Sixth Attempt

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The Copernican revolution of philosophy


Immanuel Kant's phenomenology, 2

The most primordial memorys characteristics, 6

The size, 8

The Copernican revolution of philosophy, 10

The first ideas/the most primordial memorys/world of ideas signs and fields, 13

The revision of Immanuel Kant's perspective, 16

Documentation, 21

Immanuel Kants phenomenology

Consciousness, emphasized Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), is the phenomenon that allow us to

perceive for example the external world and its phenomena. Without our consciousness, we

would completely miss what makes us unique as human beings and we would be exclusively

bodies/animals and only generate our life energy from instincts or through our autonomous

memory codes (like e.g. all animals do).

Ren Descartes (1596-1650) persisted in the idea that what we perceive in our minds; in our

inner mental-psychological life, is superior to the external nature and its phenomena. Our

inner experience of various external physical phenomena are more genuine and complete than

the outer phenomena as such, since they constantly tend to change. What we perceive of any

outer form Descartes regarded primarily as illusory and as something that one fundamentally

should doubt. True nature of reality, he instead wanted us to invest in our interior, in our soul

that gives the external natural phenomena their human faces.

Later when Kant appeared on the philosophical scene this phenomenology of Descartes

developed to a completely different character.

Kant: Something-in-itself, distinct from us and our consciousness, is an impossibility.

Therefore the knowledge that science has given us so far solely refers to the

phenomena or whats in our consciousness about different things, processes and materials.

We only have knowledge of the phenomena and nothing else. 1)

Kant stretched a bit further in his phenomenology, when he added, inter alia, space, time and

causality in his phenomenological online. Space cant exist in itself, but he couldnt imagine

that space lacked existence, therefore he advocated that space has a pure inner nature. Space

has its foundation in its inner mental forms, and the same applies for time and also causality is

based in a pure inner form.

Kant's phenomenology (or knowledge apparatus) can be summarized as follows: In order to

obtain scientific basic knowledge about nature, our own and the external, we must realize that

we can only do that by studying or researching the phenomena, thus whats in our mind of for

example physical phenomena.

Moreover Kant pointed out that the traditional knowledge apparatus is exploited by

e.g. most modern physicists, mathematicians and philosophers and within it they take for

granted that they know anything about the thing-in-itself. They dont realize that the outer

world is limited by ourselves (as subjects), and as already mentioned by space, time and

causality. These four categories of ideas and thoughts, among others, are given to us a priori,

its through their framework we normally think and feel.

But most of us are not aware of it. There are even people who claim to be genuine

phenomenologists, but nevertheless they only think and act within this framework (probably

of old habits).

One can say that there are some naturally given rules we use in our mental/psychic mind of

thinking, but its futile to continue to believe that we are able to get to know anything about

the thing-in-itself. We simply dont know the world/nature outside our consciousness or as

Immanuel Kant expressed it: "The thing-in-itself is completely unknowable to us." 2)


Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) criticized Kant for deficiencies in his phenomenology. But on

the other hand, can Kant rejoice - if he had lived - that Husserl completely had taken over his

phenomenology. The new in Husserl's phenomenology, in comparison with Kants, is that he

has given some new names for things out of fashion.

Maybe Husserl's intentionality isnt any heritage from Kant. However, intentionality seems to

be used only to save Husserl's phenomenology from the uninitiateds very crudest attacks.

It can be emphasized about this work that its not based in Husserl's phenomenology, but it

has its origin in Kant's pure phenomenology


The computer has just been updated - and its of course possible to reconnect this update to

the computers memory capacity, and the most important in the whole context as such or to

this the infinity grounded memory capacity of the central computers hard drive which is

primarily linked to the phenomenon that here e.g. is named the most primordial memory.

Perhaps there are more elegant logical stringent solutions to the current problem, but then this

will ultimately be proposed as a solution of the general kind one can actually settle for this

right here - and for the moment.

The computer technology can therefore symbolically be understood as the phenomenological

entrance to the most primordial memory- right here and at the moment, and by extension, the

physical time will also have direct representation in the concept and the phenomenon the most

primordial memory. If one want to express it differently, one can say this leave the time on

the game site although we cant assert that time lives a fully independent life.

Time is, for clarity, only in our consciousness; in our inner psychological/mental life.

If we human beings with all our languages, were forced to leave the world time cant be left

as anything independent in the external world.

