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Engineering Manual

Civil Design

Engineering Manual

TMD 0001



Version 2.2

Issued September 2010

Owner: Applications Manager RailCAD

Approved Brenton Mallam Authorised Mike Hogan

by: Applications Manager by: General Manager
RailCAD Professional Services

This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only.
RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be
sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document users sole responsibility to ensure that the
copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp.
RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes
any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document.
The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered,
stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp.


RailCorp Engineering Manual Design Civil Design
CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001

Document control
Version Date Summary of change
1.0 Aug 2005 First Issue
1.1 Sept 2005 Section numbering updated
1.2 Dec 2005 Alteration after stake holder review
1.3 Dec 2008 Layout updated and various minor changes
2.0 Apr 2009 Major review. Re-formatted and renumbered to new
template. Cell libraries and level names revised.
2.1 Aug 2009 Alteration after stake holder review
2.2 September 2010 Application of TMA 400 format

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3 Civil Design Standards ...........................................................................................................5

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................5

3.2 Seed Files..................................................................................................................5

3.3 Self Referencing ........................................................................................................5

3.4 Cell Libraries..............................................................................................................5

3.5 Levels, Level Symbology Overrides and Symbology ByLevel ..................................5

3.6 Drawings....................................................................................................................5

3.6.1 Standard Drawings.....................................................................................6

3.6.2 Sketches.....................................................................................................6

3.6.3 Drawing Types List.....................................................................................6

3.6.4 Alignments..................................................................................................6 Architectural Details ....................................................................6 Bar Shapes Diagram...................................................................6 Civil Works ..................................................................................7 Concept Desig006E ....................................................................8 Concrete Details .........................................................................9 Cross Sections..........................................................................10 Long Sections ...........................................................................10 Details .......................................................................................11 Sections ....................................................................................11 Details and Sections .................................................................12 General Arrangement ...............................................................13 Layout .......................................................................................14 Marking Plan .............................................................................14 Miscellaneous Details ...............................................................15 Notes.........................................................................................16 Options......................................................................................17 Precast Concrete Details ..........................................................18 Precast Reinforced Concrete Details........................................19 Precast Reinforcement Details .................................................20 Proposal....................................................................................20 Reinforced Concrete Details.....................................................21 Reinforcement Details...............................................................22 Setting Out [and details (if reqd)] ............................................23 Steelwork Details ......................................................................24 Structure Diagrams ...................................................................25 Suggested Construction Sequence ..........................................26

3.7 Drawing Standards ..................................................................................................27

3.7.1 Title Blocks ...............................................................................................27

3.7.2 Setting Out of Drawings ...........................................................................27 Coordination With Other Sections ............................................27 Orientation ................................................................................28 Coordinates & Bearings ............................................................28 Track Kilometrages ...................................................................28

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Layout .......................................................................................29 Headings...................................................................................29 Sections ....................................................................................29 Details .......................................................................................29 Materials Symbology.................................................................30 Scales Of Drawings ..................................................................30 Notes and References ..............................................................30 Notes.........................................................................................30 References................................................................................31 Product Specification ................................................................31 Location Plans & Detailed Site Plans .......................................31

3.7.3 Structural Steelwork Drawings .................................................................31 Designation Of Steel Sections ..................................................31 Welding Symbols ......................................................................32 Marking Plans ...........................................................................32 Marking Of Members ................................................................33 Detail Setouts............................................................................33 Projection & Views ....................................................................33 Steelwork Details ......................................................................33 Steelwork Dimensioning ...........................................................34 Steelwork Scales ......................................................................34 Marking Of Steelwork Details ...................................................35 Steelwork Connections .............................................................35 Allowance For Erection Clearances..........................................35

3.7.4 Reinforcement Drawings ..........................................................................35 Layout Of Drawing ....................................................................36 Bar Detailing .............................................................................36 Bar Notation ..............................................................................36 Reinforcement Laps & Cogs.....................................................37 Steel Location Abbreviations ....................................................37 Steel Mesh ................................................................................37 Precast Concrete Drawings ......................................................38

3.8 Order of Sheets in a Set of Bridge Drawings...........................................................38

Appendix A Civil Design Cell Libraries ....................................................................................40

Appendix B Civil Design Level Structure.................................................................................42

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3 Civil Design Standards

3.1 Introduction
This section of the MicroStation V8 based CAD Manual is intended to:

Standardise the preparation of drawings

Simplify various aspects of the work
Provide guidance on detailing
Secure consistency in quality and appearance

It applies to Civil Design drawings produced by RailCorp Engineering, Civil Design

Section, or their engaged sub-consultants. If, in special cases or for particular clients, it
becomes necessary to deviate from these practices, then the Chief Engineer Civil must
first give approval.

Corporation-wide standards are to be found in Section 1 of this manual, or in the

Australian Standard AS 1100, parts 101 & 501. This section defines the standards to be
applied to drawings specific to the Civil Design discipline. Generally, all drawings shall
comply with Australian Standards and any project specific special requirements.

All references to Australian Standards refer to the latest edition.

3.2 Seed Files

See Section 1 of this manual.

3.3 Self Referencing

See Section 1 of this manual.

3.4 Cell Libraries

For a full listing of cell libraries and their contents for use in drawings produced by or for
the RailCorp Civil Design area, see Appendix A for internal access, all cell libraries are
available at:


3.5 Levels, Level Symbology Overrides and Symbology ByLevel

All levels, symbology and text shall be in accordance with this manual, (see Appendix B)
and with MicroStation requirements. This level structure can be imported from:

Different levels shall be used to indicate and separate various features.

3.6 Drawings
There are two special categories of drawings produced by the Civil Design section where
special provisions of this manual apply - they are standard drawings and sketches.
See below.

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3.6.1 Standard Drawings

Standard drawings eliminate repetition by showing details which are typical or
representative for particular types of project. They can be issued, without alteration, to
many different clients on different projects.

Standard drawings shall be prepared, registered, etc, in the same way as ordinary

For each project, the full set of ordinary drawings and standard drawings are brought
together to form the project drawings. A complete set of project drawings shows the full
extent of the work.

