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Particle physics

For other uses of the word particle in physics and photons, neutrinos, and muons, as well as a wide range of
elsewhere, see particle (disambiguation). exotic particles. Dynamics of particles is also governed
by quantum mechanics; they exhibit waveparticle dual-
Particle physics (also high energy physics) is the branch ity, displaying particle-like behaviour under certain ex-
perimental conditions and wave-like behaviour in others.
of physics that studies the nature of the particles that con-
stitute matter and radiation. Although the word "particle" In more technical terms, they are described by quantum
vectors in a Hilbert space, which is also treated in
can refer to various types of very small objects (e.g. state
protons, gas particles, or even household dust), parti- quantum eld theory. Following the convention of par-
cle physics usually investigates the irreducibly smallest ticle physicists, the term elementary particles is applied
detectable particles and the fundamental forces neces- to those particles that are, according to current under-
sary to explain their behaviour. By our current under- standing, presumed to be indivisible and not composed
standing, these elementary particles are excitations of the of other particles.
quantum elds that also govern their interactions. The All particles and their interactions observed to date can be
currently dominant theory explaining these fundamental described almost entirely by a quantum eld theory called
particles and elds, along with their dynamics, is called the Standard Model.[4] The Standard Model, as currently
the Standard Model. Thus, modern particle physics gen- formulated, has 61 elementary particles.[3] Those ele-
erally investigates the Standard Model and its various pos- mentary particles can combine to form composite par-
sible extensions, e.g. to the newest known particle, ticles, accounting for the hundreds of other species of
the Higgs boson, or even to the oldest known force eld, particles that have been discovered since the 1960s. The
gravity.[1][2] Standard Model has been found to agree with almost all
the experimental tests conducted to date. However, most
particle physicists believe that it is an incomplete descrip-
1 Subatomic particles tion of nature and that a more fundamental theory awaits
discovery (See Theory of Everything). In recent years,
measurements of neutrino mass have provided the rst
experimental deviations from the Standard Model.

2 History
Main article: History of subatomic physics

The idea that all matter is composed of elementary parti-

cles dates from at least the 6th century BC.[5] In the 19th
century, John Dalton, through his work on stoichiometry,
concluded that each element of nature was composed of
a single, unique type of particle.[6] The word atom, after
the Greek word atomos meaning indivisible, has since
then denoted the smallest particle of a chemical element,
but physicists soon discovered that atoms are not, in fact,
the fundamental particles of nature, but are conglomer-
ates of even smaller particles, such as the electron. The
The particle content of the Standard Model of Physics early 20th century explorations of nuclear physics and
quantum physics led to proofs of nuclear ssion in 1939
Modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic by Lise Meitner (based on experiments by Otto Hahn),
particles, including atomic constituents such as electrons, and nuclear fusion by Hans Bethe in that same year;
protons, and neutrons (protons and neutrons are com- both discoveries also led to the development of nuclear
posite particles called baryons, made of quarks), pro- weapons. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, a bewilder-
duced by radioactive and scattering processes, such as ing variety of particles were found in collisions of parti-


cles from increasingly high-energy beams. It was referred main project is now the Large Hadron Collider
to informally as the "particle zoo". That term was depre- (LHC), which had its rst beam circulation on 10
cated after the formulation of the Standard Model during September 2008, and is now the worlds most en-
the 1970s, in which the large number of particles was ex- ergetic collider of protons. It also became the
plained as combinations of a (relatively) small number of most energetic collider of heavy ions after it be-
more fundamental particles. gan colliding lead ions. Earlier facilities include the
Large ElectronPositron Collider (LEP), which was
stopped on 2 November 2000 and then dismantled
3 Standard Model to give way for LHC; and the Super Proton Syn-
chrotron, which is being reused as a pre-accelerator
for the LHC.[14]
Main article: Standard Model
DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
The current state of the classication of all elementary (Hamburg, Germany). Its main facility is the
particles is explained by the Standard Model. It describes Hadron Elektron Ring Anlage (HERA), which
the strong, weak, and electromagnetic fundamental inter- collides electrons and positrons with protons.[15]
actions, using mediating gauge bosons. The species of
gauge bosons are the gluons, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
W (Batavia, United States). Its main facility until 2011
, was the Tevatron, which collided protons and an-
W+ tiprotons and was the highest-energy particle col-
and lider on earth until the Large Hadron Collider sur-
Z passed it on 29 November 2009.[16]
bosons, and the photons.[4] The Standard Model also con-
tains 24 fundamental particles (12 particles and their as- Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) (Beijing,
sociated anti-particles), which are the constituents of all China). IHEP manages a number of Chinas ma-
matter.[7] Finally, the Standard Model also predicted the jor particle physics facilities, including the Bei-
existence of a type of boson known as the Higgs bo- jing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC), the Beijing
son. Early in the morning on 4 July 2012, physicists with Spectrometer (BES), the Beijing Synchrotron Radi-
the Large Hadron Collider at CERN announced they had ation Facility (BSRF), the International Cosmic-Ray
found a new particle that behaves similarly to what is ex- Observatory at Yangbajing in Tibet, the Daya Bay
pected from the Higgs boson.[8] Reactor Neutrino Experiment, the China Spallation
Neutron Source, the Hard X-ray Modulation Tele-
scope (HXMT), and the Accelerator-driven Sub-
critical System (ADS) as well as the Jiangmen Un-
4 Experimental laboratories derground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO). [17]

