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Module Seven

Drug Classifications

Table of Contents

1. Drug Classifications (p 3)
A. Drug Classification Groups (p 4)
B. United States Adopted Names (p 5)

2. Generic and Corresponding Brand-Name Drugs by Classification

A. Anesthetics (p 6)
B. Analgesics (p 6)
i. Sample Questions (p 7)
C. Antineoplastics (p 8)
D. Antihyperlipidemic (p 8)
E. Anti-Infectives (p 9)
i. Sample Questions (p 10)
F. Cardiovascular (p 11)
i. Sample Questions (p 12)
G. Dermatological (p 13)
H. Gastrointestinal (p 13)
i. Sample Questions (p 14)
I. Hematological (p 15)
J. Hormones (p 15)
K. Immunobiologic (p 16)
i. Sample Questions (p 16)
L. Musculoskeletal (p 17)
M. Neurological (p 17)
N. Ophthalmic (p 18)
i. Sample Questions (p 19)
O. Psychotropic (p 20)
i. Sample Questions (p 21)
P. Respiratory (p 22)
i. Sample Questions (p 23)

3. Nutritional Supplements (p 24)
A. Vitamins (p 24)
B. Electrolytes and Minerals (p 25)
i. Sample Questions (p 26)

4. Drugs that Look and Sound Alike (p 27)

5. Answer Key for Sample Questions (p 28)

1. Drug Classifications

When certain drugs are used for different parts of the body it is called
the classification of the drug.

! A drugs name begins with the chemical name that describes its
components and structure. This name identifies the specific
compound used in the formulation of a drug, but they are long,
complicated names and not useful for general communication.

! The Brand name of a drug is the name given by the sponsoring

company who compounded the drug.

! After a brand-name drug is no longer protected under patent law, it

can be marketed by other companies as a generic drug.

This is why you need to know the generic names and the
corresponding brand names of the top drugs in each classification.

Make Flash Cards to memorize ALL of the generic and corresponding

brand names found in each drug classification in this Module.

A. Drug Classification Groups

Drugs are classified by a disorder, body system effect, type of

receptors, and type of action.

Groups of Drug Classifications:

Electrolytes and Minerals

B. United States Adopted Names (USAN)

The USAN designates nonproprietary names for drugs. This council

was formed in the 1960s by the American Medical Association and
the United States Pharmacopoeia. Now the American Pharmacists
Association and the FDA are included in the Council. Once approved
by these different agencies, the name becomes the official name of
the drug. The Stems below are used in drug names to indicate the
classification / function of the drug.

Stems Classes
alol alpha and beta blockers
andr androgens
ase enzymes
azaepam anti-anxiety
eosin` antihypertensive
caine local anesthetics
cef cephalosporin
cillin penicillin
conazole anti-fungal
cort cortisone
cycline antibiotics
estr estrogens
gest progestin
mycin antibiotics
olol Beta-blockers
olone steroids
oxacin antibiotics
pamide diuretics
pamil coronary vasodilators
pramine antidepressants
pril antihypertensives
profen anti-inflammatory
sulfa antibiotics
terol bronchodilators
thiazide diuretics
vastatin antihyperlipidemics

2. Generic and Corresponding Brand-Name Drugs
by Classification

A. Anesthetics

Anesthetics cause an absence of sensation or pain.

! Local anesthesia is administered directly to an area to be numbed.

It is commonly used in dental work.
! General anesthesia produces a complete loss of consciousness. It
is used for surgeries and administered by an anesthesiologist.

Generic name Brand name

Procaine Novocain
Tetracaine Pontocaine
Bupivacaine Marcaine
Dibucaine Nupercainal
Halothane Fluothane
Midazolam Versed
Fentanyl Duragesic

B. Analgesics

Analgesics are pain-killers. C-II drugs are pure narcotics.