Our inner nature is altogether dependent of the most primordial memory that here is translated

to physical time, which in turn is intertwined with physical space in many different ways;

particularly in scientific disciplines as mathematics, logic and physics. Therefore, we

will rectify ourselves in the forefront. Space and time should be seen as a single entity in

relation to the most primordial memory, although space practically has no existence in the

most primordial memory (more on this in the text below).


The most primordial memorys characteristics

Across the Higgs boson (discovered at the CERN laboratory Fourth of July 2012) and in all

its material parts - is the most primordial memory, the first idea or world of ideas.

The Higgs boson is in the strict physical sense in the Higgs field, which interacts with all

matter in the universe. On a comparable way its with the most primordial memory

Of course, it doesnt happen in any exact equivalent manner, but here the most primordial

memorys field/world propagating through the universe and its a field/world that permeates

everything; all natural phenomena, both the outer physical and inner mental, or more

accurately the conditions and the basis for all natural phenomena.

Since the situation is like that fills the most primordial memory even out everything that we

colloquially term space, and it also filling up the phenomenon space-time, and also what in

physics is called the vacuum.


The most primordia memorys field have thoroughly filled up the traditional space.

In the most primordial memorys world (or field) there is no space!


Regarding the most primordial memorys genuine location in nature (the universe), its

important to emphasize that the most primordial memory is also found outside the so-called

event horizon, who according to cosmologists are approximately 13.6 (7) billion light years

away. A current problem is, for example, an astrophysicist could argue, via empirical research

results, that the space in universe is currently just getting bigger and bigger and it only goes

faster and faster, and the event horizon is moving ever farther out, and the power that

accomplishes this is what the physicists call dark energy.

Heres claimed:

Astrophysicists and others have misinterpreted this phenomenon.

In reality theres no new space created in the universe, its actually only the most primordial

memory which is active and that apply in this context.


The size
A Higgs boson has a size of approximately 10 mm, thus its an extremely small physical

phenomenon: 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 mm

If we add the most primordial memorys field/world (that permeates everything in the whole

space of the universe) with everything that fits outside the universe (we imagine that there are

worldly fields susceptible to the most primordial memorys impact), we get as a result an

extremely large space for the most primordial memory in a traditional spatial sense. Such an

extremely large space would be filled throughout the world or field of the most primordial

memory and it would at the same time also no longer accommodate any traditional space at

all. Apparently one must utilize a special style of the above constructed sentence structure to

spatially describe that the space may not have an existence in the most primordial memorys

world or field. What its about is to try to get used to it, first and foremost, at the thought that

it might relate in that way, that traditional space is not available, and then incorporate it as this

can bring with it in reality.

Within e.g. mathematics, logic and physics are there still very specific relationships between

the three concepts and phenomena (the three collections of ideas) space, time and matter

If its assumed that two of them (perhaps all three) is not at all what they basically and so far

has been assumed, should it create problems.

A problem could well be that there may not be any interest to change the perception of

for example what space basically is or, as in this case, when space is assumed and claimed to

have no existence. For example, when in physics they claim they know what space basically

is because its possible to measure it and thus define it. In fact, its neither a logical nor

a mathematical proof that you know what space basically is. The normal measurement and the

normal definition of space are genuinely tautological and prove nothing. To

measure space using a measurement tool and the definition of space is, a kind of model of

space caused by the images we have created in ourselves. Normally, it's the carpenters

images that many of us deal with in our thinking about space (or the volume, for example of a

door). How the physicist normally refers to space (physical space) is first and foremost where

the actual physical event unfolds. An example: a car (the matter) is driven on a road (thus in

space) with a rate of a certain distance per unit time. Both space and time is here defined by

their standards. Regarding the matter and causality, its obvious that the car is - the matter

and - causality - that the car really runs - is caused by at least one person. In its entirety, this is

about something that exists in-itself says the physicist and he or she is then thinking rationally

and empirically, and impeccably correct according to their own rules.

Admittedly, one discovers today physicists expressing on certain external physical objects or

events and names them as - phenomena. But its probably just lip linguistic adaptation (to the

current figments), deep down these physicists probably know - after all - and in themselves

what they basically should think about "their thing or matter".


The Copernican revolution of philosophy

Immanuel Kant's ideas are usually called the Copernican revolution of philosophy in view of

his new vision of the world in the same way as Nicolaus Copernicus changed our

worldview when he, instead of the earth, placed the sun in the centre of the world.

What Kant did was to present a whole new way of looking at the world.