3.6.2 Sketches
Sketches are generally used only within the section and include data sheets, charts,
design graphs, concept designs, proposals or options leading up to the final drawings.
They may also be included in reports to depict concept proposals. Sketches are not used
for contractual purposes or for wide distribution.

Sketches should generally be prepared in accordance with the drafting standards in this

3.6.3 Drawing Types List

The Civil Design section supplies drawing products based on the drawing types listed
below. A name chosen from the list shall be included in the title block of every drawing. A
description of each drawing type is given in the following pages.

3.6.4 Alignments
Plan and longitudinal section on centreline of road showing horizontal and vertical setting
out details. Architectural Details

Building details (non-structural), such as windows, guttering and doors, viewed in plan
and elevation. Building outline dimensions may be included. Bar Shapes Diagram

Outline shapes and dimensions of reinforcement bars. See example Figure 1.

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Figure 1 - Bar Shapes Diagram Civil Works

Plan and sections for site preparation, roadworks, bulk excavation & other earthworks,
drainage. See example Figure 2.

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Figure 2 - Civil Works drawing Concept Design

Typically in the form of a general arrangement, showing one or more design options for a

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Concrete Details

Details of cast in-situ structural concrete where only outline dimensions are shown.
Reinforcement details are given on a separate drawing. See example Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Concrete details

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Cross Sections

Survey cross sections taken at regular intervals showing ground profiles and earthworks,
or showing new works superimposed on existing. See example Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Cross Sections Long Sections

Longitudinal section showing profile.

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Drawing showing details, referenced from other drawings. See example Figure 5. Sections
Drawing showing sections, referenced from other drawings. See example Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Details and Sections

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Drawing showing both details and sections, referenced from another drawing or
drawings. See example Figure 6.

Figure 6 - General Arrangement

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 General Arrangement

Overall view which outlines the extent of work for the project. Includes plan, elevation and
some section views. Usually with a location plan to a smaller scale and, for smaller
projects, a reference list of all other drawings. For larger projects with many drawings the
reference list is placed on a separate cover sheet. See example Figure 7.

Figure 7 - General Arrangement

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Large scale plan view of a project, or elements of a project. See example Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Layout Marking Plan

Arrangement or layout of structural elements in diagrammatical form. See example Figure

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Figure 9 Marking Plan Miscellaneous Details

Mixtures of unrelated details, e.g. steel and concrete details, which cannot be classified
under any other single product type. See example Figure 10.

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Figure 10 - Miscellaneous Details Notes
Drawing sheet containing only notes. May be required for a large project. See example
Figure 11.

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Figure 11 - Notes Options
Depicts design options for a particular project or element of a project.

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Precast Concrete Details

Details of precast structural concrete where only outline dimensions are shown.
Reinforcement details are given on a separate drawing. See example Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Precast concrete Details

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Precast Reinforced Concrete Details

For precast concrete, showing both outline dimensions and reinforcement details. See
example Figure 13.

Figure 13 - Precast Reinforced Concrete Details

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Precast Reinforcement Details

For precast concrete, showing reinforcement details only. Outline dimensions and other
details are given on the Precast Concrete Details drawing. See example Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Precast Reinforcement Details Proposal
Showing design details for comment. Usually used for bridge projects.

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Reinforced Concrete Details

Showing both outline dimensions and reinforcement details of cast in-situ concrete. See
example Figure 15.

Figure 15 - Reinforced concrete details

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Reinforcement Details

Showing reinforcement details only of cast in-situ concrete. Outline dimensions and other
details are given on the Concrete Details drawing. See example Figure 16.

Figure 16 Reinforcement Details

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Setting Out [and details (if required)]

Showing all dimensions required for the setting out of the job by surveyors, such as
bearings, coordinates, offsets. Pile details, including dimensions and reinforcement, may
be included on the setting out drawing if required. See example Figure 17.

Figure 17 Setting Out

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Steelwork Details

Showing structural steel details including dimensions, section sizes, fabrication details,
etc. See example Figure 18.

Figure 18 Steelwork Details

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Structure Diagrams

Elevation views of overhead wiring structures, often superimposed on a surveyed cross
section. Gives overall dimensions, non-standard details (if any) and references to
RailCorp standard drawings for OHWS steelwork, footings, droppers, etc. See example
Figure 19.

Figure 19 Structure Diagrams

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Suggested Construction Sequence

Overall view of a job showing methods of construction staging. See example Figure 20.

Figure 20 - Suggested Construction Sequence

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3.7 Drawing Standards

Shall be in accordance with Section 1 of this manual, except where the specific standards
in this section override them.

3.7.1 Title Blocks

Setting out and filling in of the title block, signature block, amendment block and, if any,
client title block, shall be in accordance with the sample shown in Figure 21. For full
details of RailCorp Title Blocks see Section 1.11.2 of this manual.

Figure 21 - Example Title Block for Civil Design

3.7.2 Setting Out of Drawings Coordination With Other Sections

Drawings prepared by other disciplines are commonly used as references on drawings
issued by the Civil Design section.

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Coordination between drafters from different disciplines is necessary to ensure that,

where possible, drawings for the particular project have matching orientation, scales,
limits and drawing sheet sizes.

Consistency of MicroStation working units between Survey/Track and Civil Design should
also occur, otherwise coordinated point values will be lost. Consistency is achieved by
creating files using appropriate Civil Design seed files. Orientation
The drafter should produce a drawing which is set out in accordance with the rules of
orientation explained below. However, if these rules are likely to cause confusion with
other drawings, the clarity of the drawing should not be compromised.

Whenever it is necessary to depart from the rules of orientation, the system adopted
should be clearly noted. Regardless of the system used, the orientation of all views on
the drawing should be consistent with that of any key view.

General Rules for Orientation:

Site plans and locality maps should be oriented with north or assumed north to the top of
the sheet. If this orientation is not convenient, then the north should be towards the left
side of the sheet. In special cases, where coordination between disciplines is required,
north will be in the direction agreed among the disciplines.

On plans and maps a standard north point arrow shall be used and, where required,
sufficient grid lines of the relevant grid system should be shown to accurately locate the
area covered by the drawing. The standard north point arrow is located in the standard
cell library. The arrow is marked North, N or assumed North as applicable and
placed in the upper left corner of the plan.

