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Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs


The globalization of the world economy, together with its complexity, has made
knowledge the main resource of nations as well as individual economic entities. Innovation
has, consequently, become a key requirement for both global and local competitiveness of an
organization. With knowledge as a central resource, the world economy is being rapidly
transformed into knowledge and innovation economy.
The primary problem of an enterprise is not the lack of ideas but the lack of strategic
approaches to implementing innovative ideas and the ability to assess the potential value of
an innovation. Furthermore, it is necessary that innovation should be implemented in a
systematic and timely manner so that its estimated value should be fully realized. The afore
mentioned problems can be solved by means of innovation management accompanied by
appropriate information technology solutions.
The scientific objective of this dissertation is to develop innovative methodology as
well as practical software solutions in the process of innovation management to increase
business excellence of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The methodology
focuses on the activation of documentation management system potential as a catalyst in the
process of modeling and application of process innovation and new business paradigms.
The target group of the research are manufacturing SMEs, which make up a significant
segment of Serbian economy and should be the driving force of economic development. The
researchers used the experience gained in the implementation of the originally developed
software solutions in the fields of document management and business process innovation in
four food processing enterprises (four case studies).
Research results are presented by means of author-developed programs for statistical
data processing and business excellence assessment (based on the EFQM 2013 methodology).
In this way, the practical application of the developed methodology is demonstrated
together with its impact on the SMEs' innovation potential and their business excellence.

Keywords: management system, quality, innovation, document management, event-based


Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs


"The global business environment is changing rapidly and objectives of the

Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth present challenges
and opportunities for European industry. Europe needs to accelerate the emergence of
innovation, transforming the emerging knowledge into new products and services as
well as improve existing ones. To make Europe maintained its leading position in global
competition with a strong technological base and industrial capacity should be increased
strategic investments in research and development in key technologies that enable the
development of ma and quick access to innovations [1] . "

Knowledge and innovation have the greatest significance in the development of

society, since the beginning of human civilization. With globalization and the
technological revolution during recent decades, knowledge has become the key resource
for economic growth and development of nations. Developed and developing countries
are trying to, as much as possible to a greater degree, raise the level of your readiness
for the development of the knowledge economy. Promoting knowledge of the complex in
the central development resource, the world economy is rapidly being transformed into
a knowledge economy and innovation. Accordingly, the promotion of innovation has
become a key condition for competitiveness of organizations at the local and
international market.

In today's economy a significant role in the creation of the gross domestic

product of some countries are small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which constitute
an important source of competitiveness and new employment. The ability of SMEs to
innovate is of great importance because innovation provides the realization of
competitive advantage allows benefits to the companies, in branch in which they
operate, as well as in the economy as a whole. New and existing innovative SMEs
contribute to increasing overall productivity and competitiveness of the economy,
squeezing out less efficient companies with lower productivity. Innovation j e powerful
tool for small businesses to successfully enter the market and changes in the existing
situation, and allows existing companies to maintain or improve its market position.
Innovative SMEs participate in the flow of knowledge within the innovation system, all
ma her as passive recipients of knowledge, and increasingly as an important source of

Changes in the business environment have reduced the structural disadvantages

of SMEs arising from their limited opportunities for application of economies of
scale. Innovative SMEs have become the most potential for development of modern
economies. Due to the conditions in which they operate (particularly in our local and
regional environment), not enough supportive business environments that is not

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

sufficiently tailored to the needs of inno-term development of SMEs, a large number of

small and medium enterprises do not recognize the importance of innovation, or have
the necessary conditions to fully realize its potential for innovation.

Innovative SMEs face numerous constraints, particularly in terms of financing,

dos greater access to the results of the activities of research institutions, access to
international markets, administrative barriers and options for engagement of qualified
personnel and others. All this creates the need for a systematic, well thought-out policies
and concrete programs and support to enable SMEs to use their development and
innovation potential.