He asked himself, what will happen if we - instead place ourselves in the centre - with our

perception, thinking, emotions, idea generation and empirical skills and, for example

describe the outer worlds phenomena as depending on us humans?

Pretty soon it then became possible to discover, that we are making a fundamental mistake

when we think we know anything about the thing-in-itself, because we know nothing about

the world outside our consciousness. We only know how the world appears to us/seems to

occur to us - the thing-for-us and our consciousness is then limited to certain categories of

thoughts and ideas (the Kantian limiting categories of thoughts and ideas such as - space -

time - causality - the self/the subject - among others).

When it is portrayed as quite possible that, in our lives, there is this the most primordial

memory that underlies all natural phenomena, both the outer physical and inner

mental/psychological - is it the most important component in the regard to present a

completely different perspective of the world (different from Immanuel Kants Copernican

revolution of philosophy).

The current shift of perspective also includes trying to create the conditions necessary to

transform and develop the four-limiting categories of ideas and thoughts - space (1) - time (2)

- causality (3) - and the self/the subject (4).


Like Kant - is man in the centre - and man's ideas, thoughts and emotions are placed in a very

special focus. The four limiting categories of ideas and thoughts:

1. space

2. time

3. causality

4. the self/the subject

The most primordial memory is claimed to exist in almost the same way as Platos world of

ideas. But unlike Plato's world of ideas is the most primordial memory not only of a so-

called inner mental nature, it can also be perceived as a kind of double phenomenon with

roots in both the inner and outer world; in both the mental inner world (Platos world of

ideas) and in the external world (the material world). To put the most primordial memory in

the right place in nature, should the idea of space that we have built up through our

experiences in the material world be used so we can get a fair description of the most

primordial memorys natural location.

The most primordial memory permeates everything and through the field indicated above.

The field is here referring to the idea of the field that James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) made

use of when he presented his first equations for how the phenomenon of electromagnetism

behaves. For the simplicity, this the most primordial memorys field permeates everything; all

matter, all space and all the energy accumulations in the whole universe and also all that is

otherwise possible to exist outside our universe. The most primordial memorys field is, as

said, right there where we believe that all space is, even space that we believe fits in the

concept of the volume; thus all volumes in e.g. all things that exist.

The most primordial memory includes to always remember everything. There is no time that

is more important than any other time. The memory of all - is always available.

I think, therefore I remember I am thinking, therefore,

I exist (Ren Descartes) I remember that I exist (reformulated)

In this way, one can reformulate the famous Ren Descartes quote and thus directly connect it

with the phenomenon in question the key concept the most primordial memory.

One can say, time is here transformed into its mirror images in nature:

Memories or the memories, and these occur from our experiences in many different guises.

All signs or everything of scientific semiotic interest point jointly against the existence of a

common origin in the most primordial memory for all current memory codes, structures,

shapes, forms and images either we normally perceive them as belonging to the inner mental

or external physical world.


The most primordial memorys/the first ideas/world of ideas fields and signs

1864 could James Clerk Maxwell show that there was a special relationship between the two

phenomena the electric field (Ampere's law) and the magnetic field (Faraday's law). He made

an addition to the current equations with a new term that was able to form conditions for a

sequence of equations or a wave equation with a wave velocity in which the numerical value
of C; the speed of light, was equal to 3.1 10 m/s. The experimentally measured value of C
was at that time 3.15 10 m/s and Maxwell understood immediately that this was no

coincidence. Therefore, he was fully convinced, light was electromagnetic waves and his

relatively simply produced physical phenomena that varied in time could be described as

electromagnetic waves with approximately the speed of light.

The physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894) verified Maxwell's theory by showing up factory-

made electromagnetic waves, and that innovation started the wireless communication (1888).

According to Boscovich-Faraday-Maxwell the field represents a prerequisite for the space

surrounding e.g. an elementary particle, the field is the place from where the energy

originates. The energy is thus spread continuously through space by a medium which in

physics is called a field. Transmitting and receiving, for example, scalar magnetic waves

through space is done in the field. 3) 4)

Maxwell agreed with Faraday (and indirectly even with Boscovich) that there is an

ether-like medium that includes energy and that permeates space.

Energy is constructing the electromagnetic field.

The same basic idea about the field also applies to the fields and field theories below.

