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2009-10 % of Projected % of
Actual Total Sale tot sales 2010-11 Total Sale tot sales
Large Turn-over customers (Rs. 15 lakh and above)
1 CANEPA TESSITURA SERICA S.P.A. 4870600 7000000
2 Silk Country 1950000 6820600 22 5000000 12000000 10
Medium Turn-over customers (Rs. 5 to 15 Lakh)
1 Nirmal Furnishing Fabrics (Sales) 1334140 15000000
2 Artfed 1100000 15000000
3 White Cube 665000
4 Silk Mark Organisation 750000
5 Niru Garments 1217850 15000000
6 Fates 750000 15000000
7 Training 475000 6291990 21 10000000 70000000 57
Low Turn-over customers (Up to Rs. 5 lakh)
1 Hongtex 160000 300000
2 Composition Book 80670 100000
3 Exemplar International 275000 1000000
4 Weave Tree 150000 150000
5 Mumbai Vastrakala 235000
6 Swaraj Mainee ( EXPO) 150000 200000
7 Jyodhi C/O Ascofim SA 94208 200000
8 Delta Clothing 0 100000
9 Sagar 475000 500000
10 Jamini / Usha Bora 350000 1000000
11 Anokhi 46810 50000
12 AIDC 68000 75000
13 N.N. PATGIRI 25000 25000
14 Purnima Shah 75000 100000
15 River People 18650
16 GENESIS INC 146000 200000
17 Sharon Pariat 300000 500000
18 Namrata J Shah / Two Up Two Down 25000 50000
19 G.B.Ornella 222100 100000
20 The Ants 100000 1000000
21 Nuni 165000 300000
22 Kalaa INC 180000 300000
23 World Weave 95000 150000
24 Silk Production Society 150000 200000
25 Unichem Labs 350000 500000
26 Panerii 50000 100000
27 SIRD 115000 150000
28 Laura Womack 110000 150000
4211438 14 7500000 6
17324028 17324028
1 Retail Ghy 2650000 3500000
2 Retail Delhi 225000
3 Purbashree Guwahati 1004200 1500000
4 Purbashree Shillong 100000 150000
5 Purbashree Kolkata 215100 300000
6 Exhibition 3100000 7294300 24 4000000 9450000 8
Yarn sale 6000000 6000000 20 24400000 24400000 20
30618328 100 123350000 100
In USD @ 50 612366.56 2741111

no. of % of Turn-over Avg. Tu ov % of projection % of
customers Customers (USD) per cus Turn-Over 2010-11 Turn-Over
Large Turn-over customers (Rs. 15 lakh and above) 2 5 151569 28798 23 12000000 10
Medium Turn-over customers (Rs. 5 to 15 Lakh) 7 18 125840 6831 19 70000000 57
Low Turn-over customers (Up to Rs. 5 lakh) 28 74 84229 1143 13 7500000 6
Retails 1 83886 13 5450000 4
Exhibitions 68889 11 4000000 3
Exhibitions (Special) 0.0
Yarns from new factory 133333 21 24400000 20
Total 38 647746 123350000

Summerry: Customer distribution by Turn Over (USD)

2009-10 2010-11
Large Turn-over customers (USD 30000 and above) 151569 266667
Medium Turn-over customers (USD 10 to 30000) 125840 1555556
Low Turn-over customers (Up to USD 10000) 84229 166667
Retails 83886 121111
Exhibitions 68889 88888.89
Exhibitions (Special) 0
Yarns from new factory 133333 542222
Total 647746 2741111

Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over

Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over
customers (USD 30000 customers (USD 10 to
customers (USD 30000 customers (USD 10 to
and above) 30000)
and above) 30000)
Low Turn-over Retails Low Turn-over Retails
customers (Up to USD customers (Up to USD
10000) 10000)
Exhibitions Exhibitions (Special) Exhibitions Exhibitions (Special)
Yarns from new factory Yarns from new factory