Trend change in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia are
not accompanied by an increase innovation which would provide a sustainable
competitive position sectors of SMEs. Due to the low level of development of our
economy, small and medium-sized enterprises are not fully used its potential
development. The largest number of small and medium-sized enterprises and their
business a competitive advantage not based on innovation and continuous improvement
of business efficiency. Therefore there is a need that the present model of economic
development, and above all, the role, place and way of encouraging small and medium-
sized enterprises improve in order to increase their innovation and competitive power.

Innovation represent described a commercialization of knowledge, from idea and

research in the added value of products, processes or services. Innovation process
should be carefully planned and clearly directed towards obtaining a positive final
result. Large investments in operations research and development and other elements
of the innovation process does not necessarily result in a successful innovation.
Innovation efforts and activities may be misplaced. There is a possibility that good ideas
are not implemented due to the emergence of bottlenecks in some part of the innovation

Innovation process is made up of different activities that interact with each other
according to a clear order to perform: collecting information about the problem, the
research (general or applied), and the development of ideas, finding solutions. Basic
phases of the innovation process are identifying ideas or issues (focusing), modeling
innovation (invention), assessment of alternatives, decision making and implementation
of innovation.

The growth of global competition and increased research and development costs
are forcing small and medium-sized businesses that are looking for new, more open
forms of innovation, and to collaborate with external partners and develop new
products or services to market before their competitors. The main concern of SMEs is
how to make the best use of internal R & D capability to maximize the advantage of the
open innovation model.

The successful strategy of open innovation for small and medium-sized

enterprises needs to find creative ways to benefit is the internal innovation capacity and
available external innovations that contribute to the development of enterprises. Small
and medium enterprises have certain advantages in the innovation process that make

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

them suitable partner to connect, because they are usually less transaction that
established and generally speaking, often have greater motivation to be more successful
than large enterprises. On the other hand, there are also problems and constraints that
hamper the implementation of the model of open innovation in small and medium-sized

SMEs have a lack of resources, so that their planning period refers the most in the
medium term. The inability of the real long-term planning significantly reduces the
ability to access small business results of other investigations. SMEs are not always easy
to enter into a sustainable value chain in the market, as they focus only on short-term
market promotion. Very often, small businesses do not even have a well-developed
medium-term planning of demand, due to limited resources and lack of necessary
network of contacts. The problem can be put before the discrepancy time frame external
research partners (e.g. Universities) with the real needs of small and medium-sized
enterprises. These SMEs often do not allow an aggressive approach to the market at the
right time with the right product.

In response to the previous mentioned problems and trends of the world

economy, enterprises, and in this context, SMEs need to adapt to new and increasingly
complex market demands. Accordingly, organizations implement innovative new
business paradigm which is inevitably reflected in metasystems management - QMS, as
well as IT metasystems. SMEs do not have the ability to access external resources, to the
extent that they can provide adequate monitoring of these trends. The question
therefore is how to increase the synergetic effect of the interaction of existing QMS and
IT metasystems, in order to offset the resource gap by internal sources of knowledge
and innovation, reaching the set goals.

Research goals

One possible approach to solving the problem of detection and activation of the
innovative potential of SMEs assumes the development model for the document
management system of quality (which is the physical data carriers, and more
importantly, metadata organization as the basic building element of a formalized of
knowledge). However, this model requires an extension to the level that will be a
prototype platform for initiating, modeling and testing of business processes
innovation. Therefore, the model must provide information on the performance of the
test process, and methodology for their successful transition from a prototype version of
the exploitable.

The dissertation shows the author conceptual model and practical software
solutions in the food industry, process modeling, design and implementation of a
possible solution to this problem. Also, the designed model offers a solution in the real
business environment to execute efficient, effective and sustainable implementation:

tools for the training of personnel and management to be involved as

carriers redesigning business systems to the new SOA / BAM / CEP
paradigm, and with the help of the benefits obtained by implementing ISO
9000 + BE (Business Excellence) metasystems;

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

the logic of the new paradigm into existing business solutions and its
prototype testing by the staff and management, with the support of IT staff
and consultants;
new and changed IT solutions that are designed according to the new
paradigm, but also logically tested the prototype application.