Generic Name Brand Name

Acetylsalicylic Acid Aspirin
Acetaminophen Tylenol
Ibuprofen Motrin
Naproxen Naprosyn
Meperidine Demerol (C-II)
Tramadol Ultram
Propoxyphene/Acetaminophen Darvon-N
Oxycodone/Acetaminophen Percocet (C-II)
Morphine MS Contin
Hydrocodone /Acetaminophen Vicodin (C-II)
Dextroamphetamine + Adderall (C-II)
Amphetamine, mixed salts

i. Sample Questions

1. Acetylsalicylic Acid______ a. Duragesic

2. Ibuprofen______ b. Demerol
3. Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen_____ c. Ultram
4. Roxicet d. Versed
5. Procaine______ e. Percocet
6. Midazolam______ f. MS Contin
7. Meperidine______ g. Novocain
8. Naproxen______ h. Tylenol
9. Fentanyl______ i. Naprosyn
10. Halothane______ j. Aspirin
11. Oxaprozin______ k. Pontocaine
12. Propoxyphene/Acetaminophen_____ l. Darvon-N
13. Tetracaine______ m. Marcaine
14. Bupivacaine______ n. Fluothane
15. Acetaminophen______ o. Motrin
16. Tramadol______ p. Vicodin
17. Dibucaine______ q. Daypro
18. Morphine Sulfate______ u. Nupercainal
19. Dextroamphetamine+ v. Adderall
Amphetamine, mixed salts______

C. Antineoplastics

Antineoplastics inhibit the growth of new cancer cells.

Generic Name Brand Name

Cyclophosphamide Cytoxan
Cisplatin Platinol
Methotrexate Rheumatrex
Fluorouracil (5-FU) Efudex
Vincristine Oncovin
Paclitaxel Taxol (refrigerate)
Etoposide Vepesid (refrigerate)
Tamoxifen Nolvadex
Doxorubicin Adriamycin

D. Antihyperlipidemic

Antihyperlipidemic drugs lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Generic Name Brand Name

Lovastatin Mevacor
Atorvastatin Lipitor
Simvastatin Zocor
Fluvastatin Lescol
Pravastatin Pravachol

E. Anti-Infectives

Anti-Infectives treat diseases produced by microorganisms such as

viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Generic Name Brand Name

Ampicillin Omnipen
Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Augmentin
Cefaclor Ceclor (penicillin sensitive)
Cephalexin Keflex
Levofloxacin Levaquin
Ciprofloxacin Cipro
Azithromycin Zithromax
Sulfisoxazole Bactrim (sun sensitive)
Tetracycline Sumycin (sun sensitive)
Metronidazole Flagyl
Acyclovir Zovirax

i. Sample Questions

1. Ampicillin_____ a. Augmentin
2. Amoxicillin/Clavulanate_____ b. Lescol
3. Cefaclor______ c. Zithromax
4. Cephalexin______ d. Zovirax
5. Ciprofloxacin_____ e. Omnipen
6. Azithromycin_____ f. Ceclor
7. Acyclovir_____ g. Keflex
8. Metronidazole_____ h. Flagyl
9. Cyclophosphamide_____ i. Rheumatrex
10. Cisplatin_____ j. Oncovin
11. Methotrexate_____ k. Vepesid
12. Vincristine ______ l. Cipro
13. Paclitaxel______ m. Nolvadex
14. Etoposide_____ n. Platinol
15. Tamoxifen_____ o. Cytoxan
16. Lovastatin_____ p. Lipitor
17. Atorvastatin_____ q. Zocor
18. Pravastatin_____ r. Mevacor
19. Simvastatin_____ s. Pravachol
20. Fluvastatin_____ t. Taxol

F. Cardiovascular

Cardiovascular drugs treat conditions and diseases of the

cardiovascular system.

Generic Name Brand Name

Nitroglycerin Nitrostat (protect from light)
Nifedipine Procardia
Verapamil Calan
Lidocaine Xylocaine
Diltiazem Cardizem
Losartan Cozaar
Isosorbide Isordil
Furosemide Lasix
Atenolol Tenormin
Lisinopril Prinivil
Warfarin Coumadin (Do not take with aspirin)
Hydrochlorothiazide(HCTZ) Hydrodiuril
Heparin n/a
Metoprolol Lopressor

i. Sample Questions

1. Nifedipine_____ a. Xylocaine
2. Nitroglycerin_____ b. Isordil
3. Metoprolol_____ c. Hydrodiuril
4. Diltiazem_____ d. Lasix
5. Verapamil_____ e. Cozaar
6. Furosemide_____ f. Prinivil
7. Atenolol_____ g. Tenormin
8. Lisinopril_____ h. Calan
9. Hydrochlorothiazide(HCTZ)_____ i. Heparin
10. Warfarin_____ j. Procardia
11. Heparin_____ k. Coumadin
12. Lidocaine_____ l. Cardizem
13. Isosorbide_____ m. Lopressor
14. Losartan_____ n. Nitrostat

G. Dermatologicals

Dermatologicals are drugs used to treat a disease or condition of the


Generic Name Brand Name

Hydrocortisone Cortisporin
Silver Sulfadiazine Silvadene
Clotrimazole Lotrimin AF
Betamethasone Diprolene
Ofloxacin Floxin
Triamcinolone Kenalog
Clobetasol Temovate
Ketoconazole Nizoral

H. Gastrointestinal

Gastrointestinal agents are used to treat disorders of the stomach

and intestines.