Summerry: Customer distribution by numbers

2009-10 2010-11
Large Turn-over customers (USD 30000 and above) 2 2
Medium Turn-over customers (USD 10 to 30000) 7 8
Low Turn-over customers (Up to USD 10000) 28 40
Retails 5 7
Exhibitions 44 55
Exhibitions (Special) 0 0 Fabricplus 4 season collection to start this yr
Sub Total 86 112
Yarns from new factory 0 1
Total 647746 2741111

Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over

customers (USD 30000 customers (USD 10 to customers (USD 30000 customers (USD 10 to
and above) 30000) and above) 30000)
Low Turn-over Retails Low Turn-over Retails
customers (Up to USD customers (Up to USD
10000) 10000)
Exhibitions Exhibitions (Special) Exhibitions Exhibitions (Special)
Sub Total Yarns from new factory Sub Total Yarns from new factory

Customer Management:

Customers Yrs of scope to scope to retention our share who are are we keeping in Customer
relationship convert from convert from of within the the other updating touch ? satisfaction
medium small large customer suppliers cus with level ?
to large to medium customer (guess) new dev/ %
T/O T/O sampling
1 CANEPA TESSITURA SERICA S.P.A. 6 33% kol / china need imp need imp 60
2 Silk Country 1 100% need imp need imp 80
1 Nirmal Furnishing Fabrics (Sales) 6 2% own need imp need imp 80
2 Artfed 3 5% soc need imp need imp 60
3 White Cube 1 need imp need imp
4 Silk Mark Organisation 2 need imp need imp
5 Niru Garments 2 25% own need imp need imp 70
6 Fates 1 10% not known need imp need imp 60
7 Training 1 80
1 Hongtex 2 1% need imp 60
2 Composition Book 6 2% need imp 80
3 Exemplar International 6 100% need imp 70
4 Weave Tree 3 10% Own need imp 85
5 Mumbai Vastrakala 6 5% Own need imp
6 Swaraj Mainee ( EXPO) 6 10% Own need imp 70
7 Jyodhi C/O Ascofim SA 2 90
8 Delta Clothing 3
9 Sagar 5 1%
10 Jamini / Usha Bora 2 10% 80
11 Anokhi 3
12 AIDC 2
14 Purnima Shah 5 80
15 River People 2
17 Sharon Pariat 2 80
18 Namrata J Shah / Two Up Two Down 2
19 G.B.Ornella 1
20 The Ants 1
21 Nuni 2 75
22 Kalaa INC 1 80
23 World Weave 1 80
24 Silk Production Society 1
25 Unichem Labs 1
26 Panerii 1 80
27 SIRD 1
28 Laura Womack 1