Plan views, layout drawings, elevations and sections should be drawn with the track
appearing horizontal on the sheet and Sydney on the left, where practicable. However,
plans for overbridges should be drawn with the track vertical and Sydney at the bottom.
The Sydney end of an underbridge is to be labelled From Sydney, the other end To
.... (the next main railway station after the bridge site). It may be necessary in some
cases (eg views of retaining walls on the up side of the track) to orientate the drawings
with Sydney on the right, in which case it must be clearly labelled. Cross-sections
perpendicular to the track through bridges etc should be shown as viewed from the
Sydney side (ie facing country, towards increasing kilometrage). Coordinates & Bearings

When a point on a drawing is located by reference to the grid system, the coordinates
should be written correct to three decimal places of a metre, as in the following example.
Coordinates shall be written in accordance with the grid system adopted and the grid
system shall be identified on the drawing.

E 363 241.271

N 1 240 401.750

The bearing of a line, when required, should be given as degrees, minutes and seconds
of arc east of grid North. Track Kilometrages

Kilometrages are measured from Sydney along the centreline of the track and written in
the form: 54.321km. If used for setout purposes, the kilometrage is taken to the nearest

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millimetre and written in the form: 54.321 789km. Views are normally oriented with
Sydney on the left, so track kilometrages normally increase from left to right across a
drawing. Layout
An engineering drawing is intended to show clearly and without ambiguity the feature
being detailed. A good layout is the first essential step to achieving this.

Hidden lines should not be shown on a layout unless they give details which are not
readily apparent on other views. In most cases it is better to show interior details by an
additional section rather than by showing hidden lines. Headings
All headings shall be underlined eg PLAN ; ELEVATION ; MS12+395. Headings for
sections and details shall include an 18mm dia circle enclosing the identifying letter or
number and, where applicable, a reference drawing number. The scale for sections and
details shall be indicated underneath the heading. All these aspects of headings are
illustrated in Figure 22 below.

Figure 22 - Heading for Sections or Details Sections
Standard section arrows, located in the Civil Design CAD cell library at
M:\Rail\ustn_wsV8\RC_Groups\Civ_des\cell\std.cel, shall be used to clearly indicate the
location of the cutting plane. Usually one set of arrows is sufficient for each section, but
in some cases a repetition on other views may be necessary.

A section shall be identified by a letter placed inside a circle. The orientation should be
consistent with the rules of projection. The sections should be placed as near as possible
to the view from where they are cut. They shall be drawn to the same or larger scale
than the original view, using true projection. The letters I, O and Q are not to be used as
section letters.

Where a section is drawn on a different sheet to that of the original view, then the last 3
digits of the section sheets drawing number shall be shown in the lower half of the
section circle on the original view. Likewise the actual section heading shall include a
reference to the original sheet from where the section was taken, as shown in the
example in Figure 22 above. If the section is on the same sheet as the original view then
a dash "-" shall be placed in the lower half of the section circle. Details
Where it is necessary to identify particular areas not covered by a sectional view, it can
be done with a detail. A detail shall be identified by a number. An arrow can be placed
as the detail pointer in the original view if the item being detailed is small, however it is

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preferable that a circle or ellipse be placed around the area to be detailed. The detail
heading shall include a reference number using the same rules set out above for section
headings. Materials Symbology

Where it is necessary to identify materials by symbols such as fill patterns, the symbols
shall be chosen from the Civil Design cell library at:


Stippling (used for concrete) shall not be used in sections that show reinforcement.
Stippling or light shading may be used in moderation for plain concrete areas. Scales Of Drawings

Scales to be used for drawings will vary with the size and character of the feature, and
with the degree of detail to be shown.

All views should be drawn to scale if possible. Distorted scales should be used only in
special cases, where the required detail cannot be shown effectively on an undistorted
scale. Scales should be indicated under each heading on the drawing. Views not drawn
to scale are to be noted NTS.

The following preferred drawing scales should be used where possible:

1:1, 1:2, 1:2.5, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:25, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:250, 1:500.

Where different scales are used for horizontal and vertical dimensions, such as in road
profiles, each scale shall be clearly indicated on the drawing sheet.



The number of different scales used on any one drawing shall be kept to a minimum.
Scales shall be large enough to permit clear interpretation of the information and ensure
clarity of prints on reduced copies, especially A4 copies of A1 originals. Notes and References

The notes and references should occupy a space 140mm wide from the right hand
margin above the title block for A1 sheets, and 125mm wide for A2 and A3 sheets.

Where several notes on particular subjects are required, it is more effective to group
these notes under separate headings such as Steelwork, Concrete, Reinforcement
etc. Each note, under these headings, to be numbered. Notes
Notes should generally be kept to a minimum. It is preferable for information concerning
a particular feature of the drawing to appear in the body of the drawing at the point where
it applies.

Where descriptions of materials or similar information is given on contract drawings, the

notes should be in accordance with the appropriate specification.

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For larger groups of drawings, the general arrangement may include notes which are
common to all drawings of the group. The first note of the other drawings should then be
a reference to the general arrangement drawing for general notes.

For uniformity, standard notes are available for use where applicable. Standard notes
are to be found in the Civil Design cell library at:


General Arrangement drawings should show the principal design basis, ie Design
Loading, Live Loads, Wind Loads etc. References
Reference drawings shall be listed below the notes. The list should include sufficient
drawings to enable the construction / fabrication of the particular feature.

References listed on a particular drawing will usually include only those drawings
necessary to cover that particular part of the work. The General Arrangement (or the
Cover Sheet if any) should list all drawings that are relevant to the project. Drawings by
other disciplines that have a direct bearing on the Civil Design drawing (ie associated
drawings) shall be listed.