Time to test the potential synergistic effects to create innovative benefits

obtained by using complementary IT and QMS metasystems the business system
(enterprise), with the help of a catalyst DQMS innovating business processes.

The effects of the application of the proposed model based on it practical

software solutions, which will be presented in this thesis, in the long run, the following

1) Sustainable development of further innovation of IT metasystems

according to the present concept of reliance on internal resources.

2) Raising innovation culture and knowledge of middle management in

terms of:

implementation and integration (in practice they are usually implemented

as separate projects) QMS and IT metasystems, as layers of the same
operating system,
Detection of business processes as the most valuable corporate good of an
organization and the needs of their agile innovation, modeling,
management and optimization of the business system,
purposes of applying SOA and EDA paradigm complements to achieve
innovation, agility, transparency and effectiveness of the business system
as a whole.

3) Transparency and exchange of innovative solutions that are generated

and which is propagated through the organization vertically and horizontally.

The proposed software solutions, can become a tool for dynamic evaluation and
correction of processes of innovation management and process management
documentation quality. In this system the obvious multiple feedback that allows the
aforementioned dynamic evaluation and correction of the different systems on the basis
of their changes in real time.

Theoretical basis of the research

Innovation, knowledge and entrepreneurship are a key determinant of economic

growth, (Cimoli, Dosi, 1995: 243) and improving the competitiveness of enterprises
(Porter, 1985, 2004) and countries (Porter, 1990).

Innovation means the company's ability to produce commercially valorized

goods and services based on the use of new knowledge and skills. (Porter & Stern,
2002). Improvement of inno a key prerequisite for economic advancement countries

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

(Link & Siegel, 2002), while innovation policy means the most important instrument of
long-term strategy of economic development and improve the competitiveness of
countries in the global knowledge-driven economy (Cvetanovi, 2002, p.108; Cvetanovi
& Sredojevi, 2012). In today's conditions it is possible to ensure satisfactory
development performance of companies, as well as a respectable country's competitive
position in the global market solely assuming satisfactory innovation of its
economy.(Stefanovi, 2011)

These facts imply the necessity of application management paradigms which are
in Europe and the world as the most successful in the promotion of innovation for SMEs:
a) the quality system and b) model of business excellence, as well as its construction.

The basic preconditions to improve innovation, SMEs, as important conditions of

implementation of their model of business excellence, are:

The application of the quality standard ISO 9000, which provides an

organizational structure with clearly defined system of delegating powers and
establishing accountability at all levels as well as the standardization of materials, tools,
machines, equipment, tasks, quality, worker qualifications etc.

Timely information system that provides reliable and timely information to all
stakeholders in the processes of the business system.

At this level of organizational culture is achieved by the integration of

information flows, which is an essential prerequisite for the systematic application of
the basic principles and tools of quality management, i.e., the implementation of the
model of business excellence. Under the said integration means, above all, overcome the
barriers to internal and external information flow, important for the functioning and
growth of the business system.

The main mechanism of the aforementioned integration at this level of

development of SMEs is a document management system that is one of the primary
requirements of quality standards ISO 9000 series (Kanji, 1998).

Business Excellence represents a creative framework that naturally follows the

implementation of quality standards ISO 9000 (Russell, 2000). .Business Excellence is a
term that means the systematic exploitation of the basic principles and tools of quality
management in order to improve organizational performance. Concretization of this
concept in practice the EFQM Business Excellence Model (EFQM Excellence Model) as
the most popular tool of quality in Europe.

Model is based on nine basic elements that are on the first level divided into two
groups: a) the criteria to enable the realization of results (enablers) and b) outcomes

a) The criteria that enable the realization of the results are:

K1. leadership

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

K2. Strategy

K3. People (directly or indirectly involved in the operation of the


K4. Partnerships and Resources

K5. Processes, products and services

b) The group results include results related to:

R1. customers

R2. People (directly or indirectly involved in the operation of the


R3. community

R4. management

The model is dynamic and is based on learning, creativity and innovation that
improve the first five criteria which automatically affects the improvement of results.

