameters. ity may be needed most, it is least avail-
Degraded humidity control
able. The tradeoff is whether it is preferable
Building Construction Parameters to be a little warm on the hottest days, or Drafts and noise
It is critical that building construction maintain setpoint on the design day, Occupant discomfort/dissatisfaction
parameters be evaluated carefully, and thereby providing poorer humidity con- Larger ducts installed
that assumptions on the related building trol almost all of the rest of the time. Increased electrical circuit sizing
details are verified carefully. Examples Excessive part load operation
of such deliberations include: building Step 3: Do Not Add Safety Factors
Frequent cycling (loading/unloading)
envelope, insulation type/level, glass Once a load calculation has been de-
type and shading, solar orientation, and termined, and the sensible and latent loads Shorter equipment life
duct tightness/location. established, it is important not to ruin the Nuisance service calls
good work by arbitrarily adding safety Higher installed costs
Design Conditions factors. Routinely adding just-in-case Increased operating expense
Outdoor design conditions should be safety factors of 25% to 100% is unac- Increased installed load on the public
the 1% cooling dry-bulb design point ceptable for most unitary applications. utility system
for the specific geographic location of The practice results in equipment cycling Increased potential for mold growth
the building. The indoor design condi- (and hence a warmer average coil tem-
Potential to contribute to asthma and other
tions should be based on customer needs perature), and may result in too much air-
respiratory conditions
and requirements. As a default, design- flow (again increasing the coil

Reasons for
ers should observe the following nomi- temperature and decreasing latent capac-
nal indoor design conditions: ity). Additional ways to ruin an otherwise
Winter Heating Design Point: 70F
good load determination include:
(21C) at 30% relative humidity. Overly conservative assumptions
Summer Cooling Design Point: 75F on the building construction details.
(24C) at 50% relative humidity. Load determination was not made
Purposely using loose or conserva-
tive design criteria to increase the cal-
Prior experience is used to guess
Full Load vs. Part Load the load
culated cooling requirement is
In performing the load analysis, it is unnecessary and counterproductive for
Simple replacement of like for
important to pay attention to the sensible like:
obtaining proper loads.
(i.e., temperature related) and latent loads - Assumes that the original installa-
Failure to observe room and build-
(i.e., moisture related). It needs to be rec- tion was correct
ing diversity factors. The required ca-
ognized that the load calculation is based - Ignores whether building functions
pacity is not necessarily the sum of the
on the peak-load conditions (sensible + have changed
peak individual room loads. It must be
latent). For summer cooling, this gener- - Ignores building upgrades
observed that buildings with large lev-
ally occurs on a sunny, hot day, and the (lighting, insulation, etc.)
els of solar glass load especially if
peak sensible load occurs at the peak dry- these windows are predominantly on one
Use of obsolete and inadequate rules
bulb condition. However, what happens of thumb
side of the structure will have rooms
in the evening when the sun sets? What if Incorrect observance of procedures
with large loads that peak at different
it is raining? It is reasonable to expect times than other rooms.
Mistakes in the load calculation
some summer hours when the outdoor Upsizing equipment in the belief that
Overly conservative assumptions on
condition may be in the low 80Fs and building attributes
bigger is better. This is a problem with
relative humidity is 100% (its raining!). customers who think buying a larger unit
Use of safety factors
Since the design methodology results for nearly the same money is a good
Designers compensate for air distri-
in equipment sized for peak dry-bulb tem- bution problems by oversizing equipment
value. Designers need to explain the ben-
perature (the hot, sunny afternoon), the Safeguarding callbacks
efits of using properly sized equipment.
air conditioner has excess capacity when Designers seek to minimize occupant
operating at non-peak, part load duty (the complaints on days that exceed design
Step 4: Verifying System Capacities
other 99% of the time). Constant volume conditions
In verifying capacities and making the
16 ASHRAE Journal February 2004
final equipment selection, it is essential tion (peak dry bulb conditions) and part Modified control strategies that en-
to observe all manufacturers sizing, se- load operation (peak wet-bulb conditions). gage the cooling equipment based on hu-
lection, and application guidelines. As pre- midistat demand. However, humidistat
viously noted, be sure that the equipment Step 5: Considerations if Equipment control is likely to require reheat to pre-
can meet the sensible and latent cooling Cannot Satisfy Latent Requirements vent overcooling in the conditioned
requirements without being oversized. For If the selected unitary equipment is space. Other control sequences can per-
controlling moisture within the building, unable to satisfy the full-load and/or part- mit the evaporator to operate at a lower
it is crucial that designers verify that the load latent requirements, equipment temperature.
selected equipment has the capability to manufacturers offer innovative solutions Optimized equipment using multi-
handle the latent load at full load opera- for modulating latent capacity: speed/variable-speed indoor fan units en-
able lower supply air temperatures.
Reduced airflow increases opportunities
to remove moisture from the airstream.
Hybrid equipment that uses wrap-
around heat pipes or air-to-air heat ex-
changers. The intent is to reheat the dry
supply air leaving the dehumidifying coil
with heat recovered from the air entering
the coil. This approach allows the cool-
ing coil to wring out as much moisture as
possible from the preconditioned air.
For humid applications, or where a high
level of humidity control is needed, de-
signers should consider independently
controlling temperature and humidity:
Whole building dehumidification
equipment (perhaps interconnected to the
primary fan and using the same duct sys-
Advertisement in the print edition formerly in this space.
tem as the air-conditioning system) can
independently control moisture loads.
Dedicated outdoor air systems can
better reduce the moisture loads that arise
due to the introduction of warm, moist
air for ventilation requirements since the
outdoor air is preconditioned before
mixing with the indoor return air.
Both approaches eliminate a major part
of moisture load, and allow the primary
coil to do a better job of sensible cooling.

Correct sizing and selection of unitary
equipment, appropriately controlled, are
important steps to maintain proper humid-
ity levels. This requires configuring the
HVAC system to meet sensible and latent
loads, not only at the design conditions
(full load), but also over a broad range of
off-design conditions (part loads).
Subsequent steps for controlling build-
ing humidity levels include ensuring the
selected building systems (HVAC equip-
ment, ductwork, envelope, etc.) are prop-
erly installed, commissioned, maintained,
and serviced over the buildings life.
February 2004 ASHRAE Journal 17

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