Report #1: Learning Languages: Report On Workplace Improvements

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A leading educational publisher is interested in language learning in different

countries. You have been asked to write a report on foreign language learning in your
country. In your report you should deal with
the languages people learn, who learns them and where they learn them
recommendations for improving language learning in your country.
Write your report.
The aim of this report is to comment on the languages that are learnt by people in my
country, to indicate who learn them and the places where they are learnt, and to
recommend possible changes that could be made to improve their learning.
Language learners
New foreign languages, such as English, French and German are required in our
current globalised society and the increasing use of the Internet. Thereby, new
language learners with different ages and needs come into play searching for a better
promotion in their studies or jobs, respectively, although there is a lack of specific
training courses. These new learners can be interested in studying or working abroad,
so they need different types of languages certifications to these purposes.
Places to learn languages
These new languages can be learnt at school or well in the workplaces by means of
qualified courses, although the language academies are the most frequent places. On
the other hand, a great number of people decide to learn them by their own, finding
then available a great number of multimedia CDs, digital dictionaries, podcasts and
websites to learn at home. What is more, the most important publishers put at their
disposal diverse graded courses to obtain their certifications online.
I would recommend that the government should subsidise the learning by means of
the new technologies so as the internet in general. This would have the effect of allowing
more specific training courses while at the same time it would allow the promotion of the
individual learning.
The international organisation where you work has a sum of money available for making
improvements to the work environment in your office to make it more productive. You have
been asked to write a report for your manager in which you:
outline the problems with your work environment
summarise the improvements you and your colleagues suggested
recommend two changes.
Write your report. Write between 220 and 260 words.
Report on workplace improvements
The aim of this report is to outline the deficiencies that may be given in the workplace with
the purpose of increasing the productivity, to summarise the possible enhancements and
to suggest two significant changes in it.
The workplace
To date, a number of problems is suffered in the office environment. Firstly, the technological
equipment is seriously outdated, so the new laser printers does not match with them, being
impossible the printing and correction of documents in paper. As consequence, workers are
required to make their printings in a shop near the office building, losing a great deal of money
and time of work. Finally, the seats are often less than satisfactory in relation to comfort and
stability, so they end up suffering of painful backaches.
Possible enhancements
The aspects covered earlier suggest that the first measure that should be taken
probably would be to replace the old computers by new ones that allow our staff to edit their
materials at the office. Thereby, saving time and money our company would increase its
production and our workers would have at their disposal more time to design new approaches
that make it also more competitive. At the same time, ergonomic chairs would be of great
help to mitigate the tensions generated by long hours in front of the monitors.
To conclude, I strongly recommend replacing the old printers by new ones as well the chairs.
Both changes will produce an increment in productivity whereas they promote a better and
relaxed work environment.
You have been working in an international hotel chain for a month as part of a work experience
programme. The training manager has asked you to write a report in which you
describe the tasks and activities you participated in
explain any problems with the programme
make recommendations for two improvements for future programmes.
Write your report. Write between 220 and 260 words.
Report on working experience programme at hotels
The main aim of this report is to describe the tasks and activities realised in the training
programme at the Excelsior Hotel, to explain the possible difficulties found out in it and to
make some suggestions in order of its improvement.
Tasks and activities
A series of tasks and activities have been realised in this training programme. During the first
weeks, the administration system where shown to internships with the intention of being
familiarised with it. Then, in the following weeks, the applicants began to deal with telephone
attendance and accounting by their own, making reservations and providing clients with the
required information.
The aspects covered earlier suggest that the first difficulty that is found out could be that the
period of learning is felt as insufficient, due to the great amount of data to be dealt with by the
trainees. In second term, it is thought also that the new applicants must to attend alone the
telephone assistance as well as the booking of rooms, without being supported by a figure of
authority in the company, which leads frequently to suffer the reclamations of certain clients
because of their lack of experience.
To conclude, I strongly recommend that the training period will be longer as well as it could be
monitored by a tutor at any moment. Both improvements would result in a better training of
the students at the same time it will reduce the possible complaints of clients during the
learning period.

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