The implementation of this model in practice, companies achieve the following


Continuing to create added value for their customers and clients,

understanding, predicting and satisfying their needs and expectations.
Continuous improvement of its own performance, which positively affect
their environment by creating a sustainable future environment by
improving economic, environmental and social conditions in it.
Improving their organizational resources and timely response to changes
within or outside the boundaries of the business system.
Market growth using the creativity and innovation of all employees.
Creating a leadership with a vision that shapes the future of the
organization and leads towards the realization of this vision.
The ability to identify and more efficient and effective response, both on
the way, and the threat.
Evaluation of employees and coordinating the progression of individuals
with the growth of the organization.
Effectiveness in achieving long-term and short-term plans with maximum
efficiency use of its own resources.

From the above it can be concluded that innovation is one of the key assumptions
realization model of business excellence (Markic, 2006). That is why the central theme
of which is processed in the dissertation belongs to the process of managing innovation
(Innovation Process Management).

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

The dissertation is submitted to the original methodology, the new model and
software solution to expand the domain QDMS in order to increase the innovation
capacity of SMEs with the aim of achieving a higher level of business excellence.

Basic hypotheses

Development of copyright approach to design models for dynamic evaluation and

support to the process of innovation that is proposed in the thesis is based on
theoretical principles and practical achievements of modern cybernetics, decision
theory, production management, industrial, information, and software
engineering. Starting from that, on the basis of the modern paradigm in management
and information technology, the paper defined the following hypotheses:

H1: Applying the proposed model, it is possible to reduce the time that elapses
from the idea to the implementation of innovations (the incubation period).

H2: Applying the proposed model, it is possible to increase the number of

initiates, and thus implemented, innovation, thus increasing the efficiency of the
innovation process.

H3: The application of the proposed model it is possible to raise the level of
business excellence (measured by EFQM methodology), which shows the growth of the
effectiveness of the innovation process.

Methods, models, techniques, approaches and tools used to investigate the

In the study, prior to the implementation of the proposed approach to the design
of the original model for dynamic evaluation and support to the process of innovation,
the theory will be used systemically oriented disciplines such as systems theory,
information theory, theory of management and decision making, knowledge
management and others. Scientific basis should provide methods to be used to develop
the model, such as methods of systemic-structural modeling of objects and processes;
methods of mathematical modeling; modern methods of information systems
development; Contemporary programming methods; modern methods of production
and operational management and others. In addition to general scientific methods to be
applied, including: methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization
method, the method of generalization and specialization, description and method of dr.,
Will be applied the next models, techniques, approaches, concepts and tools within
individual methodologies such as: Business excellence (EFQM 2013), CSA (Krittanathip
et al., 2013), Structural system analysis (SSA) (DeMarco, 1979) Mapping and modeling
business processes (Becker, Rosemann & von Uthmann 2000), management processes,
management of innovation processes (Tidd, Bessant & Pavitt, 2001), Pareto analysis,
SAW (Simple additive Weighting) the method of multi-criteria analysis (Afshari,
Mojahed & Yusuff, 2010) and event driven.

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

The expected result

In accordance with the objectives set out basic research and scientific hypotheses
in his doctoral dissertation, expect the relevant theoretical, methodological and
foremost practical results.

Expected Search results that deserve special attention can be divided into:

Theoretical results relating to: a) the development and improvement of

process modeling paradigm document management QMS expanding the
domain of innovation business system and b) the use of analytical
methods for assessing and evaluating the results.
Applied results relating to: a) create software solutions (implementation
of all the necessary components, interfaces and modules for visualization,
and b) module that allows integration with other systems) and its
application in organizations in terms of locating and activating the
innovative potential of the organization through QA and IT synergies
metasystems (in practice they are usually implemented as special
projects), as well as layers of the same operating system.

