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Biography Nelson Tansu. Many Indonesian people who excel in foreign countries, like Nelson
Tansu known Youngest Professor in the USA. Prof. Nelson Tansu, Ph.D., was born in Medan,
North Sumatra, on 20 October 1977. He was the second child of three brothers pair Iskandar
Tansu fruit and Lily Ow domiciled in Medan, North Sumatra. Both parents Nelson is a printing
business in Medan. They are university graduates in Germany. Nelsons brother, Tony Tansu, is a
master of Ohio, US. So was her sister, Inge Tansu, is a graduate of Ohio State University (OSU). It
seems clear that Nelson did come from an educated family environment.He is the best high
school graduates Sutomo 1 Medan in 1995 and was also a finalist Indonesian Physics Olympiad
Team (TOFI).

After graduating from high school, he obtained a scholarship from Bohns Scholarships for
studying applied mathematics, electrical engineering, and physics at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison, USA.The offer is gained because he became one of the finalists TOFI. He earned a
bachelor of science in less than three years with summa cum laude. After completing the S-1 in
1998, he received many scholarship offers from various leading universities in the United States.
Nevertheless, he chose to remain enrolled at the University of Wisconsin and holds a doctorate in
electrical engineering in May 2003. During completing doctoral program, Prof. Nelson received
various brilliant achievement of which is WARF University Graduate Fellowships and Graduate
Funding Dissertator Travel Award. Doctoral research in the field of photonics,
OPTOELECTRONICS, and semiconductor nanostructires also won the highest award in his
department, namely the 2003 Harold A. Peterson ECE Best Research Paper Award. After
obtaining his doctorate, Nelson got an offer to become an assistant professor of various renowned
universities in the United States. Finally in early 2003, when he was 25 years old, he became an
assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, Lehigh University. Lehigh University
is a top university in the fields of engineering and physics in the East Coast, USA. Currently Prof.
Nelson became a professor at prestigious universities USA, Lehigh University, Pensilvania and
teaching students at the masters level (S-2), doctoral (S-3) and post doctoral Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering. More than 84 research and his writings have been
published in various scientific journals and international conferences. He is also often invited to
be a keynote speaker at various seminars, conferences and meetings of intellectuals, both in
various cities in the US and outside the US such as Canada, Europe and Asia. Prof. Nelson has
obtained 11 awards and three patents on discovery research. There are three scientific discoveries
that have been patented in the US, the semiconductor nanostructure OPTOELECTRONICS field
devices and high-power semiconductor lasers. When I was in elementary school, Prof. Nelson
likes to read biographies of famous physicists. He greatly admired the achievements of the
physicists because many physicists who have earned a doctorate, became a professor and even
some physicists who discovered the theory (Einstein grandparent) when still young. Because
reading the lives of the physicists, since she was a Primary School, Prof. Nelson already has ideals
wanted to become a professor at a university in the United States. Although currently living in the
United States and still use Indonesian passport, Prof.Nelson promised to go back to Indonesia if
the Indonesian government really need it.
He is often invited to be a keynote speaker and a speaker at various seminars. Most often
primarily a speaker at meetings of intellectuals, conferences, and seminars in Washington DC. In
addition, he often comes to various other cities in the US. In fact, he often went to foreign
countries such as Canada, several countries in Europe and Asia. Awesome, there are three
scientific inventions patented in the United States, the field of semiconductor nanostructure
OPTOELECTRONICS devices and high-power semiconductor lasers. In the midst of busy doing
other research, two books Nelson is in the process of publishing. Unbelieveable!! The second
book is a textbook (textbook grip, Red) for students S-1 in the land of Uncle Sam. Therefore,
Indonesia deserves proud of the achievements of the nation in the overseas country. Single born
in Medan, October 20, 1977, it is still holding the green passport bearing the eagle. Although
there has been a decade in the US, has a myriad accomplishments.
Wherever he went, every person asked, Nelson always introduced himself as an Indonesian.
Attitude Nelson was very proud in the middle of a lot of characters we are ashamed to admit
Indonesia as his homeland. I really love my hometown. And, I always wanted to do the best for
Indonesia, he said, seriously. In the land of Uncle Sam, love Nelson against which is labeled as
the most corrupt country in Asia is concretized by showing perseverance and his performance as
a nation. When talking about Indonesia, mimic the young man looked earnest and away from the
lip. The Indonesian nation is a great nation and a nation that is able to compete with nations
other great. Of course if our nation continues to work hard, said Nelson said the newspaper. The
young man was good to talk to. Fervent idealism and passion. Like the American professor,
Nelson figure very understated and even likes modestly.Clothing daily also not strange, that is
wearing a collared shirt and slacks.
Nano Technology
At first glance, he impressed reserved. Knowledge and weight are often hidden behind the
appearance like do not like to talk. But, when he taught or spoke at the conference of
intellectuals, academics Nelson looked identity. Academic environment, research, and the
campus has become his world. He was always concerned about the interests and thirst for
knowledge of students on campus. There are interesting here. Because he looks very young, not a
human being who regard it as a college student S-1 or the masters program. He is mistaken as a
student in general. However, those who knew him, especially among university or department of
teaching, so to meet him, they always addressed him respectfully: Prof. Tansu. In the Fall
semester of 2003, I taught a class for the PhD degree on physics and applications of