The worlds major particle physics laboratories are: KEK (Tsukuba, Japan). It is the home of a num-
ber of experiments such as the K2K experiment, a
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Long Island, neutrino oscillation experiment and Belle, an exper-
United States). Its main facility is the Relativistic iment measuring the CP violation of B mesons.[18]
Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), which collides heavy
ions such as gold ions and polarized protons. It is SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Menlo
the worlds rst heavy ion collider, and the worlds Park, United States). Its 2-mile-long linear parti-
only polarized proton collider.[9] cle accelerator began operating in 1962 and was the
basis for numerous electron and positron collision
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk, experiments until 2008. Since then the linear ac-
Russia). Its main projects are now the electron- celerator is being used for the Linac Coherent Light
positron colliders VEPP-2000,[10] operated since Source X-ray laser as well as advanced accelerator
2006, and VEPP-4,[11] started experiments in 1994. design research. SLAC sta continue to participate
Earlier facilities include the rst electron-electron in developing and building many particle detectors
beam-beam collider VEP-1, which conducted ex- around the world.[19]
periments from 1964 to 1968; the electron-positron
colliders VEPP-2, operated from 1965 to 1974; and, Many other particle accelerators also exist.
its successor VEPP-2M,[12] performed experiments
from 1974 to 2000.[13] The techniques required for modern experimental parti-
cle physics are quite varied and complex, constituting a
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Re- sub-specialty nearly completely distinct from the theoret-
search) (Franco-Swiss border, near Geneva). Its ical side of the eld.

5 Theory pushed forward by their use in particle physics. The

World Wide Web and touchscreen technology were ini-
Theoretical particle physics attempts to develop the tially developed at CERN. Additional applications are
models, theoretical framework, and mathematical tools found in medicine, national security, industry, comput-
to understand current experiments and make predictions ing, science, and workforce development, illustrating a
for future experiments. See also theoretical physics. long and growing list of benecial practical applications
There are several major interrelated eorts being made with contributions from particle physics.[21]
in theoretical particle physics today. One important
branch attempts to better understand the Standard Model
and its tests. By extracting the parameters of the Stan- 7 Future
dard Model, from experiments with less uncertainty,
this work probes the limits of the Standard Model and
therefore expands our understanding of natures building The primary goal, which is pursued in several distinct
blocks. Those eorts are made challenging by the di- ways, is to nd and understand what physics may lie
culty of calculating quantities in quantum chromodynam- beyond the standard model. There are several power-
ics. Some theorists working in this area refer to them- ful experimental reasons to expect new physics, including
selves as phenomenologists and they may use the tools dark matter and neutrino mass. There are also theoretical
of quantum eld theory and eective eld theory. Others hints that this new physics should be found at accessible
make use of lattice eld theory and call themselves lattice energy scales.
theorists. Much of the eort to nd this new physics are focused
Another major eort is in model building where model on new collider experiments. The Large Hadron Col-
builders develop ideas for what physics may lie beyond lider (LHC) was completed in 2008 to help continue the
the Standard Model (at higher energies or smaller dis- search for the Higgs boson, supersymmetric particles, and
tances). This work is often motivated by the hierarchy other new physics. An intermediate goal is the construc-
problem and is constrained by existing experimental data. tion of the International Linear Collider (ILC), which will
It may involve work on supersymmetry, alternatives to the complement the LHC by allowing more precise measure-
Higgs mechanism, extra spatial dimensions (such as the ments of the properties of newly found particles. In Au-
Randall-Sundrum models), Preon theory, combinations gust 2004, a decision for the technology of the ILC was
of these, or other ideas. taken but the site has still to be agreed upon.