Generic Names Brand Name

Loperamide Imodium
Diphenoxylate/Atropine Lomotil
Trimethobenzamide Tigan
Prochlorperazine Compazine
Cimetidine Tagamet
Famotidine Pepcid
Lansoprazole Prevacid
Ranitidine Zantac
Cisapride Propulsid
Omeprazole Prilosec
Esomeprazole Nexium
Promethazine Phenergan (suppositories, refrigerate)

i. Sample Questions

1. Propulsid_____ a. Ranitidine
2. Nizoral_____ b. Clobetasol
3. Tagamet _____ c. Betamethasone
4. Silver Sulfadiazine _____ d. Cisapride
5. Kenalog_____ e. Loperamide
6. Trimethobenzamide _____ f. Famotidine
7. Temovate_____ g. Silvadene
8. Diprolene _____ h. Lansoprazole
9. Pepcid_____ i. Omeprazole
10. Zantac_____ j. Esomeprazole
11. Prevacid_____ k. Cimetidine
12. Prilosec_____ l. Ketoconazole
13. Imodium_____ m. Ofloxacin
14. Floxin_____ n. Diphenoxylate/Atropine
15. Lomotil_____ o. Tigan
16. Nexium_____ p. Triamcinolone

I. Hematological

Hematological drugs are used to prevent or treat excessive bleeding.

Generic Name Brand Name

Desmopressin DDAVP
Phytonadione Mephyton
Cyanocobalamin Vitamin B 12, Nascobal
Thrombin Powder n/a

J. Hormones

Hormone drugs are given to stimulate or inhibit hormone secretion.

Generic Name Brand Name

Epinephrine Adrenalin
Glyburide Micronase
Glucagon GlucaGen
Insulin Humulin, Humalog, Novolin, Novolog
Glipizide Glucotrol
Metformin Glucophage
Methimazole Tapazole
Levothyroxine Levoxyl
Norethindrone/Mestranol Ortho-Novum 1/50 (dispense a patient
package insert with each prescription for
hormones or birth control pills)
Sildenafil Citrate Viagra
Clomiphene Citrate Clomid
Etonogestrel + Ethinyl
Estradiol Nuvaring (refrigerate)

K. Immunobiologic

A vaccine containing infectious agents to boost the bodys immune

system response. These drugs need to be refrigerated or kept in the
freezer according to the manufacturers recommendation.)

Vaccine Name
Diphtheria Toxoid
Rabies Immune Globulin
Hepatitis A Immune Globulin
Hepatitis B Immune Globulin
Tetanus Immune Globulin

i. Sample Questions

1. Cyanocobalamin______ a. Glucagon
2. Sildenafil Citrate________ b. Vitamin B-12
3. Epinephrine________ c. Glucophage
4. Glyburide________ d. DDAVP
5. Glucagon________ e. Tapazole
6. Phytonadione________ f. Ortho-Novum 1/50
7. Glipizide________ g. Clomid
8. Levothyroxine_______ h. Adrenalin
9. Norethindrone/Mestranol ____ i. Glucotrol
10. Desmopressin________ j. Micronase
11. Clomiphene Citrate________ k. Levoxyl
12. Metformin________ l. Mephyton
13. Methimazole________ m. Viagra
14. Insulin_____ n. Humulin

L. Musculoskeletal

Musculoskeletal drugs are used for chronic and often progressive

inflammatory conditions caused by the dysfunction of the immune

Generic Name Brand Name

Colchicine n/a
Allopurinol Zyloprim
Cyclobenzaprine Flexeril
Diazepam Valium
Carisoprodol Soma
Baclofen Lioresal
Chlorzoxazone Parafon Forte
Metaxalone Skelaxin
Methocarbamol Robaxin
Orphenadrine citrate Norflex

M. Neurological

Neurological drugs are used when common neurological disorders

are affected by abnormalities in neurotransmitter response or release.
These kinds of disorders include: Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons
disease, and migraine headaches.