Course content dissertations

The structure of the thesis is logically consistent developed from established

research subject, the objectives set out scientific studies and hypotheses. Its composition
consists of the following interrelated and coherent thematic areas:

1) Introduction

Defined by the object and purpose of the research. The theoretical basis of
research of the role of knowledge and innovation in manufacturing organizations. They
presented the initial hypotheses with the basic definitions and explanations of terms
necessary for understanding the problems in the work investigates. The methods of
research and the expected results of the research. At the end of this work is given a
broad outline of the thesis.

2) Quality management in achieving business excellence

To give the concept, history of origin and reasons for the development and
structure of the modern strategy of quality management organization to the
requirements of ISO 9000: 2008 standard. They also presented the principles which
underlie modern approach to quality management are detailed requirements that you

3) The concept of TQM and business excellence models

Forming the awareness of total quality of the real challenges of modern society, a
quality that stems from it becomes a question of viability of businesses. In this part of
the thesis expounds the concept of quality through the concept of total (total) quality

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

management. Model of Business Excellence is presented as a creative framework for

defining criteria using methods of self-assessment and benchmarking in order to assess
the achieved level and creating a route to higher levels of excellence.

4) Managing the flow of knowledge and innovation as a prerequisite for

achieving business excellence

Innovation based on knowledge as a key component of human capital. They

represent a key resource for achieving sustainable competitiveness of enterprises and
economies in the 21st century. In this part of the paper discussed the structure of
knowledge, innovation, and global technological changes and their impact is seen on the
control of knowledge and innovation processes in business systems. This is especially
viewed from the aspect of SMEs and their innovative application model organization.

5) The development model and application solutions for QDMS

In the fifth part of the work, starting from the requirement for documented
quality management system through decomposition and remodeling process subsystem
for document management begins with a proposed model for the original logical
QDMS. Below is an overview of the development phase and elemental description of the
functionality of the proposed application solutions for document management, which is
based on a set model.

6) The development of models for dynamic evaluation of innovation (with

a case study in the food industry), and analysis of results

The focus of this thesis work is to present the proposed methodology for the
utilization of resources QDMS-a (Quality Document Management System) as a
prototypical platform for the initiation, development, testing, prototype implementation
and improvement of innovation processes and their implementation in IT metasistem. It
highlights the role QDMS as a catalyst which, besides accelerating, may increase the
selectivity of the reaction QMS and IT metasystems, based on ED (event-driven)
paradigm, and thus encourage and accelerate the finding of new innovative

This section also provides a conceptual overview and practical solutions as a case
study in the food industry that shows the process of modeling, design and
implementation of a possible approach to this problem.

7) At the end of the work is given the analysis of the impact of applying the
developed QDMS-on implementation of innovation processes in four production
organizations (case studies) that its structure belong to the small and medium


Was carried out to check the hypotheses and the results obtained from the
analysis of case studies based on the application of the proposed methodology and

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

software solutions. Highlighted the contribution of the thesis with reference to the
limitations of the model and proposed directions for further research in this area.

At the end of the dissertation is a list of used literature.

8) Contribution (given only in electronic form)

Attached is an overview of the functionality of the resulting software solutions

through a detailed description of all the elements and through practical example of the

[1] The official portal of the European Union framework program Horizon 2020
for the Republic of Serbia (http://www.horizont2020.rs/)

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs


Innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises are undoubtedly an important

prerequisite of competitiveness in modern business. Without innovation activities,
based on a well-defined innovation process and then on the strategy of each company's
existence is questionable.

Innovation capacity is certainly one of the most abundant sources of potential

competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises. However, despite the
undisputed consensus on the importance of innovation for efficient, effective and
sustainable development of SMEs when it comes to how to activate the innovation
potential and innovation capacity exploitation There are numerous dilemmas.

The development of innovation capacity of SMEs facing a number of constraints,

especially in terms of: financial resources, the availability of the results of activities of
research institutions, access to international markets, administrative barriers, the
possibility of hiring qualified personnel and others. That limitation creates a need for a
systematic, well thought-innovation policies, as well as specific technological solutions
that should enable SMEs to use their development and innovation potential.