In some instances it may be desirable to add, in the body of the drawing at the
appropriate place, a reference to a drawing giving details of a particular section of the
work. Such references are usually also included under the references heading, as well
as in the body of the drawing. Product Specification

Where specific performance from a generic product (e.g. concrete) is required, the
performance requirements should be stated on the drawing. If the designer wishes to
identify a specific proprietary product, the product name may be specified and the words
or equivalent added. Alternatively, for critical applications where the designer needs to
have more control over the products to be used, the words or approved equivalent
should be used. An instruction such as product shall be installed/mixed/placed in
accordance with the manufacturers specification shall also be included. Location Plans & Detailed Site Plans

As Location Plans and Detail Site Plans are used across multiple engineering disciplines
information about these plans can be found in the CAD and Drafting Manual All Design
Areas Section 2.

3.7.3 Structural Steelwork Drawings Designation Of Steel Sections

For the designation of rolled steel sections, reference letters are used in conjunction with
critical dimensions of the section to identify the product, and the required length in
millimetres is given last. The reference letters and typical examples are given in Table 1
and Table 2 below:


Universal Beam UB
Universal Column UC
Welded Beam WB

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Welded Column WC
Angle (equal, unequal) EA, UA
Channel (parallel flange) PFC
Square Hollow Section SHS
Rectangular Hollow Section RHS
Circular Hollow Section CHS
Taper Flange Beam TFB
Plate PL
Flat FL
Table 1 - Steel Section Reference Letters

Universal Beam Nominal depth x mass per metre x length (530 UB 92x3000)
Nominal depth x mass per metre x length (310 UC
Universal Column
Nominal depth x mass per metre x length (1200 WB
Welded Beam
Welded Column
Nominal depth x mass per metre x length (350 WC
Equal Angle Size of legs x thickness x length (75x75x10 EAx3000)
Size of long leg x short leg x thickness x length
Unequal Angle
(150x100x10 UAx3000)
Channel Depth x length (380 PFCx3000)
Square Hollow
Size of sides x thickness x length (75x75x4.0 SHSx3000)
Rectangular Hollow Size of long side x short side x thickness x length
Section (125x50x4.0xRHSx3000)
Circular Hollow Outside diameter x thickness x length (76 ODx3.2
Section CHSx3000)
Taper Flange
Depth x length (125 TFBx3000)
Plate Width x thickness x length (100x12 PLx300)
Flat Width x thickness x length (100x12 FLx300)
Pipe Nominal bore (40 NB)
Table 2 - Steel Section Typical Examples Welding Symbols

The necessary information concerning the type, size and position of basic welds shall be
given on the drawings by the use of symbols. These symbols shall be in accordance with
AS 1101 Part 3, and are to be found in the Civil Design cell library at:

M:\Rail\ustn_wsV8\RC_Groups\Civ_des\cell\std.cel. Marking Plans

A marking plan shows the arrangement of structural members in diagrammatical form
and is also used as the starting point from which detail drawings are developed. It should
show the overall form and dimensions of a structure, member sizes, levels, existing or
adjacent members and any future extensions. Marking plans should be drawn to scale
without minute details. Generally a single line for each member is sufficient. For smaller
structures, the marking plan may be included with the detail drawings.

Design particulars of columns in a building should be shown on a column schedule. The

schedule shall include sizes of members, base plate sizes, portions of splices and levels.
Any future extension details should be shown in dotted line.

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Marking Of Members

Marking plans serve as key diagrams to the structure and they record the identification
marks of the members. As a general rule, the identification marks should use the
prefixes shown in Table 3 below.


Beams B Roof Bracing RB

Columns C Stringers S
Crane Beam CB Ties T
Girts G Trusses TR
Purlins P Vertical (wall) Bracing VB
Rafter R Walkways (platform) channels PC

Table 3 - Steelwork Marking Prefixes

The numbering of identification marks should start from the top left hand corner of the
marking plan. Alternatively, in larger buildings, the floor beam marks may be prefixed
with different letters for each floor, starting from the lowest floor ie A, B, C, etc.

Steelwork sections should be shown in a table on the marking plan, comprising three
columns, viz: item, mark and section. If the marking plan has to be shown on several
sheets, this table need not be repeated on every sheet.

Orientation of members made of angle or channel sections should be clearly shown on

the marking plan. Detail Setouts

Before commencing detail drawings, setouts should be prepared for connections, panel
points, etc. The setouts should be to large scale to enable the scaling of dimensions to
the required accuracy. Setouts should be used to determine the shape and size of
gusset plates, the location of bolts and the clearance between members. For simple
rectangular joints which can easily and accurately be computed, the preparation of
setouts is not necessary. Projection & Views

Except for any exceptions noted herein, all views should be placed in the positions
required by third angle projection, that is, the plan view drawn directly above the front
view and each end view adjacent to the front view nearest the end it represents. In some
cases it may be desirable to replace the underside view by a bottom sectional view,
drawn directly below the front view and as seen from above. A sectional view may be
drawn anywhere on the sheet provided the section is clearly identified. Steelwork Details

Unless special conditions require otherwise, multiple columns should be drawn
lengthwise with the lower end to the left. Angles and channels should be drawn with the
flanges down, the thickness being shown by short dashed line. Views of beam endplates
should be shown only when the information cannot be conveyed with notes.

If a frame or member is symmetrical or nearly so about its centre line, it is necessary to

show only one half of the frame or member with a note symmetrical about centre line or
symmetrical about centre line except where noted. In such cases, the left half of the

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frame or member is usually shown and should be extended slightly beyond the centre line
to show that the frame or member does not end on the centre line.

In a view of one side of a heavy truss member or latticed column, only the bracing or
lacing on the face depicted should be shown. All other bracing and lacing is omitted and
such omission is covered by an appropriate note. Tubular members are shown in outline
only, the tube thickness being indicated by a note.

Filled holes in a steelwork assembly indicate bolt locations. Similarly, filled holes in a
member indicate holes for bolts. Unfilled holes indicate holes for purposes other than
bolting eg drain holes for galvanising.

Bolt hole sizes shall be generally as follows:

for bolts up to & including 24mm dia: 2mm larger than bolt diameter for bolts greater than
24mm dia: 3mm larger than bolt diameter.

Baseplate holes for holding down bolts shall be as in the following Table 4.


up to M24 bolt dia + 6mm

M24 - M36 bolt dia + l0mm
M36 - M48 bolt dia + 12mm
M48 and larger bolt dia + 20mm

Table 4 - Baseplate Hole Sizes Steelwork Dimensioning

Dimension lines shall be unbroken, with the dimension text placed above the line, and
approximately midway between the arrow heads.