08-09 Total Amt. % of projected % of 2009-10 % of

tot sales 2009-10 tot sales Actual tot sales
Large Turn-over customers (Rs. 15 lakh and above)
1 CANEPA TESSITURA SERICA S.P.A. 6437991 10000000 4870600
2 Art Fed 2365265 3000000 1100000
3 Exemplar International 1659946 2500000 275000
4 Silk Country 10463202 50 15500000 19 1950000 8195600 27
Medium Turn-over customers (Rs. 5 to 15 Lakh)
1 COMPOSITION BOOK S. R. L. UNI 737669 1500000 80670
2 Weavetree Inc.( SAPNA BATRA) 697589 4000000 150000
3 Nirmal Furnishing Fabrics (Sales) 974266 4000000 1334140
4 Mumbai Vastrakala PVT. LTD. 911537 1500000 235000
5 Marvel Silkex India 666935
6 White Cube 665000
7 Silk Mark Organisation 750000
8 Fates 750000
9 Training 475000
3987997 19 11000000 13 4439810 15
Low Turn-over customers (Up to Rs. 5 lakh)
1 Lombok Ltd. 184106 200000 0
2 Tessilnovita'S.R.L. 144447
3 Damasco Import 242311 700000 0
4 Hongtex 81458 300000 160000
5 Swaraj Mainee ( EXPO) 80491 100000 150000
6 Jyodhi C/O Ascofim SA 17055 94208
7 Delta Clothing 261954 300000 0
8 Creative Pepole 246924 250000 0
9 Sagar 309301 450000 475000
10 East India Co. 108478
11 SILKALAYA, GUWAHATI 93479 100000 0
12 Jamini / Usha Bora 83361 300000 350000
13 Nem Creations (Shloka) 79071
14 Anokhi 78978 100000 46810
15 Mansi Barooah 69100 100000 0
16 Sol Style Studio 68495
17 Raj Kumari 59495
18 Tex-Xpressions 56164
19 AIDC 47400 50000 68000
20 N.N. PATGIRI 51002 50000 25000
21 Evolutionery Systems Pvt. Ltd. 41265
22 Purnima Shah 40334 75000
23 Niru Garments 40051 50000 1217847
24 Mr. Pranab Konwar 36100 50000 0
25 NEHHDC 33000
26 Amitava Bhattacharya 30500
27 River People 29529
28 GENESIS INC 28527 146000
29 Rishi 26586
30 Divine Design 20400
31 Mrs. Manashi Baruah 19750
32 Sharon Pariat 131990 250000 300000
34 NEDFI, Assam 12750 15000
35 ICC 12600 15000
37 Namrata J Shah / Two Up Two Down 19187 20000 25000
38 M/S V C C I 8725
39 Mukti 8515
41 Mrs. Kalpana Devi 4600
42 Mrs. Roma Mahanta 3430
43 Susan 3150
44 Kalpana Devi 2880
45 G.B.Ornella 222100
46 Nuni 165000
47 Kalaa INC 180000
48 World Weave 95000
49 Silk Production Society 150000
50 Unichem Labs 350000
51 Panerii 50000
52 SIRD 115000
53 Laura Womack 110000
2947837 14 200000 3600000 4 4569965 15
17399035 17399035 83 30100000 30100000 36 17205375 17205375 56
1 Retail Ghy 1483773 2000000 2650000
2 Retail Delhi 285313 500000 225000
3 Purbashree 82631 700000 1004200
4 Purbashree Shillong 200000 100000
5 Purbashree Home furnishing 1000000 215100
6 Exhibition 1633210 3484927 17 2000000 6400000 8 3100000 7294300 24
Yarn sale 47250000 47250000 56 6000000 6000000 20
20883962 83750000 30499675
In USD @ 50 417679 1675000 609993.5

no. of % of Turn-over Avg. Tu ov % of projection % of
customers Customers (USD) per cus Turn-Over 2009-10 Turn-Over
Large Turn-over customers (Rs. 15 lakh and above) 3 6 209264 36272 50 310000 18
Medium Turn-over customers (Rs. 5 to 15 Lakh) 5 10 79760 8295 19 220000 13
Low Turn-over customers (Up to Rs. 5 lakh) 43 83 58957 713 14 72000 4
Retails 1 69699 17 88000 5
Exhibitions 40000 2
Exhibitions (Special) 4000 0.2
Yarns from new factory 945000 56
Total 52 417679 1679000

Summerry: Customer distribution by Turn Over (USD)

2008-09 2009-10
Large Turn-over customers (USD 30000 and above) 209264 310000
Medium Turn-over customers (USD 10 to 30000) 79760 220000
Low Turn-over customers (Up to USD 10000) 58957 90000
Retails 37035 88000
Exhibitions 32664 40000
Exhibitions (Special) 0 4000
Yarns from new factory 0 945000
Total 417679 1697000

2008-09 2009-10

Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over

customers (USD customers (USD 10 to
Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over 30000 and above) 30000) 79760 220000
customers (USD 30000 customers (USD 10 to 209264 310000
and above) 30000) Low Turn-over Retails 37034.8 88000
Low Turn-over Retails customers (Up to
customers (Up to USD USD 10000) 58957
10000) 90000
Exhibitions Exhibitions (Special) Exhibitions 32664.2 Exhibitions (Special) 0
Yarns from new factory Total 40000 4000
Yarns from new Total 417679 1697000
factory 0 945000

