Unit 3 Unitassessment

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Unit 3: Assessment/Performance Task

Grade 3
Students will conduct research to identify the main events in the life of a self-
selected presidential figure, and use these details to produce an
informational piece of writing.
Abraham Lincoln will serve as a model
during shared reading and independent
tasks. Students may select any other
Teachers will provide opportunities for
students to complete research during small
group instruction, independent
tasks/reading time, and during the regularly
scheduled Library and Computer Lab times.

Written: Students will be expected to produce an informative piece of
writing related to the life of their self-selected president. Writing should be
structured in a nonfiction summary format (main ideas and supporting
details). Students may choose to summarize one aspect of the presidents
life (i.e. childhood, presidency, etc.)

Visual: Students will choose and produce a visual to represent the written
Cereal Box
Four-Frame Poster
Four-Frame Panel
American Flag

Oral: Students will present informative writing and visual to an audience.

(Rubrics attached)

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