It is important that the dimensioning of rolled steel sections allow for variations in sections
and lengths due to rolling and cutting tolerances. This is done by omitting the closing
dimension. See figure 12. in Section 1 of this manual. Dimensions should be consecutive
between major features, such as crossbeam centre lines on girders. Bolt holes, small
cleats, etc can then be dimensioned from the extension lines for these major features.

When the length of a member which is to be cut is not to exceed a certain length, the
length dimension should be marked overall. Columns made of rolled sections may
exceed the nominal dimensions, so bracket holes should be dimensioned from the centre
line of the column. The full length of a member need not be drawn if it is to be
abbreviated using break lines, but the associated section dimensions, such as depth and
width, should remain correct to scale. Steelwork Scales

Detail drawings are usually drawn to a scale of 1:10, although for small details 1:5 is
sometimes used. For large members 1:20, 1:25 and 1:50 may also be used, in
descending order of preference.

In truss and bracing drawings, two scales are often used in the same view, one for the
centre lines or skeleton of the structure to show the shape, and a larger one for the parts
composing it. To avoid errors, the panel point dimensions should be shown and the two
scales noted.

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CAD and Drafting Manual Civil Design Section 3 TMD 0001 Marking Of Steelwork Details

Instructions for marking of members to facilitate erection should be shown preferably on
flanges. Unless the member is symmetrical it should be fully orientated, eg:



The identification mark of each member should be positioned on the drawing below the
member. Examples of identification marks are:



Opposite hand noting should be used with caution unless the component is opposite
hand in all respects.

Monorail beams should be marked on the web in capital letters at least 75 mm high, eg:


CLASS No. 2 - MONORAIL No. MR1. Steelwork Connections

For welded connections the category of weld (eg SP or GP) and the extent of
examination shall be included in the drawing notes (eg All welds to be category SP,
Extent of visual inspection 100%, Non destructive testing 10%). As a general rule, site
welding of connections shall be kept to a minimum. The weld preparation for any site
welds shall be shown where necessary.

For bolted connections care should be taken to indicate the type of bolt to be used and to
distinguish between different types of bolts and tensioning methods appearing on the one
drawing, i.e. commercial bolts 4.6/S, high strength bolts 8.8/S, 8.8/TF and 8.8/TB. Holes
should be located on standard gauge lines for structural steel sections. Standard edge
distances and pitches shall be used wherever possible. Allowance For Erection Clearances

Ordinarily the diagonal length (in plan view) of a beam is slightly shorter than the face-to
face distance between supporting members, sufficient to avoid forcing the beam into

Occasionally however, because the beam is relatively short or because wide connection
details are required, the diagonal length may exceed the face-to-face distance by such an
amount that the connection at one end must be shipped loose, or the length of the beam
must be shortened.

A study should be made to determine the clearance available for erecting beams of this
type. The greatest diagonal length of the beam should be about 3mm less that the face-
to-face distance between column or girder web. It must also clear any obstructions, such
as cleats or stiffeners, otherwise the obstructing detail must be shipped loose.

3.7.4 R
einforcement Drawings
Reinforcement drawings show the location, grade, diameter and number of reinforcement
bars in the structure. They should also show sufficient additional information to enable
the bars to be cut, bent and placed in the positions required by the design. The aim

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should be to produce a drawing which clearly indicates the exact intentions of the
designer, bearing in mind the problems which may be encountered during bending and
placing of the bars and placing of concrete. The drawings shall also show locations and
types of all embedded items such as lifting hooks, ferrules, conduits and HD bolts.

Before a reinforcement drawing is commenced, the diameter and grade of reinforcing

steel will have been determined. The drafter should aim at simplicity by limiting the
shapes and sizes of bars to simple shapes and common lengths, provided the quantity of
reinforcement is not unduly increased. Layout Of Drawing

Every group of bars (except for straight bars) is to be shown in at least two views. Bars
should be drawn to scale lengthways and in their correct position (except where some
displacement is required to separate adjacent bars for clarity). Bars shall be drawn with
the line weights specified in the Civil Design CAD Standards. An exploded view may be
used to detail heavily reinforced structures. All bars, both near face and far face, shall be
drawn in solid line, not dashed.

Concrete outlines and other outlines used on a reinforcement drawing should be drawn to
scale. Concrete dimensions and other concrete details are not required if already shown
elsewhere. When pipes or other embedded items are cut in section on a reinforcement
drawing they should be drawn to scale, but without dimensions. All joints in the concrete
should be shown on the reinforcement drawing. Bar Detailing

Leaders accompanying bar notations shall be drawn as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23 - Leaders For Bar Notations Bar Notation

Every bar or group of bars shall be identified by means of a notation which gives, in the
following order: the number of bars in the group; the bar mark; the bar grade and
diameter; the centre to centre spacing. Either the number or spacing information may be
omitted if necessary, but not both. Some examples of the notation are as follows:

4/S1 N24-150 4/S1 N24 S1 N24-150

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Alternatively, when the reinforcement drawing is not complex, the bar mark may be
omitted. The notation would then be as follows:

4/N24-150 4/N24 N24-150

The full bar notation, using any of the types shown above, should be shown once only
and this should occur on the view in which the extent lines are shown - on all other views
only the bar mark eg S1, or (if there is no bar mark) the bar diameter eg N24, should
be used to identify bars. If there are no extent lines, the full bar notation should be shown
on the view in which the shape and location of the bar(s) is most clearly shown. Reinforcement Laps & Cogs

Laps and cogs should be noted or dimensioned on the reinforcement drawing. Where all
laps / cogs are the same, a description located in the notes could suffice, for example:

All laps to be 500mm unless noted otherwise. (Cogs similar).

If laps or cogs vary across the drawing, then they should either be all dimensioned or
alternatively all covered in the bar notation. Examples of bar notation for laps / cogs are
as follows:

S1 N24-200 tied to T1 N12-400 LAP 500 L1 N24-200 COG 300 Steel Location Abbreviations

Table 5 below shows the abbreviations that can be used to show the location of
reinforcement. These abbreviations would be included at the end of the bar notation,
separated by a dash or in brackets, eg 4/N24-150 T&B.