Paul Diracs (1902-1984) field 5)

Via the mathematics in his Quantum field theory Dirac combined the special theory of

relativity with quantum mechanics, by allowing the creation and annihilation of particles,

that make transitions from energy to matter. Particles are described as excitations of the

field and the forces between particles are described by the exchange of virtual particles.

Mysteriously the equations also had a shadow solution which describe particles with

negative energy, thus with a number less than zero. Now the sceptics argued that nature

always want to have as low energy as possible. If the matter can have a lower energy than

zero it should long ago have fallen into these energy levels.

Dirac's counter arguments became the basis for the modern view of the vacuum (in modern

physics). 6)

He stressed that all possible states with negative energy are occupied by matter. This matter is

invisible and blocks our visible matter from itself to fall down to the lower energy and


The absolute void/vacuum, is according to Dirac full of invisible particles.

Using energy the experimental physicist can pump up a hidden particle of positive energy so

that the real matter is created. As a bonus, it then becomes a free position with negative

energy, which we perceive as another particle, but of antimatter.

Energy and vacuum produces matter plus antimatter.

Dirac's invisible vacuum matter made that the ether made its come-back, albeit in a new guise

(around 1935). The idea is now that the vacuum or void is full of "something".

Konstantin Meyls field 7)

Konstantin Meyl (1952 - ) shows, without the support of any basic principle that electrons,

protons and neutrinos are so-called double-vortexes. He has also found that each has a

corresponding vortex whirl, named as a potential-vortex, which has the property to

create matter. With this, he leads in evidence, that in addition to the already well-known

electromagnetic wave (Hertz 1888), there are two other types of waves.

Nikola Tesla discovered (1899) the electric scalar wave and Meyl the magnetic scalar wave,

which opens the way for the free energy and huge surpluses effects in energy (COP). 8)

In biology the magnetic scalar wave is utilized as an aspect of neutrinos. DNA particles can

according to Meyl behave as an antenna and thus send information and energy, by using a

DNA wave. Meyl has managed to find the unified field theory, which numerous of scientists

have been looking for since long. The unified field theory also shows clearly that the field

created matter, not vice versa.

The most primordial memorys field.

The most primordial memorys field (or world) is ahead of everything, then even before them

that are grouped above.

It permeates all natural phenomena in the universe. Every living person is in a process of

general interaction with the most primordial memory, physically and mentally. This means

that everything that touch our DNA codes, our autonomous memory codes for breathing,

heartbeat, digestion, etc. - and what is currently available in our own brain's memory, are in

constantly interaction with the most primordial memory. Everything ends up in the most

primordial memorys storage or the most primordial memorys infinity anchored hard drive,

which, for example, all the experiences in life for every human being are stored. Each such

storage is available in the most primordial memory at all times; now or later, or in the future

of any time. Its this continuous interaction between every living person and the most

primordial memory that makes us act and behave as we do, its simply that which makes it

possible for us, to say that we live or that we are in the world or that we are able to feel,

remember and think what we're doing right now.

The revision of Immanuel Kant's way of looking at the world/nature

The most primordial memory doesnt really exist in the traditional spatial sense.

E.g. the most primordial memorys fact of life is simply due to that it in the concrete sense

and, in particular, has taken over the traditional space.

If we experimentally postulates and suppose that the most primordial memory exists and with

its here assigned properties and that space at the same time have no existence, should the

traditional space thus have disappeared as one of the limiting categories of ideas and thoughts

(above) and also time should have disappeared as one of these limiting categories and

thoughts . What happens then to the triad matter-space-time if treating them in a physical

field theory context and in a mathematical ditto?


Naturally, it doesnt currently intend to propose any direct changes in that respect. The

physical phenomena in the real world is left in the same way as before, including that the laws

of physics still apply. Yet the foundations of even the physical phenomena have altered.

Therefore the physical phenomena are in the world of the most primordial memory or more

correctly the physical phenomena steeped in its smallest subatomic particle portion (or in all

of their fields) entirely by the most primordial memory.

That also means that any idea of a field, and every thought of a field are in the most

primordial memory. Do e.g. the field theories above lose their physical meanings?

No not at all!

But it becomes possible to interpret them differently.

Basically (then the most primordial memory now is basically) one no longer have to concern

about all space dimensions, in addition, will the so-called space-time be completely

unnecessary. The expressions time as a fourth dimension to space or that time "can be curved

into space" will then, as said, draw the short straw.