Generic Name Brand Name

Benztropine Mesylate Cogentin
Gabapentin Neurontin
Phenytoin Dilantin
Phenobarbital Donnatal
Ergotamine Cafergot
Sumatriptan Imitrex
Carbidopa/Levodopa Sinemet

N. Ophthalmic

Ophthalmic drugs are used to treat diseases, disorders, and various

conditions of the eye.

Generic Name Brand Name

Betaxolol Betopic
Timolol Timoptic
Dipivefrin Propine
Dexamethasone Decadron
Prednisolone Pred-Mild
Ketorolac Acular
Dexamethasone/Tobramycin Tobradex

i. Sample Questions

1. Dipivefrin______ a. Acular
2. Betaxolol______ b. Pred Forte
3. Colchicine______ c. Timoptic
4. Allopurinol______ d. Tobradex
5. Cyclobenzaprine_____ e. Flexeril
6. Diazepam______ f. Propine
7. Carbidopa/Levodopa______ g. Valium
8. Benztropine______ h. Cogentin
9. Gabapentin______ i. Imitrex
10. Phenytoin______ j. Dilantin
11. Dexamethasone______ k. Soma
12. Sumatriptan______ l. Sinemet
13. Timolol ______ m. Neurontin
14. Gentamicin______ n. Decadron
15. Dexamethasone/Tobramycin______ o. Garamycin
16. Prednisolone Acetate______ p. Zyloprim
17. Ketorolac______ q. Betoptic
18. Carisoprodol______ r. Colchicine
19. Metaxalone ______ s. Norflex
20. Orphenadrine citrate______ t. Skelaxin

O. Ps ychotropic

Psychotropic drugs are behavior-modifying drugs used to treat

psychiatric conditions such as bipolar disorder, anxiety,
schizophrenia, depression, drug addiction, and sleep disorders.

Generic Name Brand Name

Carbamazepine Tegretol
Divalproex Sodium Depakote
Diazepam Valium
Lorazepam Ativan
Alprazolam Xanax
Paroxetine Paxil
Fluoxetine Prozac
Amitriptyline Elavil
Trazodone Desyrel
Bupropion Wellbutrin
Olanzapine Zyprexa
Haloperidol Haldol
Risperidone Risperdal
Buspirone Buspar
Sertraline Zoloft
Disulfiram Antabuse

i. Sample Questions

1. Carbamazepine_______ a. Prozac
2. Lorazepam_______ b. Elavil
3. Alprazolam_______ c. Wellbutrin
4. Buspirone_______ d. Desyrel
5. Paroxetine_______ e. Zyprexa
6. Sertraline_______ f. Tegretol
7. Fluoxetine_______ g. Depakote
8. Amitriptyline_______ h. Haldol
9. Trazodone_______ i. Risperdal
10. Bupropion_______ j. Ativan
11. Olanzapine_______ k. Xanax
12. Haloperidol_______ l. Antabuse
13. Risperidone_______ m. Buspar
14. Disulfiram_______ n. Paxil
15. Divalproex Sodium_______ o. Zoloft

P. Respiratory

Respiratory drugs are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases

and disorders.

! Examples: Antihistamines, Antitussives (reduce the viscosity of

secretion), Bronchodilators, and Decongestants.
! A patients package insert about the drug is mandatory when
dispensing inhalants.

Generic Names Brand Names

Diphenhydramine Benadryl
Fexofenadine Allegra
Loratadine Claritin
Pseudoephedrine Sudafed
Benzonatate Tessalon
Dextromethorphan Benylin
Guaifenesin Robitussin
Metaproterenol Alupent (inhalant)
Ipratropium Bromide Atrovent (inhalant)
Albuterol Sulfate Proventil (inhalant)
Salmeterol Serevent (inhalant)
Beclomethasone Beconase (inhalant)
Fluticasone Flonase (inhalant)
Cetirizine Zyrtec
Phenylephrine Neo-Synephrine (inhalant)
Codeine/Guaifenesin Robitussin A-C

i. Sample Questions

1. Loratadine_______ a. Alupent
2. Cetirizine_______ b. Proventil
3. Phenylephrine_____ c. Flonase
4. Codeine/Guafenesin_______ d. Robitussin
5. Benzonatate _______ e. Serevent
6. Dextromethorphan _______ g. Beconase
7. Guafenesin_______ h. Allegra
8. Metaproterenol_______ i. Benylin
9. Ipratropium Bromide_______ j. Atrovent
10. Albuterol Sulfate_______ k. Claritin
11. Salmeterol_______ l. Zyrtec
12. Fexofenadine _______ m. Neo-Synephrine
13. Beclomethasone______ n. Robitussin A-C
14. Fluticasone_______ o. Tessalon Perles