Bottom B
Centrally Placed CP
Each Face EF
Each Way EW
Far Face FF
Near Face NF
Top T
Table 5 - Abbreviations For Reinforcement Location Steel Mesh

Where welded wire mesh is to be used the extent of the mesh should be shown and the
type of mesh identified with a note of the form: SL62. Each wire should be shown as a
heavy line, with sufficient details to indicate the direction in which the main longitudinal
wires should lie. Examples of steel fabric detailing are given in Figure 24 Mesh in
section can be shown as a broken line (small scale) or then solid lines with filled circles
representing main wires.

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Figure 24 - Steel Mesh Precast Concrete Drawings

Precast concrete units shall be clearly identified, particularly when shown on the same
drawing as cast in-situ concrete elements. Each unit shall have its mass given.

For heavily loaded structures, the reinforcement pattern should provide for all openings or
blockouts as designed by the engineer. For walls and lightly loaded slabs in which
openings may be common, the adjacent main reinforcement need not be specially
detailed - a note indicating that reinforcement is to be moved or cut on site is sufficient.
For larger openings additional steel trimmers shall be provided around the opening
irrespective of whether the main reinforcement pattern has been altered to suit.

3.8 Order of Sheets in a Set of Bridge Drawings

The order of the sheets in a set of drawings should follow the logical order of the
construction procedure of the structure. Basically the sequence should be as follows:

ABUTMENTS (new Abutment, new Abutment Headstocks, or strengthening)
PIERS (new Pier, new Pier Headstocks, or strengthening)
GIRDERS (steel / PSC / RC)
MISCELLANEOUS (eg fabrication, misc. items etc.)

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Electrical Safety Screens

Survey Cross Sections
Detail Site Survey

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Appendix A Civil Design Cell Libraries

The following is a full listing of cell libraries for use in drawings produced by or for the
RailCorp CIVIL DESIGN area.

For internal access, all files are located on the network at:


Concrete Products - concrete.cel

Decorative Drawing Borders - border.cel

Furniture Products - furniture.cel

Geotechnical Patterns - geotechnical.cel

Material Symbols - civil.cel

Miscellaneous Concrete Products - concmisc.cel

Miscellaneous Steel Products - steel1.cel

Miscellaneous Steel Sections - steel2.cel

Overhead Wiring Structures - ohws.cel

Precast Box Culverts (Rocla) - roclaboxculvert.cel

Precast Headwalls (CI&D) - cidheadwall.cel

Precast Headwalls (Rocla) - roclaheadwall.cel

Steel Sections - steel.cel

Standard Details - std.cel

Standard Notes - notes.cel

Superseded Steel Sections - old steel.cel

Traffic Signs - roadsigns.cel

Turning Circle (TC) for Articulated Bus - tc-articulated bus.cel

TC for B Double - tc- b double.cel

TC for Cars - tc-cars.cel

TC for Double Road Train - tc-type 1 double road train.cel

TC for P. M. & Long Semi - tc-prime mover & long semi trailer.cel

TC for P. M. & Semi - tc-prime mover & semi trailer.cel

TC for P. M. & Semi & Car- tc-prime mover semi trailer & car.cel

TC for Rigid Bus - tc-long rigid bus.cel

TC for Service Vehicle - tc-service vehicle.cel

TC for Single Unit Truck or Bus - tc-single unit truck or bus.cel

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TC for Triple Road Train - tc-type 2 triple road train.cel

Track Components - Track Components.cel

Views of General Vehicles - vehicle.cel

Views Of Locomotives - locos.cel

Views Of People - people.cel

A complete listing of cells can be obtained by down loading the resource files from the
RailCorp Engineering Extranet and opening the cell libraries.

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Appendix B Civil Design Level Structure

The MicroStation V8 levels for placement of various types of elements, Level Symbology
Overrides and Symbology ByLevel shall be in accordance with the table on this and the
following pages.





C-ABUT 4000 Abutment
C-ABUT-CNTR 4001 Abutment: Centre Line
C-ABUT-CONC 4002 Abutment: Concrete
C-ABUT-HDLN 4003 Abutment: Hidden Line
C-ANNO 4004 Annotation
C-ANNO-DIMS 4005 Annotation: Dimensions
C-ANNO-TEXT 4006 Annotation: Text
C-BARR 4007 Barrier
C-BARR-CNTR 4008 Barrier: Centre Line
C-BARR-CONC 4009 Barrier: Concrete
C-BARR-HDLN 4010 Barrier: Hidden Line
C-BARR-STEL 4011 Barrier: Steel
C-BAUL 4012 Balustrade
C-BAUL-CNTR 4013 Balustrade: Centre Line
C-BAUL-HDLN 4014 Balustrade: Hidden Line
C-BAUL-STEL 4015 Balustrade: Steel
C-BEAM1 4016 Beam1
C-BEAM1-CNTR 4017 Beam1: Centre Line
C-BEAM1-CONC 4018 Beam1: Concrete
C-BEAM1-HDLN 4019 Beam1: Hidden Line
C-BEAM1-STEL 4020 Beam1: Steel
C-BEAM1-TIMB 4021 Beam1: Timber
C-BEAM2 4022 Beam2
C-BEAM2-CNTR 4023 Beam2: Centre Line
C-BEAM2-CONC 4024 Beam2: Concrete
C-BEAM2-HDLN 4025 Beam2: Hidden Line
C-BEAM2-STEL 4026 Beam2: Steel
C-BEAM2-TIMB 4027 Beam2: Timber
C-BEAR 4028 Bearing
C-BEAR-CNTR 4029 Bearing: Centre Line
C-BEAR-HDLN 4030 Bearing: Hidden Line
C-BEAR-STEL 4031 Bearing: Steel
C-BLWK 4032 Blockwork
C-BLWK-CNTR 4033 Blockwork: Centre Line
C-BLWK-CONC 4034 Blockwork: Concrete
C-BLWK-HDLN 4035 Blockwork: Hidden Line
C-BOLT 4036 Bolts
C-BRAC 4037 Bracing
C-BRAC-CNTR 4038 Bracing: Centre Line
C-BRAC-HDLN 4039 Bracing: Hidden Line
C-BRAC-STEL 4040 Bracing: Steel
C-BRAK 4041 Brackets
C-BRAK-CNTR 4042 Brackets: Centre Line
C-BRAK-HDLN 4043 Brackets: Hidden Line