The only thing that really fits in this new context, is the phenomenology of the two-

dimensional and here seats actually Boscovichs-Faradays-Maxwell's idea of the field in the

field theoretical context, even out, so to speak, of the most primordial memorys point of


The quite obvious is that theres no space, and has never been any.

But we need it from a lot of different material and physical angles?

Yes we can even say that we must keep space otherwise we lose a part of our culture, or at

least a bit of its varnish.


There are of course also people who believe that if the traditional space idea will to be taken

from us, would also traditional science draw the short straw.

Both space and time is thus of a quite different nature than what the limited categories of

ideas and thoughts (Immanuel Kant) claim.

Therefore its true that in principle it should be impossible to build up a scientific theory

wherein assumed anything about space and time in any fundamental way.

If a theory in physics in any fundamental way, uses traditional space and time in its

hypotheses and postulates this theory cant be anything else but misleading and inaccurate.

At the same time should inter alia the dimensions, yardsticks and speeds, that in various ways

are related to traditional space be questioned, such as depth , measurement units and meters

per second.

Therefore, the so-called redshift become completely wrong in its consequences. There is for

example no shift either red or blue in the way that astrophysicists mean, because they use the

incorrect (subjective) measurements and measurement units.

It's just to agree with Konstantin Meyl, it has never been any big-bang, it's just a myth, an

illusion, which only received nourishment from, inter alia, (in Immanuel Kants) the limiting

categories of ideas and thoughts. 9)


Who are responsible for this development of the space and time ideas, as it has looked so far?

Its impossible to find someone directly responsible. Of course there are those who blame

Aristotle that when he took over from Plato, lost all reason and sense, and only devoted

himself to things that appeared from his dream worlds. But its probably just malicious

slander. At least an example of causality just appeared in all cases.

So: Its Aristotle who caused that space and time received the treatment they got during the

relevant period. Could it be fair to say something like that?

For if one following what has emerged so far in this context, one can as well say that the most

primordial memory accomplished this, because it's the most primordial memory which

accounts for the energy that causes most things in life.

Its correct, the causal relation is one of the limiting categories of ideas and thoughts. In this

case, one can say that the cause of the current developments can be both Aristotles and the

most primordial memorys, but it can also be quite different. One thing we do know, however,

the cause is purely of internal mental/psychological nature.

Quite obvious is also that theres no equivalent to causality out there in the real world.

Its reasonable to describe the life energy that the most primordial memory generates in its

entirety exist in a single point that is everywhere in the space of universe, this also includes

all possible spaces outside the universe (see fifth attempt p. 12-13, what this single point

mean or imply). 10)


If its required any matter or energy supplement somewhere in the universe and that this is

identified through the ongoing interactions between everything in nature and the most

primordial memory, it will be satisfied.

It could, for example be done in the sense that the download come from somewhere outside of

our universe and the handover will be to something (or someone) on earth.

And how will this distribution be handled in concrete terms?

That could be done through a field that is completed by a wave from the most primordial

memory (of Konstantin Meyl character) or thru the most primordial memorys field

channel , in which everything travels instantly; thus, nothing can in any single way be

hindered by anything of highest possible speed , such as light.

The organic/physiological/biological/chemical processes going on here on Earth are doing

this because the most primordial memory manifests it through mutual interaction that takes

place between itself and all natural phenomena.

The most primordial memory interacts constantly with all of us on all current memory levels,

both physically and mentally.

If that didnt occur, we wouldnt be able to act as the creatures we are with, inter alia, our

unique consciousness that separates us from everything else in nature.



1. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Critique of Pure Reason (English title from Swedish)
Translated to Swedish from the German original. Lund 1922: 154-164. Print.

2. Alf Ahlberg, Science Teaching (English title from the Swedish title) Norstedt & Sons.
Stockholm 1923: 27-27. Print.

3. Roger Joseph Boscovich (1711-1787), born in Dubrovnik, Croatia, died in Milan, Italy. Joseph_Boscovich

4. Michael Faraday (1791-1867), born in London, England, died in London.

5. Paul Dirac (1902-1984). Web 15 April 2017.

6. Sverker Fredriksson (1946 - ), Research and Progress, 5. Stockholm (1986): 23-28. Print.

7. Konstantin Meyl (1952 - ). Web 17 April 20.

8. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), born in current Smiljan Croatia, died in New York, USA.

9. Konstantin Meyl (1952 - ). Web 16 April 2017.

10. Bo Granath (1947 - ). Web 17 May 2017. The fiftth attempt, p 12-13.

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