A third major eort in theoretical particle physics is In addition, there are important non-collider experiments
string theory. String theorists attempt to construct a uni- that also attempt to nd and understand physics beyond
ed description of quantum mechanics and general rel- the Standard Model. One important non-collider eort
ativity by building a theory based on small strings, and is the determination of the neutrino masses, since these
branes rather than particles. If the theory is successful, it masses may arise from neutrinos mixing with very heavy
may be considered a "Theory of Everything", or TOE. particles. In addition, cosmological observations provide
many useful constraints on the dark matter, although it
There are also other areas of work in theoretical particle may be impossible to determine the exact nature of the
physics ranging from particle cosmology to loop quantum dark matter without the colliders. Finally, lower bounds
gravity. on the very long lifetime of the proton put constraints on
This division of eorts in particle physics is reected Grand Unied Theories at energy scales much higher than
in the names of categories on the arXiv, a preprint collider experiments will be able to probe any time soon.
archive:[20] hep-th (theory), hep-ph (phenomenology), In May 2014, the Particle Physics Project Prioritization
hep-ex (experiments), hep-lat (lattice gauge theory). Panel released its report on particle physics funding pri-
orities for the United States over the next decade. This re-
port emphasized continued U.S. participation in the LHC
6 Practical applications and ILC, and expansion of the Long Baseline Neutrino
Experiment, among other recommendations.
In principle, all physics (and practical applications devel-
oped therefrom) can be derived from the study of funda-
mental particles. In practice, even if particle physics is 8 High energy physics compared to
taken to mean only high-energy atom smashers, many
technologies have been developed during these pioneer- low energy physics
ing investigations that later nd wide uses in society. Par-
ticle accelerators are used to produce medical isotopes The term high energy physics requires elaboration. In-
for research and treatment (for example, isotopes used in tuitively, it might seem incorrect to associate high en-
PET imaging), or used directly in external beam radio- ergy with the physics of very small, low mass objects,
therapy. The development of superconductors has been like subatomic particles. By comparison, an example of a

macroscopic system, one gram of hydrogen, has ~ 61023 10 References

times[22] the mass of a single proton. Even an entire beam
of protons circulated in the LHC contains ~ 3.231014 [1] The Higgs boson - CERN.
protons,[23] each with 6.51012 eV of energy, for a to-
tal beam energy of ~ 2.11027 eV or ~ 336.4 MJ, which [2]
is still ~ 2.7105 times lower than the mass-energy of a laureates/2013/advanced-physicsprize2013.pdf
single gram of hydrogen. Yet, the macroscopic realm is
[3] Braibant, S.; Giacomelli, G.; Spurio, M. (2009). Particles
low energy physics, while that of quantum particles is and Fundamental Interactions: An Introduction to Parti-
high energy physics. cle Physics. Springer. pp. 313314. ISBN 978-94-007-
The interactions studied in other elds of physics and 2463-1.
science have comparatively very low energy. For exam-
[4] Particle Physics and Astrophysics Research. The Hen-
ple, the photon energy of visible light is about 1.8 to 3.1 ryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics. Re-
eV. Similarly, the bond-dissociation energy of a carbon- trieved 31 May 2012.
carbon bond is about 3.6 eV. Other chemical reactions
typically involve similar amounts of energy. Even pho- [5] Fundamentals of Physics and Nuclear Physics (PDF).
tons with far higher energy, gamma rays of the kind pro- Retrieved 21 July 2012.
duced in radioactive decay, mostly have photon energy
[6] Scientic Explorer: Quasiparticles. Sciex-
between 105 eV and 107 eV still two orders of mag- 22 May 2012. Retrieved 21
nitude lower than the mass of a single proton. Radioac- July 2012.
tive decay gamma rays are considered as part of nuclear
physics, rather than high energy physics. [7] Nakamura, K (1 July 2010). Review of Particle Physics.
8 Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics.
The proton has a mass of around 9.410 eV; some
37 (7A): 075021. Bibcode:2010JPhG...37g5021N.
other massive quantum particles, both elementary and doi:10.1088/0954-3899/37/7A/075021.
hadronic, have yet higher masses.
[8] Mann, Adam (28 March 2013). Newly Discovered Par-
ticle Appears to Be Long-Awaited Higgs Boson - Wired
9 See also Science. Retrieved 6 February 2014.