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C-BRAK-STEL 4044 Brackets: Steel
C-BUND 4045 Bund
C-BUND-CNTR 4046 Bund: Centre Line
C-BUND-CONC 4047 Bund: Concrete
C-BUND-HDLN 4048 Bund: Hidden Line
C-CAGE 4049 Cage
C-CAGE-CNTR 4050 Cage: Centre Line
C-CAGE-HDLN 4051 Cage: Hidden Line
C-CAGE-STEL 4052 Cage: Steel
C-CLET 4053 Cleat
C-CLET-CNTR 4054 Cleat: Centre Line
C-CLET-HDLN 4055 Cleat: Hidden Line
C-CLET-STEL 4056 Cleat: Steel
C-COBL 4057 Corbel
C-COBL-CNTR 4058 Corbel: Centre Line
C-COBL-HDLN 4059 Corbel: Hidden Line
C-COBL-TIMB 4060 Corbel: Timber
C-COLM1 4061 Column1
C-COLM1-CNTR 4062 Column1: Centre Line
C-COLM1-CONC 4063 Column1: Concrete
C-COLM1-HDLN 4064 Column1: Hidden Line
C-COLM1-STEL 4065 Column1: Steel.
C-COLM2 4066 Column2
C-COLM2-CNTR 4067 Column2: Centre Line
C-COLM2-CONC 4068 Column2: Concrete
C-COLM2-HDLN 4069 Column2: Hidden Line
C-COLM2-STEL 4070 Column2: Steel.
C-CULV 4071 Culvert
C-CULV-CNTR 4072 Culvert: Centre Line
C-CULV-CONC 4073 Culvert: Concrete
C-CULV-HDLN 4074 Culvert: Hidden Line
C-DECK 4075 Deck
C-DECK-CNTR 4076 Deck: Centre Line
C-DECK-CONC 4077 Deck: Concrete
C-DECK-HDLN 4078 Deck: Hidden Line
C-DECK-STEL 4079 Deck: Steel
C-DECK-TIMB 4080 Deck: Timber
C-DIAP 4081 Diaphragm
C-DIAP-CNTR 4082 Diaphragm: Centre Line
C-DIAP-HDLN 4083 Diaphragm: Hidden Line
C-DIAP-STEL 4084 Diaphragm: Steel
C-DROP 4085 Dropper
C-DROP-STEL 4086 Dropper: Steel
C-FOOT 4087 Footing
C-FOOT-CNTR 4088 Footing: Centre Line
C-FOOT-CONC 4089 Footing: Concrete
C-FOOT-HDLN 4090 Footing: Hidden Line
C-FRAM 4091 Frame
C-FRAM-CNTR 4092 Frame: Centre Line
C-FRAM-HDLN 4093 Frame: Hidden Line

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C-FRAM-STEL 4094 Frame: Steel
C-GENR 4095 General
C-GENR-CONC 4096 General: Concrete
C-GENR-PATT 4097 General: Patterning
C-GENR-STEL 4098 General: Steel
C-GENR-TIMB 4099 General: Timber
C-GIRD1 4100 Girder1
C-GIRD1-CNTR 4101 Girder1: Centre Line
C-GIRD1-CONC 4102 Girder1: Concrete
C-GIRD1-HDLN 4103 Girder1: Hidden Line
C-GIRD1-STEL 4104 Girder1: Steel
C-GIRD1-TIMB 4105 Girder1: Timber
C-GIRD2 4106 Girder2
C-GIRD2-CNTR 4107 Girder2: Centre Line
C-GIRD2-CONC 4108 Girder2: Concrete
C-GIRD2-HDLN 4109 Girder2: Hidden Line
C-GIRD2-STEL 4110 Girder2: Steel
C-GIRD2-TIMB 4111 Girder2: Timber
C-GIRT 4112 Girt
C-GIRT-CNTR 4113 Girt: Centre Line
C-GIRT-HDLN 4114 Girt: Hidden Line
C-GIRT-STEL 4115 Girt: Steel
C-GRAT 4116 Grating
C-GRAT-STEL 4117 Grating: Steel
C-GRND 4118 GroundLine
C-GUSS 4119 Gusset
C-GUSS-CNTR 4120 Gusset: Centre Line
C-GUSS-HDLN 4121 Gusset: Hidden Line
C-GUSS-STEL 4122 Gusset: Steel
C-HDST 4123 Headstock
C-HDST-CNTR 4124 Headstock: Centre Line
C-HDST-CONC 4125 Headstock: Concrete
C-HDST-HDLN 4126 Headstock: Hidden Line
C-HDWL 4127 Headwall
C-HDWL-CNTR 4128 Headwall: Centre Line
C-HDWL-CONC 4129 Headwall: Concrete
C-HDWL-HDLN 4130 Headwall: Hidden Line
C-JOST 4131 Joist
C-JOST-CNTR 4132 Joist: Centre Line
C-JOST-HDLN 4133 Joist: Hidden Line
C-JOST-TIMB 4134 Joist: Timber
C-LADD 4135 Ladder
C-LADD-CNTR 4136 Ladder: Centre Line
C-LADD-HDLN 4137 Ladder: Hidden Line
C-LADD-STEL 4138 Ladder: Steel
C-MAST 4139 Mast
C-MAST-CNTR 4140 Mast: Centre Line
C-MAST-HDLN 4141 Mast: Hidden Line
C-MAST-STEL 4142 Mast: Steel
C-MCON 4143 Mass Concrete