Summerry: Customer distribution by numbers

2008-09 2009-10
Large Turn-over customers (USD 30000 and above) 3 5
Medium Turn-over customers (USD 10 to 30000) 5 7
Low Turn-over customers (Up to USD 10000) 43 45
Retails 4 6
Exhibitions 43 55
Exhibitions (Special) 0 1 Fabricplus 4 season collection to start this yr
Sub Total 98 119
Yarns from new factory 0 945000
Total 417679 1697000

2008-09 2009-10

Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over

customers (USD customers (USD 10 to customers (USD customers (USD 10 to
30000 and above) 30000) 30000 and above) 3 30000) 5
Low Turn-over Retails Low Turn-over Retails 4
customers (Up to USD customers (Up to USD
10000) 10000) 43
Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over Large Turn-over Medium Turn-over
customers (USD customers (USD 10 to customers (USD customers (USD 10 to
30000 and above) 30000) 30000 and above) 3 30000) 5
Low Turn-over Retails Low Turn-over Retails 4
customers (Up to USD customers (Up to USD
10000) 10000) 43
Exhibitions Exhibitions (Special) Exhibitions 43 Exhibitions (Special) 0
Sub Total Sub Total 98

Customer Management:

Customers Yrs of scope to scope to

retention our share who are are we keeping in Customer
relationship convert from convert fromof within the the otherupdating touch ? satisfaction
medium small large customer suppliers cus with level ?
to large to medium customer (guess) new dev/ %
T/O T/O sampling
1 CANEPA TESSITURA SERICA 5 33% kol / chin need imp need imp 60
2 Art Fed 3 10% soc need imp need imp 80
3 Exemplar International 5 100% need imp need imp 60
1 COMPOSITION BOOK S. R. L. 5 15% kol need imp need imp 65
2 Weavetree Inc.( SAPNA BATRA) 2 10% own need imp need imp 60
3 Nirmal Furnishing Fabrics (Sales) 3 5% own need imp need imp 70
4 Mumbai Vastrakala PVT. LTD. 3 2% many need imp need imp 60
5 Marvel Silkex India 1 need imp need imp
1 Lombok Ltd. 1 need imp need imp
2 AGMC 2 60
3 Tessilnovita'S.R.L. 5 need imp
4 Damasco Import 5 need imp 60
5 Hongtex 2 need imp 70
6 Swaraj Mainee ( EXPO) 3 20% need imp 70
7 Jyodhi C/O Ascofim SA 2 need imp
8 Delta Clothing 7 5% need imp 70
9 Creative Pepole 2 30% need imp 70
10 Sagar 3 2% 70
11 East India Co. 2
13 Jamini / Usha Bora 1 2%
14 Nem Creations (Shloka) 3
15 Anokhi 3
16 Mansi Barooah 1 75%
17 Sol Style Studio 2
18 Raj Kumari 1
19 Tex-Xpressions 1
20 AIDC 2
22 Evolutionery Systems Pvt. Ltd. 1
23 Purnima Shah 5
24 Niru Garments 2 15
25 Mr. Pranab Konwar 1 60
27 Amitava Bhattacharya
28 River People 2
30 Rishi
31 Divine Design 3 5%
32 Mrs. Manashi Baruah 1
33 Sharon Pariat 1 100%
35 NEDFI, Assam 2
36 ICC 2
38 Namrata J Shah / Two Up Two Down 2
39 M/S V C C I
40 Mukti
42 Mrs. Kalpana Devi
43 Mrs. Roma Mahanta
44 Susan (Indonesia / ghy ?)
45 Kalpana Devi
44 G.B.Ornella 1
45 Nuni 1 50%

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