photonics crystals. In the Spring semester of 2004, now, I teach a class for senior students and
masters of semiconductor device physics. That is, said Nelson answer about activities teaching.
September to December or semester of Fall 2004, the teaching schedule Nelson was waiting
again. During the semester, he will teach a class for the PhD degree of applied quantum
mechanics for semiconductor nanotechnology. In addition to teaching classes in college, I led
several PhD students and post-doctoral research fellow at Lehigh University in this, he said
when asked about the flurry of others on campus. Nelson includes individuals who successfully
achieve the American dream (American dream). Many immigrants and refugees who speculate in
the country with all the competition that superketat. In the land of Uncle Sam, there are success
stories as an actor who is now the governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger actually were
immigrants from Austria. Then, in the Cabinet of George W. Bush right now there are immigrant,
the Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, the Taipei immigrant origin is the first Asian-American
woman who became a minister during US history.State Superpower is also very well forge talent
and intellectual Nelson. High school graduates Sutomo 1 Medan, arrived in the US in July 1995.
There, he completed his entire education began to S-1 to S-3 at the University of Wisconsin at
Madison. Nelson graduated from S-1 in the field of applied mathematics, electrical engineering,
and physics. As for the PhD, he majored in electrical engineering.Of the whole journey of life and
his career, Nelson claimed that all of his success was not separated from the support of his family.
When asked about who was the most influential, he is quick to call his parents and grandfather.
They instill the importance of education since I was small, he said. Theres an interesting story
there. When was the elementary school, both parents often comparing Nelson with some cousins
who had a doctorate. The comparison is actually quite fit. Therefore, the cousin Nelson was well
above his age.
There are 20 years older. But, Nelson little hard to take it seriously and determined to
compensate for once beyond it. Time finally answered imipian Nelson them. So, thank you for
my parents. I was the person who likes to many challenges. We are so motivated, so, he
said.Nelson admitted, his late grandfather had also sparked the spirit and discipline of learning.
The late my grandfather was a very good person, but a little hard. But, because of his hard, I
actually became more diligent and trying to perfect as possible achieve the highest standards of
doing things, he explained. Set aside 300 Doctor US, but Remain Humble Nelson Tansu be
Americas leading physicists. But few know that the young professor from Indonesia. On a
number of occasions, many consider Nelson no family relationship with former Turkish Prime
Minister Tansu Ciller. Really? NAME Nelson Tansu is quite unique. At first glance, it did not
indicate the name of ethnic identity, race, or origin of a particular country. Therefore, in the land
of Uncle Sam, many erroneous reading, knowing, or acquainted with the young professor. In fact,
no one suspected that he was Turkish. Allegations that arise if it is associated with a family
relationship Tansu Ciller, former prime minister (PM) Turkey. Some netizens even did not
hesitate to include the name and gait Nelson in Turkey website. As if they were convinced that
the young physicists who started flying in US academic circles it is derived from Kemal Ataturk
country. There is also the thought that Nelson is the East Asia, specifically Japan or China.More
exciting, some universities in Japan even outright apply Nelson and asked her back to teach in
Japan. As if Nelson did people there and has taught at the State Sakura. Judging from the name,
its natural that mistakes happen. So also face Nelson who like the Japanese.
The more so in America many professors are descendants or come from East Asia and rarely
indeed from Indonesia. Nelson was just smiling for any mistakes against him. Usually I
immediately corrected. I explained to them that I am native to Indonesia. They were somewhat
surprised anyway because there may be rare professor origin originally from Indonesia, said
Nelson. Tansu itself actually no clan among the Chinese. Indeed, Nelson ancestors first Hokkien,
and the clan was Tan. But, when born, Nelson had been given the last name Tansu, as his
father, Alexander Tansu. I like the name Tansu, really, Nelson said proudly.Nelson is an
independent youth. High spirits, determined, visionary, and always set the highest standards in
the pursuit of research and akademisinya world. Parents Nelson finance only up to the level of
the S-1. The rest? Thanks to sweat and Nelsons own achievements. Doctoral level courses to all
the needs of college and university life borne through scholarship. Scholarship that I earn is
more than enough to pay all college and university needs, he said. People like Nelson with the
highest academic achievement is not difficult to win various scholarship. If the count is
calculated, dozens of awards and scholarships grace he has ever achieved so far in the US. Being a
professor in Uncle Sam already become ideals him for a long time. However, the position of
assistant professor (young professor, Red) never terbayangkannya can be achieved at the age of
25 years. Try to compare with the family or society in Indonesia, generally what youth gained 25
years? In fact, in the US that the countrys reputation supermaju Nelson was not a common
phenomenon. Imagine, at that age, he holds the status of a great teacher. Everyday he teaches
master program, doctoral and post doctoral even.The prestigious for a scientist, there are three
research Nelson patented in the US. Then, two text books for students of S-1 in the publishing
process. But, not Nelson Tansu name if not polite and modest. Once noble ideals. He will
continue to do research that results are useful for humanity and the world. As a professor in the
US, he was like climbing the sacred path realizing these ideals. When he heard confessions ideals
of truth, anyone will surely aghast. Quite phenomenal. Since grade 3 or grade 4 in Medan, I
always wanted to be a professor at a university in the United States. This is really my aspired
since childhood, he said to mimic seriously. But, people will suck if you look at his history.When
the elementary school age, little Nelson likes to read biographies of scientists-physicists US and
Europe. In addition to Albert Einstein who became his hero, big names such as Werner
Heisenberg, Richard Feynman and Murray Gell-Mann turned out to be already familiar Nelson
little. Theyre great. From the reading, I was really surprised, intrigued by the achievements of
the remarkable physicist it. There is a very young age when earned a PhD, so professor, and some
are able to find a theory incredible. They were young at the time, said Nelson in amazement.
Nelson so young professor at Lehigh University since early 2003. To field engineering and
physics, the university including the flagship and top in the East Coast, the land of Uncle Sam. To
become a professor at Lehigh, Nelson first set aside 300 doctoral resume (CV) was also great-

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