The scientific goal of the doctoral dissertation related to the formulation and
creation of methodologies, models and practical solutions to initiate, articulation and
management innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises as a prerequisite for the
improvement of business excellence. The basic idea is to re-engineering and expanding
the domain management process documentation QMS activates its role as a catalyst
(element that accelerates and increases the selectivity of the reaction) and the
interaction of QMS metasystems IT organizations to achieve a positive synergistic effect
on innovation capacity, primarily manufacturing SMEs.

The study was initiated theoretical explication of the concept of QM, TQM and
business excellence.

Based on the analysis of the QMS based on ISO 9001 came to the conclusion:

Improving business processes is one of the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008

and has a critical impact on the competitive advantage of the organization. Efficient
system ISO 9001, by nature, assumed a permanent improvement and innovation of
business processes in the organization.

The documentation of the quality system in a broader sense (documents

and records) is a cohesive thread for all elements of the system of quality management

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

and chief information potential of SMEs. Therefore, a system for managing them (DQMS)
is an infrastructure basis for a) definition of business processes and b) the collection and
analysis of data as the main resource for decision-making, and based on that realization
rate of improvement and innovation. While in large organizations take records
management ERP components of the information system. SMEs records management is
the most appropriate to realize expanding domain QDMS-a.

Explication of the concept of TQM and business excellence, innovation were

detected as fuel excellence. Innovation to be implemented it is necessary for innovation,
as a key attribute of SMEs, is woven into their corporate culture, vision, mission and
strategy. This part of the dissertation is initiated and the original author's self-
assessment solution for SME business excellence according to the original methodology
EFQM 2013 (the solution allows the modification of the metrics for the specific needs of
the organization that uses it).

The following thesis has been explicated a) knowledge as a necessary resource

for creating innovation, b) controlling the flow of knowledge and c) the innovation
process itself. Central conclusion is that SMEs must strive to organize an innovative
approach, which assumes that the innovative front organizations should include the
entire process structure. Therefore, innovative culture and politics of the organization,
as well as the ways in which they refer to, are the responsibility and obligation of all
employees and assume their commitment to it. In order to be implemented, require the
IT infrastructure as a carrier of codification dispersion and concretization of knowledge
and its focus on the efficient and effective management process innovation. QDMS, (but
now extended to an additional domain management designs QMS and functionally
enhanced governance paradigm based on events) arises as a natural and practical
solution for SMEs.

In a narrow sense, the subject of this thesis was the development of models and
methodologies of application QDMS in its expanded form for the management of
innovation in SMEs. Proposed and developed model, methodologies and specific
copyright software application solutions are presented in detail in the dissertation
through the development steps, functional review and a case study of a manufacturing

The model is verified through the analysis carried out in four SMEs as four case
studies of innovation processes. All analyzed manufacturing organizations have
implemented QMS according to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, which
guarantees operation after the process approach and the existence of a system of
landscaped business processes. One of the organizations surveyed did not apply a
software supported management of QMS documentation, while the other three
organizations have used QDMS in primary or one of the extended domain.

At the beginning of the study of the problem defines the fundamental hypotheses
during the research and proven. The following is analyzed every single hypothesis:

H1: Applying the proposed model significantly reducing the time that
elapses from the idea to the implementation of innovation (incubation period).

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

The application of the methodology of reengineering process of innovation in the

dissertation conditional observed because none of the analyzed SMEs, to which the case
studies, has not previously had a formally defined process for managing innovation. The
companies that were the subject of the analyzed case studies, selected so that it can
examine the impact of the implementation and exploitation of the developed QDMS-on
management of innovation processes. All observed SMEs have implemented business
process innovation as a separate small-scale project. Therefore, planned and
implemented innovation in analyzing structured to:

Bigger innovation process; are monitored as a project (for example,

changing the paradigm of the process which is converted to outsource the process in one
of the case studies).

Medium-sized scale innovation process; the time and resources have been
defined in detail before implementation.

Less incremental process innovations ( "Innovations on the fly").