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C-MOTR 4144 Mortar
C-MPLN 4145 Marking Plan
C-MPLN-CNTR 4146 Marking Plan: Centre Line
C-MPLN-HDLN 4147 Marking Plan:Grid Line
C-MPLN-STEL 4148 Marking Plan: Steel
C-OHWS-BRDE 4150 OHWS: Bridge
C-OHWS-CNTR 4151 OHWS: Centre Line
C-OHWS-DROP 4152 OHWS: Dropper
C-OHWS-HDLN 4153 OHWS: Hidden Line
C-PART 4155 Partition
C-PART-CNTR 4156 Partition: Centre Line
C-PART-HDLN 4157 Partition: Hidden Line
C-PART-TIMB 4158 Partition: Timber
C-PIER 4159 Pier
C-PIER-CNTR 4160 Pier: Centre Line
C-PIER-CONC 4161 Pier: Concrete
C-PIER-HDLN 4162 Pier: Hidden Line
C-PILE 4163 Pile
C-PILE-CNTR 4164 Pile: Centre Line
C-PILE-CONC 4165 Pile: Concrete
C-PILE-HDLN 4166 Pile: Hidden Line
C-PIPE 4167 Pipe
C-PIPE-CNTR 4168 Pipe: Centre Line
C-PIPE-CONC 4169 Pipe: Concrete
C-PIPE-HDLN 4170 Pipe: Hidden Line
C-PITS 4171 Pit
C-PITS-CNTR 4172 Pit: Centre Line
C-PITS-CONC 4173 Pit: Concrete
C-PITS-HDLN 4174 Pit: Hidden Line
C-PLCP 4175 Pile cap
C-PLCP-CNTR 4176 Pile cap: Centre Line
C-PLCP-CONC 4177 Pile cap: Concrete
C-PLCP-HDLN 4178 Pile cap: Hidden Line
C-PLTS 4179 Plates
C-PLTS-CNTR 4180 Plates: Centre Line
C-PLTS-HDLN 4181 Plates: Hidden Line
C-PLTS-STEL 4182 Plates: Steel
C-PULN 4183 Purlin
C-PULN-CNTR 4184 Purlin: Centre Line
C-PULN-HDLN 4185 Purlin: Hidden Line
C-PULN-STEL 4186 Purlin: Steel
C-RAFT 4187 Rafter
C-RAFT-CNTR 4188 Rafter: Centre Line
C-RAFT-HDLN 4189 Rafter: Hidden Line
C-RAFT-TIMB 4190 Rafter: Timber
C-REIN 4191 Reinforcment
C-REIN-MAIN 4192 Reinforcment: Main
C-REIN-MESH 4193 Reinforcment: Mesh

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C-REIN-SCND 4194 Reinforcment: Secondary
C-ROAD 4195 Roadwork:
C-ROAD-CNTR 4196 Roadwork: Centre Line
C-ROAD-FOOT 4197 Roadwork: Footpath
C-ROAD-KERB 4198 Roadwork: Kerb
C-ROAD-SURF 4199 Roadwork: Road surface
C-ROAD-TNCR 4200 Roadwork: Turning Circles
C-RWAL 4201 Retaining wall
C-RWAL-BRIK 4202 Retaining wall: Brick
C-RWAL-CNTR 4203 Retaining wall: Centre
C-RWAL-CONC 4204 Retaining wall: Concrete
C-RWAL-HDLN 4205 Retaining wall: Hidden
C-RWAL-TIMB 4206 Retaining wall: Timber
C-SHET 4207 Sheeting
C-SHET-STEL 4208 Sheeting: Steel
C-SLAB 4209 Slab
C-SLAB-CNTR 4210 Slab: Centre Line
C-SLAB-CONC 4211 Slab: Concrete
C-SLAB-HDLN 4212 Slab: Hidden Line
C-SLPR 4213 Sleeper
C-SLPR-CONC 4214 Sleeper: Concrete
C-SLPR-STEL 4215 Sleeper: Steel
C-SLPR-TIMB 4216 Sleeper: Timber
C-SPLC 4217 Splice
C-SPLC-CNTR 4218 Splice: Centre Line
C-SPLC-HDLN 4219 Splice: Hidden Line
C-SPLC-STEL 4220 Splice: Steel
C-STAR 4221 Stair
C-STAR-CNTR 4222 Stair: Centre Line
C-STAR-CONC 4223 Stair: Concrete
C-STAR-HDLN 4224 Stair: Hidden Line
C-STAR-STEL 4225 Stair: Steel
C-STIF 4226 Stiffener
C-STIF-CNTR 4227 Stiffener: Centre Line
C-STIF-HDLN 4228 Stiffener: Hidden Line
C-STIF-STEL 4229 Stiffener: Steel
C-STIG 4230 Stringer
C-STIG-CNTR 4231 Stringer: Centre Line
C-STIG-HDLN 4232 Stringer: Hidden Line
C-STIG-STEL 4233 Stringer: Steel
C-STRD 4234 Stair Tread
C-STRD-CONC 4235 Stair Tread: Concrete
C-STRD-STEL 4236 Stair Tread: Steel
C-SYNT 4237 Synthetics
C-SYNT-CNTR 4238 Synthetics: Centre Line
C-SYNT-HDLN 4239 Synthetics: Hidden Line
C-TRAK-BALS 4240 Trackwork: Ballast
C-TRAK-BEAM 4241 Trackwork: Beams

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C-TRAK-CNTR 4242 Trackwork: Alignment
Centre Line
C-TRAK-GARD 4243 Trackwork: Guard Rail
C-TRAK-PLTS 4244 Trackwork: Plate
C-TRAK-RAIL 4245 Trackwork: Rails
C-TRES 4246 Trestle
C-TRES-CNTR 4247 Trestle: Centre Line
C-TRES-HDLN 4248 Trestle: Hidden Line
C-TRES-TIMB 4249 Trestle: Timber
C-WALL 4250 Wall
C-WALL-BRIK 4251 Wall: Brick
C-WALL-CNTR 4252 Wall: Centre Line
C-WALL-CONC 4253 Wall: Concrete
C-WALL-HDLN 4254 Wall: Hidden Line
C-WALL-STEL 4255 Wall: Steel
C-WALL-TIMB 4256 Wall: Timber
C-WING 4257 Wingwall
C-WING-CNTR 4258 Wingwall: Centre Line
C-WING-CONC 4259 Wingwall: Concrete
C-WING-HDLN 4260 Wingwall: Hidden Line

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