3. Nutritional Supplements

A. Vitamins

Vitamins are necessary for normal growth or functioning of the body.

They are organic substances occurring in small amounts in fresh
foods (meats, vegetables, fruits, etc). Vitamin supplements can be
taken when the body does not get enough from food intake. Vitamins
are either fat or water-soluble.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins are absorbed with other lipids and the absorption
requires the presence of bile and pancreatic juices.

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K (increases blood clotting)

Water-Soluble Vitamins can dissolve in water.

Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B 1 (Thiamin)
Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B 3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B 7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B 9 (Folic Acid)
Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

B. Electrol ytes and Minerals

Electrolytes are a balance of body fluids essential to health and body

function. Minerals help keep the bodys fluids and electrolytes in

Mineral Supplements Abbreviations

Potassium (K)
Sodium (Na)
Chloride (Cl)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Phosphorus (P)
Iron (Fe)
Iodine (I)
Zinc (Zn)
Fluoride (F)
Copper (Cu)

i. Sample Questions

1. What Vitamins are fat soluble?

a. B 1 and B 2
b. A and D
c. C
d. B complex

2. What Vitamins are water soluble?

a. E and B
b. K and B
c. B and C
d. A and C

3. What is K?
a. Potassium
b. Sodium
c. Zinc
d. Copper

4. What is Fe?
a. Calcium
b. Fluoride
c. Iron
d. Sodium

4. Drugs that Look and Sound Alike

Because it is important to never dispense the wrong drug to a patient,

it is important to know how to distinguish the following sound-alike
drugs from each other.

Bupropion Buspirone
Captopril Capitrol
Cefotaxime Ceftizoxime
Clomiphene Clomipramine
Dapsone Daypro
Digoxin Digitoxin
Dopamine Dobutamine
Dyclonine Dicyclomine
Glyburide Glipizide
Hydralazine Hydroxyzine
Lisinopril Fosinopril
Metoprolol Metaproterenol
Prednisone Prednisolone
Reserpine Risperidone
Sulfamethizole Sulfamethoxazole
Thyrolar Theolair
Timolol Atenolol
Vincristine Vinblastine
Zofran Zoloft

5. Answer Key for Sample Questions

2. B. (p 7) 2. E. (p 10) 2. F. (p 12) 2. H. (p 14)

1. j 1. e 1. j 1. d
2. o 2. a 2. n 2. l
3. p 3. f 3. m 3. k
4. e 4. g 4. l 4. g
5. g 5. l 5. h 5. f
6. d 6. c 6. d 6. o
7. b 7. d 7. g 7. b
8. i 8. h 8. f 8. c
9. a 9. o 9. c 9. f
10. n 10. n 10. k 10. a
11. q 11. i 11. i 11. h
12. l 12. j 12. a 12. i
13. k 13. t 13. b 13. e
14. m 14. k 14. e 14. m
15. h 15. m 15. n
16. c 16. r 16. j
17. u 17. p
18. f 18. s
19. v 19. q
20. b

2. K. (p 16) 2. N. (p 19) 2. O. (p 21) 2. P. (p 23)

1. b 1. f 1. g 1. k
2. m 2. q 2. j 2. l
3. h 3. r 3. k 3. m
4. j 4. p 4. m 4. n
5. a 5. e 5. n 5. o
6. l 6. g 6. o 6. i
7. i 7. l 7. a 7. d
8. k 8. h 8. b 8. a
9. f 9. m 9. d 9. j
10. d 10. j 10. c 10. b
11. g 11. n 11. e 11. e
12. c 12. i 12. h 12. h
13. e 13. c 13. i 13. g
14.n 14. o 14. l 14. c
15. d 15. g
16. b
17. a
18. k
19. t
20. s 3. B (p 26)

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c


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