[9] Brookhaven National Laboratory A Passion for Dis-

Atomic physics covery. Retrieved 23 June 2012.
High pressure [10] index. Retrieved 21 July 2012.
International Conference on High Energy Physics [11] The VEPP-4 accelerating-storage complex.
Introduction to quantum mechanics Retrieved 21 July 2012.

List of accelerators in particle physics [12] VEPP-2M collider complex (in Russian).
Retrieved 21 July 2012.
List of particles
[13] The Budker Institute Of Nuclear Physics. English Rus-
Magnetic monopole sia. 21 January 2012. Retrieved 23 June 2012.
Micro black hole [14] Welcome to. Retrieved 23 June 2012.
Number theory
[15] Germanys largest accelerator centre Deutsches
Resonance (particle physics) Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY. Retrieved 23
June 2012.
Self-consistency principle in high energy Physics
[16] Fermilab | Home. Retrieved 23 June 2012.
Non-extensive self-consistent thermodynamical the-
ory [17] IHEP | Home. Retrieved 29 November
Standard Model (mathematical formulation)
[18] Kek | High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.
Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System Retrieved 23 June 2012.
Timeline of particle physics
[19] SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Home Page.
Unparticle physics Retrieved 19 February 2015.

Tetraquark [20] e-Print archive.

International Conference on Photonic, Electronic [21] Fermilab | Science at Fermilab | Benets to Society.
and Atomic Collisions Retrieved 23 June 2012.

[22] CODATA Value: Avogadro constant. The NIST Refer- Boyarkin, Oleg (2011). Advanced Particle Physics
ence on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. US National Two-Volume Set. CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4398-
Institute of Standards and Technology. June 2015. Re- 0412-4.
trieved 2016-12-10.

[23] Beam Requirements and Fundamental Choices (PDF).

CERN Engineering & Equipment Data Management Ser- 12 External links
vice (EDMS). Retrieved 10 December 2016.
Symmetry magazine

11 Further reading Fermilab

Particle physics it matters the Institute of Physics
Introductory reading
Nobes, Matthew (2002) Introduction to the Stan-
Close, Frank (2004). Particle Physics: A Very Short dard Model of Particle Physics on Kuro5hin: Part
Introduction. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19- 1, Part 2, Part 3a, Part 3b.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Re-
Close, Frank; Marten, Michael; Sutton, Christine search
(2004). The Particle Odyssey: A Journey to the
The Particle Adventure educational project spon-
Heart of the Matter. Oxford University Press. ISBN
sored by the Particle Data Group of the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Ford, Kenneth W. (2005). The Quantum World.
Harvard University Press.
Oerter, Robert (2006). The Theory of Almost Ev-
erything: The Standard Model, the Unsung Triumph
of Modern Physics. Plume.
Schumm, Bruce A. (2004). Deep Down Things: The
Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics. Johns Hop-
kins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-7971-X.
Close, Frank (2006). The New Cosmic Onion.
Taylor & Francis. ISBN 1-58488-798-2.

Advanced reading

Robinson, Matthew B.; Bland, Karen R.; Cleaver,

Gerald. B.; Dittmann, Jay R. (2008). A Simple
Introduction to Particle Physics. arXiv:0810.3328
Robinson, Matthew B.; Ali, Tibra; Cleaver, Ger-
ald B. (2009). A Simple Introduction to Particle
Physics Part II. arXiv:0908.1395 [hep-th].
Griths, David J. (1987). Introduction to Elemen-
tary Particles. Wiley, John & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-
Kane, Gordon L. (1987). Modern Elementary Par-
ticle Physics. Perseus Books. ISBN 0-201-11749-5.
Perkins, Donald H. (1999). Introduction to High En-
ergy Physics. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-
Povh, Bogdan (1995). Particles and Nuclei: An In-
troduction to the Physical Concepts. Springer-Verlag.
ISBN 0-387-59439-6.

13 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

13.1 Text
Particle physics Source: Contributors: AxelBoldt, Chenyu, Matthew
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