For data analysis and proving hypotheses X1 was used SAW (Simple Additive
Weighting) method. The results of the analysis showed: The shortest time
implementation of major innovation was achieved with a company that has applied the
authorship QDMS-a version of the expanded domain. The extension is related to: a)
Domain draft QMS; b) domain records QMS c) ED functional layer. The most effective
application of major innovations of the process was achieved with a company that
applies QDMS primary domain (document management QMS). This confirmed the
hypothesis X1.

H2: Applying the proposed model, it is possible to raise the level of

business excellence (measured by EFQM methodology), which shows the effectiveness
of the innovation process.

For data analysis and proving hypotheses X2 method was used Pareto charts
using a co-authored application solutions for the collection, processing and analysis of
statistical data QStat. The results of analysis (as empirically defined metrics), confirmed
the hypothesis X2: Implementation of some form QDMS-author developed a code of
enterprises surveyed have positive effects on increasing the number of proposed,
initiated and implementing innovation process. The most pronounced positive effects
had a company that has applied the most extensive expansion of domains author
developed a QDMS.

Applied methodology and configuration software solutions that support,

introduced a new paradigm in IT metasistem organization. More accurate detection of
hypotheses X1 and X2 requires a greater number of cycles of training and staff running
the application configuration to support the process of innovation in SMEs.

H3: Applying the proposed model raises the achieved level of business
excellence (measured by EFQM methodology), which shows the effectiveness of the
innovation process.

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

On the basis of defined methodologies and metrics EFQM 2013 model has been
developed for self-assessment of business excellence. Based on the model developed
application solution QSA (Quality Self Assessment). The solution enables you to measure
the achieved level of business excellence organizations of self-assessment method,
where possession and flexibility; originally applied EFQM 2013 metric can be adapted to
specific needs of individual organizations to its efficient implementation.

The results of the analysis showed: The highest relative improvement of business
excellence by implementing process innovations, realized the undertaking which
applied QDMS author developed the busiest expanding domain. Most balanced progress
of business excellence by implementing process innovations realized by the undertaking
which has applied QDMS in its primary domain (document management QMS).

The presented methodology, implementation and configuration of software

solutions to manage the process of innovation are flexible; Practice shows that can be
successfully applied within the existing QMS and IT metasystems of manufacturing



The aim is to develop methodologies, models, practical

solution to managing the process of innovation.
Hypothesis: Innovation is the faster, more frequent =>
improvement of BE.
Methodologist. and a solution please. QDMS in the
domain of innovation processes.
Quality management is the application of global best
The structure of ISO 9000: 2008 is a generic
Strategy for quality
methodological framework.
Requires procedural and systemic approach of the
organization focused on the user and to other
interested parties.
TQM is a concept and managerial philosophy.
Business Excellence (BE) is the creative framework for
TQM and business
the measurement of TQM.
BE models define the elements and metrics
The role of human capital is essential in the modern
Human capital Knowledge is the decisive resource of the organization.
The flows of knowledge It is possible to manage the flow of knowledge in the
and innovation area of codification-abstraction-direction skills
Changing paradigms and technology shape social

Development Model Management Innovation For Improving Business Excellence In SMEs

Innovation is the key process of the organization

Innovation SME market is imperative
Documentation. Not only reflection but also a catalyst
QDMS - model and
The new paradigm QDMS-a supposed application of
QDMS can be applied in SMEs (given case studies).
Domain QDMS is expandable to real innovation.
QDMS catalyze the adoption of a new (e.g. ED event
QDMS and innovation - driven) paradigm.
evaluation and
Possible prototypical implementation and evaluation of
innovation by proposed methodological framework.
The case study shows the real applicability in SMEs.
The methodology and model-QDMS a
expanded. domain.
Have been applied and validated solution (case
Finishing considerations studies).
Developed and implemented solutions for self-
reported. by EFQM.
Analysis of the results confirmed the hypothesis.
Presentation of detailed view of a functional, practical
solutions applicable QDMS in the form of a software
Appendix: Overview of product.
functionality solutions
Presents the functionality of developed QDMS through
a practical example of documentation life cycle.


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